Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
I'uOlinhed Kvery Friday.
i,. i- roitrKK, r.TiiTo.
CHAS. A. 1 ITC H. City Kmtok.
Oneye.r V
His n.oiilhn J"
Trial subscription, to months -
A discount ol V) rents on all stihseriplloiti
Jor nn year, cents lor si monies, u
paiil in advance.
Advertising rales Riven on application.
recognize only the iiiloinnoy of
might! The only way wo can innlco
thrm loyal, euyn tho Kvoning Te'.o-
gram, in to pursue almost t ho nairn
course wo ilM with the American
Bul.srrihera will fiiut the dale of expira
tion stamped on their papers tollowinit
their namr. H this date is no! chart!
within laro weeks alter a pavment, kindly
noiiiy ui and we a ill look alter it.
Enter! at the postofrlre In OrfRon City,
Or., at second class matter.
Beaver Creek..
I'nion Mills... ,
Mead.iW I'.r.H.k .
New Kra
Wilontille ....
1'ark place
Aurora.. ,
Ka-u t'reek....
Alar mot
pr. T. H. Thomas
'. Geo. Knik'lit
A. Mather
Oscar inn:er
li. J. TnilliitK'er
(.'has. Holinan
W. t. Neaherry
Henrv Miley
K. 1.. Unwell
J.Q (iaw
l T. lloasrd
... U. M. Cooper
.Annie ttiibl
' K. M. llarlinan
B. Jennirps
Henry A. Snyder
f J. Perdue
11. Wiihern
" , J. ( Klliott
K. O'l'tSCtl
iieo. 3. I'urrin
....Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adulph Ascboil
The Americanization of 1'ueito Kicots
In an encouragingly progressive state.
The inhabitants seem to welcome and ap
preciate all measures designed lo further
their social and civic well-being. It ia
almost pathetically sungeslive that a
people so long under the domination
of Spanish law. in whose methods of
jurisprudence halieaa corpus ial no
place, and of whose graeioua meaning
they weie practically ignorant, should
request ita application throughout the
island. Much to their rejoicing, the
system of direct taxation ia to be abol
ished. Under Spain!! rule, Ita work
iiiKS were bitterly oppressive and the
Visit of the tax-collector was the pre
lude ol cruelty ami derailment. The
Youth Companion.
tXTThe way to lull J op Oregon City
is to che Oregon City People jonr
1.x counting up laurels won in
the war Miss Helen Gould will
In order to raUe the money to bnihl a
railroad, the city of ruducah, Kentucky,
iwrned munuijal Itonoa for ihe netve-
rary amount. The iwsue waa properly
uthoriied and promptly iuhscribed, but
w hen the interest became due, the city
attorney, having dievovered a technical
error which made the londs legally
worthies, ordered the city council not
to pay it. The business men ol the city
immediately took the matter up. "The
good name of the city i our sood name,"
they aid. "When Taducah borrowed
this money, he promised 'o pay for the
use of it. We owe it to the city, and to
I ourselves as well, to see that the promise
is made good. A technical error does
not lessen our moral resionsibiiity." A I
meeting was therefore called, and a
committee appointed to raise the money
for the interest by public subscription.
A city whose business men maintain
so noble a standard oi civic honor and
The Shoe Man
Sole Agent,
lrr) rut Affair t:Uliieri.
Incidentally it may be stated here that
it ia therH ipiick tlring gutia which are ta
a great extent rri-nwil'lo for the Orey
fu cafe. At the time when, several
year ajo, Fiance llrst revived upon
adopting the tpuirk llriui: cannon, Kilt-flu
anked for the plans and drawing. To
this reiuct France
I acked l:uia lo wait until the hcrttcll
hail completed tho equipment of her
own anus with thece guns (it ban only
just been completed; and then inUted
thut liusaia should biml her-lf to order
in France all the quick-tiring guns which
she needed for the le ariuing of her
artillery. Uussia replied that having
dutv a this deserves to rank as one of
come near ranking next to Pewey. Krt.at citie8 0( n,e country, no matter
what the figures of the census report
may say about the number of her popu-
Two American daily newppapers
re being publifh-tl at Manila, and
the rival editors will soon be lead
ing each other a merry chae for
the county printing.
Ution. The Youth's Companion.
Tb Consent or Ihe Governed.
Theke are rival revolutions in
some of the Philippine and the
northern and central provinces of I ment in the
Luzon are against Aguinaldo.
Anarchy would be established over
the whole group but for the pres
ence of the United States
The inhabitants of the 1'hilippine Is
lands have never been engaged, except
in the inot rudimentary sense, in tasks
of government. Time must be an ele-
establishment there of
The late senator Brice is the
only man of very large means that
has died since the war revenue tax
went into effect. The tax on lega
cies, under the law, will amount on
the property left the Brice children
to 111,220. The law exempts that
portion of the estate left the
From all sections of the Union
come reports that the blizzard of a
few days ago, accompanied by an
intensely cold snap, exceeds in
severity anything of the kind had
in several years, even in localities
where cyclones and blizzards are
incubated. But with all that there
has been little loss of human life,
resultant from this rigorous
weather. From official sources it
is gathered that the storm has
epentita force in the sections it
visited with the greatest severity,
and as spring is about knocking at
our doors there is no probability
of a revisit of very bad weather this
Acuinaldos' representative now
at Washington certainly must
have known that it was the pur
pose of President McKinley to dis
patch an emissary to the Philip
pines to teach him what the real
intent of the United States is with
reference to the betterment of the
condition of the Filipinos in every
conceivable respect. This subject
has for the past week been com
mented upon by all the leading
journals in the Union, and Agon
cillo certainly had ample time to
commuicate it to his chief ere the
battle of Manila occurred. But it
'seems that this very Agoncillo is a
mischief-maker, who maliciously
misrepresents living facts because
the administration declines accord
ing him the recognition of a repre
sentative of an established govern
ment. Again, the president, after
judging from what is written re
garding the Filipino insurgent
leaders, is acting ill-advisedly
when he believes that he may win
their loyalty on the same terms he
gained that of the Cubans. The
Filipinos are an inferior race who
autonomous institutions, the people
of the United States would not be in the
least true to the principles of the Declar
ation of Independence if Ihey rhould
abandon the Philippine Islands under
circumstances which would make it
certain that political freedom would not
(llow. On the other hand, the people
of the United States will certainly not
be guilty of violating tbe spirit of the
Declaration of Independence if they re
main in the Philippines for the porpose
of training the people patiently up to
the point of being able to govern them
selves successfully. We believe in gov
ernment by the content of the governed,
and yet we exercise oppressive dominion
over school children by depriving them
of a measure of their liberty, and we ex
elude them from the sacred privilege of
the elective franchise. We oppress all
inmates of asylums and penal institu
tions by limiting their freedom and con
trailing and governing them without
their consent. In short, we insiHt every
day in practical affairs upon refusing to
abdicate our common sense. The peo
ple of the United states in like manner
will certainly refuse to abdicate their
common sense when it comes to dealinir
with the question of reconstructing the
The consent of the governed is a little
maxim that has always heretofore been
used with reference to peoples in a cer
tain stage of political advancement, who,
themselves insist npon employing such
maxims on their own behalf. "The
greatest good of the greatest number" is
another maxim that has a certain appli
cability. There are perhaps twelve
million people in the Philippine Islands,
and in so far as they are entitled to con
sideration it is fair to suppose that they
desire order, security, and justice.
There is no reason to believe the people
of the United States have any aims re
specting the Philippines that would be
in the least out of harmony with pre
cisely what ail decent people in those
itdands would declare that they desired,
if it were at present possible to secure an
expression of their wishes. On the
other hand, it is true that Aguinaldo
and his insurgents represent a consider
able element of the population, and that
eyery reasonable means should be taken
to secure their good-will and cooperation.
We should never for a moment think of
ourselves as owners of the Philippines,
but only as trustees charged with vari
ous duties, the most important of which
tnuet always be the promotion of the
true welfare ot the native peoples, If
we deal soundly with the strictly con
temporary phases of the situation, we
shall be ready for the future phases in
due time. From "The Progress of the
World." in the American Monthly Re
view of Reviews for February.
excellent gun factories other own, she
did not see her way to spend abroad
fiiO.0 10,000 or 70,000,lOO, which would
stimulate and enrich her own Indus
trie if expended at home, and there
uiion set to work to obtain by means of
secret agents the plans and drawing, of
the gun.
These attempts were successful, and it
wan the knowledge that the plars and
drawings had been obtained by It us-ia
through underhand means that gave
rise in I'aris to Ihe public charges of
treacherv against the French war de
partment. In order to satisfy public
opinion it was necessary to find
scrape-goat, and, as the anti-Semitic
craze was then at its height, Dreyfus, as
the only Hebrew meiulrer ol the ueneral
stall, was selected (or the purpose and
the evidence against, him fabricated. It
is pretty generally known, however, that
the person who lurnixhed Russia with
the drawing and plans of the quick
firing gun was no less a personage than
General de UoisdefTie, then ciiief of
the general staff, now dving in disgrace
from cancer of the throat, while the
Russian parties to this conspiracy were
General Obrutcheff chief of the Russian
general staff, and Uaron Mohrenheim, at
that time Russian ambassador on (lie
banks of the Seine. It is a significant
fact that, although General Ohrutcheff,
who is married to a friend of Ilniwleffre,
was slated for the portfolio of minister of
war, he was suddenly ami sensationally
dismissed from office at the same time
as Baron Mohrenheim anil General
Boisdeffre, anil, like them, relented to
dishonorable retirement, without any
reason beinit given at the time for this
sudden disgrace.
It is because the French authorities
know that the publication of the secret
dossier containing evidence of the under
hand attempts on the part ol Russia to
obtain the drawings and working nlan
of the new gun would bring about the
rupture of the Franco-Russian alliance
that they are so anxious to prevent the
nature of these documents from becom
ing known. N. Y. Times.
Oanavr -I Travelling hr Steda
, Siberia In U Inter.
Traveling by aledgo In Siberia In
winter has Its perils, as tlm experience
of Mr. Hubert U jcMVrnti and his
friends gix to llhilnito. Tim Incident
I la (old iu "KniixhliiK It MI"IU:
S'i! We hud chattered six sorry lin king
hiTM'S i drug lis on tn the next stage
It was night when w started. Tim drtr
er, inniidliii drunk, h id lo bo helped
1 1 his scut, and wo set nlT along tlm
narrow roadway at the uti!il gallop
which, however, mhiu dwindled Into u
mere shunie through thesimw. Wo hud
(tnno to sleep, and mine hour after our
departure tiaskull wnku mu and said he
Handkerchiefs of all description cot
ton, linen, embroideiied Swiss, for
ladies gents and children at the Racket
Harold r'redrrle'a Knroanter With a
l.ordlr Prussian Lieutenant.
Harold Frederic's self confidence and
power of dominating stranger stood
him in good stead in one of bis first
visits if not hi very first visit to
Berlin. The incident as he related It
seemed natural enough to an American
not brought np in awe of a military
caste, hut to those who knew Germany
it was almost surprising that he came
through it with his life. He had been
paying some formal diplomatic calls,
and iu the evening dropped in at the
Cafe Baner iu the ouwontcd glory of a
frock coat and a tall silk hat. This hot
was can-fully hung on a hat Mund, and
Fredurio mt down to read an English
newspaper just arrived.
Enter a particularly flrn specimen of
the lieuteuunt, hunted and spurred and
sworded and epnultirted. Ho brushed
oguimt tho hut stand, knocked Frederic's
bat over into tbu uvdjt and swag
gered to his seat without so much as
looking aronnd. The slight to tho lint
was more than Frederic could end urn.
In a toweriiig pulsion he went to tho
lieutenant. Ktood over him and pointed
to the object ou the floor. "Pick np
that bat, sir!" he roared. Tbe officer
stored amazed; tbe waiters wore par
alyzed with terror at hcuring one so
much more than human so addressed
by a civilian. "Pick np thut hut I" re
peated Fruderio in a tone more menuo
iug than before. And tbu lieutenant did
what be was told. IIo was as irresisti
bly dominated by the courage and force
of the man as a schoolboy before his
master, or perhaps be thought Frederic
carried the enstomury west American
revolver. Saturdny Review.
Money to loan
Ueuoks & GuimTii.
at lowest rates.
HioiiKht aomethlug was wrong
The sledgo wa at a t IHI1, and
our shouts to tho yetimhik lirmitiht no
reiponw. I! lurk darkness prevailed. 1
bundled oat of the lidg, so benumbed
that I could scnroely move, I felt along
i the sledge, siukiug to my knee iu tbe
The driver's perch wu empty, and
jtiit then I stumbled over one of tlm
horses, which wa lying burled np to
it neck. It was clear that the driver
bad falleu from bis seat, nd that the
horses bad wandered from the track.
Tho pr beast were stuck fast, and a
closer Inspection showed otic of them
to be dead, lit-rally frozen to death. If
we would save ourselves from the same
fato, prompt action wa necessary.
The other borms were nearly suc
cumbing. They lay flat on their stom
ach and nibbled at the snow. We cot
Ihe dead auiuiul adrift, and, using the
pare rope as whip, we stood ou either
side of the living and lashed them till
our arms ached. At length they moved,
and by pushing and polling we got the
ledge turned. Then, step by itcp, with
much floundering and many full, we
began to retrace nor way.
All this In pitch darkness In a raw,
cold wiud and Iu niomeiitury expecta
tion of ouo or all of tho borse dropping
It was a terrible experience, bnl we
regained tho road and dually reached
tho village.
rn.lrr S.he.l..le Ihe "
rr e.v lnrU rVnnrl.eo,
il. MJ Mile.. I. Mmln In I'J ll"'a
r .11. ne 'nllilllHe.
According t lh w mall scheduln
adopted by tlm riiithorille "
Jnn I. Han Franclsw Is now III Imnr
Hearer New York than It wa l'fnr
tlmt Is to say. tlm rmiiiing tlnm of tlm
various train which carry tlm trans
continental mall baa 111 ahorleueit
limro t hull half a day.
Thl N tlm greatest achievement In
long dnt.iuci rapid triiimlt for null
matter thai the world ha ever m n It
is not merely a spu-nusUi1 tot I U
rtabllidicd schoduk dally raco
aKaiud tium.
Kvery iiIkIH at 19 p m It U luii
axaiu At that tium there p"IU out of
th Grand Central station In New York
the famous white luiiil " It U mad
np eichl'lvelvof mail and exprc car
Thl train I know n to railroad men
No. ll.V It destination UCIiIciikii, and
it Mop" for n-ithiugt-vifpt coal and wa
ter until it p-t there..
At t hli H.M th mall I traiitf rrl
There I iio waitiurf. however Tlm mo
ment tlm truiii st .. the door open and
tin nir I full of thin mall !.
Forty llvMiiiiiiit'i Is alsnit tlm tium r
quired fit tlm rhalofe Kinahi I th
iiet 'iiit wliciit n ihaiih'" I mad
From there the I'iik' are laiili'l by the
Union IVihV dear to Sun FmncUa
Wit of CMeatfo tlm mall car are ni.eU
np In tnum with throuxli piwwiitfr
Com In
For rlv thi run of H .H4 3 mile l
twivii New York niid Hun Frum-ino
wa made In 1 ';', hour. Now It Is
in.i.lit in U.", hour.
ProUI'lv the greateel gain I made
by the 'whiti mail." It ilipn H1'
hour from the diedtil. Not only b-
tin train start out with tlm Important
letter mail of the great rant, but four
time a month It larrti '.'0 tu of
Hrltlih Australian mail, which cnxe-
the United iMuti and U hlilpped to
Australia. New .euluinL China and
Japan, from San Francisco. Taciuna
and Vancouver (uca month It car
riin six ton of this (ureiK'ii mail In the
opHite diro-tioti
It everyday load Is a big and valua
ble on From the New York plofla
voi nit ir.
IfShlloh'a Condi and Consumption
Cure, which I sold ,in "m" l,r'' d
.'j reliH and M rents and f 1,1"), does Hot
. i . il... I.. III.. I. ,1,1. mi, I ttll (till In.
i llltt Hise io" t " - - v
Inn. I your money. Hold for over llliy
yen is oil llill U .Mliiee. I'''1'" r ""!
mi l Oceiii. C. G. Huntley, tlm Drug-
Has turned wllh disgust Irotti an
.iiherwlse. lovable idrl wllh an offensive
breath. Kail's Clover Root Tea purifies
ll.it breath by It action on tlm bowels,
etc., a nothing ele will. Hold for year
mi absolute gusraulee. I'lUw W rln.
and Ml da. C. G. Huntley lh DiUirglsls.
. ctl V i: HOI.ICI Ti HH WASTI'I
U etrrt aliere lor "l li r""y ( II.
Plillli ploen" liv Mural llllril. e.iinn.i,.
Iiiuril I')' ! lloternnisel lllllelal II k.
Ii.rlnn In Hie Wr I psrlnieiil Tlia Ixxik
atllleii In B'luy imiH' at fi Irsn.
(I.e.i. on ihe r-Hle 'a uii Iieneral Merrill,
In Hi liiisflisla l lloiiuliilii, In ll'i.
g.ili, hi ll.e , merit sit Irein lira at Mai, II.
Ml llie Inami-riil ai" !' AlMliealilo, ml
Hie iln l i'l II liUiei I wllh leev, n.
In II, e o.ar ol I. all. ai Ida ll ol Manila.
i Miliar i(ii't. lOlllllllI Ol tiritlnl
'.it.irr lake. l-v . rf nii.n.l l...l,i.
! jMiJirra mi llie !"' I r l"'"k h.a
l(..ie. . lull's. In I at ', t'ltilil
j rive. i. I 'ii. all t . a 1 1 1 m iillleial r laNiat.
null flii' Al.lmi I I I'.ti..., r-'f ,
i H'r Iihiihi.i IU U 'lo- ! '
t ... ... ... " '-'i A Ajj
Wion Maktr.
i 4'h ami Main at Oregon City, j-'
,'.' m' y vy i' w 'a-o' vy ;
Critlr. rrT do rrjeet
What I writ lo dialerl,
F'r llie common x; le t Ihooichl
Hh'iulil In common ! li be wrought
And lb crude bat pungent word
MmulJ lie written as It's heard.
Wiiu) or fimlinh. If lis irua.
That should lie enotiirh for yonl
With man asisweh la aniiirihiiig blent
('audit from lila environment
Htronif, rels'lllnua and thaa-hnol
Only aoli h II with their rnlea
itun n. ay fiwhion a ilii.fuian
llufllmv to lila m-lkliliur' uya.
Hut oxm hi t'.iiuue will U
Hiamjied III truo identity.
Tlmn-fore. erillea, irjr reject
Notion writ In ilialwt
Wine b in story or In rlini
I a ro-inl of the limn.
Vital, freih and (It In U
Found in li'unl couipanj.
. lturedith Nii buUnn in Nw Turk Ban.
robust, manly
mill a ciMiiiio;
baby lirl nestling: in
her bosom what
more can any wom
anly woman ask?
It Is a boon that
Heaven intended
houlil be uranted to every woman.
Thousand fail of tin lM-cause tliey nave
aeKlccted to IikiW aflcr their health in a
womanly vaey. The health of a womon n
bahie l dependent upon iir.r own ncaun
diirinirthe oeriod of nrosntclive niatcrnity.
Tbe prospective mother cunnot be loo par
ticular atiout ner pnysicai conuiuon. u
he suffer from local weaknr, nervoii
nrs or loss of vigor and virility, her chil
dren will be weak, puny and sickly. Ir.
Pierce' Favorite Prescription is the only
unfailing; cure for all wrukneand disease
of the delicate and important organs that
bear the brunt of maternity, It make thrne
organs stiong, healthy, vigorous, virile and
elastic. It makes the prospective mother
strong and cheerful. It robs maternity of
it peril. It insure a buby constitution,
ally strong. It is the invention of an emi
nent and skillful specialist, who ha had
thirty year' training in this particular
branch, during which time he and his staff
of phyhicians have prescribed for many
thousand of women. Medicine dealers
sell it and an honest dealer will not urge,
unon vou an inferior substitute merely for
tbe little added profit he may make thereon.
" I am the mother of nice baby four and a
half months old." writes Mr. J. II. Clough, (Hon
o.v) of Lisbon, tiraftnn to., N. H. " I caffmil
ive trio nine ii plume to m. fierce ravoru
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure con-
atipation. Conttipatton is the cause or
many diseases. Cure the cau'e and you
cure Ihe diacate. One "Pellet" ia a
gentle laxative, and two a mild cathar
tic. Pruggmt sell tuera, and nothing n
"just a wood."
A fine parlor oran for mile on easy
terms at the Oregon City Auction House.
iir.Atv rott tiir r Asr tutu
alone it tnkea 810.000 pound nf letter
luuil to tlm voi. t mid 1 1 1 , tun nf ether
chinMof mull matter, and it rnrrlca in
addition ton of transfer matter tuniM
over to it at the Grand Central statlun.
Train No. 53 is not only a lunil car
rier, but a money maker for the cor
poration Operating It. Iti'tWifll New
Y'ork and lluffulo tho New Y'ork Cen
tral company earns and la allowed fur
potital cars for nil mall on all trains be
tween tho points. fl.447.H4U.41 n year.
In Chicago tho mail I split up, part
of it going by the Htirliugton and part
by the Northwestern, both running into
Omaha- .
It must lie rctimmhercd thut this new
itched n lo works both way, from west
to east as well as from east to went.
Not only dix-s it benefit New Y'ork and
Run Francisco people, but it ahorU'ii
tho timo between nil jHilnts lnteniling.
As the flying train awing ner. the
continent busy hands and trained eye
are at work on tho tons of muiL While
tho car rock and lurch along at a 70
or HO mllu an hour guit the railway
JkUiI clerks sort tho letters, put them
into bugs mid throw them off at the
proper point
Mail in abto caught on tho fly. Per
haps yon have seen it done. A bag Is
suspended from two linns at tho sldu of
the truck, being first Hindu into the
shape of an hourglass by having a rope
tied around tho tuiddlo. A swinging
crane on tho cur door suitchea tho sus
pended bug ns neatly as if It were a
grout human hand. No loos than U00
poxtiil clerks work on the fast innil ns it
travels from ocean to ocean. Thirty
years ago there were only 279 railway
poHlul clerks in the country Thus do
we progress.
Hut tho limit litis by no moans been
reached. Innido of two youra, a jMrntul
clerk predicts, solid mail trains, with
out chango of curs, will bo running
from ocean to ocean. Thero aro now
threo full transfers. Tho first is at Chi
cago, tho. second is ut Oinuhu und the
third is nt igden.
Hero is one of the practical reunite of
tho now Hi hodnlo: Jorum of New York
posts a letter to Brown in Hun Fran
cisco, IIo puts it in tho liox Monday
evening no that It iscolloctod In time to'
leave by tho 0:18. At 8:10 Tuesday
morning tho letter has progressed as fur
as Buffalo; by 8 :80 Tuesday night it li
in Chicago; Wednesday moruiifr finds
it in Omaha; Wednesday night it
row bob Cheyenno; by Thtiraduy after
noon it is bolug changed at Ogdcn, and
Friday night at 8:15. if tho Kocky
monutjiin weather docs not interfere, it
is in Han Fruncisco. It bus taken thut
letter loss than four days and four
nighU to rcuch Brown, and wo unod to
reckon tho time across the continout as
a f nil week I
-"t I'rfHc-riptiinin
irr'ft ( "artfully
S f ('oIhiUUiIcmI
Fine Slaiionory
ToiK t Artit h'H,
1 rti.t:ixti' .Sumlrii'it
ami N'tivt ltii'S at
(2. A. Iliinlins.
A big yield of both
profit ami Mtix-tlon
will result if you plant
FERRY5 Seeds
Tliey ara alwara Ike Weal.
hi ma a..rpl aa. aulall.
luia-twf tmm Iwt r rrri'a.
Hull h all 4rli. U ill fur
Ina Annual-ria,
pAKMEKS . . .
Your tea in will liuvethe Wst '
Full Measure of Feed
At lho j
City StublcH. j
W.H. YOUNC, Prop.,
Huoc....,r. to V. H. CoOkts.
Livi'ry RigH on Short Notico.
Telephone No. 42.
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0L ltuavi VW
ml imrc fn ,cor
Karl's Clover Root Tea
lli-niitll'ie tlm Cmiplevlnn, Purifies tits
r imil.KlvrsM l-reli,t'riirSkln. l iir.-sl'iin
""I'iiIIimi, linllK,.i,i, nnil all Kriinll'iiis "1
:,. "Kill, An SKrei-.ilile l.imiitlva Nervn
liinlr, Hold mi nliHoluie Kiiariititoa liy all
ilrumilNta at She, Bite, and I.OO.
8. C. WELLS 4 CO., LMOV, N. V.
aoLC enoesitTosa
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