Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal and Local.
Mis Well (llnnmni liaa linen IhIiI up
, Hit h liml colli for llm mst U du) a,
J, V. C'Uik, the alislianter, In Kiiiillii
evo'ral ilaya Hi I'l" dome In I'olk county,
1'.. K. Martin, of Maple Urn-, a
rahsiu Untf business In loan rlium lay.
."Is A kocii Wall, of Portland, wN tliu
uctlol Mm. Neleuii l,renre HinitUy
.MIm Klla IiimimmUii, alio liaa lieeli
irk for llm 'st ! 1 aloaly rf
Miulil iiuuii l'alilon HiiH't of March
il"i for the Mnkliii, at Huntley's Hook
J.jlmnlo Farm', of Allilna, U Ihwii
;Hii filenda In tin city 'or llio nasi
o ft nek e.
Munlay ttinlna viry pli-assiit our
iU'rty m tendmcd Jaeob hlrlj(li
L ll home In 1 1 1 1 city.
Mr. Jacob Koln-r, of hell wood, baa
lM bwll taken lo llio Imsnllal lo nil
10 a tntiiii il oerallon.
KrCietary lrvy, of tbe 8lcm Y. M.
, A. was a spectator at tli banket hall
tin TiK'xUy pvrnloK last.
W.J. MiKlilhan's chiMion, of ML
!t .uit, ii lecoveriim from over
talk of lMtfrii slid measles.
Ilsv. Oilman Parker, aecrelary of the
ifon JUitlat state convention, wa si
jiiis a low tli first ol lli wees.
I:ukuii llayler, a prominent yoonii
wjt-r of I'olk county, aa call
tn friends In the city lli week.
Hi: N. McKlilWan, who ba I'1"
k r..r tl.a I mt low meek Willi III
lri lever U able M U about eualn.
ti (' ll,.nll. of Hirliiutr. wae in
- - -
pgoii City lbs 'ore part of the week
assys they li-t out little snow there
J 4 A, Iwiniiillt, Y. M. C A. awretary
I'ortlatid. returned from Houlheiu
tgoii ly way of (rioii City Wedues-
.V. A. I'otcraoii, of 1'oUUikI, was In
i It if llm forepart of tlm week In the
!erlaof partlee iililn to buy ho
At. J. M. Uxrpiico nl (Uiiglitrr,
i0 tiMve lw vultniK In halrm, t
ill Mr. iwl Mm. C. 0. T. Wlllwum
I. II. IWow, ho Iim Urn Inilit
. for fw ilJi ill I""'" "J
iftj.j coinilUtl"ni, It lnirovlii( m
:l. A. WtUU'r, Jutir of llm c it
icktiimi i ll"" lily Pftlurday nJ
OrteJlbal Cltt(kniM M tWit to
0e lrlriliu.0 coniivolloim itli tlm
I iim U)lwn till dty nd Tort-
1 1.. lturbur, iroHrou Unimrof
itkaniM county, living near Wood
m,ala tho city TuvUy on btul
4. Mr. I!rbur tiyi about live Inrlm
mow had fallon In tbat vlrlnlty and
lulling aa tplundiJ.
h, U. A. Jayim liaa Moclatel lilni
( in btiklnea with Ir. Pvaman.ot thla
f. Ir. Jayno la a jliyirln and
goon of conalilfral practice. Tlm
1or'a family baa arrived and ia temu
nly at tb Klvctrlo hotel.
W . D. F. Warner ha Jual clod a
taful term aa principal of tlm Yale,
Uiuer county arbool and returned to
I county, where be liaa property In
;'ta. I'rof. Warner aayi tbat ftd I
n in Kaatern Oregon and large
obor of atock of all kind twriilmd
lug tlm recent cold anap.
The recent cold weallmr and pn w nl
rain uiako It mi'fiiiiry V) illwniitlfitm
linprovniiiciit of Hnvi'i Hill, and llm
ri'p.ililng iliiferU In former work,
A. IV. I'lilllppa city e(ninitu, Ima
old IiIm outfit lo Hurry hmllh. Mr,
; I'lillippM bit not di llnlii'ly ii-cldd whut
liiinllieim will licit occupy bin ullcnlloo
The Clillienn New Year bejjin yeoter
.1 . I ....II I .1.1 I. -
Wl" o,u ., ,.r J((in NWn who WM twntlj
to week will. Ir.lem.itlent llrlng i r,.( (.sl pr.-H.er.t of Urn Nrt.rd of trml-of
II Hi-hhh llMalnraa a ,1 a Wl
f l-rfc II aitlma ( rrnni from
H Million CMMrU ( Milk Kff
Iioinli and
llm inenl.
filhlladea in oliiwrvMiictt
nce mom tlm Kud'aaud Did Uold's
. Maaon and Hamlin Organ in ex-
out condition, for aalu ot the Oregon
y Auction llouao. If
ho Ore companlua of tlm city are
lly preparing for the coming election
trgulur aurvlie in tlm Congrogntlonnl
re h Hunduy morning. MuhIchI pro
ro In the eyonlng.
A. linker bai rtwignud aa executor
tho eatattt of AugUHU Mulcber, and
I Subulpiua has beon apKlnted ad
ilNtraUr. bme will be a apodal meeting of
ltnomah I.odgo No. 1, V, and A. M.
urday evening Fob. 11, at 7 :t)0 p. in.
rk in the M. M. degree.
, .
be warm ruin, w hich began to" full
iidny ban wiped out every trace of
w and the Willamotte ia rapidly rln
agalu. here hag boon an unuauully large
nher of doatba In thla city and county
iOg the pant two weeks.
4 careful of the Cough Medlclnos
give your children. Not one in CO
afe to givo a child. We make a
llldren'i Cough Hyrup." It is ab
itoly harinlons; glyea quick relief, ia
inant to take and every bottle la told
,"Money-back-lf-you-want-lt" plan.
, 25c. C. Q. Huntley,
I Cut-rate Druggist. -
irgular sorylcoa will be held In the
tHt church Sunduy. The public and
libers of the church are cordially la
id to attnnd.
hree papers for $2.
jlghth pago.
Head our oiler
he Enterprise makes you a splendid
r "Better than Ever" on lat page,
id it.
t'lmiirellor ib l urn, l P., of I'ort
IhihI Uiilver'ity, w i.l il'liver nil addreaa
at I lie M. K, church February 12, llm
iNvalon of iiii'inoi iitl tier vice In honor
of Aliruh.im I, inc. !ii.
At a iiimiIiiu f ilm l.dle' AniHUry,
of IIih Y. M A, hold Wrdm-iuluy
Mn (iciirii'le Fuihy and Mra. A. J
Montgomery ei c .oi n cj'Uin of the
Udlci l,,r tlm building contnut.
Mail your valenilm'S Ui your Mit
bruit m Dm poatolllc In Welnbard'a
ball next TuMRiUy lilgbl. No pontaifH o-
jiilred A Him auroiluient of valentine
will be for aalu at reanoiiable pricta.
The regular i p. m. NiifUy tiiHtimr
of llm Y. M. C. A. will I held In (lie
Mvtlindinl t'burch. Hoc, Cox, of llm
ForlUud Y. M. U. A. will n.k, all in
tarented In llm ainoclntiou iliould m
Tlm lot lie aultlciuut lor ika'.ing wai
enjoyed by a largo number of upl on
llm lake below llm city llm ptaw k.
Tlm aiiddun change In temperature ba
apollnl what indicated aeveral weekaof
fine aleigbliig and akatlng.
Work la again reaumed on llm founda
tion ol tlm Y. M. C. A. building and
another week will probably allow llm ex
cavating and blaatlug to be completed.
Tho re. nil liiilenioiit weather aoum
what retarded tlm work.
Doii let ilia tiripp or Malaria get
llm atart of you. Commence at lb Very
tlral riiiplon with Ouinla Tonic and
prevent a long and wrlia aerioua tick-
upk. V. (. Iluntlly, the Cut-rate I "rug
gut, aell and guarantee It. I'rlce oOc
and $ 1 .00.
I:IkIii. 111. . I tlm Aui'-rlcnn bntt"r
kinir. In all tho world bo ia probably
tlm htriwt producer of tloit bovine roI
wlih b K1I.U tlm rtilT of llfi. Kvery day
b driven np from tin pimtnre a herd of
6.1,0"" row, and every moriiliiK be
I.l not tlm creum front oOO.OOO qrnirta of
Uiilk, erioiiK'i tlnid to anil a yacht in.
Of coiiriM Mr. Newman doe not lit-
rrnlly and e-riinilly n-rform aui-b
bi-rciilciiii tick. Aa a mutter of f.u t ho
buy inoxt of bla milk. On 9,2 '') fiinna
In Illinola, Wlwinln and Iowa tliere
ia acuttcrcd an urmy of pernoim who do
llm bnrd work. Mr. lwmllu merely
ili- the hard thinking and tlm heavy
looking on.
Ilo do" tint ko In for fancy clad milk
nmidawith pink and w hit" complexion
and lurklike vole-. Hi inllkinnhU do
not wenr aunbonneta. They are Mg,
two lltd men who know bow to make
a contrary hrlndln "jfivo down" and
wbotxi ronviTftutlnn during tlm morning
and evening hour I limited lo "no
Ik" run I "hnrrup, yon old crittT,
varied p-rhiip by nnprintnbbt remark
of a profime rmtnrn.
Mr. Newman due not buy tnilk like
tlm averugn botrwholdi-r, who tuki
wU r and all In a iiunrt A man In
ra h of the fncUirlm tuk from each
ran each day a en in pie, wbh h I put
into a bottle bearing the patron' name.
Tb aggreKiiti anmpl.- of a week are
UfUnl for the jM-m-ntag of buttT fat
It baa lieen fl)furel and thia prora
tion may not ba exactly rucurate. but it
w-rvra aa an illtixtration that 100
potimbi of tbricbit milk from tb Ut
aortof cowaprnluciiliveNiuiiiU of but
ter. The alipfthod farmer' coiitritiatlnn.
fur iiuUuce. umy not tt over two
oniida of iT'wm to tlm 1 00 pound of
It tbna hiipjM-na that tho aemlmonth
ly rhetka covering exactly the aam
The cbainlea bicycle ia the coining
wheel, Ita mud proof, dual prjof ger
itig t aa much ol an Improvement over
a dirt-colliH'titig chain a a bicvcle bear
ing 1 over tlm bearing of a wheelbarrow.
(Jo in ami examine llm Cretcenl Chain
tea at Huntley's Hook atoie. Trice I'M.
A caae waa (114 Wodneaday io the
Circuit Court by the Uamhrintia Brewing
Company, a corporation, agalnat John
A. Wihton and John F. r'hea, lo forecloa
a uiortfage on a farm In town. 4 South,
rang 2 Kant, fur the auin of flV). (1.
II. lMmlck la attorney for Ibe plalntilT.
Ion'l pay more than l.tf.00 lor a chain
bicycle thia year. That buys the beat
Crcnenl wiih the lateat improve-
menta and the lient and higbeat priced
tire in the world. Sm one at Huntley 'a
I'.ook Htore.
The caae of the State of Oregon va.
Fred Hounds waa tried by jury in Jus
tice Schulxd'a court on Tueaday evening.
The defendant wa charged with aaaaul
ting one Hay I'ollork while working In
tlm Crown I'awr Co 'a mill. The jury
returned a yerdict of guilty of aanault.
and the court impord a fine of (23. Q.
D. himli k appearwl for the Slate and C.
II. Dye for defendant.
iVin't get bald-beaded. Hair is nicer
to look at and pleaaantcr lo have. If
your balr ia falling out, If you aro troub
led with dandruir. If your scalp Itches
and is hard to keep clean, atop the
tMiible In lime by living Huntley's Hair
Tonic. It Is delightful to uo and is as
repealling as a ahatnpoo I'rlce, 60 and
2ta, at C. U. Huntlye's Cut-rate Drug
Hvmomher the Valentine party to re
given at Wuinhard's lull next Tueaday
evening by the young ladies of St. Tanl'i
Kpiacopal church. The young ludie
having the program In charge are making
every preparation poaniblo to make the
affair a social succeaa. Cordial welcome
to everybody. Anrriaalon25 cents, in
cluding refreshment.
A surprise party was given Thoa,
Unult, the congenial conductor on the
Gladstone car line, Monday evening.
A large aggregation of friends and rela
tives greeted him about 8 o'clock with
many hearty good w inline lor the year of
bin earthly pilgrimage just begun, A
fine large arm chair was presented him
a an evidence of the high esteem of
his friundt.
The Clackamas County Humane
Society is a commendlble organisation
n any community and apparently
Intends to be of usefulness in our vlcln-
ty. It is dulv incorporated now with
Miss Anita McCnrver, president; Geo.
Ilaiding, vice-president j Hev. A.J,
Montgomery, secretary; E. G. Caufleld,
treasurer; Dr. W.E. Carll.H.C. Stev
ens, J. K. Hedges and Mrs. E. G. Cau
field, directors. The Incorporation was
perfected on Friday of last week when
corporate articles were duly tiled and recorded,
Bean tb A I Mnil You Hiw Always Boup
lh Kind Yoa Han Always
H jrn 1 Wra, K. Koak and wife, of
lb1 city, on Tueaday, February 7th,
lW,a son,
liorn To llm wife of J. T. Montgomery
of thla city, on Thursday, February
Hlh, IHirii, a daughter.
la "ortera Way,
Coiomenda llaelf to lb well Informed.
lo do tileaaantly and effet-lilallr what waa ' l,ol"e' "", ,,,,! "'I'll"! tbey were
formerl dor, In 11. ,.,n,l-.t d "III tlm faWiion.
and diaagreeably aa well. Tocleanaa tlm
nyiteni and break up cold, headache,
and fevera without unpleanant aller
effect, ue the dulinbtful li'iild laxative
reiimdy, Hyrup ol Fig. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Hyrup Co.
Hay for Hale.
Timothy an J clover cheap. For
further Information call at thia oflice.
Joll KK man.
'quantity of milk are widely divergent
Mr. xewumn want the r renin, not the
water. Ilia nvhtein ia now being quite
generally adnptod.
The total ontpnt of bnttcr from the
Kewumn creameries ia N-tween 7.000,-
000 and 8.000.000 ponnd a year. Tbat
la a whole lot of bntter when yoa come
to think of it It wonld be enongh to
bntter a state like Connecticut all over,
and yon could eprvad it on rather thick
at that
Mr. Newman i 50 years old now, and
la in very comfortable financial circnin-
atance. He baxu't been waking bntter
all the years for fan. Hut be started
in life very humbly. lie waa born in
England and waa one of a family of
eight sons. So at 14 he waa apprenticed
to a draper, or, as we should say, to a
dry kixhI merchant The first year he
received nothing bat hut "keep. The
second year hit salary waa not large
enough toliothcr him, nnd tho prospect
for ever making euongh to live on were
So after learning the bnaluee be took
tho advice of bis aunt, Mrs. Robert
Tinkcrton, and came to America. Ho
arrived in Chicago one Saturday in Oc
tober, 1850. On Monday morning he
went to work for Totter Palmer a clork
at $3 por week. Dut his training hud
been good, and ho soon advanced. In a
short time he was one of Mr! Palmer's
bent paid salesmen.
But be wanted a business of his own.
When tho Crosby Ojwra House waa to
be opened, he made application for the
management of all the miscellaneous
details la frout of tho foot lights. There
wore 1,800 applications fur the place,
so Mr. Crosby abruptly told the young
man. Ho replied that he was willing to
be tho thirteen hundred nnd first The
letters he presented from the men he
knew made bis number the lucky one.
He hired the doorkeepers, ran the ush
ers and programmes and came to own
123 pairs of opera glosses, which he
rented the first real bauineas of hi
In 18GS he went to Elgin to visit the
Pinkerton boys and bought a country
store, which be conducted nntil a short
time ago. In the meantime he gradual
ly driftod into the butter making busi
ness. n began with a dozen cows and
a shabby little dairy, in which tho
churn was operated by a water wheel
Today yon can hardly throw a stono in
the vicinity of Elgin withont hitting a
Newman creamery. That is why he la
the bntter king of America.
Jons F. WuxouoBB't
0-r-fon City Market Keporl.
(Corrected weekly.;
Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 61 cent
per biitbel.
Flour Portland, 1.4; Howard's
IWst, HAT, ; Fiaber's Ilet, fX4 ; Dayton ;
$1.70: Peacock, f,.1.80
Oaf In aki, white, 40 cent per
biiebel, gray, 40.
MillatiitJW Uran, 17.00 per ton
aborta, M.0O per ton.
Potato- K) to 70 centa tr sack.
Fgg, 23 cent per dozen.
Hutter Kanch, 33 toM cents per roll.
Onions, tajf. r lu.
Green apples, 35 lo 50 per box.
Dried Fruit Apples, unbleached, 3
cent;o0-ound boxea, eyaporatod, 6c-
prune, 2 to 4 cent; plum, 2 to 4c.
Bacon Hams, 8 to cents; sides
8 to 8.',' ; shoulders, 7 to 8 ; lard 8 to 0
Livestock and Dreumd Meats Ileef,
re, 3'i to 3'c; hogs, live 4c;
hoga dressed, 6 lo 6 cents ; si eep, $.3
to f 1.00 per bead; lambs 1.75 to 2.50;
veal, dreaaed 7 to 7','c.
Poult r Chickens, old3.00; turkeys,
slive, 12 centa p- pound.
ChamU-rlain' Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Hemedr can always be de-
(N-nded upon ami it pleaaant and safe to
ake. Nhl by (eo. A llardinir.
Arkrr'a EnclMi Iiewedy will atop a
Cough at any time, and will cure the
wornt cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25c. and 50c. Geo. A. Hard
ing, agent.
la !. .t ih r irtra.
I waa born in KA1. and I have per
onal rncollectioiiiof a ludy in tlm early
fort lea oalng them. T be curate of
lodged in a frmhoum contlgo'iu to
my father's place Hi wlf was a tall,
firm, lisndaonm woman, ivm i in black
when I first saw In r, and hud patche
"beaoly apola" tbey were called on
her forehead, clmi-h (left, I Ibinki and
chin. I tol l rnv mother on retoruimr
I have
most vivid recollection of awing ber
and ber hufhand on the occasion. A
bandaomer couple yon would rarely
tuocL Nolaa and Qoerie.
I -FrUrr.. 1 arlMlaa Keedl.-
All lovers of art needlework who ars
sc'imtinterl with it faaciuating a well
aa patWit laUira will hall with pleasure
a clever FhkIIhIi Invention called the
"Prince Christian U'dla." It has
four separata eyes, by which embroider
er may work with from one to four
thread at a time. Every woman fa
miliar with embroidery will rocopniza
the value of audi a needle in shading
figurca or flowers and rex-all the torment
and time lost in changing ber illka.
This needle wa invented by a Mis
DurTell, akllled in fine embroidery, who
submitted it to Prince Christian, wbo
was so impressed by It utility that her
royal highness gave permission for it to
be called ty ber uarue. Hpocimcns of
work done with this wonderful needle
wore exhibited at the same time and
met the approbation of the piinoee.
wbo bas the reputation of being an ex
pert in decorative needlework of all
kinds. Exchange.
The most expensive bicycle tire on tlm
market ia the Diinlop, The highest
quality rirns are lioston luminated. Tlm
lightest and strongest fraum connections
are sheet steel staiupimrs. The up-to-
d4te bicycle must have absolutey dust
proof bearings, adjustible handle-bar's
snd internal expanders for fastenimr lairs
and saddle post. All tbee things and
many more imprsvetnenta are found on
the Crescent, which sell for $.15.00.
To-J In ht and To Morrow Mgbt.
And each day and niglit during thla
week you can get at any druggist's
Kemp's P.alaam for the Throat and
I.ungs, acknowledged to be the most
successful remedy ever sold for conglm.
Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Con
sumption. Get a bottle to-day and keep
it alwsys In the house, so you can check
your cold at once. Price 25c and 50c.
Sample bottle free.
Don't make underwear when it can ba
bought at such very low price at lb
Racket Store.
Englsh Breakfast
Ideal Blend
New lot of wrapper trimmed In vel
vet, lace and braid. All price. At the
Kacket Store,
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at tb EMTsapaiaa office.
Beautiful Skin
LcldiCS "J00 desire a trans pa rent, clear
.! gn(J fresh complexion,
Xutlre lo the
Hoard f lire Co-amlk-alwaer.
Oanoo City. Feb. 10, '99.
Gentlemen : There will b a meetinir
of the IJoard al the City Hall on Monday,
reoruaiy LtHli. im, at 8 o'clock. P. M .
for the purpose of transadicg whatever
business may come before the board.
C. D. Latocrxtti. Pres.
B C. Ct aav, Secretary.
Bsaratas f Had tm Hi) AJwn BjtgM
im Had tm tun linn
Vork, which is the lowest-priced maga-
xlne in America (20 cents a year), and
which is owned by Hon. Chaoncy M.
Depew, the eminent American orator,
wants a representative in this vicinity.
It is a good opportunity for one of our
ambitious young man or young women.
Applications should be addressed to the
Subscription Department, The Penny
Magazine. Temple Court, New York
Fer Tonn; Mea and loans; rfemen.
There is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They mBy dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
uiussy their neat appearance is spoiled.
The Troy laundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlemen'a fine work.
Tliere can be no better work than is
done at the Trov. Leave your orders at
Johnson's barber shop.
Use Dr. Bourdon' French
Arsenic Complexion Wafers
the only reliable beautider of the eom
pl'ilon, skin and form known. In the
direction lor wbich they are intended, their
effect la (Imply magical The moat as
tounding transformation in personal ap
pearance is brought about by their dearly
use. fosaeasing ID wu&KV S TUULil
in producing and preserving beauty of
form by lurely developing a transparency
and pellucid clearness of complexion,
shapely contour of form, brilliant eyes.
soft smooth skin, where, by nature, the re
verse exist.. Even the coarsest d sunt
arrcuivs ski marred by raxcxLt, motb,
slacxhiaw, rianx, and vcLOAaaxpaaae,
yellow aro Mi-bbT skis, and other rim
iMsriucaiMisTs, are permanently removed
and a deliciooily clear and refined com
p'exion assured, enhancing a? lady's lovcli
nen beyond ber most extravagant expec
Indies, Vast Cam be Iteaiiiins!,
no matter who you are or wbat your dis
figurements may be you can make jonr
self a handsome aa any lady in tb land
by th as of
Dr- BJurioi ' Ansnic CoidIeUqi Wtftn
Used by men tb result ars equally fa
vorable. Price, small box 50 centa. Largs
box $1.00 or special order of six large boxe
5.00. Sent lo any address under plain
cover on receipt of the above amount.
Write for circular.
131 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
at 47 Cts. on the Dollar
Still Offers Values of Unquestioned Worth
Complete Lines Offered in Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Men's 9-r.zi Bib Overalls, sale price 40c
Men's Double Breasted Blue Flannel Shirts
Bale price . 75c
Men's Tercale Dress Shirts, sale price 25c
Men's Celluloid Cuffs, sale price 15c
Men's Celluloid Collars, sale price..'. 5c
Men's Linen Collars, best-quality, sale price
8 for 25c
Men's Dress Shoes, sale price 95c
Men's Working Shoes, sale price. 90c
Men's Suits, all wool, sale price 5 75
Men's Cassimere Suits, all. wool, sale price. 8 00
Men's Navy Blue Cheviot Suits, all wool,
sale price ,v 8 50
Men's Gray Cassimere Suits, all wool, Ore
gon goods, formar price $13.50, now. .9 50
Men.B Satinet Suit's, sale price 2 25-
Boys' Suits, long pants, size 14 to 19 years,
sale price, $2.25, $3.50, $4.25 and. ... .5 50
Men's storm rubbers, best quality, sale price 40c
Ladies' storm rubbers, best quality, price. . 30c
Ladies' common rubbers, sale price 15c
Ladies' Button Shoes, sale price, 75c, 90c,
$1.10 and 1 35
Misses' pebble goat shoes, sale price 70c
Men's 50c caps, sale price 25o
Men's umbrellas, steel rods, sale price 55c
Fast black sateen, sale price. . . 6c
Indigo blue prints, Bale price.. 4c
Yard-wide percales, sale price 8c
Light-colored calicoes, sale price 3c
Brocaded sateens, sale price 5c
Ladies' black hose, sale price 5c
Men's tan sox, sale price 5o
Men's black sox, sale price 5c
Men's wool box, sale price 10c
The public is urgently invited to inspect the
above stock of goods, now in Masonic Building,
Corner 6th and Main Streets., Oregon City.