Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Cam s, I"cl. 6. Since tlio snow slonn
of lM Wf ilnoctilny, aero weather, a low
liu lice u( mow, well misted, covering
the cuiilliil ; jubilant J iui:j;ti'ri", snow
tialliig, coaMing, etc., tut-rry s'cigniiu
Jtartit-a, men mill Imys hu.-tling around
to caiv kr blink, haul wood aiul keep
the hearth lin-i burning; Hie house
mother struggling with Ice bound
burket ami (n'M'ii food Such is the
tcmpcuime and condition in our little
burg The pcgsimiM predicts certain
failure of crops, t lie optimist declares,
- just the right thing (or an abundant all
around harvest.
Llndnler A Son, of the sawmill, have
lii red extra help in order to Uke advan
tage of the tine bedding to cut and haul
in logs for futuie tawing.
We are informed that the woodcutters
on the Uardner place have stopped work,
the company hining the wood came out
to ii)t-uie up the same and clove the
W. E. Junes, a foimer rancher of
Cams, is new a su.'ici-eful produce nior
chant at Cliino.'k l'aach. Several farm-
eis of I'arus have lately shipped to him
in cuusidcrablo oiauiiiy, dried fruit,
hay, grain and olatoes.
Our achtul hag had a vacation of a !
week in order lhat the older box lui,a ""Hake her wav more than a ,vk out
ol each month, as hitching is
Mmino, Foh 3 Mitch Intercut In
taken here in the Improvement of the
old Molalla roud between hero and
the end of the pUnk Jnnt beyond Caui.
At a meeting hehl on the 17th, a com
mittee, consisting of J. J. Mullatt, V, A,
Voitd:lde, Pr. K. tioucher, F. M. Man
ning, T, M Craves, 0. T. Howard and
M. Mulvejr waa elected. The sentiment
an expressed by nearly ever)-one,pitnent
waa unanimous In favor of the old road,
and against what ia called the new route.
A joint meeting ot the four committee
appointed by Oregon t'ity, Carut, .Mol
alla and Mulino.ii to be held toon at
t'aru. A full attendance of all commit
Icemen ia much desired, aa well aa all
others Interested in road improvement.
tl. V. .Force who lately purchased 3ii
acrea of land from C. T. Howard, ia
busy hauling lumter from the taw mill
here and otherwise preparing to build a
first class new barn ou the land.
I-acrip has leen iito prevalent
around here lat.dy. Mr. A. Heine,
wife of our miller, has U-eu down w ith
it for some days, and may rcou'ir the
i services of a doctor before convalescing,
j Mrs. Mary S. IIwarl, t.vretarj of
the State grange, is away from home, at-
j tending a I imiona yranue meeting b-Ki
I at Tigardsville, in Warrington county.
Her folks hoi that rich excursions will
have a chance to help with plow iug and
oilier farm work. Aa we write, the
cheeriul tones of the new hell Ut ah the
pupils to (k hool dutie and pleasure.
FreJ lloriihhuch, youngest ton of
Lor? me llorm-liuch, ia very seriously
ill with erysipelua in his knee. lr.
Car 11 is iu attendance. Freddie is a
Kieat tavorile in the Deiglihorhood and
he has the sincere
friends, young and old.
Numerous invitations were given out
fr a party, or house warming, Wednes
day, Feb. 1, at the Hew rtraideuce of Mr,
nJ Mrs. M. E. London. The weather
waa very unfavorable, but the few who
braved the ttoi in were well repaid by
the pleasure enjoyed. A choice lunch
was served, and at a late hour the guests
departed, wishing the boet and hottest
much enjoyment in their new home.
"The old road or the Dew" is the
question 'cussed and discussed in all its
bearings. Tuesday, Jan. 31, the day
appointed for viewing the proposed
routes, was very stormy; but wiib the
exception of the Oregon City quota, the
delegation met at the appointed place,
and went over the ground. Your cor
resjiondent is informed that, with one
poafeible exception, the party were of
the opinion that gradiug and planking of
the old road between the present plank
terminus and Howard's mill would best
meet tbe needs and interests of those
chiefly concerned. It would seem that
this should be sufficient ; but the Oregon
City friends have yet to come out and
after prcper investigation give their de
cision, which may posibly have weight
enough to decide the point in favor of
the new road. One good turn deserves
another and whenever Oregon City
wishes to lay out a new street, or has
any other important project on hand,
our citizens will cheerfully turn out to
view the same and offer their opinion or
A protracted meeting was begun last
Sunday evening on the Lioo Evangelical
church of this place. Kev. Burnt and
wife will conduct tbe meetings this week,
to be aBbisted thereafter by Kev. Ingle
bart and wife.
part of the time, but it
after the first few wovks.
all right
Sunnj lile.
Scssvsint, Jan. 31. Kev. Thomas
Wiles family have returned from town
where they moved some two or three
mouths ago.
Tt...fll II... ..!. I- . ,1 . .
sympathy of ad hit. , I, , . "r
Mr- Oelschlaeger, Mrs. Coukiin, and
Mrs. Hubbard.
The funeral ol Mrs. Keeker was largely
attended at the Multnomah cemetary.
The services were performed by Kev.
Mr. Johnon has jist completed a new
violin that i said to be one of the best
he has ever made.
Miss Kollman started for Chicago last
Wednetday. She thought Sonnytide
w as not as tunny at Chicago, so returned
to her old home. We all wish her a
pleasant journey.
The prominent visitor of our neighbor
hood t hit last week w at the grippe. It
visited nearly all the houses but did not
receive a yery warm reception anywhere.
What docs A Bland for T YTlon
pomo frieihl suosta that your
blood invito A tuirsaparillil treat'
mcnt, rrmomtar that A Btaii.ls for
AYKU'S. Tho fir.4 letter in tho
alphabet atamla for tho fir.it of
sarsapuri'la.1 ; first in origin, fir.4
in ivcorJ, first in tho favor of tho
family. For nearly half u century
has been curing nil forms of Wood
diseases -scrofula, ecr.em.1, tetter,
rhetiniatisnt, crysipela.', Mmx1 joi
Fontng, cte. There's a book nbout
theso cures "Aycr'itCurchook, a
story of cures tuld by tho cured,"
which is pent free on reijuerit, by
Ir. J. ('. Aver, I.o well, M.iss. Tho
lMXkwi!l interest you if you nro
sick or weak, ln-catiso it tolls not
what it is claimed the n-mely will
do, but what your neihUra and
fellows testify that it has done.
Will it cure you ? It has cured
thousands lika you. Why nut you?
Kv AJjmt t.rMrral l'rlw
Is a l'UIl i:tirrl.
Meuteimiit Colon. I William V. Hull.
Who luii U. ii iipmlnli-d iidjiitant K' e
rrnl of Torlo Klin, has b.s n nllached to
the regular nrmy for n numWr of year
and waa nivntly ndjutunt g in ral i f
i .i . i ......... ..t i'... .-uir uiili lil nt.k
1 1 1, ,n In AlUntii. Colour! Hall lnia lh"'
repututioli of N'lnil 111" "'"t pistol shot
In tho in my II" I"'' l" " numls rl.a
prlea in ivnliwia while, on duty In
wiittern Mute mid on iii coiiiilof Ida e
knowtislgi.l skill luia lsn exchnl.sl
from cimpetition for several years,
w hich la a more pronounced recognition
of hia proweaa tliau tho bwtlmotiy of all
his iihhIuU
A adjutant (n nrnl of Porto Rhx) ha
will rank second to th oftlcer iu com
Miadowbkook, Feb. 5. Speaking of
cool nights, the mercury dropped to four
degrees below the value of Spanish
bonds on change, (0) here on the 2d inst.
There was a ball at the Taylor hall on
tbe 28ih. Quite a goodly number were
in attendance from Collon and adjacent
F. M. Naught's son from Eastern
Wash., is visiting bis father this winter.
Milton Williams and Mr. Harris, sr,
of Portland, are spending a few days
calling on old friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Wm. Baker's father is quite low
with la grippe, at the residence of his
slaughter, and as he is considerably past
man's allotted "three score years and
ten," bis recovery it doubtful.
Geo. Williams has built a new sheep
ehed and quite a bit of new fence this
Adolph Timmerstctt came over last
week from Tillamook City on horseback
in juet three daya. He reports the
"beautiful" sb being ten feet deep on the
trail in the Coast mountains.
Why all this tempest in a teapot
amongest the ideal? editors of tbe Falls
ity? How their righteous indignation
is aroused against Fitch because he is an
employee in the Enterprise office. Gen
tle reader if we should come to you with
an offer of lucrative employment at a
time when you were looking for a job to
earn an honest living for wito and child
ren, would you inquire into my political
jml religious views? Mr. Fitch does
uot deserye this treatment at the hands
of a people he has worked hard to serve.
Would the Courier-Herald please pub
lish a cut of the author of that Carus
hog item. But doubtless it would take
Homer Davenport to do it justice.
iMiRRwooD, Jan. 31. Pied. January
2u, at the home of L. M. Baker. Mrs.
Margaret Walls.
Died, George Chrison, aged 16 years,
of typoid fever,
Mrs. Jane Baker, who had been sick
tor so long is quite ill again. We hope
she will soon be belter.
W. P. Baker ii again seeo in Sher
wood. The entertainment at Morehack's hall
last Saturday night was a grand success.
Died, Jan. 31, near Sherwood. Wadie,
the little 2-year-old son of Chas. and
Emma Calkins.
Curvallis & Ecastern K. R. Co.
Steamer Wm. M. Hoag.
(Capt. Gea Kaahe)
Kunning regularly ltween Portland
and Corvallia, stopping at
way landing.
Down river, Tuesdavt, Thursdays and
Saturdava. leaves Coryallia 6 a.m.;
Albany " A. Kuena Vista 8 a. m. ;
Independence 9 a. M. ; Salem 10 A.
NVwIierg 1:' :30r. m.; arrive at Portland
-T'IOf. m.
Up river, Mondays. Wednesdays and
Fridays. leaves Portland 0 A. M.J
New-berg 10 :30 a.m.; Salem 3 :30 r. m. ;
Independence 6:00 i m ; Buena Vista
7:30 p. m ; Albany 0:30 r. M. ; arrive at
Corvallia ll .OOr. m.
This steamer has been equipped with
first class accommodations, incl'idmg an
elegant piano Unsurpassed for carry
ing both freight and passengers.
J. Ti-axicR, Afent,
Albany, Oregon.
EDWIN STONE, Manager, Albany. Or.
C. G. COKKit, Agnl, Portland, Or., j
foot of Yamhill street.
f !'
fipTrrrrrrr : .
"- S ail I
Liai TSNAsrcotoNkL wiuuu r iiai.u
umnd of that department Ho tuki-a hit
family with him and etpi tato etttab
lUh a i'rmmieiil re"id tua Iu Sin Juu
rr as N'rmitiieiit a ( tie as an army ofll
CcT Cim ever hotw to ImViv
Colonel Hall Is aueccrd.Hl In Atlanta
by Major H T. Alien, who was a flrtt
lieutenant In tho regular cavalry when
the M- Kiiihy adiuiniMration N-giin.
Ho waa r.n after appointed military
attiM-hu t th American h-giitlun iu
Berlin. At tlm l- giuulng i t tho war
with Spain Major Allen waa promoted
to captain of the HUth cavalry, made a
niaior of volunN'eni and was ordered
from lU-rlin to Satitingo, where ho tonk
commaiid of a troop of the Sixth caval
ry. At the priwiit time l sat all holda
the it of military attache, and it la
prulaibltf that hia apiajintmeut aa rwlju
taut general of the department of the
gulf la only a tempi.rary mm Major
Allen w hilo In Germany made a ct.oo
ttudy of German tactics and Is the an
thor of a treatise on that Important
Mra J. M. Bull, wife of tho pastor of
lbs Mutbodiat Epiacopul church at
WorthingUin, Minn., supplied tb pub
pit on a recent Sunday In the absence of
her b of baud.
Firtt housekeeping furnishings ar no
longer complete without preraplisellte
pbotoKrapht of the workt of Kosettl
ud Burne-Jouet to decorate tbe walla
AVcCctuMe Ttf parolUror As
slmltallnfi thcroodnnilHctfuU
lliuj llic Sionwthi and liovscb of
it hi m m j . -
lVotnoh s ls!umX !rt t M
ATvlIw-M.frnhiln nrltlrr
Ojwim.Morplilntf nor Mineral.
Not N ah c otic.
JUrJm SmJ'
At)Ctf.fl flinifdy for(nnslifv
lion. Sour Slot' wuh.Uinitlyea
Worms .CoiwuLsioits .1 oTrislf
was and LOSS or SLEEI'.
lac Simile 5n!'oluf
For Infitntu nnd Children.
The Kind You Have '
Always Bought
Boars tlio
AM ;
V aTV Lf
m w
You Have
Always Bought.;";
. 1
My ink is froen.
Thermometer it registering down near
the zero mark has been down to that
punt once the past week. Has been too
cold to collect any newt.
Boys are skating on Saums mill pond.
Our P. M. has tome valentines stuck
np in his window.
Stock keep close to stables.
Uroundhog Jay was bright and clear.
Does that mean tix weeks more winter?
We will wait and tee.
Ribbons, laces, embroideries,, hofery
and notions of all kinds at the Racket
Oswego, Feb. 1.' Revival services
have been in progress at the M. E
church for the past ten days, conducted
by the pastor, Kev. D. M Shannon
Presiding Elder Gue preached two nights-
last week. Kev. Mr. Johnson of Uni
versity Park preached last night.
A school meeting for the purpose of
levying a special tax has been called for
the 7th of the present month.
The trustees of the M. E. church have
purchased a house from the Iron Co. for
a parsonage, lliey will move it on to
the church property immediately.
Our genial postmaster and his esti
mable wife, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Prosser,
were visiting in Salem last week. G
W. looked in upon the legislature while
Mrs. Chas. Lowentzand her two child
ren have been down with whooping
cough, but are improving.
John Larson, who has been living on
the Old's place on the East side fur
several years has returned to Oswego.
I'hilo Zimmerman wears a very broad
and pleasant smile these days, It is a
fine big girl, No. 1 in Philo's household,
consequently Pliilo is perfectly justified
in his hilarity.
Thomas Fox and wife visited their
daughter, Mrs. C. N. Haines, in Oregon
City last Sunday.
Mrs. Ella B. Worthington visited her
daughter, Mrs. 8. Koss, at Willamette,
ou Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bodifelt have been
suffering from an attack of the grip.
miking good roads and keeping them
good when they are made who would
liks to know, you know, what our repre
sentatives at Salem have done in regard
to a wide tire law. Let us hate a law
compelling the use of not less than
four-inch tire.
Senator Brownell's bill providing for
the election of district road supervisors.
is itenerallv approved of here. Let the
b ll become a law and then the majority
of legal voters will aay who are to be the
iperviaora, and not the majority of
m mey as was the case in the recent ap
pointment. Not that we are not tatis
fi h! aith our supervisor; he is all right
bat the system is un-American and
daigerou s.
SIahuuam, Feb. 6, The weather has
bjen pietty cold here we have had five
incites of snow. It has been thiee de
grees below zero.
Miss Lily Bentley lias lung fever.
Mrs. Wm. Jack ia slowly recovering.
John Dunlavy bas returned from east
ern Oregon, where he has been herding
sheep fur the last nine months. He
s tyt it is pretty cold out there.
Mrs. George JJuniayy is slowly re
Oaiby News.
Canhv, Feb. 8. The young people of
Canhy are feeling very blue about the
change of the weather for skating was
tbe Bjort and sleigh riding was next
8im Cox an employee in the Oregon
City Iron Works, is in Canhy this wnek
with Iih father and mother.
Hunt and Marks have lost 400 bushels
of potaVies in George Knight's wre-
housa by frost. Hurst says he has no
use for freezing weather.
The New Era Dramatic Company are
intending to pUy the drama in Evan's
bill on February 11. Thuy played it
iu the same hall on the I!0 of January
and as the ball did not hold all the
crowd, ihey will play it again.
Quite a number of our yonig ieople
here went to Aurora on Monday to j iin
in the races on skates on the mill pond,
there were 29 skaters and Mr. DUin
White, of Canby was the champion.
result of kidney disease. If kidney
trouble is allowed to advance the kidney
poison In tbe blood it liable to attack the
vital organs, or the kidneys tliemelve J
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Then the richness of the blood the al
bumen leaks out and the sufferer has
Brlght's Disease, the worst form of kid
ney trouble. Kidney trouble ran be de
tected although it be alow and deceptive.
First, by analysis of the urine; second,
by the simple test of setting the urine
aside in a glass or bottle for twenty four
hours, when a cloudy or brick dust
settling indicates it.
It was for just such troubles that in
His infinite ower and goodnens the
Great Physician caused Hwainp-Koot to
grow for the benefit of sullering man
kind, leaving it tor his servant, Dr.
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist to discover it and make it
known to the world. Its wondurfu
efficacy in promptly curing the most ilia-
trestng cases it truly marvelous. You I
msy have a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's j
bwamp-Koot the great kidney, liver and
bladder remedy, by mail free.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham-
ton, H. Y. When writing mention this
paper. Druggists, in fifty-cent or dollar
An Honest Medlcluu for La Grippe,.
George W. Waitt of South Gardiner,
Me., says: "I have had the worst
cough, cold, chills and grip and have
taken lots of trash of no account but
profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is the only thing that hat
done any good whatever. I have used
one 50-cent bottle and tho chill, cold
and grip have all left me. I congratu
late the manufacturers of an honest
medicine." For sale by Geo. A. Hard
IN j
IT ! Uso
'l Patont
WAK- Flour
KANTK1) -CaManufacturod
ll I) I By Portland
HKST. Flouring Mills
. Co., Oregon City(
i J
a of
re pi
Do You Nood Any
Doors, Windows, Glass, Moulding
Or Other Oulldintr Matorlal.
-sss c. H. Bestow & Co.
Comer nth ami Main Sts. Oregon City, Orrgon.
S H ti
j iiusl
j K
- I ri a.
I Weekly Inter Ocean p
! .
K A Tl
5 H : Wor
t ti
iwys American- Always Republican inov
1 r bit
New arrival of ready rnndo dross skirls
Irom tl.00 to 3O0al the Kaiiet Htore.
Thousand Jfare Kldner Trouble and
Don't Know It.
'ihere ia a disease prevailing in this
jcoui.tiy niOBt dangorouh because so de
ceptive. Many sudden deaths are
There are a number of voters in this caused by it heart disease, jmeumonia,
precinct who believe in good roadejin heart failure or apojdery are o'Urn the
our customers claim for us and
our groceries: That wo oll'tr
the best of groceries at the low
chI prices. They have confi
dence in our goods and know
that we never misrepresent our
selves and that our stock of firm
groceries is the purest ami the
most nutritious. Last, hut not
least, t heir grocery bill saves it
self fully 'l't per emit by tl it-i r
doalin;; with Marr & Muir.
Our way of doing business Is
to treat every one fair and annum
Bnd ofl'er fie very best in our
livery Column is Bright, Clean and Pecked willi News
Ihr U'.cn'vr: of lis column is
equal to that vi the H;t nuiga
zincs It U Interesting to the
ihilJrcn us will as tho pcrcnU
? durli
T'mV'S CfEJNif-WkESTERN NEWSPAPER, and whlk it
1 brlngi t , the family THE NHWS OP Tl IE WORLD anil .l :
. y-Vahy w h fl,e and a,plra.ioM of Wclrrn pr0p!e and I dhes,.
, l..tr...f and polii.es from tne Wlfrn ,Un(Jpont
you i
It Sl
I ol lit
fllS Kluu ....
... II Price of flallv hv m.H ....
U Price ol Aundiiv bv ml
I'eny ana humlay by mall...
a .
Aundayb, M.i .
aa nn i.
The Inter-Ocean will be given .. . Preml,,mVecVVew" Vub.cr'lbsr Vf
The Enterprise,
: it.
ssssta vitst