X. OHKGON CITY ENTKIUWSE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1890. 1 i PERSONALS. II. llsinsby, of inflow, I In (li ,dty. - Artlitir Pressey U (desk tit the Klrctrlo i "K 3. T. Woodward, f lug LU brother, ChalN .gain behind tlm el. ortlsnd, U visit- , of Dili city. At I UOBe, pi ' Damascus, wis In to Iiwiit cllixnii of orlng tlm week. I" No.!, Ilelpl, limit farmer ol f tf Sirrliirivlltii iirni.lm'l in lli city on business Weduesd m. r. has in a m ansa City" la slow ly recovering tack of typhoid fnvi' very bsd at- Mr. J. K. Andri w. of Tlx Dalle, vlalled tier later, V m, W. M. Robin ilel. oil, til llm F.leelrlii Mr. Jaun'i Haley, f this illy alio lit been on ;th irk lift for tlm miI few week I slowly reo yerlng, Mr. Alllnon, win) of lli Uu Isaac Allison, will leave daughter, (or Hum. Mm. A. ('. (W pending few il; MmiiUy, with her Oregon, ng, of Portland, U wltli Cpt. T. F, Cowing and family, 4l lliletlly. Mlsa Ruth Cowing Iim Just returned from Portland whrln eh completed a imsliiee rouise st Il k Holme Husln Colleit. t Jol.lt I f owed, of ( Vnemah relebretad Ma 7iHli l.lrtl i'Uy ok Tli ' wi V"I itirwtay. A egni ill 11 ner lu lionor of tli ent. Nulor OreenUuin, fiirmrly In buil tin In 1I1N illy. Iiit n it of HaUm, lia liren rlerl. Chief Kan r, of Hlierwooa court, F. of A. Ml. Myrtl Taylor I Ml (iertrtid Keftrfer returned t'J tl r ludii at tli Kiale Normal uliool on Wrdnenla tavinii Mtnl llielr I10I dlay varallon a lioni. V. i, Ilowerman, 1 llil'pner, I In Id city vUlting I1I1 uuer-in-iaw, iui .1 1 1 . . Mortlmorw. II r ii uown iroiu ,ew I K terg Monday, livl Vlalted III father, who I ret-owm from ktruk of ralyi. In renewing III l'nterjirl, Mr. (ila'ri(l'n to ll I'atrlik (olliert, ol !4viiwrtli, Kan liaa th following to ay: Ilikto la millng lam, fur It rrndnd me of niai pleaaant day nt lo Orrgoa City. W. A. Hark titer, of Milwaukle waa In U city ye t'day. II aya lit on. i county wrlnlvndeiit, II. (1 fclarkweatlier, m 1 principal of Id Athena rlioot, wflir (hat ha like hi r,tw location vry urh. . MIm NetU Waia en rloacd a vary uo Cm(uI term of dlatrli t No. M. hool at Klwood, In M-embvr 30, and re turned to her horn In thl rliy. Thl to Mia Walden' flrl trm and th riort ar rery flalterlnira to her ability a an Inatrmtor. f Jneeph HaraUiw, of Wilhoit, a pioneer of '61 1 lo th rijy. II, together with i-Uorrnor Mmily, W. A. tUatkweathrr and other ran tli Wtllaniett meridian In lh early oU'l Mr. Itamlow alaoat one tlm handlrall of the freight that tiaaaed op the Willamette over the old orteg at Caneniah. In a pemonal viler to Kdltor Porter from K. K. Wlllikma, formerly of thl city but now d realdent of Prnlaon, TeiM, Mr. Wllliima reMrU hi family wll and lay lie j doing fairly well In bnalne; that Imklueu I very good in Teia but that leal eatate yalue aliow but little If any lnurovetnul. The battle ahlp regon baa been or tiered to Manila. Ilev. T. V. Hutler Vlll preach In th Fly chapel next Hat.haili at 2:30 p. iu. Portland 1 Infented tllh highwaymen and burglar and our cftixmia ahould be prepared for occaalonal lr of the gang. vlnlla by inmn. MIm Mary 1'umKul, tl thia city, waa given a atirprine party lint Friday even ing. The evening wa 4eaantly panned away by games and olhtjr amuementa. A joint public inatillatlon of the olllcera of the Woodmmi of the World : and Sola Circle, Women! of Woodcraft, villi m uuiu 11 iiiMiiiuiv iiau, luvaijav I I l. I...I.I ln M'lll.. ..L T I ... evening January 17. Mri. P. V. Btory entcruLied a number of ber lady frlunda at a u given laat PrlilaiV ttmrntft In lmiw iH tm bImI n 1 m vv iiwii m huiivi u nvi oiniui 1 Mil V 1 in on (l W ' of Iron) 1 Mr. Amr Martin, of Whlttior, Cal, who , la i)endlng aoveral montli hero vlaitlng f h )r parents and listen, ia aiit.11111 iyuuav iwu imanurrr niiaiin irn rglng upon our leglalatori the wisdom of ) amending the law relalfve totlio pay- I pent of atate taxes, nuking the ay uiiuiiid wiiio iaior in uMJrr 10 nave pay "ing iniereHi on uoiorrou imymenta, ! G. H. Plmlck has bein elocted mere. Liary of the Wlllamotte Savings and Ixian lAssoclation, vice Tboi. F. Ilyan, re- HignoJ. Tbe soloctlonl is a good one. Mr, Dimlck la now lotltnl in tbe olUce lurmerly occupied by Jiilge Ilyan. Word baa reached litre of tbe death lot Mary Ann Moody, !t ber home In Prineevllle, Illinois, wl :h oucurrod on December 6, aired 58 tyeara. 1 lie de- ( eased resided In Clack naa county dur- ''ins tho 80 and up to rill I. whon Hhe went back to the home tl her childhood, 1 r ninvi a am rAftiiiaiii uniti haw ii..n. v-w T m ivuimuu iinmi liui uvwrrlla va mi Xfitlallii Hurry Holme' heni'lfa! Hill dog, "Dimly," tli Highest Ufuipliig lg In HiaworM,! r i iVJiijj id li interest In llilirlly, Tli irtyrliMiiin of ihl 'log forum on of tlm feaiWesnf lli show le Ingglven nlxliily Atlilvly' by lb (J inker Medlcin Company. Mm, Dr. Norrl ii lecalved a letter from R, at ManTU, In which hers poll tlmt dipt. I'll kiVi Ur feeling quit well sgain rnl li IxisyYvikliig ller tlm boy uniler hliii. IVinYmliU will oon li'i ! Iii report l duly and lh yen rl health of life rmiiiiiny U Improv ing. He, liifoiniii"n wl'li oilier li giltlig lltiK- hoiimlik. TI. iChIIioIIo KiiIu'iIi of llil cliytr I 'i .'irfMlll (I'll llilin and litv oiU fur.l In tli iWk from tlm benefit fnii'l Tl follow Ink ollnieri forth en suing yr huv bei U-cled : I'maldenl, I '4 u I ll meltf-am ; vli Jyiresldent, T, W, HullUan; apiriliial liV'-lor, Iter. A. Illl'uliraii I ; rvmr 'g welrf .HtrUrt IUiiiiIHu ; fliiaiirl rely , HUn Tifi- r; (rcurer, l. A. llileTirn1; rr K' ut l rm. niiMj. (irUlieniinl,Juli NiliemlnKir trawlaM. 3 ym, Clirli, MlrliU, Traaraaea Pardarr. Thereara few who mmiki the faculty of blenillngi InriieiitM of humor and pathos o hafjilly a Itrel Hart, an lew 10 wiiotii. Die art ofipreaing rome o raaiV and uilaiieoiily ll-el HarU'a ruVanc Ll the nilniim camp hat made hi nai a hooarhol x ar worn wiiii in Migiyy praklfig race "TenueatWe PardmY' I on of hi moat Hipular alorfrV. The comedy urania 01 in mninr, wiilrli wa autirralMl lo tli dkmatlby llarU'i relelifaltxl ketrh,Alll b pViented Khlvely opera iouan iieif Monday venlng. Th io pany comprlaT'ej fou laeii playera niofly all the original m their reaiierllv haraf lera, who hav been retained f Hi third luueaaiv apaaun with thl pro-lurtioo. It will b een her for on night only. Oltlrrr lalalM. I.al Thura lajr evening Oregon City Aaaetnhly No 7, United Artiiana, In Mallei th following offUm. K. II. Cooper, maater artiaan;J. Kverhart, aupefinlendent; (i. C. IUtn. Inapertor: T. hear!, nvrrlary; VH. Knerner, treaaureK Mr. Matlin Klngo, r. con duitor;Mra. A. Coapr, Jr. conductor; Mm. Mnn, matter ofceremonle ; Mr T. Hearlo. lnVru lory It. J. (ioodlellow. warder; Mm. U. C.IUcon and (J. Arm V w troiig, fluid cortjuitidem. After the a- embly wa cloatV the Dew ofllcer fur nlahed ripper w h th wa a credit lo them, and if they am trl with their work In Hi nrtt year a IhrV wr with their upper the MfuiblyXwill double iu membership. ne Uatore of the aupprr wa a roaat pier J which waaVfurnUhed by a delegation that went to Vat l'niver ity Park awwmblr, (but did not get there ) Oregon City aaaembly ha a memhertblp of W haying taken in 42 member during the year. Mr. M ill a. . a 1 noiiaca naviug eerveu wo year a maater aitlian now takea the paat ma tern chair with honor. Tke las Ury. The county court ba made the folio 1 ngtai levy lor lmn: UountV State M100I. Hoad.. Total The levy laat ye iMinly HUte . 8ch.x K01 ToUl. ...2U.5 mill Utter Mat. The following la the lint of lettera re maining in the poatomce at Oregon City. Oregon, on January 11, 18TO: WOaUN' LINT. Iwls, Ne )K, (iMHri rant. A K Miller. Clara Norman Ola cAllliler, N 1.IHT. Did. II lloblat k, 11 Kook, J A HlcU'n, L II UKbea, Claud evln, J as B olaii, Wm ! ollele, NT JaiT rd.J C Collins, Daniel Traxwell, Joe Ilenner, J n corge, Jacob 0K0. F. HOUTON, P M. New lot of wrapper trimmed In vol- vet, lace and bruld. All prices. At the Kackot Store, YOU TKi IT. IfShllob'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cent and 50 cents and $1.00, does not euro take the bottle hack and we will re fund your money. Hold for over fifty yeara on thia guarantee. Price 25 cents and 50 cents. 0.0, Huntley, the Drug glut. Ribbons, laces, embroideries, hosory nd notions of all kinds at tbe Kackot Store. To Cnroa Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money If tails to cure. 25o. Tho irenuine has L. H. O. n each tablet. OASTOniA. Bftntk f lit Ulna Yoa Haw Always Bought Iht Hind Yoa Haw Alwurs Bifuatnr r ' 11.0 mill 7 jr... 8 3 ......yr..... 5.0 " f A ...lll w: V.... 12.0 mill V..7.0 " V ..4.0 " V i if ur V 8 rt:Jfi A M ..V 6te PflCCfOUS METALS. tlaU aa I'lallaam Ar I lira laax par W Uk Iiimi ml l lirm, "The inajurlty i f jnople win 11 aikud to liaiim Ida moat picclou ruiilal oaif ally tiienlloii gold a flmt, plat Inmn a am'oiid and allvr m third, "aald lh Iiroprlutor of a Uigaaamylng and refili ng ealal HthtiiMit to Ilia wrlU r reumtly, "Now, lei u mm how near lh truth '" "" per iK.umi iroy, platinum fioo, ud .liver ahout V will now compare tht prlne witbthoMiof th ran rand le well known meiala. To lake them In alpha- iH.linal (,r-l. r lirlum, the metal wblob Davy Imlttied from It ore, Uryta. in IH0H, n il for 0fi0 a pound wbmi II la "Id at all, audi allium I worth I l,H00 iHiuiid. Claiom Is hd hlxber. It w-tU lu an oiiik. or II. MO jmr l.t.L.I f'l...u I . .1.. 1.. I... L In . J 1 ,-.u.i.i. no- u'ain i'i I'' iibo iarm lou prlna, ,ut tin y 1I0 not twh lb hlghl'lt IK'lllI, chromium IliOO. (It.l.alt r.lla I.. I.. if ...I " ' i""o' nrr, noun niuyiniuiii. Ilia rimlal lm lalcd by Maaamlcr, I th aam t rice at calcium. Thi'iicome galllnm, which la worth t'V''0 au ounce. With Ibis metal lb blihit price Is reached, and II may well ealll the raroat eud mol prnclim t f tni'tak "(ilucluin I worth Ixno per mine; Indium. II&0; Iriiliuiu, f im a pound: Jjiulbanlum, l7fi, and llthlnm, f 100 . ... j II A .... . ir num.- I'num coaia i - jk r ouiipo; di-ra, Dionmde or rlamaoo in epptai oamluin, pallaillum, platinum, pola- ! am, but I tuia In crowd a a fin slum and rhodium Lilnir rilivclv H0. I00, 1 1 D, :I2 and ftlt p r pound. Mroiiiluiu cxta I2H an ounce; Uiitaoui, I44; lllurluni. til; thorium, .7I; vanadium. .l.O; yilorlum, f 144. and alnooiilcm, .'0 an ounce. "Tbu we aia that lh commonly re ceived opliilnu aa to what are the moat praclou melala I ijulte eiroueoua. l!a rlum I nearly four lime a valuable a gold and gallium more I ban 100 tlmea a coatly, while many cf the bthi-r met al iiietitioood arelwiie and thrice a valiuila. Aluminium, which coat li and i a jxumd in Ihtio, Is now pro duced a t limply are Iron, tine, load and copper." WaahiiiKtoo htar. WASHINGTON RELICS. trllrln af I'rlrvlraa Y'arlk Heat la Iba Aallaaal Mtiraa, One of the inont lutirertlug relic In th National muaeum at Waablngtun I lb camp cheat mad by Wanbli'ton tbrouKlmnt lb iUvnlutlou. It laacom jhm t affair about th 1m of a toorUt's Wicker Cheat for CUikilig of lh prearut day, 1.4' feet long. S f t wide. I fixt bigb, and It contain au oniflt oomrlA Ing of tinder box, pepper and Ball boxoa, bottle, kuive. fork, k rid Iron and pllw. Every bll of Ibe outfit aav one bottle, wblcb I broken at tbe khonldnr, look strong euoujfb to aland another campaign. hear by are the tenia naed by Wash- Ington ibre In number. One la sleeping taut, 18 ftl long, with walla fert high and a roof with a 0 foot pitch. It la made of linen. Tbe other two are marquee touts of smaller six, ooe with wall, th other a tbelUrr tent open on tb Idea. That the tenting ma terial of Revolutionary day was good luff la proved by tb excellent ooudi Una of thee teoU, which cbeltered tb great commander throogh all bia sever campaign. Here alao ia Waahlngtoo'a onlfora, worn by bim when be gave op bia com- minion aa commander In chief of tbe army, at Annapolia In 1783. It consists of big ahadbelly coal of blue broad cloth, lined and trimmed with aoft buckskin and ornament, d with broad, flat braa button; tucktkin waUtooat and breeches. Tbe site cf tbe ranuent which are In a Mate i f exct lluit pres ervation) testify to the Lig stature of tbe Father of III Coo u try and sug gest that be bad an rye to a fine ap pearand in bis drona Vaabington 101 FaelarUa Wltaaat "a-aar. Tb statement that a chimney, tbe third or fourth tallest iu tbe world, ha list beeu completed at a cost of 158,- 000. and the announcement that the most gratifying suocoss baa attended tbe one of forced draft, without any chim ney whatever ont of the ordinary, ap pear In contemporary Journal. The ex periment of forced draft give proinle of groat eoououiy in fuol. as well as doing away with tbe expensive and on oruumental chimney. The draft arrange ment cousita of a large fan, wbloh I connected with a 4 by 4 double cylinder engine. Tbe fan ba a wheel 64 Inches lu diameter and runs at almost any rate of speed desired. Tbe draft Is nomothiug prodigious and nmkes it possible to em ploy fuel of a lower grade- than auy heretofore need. Instead of the host Cumberland con), a mixture of Cumber hind and screenings has been tried. Tbe coat of operating tbe fan, even with im perfect apparatus, ia something like H00 per anuum. The smokestack is scarcely taller than the roof of the building and of less capacity than that heretofore used for such purpose, New York Ledger. Amsterdnm is tbe nearest European capital to London, being only 199 miles distant There woro breochloadiug cannon as early as 188& Schillings Best Japan Ceylon English Breakfast Oolong Ideal Blend Tea PLAYED A WAKUAME MOW THI BIO MAN FLEtCCO CUBSTITUTt BROKERS. THI Tb Trlrlif (li Kar Wrk4 III l'balral l)rrr la b MM mn4 llsp4 llleh llrvl Whll fb Ornitrlaiilif l.aaifa1. curing 111a civil war In what wa (hc a pretly village of Mlohigan and B1U ,0(, t.(,l,)e , cy witb0 j0(l)n(r ' of It Uoly llvt4 a (trapping li 'f,K,(,.r w)0 ji,,,,! M Jmr4 M ,( jdn-aawl well, talkird smoothly and wa , 1. 1 op like a koMlcr. He ba-l no fneaua i,f support visible lo tbe naked rye lo lh vlllnua wLii.h i. r.iUit h,..7- i.nt In. would mate rxca.loiml trip from which ha rturtid with i.l.-t.iw ,.t money and a fund of InterettlnK talk I " ,abonl aoine aectlon of the Borth- Tb fjoln Hu.diI.i l,im . ..(... i.., 1.. . Wa a lih-aianl anil rtirii-U. n.vr .ti.. ...... . . . ' ; weiii luniicrinau to aKingeuioui0(.-a- .1 . . . Off hoik inai were juai a lug' nloualj par rled. Atar hi harvewi wa at an eud the inynit ry explained blmaulf without naorve, and no one expreaand aeriooa diaapproval of tbe way la which bU wlu hail won bim his motiry. "It wa a simple cae of diamond cot diamond," he lauKhnd. "I've burn tak ing fleMw from tbe fellow that .went out to ahear. I'm not an ArI!n ' . . . " pot-limm of physical development Tbe truth Is that I'm a wblu-d aepulcber. I was born with a defuctiv heart and would not tak three minute of real violent rxerclae for all tbe money yoa could load on a freight train. 1 take things easy all along the line, and Ibe uglue keep pumping op to rfju Ire menu. "When 1 orrald tea tbe end of what property wa lift in, and it was not far away, 1 rant about fur aome light work to do and concluded to dual with tbe luUtitutfl broker. There was no chanoe of meeting tbe required medical exam Inatioua, o 1 look another tack. When ever I visited a place in my buaineaa, I'd manage Incidentally lo fall lu with the broker. I'm better than a raw band a a jollier, and I'd soon have rome mutual friend a innocent parties in tb play. "When it came in natorally, I'd chaff tbe broker about bis business and ..b u... tij.. . I... i.j i ti u , . . . II would either jump open mouthed at tbe proposition or chaff back under an impreaaiou that I would never think of going to war. In either cae it would osually come to aome kind of a proposi tion from Ibe broker. Then the oilier fellow would guy me. Intimate thai I wa a bluffer and wonder bow I waa to get out of the thing without a clear funk. "Here's where my fin work came la I d demsud a retainer, and I'd put it blgh enough just to maki the broker think that l was trying to escape him. If be would pay mo a specified sum down, I would agree to appear at the recruiting office the next day and offer my aervioe, hot I gav notice that 1 aaanmed no chance. If tbey wouM not have me, the broker must taud the lo. Tbe idea of my being rejected al ways raised a laugh and only tended to confirm tbe broker In tbe belief that I waa trying toeaoap bim. When the doctor turned me down, I went into the dumps, became nervously timid, aroused the sympathy of those with whom I bad become acquainted and snapped aa or der to the disgruntled broker to keep clear away from me. "Tbe best baul 1 made was in Pitts burg. A coal baron there who oould not well enlist and who bad not been draft ed wanted a representative in tbe army who would make a name honorable to that of tbe principal. He wa after a big, baudaome, intelligent fellow of wbom be oould be rroud and put the whole matter into the hand of a shrewd little broker. I managed to meet bim at tbe Monougahela House, and I work ed around to tbe main subject in the manner I have described, but I could see that be was sharp and did not like to run any ohanoea. "While he went to dinner, after which we were to resume our talk, I went out and bad a short conference with a huge truckman. When I again met tbe broker, that truckman insisted on bothering na aud, after showing a proper amount of patience, I threw bim half way across the offloe, and he went limping out, while all observers grew wldo eyed In their wouder. I did not rxert enough strength to throw a half grown boy five feet, but the trackman kuew bia business, aud was paid $30 for attending to it "That apparently cool courage and gignntio strength removed all doubt from tbe mind of the broker. I waa the man he wnutcd, and he wanted me badly. I stuck out till I got 13,000 as a 'retainer,' aud then was rejected I fult like giviug the money back when the millionaire came around to condole with me aud tell bow disappointed he was in not having me for a substitute, but I didn't It would have been an ad luistdon that I waa not in a legitimate line of bubinotia " Detroit Free Press. The Seqael to lh Joke. Many yoars ago a visitor to Edin burgh waa being shown over the high court of justiciary. He made some re mark concerning the dock audita du ties, aud in reply the oflloial jokingly said the visitor might one day be son teuoed to bo baugod in that very room, Tho sightseer was tho notorious Dr. Prttobard. Two years had barely passed t hen in tho dock ho had so closely In peded be was doomed to death for oinnniug his wife aud mother-in-law. Loudon Mail. Judges iu Euglaud have worn the pe culiar wigs they uov wear ever sinoe the teigu of Charles II. The ancients took the owl for a sym bol of wisdom because he always minda hla own business. DELAUNAY'S SAD FATE. A rrearallmraf af Hla Ilaala Thai Waa lraeclr fatail.. Lv-lfinuay, the director of tbe Paris observatory, waa on of Ibe moat kindly and attiactlve men I ever met, aaya Prolesaor Simon N'ewcomb In Tb At lantic. I fotid It hopel to expect that he would ever visit America, lie cause he aiwrnred rne that be did not dare lo venture on the ocean. The only voyage be had ever made was across tb channel to receive a gold modal of the Koyal Astronomical society for bis work. Two of his relatives, bis father, and, I believe, hi lrot ber, hail been drown ed, and tbl fact gave bim a horror of the water. He seemed to feel aomewbst a the client of the astrologista, who, having been told bow tbey were to die, took every precaution to prevent It I remember, a a boy. reading a history of astrology, in which a great many caaes of thl sort were described, tbe pecu liarity Ulng that tbe very measure which the victim took to avoid the de cree lit futo If jtme tbe engine that ex ecuted It. Tbe aad fata of Delannay wa not ex actly a case of toiskind, yet it could not but bring it to mind. He was at Cherbourg in Ibe autumn of 1673. Walking on the shore with a relative, a couple of boatmen Invited tbero to take a saiL Through what Inducement I laoosy was led to forget bis fears will never be known. All we know Is that be ventured into the boat, that it wa struck by a sodden arjuall when at some distance from the laud, and that all tbe members of tbe party were drowned. War Ika Rraartare. "1 bad a strange dream the other eight," aaid the major. "What wa itr aiked the yonng thing. "I went to heaven, and aa an old newspaper man was Interested in their journal op there. It was a miserable thing; not a well written story in it, and I told St. Peler so." "What did be sayr "lie aaid: 'It's not our fault. Wa never gel any good reporters np bere. ' " -Philadelphia pre. Iwlaatri With llala. An Englishman borne from tbe west .f . : . i i i . . 7. . .k - lags swimming out to the steamer wear- log a Ibey swam renovatt ing as Ibey swam renovated seoondhsnd "stovepipe" bats in all the glory of tbe white tissue paper in which tbey are shipped out for tale. Oregsi City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat JJo. I merchantable, 54 cent pit buthel. Floor Portland, $3.50; Howard'i Beet, $3.60 ; Fisher's Beet, $3.50 ; DSn $3.80: Peacock, $3.80 Oats in ski, whiUL 40 bushel, gray, 40. Millstufls Bran, 113.50 shorts, $15.00 per ton. ' rents per bpn per Potatoes 50 to CO cents per sack. Egg", 25 cents per doxen. Butter Ranch, 35 to 40 cents per roll. Onions, 90c. per rack. Green apples, 35 to 50 per box. Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 3 cents ; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, be- prunes, 2 to 4 cents ; plums, 2 to 4c. Bacon Hams, 10 to 11 cents; sides, 8 to 9; shoulders, 7 to 8; lard 8 to 9 Livestock and Dressed Meals Beef, live, 3 to 3.c; hogs, liveSH'c; hogs dressed, 41,' to 5 cents ; aheep, $3.00 to $3 per bead; lamb $1.75 to $2.50; veal,dressed 7c. Poultre Chickens, old $3.00; turkeys, alive, 12 cents pe' pound. Money to loan at lowest rates. Hsdois A GairriTH. SKILLFUL 0PEKATI0XS. Stout Re-aarkable Cares by Dr. Darrla iiii .Morrison Street. i i Dr. DarrV Dear Sir : The operations for cross-eyM, on my daughter,' 16 years old, and aonl4, were perfect successes. Tbe eyes wee made atraight in one minute. My hUher, A. L. Richardson, living in RainW, was cured of almost total deafness nine years ago by yoa, and and remains permanently cured. Refer any one to me at liainier, Or. MM. W. J. MUCKLE. Croaa-Ere CurA In Two Mlnutea. Dr. Darrin cured any boy of cross-eye, October 21, in two nlinutes. I am much pleased with tbe cum, and can recom mend the doctor to any ono. I am poet master at Progress, OL Refer to me. i HINGLEY. beafneta Cunxt Ii Mr. Editor:! wish O Minutes. state through your tttlumns thai Dr. rrin cured roe oi ueatness in 10 minul a. Refer any i't, Portland. one to me at 423 Clay sti II EX It Y M. ,'ILLIAMS. 8attKhauiu CuaVd. Dr. Darrin-e-Dear Sir: Vlt ia with great pleasure' and a tbanklul heart I wish to inform you that I am cured of salt rheum, which I have suffered with for 25 years at times so bad that my bands wou)kl crack to tbe bone, and mv body was also affected. I have no words that can express my thankfulness to yoa. Mra. E. BjUerrets, of Vancouver, Wash., has knoWn my condition, and can be re ferred tc Refer Jany one to me at Gardiner, Or. MRS. MARTHA DAILY. OASTOniA. 8an th ylli4 Kind Yob Haw km Bongtt DEimvi TtTEITT TEAR1. II w t Wa Cored by Electric Treat ment filvra by Ir. Darrla. To tl.eJablic: December, 1HJI2, X rarne to Prrrio to treatment of deaf ness and rinfflng nolsel in my earn of 20 years' standinV. I Was unable to hear without peopleVieeklng very loud to io. After one monfL' treatment I could hear a well a ier In my life, and feet called opon to fell Vie public my experi ence, that oUter rny avail themelve of Dr. DaHo' skyi. I live at 330) Front treA, Port!anInd work in John son' ahipyard. Tbe rare by Dr. Darrin of ex-Sheriff A. T. 8bcV daughter, 32(1 Front itrnet, of malaria, rheumatism and liver complaint, Is wy I applied to Dr. Darrin. A. L. RICH A RDSO."f . Hew Prenlneat Ladr of Heattl. Waa Permanently Cared by Dr. Darrla "Twenty Tram ire. HsaTTLi, Jsn22, 1801. Dr. Dsrrin Dear Sir: HeaAing that yoa were ia Portland and performing marvelous) cure, I want to af my testimony to tb hundreds of cratkful patients. For many years I sufTeVd Jrora scrofulous ore on my knee. triVjr all home reme dies and consulted tb event physicians in tbe city of Indiana6liV Ind., where I was then living.SiithodV any benefit. About 20 years afco yoa came to Indian- apolis.and I wis persuaded to "try yoo.' called upon too. received two. treatments, the sore disappeared, and baa never returned. My son-in-law ia Mi. J. F. Trowbridge, in business at 800 West street, Seattle. With gratitude. MIM. A. C. LANDIS. To tbe Pobllc. We are authorised to guarantee e very bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy end if not satisfactory to refund tha money to tbe purchsser. Titers is no better medicine made for la grippe, colds and whooping cough. Price, 25 and 50a per bottle. Try it. Geo. A. Harding. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can alwsys be de pended upon and is pleasant and aaie to take. Sold by Geo. A Hardine. Fer Yeans; lea aad Tsoag rraea. There is nothing that will arouse the) ire of a yonng man or woman ao quick as to bave inferior laundry work pat off on them. Tbey may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist ia mussy their neat appearance ia spoiled. Tbe Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is dons at the Tror. Leave your orders at Johnson's barber shop. Wedding stationery, the latest sirsM and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at tb Errsaraiss office. fD Q makes the best VaAUUXJUwV Jhers is a great -BaBka,,) difference in PHOTO BUTTONS. Call and see sam ples and be convinced. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED everywhere for "Tbe Story of tb Philippines" by Murat Halstea-I. commis sioned by tbe Government a Official His torian to th War Department 1 h book was written in army camp at San Fran cisco, on th Pacific with General Merrill, in me noapiiais ai Honolulu, In Uoncj Kong-, In tb American trenches at Manila, in tb insunrent earno wilb Aeulnaldo. on tb deck of tb Olvmpia with Dewey, and in th roar of battle at th fall of Manila. Bonanza lor agents. Brimful of orifrtnal picture taken by government photo grapher on th spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight poid. Credit given. Drop all trash v unofficial war hooka. Outfit tree. Address, F. T. Barber. Sec'v- star Insurance BUtg., Chicago. WANTED. 100 watches to repair at $1.00 each. C. A. Nash, at the Postoffiee. Beautiful Skin ' N Ladi6S lfT0U desire a transparent, clear ' and fresh complexion, Use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers the only reliable beautifier of the com plexion, tkln and form known. Iu th direction tor wbich they are intended, their effect is simply magical Tbe most as tounding transformation in personal ap pearance is brought about by tbeir steady use. Possessing the WIZARD'S TOUCH in producing and preserving beauty of form by surely developing a transparency and pellucid clearness of complexion, ihspely contour of form, brilliant eyes, soft smooth skin, where, by nature, the re verse exists. Even tbe coabsest and most BtPCLSivi 8ki marred by raicKLts, moth, blackheads, riMFLts, and vcliab redness, YELLOW A!tD MUDDY 8K1H, and Other VAC1AL. DisriucBEMSMTs, are permanently removed and a dehclously clear and refined com plexlon assured, enhancing a lady's loveli nets beyond her most extravagant expec tations. I .ad tea, Xou Cast b Iseaatlful, no matter who you are or wbat your dis figurements may bs you can maks your self as handsome as any lady In tbe land by tbe use of Dr- Bourflon's Aralc CoiDleiloii Walen Used by men the results are equally fa vorable. Price, small box SO cents. Large box $1.00 or special order of six large boxes $5.00. Sent to any address under plain cover on receipt of the above amount. Write for circular. THE PARISIAN DKIQ CO. 131 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. 1