Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Clrrnlt court ronvrne Aral Monday In
November and thlni Monday In April.
I'rolial court in leailou Hrst Monday In
Mcb ninnlb.
Commi.eloneri court meela flrt Wednes
day after flri Monday of ch munth.
Mayor, -tteonrder,
Chief of mile -Kiirhtwalchniin
rity Attorney, -Street
Hupt. of Water Work,
fit PnviiiM'r. -
. K. Q. Can field
Brno C. furry
- Chan. K. Burns
- K. I- Hhaw
II. KXraixhl
Frank T. (.irittlih
. W. U fn'.do
. W. II. Howell
D. W. Klxnaird
v.,i,.,iln,n R. Knerner. Frank lUich
ill. D. Wilton. Jamei Roak. M. K. liar
rii, 0. I). ijuoureile, Arthur Milln, rred
A. Metinr.
Council meet first Wednesday or ach
Month In city hall.
rrlTtto Pomifall Write Heme an In
teresting Acceilof it.
Manila, P. I. Not.
lVir Mother: Today is Thanksgiv
ing and the day baa pawed quickly, and
the time in which I hare to devote In
wrnting la limited. My aubject la the
Thanksgiving dinner of Company I,
Second Oregon Volunteers.
it was almost equal to one we used to
rat at bouie, at least, it wa relished as
nuch, aa our appetites were exceedingly
jjood. We commenced the dinner yea
ierday morning, Corporal Smith acting
M quartermaster, in Sergeant Moffatt'e
jilace, aa he is lick in tlie hospital. We
I mrchaaed 42 chickens and 12 ducks for
4le dinner, hot being informed that the
Oregon recruits were in the bay, having
jost arrived, and that there would be
23 more men to feed, he rustled 12
auore chickena and two more ducks.
Immediately after breakfast, yesterday,
she cooking commenced. The cooks
were: Messrs. Jewell, rowel 1, E. Hoff
auan, W. Keohl and myself. Hoffman
nd I were engaged in making pies, in
e.he forenoon, while Jewell. Powell and
Jleuhl were getting the dinner. After
sioon the pie-baking still went on and
.at half pant two o'clock the chicken bee
-oiutuenced. Sergeant Campbell asked
ior aume one to help dress the chickens
nd Corporals Boylan. Stewart and
rrivates, Claud Hoffman, Hart and
Xeselring were the oms who promptly
volunteered their services. It mi great
fun for them laughing and talking
about how niucli they would eat the
aiext day. At 4 o'clock the pies and
-cookies were all done. There were 51
liea and 450 cookies. Next on the pro
gramme waa eupper. After supper the
hicken-dreseinic still went on and lasted
cntil 9 o'clock at night, when the boys
retired to their private bunks and
rested in silent slumbers 'till the bugle
mounded in the morning.
After roll call breakfast was served,
-which consisted of roast beef, boiled
iotatoes, some dried fruit and corn meal
anush. After the meal was finished, the
.Thanksgiving dinner waa prepared for
cooking. The news came to na that our
recruits were not coming ashore until
After dinner and that dil not set well
with ns, after preparing for them. But
t 11 o'clock, Captain Pickens and
fergeant Campbell went to the dock and
retorted back that tbey were landing
and would be here in time for dinner.
At hall past twelve they came marching
into quarters and loud cheers were heard
all over the grounds. They were lined
tip in company formation, and com
mencing with company A, the names of
each man was called out and he was
escorted into his intended company by
the captain of each company. The
most of them were well, and, like the
balance of us, had a large appetite and
in a short time were escorted down to
dinner, which was all spread and pati
ently waiting for our new comrades, w ho
;had bo long been waiting to join us in
Our dinner was as good as could be
expected. It consisted of roast duck
with dressing, stewed chicken with soup,
mashed potatoes, apples and peaches,
cookies, bread, tea, and claret punch.
Cautain L. L. Pickens and Lieutenant
31. D. Philips ate dinner with ns and
after dinner the cigars wedre passe
around and with a pleasing Mmile each
nan arose Quietly from the table and
-went to bis quarters, full up to the chin.
Ho supper was served we just ate duck,
and chicken until it was all gone. I
guess every man was satisfied except a
lew natural born kickers, who would
kick if they were going to be hung.
' As it is raining now and the new men
are soaking out the webbs on their feet,
I w ill close.
Your loving son,
Isaac Pcrsifuix,
lu Olden Times.
Teople overlooked the importance of
jwrmanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with transient action ; but now
that it is generally known that Syrup of
JflgB will permanently overcome habitual
..constipation, well-informed people will
aot buy other laxatives, which act for a
time, but finally injure the system. Buy
the genuine, made by the California Fig
:Syrup Co.
A Block, the tailor, is Buffering from a
.severe sprain, caused by slipping on the
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest,
onapp'oved security. No commission.
Bank or Obkoon City.
City I'emcll.
The new city council waa sworn In and
organised Wednesday night, and the
following committees were elected :
Finance Koerner, Powell, Huntly.
Streets and Public Property Char
man, Metaner, Buscli.
Fire and Water Hunch, Millne,
Health and Tolice Meliner, Towell,
Cemetery Millne, Koehner, Charman
K Koehner was elected president of
the council.
The following appointments were
mJe by the mayor and ratified by the
J. U. Campbell, who went to th front Irom thU city as first aerpant of Company I.
Second Oregon Volunteers, now at Manila, and who hat been appointed by Oov. Lord to
second lieutenant, vies VY. A. Huntley, resigned, Is year of ag. He is a natlvsof
Prince Edward- Ialand and served with the Canadian troop during the Kiel rebellion,
in the province of Manitoba. He cam to Oregon In !, read la in tbla city under
Senator Geo. C. Browned, with whom ha later entered Into partnership. He wa flrtt
sergeant of separate company F., 0. X. Q., when war wa declared, and volunteered a
first sergeant of company I. His eomniUaion as second lieutenant date Irom Dee. 21.
council: City attorney, A 8 Dresser;
chief of police, Chaa E Burns; night
watchman, E L Shaw; atreet commis
sioner, J C Bradley; recorder, Bruce
Among the ordinances introduced waa
one to place the city levy at 7 mills,
which carried by a yote of 5 to 3.
The several reports of the city officeis
were read and placed on file, which re
ports will be published next issue.
The present council is made up of
representative business men and citizens
and their administration, judging from
their first meeting, promises to be one
of the best the city has eyer had.
Ool At her home at Molalla, early
Tnesdsv morning, January 3, 18VV,
Mrs. Mary L. Ogle, sged 04 yesrs.
The deceased was a resident of this
county since 1S5 and leaves a husband
and two sons, George and Eugene, to
mourn her loss. She waa the mother of
Hon. George Ogle, ex-representative of
the state legislature from this county.
Died, on Saturday night December 31,
the 7-year-old daught r of A. Fordney
and wife, of Oswego.
Dkew. In this city on last Thursday,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Drew a boy.
It is reported that the newcomer joins
the boys on their tobaggin slides down
Seventh street.
McCobmack. In Beaver Creek on
Wednesday January 4, to Mr. and
Mrs. W. J, McCormack a daughter.
Best shave in
barber shop
the city at Johnson's
Mr. Thompson, of Vancouver, Tell
How He Was Cured of Hydrocele.
To the Public: For six years I was
incapacited for business, owing to an
enormous hvdrocele. Three leading
physicians had treated me without the
slightest relief being obtained, and pro
nounced me incurable. I consulted and
took treatment of Dr. Darrin. Today I
am a well man, no signs of the trouble
remaining, and it is entirely due to his
skillful treatment. My present address
is Vancouver, Wash.
The ladies, who are teachingthe Race
Phrenology, have moyed their office to
the corner of 12th and Madison atreet,
opposite the Barclay school; and will
continue their entertainments every af
ternoon and evening. Anglo Saxong, as
well as others will find it to their inter
eat to investigate.
The Homeliest Man In Oregou City.
As well aa the handsomest, and others
are invited to call on any druggist and
net free a trial Wottle ol Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that
ia guaranteed to cure and relieve all
Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma,
Rmniihitis and Consumption. Price 20c
and 50c.
Now is the time to buy your winter
millinery, 25 per cent Iesa than cost at
Miss Goldsmith's.
Oir LegUlaUre Petitioned.
Much dissatisfaction la found with the
present law requiring owners of traction
engines to furnish and lay planks over
bridgea and culvertabefote crossing with
their engines. The following la a copy
ol one of the petitions being circulated :
"We, the undersigned rititeiia and
taxpayers of Clackamas county, Oregon,
petition the members of the legislature
from said county to use their best
endeavors to get the law relative to plac
ing planka on bridgea and culverts
amended so aa to make the county court
place said planka on bridges and culyerta
and aplke down the same, the same to
remain permanently.
TkAciisss MarriKu. The next ses
sion of the Clackamas County Associa
tion will be held in the ML Pleasant
School house on Saturday, Jaouaiy2xth
1399, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M.
You are earnestly requested to be pres
ent and take part in the varioua dis
cussions. School officers are especially
invited to attend.
The program ia as follows :
Pronouns Prof J. W. Gray.
Geography Miss Sade Chase.
Co-ordiaation of Studies. Prof. T. Gary.
Primary Work.... Miss Mollis Hankins,
Civics in the Rural Schools,
Prof. O. H. By land.
Kat Casto,
L. L. Moobs,
J. C. Zinskb, Ex. Com.
Yeurs truly,
H. S. Htbasgk,
Schoel Superintendent.
By G, M. Stbanoi, Deputy.
Taken I'p.
Taken up on the 9th of October, one
bay horse. Saddle galled, and shod all
around. Tiios Davis,
Beaver Creek, Or.
Of Sbilob's Consumption Cure is this
guarantee : "All we ask of you is to use
two-thirds of the contents ol this bottle
laithfully, then if yon can say you are not
benefited return the bottle to your Drug.
gist and he may refund the price paid.'
Price 26 eta.. 50 cts. andll.CO. C. G
Huntley, Druggist.
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de
pended upon and is pleasant and safe to
1 take. Sold by Geo. A naming.
Jacob Schatx. the leading harness
maker of Oregon City, 10th and Main
street. A fine line of whips, buggy and
work harnesses Retiring done at low
est rate. Work guaranteed.
Thonnanda ar Trying- It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream JJulin, the niot effective cur
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, w have pre
pared a generous trial size for 1U cent.
Get it of your druggul or senu iu ccuts 10
ELY BBOS., 50 Warren St., N. Y. City,
I offsred from catarrh of the wort kind
ever since a boy, and 1 never hoped for
curs, bat Ely's Cream llahu seem to do
even that Many acquaintances have nned
it with excellent rottUM. Ucar Uatruin
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowledged
cure for catarrn ana contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Trice,
CO cent. At druggets or by mail.
Wedding stationery, the latest styloi
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Ehtkbpbisb office
Tor Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Boug
Bears the
Signature of
Board at latlgratlo.
Pobtum, Oregon, Stat, 'tH.
Under date of Itatmber 17lh 1WW,
Hon. Win. P. Ird, Governor ol Oregon,
by authority of Section 2.VHI, IlliraCode,
appointed the undersigned, a State Board
of Immigration. In view of the Import
ance of the work to be undertaken, and
the desire of the Board to secure co
operation In every section o( the state,
a well a by every industry therein, it
is deemed advisable to obtain a full ex
pression ol opinion. With this end In
view, a convention la hereby called, to
meet In the City ol Portland, Saturday,
January Slat 1SW, at 10 o'clock A. M-,
composed ol Editors, Mayors, County
Judges sud CommiiMluners, members ol
the legislature, and such representative
cltisena aa may be appointed by Mayors,
County Judges or Commissioners. All
interseced are respectfully Invited to be
present. J. C. Cooraa,
IIxnby L. Pirrot a,
W. O. Gosslin,
Slste Board ol Immigration.
Uoaektj Is toe Iteat Policy.
Honest goods, honest prices and hon
et dealing will surely bring success.
Every hour proves It. The last days ol
the nineteenth century show nothing
more clearly. We believe this (act snd
our works demonstrate to our belief.
Our good are warranted to lie exactly
aa represented, that Is honest. Ifsny
article ol jewelry of our manufacture
doe not give perfect satisfaction w will
refund the money, paid for auch articles;
that, too la honest.
I.. A. Tatterson A Co. have a complete
sasortment of our goo Is In their store,
for sale at prices that defy competition.
These good are made from rolled gold,
gold filled or solid gold stock and are
warranted to give perfect satisfaction or
lbs money will be refunded. If this
notice should reach anyone living too
far away from Patteison A Co'a atore.
or any other customer ol ours to penult
their purchasing (he good ol our
customer, w will sell the good at ie
tail to such persons, under the wsrran
tee and deliver by mall. We will also
send printed Instruction aa to the care
of the jewelry, how to clean it, etc. on
ppliration. W. F. Maim A Co.
Eastern Factory corner ol rilendahlp
and Eddy atreets, Providence, It. I.
Western tactory (Larget In the world)
nder proces of contrue lion at r.asi
Iowa City, Iowa, oyer S.'.IXX) feel of floor
How's Tilat
We offer One Hundred Dollars He-
ward for any case of catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Citasar A Co.,
Prop .Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
. Cheney (or the laat 15 years, and be
lieve bin perfectly honorsble In all bus
iness transactions and financially shle to
carry out any obligatlona mad by their
Win A Tbuai, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, O.
Waloiwo, Kixxan A Mabvik, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure ia taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mil
coua surfaces of the aystem. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tetl
moniala free.
Hall'a Family Pills are the best.
To Cure a Cold la One Day.
Take Laxative Bnmo Quinine Tablet
All druireists refund money if It faila to
cure. Zoc lue genuine has i. . u. on
each tablet.
Holiday goods at aurprising prices to
meet the rich and poor. At Ihe Backet
our customers claim for us snd
our groceries: That we offer
the best of groceriea at the low
est prices. They have confi
dence in our good and know
that we never misrepresent our
selves and that our stock of fine
groceriea is the purest and the
most nutritious. Last, but not
least, their grocery bill saves it
self fully 'ih pe' cent by their
dealins with ftiarr 4 ftiuir.
Our way of doing buslneas la
to treat every one fair and square
and offer the very best in our
Snow! Slash 1 Mud I Th time of year
has come when you must have overshoes
to protect your health. V can fit you
with rubber goods which are unexcelled.
ii i4r?ti
it vim.
1J. r7. '
How te Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common alas with
your wahtr and lot It aland twenty lour
hour s a eedluimit or settling Imllcatea
an unhealthy condition ol the kidney ;
II It stains your linen It l evidence oi
kidney trouble j too frequent desire to
pass It or pain In the back I also eon
vlnclng proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
There U comfort In the knowledge ao
ofieu exi.re.sed, that Dr. KiluWe
Swamp Kont, the great kidney remedy
fulfill every wIhIi In ciirimi rheumatism,
pain In the back, kldiieya, liver, blad
der and every pait of the urinary pas
sage. It corrects Inability to hold water
snd scalding1 pain in pawing It, or bad
effects Mlos Ing use ol liquor, wins or
lieer, snd overcomes that unpleasant
necessity ol being omellrd to go often
during the day, and to get up many
time during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp Bool
la aoon realised. It stand the highest
for it wonderlul cure of the most di
tresnlng rases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. At druggist
fifty cent or one dollar.
You msy have a sample liotlle and a
book that tells more about II, both sent
asolulelf free by mail. If you send your
address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghsrn
ton, N. Y. When writing be sure and
mention that you read thla generous
offer la the Oregon City Enterprise.
A fins parlor organ (or aale on easy
term at the Oregon City Auction House.
iV,v,rrlif for "Th Hiory of (b
Philippine" bv Mural llalilr.!. eommla
lonvd by III Uovrriimeiil OltMal III.
lorlau to th war !ariniii. in rum
as wrliun In armv rami at Han Fran.
rit-o. on lh I'arillo wa tit (lnrl Mrrnil,
In Ihe II.miIIi at Honolulu, In Hon
Kon(, In in American Irvtirli at Manila,
in lh Iminiwiil rami wuli AX'ilnalUo, on
lhdckof thl)tii l wlin 1"V, "
In lh roar of haul at Hi fall of Manila
llotianie for anU. Hrlmful of oriental
plcliirr lakaii by giriiinil pnoio
irahr on lh t. I.arf book I"
prh-ra. Ilig prollla. rriti l"". ' rvoii
(ivvn. Drop all irainy unum ii ar mmi.
Outfit fr. A.MrvM, f. t. Ilarber, rWy ..
8iar Inanrane HMg ., riikajro.
Lcal NoticcH.
TreMeVs Hale.
nr lh. A U.mitar a.lala situated In 1 4
gait prvclncl, on lb II. K. L'roM lar. eon
l.lnK oi s ntaa oi norm, i euw, m.,
ai(tii, harnM, I'low. barruwt and oihr
(arm lmpinini. Ti ion bill bar. om
hrai and oat. Xalv, Hatnruay, January
Mth. I, at lu o clock, A. M.
Tvrui ih.
W. W. Mvsaa, Truitrs.
A4ilnllrlr a Sal f fteal but.
la lh t'ouuiy Court of lh 8tt of Oregon,
for loumy of Liacisina.
In th maiurr of lb tal of Psullna
Co, deceaaed.
NOflCK i htr.hr lvtn thai th under-
Ijned Adnitni.trslor of th aald .IU of
Paulina Co. dreae.l, will Mil ll ai a pri
vate sal on b.lurday, U, 4lh dy ol Feb
ruary, if at, ai th nour oi io ocioca a.
M., ai Orn Cur. Oretron, lb folloalug
dreertbeil pmrty lo-w.t:
(VinimeoclKi i in .lorio-weei oorn.r oi
action eleven 1111. In lowmhlu ISO l-'l
touih, rang Hire M of VVIIIanieii
nierldian; running thane on hundred
nd my roil aouili ; thenc tail one hun
dred rude; Ibeno north on hundred and
Ixly rod.: th.nr weal on hundred Tod.
to place or rjeffiiiniii-, coniaiitiiiR on nun
drwl acre more or le., sit (liaated in th
eouniy ol Clarkuia., ataieul Orrtfon.
Terms of aal to be caan in nana.
K. A. Co,
Adnilnlitralor of th tt of Paulina
Co, drcaid.
C. H iti'.au. All y ror Adniinlalrainr.
4 llalUa.
In lhCounty court of lh itat of Oregon
for t'lai kamaa eouniy.
In lh niaiterof Julius logui, dertated,
To Agutta Warttar, Hophl Moody, William
l4Kuaud (ieorK I) Wimer, icuardlan of
th person and eital of laid llliaiu logui,
a minor, and to all other unknown, if any
auch titer b, lit In ol lh laid Jullui
lOfriii. dcrl, sod to sll other perioh
Interested In aald eatal:
OltKUO.N you and each of Voil ar hereby
cited and required to b and apiear In lh
county court of th Hal of Ornrou lor Ihe
county of Ciackamaa, at th court hout
of .aid court In Orison ('Ity In laid county
and sib' on Monuay, tne.un nay oi March,
A. I. I1" t the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. In
ti.a afternoon of aaid day, th aant IwIiik
the Unit day of the Maroli term, NM there.
of, and than and there show caute II any
exlitwhyan order O' aale should hut he
made directing and Deeming the adinlnli
tratorof said estate to tell all the rltcht,
till an'l ililereiiol aahl Jullui Uig'ia lie
craned at the time ol hla death both In law
and equity in and to the real .rorly ol
aald deceaaed aa prayed for in th petition
of Charle Iikus, adiiiltiiitralor of th
eataleof aald tleneaned, which Million la
now on 111 In said county court of Clack
mas county Htale of Oregon, to which re
ference Is hereby made.
By order ol tald County Court of Hie
Slat of Oreicon ror Ciackamaa County.
THUS. V. RYAN, County Judira,
Witness my hand and aeal of aaid court
this Dili day or December, IWIH.
KI.MKlt IJIXON, Clerk.
(Heal of County Court.)
AdinlnUtrator's Male.
Notice 1 hereby given that the under-
lulled will "ell at nubile auction at the
court bouae door, In Oregon City. County of
Clackamas, niHie oi Oregon, on the zmt day
of Januarv. 1WH, at 1 o'clock a. m of said
day. all the riirht, title and Interim! of Ihe
entate of Win. J. Menties, deceaaed, in th
following described real property situated
In Clackamas county, Rial or Oregon: He
Klunlmr at a point 7.M uflalns north snd
5 ,'a't chains west from a point on th south
boundary line of tlao. Wall's d. I. c, wher
th tow nib In lln between raiiKe 1 and
east of west meridian crosses said boundar
line, thence went O.iil.l chains, thenoe sou
.1(17 chains, thence easterly 6.OT chains
thenoe north 8.71 chains to the point of b
ginning, containing 2 acres of land mor or
lean, sav anu except a rigiil oi way o leel in
width alomr the south boundary and
and through tald 2 acres of land. Terms of
sale, cbnIi, subject to approval of tbe county
court of Mulinoinuli oounly, This snlo is
mads by virtue of sn order of the county
court of Multnomah county, male or Ore
gon, made the 7th day of December, lHiiH,
Adniinlstralor of the estate of Wm,
Mensles, defeated.
final aivomn "-".-. ,r ni-kin
ml .L.. has a.T'-l . a p. Hi.
(or Hi pii'l "' """" 1
Adndnl.lral"' W
Wrlirhfin, ilecsaied,
M - : IX
Ml Hnry
i.. ....t'ountrC.."-! of the Hi.. "f Or.
e - - , ,
I,. r.iiinir of fiat kif-
on, lor
In ilia mallrr of
h K.tal i" irim
hsaris. ilwawd.
T.i KimI Hwaria. t'onrad
Haarlt. Mlnnl
,.viot, ami Una lla-.n, Lena al lae ol
Chri.lian Hsaria. ilrra-l.
TIIK NAMK tir ma,
niorl. .aid rea
I eatal being ilH-fltl S
Inline i, lo-wll : ,, ,
A trai l of land allnaled In eeelitiil i III
lownTanUlli of rn I. W..I of lh W
ln,ell. itierldtan nd mow .rlln.lrty
tlrx rllMxl lV brlniili.g at lh north el
eorn.r of Clslm No V and o,nl allon o.
I. li. deelenaied In 't. and enrver. of
Ihe t olled Hl: Ihenc .al T7 I'l ehaln
to Henry l llalne' mirlh.we.1 corner;
lhnr Kiolh IS 1 w.l I"
rhalf. tb.nr ! 21 I'l r.iln lo eM
boomlary of t'hn; ihenc norlh l.Wchln
lolhpl.-or Iwalnnlna iid on niU
one-half of an acr deeded to erliiwl '
Irlrt No. '."S. re.-J.Meil on pe M 'l ln,
In H.Mik"ll " of rewird of deed. e CI, k.
an, a eoiil.lv, Oroi.) eonlalnlng a-r.
iiior or Ire; Imi lh folloelng irael of
land elliial In e lion Jl, In loan 3 o"lh,
r nee I, arel of lh. Wlllnlle meridian,
ml further ileerrihrd by - ) Si th
iiiMer aecllon eirner on line heieeen o
lion II and it ol lh sloreeaM loen.hlpj
Ihe. r we. by ay of .aid "Hon Im
'it ID rhalni lo the line ol It. V. HiutM S
rlaim ; thence eoulh ! A rhalne lo Ihe north,
weil eorner of th Tbooiae lUrty a (laiiu:
l,iir e. It VI rhal I" lb renter of lb
II. Miiie'e rerrv ad Portland nd; Iheitrs
north 11 and I 4 drg 11 M ehaln lo lb
line lielaeen eee ion. It and XI of eald
lownehlpi Ihence bv Way of Ml I lln
Tin rl, emtio lb. lc of bejlnnli.g, oon
laiiiiiitf IC77 errtM. nnireor leee
Thit ci'iil'o, li puhilthe. by order of
Thome. V. liven. Judrfe ol lh t'ounlf
Court of Mid I'lertainat munly, ill ted lb
lh dy of Ihrceii.ber. M.
t'Mtai r. T""".
A 'liiliiltlrabir of lb eelai of Chrlttlana
(tea'. I. deaee1.
.Ilr e llseenlrl.
un.lemir.ied baa been ptotiiiel by lh
t'otmiy four I of I'leik.mat cuui.ty, Hiai
uf tlrrrtin, lh elerutrli of lh let! alll
ml iMUnienl uf 1 !.! Keller, ileceated.
All pertonijievtiif rlalm asalntt th etlais
of Mid ilfceawl ar hertbv noillled lo r
tent Iheru wllhln ill monlln, lo lb umler.
.(iietl.al lb orflrnf llailfee A tlrirtllb,
llarrlay kiolldinf. Oregon I tly, Oregon,
properly Verined with ror Vnnrhera.
Kieeitlrli ol In sill uf vld Ktllef,
H.le-I lleoemher It. IKS,
Uei.mA tlrimih, lion,;.
AalaalailalrsitrU's bailee.
Nolle i hereby eiviit that K. W, Hunt
haa been duly appointed alniliii.lralrll of
lb ett of Henry W Hunt, deceaaed, by
lh county oonrt for lh itai ol Oregiin for
lh county of ('larkam and hat duly
qualified ai ucb. All wron bavins
claim acalit.l Mid etlal are hereby holined
lo pretenl th uni lo her with proper
nurheri wllhln ail nionthi (mm Ihli dit
at lb oRlceof her attorney W. Y. MaiUr.
ilamlHon bnlldlng, rorlland, Orn, of si
be office of th rlrrk of lh eouniy eotirl
lor th county of Clsckamai. tine of Ors
on, e. w. iii nr.
Admlnlilrilrli of lh eelai of li.nrr
Hunt. de-aied.
1II I Member PI, IWM.
li It I hi
Karewttar's .lallre.
NOTH'K Id li KIIK1I V t.lVKN that th
iimlertiitneil have been duly appointed by
th county Court of t.'lai kamaa oounly, Or-
on, eieculora of lh tilat of hlliabeth J.
lleil(r., derraied. AH pereoii bavin
claim f alriat H i etlal ol Mid drwleiit
a re hereby not I lied lo pretenl Iheiu duly
yenned and with pro4-r voucher al th
Ittce of lledte A (Irlltlth. atlorneya, In
lh Harder bulldine. Orreon City Oregon
wllhln in inonthe l.oiil lb dat uf lh
tint publlcallon ol Ihli nolle.
O. A. HAUl'lNO.
Kieciltor of lh will end Milt nf
Klliahellt J. Iledirei, drce.. lledse A
Onltlih, aliyi.
Dale.1 Dec. 'JO, IKM. 12-23.1-30
In th Circuit Courl nfih Htal of Or.
Kon for lh County ol Cla kamu.
MaKdalena l-arenaworlli, plalutllT V JoliS)
Faremaorth, delendanl.
In John harentworlh. th abov named
in the nam of lh Hi ale of O-riron vou
are berth required lo appear and auawar
the complaint Died aalim yon In lh ahev
entitled mil, by the llral day of th regular 1
term ol Ihe ahov entitled court hell iiio
crediiig thariplrallon of Ihe Inn prcrllet
lor inn ptitillcatlon or tbla aiitnriiona, lo wltt ,
On Monday, th 17lll day of April, lMMi
And If you lall m lo aiiawar, for want there.
of th plaintiir will apply loth court for
ma retiei unmanned in lh coinp alhl. lo
wn: ror a uncree iiiioiving th lxiidi or
matrimony now existing leiwren vou and
aald lilnlnllir, Hecond A wardlna to said
plalntlll the car and cuilody of th
minor child, Imue ol your inarnaire with
aid plainlill, named James Walter Fsran.
worm, j niru Allowing plalntlll to r-
iiiii her maiden nam of Maadalena
Hchatz.hourth Awarding plaliitlll herooalB
nun unnuriMuiieuu in ihli suit and for such
other and fur. her rllef as intiltv deameth
ruhiinhad in puraiiaiic to an order or lh
Hon. Thnmaa Y. Ryan. I idit of th county
court for the County of ulackamaa, it at of
Oregon, In the ahienc of lion. Thomas A,
Mcltrlda, IuiIk of th ahoy named circuit
court, for laid Clackama county, dated
December, 20. IHIiH.
Auorney for i'laiiiun.
12-23 2 3
notice ol rinnl Helllemetit.
underslaned admlnlitrator of the estate of
Josish Franklin, deceaaed, has filed his final
account In the county court of the stale of
Oregon, for Clackninas county and the
county Judge of aald county has appointed
Monday, at 10 o'clock, a. in., the (Itli day of
February, IH!K to hear objections to said fl
counts and to settle said entate.
Administrator of the estate or .Ionian
Franklin, d-ceated. 12 23 1-20
OltKtloN. You a.. h.rrl'V l'"'"' ",
...d a.a. In lh l n "' '
.. Uoreg for lh .M la. h.
ho,.-in lh. s.1.1 county
n,... n M Iyt ihe hli da, of J a. nary,
A D at 10 uVi.N-k A M. of that uar,
tl..n a.,.1 thrr. to .how laoj. l s" vtt
bav why an i.rd.f of l lh. rral rtai
I fAf
in, ,1