. . i oiticaoN ciry entjsm'Mse, Friday, January c, isoo. 1 I dk Oregon City Iinterprise LOCAL TBANSrUliTATlDN IMS. Timk('ahi) rTum lUii.wr Commiiv llAVt POHTLAND (Courli Ht.) 7:00 A. lit J 45 by V 5 lo:oo iv.yt 11.13 r. m. l;ou l:4S :JH 3 IS 4ou 4 4S y 613 ;;ou ontooN CITY, I 7:03 A. M. 730 ha ox 10.03 10 30 1 1 A3 11; jo r. w. l:3u tii yt 4 "3 4 jo 3.15 6:10 7.$ : 8 ,v on I DIllV tO Mil a auk Is b. ,K only to Mllwaukle 9:13 M:.V I j.jo only to Ml! waul le lO.JJ Olllv to Milwatt kle II 4 48 MlNUTt OMlUUla. CKKUUN IDT u ItlKII.ANK KIVKK Tllli't fill. a Al.TUK U(U rokTl.tUB UfKi I til Mi-uutrrn rAi.u nr. oartaaio mmoi timmm rui S HI , BU an lU W II uO 1J J 1 l M. 0 " I U " Id " It " I l " unil'T laaa , m. i M t u M I i m. Ill " to 1 u - f si t 16 hour unlll n'rlMi 1 Ja.u-M I. I. . m. la itMl aa ana l :. A. Ml.l.fcH, M-rf. THE LOCAL NEWS. Fouhmim (Virt Robin Hood, F. 0 A., have elected following o()Wrt' V. V. ICo.ers, (5. It,; (i o Hilvcr." Hoi.. C. It.; II. It. Ki.IT.rJ. Kin. Hec.; J. K. Morris, lire. See. 5 tieo. Hyatt, Trrae. ; T. V. JuluiiKjti, Hr. W.j Ad Nek-hle, Jr. W.j Wm. Khodna, Jr. 11. j Tom Johnam, Jr. H. The meeting itlghu ' changed to lit, 2d, nJ 3rl, Friday tllgbt. 1 A 1'tKAiAXT M ii iui Messrs It. L nil Harry Uinm, of Ilultun were gWen ilpiit ixrtjr Saturday vening la' honor of their blttlid). iHinng the eveniti dellclou luncheon waa served. Those prrarnt Were Mrini), nl Me dames Calta, iMy, Fuabeig, Ullgly, Oreavre, lloffiuan, Johnalott, Kutikle, nd Moure; Mr. (Iiegrrm and Mr, llrllman; Mlaaoa IVrty. 'llily, Kitirl GrT4, (irriforton ; Klorrm-, Kl nd Initio Ilurfman, JoUnntoiij Miam. Chapman, iMf, (iallijl (irea, Johniton, Mtif), MuHi, Meyer, Jay Fanibatn anJ Uolan I KoalxT. Hau1av Fob HrAitt. Tlm New Year editor laU in thit Madrid re ara d ml dlKiilfled reminder! that tlm boial ing of the United Hl,le fli In Cuba nd tlm l'tillliilnea ineatm the cloalntl of four renturlet of Spaulih colonial Iilalory. Willi au;fteaHl untloii, ralher than bllterneaa, llm .H-ra ex hort the wol to have confident in their reiivrllve power, urging that tlmra be llm amallevl xlile wat of time In .-eortranlilnit llm alTalrw of the country, and eirelnK a axH-ll ileiire (or atieedy eettltuient of the cabinet rrUia. The ueoeral U-llcf i that Ha- gaila will be able to reaiiine hi dutiiMt at liremlerby the end of the - k. that he will form cabinet to Include Lleutenant-General Weyler. VoTn Twi(i.-K. A. Wright, of Meadow Urook, pnt fiaturday night lu ' title city. Mr. Wright voted twice at , , , the laat elate election but docan't claim l MoU repeater. He waa In Denton ' county on election day and atopiwd at a boll nit uluce In the country and ankod to nl ll,a alula tli-knt. IIm hallilml III ticket to one of tbe judge who put It Into the "general" Inatead of the "alate nd district" box. He then called tbe'r attention to the necoiwity of putting hit ballot In the other box, upon which the jtxlgva almtiltanuoiiHly itaid "II I, that's what' the matter." After dlm-urntlng the mnttor at tome length, they gave Mr. Wright another ticket, which they dapoaitod in the other box, Baying they would destroy lilt llrel ballot when they canto to It. An Old 1'ionkkii. The Kntcrprlxo hna received word from David P. rrcttyman. now of Oakland, Cut., and w ho came to Clackamat county 51 years ago, Mr. I'rettymnn moved to California for hit health a few yean ago and Is ntiicli loiter, He loftCaaa county, Mo., with hla par entfl whon hut 14 )' cat of ago, and with them made the trip to this conitt by ox team. AtTho Dallea, they whip-inwed lumber for aflat boat and brought their cfTocta on It down the" Columbia, except ing the stock which they drove down by the way of Portland. Thn family itpnt two years on the Holmes', farm, near this city. Later they lived in Kafit Tort land and in '( moved onto a farm near balem. Many pioneers will rumcmhur the family and will be glad to learn that Mr. Prettyman ' it mnch improved in houltb. Maninutiii IIomk Amucm. Wll Martin Jolnmon, utlior o("lnliln of a lliiii'lri-il lining," roiilrllnili' llm flml atticln of hi 11 iw ni'ilc on "Tim lliiimu J'iarll'ul" lo llm Jammry I.Ailir II011111 Journal, In 1 1 arlliU Mr Jolinonii will f i-IhIii how llm varion riMini", liull w hv. (!(,. ol lioimt mat lid rlUllrully iirnlalmil aiul iliicontlm at foiiiiaratlycly amall cmi. Tim m ilaiiation U iKi rli'urly clnUilnl tlut, wl'li llm all ol llm arcoinimnvlinr ilraw IHK, almoal any iiih with Unlit may follow Ilia Inn'riirtloh iflvun. Tim arlli In ll aliuw how llm liilmlor of a lioiian may bit traiuformml from llm roiiiinoiiiilai'tt Into Ihlnu of rtlatli' laiily anil rolnn, Tlmra la no oV jret of anrli vital Inlirfnt to Aiimrlran a tlm iiii'rovrinriit of llm hoiim, and Mr. Johnaoii'a arllilna t lit JoiihlUm (roy aa Minlar ami niH'fiil a In "In Id of llnndrnd Ifoiiif," Ct ai'i l'oi 1 m rm J. IS. 'ri.lon, of l'hlladilihla, iVnn , who la at n"riit r ini.iiyi-d at tlm Crown Taiwr Mill I In min'ioii of an irpjillonally fholrr (ollxt llon f rurlo. l lm following- U a llt bf oioi of III llliwt highly pfilrd htIiiu'Ii : A wiaiiif raim lliat wa irkd Ui on llm hallln f 1 f I . I of WhIitIihi ilirnlly aftrr that iioIm tiitl wk fought. It lit ii.w to datrn llonyml to aoma of tlm (Jllcria. A roxr cHn taken from an Indian -rvn In Marlon cwunty, dated 12,'', It ha nuinW of liiolvlili'a ahotr tlm dla on ono id" and llm alar ol lavld on tlm other; om-cnt lilioa ol U. H. in iney diled S()2; another coin orroter 4it with- out dala or Valuation, whlrli haa tlm head of man on 01m ld and tlm form of woman on llm other; liealdra the m haa lrt Collrnllon o Indian lehra, aurli aa akull, hour, m had Imla, mo'raaln, head, arrow and ar Imaul; mm rolleilion ol otet from dllfrrent hatlU ground of the late Aini'ilian -Siaiiili war. Another rellv whl.hU hlahly .rl-d by Mr. I'retlon I a I'Iito of blndiiiM' I'oiii tlm trunk lhal brought llm II ml charter for llm lol of Maaler Maaon on tlm I'ai-inr. roail. Oterrwiea llkraa. In (Jeorgia roiirt not long iluce raao Involving a J kaa came nu for Ulal Th ailorury after Indulging la due Iri'iiiy eniiriMj ib following in ilrel iiioiimi on the dorkvt: It Um nwrt trill eunnt. w will Uka up emmm : ll trru mj4 ol eiln. ttmtrtrj or rarw. l la uf aululorMt Wianx, ba II UUlaa or ka il bvftua aaj ll aatla wilb a boml.l )ackM.' TliereniKin the Judge, baatllr ium- uuailiig hi uiuae to bla aaalaUnoe, en (ml op the following order 1 Ttiia eaaa aiailnr oa Ihla 4f lo m naard (CMwlitml bf Iba auart Ut I quit aUrardt. And Iha luiiilmi awwin Iha court dtb ikvtiia To ba berebf oarrult ami denial. Aiul lb atuvara tharauf atwll B't ba aivinpt from a Una uf um dollar a.-h fur euniinit. KbMvtn, unlll (aid, lb rn furlbar ar, Aaavaunca, Ibal lbj badwtwd aald J k LW Nub farlaa Taraaaa Iba Raaa. Tbl t to be Indirectly awlndled In trauanctlou or tojuty aa eiorbltuut price for thing la coniideraiinu of long oriNltt A vailanlla"lobeboredthroogn the iioan," "txirod" hive having tbe Uinanltig of cbeatvd, doovivtHl: At Ihla liutaat ba bura n with aoma trick -"ll.nry VIII." LIU Oa tbat balb fill led too, iba hath Uad ruu, atr.-"Ufa oi T Crunwall." lOua. U. n lul And Howell Ic hli "Inatrnotloni For Forreu Travell" (lafiO), page D, "had known divert Dutch goutletuen groaly guld by tbl cheat the atdliug of forgod uiuncrlpta to young traveler In Italy), and aoin KuglUh bor'd alao through tbe nnae tbia way, by paying exnoMiv prlooa for ibem. "Nuo end tuotjoe A Klaa; mmt at UalBa ri. The lata lUr. Charlva FjiurHoou. lu roodlng out lit of lubacrlburi to one ,.t ti.UI ..,.,1 I.,.. ;nl01lU ...a j0kea m be went on lht kept . .U(10U4M i re.. miuA knmo. real aytod Coming to Mr. King who bad given 6 ihllliuga, he aald, "There's king who haa given hit crown." Coining next to Mr. llgg, who bad given a guinea, he exclaimed, "Thuro'ta guiuew plgl"-Londou Tit-Bits. "Do trouble 'boot advloe," raid Un ole Kben, "it dat de man who baa made alio uufT auoottaa in life it gln'rally too bony ter ttop an give luanona," Wash ington Star. The repnblio of Ctiatomala haa over 10,000 auiooua aud uvorna. In tho coun try dlstriott there it one to every 83 lu finbltnuti; in tbe towns one to every CS. Uaea Too Oftea. "What's all this exuitcmcut about?" "Nothing worth nttiutioning. Man got kiHK'kod down." "Aocidentf" "Not exactly. Ono of thnce men who always cntcu hold of you uud punh you out of their way wheu you happen to meet them at a crowded corner grabbed tho wroug man jut now. That's 11." Chioago Tribune. Dandruff ('s Disease The beginning of bttdntss h dtndrvff. Keep tht snip cttn nd promote tht gro-wih of tlx luir by tht me of jtycrsjfCatrVigoT 7l 4 it mm 1 THE EXCELLENCE OF SVKLP OF TIGS la due not only to the originality and aimpllvlty of the combination, but alao to tbe care and akill with which it it manufactured hj ax lt-ittlfJa proccaaea known to tbe CAi.iroitxu Yin Nrnir Co. only, and we wUh to linprcaa upoo 11 the Importance of pun hanlng the true fend original rmrdy. A a the Ci-iiuine Kyrup of Flfja la manufac-tured y the CALiroKxiA F10 riiur Co. oi ly, knowledge of tbat fact will -lt one in voiding tlm wortblew Imltatliin manuf4Cturrd ly other par tlea. l lm high aUudlng of the Cam roNMU Fin brnip Co. with the ncll cut profiaioti, and the lutlafucllon which the gi-nuliio Nyrup of Figa baa (riven to mlHlmi of fmnlllr, make the name of thnCompuny guaranty of the eicellciRo of ita remedy. It la far In advance of all other laaativea, aa It acta on the kldneya, liver and ImjwcIb without irritulljig or weaken ing' thi-tn, and It dm- n,t gripe nor nauneate. In order to get lu beneficial effect, pleaae rememlM-r the name of the tVMiijHtny CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Ban raiAiixa, .t Let UTIllk. Ut. hbwt taaa, n. Z Wtxlding alali'ioerr, the laieat trtr'ea and Oneat aaaortment ever tirotight to Oreyon ("Itv at tlm FaTaaraiaa ofllce. I'avidwin, the phologiaphe r, make Vehd) pln.i. for I'.'.fiO 4-r down, a pure carbon tlTei t ; crayon, M J0,1 h5 ; partela, lOi'.t), 2 Hj. A aitling free for eulara-ettietita. IF YOU 5 FAN $ OVERCOAT, MA0KINTO3CH I OR SUIT OF CLOTHES It will jay you to corno to Portland ami purchase of us OUR PRICES ARE LOWER Than any other store in tho stato ami wo will pay faro to Portland and return on all purchases of $5.00 or over. Moyer HEN. PKLMNG, Manager. ladlffereat aa to tha Kla. He waa frogile youth and didn't dance all the dHimca "Let's tit it out. " he aald to his pretty partner. "Wburef" sheared. "On the stair." 80 they went up a little way and eat down "Wh-why, whnt't the matter, Mr Btackpolor" crltnl tlm fair young girl, for the young mini hud hastily risen and wat gasping for hi cat It Ho conld not reply. Hi face wat lived. Hit eyet wore rolled tip, end with one thakiug hand he clawed fee My at the bklrtt of hit Tuxedo "What kind of an attack la it?" the gasped. At this question his voice came back 1 to him. "What difToieuce does that make?" bo harshly growled. Then, without a word of apology, ho dntdtcd np tho atnlra and thing himself Into the men's con t room. And how was sho to know that It was an ordinary carpet tnok that tbo man who cnnvuHod the stairs hnd carelessly left standing on its head? Cleveland Plain Dealer. An'fnScmalf r. The highwayman, in grim reality nud without tho aureole of romance, llack Hess and all, waa a "common ob ject of the couutry" 160 years ago, and it was the duty of all good subjects to try to capo with him. If yon attempted to npprehoud such a desperado aud wore killed in the attempt, your executurH could claim 40 from the sheriff. This inUumulty was scarcely enough to kin dle u burning pastdon in the English mind for the extinction of the pest. Goutleimufa Magazine. if la Worth OreealaaA. Tlm flurce July aun, though but Jit tin pttt the tiorllicrn inirldlnn, boat down opou me with opprnaaive warmth, liofore me the warm, rod brown lund tw aiMi wavcrud ami Ircmblod In the yel low light. Ifc'hind mn towered tlm blind, ing whlUi alopa of the Iim. litiueath wj f' l t tbe alonn were hare evnn of llcbent mid hud dry, gray bade, aa If they wi re the bonne of a dead world. And yot 1 full that with ao much of warmth and rlohneaa of coloring thure oiutt be life, and, aura enough, hurdly had I gone 100 yard from tbe rdgo of the Ire wlmo beautiful little black and white otigat'ir fluttered op from behind a ruk, boverod alnglng a I moat within rea'ib alxve my hoed and then aottlnd vixia tleak atone but ft few foot dla taiit Vt fin I ah hi merry long. Aa I went on, no tuber of tboeo enow buntlnga flltlod alxjut me, and hardly had I gone mile before my heart teat quicker at the eight of trace of monk oien. A 1 got farther away from the Ice and In the Ine of the glgantto mo raine and tumuli of glaolal dnbrla, flowur Ugao to apiiear, purple and white and yellow, amoug tbora my verprt-M iJt brilliant yellow friend, tbe arollo poppy. iVary'a "Northward Over tbe Great Ion." Aa Aeeroarlala yaabol. "Huagahy la a meinber of tbe Vege tarian club, ian't hcY' "I gua be la. I notice be weari ait 19 carat badge." Cleveland I'lala iJnaler. It rain on an average of 209 day in the year In Ireland, about ISC in Kngv laud, at K-4aa about 90 dayi and in blberla only 00 day a Central African native mine, melt and faahioo irou very aklllfully. Tb iaaplclaaa Mother. Admire baby and the mother al waya look pleaj.-d. Admire her dog and aha glare at yon. Maybe the reaaoo fur thit I that abe la quite trore yon do not wiab to tteal the baby, but lin't ltogetbee oertain regarding yooratu-n-tloua where tbe dog la oonoorued. Ei ohang. WANT Clothing Co. 3rd and Oak Streets ?. A N A tO 'Vsy v W Acker's English Remedy will atop a Cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 25c. and 50c. Geo. A. Hard ing, agent. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleaeatit herb drink. Cures constipa tion and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cents and 50 cents. Geo. A. Harding, agent. Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor ner of Center and Seventh Btreets, has a choice and well selected stock of fitmily eroceriee which he Is telling at very reasonable rates. His motto is live and ny and let live, w ith honest weights measures". Goods delivered to part of the city. Rest shave in barber shop the city at Johnson's Wonderful bargains Miss Goldsmith's. in millinery at A Personal Matter A well painted house Is like a neat ly dressed person always attract ive and pleasant to louk upon. YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted and freshened np at a very reasonnble price paints are very cheap now. Ion't leave tt until the sun makes any more marks aud cracks in it. Leave Orders at Ely s Store... ThRpivter.. r Makes Uie food more aowM a"4 A ( mrlrrr Tor OI4 Clolhea. In the north of London there Is lit tle plot of groond where old clothes are buried and afterward exbomed . for corloo parpfiae. It It flat, barren and dostllate piece of ground and preaenta very meltuicboly apectaole. Little wood tn stamps, bearing nambert, mark Ibe grave. There i paper mill near by, which finds it rather dlfflcolt to get snitable material for the manufacture of a apodal papt;r. The ordinary old rags are no good. The rax themselves have to be manu factured. Old coat, old troow'M and old dreaeea are covered with wet soil, aud altera few week' rotting are ex humed. A corner Is act aside for old linen ood. The linen I placed in layers in s box, with soft rih soil between each layer, and then hurled. Llmewator Is then sprinkled over tha grave, and after a fortnight's rot ting the linen is reduoed to mere ikelotoo, which I takou not of tbe box, laid flat in a warm blanket and rash ed off to the paper mill. Thongb it is only the size of font ball ground, it contains 2,000 grave, which are marked by 2,000 wooden stamp, each bearing a number. Woaaea'e teaaa af Color. The di fieri. rye between men and womeu are well marked in many ways, but It may not be generally known how great this difference is in tbe matter of color appreciation, not to speak of color blindness, A larpo percentage of men are impervious to tbe aenration of color; they nei titer notioe nor appreciate it. Women, on tbe contrary, like many animals, are strongly attracted and re- pellul by color, which to tbe average male mind remains a mystery. Tbe or dinary man is quite satisfied if bis help mate dreeses in black or in tbe prover bially agreeable white muslin. Why she should aotk for harmonies and noveltiea of color, why she should arrange and match and dincus various hue with tbe scriooanoes be would gt to a bnsi Dees matur. posses hi understanding. And just as color leaves a man cold, so does form a woman, wbich accounts for her indifference to atatuary and her freueut incapacity for drawing. Louisa, marchioness of Watcrford, waa an in stance of tbia. Hit coloring waa superb and tbe euvy of artists, her drawing de fective and poor, and when abe tried late in life to learn to draw abe only succeeded jn spoiling her fine instinct for color. Loudun Graphic. r Malberrr Bellera. One day while Mark Twain and Cbarlee Dudley Warner were walking together they hnppened to begin a dis cussion of tbe modern novel, and one or tbe other suggested tbat it might be a good plan to burletqoe it. Later while Journeying together to Boston this sug gestion took definite shape, and on their return tbe work wat begun, one author writing a chapter, tbe other taking np the threads of the story tbe next day, nd both critically examining tbe result each evening aud asking tbe opinions of their wlvee as to the success of each stage of the nndertakiug. Finally they collected all the mauvsoript, of which there was too great a quantity, and jointly condensed iL It waa owing to a suggestion by Mr. Warner tbat tbe chief character in the tale was called Colonel Escbol Sellers, and it is a fact that the man whose name was taken a man supposed to be long dead made a fiery demand for satisfaction, visiting Hartford for that purpose. In later edi tions of the story the name "Eechol" was changed to "Mulberry." Ladies' Home Journal. Tha Mote aaa tha Braaa. When Lord Morris was chief justice of Ireland, a yonng junior barrister arose in his court one day to make his first motion and spoke in the hard brogne of the north of Irelaud. . "Supel," said tbe judge in a low voice to tbe registrar of the court, "who is this newcomer?" "His name is Clements, my lord." "What part of the coontbry does he hail from in the name of all that's wun dherful?" asked tho judge. "County Antrim, my lord," waa the reply. "Well, well !" said tbe judge. "Did yon iver come across sich a froightful act I in the whole ooorse of yer born K Tha White llouae Drtlgi , ' Tho Whito Ilouse is au exact copy of tbe Duke of Leinster's palace, Dublin. In March, 1793, the commiMiouers on building advertised for "a plan for a president's house to bo erected in tho city of Wu.-hiugton." Tbe prize offered waa 500, aud that of James Hobau, a yonng Irish luechunio, was accepted. The design was supposed to bo original, but when the boose was completed it was learned that Ho bun. had copied it from tho duke's palace. Some Vrrdlcte. A Kansas jury cf inquest found that deceased met his death "at the hands tf his saddle horse." An Arkaut-as verdict over the body of a man who died on board a boat is that "deceased was tukeu oil ten minutes after he was taken on." Exchange. Commercial Zeal. "Cluudla, is the young man indus trious to whom yon are engaged?" "Industrious? Why, papa, be intend ed to propose to me a month ago, but was too busy. "Chicago Record. tfovwm delicious ond wholesome y , mm tfm$. Sunday Services. OKKMAN KVANtiKUfM!, LU TH ICK AN IMMA.NUAL CHUkC 11 -Corner KiK'Uh ami J. Q. Alain street; itev. Krneal J. W. Mar k, paator. Miimlay s liool at 1" A. M., atekljr arrvn every Thursday at S P.M. (lerman artiool rvery Batiirda from 9 to 12. Everybody invited. riRHT COXOKEOAftOKAL CHfROH. Kt. I , W. ha I f, faator. Home at lo.au a at. aiel 11 r. at. Sunday school aflat mornluc aorrti-a. Piayrr melln( I haraday ranifif at 7 jaJo.cloek. frayar naatinf of You at Pwiple's Society of (.'hrUtlan Kodaaror vry Suo'laf vamiif attlOpratopC FIRHT BAp-nT CHCKCH. -Kr. M U ke4tt,P-.ir MornlnHrvlcatl .i S m lay keb'iol at 11 IA. Kfenltif grvle 7.W; Kvula prayer aneetlnc Itiuraday arrolnf. Monthly Cmeriant Mrctinf trary Wadocaday TuiDa pfor.liir lha Aral Sunday la lb aoouiti. I eoMlallurllaUoD loalL ST. JOIfX'H CHfCH.CATHOI.IO.-kV. A. 10 A. M. Ktary acond and liinnh Sunday 'ierrnao wmin aftar th o'elurk aia At all otbar muwi Eofllab arrmona. Hun-lay SolKMil al l Ml r. M. Veapr. apologetic! ut'lwt and beuedlctlos al 7 SO r. au KETMOliIilT EPfKCOPAL CHUkCH.-R. H utm'r, Paator. Mornltif aervle at 10 l; Saoday Acbool at 10 00. Oaaa anavtlnf after moruina aervlr. Eveolo acrvlea at 1 ML Epaorta League meeting Handay nlnr at : Prayer kteelio Thursday TalB at?J4 ttratjgers cordially Inrlted. FIRST PKEHBYTEKIAX CHrRCH.-Rsv. A I. MoDtoin-ry. Paator. Hemcea al 11 a . and 7 J0 r. a. Sabbath eVbool al It a. a. Young People's -i-ty of Carlatlan Endeavor oirc very Sunday renin at t SO. Ihoisdar venlnj prayer meeting at 1M. Beau free. EVANOf LICAL CHCBCH-flERalAS-Rev Erlci;, PoUir; J. K. EaaaT AMlpUnt. Pmchmc aervlcea every S inday al 11 A. at. and 7 M P.M. aabbalb artonl erery Sunday al 10 A. M , Hr. 7.!miti..rnii, 0pt. Player Meeting very 1 bursday Tailing. 8T PAI'I.'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rav. p. K. Hammond, Hector. rkrvirs every Muoday at li a.m, and 7:3p. ra. 8'iiiday acliool at 10 o'clock. 8 r vice every Friday evening at 7:3a Other Mrvice t niaybeaiiiiouiiced. All aeaU free, Btrang era cordially invited. . w 1. 1. ji n iirf i iif.uA.' iiiun o v. 'J -(treitaiioiial cliiircn. Kev. f. Back, pastor. ! tVrvH every Hnnday at 11 A. at. Buntlay acnuui at to a. at. Christian Science meetings at Willam ette hall, Sunday morning service, 11 o'clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet lng. Wednesday evening at 8, except first week of each month, when meeting will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Heading room open every afternoon from 1 :30 to 4. Ledges. A. O. U. W. meets every fTatarday evening in tbe A. O. U. W. Temple. Geo. R. Califf. secretary. Rehekahs Willamette Hehekah Lodge No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday of each month" at I. O.O. F. Temple. Matta Godfry, rccretary. Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foresters of America, meets first and third Friday la the month in Red Men's Hall. F.T. Rogera, secretary; F. S. Baker, chief ranger. Meade Poet No. 2, G. A. R., meets; first Wednesday in each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, com mander. Clackamss Chapter No. 2, R. A. XL, meets on the third Monday of each month in Masonic Hall. II. S. Strange, secretary. lioneer Chapter No. 2S. O. E. S. meeta the second and fourth Tuesdays in each month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennie Rowen, secretary. Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. Q, F., meets every Thursday in Odd Fellows Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary. Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. O. F. meets first and third Tuesday in each month. J. A. Stuart, secretary. Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp. O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30, at Red Men's Hall. J. W. Stnart, C, of R. ; H. L. Patterson, Sachem . Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M., meets first and third-Saturdays in each month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary. Mead Corps No 18, W. R. C, meet 1st Monday in each month at the Will amette Hall. Mrs. Clonse, president. The Auxiliary meeta the third Monday, at Willamette Hall. AttisanB meets first, second and fourth Thursdays in each month at Red Men's Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary. Catholic Knights of America St. John's Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of the month. Tualatin Tent, K. O.T. M., meets in Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, record keepei , Willamette Falls Camp No 148, W. O. W. meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays iu the Redmen Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris. Handkerchiefs of all description cot ton, linen, embroidetied swiss, for ladies gents and children at the Racket store. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL FILLS tffhsaa. Thrjr dvtirxm WocUacM, Irreirnw utriir ana onuMKsni.tnrreaae vifrar and bar. nd p.nn of Diiliuv (.un." TUey arc "Life lluver" tOsTfrliat womaahuod. Wiiiif d. Velopmrnt of orvn and tnKljr. V now . rem9dr fur womoti equvl ' tlirm ran...! .! karat. Iifa sua. Hv -null. id by dri.tr.'Wt, iVl M0I A CHfXXCAl OOUt.eUfAu. Fur sale by C. G. Huntley. i oonn ft i)laun. mi mtpm nam: )