Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Ami slush
Ami plenty of ll
Circuit ronrt convenes Monday.
Paul Hcliol liM Uhan out lilt final
Ml Hadl Foley of Dili city It vial
ting friend In Portland.
Mm. Dopuly Treasurer dwelling has
sever allack of lagrlpp.
Attorney (Imirut Kwop want to Aurora
on l.'Kl btniltinee, (-Saturday,
(leo. Hsiidall, of New Kre, was an
Oregon ("liy visitor Hsturday.
Miss tha Npanglor rnlurniKl Monday,
from lier vlell to Hun Francisco.
Ir. 1evltt, of Molalla, was linking
liimla wllh friends in th city, Tuesday.
Mr. Patrick Foley mad a biilme
trip to Portland Thursday, of last wrk,
Miae Ad Jone, wbo lis he visiting
friends In HeJem relumed hums Tu
M. Hyatt ami wife returned Helurday
from vUll with her aialer, at Hrown-
C. K, Young and Jaroe Murium, of
Maroiam pre- lint, art In tha elly on
Carl Hluederman, of nhubel, waa In
Oregon City Katurday attending to
Caleb Dvl. of Corvelll, la ylsltli.g
tils daughter. Mr. II. 8. Htrang, of
Mr. ami Mra. F.rneat Kltirldge, of
Taenia, vlalled Mra. J. 11. Leber lb
aal awk,
J.J. Burges returned from Minneaot
last wsvk. lUmn visiting relative for
(ha Ual few month.
(J. iWsa, on of leading citizens
of Damaat-ua, waa doing business In tli
county aal Tureday.
Mra. U J. Fan. tier lft Tueeday for
Albany to viall ber Auat and only aia
ler, who rwald thr.
W. (i. lUUU returned thla week to
tlia slat university at r.ugn, having
pent hla vacation her.
MIm ItoMn rdiaw, of Portland, who
liaa Uo Tilling friende lo thla rlty,
returned hotna riunday.
lion. N. J. Hvlndanth, ei-member of
tha aula legUlatura from Clateop county
waa In tha city thla week.
Mr. Mlfheal MKiade, who spent tha
holidays at hla bom In Sao Franclaco,
returned to thla city Mumlay.
I. L. Clark, of Logan, a well known
fanner of thla county waa aeeo on tha
treeta of our city Toeeday.
II. Uana, prominent cltlaen of O
wgo, waa In tha city on boalneea Toe'
day, anj favored Ihisollkw with a call.
Mra. Will Martin and eon Wallaaa. ,oi
Ashland, art viailing Mr. and Mra.
Joseph Howell, of Canemah, thla week.
0. 0. Clement, of thla city aaaieted
Chief Leader, F. J.MclIenry, to organ-
lie a lodge of Coital Modern Vigilante
at Wool burn last night.
Ada, Willie, and Mra. John A.
Moehnke, returned to Albany college
thia week, after baring aent their vaca
tlon at home In thla city.
W. It, llnbbard, autierintendent flah
hatchery la out after being laid op two
weeka, tha floe la of trying to rida a
wheel on a (roaty morning.
Mia Mary McElboney, who has been
spending a month with her grandparent,
Mr. and Mra. A lwelllim, returned to
tier homo at Amity, Tuoaday
Adam Koltman and olhera, of Hull
Itun appeared before tha county Court
Wednesday, on behalf of a number of
polltlonera, socking Die itlvlalon of Clack
amaa road dUtrlct.
'Mra. F. B. Uodgkln, wlfa of Aasls
Unt Treasurer Uodgkln, returned to her
home Hunday, after having aeit a
week viailing relatives and frtenda In
thla city and Portland.
Win. Brook, who ia attending the
Portland Ilualneaa ColU'go. ylalted Ida
brother, J. M. Krooka, of thla city, laat
week, the latter having buen laid up for
few daya with lngrlpiw.
Auguat Vogua and wifo of Portlund,
have been viailing John Veguliua and
family, of thia city, and Fred lUkel and
family, of Cmiomnb. Mr. Voirua uaeU
to be eraployud in llio City Hakery here.
T. N. McCllncy of Wilamiitlo, paid
thla otllce a pluaiiantcall on Tuoaday.
Mr, McCllncy expveta aoon to leave
Clackaman county, but haa not yet
diftnitoly duturuiinod just where ho will
Mlns Minnie Madur ot Portland, vial
ted at the realdonce of Mr. and Mra,
Peter Neliren, liint week. Miaa Mailer
baa for many yeara apeut Cliriatmas
with Mr. and Mra. Neliren and la al
ways a welcome gueat.
t Geojge BwafTord, who graduated from
the Oregon City high achool lant Jane,
left Monday (or Forest Grove, where he
gooa to complete a college course
George' ts one of Oregon City's bright
and rlaing young men. .
. David Ponman jr., of Oregony, Cit
payed his aiHter, Mra. Martha Hinton,
of Tokae, WaHhington, a visit on New
Yeara day. Altera pWaant time was
enjoyed ho took the train for the Hunker
Hill and bullyan mine at Wardner,
Idaho, to resume hla old dutlesfea minor,
where ho has been employed fur the
paot year.
Mra, Henry Jewell ot Dufur, Is vial
ling In tha i lly,
T. f, Merrill, from the Hallea, has
located at (Jladatone.
JM'ph Siivlik, the Now Fra inlllrr,
waa In the city, yeaUirday.
Kleve lllcklln, who haa bran very low
with appendlcltua, la t'ouvelealng,
Claienre I'orler la making prepare
llona lo return to Juneau, In the near
Andrew Wela, a prominent rillxen, of
lUmawiia, ia n-pnUj very low will,
Tha imrih lNiiitid overland waa elulil
hour lata M'Htil iy on account of anoar
In the Klxklyou inouulalua.
Mra Martha' Heaver, of (iladalone
gava a New Yeara party, ll being the
Willi birthday of her motlier.
Mia. It. W, Porter, who haa bi-en
ulto ad k la mm li Improvrd and it la
hoped will aoon U aide to be out again.
Mra. Anna Hufir, of Chaiuporg, re
lurneil home Tuly, after a weeka
vUllwith the family of J. Veunilua, of
thla oily.
A numlier of the frienda of Mr, and
Mra. (J. W. Mwopegave Hit in a plraaant
aorpriae party on the lat night of (he
old year.
Cha, Ifolman, the well known citl
mnof Meaduw Hrk, waa In the rlty,
on liuaineea before lb county Court.
Charles Upton, of Walla Walla, who
haa been vnitlng at tha home of Mr. and
Mra. I. C. Iaturelle, will return to hie
home Halurday.
Mr. Chrla I). I.il.xirctle will leava
Hatorday for Walla Walla, where aha
III vlait her aUler, Mra. J.M Heller,
for aeveral weeka.
Frtl J. Meindl, who haa been epend
ing (be holldaya with hla father left
Tuesday morning for Monmoth, where
ha will reaume hla atuliea.
Indira Miaalonary Horlety will have
ehartfe of Hunday morning eervicea at
the Hilit churrh. All oilier arrvicea
ill Ih held at the uiiial hour.
A. G. (loettling ra viailing relative In
(ilailone. Mr. (Witling baa been
working the paal year at Morrow Hon
Point, It. C. on government contract
I). I. Aahbury, formerly editor and
proprietor of the Caayon City News la
In the city. II la aevking new flelda for
nwppr work and may locale in Ore
gon City.
The 8 year-old 'daughter of John
Thompson, of the Weat Ki le haa a bad
atlark of oiallunant diphtheria, but hop
la entertained ot bar recovery. Beveral
other caaea of a milder loria are reported
lo the city.
J . L. Meade, aerrelary of lb local Y.
M. C. A., and a wall known ladlea' man
of this city, is enthualaatle over lb new
Y. M. C. A. building on Main and 12th
etrevta. Ilia untiring effort in build
ing up the aaaorlatlon In thia city baa
greatly atlinulaled the mernberahip.
G. D IXmkk, deputy dial rlrt attorney,
la now comfortably located in the omce
formerly occupVd by Judge T. F. Kyaq.
Mr. I'imlck baa make maoy friends and
built up a lucrative law practice since
locating In Ihla city and w beapoak lot
him aucceaa In hie new loca lion.
W, II, Boring, of Pamaacua, brought
AUert Uliger of the aame idare, to the
hoapital Wednealay, L'tlger will prob
ably have to undeigo the amputation of
one of hla legs at the knee. He has
been troubled foreome time with dlaeare
of the bona from the knee down.
Jack Wlllleme, an emplove in the
Willametlemilla, got caught In the belt
ing Monday and sustained the fracture
of hla leg above the knee and waa other-
wise badly, brniaed. The company'a
phyaiclana, Carll A Komera, report their
patient doing sa well aa poeeible under
the clrcuuislancea.
The ollb ers of Falls City Iodg, A. 0.
U. W., are: II. Hanllln.M. W.; Sam'l
Roake, P. M. . GorJon K. Hayes,
Overseer; J. W. McOutrhie, Foreman;
C. II. Dye, Guide; II. J. Harding, Re
corder; W, 11. Wiggins, Receiver; N. 0.
McLaughlin, Financier; W.J. W. Mo
Cord, I. W.j W. M. Klieahan, O. W.
The anuual business mooting and roll
call of tho Congregational church waa
hold Wednesday evening. Tho report
of the clerk showed an addition of 21
members to the church during the year.
The Sunday school was shown to be in
unusually flourishing condition, the at
tendance having grown niatei tally dur
ing the year. The otllcers were elected
as follows: trustoes.for throe yours, Mrs,
Mary Stevens, G. II. Bestow and C. II.
Dye. Will Roake, clerk. Dr. T, W.
Rnller tendered hla resignation as pastor
of the church to take effect at once. The
resignation was accepted. Services will
tie held in tho church as usual Sunday.
Last week being the end of a three
month's term of dancing school, Mrs.
Nelson W. Lawrence gave her pupils a
masquerade ball at Willamette Halt on
Thursday evening. There were aliout
54 dancers masked, and the halt was
filled with spectators, parents and
frlonds of the children. Refreshments
wore served snd all pronounced it a
great success. Tho second term begins
on Saturday, January 7.
A very fine Stoinway piano can be had
on very easy terms of Oregon City Auc
tion House.
Glad atone has a boom, five families
have moved Into vacant house there
during the paat ten days,
The Manila Guar Is, tha soldier girl
company of McMlrinvllle, will attend
lh Inauguration of Governor Geer t
Halem at lb special Invitation of the
lie clilof esMciiilv and eommander-ln
chliil of the military force of tha stale.
D A. MoAlisUr was down from Union
county to attend Ilia meeting of the Htal
Hoard of Agriculture at Halein thla week.
II report stock wintering well In hi
country and believes the horse-breeding
industry la about aa good aa raising augar
bHila. Hud cam out about 115 per acre
loiron hla beet crop. Rural Kplrit.
Albright, the buldiHr, lost nearly all
of a band of ,'JO fine abeep Monday
night, killed or msngled by two cur
dona. The doga war promptly shot and
Mr, Albright la anxiously looking for
lh owner of the d ga. Mr, Tbomae,
of Milwaukie, lost 23 head the same
way, recently.
Charle Spaulding, logging contractor
for the Lfgon City pulp mil la, came
up Wadneaday with a small steamboat
which he bad chartered to ami i at the
Gray F.agl in lowing raft down the
river. Boautding Rroa. have two campa
above her and one on lb Klger land
below. Horn fear of high water baa
caused Ihe Arm to Increaa lu facililiea
for taking their lo lo lb pulp mills.
Corvallle Tlmea.
Assessor Levi Williama took charge
Tuesday. Mr. Williams, who baa a
farm In Garfield precinct, ia a pioneer
of '62, and enjoys the confidence and
respea-t of a large circle of acquaintance.
II haa selected for his decuty, John O
Porter, of Canemah, a reaident for 33
years of this rounty. Mr. Porter is pe
culisrly fitted for lh 'position having
previously held lb office of asaeesor In
Clack amaa county.
The FTit-ia rongralulaiee Mr.
Williama on hla eelection of a deputy
snd trusts that the record made In the
aeeaor' office thla term will equal, if
not surpaa any ureviousadrniiistrsllon.
I-ASkaoa STol'T.
Es-Aesonaor Lociene Stout and wife
left Wednesday for Yacpilna City, Uo-
coin county, where Mr. Stout baa
bought a farm. II will move bis family !
tbe first of neit month. Mr. and Mrs.
Stout tak with them lb best wishes of
a host of friend.
Sure la Urlppe Care
There la no use suffering from this
dreadlul malady, If yon will only get the
right remedy. Yon are having pain all
through your body, your liver is out of
order, have no apptite, no life or amition,
have a bad cold, in fact are completely
used op. Kleclric Bitters ia the only
remedy that will yon prompt and sure
releif. They act directly on your Liver
Stomach and Kidneys, tone op the whole
system and make yon feel like a new
lielng. They are guarantetd to core or
price refunded. For aale at Charman A
Co.'s Drug Store only 50 cents per bottle.
Money to loan on a good farm security.
One to three years at 8 per cent.
G. B. Dixie.
Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or abort time. Apply to G. E.
Hsyes, ollke up stairs, opposite Hunt
ley's drug store.
Money loaned on improved farms, st
low rstcs. No bonds required, J.
Nunan, 071 Hood street, Portland, Or.
A Beautiful Complexion is an Imoossi
bility without good pure blood, the sort
that only exists; in connection with good
digestion, a healthy liver uid bowels.
Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on
the bowels, l!-or and kidneys keeping
them tn perfoct health. Price 115 cts.
and 50 cts. C. G. Huntley, Druggist.
To Core a Cold In One Day,
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if tails to
cure. 25o. The genuine haa I U. Q.
in each tablet.
Pure Tea
in packages
at grocers'
Tfc Koal lh fair.
It I au Interesting study to note la
domectlo animals lb traits of their
wild aiioeaUrs. There are aorn obarae
t'irlstica, (,f emirse, wbloh are readily
rnooKnlxable a being similar to tboa
,,f anlmala still in a wild state, and for
thla mason they Klve a fair Idea ot the
lira and aarrouiidliig of proKenltor.
The habits of the dog and oat are too
familiar to comment on, but take the
f'l and oompar bis traits with tboa
of lb calf.
Tb foal wh"n a fw days old can
f sllirp fiat aa be ever can In after
iff. Ha never leave th dam, and
take nourishment In small (jasntitlea,
avoiding a full meal, which woold Im
ped swift ewep. In lying down no at
tempt la mad at ootid I men t, and
when he stands hla In ad I held bigb.
These habit ahovr that tb animal's
aiineslors spent their live In th open
and not In the f'reata and that tbey
wer great I rave I era.
The ottlf, on the oontrary, fills blm
antf wllb milk, and ia a poor traveler.
When danger approaches, Lla first Ira
puis Is to ooncl bimself. He holds
bis head low In nrdnr to look ondVr tb
branrha of tb foroat. All bis charac
teristics point to tb fact that the an
cestral borne of cattle was la a mwst.
wooded ooontry, wbll lb primeval
horse roamed tb plalua h'w York
A lllafclr 4 Dlaaer.
Colooel Jokn W. Caldwell, wbo went
through tbe civil war, telle an amusing
story about a Louisville company whloa
aerved lo bia eommand. II aaysi
"W wer ramped In Tenneaaa. It
waa In th spring and 'greens' was tb
chief ration. A large number of tbe
boy woold gt-t l-ave every day to go
and 'piek greena' On daya farmer
cime to me and aaid bebadacomplalnt
to lodge against ome turn of toy regi
ment. " "Tbey totally doatroyad my plant
bed,' said b. 'Polled op all my tobac
co plants.'
" 'Tb men of my command are Ken
tocklaua aud gentlemen, ' said J, 'and I
caunot bellev that tbey woold wantoo
ly destroy your property. Tbey will
take thinga to eat, but never destroy
what tbey cannot oao. However, if yon
will point oat to me tbe men wbo did
It, I will bsve them arrested.'
"Tbe man left, and it waa not long
nnlil tbe mystery was solved. Dr.
Ityrne, wbo wss regimental surgeon,
waa inmmoned hastily to attend a lot
of men of tb Looisvill company wbo
were rolling in agony and appeared to
bar cholera. Tbey bad eaten ib tobac
oo plants, thinking tbey were 'greena' "
St Lonia Globe Democrat.
llMlvr lleler.
Tbe Pbilistiue telle of meeting a
woman at a literary reception ia Loo
don wbo aaid she bad beard tbe Ameri
can "hosier poet" read at Exeter ball.
"How curious that a boaier should be
come your poet laureate ia America P
aba aaid.
Tbe Philistine did Dot know what
sb meant, but followed tbe trail of her
cbat until ah aaid that her favorite
among tbe "hosier poet's" poems waa
"Wben tbe Frdst I oa tbe Pumpkin,"
"clalme.1 that it waa "Bi-
mvjt vVv-t-, asvav-a
.Ob, you American nave sucn a
queer way of pronouncing things," said
th woman.
"Yea, but Mr. Riley ia not a header,
b is" began the Philistine.
Dot she cut th explanation abort
wltb, "Ob, I see! It i a Joke, then.
Yoa Americana are so fanny. I suppose
you think Mr. Riley is a blumtocking,
and so yoa call him a boaier."
Thar Art Other.
Barber (fishing for a compliment)
Did Mr. Stubbie say anything about
bis visit to my place?
Viotlm I think be did. ne said
there waa something uniqu about your
Barber (delighted) Did he, now?
Victim Yea; he aaid that while in
tbe cbair it was borne in upon yoa in
the strongest manner tbat you were be
ing shaved. After you left it waa im
possible to realize tbat you bad been
shaved. Boston Trausoript.
Jfava'a Fire lalaasl.
On of tbe greatest wonders of Java,
"tbe Are island," a large lake of boil
ing mud, ia uearly two mile in circum
ference, and in tbe center immeneo col
umns of soft, bot mud may lie seen con
tinually rising aud falling, like great
black timbers thrust forth and then
suddenly withdrawn by a giant's hand.
Besides the pheuomena of the columns,
there are two gigautlo bubbles near the
western edge, which fill up like huge
balloons and explode on an average
three times pur minute.
A foarlualv I'alcalatloa.
"I fhould thiuk that yonug man
would have more seuco thau to call oa
a girl every night," said Mabel's father
at broakfaxt.
"The ideal" exclaimed tbe young
woman. "Tbut ehows bow carelessly
yoa judge. Herbert's the only person I
ever saw or beard of who was smart
enough to talk seven nights a weeh
without telling all he knew." Wash
ington Stan
Rnallah Laadowaera.
The distance from Liverpool to Lon
don ia 801 miles. . On each side of the
railroad, as fur as the eye can reach,
tbe most beautiful uud most splendidly
cultivated farms present themselves,
bat not one foot of the land belongs to
those wbo have thus brought it to such
beauty aud perfection. It all belongs to
six men, wbo own it because they hap
pen to be tbe oldest sons of their fa
thers. Tho Mokl Indinus iu Arizoua are sun
worshipers, und their UhriHtnmstide fes
tival Is a sun (luiico. It is much like the
make dauoe of Ihe midsummer soason.
Most of the Hessiuns tuken prisoners
during the Revolutionary war became
settlers in Virginia.
How He Raised Xeney tad aa Excite
ment. Kansas City filar.
Tbe "Hin Killer," who held forth at
Vineyard a ball, was disaalisfled last
nltfbt with thinga, bot be hail a dozen
thing on Ida hand to attend to at once.
The collection wasn't big enough, and
the singing unsatiefactory; be tried to
remedy both.
"Fob dollars and twenty-five cents
moh wanted. Part de baakita roun'
again, Rrudder Brown. He- eay f deb,
dat song's not loud enough. King opt
Fob dollahs and twenty-five cents moh
wanted! Btart'erop!"
"I'll meet you In de streets of de oew
Jerusalem," tbey sang. II atrutted op
and down the platform, waving bia arms
and flapping bis big legs around with a
peculiar "cake walk" movement. Tbe
negroes caught the Inspiration of bia
magnetic presence and sang In a mighty
"I'll meet yoa In de streets of de new
The Rev. J. L. Orifflo.the "gin Kil
ler," stopped stock still, and bent almoct
double: his black face drawn and turn
ed comically to one aide, his big eye
rolling, like a man listening to tbe
"sing" of a tuning fork. Then be
straightened op and ia the mightiest
roar of the chorus bis mightier voice
rang deep and musical: "Daas all
right, brederen; daas all right! Fob
dollahs and twenty five cent mob want
ed here."
H kept th audience waiting half an
boor, standing, till the neceaaary money
was raised to pay for the ball. But bis
auditors waited patiently, waited for
him to begin bia preaching. Finally he
atraightened op and pushed tbe table
and the money from him. Ilia wonder
ful voice rang out above the babble in
the ball:
"Wbo Is heah dad loves de Lord?"
Etery voice ceased for the moment,
then tbe shrill voice of a woman cried
"I feel I am a chile of God, Brodder
Another voice : "I am de daoubter of
de King o' Kings."
Another, and many more: "And I,
too, Brndder Grt And I and I am
- De Lewd baa -".
A hundred voice were crying shrilly
at once, while tbe "Sin Killer" smiled
broadly at bis power and shouted "A-a-
men" as often a ha could.
Finally a German tailor, well dressed.
arose and filled the hall with a strange
garble of words. He moved his arms
together, swinging them back and forth,
bis body swayed like a man sawing wood
forward and backward, his left heel
rising and falling with every movement.
On hi face was an expression of earn
eetnee so fierce and wild that be seem
ed In mortal pain. His wife, in a rich
plash jacket, looked straight in front of
ber, and she, too, seemed suffering the
most terrible atonies of religion. These
two white faces, drawn and haggard,
looked out from tbe stage upon 1500
black ones, happy and smiling, tossing
from side to side in an ecstasy of de
light. It is in these contrary ways that
religion affects the wjiite and the black
men. The white man suffer! sgonies of
pain, the black enjoys hister.es of de
light. "A-a men !" the "Sin Killer sang as
fast he could In an encouraging mono
tone, till the excited German aat down
as abruptly as he had arisen.
And now came the time when Brother
Griffin, tbe "Sin Killer," felt himself
called on to preach. lie began this way :
He walked swiftly out, and stood on tbe
front of tbe platform, now cleared of the
table with the money on it. His gi
gantic form began to straighten and to
increase in height and bulk. Slowly he
drew the air into his lungs, and slowly
be lifted up his shining countenance.
Those 1500 black faces watched him with
terrible intensity.
"Hoooooo," he sang softly, "Hoo-
00-00 00," like a witch doctor of Africa.
The "power" was on him' His voice
rose and fell in that singular crooning.
Then it stopped, and be began to preach,
not prose but blank verse. If put into
form it would run something like this :
"Ev-ry man is a child-o'-God,
"Ev-ry man's got a bl-ding-place.
"Is-your name in de book-of-life?
"You-must jot in de book-of-life,
"Dis-ole book, what does it offer?
"Dia-ole book, what-does-it-give?
"Kicked-out-of-eo-ci-e-ty I
"Go-fin refuse in-de-Lawdt
"Go-an'-fin'-now de Lawd-is good I"
One must imagine every line given in
tones almost as deep as the growling,
guttural roar of a lion. The pause after
every line is made wonderfully impres
sive by an exhalation of breath like the
sound of some giant in a nightmare.
"WorP can't un'erstand-a-chitd-o'
God I
"I want-to-steal-right-off-an'-pray,
"To de might.y-father-wbo-seeth-in-
"He-e-e-'I-see met
"He-e-e-e'l-eee met
"Wo-o-o-o-on't be, breddereo?"
"Yes, he will? Yes, yes I Ow-ow-
ow 1" cried a chorus of shrieking voices.
"He'll see you! He'll hear you!"
The chant continued : V
"Death broke up-de-fam-il-y ; V
"He'p you in-de-time-o'-need 1
"In-de gyaiidn-Gath-em-e-neT
"Petah cat off de sol dyah's eah f
"De Lawd went-opto-Cal var y I
"Three hoars' sg-on yand pain f
"Hoo-oo-oo-ee ool"
He plumped down on bis knees and
hi big bulk rose over the table. He ream
and shojts were rising from the crowd.
Half a doxen young negresse werw
struggling in flu, held by big, broad-
featured mammies, Tbey leaped np
and down among the dead level of shift"
ing facee like raindrops In a black pooL
But the vole of the preadier went oa
remorselessly :
"Three hours' sg-o-ny and pain I
"Hon-o'-hearen-re-fose to shine!
"I promise to die-an' l-will-die!
"Htsra were-mored in de flrm a-mentl
(He held op a white handkerchief).
"I-1 1-am-goin-'to-Heaven !"
(Her hi voice sounded in a mighty
"Will yoa be in de nam-m-m-ber?
" Hoo--oo-oo-e-oo-oo I "
He made a leap atraight op in the air,
and at the same Instant a hundred men
and women leaped with him, with cries)
and screams as if be bad compelled them
irresistibly. Tbe big building trembled
aa tb feet came down together on tb
floor. Tbe excitement bad risen ami
risen nnlil at the climax tbe Degree
were In soch a frenzy of interest and
abstraction tbat they imitated him un
consciously and did what be did, moved
from tide to side a be moved, and so
anticipated bis feeling tbat when be
lesped ia the air there were a hundred
of them wbo leaped with blm ia th
same second. When it was over, tbey
were faint and bested, tired bot bappy.
Otgea City Jlarket ReperU
(Corrected weekly.)
Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 64 cents
per bushel.
Flour Portland, $3.50; Howard's;
Boat, 13.50 ; Fisher's Beet, f3.50 ; Dayton ;
fXSO: Peacock, $30
Oats in ska, white, 40 rent per.
bushel, gray, 40.
Millstuffs Bran, J 13.50 per too
shorts, $15.00 per ton.
Potatoe 50 to CO cent per sack.
Eg 25 cent per dozen.
Butter Ranch, 35 to 40 cents per rolL
Onions, 90c. per rack.
Green apples, 35 to 50 per box.
Dried Fruits Apples, onbleached, 3
cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, be.
prone, 2 to 4 cents ; plums, 2 to 4c.
Bacon Hams, 10 to 11 cents; sides.
8 to 9; shoulders, 7 to 8; lard 8 to 9
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live, 3 to 3,'c; bogs, live3)c;
bogs dressed, 4i to 5 cents ; sbeep, 13.00
to $3 1,' per bead; lamb 1.75 to 2.50;
veal,dresaed 7c.
Pooltre Chickens, old $3.00 ; turkeys.
alive, 12 cents pe pound.
Dr. Darrla'e Plaee of Bassiaess.
Dr. Darrin give free examination to
all, and when necessary gives medicine
in connection with electricity. The poor
treated free from 10 to 11 daily, except
medicines. Thoee wilting to pay, 10 to
5 ; evening, 7 to 8 ; Sundays, 10 to 12.
Deafness, catarrh, eye, nose and
throat, heart, liver, stomach, long
trcnblea, errors of yonth, blood taints.
gleet, impotency, varicocele, hydrocele)
and stricture a specialty. AU chronic
male and female and private diseases
treated at reasonable rates. No cases
published except by permission of the
patient. All business relations with Dr.
Dan in strictly confidential Letters of
inquiry answered. Circulars and ques
tion blanks sent free. Offices, 265 Morri
son street. Portland.
100 watches to repair at $1.00 each.
C. A. Nash, at tbe Poetoffice.
Beautiful Skin
larJies if yoa desire a transparent, clear
Use Dr. Bourdon's French
Arsenic Complexion Wafers
the qnly reliable beautifier of tbe com
plexion, skirt-end form known. In tha
direction tor winch they are intended, their
effect is simply magical Th most as
tounding transformation in personal ap
pearance is brought about by their steady
use. Possessing the WIZARD'S TOUCH
in producing and preserving beauty of
form by surely developing a transparency
and pellucid clearness of complexion,
shapely contour of form, brilliant eyes,
soft smooth skin, where, by nature, the re
verse exists. Even tbe coabsest asd most
bipolsivb skin marred by vbicxiks, moth,
DisriuvBBMXNTs, are permanently removed
and a deliclously clear and refined com
plexlon assured, enhancing a lady'a loveli
ness beyond her most extrsvsgsut expec
tations. I .ad tea, Yva Cam be Iteautlful,
no matter who yoa are or what your die.
figurements may be you can make your
self as handsome aa any lady in tb land
by tha us of
Dr. Bouraon's Arsenic Comnleilon Wafta
Used by men the results are equally fa
vorable. Trice, small box 50 cents. Large
box $1.00 or special order of six large boxes
$5.00. Bent to any address under plain
cover on receipt of tb above amount.
Writo for circular.
131 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.