c OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1893. COCRT8. Circuit court convenes first Monday In Voverhber end third Monday in April. rrolxta court In session first Monday in ach month. Commissioner court meets first Wednes day after tlrsf Monday olcach month. OREGON OITl OFFICERS. Wayor, - - - - K. 0. Caufleld Recorder, - Rruc C. Curry 'hiel of I'olic - - - Char. K. Burns Nightwatchman - K. I Shaw Treasurer, ,- - - H. E. Straiehl tv Attorney. - - Frank T. liriltllh JStreet Commissioner, - - W. I Snlilo Knpt. of VaiT Works, - W.H.Howell 'ily Engineer, P. W. Kinnaird Councilmen R. Koerner. Frank Uuch H. 1. Wilson, James Roake, H. E. Har ris, 0. IV IfStourette, Arthur Milln, Fred A. jaetxney. Council meets first Wednesday of each month tn cut hall. Of It LETTER FROM Kl'ROPE. (continued Iroru first page.) borne grown hemp. In summer time you will see the farmer wearing a pair cf wide trowsers and short tailed shirt ever them tied at the waist with a belt ad he looks like the wearer of pajamas. The women folks are also light dressed, tut a little more than the men. The men's headgear is mostly for all the year around a sheepskin cap which they call "Cachinla" bat written Caclnla and sometimes they wear in summertime a large brimmed stiff felt hat of a brown or black color. They are working from early dawd till dark. The tools they are using Id the field are very heavy and clumsy and not like our American tools improved for the facility of the farmers And erery man's work. On law farms they are using marhln ryof Hungarian, English and Ameri can mak& The mowers, binders and threshers are all improved style and it seems that the English and American manufacture are taking the lead above U other manufactures. American sew ins iuaoliines, American make of bicycles, 'American lead pencils and from what I understand, America is try ing to compete with her paper and I am cure she will succeed. It is surprising how enterprising the Americans are, al most at the other end of the world they compete with home manufactured goods. Labor is much cheaper here. A common laborer, if be earns two Acs or 40 cents per day, he is doing well exceedingly veil. A policeman gets 65 fics or $13 per month ; and a poor lot they are too. The night policeman has to blow bis vhietle every five minutes from the time of bis going on duty at six p. m vntil six a. m. The population of nearly all over Roumania is classified into several clarses and make a distinc tion between each of them one very seldom mingles with the other socially. The common division of the people are "the working class. Tbe merchants, the trades people and the others which do not belong to the above, being the rich classes. And even these common clas sifications do not mingle socially with one another or even contract marriages -among tliera. The working class, farmers, and the majority of the people with trades, are of the rough element and i)b per cent are uneducated. There is no law to compell education and notwithstaading this, they have not nough schools to accomodate all the children that want to go to school. Foreigners are taxed 40 fics or fS per year for boys and 61 fics for girls or $12 and that only when all the Roumanian scholars have been given room the foreigners are then admitted. The schools are separate for boys and girls. What Romania has mostly for such a email country of 5,000,000 population is a standing army of 100,000 which is eat . ing its head off. Tbe politics are as cor rupt as can be, tbe other day they had an election of officials for all over the country and it was a sight to see those ruffians clubbing those that would not do as they wanted them to. Tbe Governmentals who are in power now would not very well leave their chairs so they did all in their power by buying votes and fooling others under all kinds of threats so that they were re elected and the result is as usual lots of broken bones and heads, and the Liber als are left once more behind. Roumania is a Cne'-fruit. grain and urine cojntry and does a lot of exporting. A few yeats ago Filoxers got into their vineyards and destroyed all tbe vines bo that they had to import American vines, which thrive very well. Tbe grain and fruit crops have yielded good returns this year and the people all over the country are overjoyed. Business has revived considerably and everything looks lively. The climate this year is also excep tionally fine a long and dry autumn, but cold. Tbe working class and peasants are known by tbe clothes they wear as they are of a different style cloth and make from tbe merchants and better class of people. The latter wear the latest fashions and best clothes made. It is a great country for the sale of for eign manufacture and American goods seem to take the lead so far and I hope in a short time will export its manufact ure and other products in large quanti ties all over the country. Tbe farmers of Roumania are most all of them poor. The taxes they have to pay for every litlle trifle takes all tbey can scrape to gether and tbe savings of the year, and their bnts are very poorly built and their daily life a hard one, their bread is made of corn flour boiled down and I mixed with a litlle salt and stirred until thick and with this and a piece of cheeee or once tn awhile boiled salt fish or other such cheap articles consist their meals. Yet they are healthy and when Sunday comes you will see them gath ered at the liquor houses which they call carciiuna and drink wine with the women and the young men and gills dance to the national dance music played by a gypsy or two with a violin and a taimbala and so while awav the afternoons and evenings of all the holi days. The Roumanians are like the Russians in belief, which is the Greek Catholic religion.and being an Ignorant class tbey are made to believe almost anything the prieet says. The priests wear beards and long hair which they plaid occa sionally. Their apparel is almost the same as that of the Roman Catholic priest the cap the r wear being the only difference it is a stiff tall cap covered with black cloth. The Bishops A whin andriils Episcuns and Mitropolits wear tall straight stiff plush caps red, dark blue and black in color. In church they are wearing their regular parapharnells and nee only the gregorian chant at their services Sunday and holidays. The priests marry except the Episcop and metropolit they being the highest priests and as a general rule are old by the time they reach that position. The insides of the churches are gaily decora ted with all the saints they could think of and fortunes are spent on that only for which the best artists are employed. There are churches in some parts of Roumania whose steeples are gilded and silvered and many a church costs millions of franca to build. Their arti tecture is altogether different from any churches I haye seen in other countries. There are quite a number of factories in Roumania namely sugar, cloth, cheeee, paper, matches, Linseed oil, acid tar taric and a lot more than I can think of at present. It is s good producing country but the corrupt political govern ment is eatin sup all of It and pockets all the money they can steal. ' The King not being a native of this country does not take its welfare to heart and lets things take their own course as long as he is left alone to do what he wants From what 1 can gather, the King ha interests in several factories which biing him a very good income. There are quite a good many necessaries of life taxed pietty heavy and are under the monopoly of the government. I will try to give you the names of a few which I had to find out from experience, cigars, tobacco, matches, salt, liquors. telegrams receipts, bills and several others too numerous to mention. The country is far from being much advanced in im provements u ii nan not oeen lor foreign labor and talent tbe country would be 50 years behind, as it is, the foreigners have put up fine buildings buili railroads introduced electricity, telephone and machinerv and nave brought 11 to a de cent standing. tM A. OTIBN. F. 8. Kelly fromotetl. Tbe friends of Capt. Kelly, which in cludes everybody in Oregon City, are more than pleased that be baa been given command of a company. The American Soldier, published in Manila, November 3, contains the follow ing: "Lieutenant Kelly formerly adjutant of tbe First batulion, bas been appointed to tbe lieutenancy and command of com pany A. lie was once captain In the O. N. G., but not commanding a com pany at the opening of the late war, be did not get a captaincy in the volun teers. However, be meant business, and was willing to come along, as any old thing, and be came. That Is tbe kind of officers we all like, and we are glad be bas been appointed to company The boys are looking eagerly for ward to the day when tbey can again salute "Captain Kelly. Far rnirs for Christmas Dresenta sold very cheap at Oregon City Auction House. Now is tbe time to lay your winter millinery, 25 per cent less than cost at Miss Goldsmith's. Notice. To the taxpayers of Clackamas county : It is requested by tbe county court that the taxpayers in each road district in the county select and recommend to the court for appointment some competent man in each road district for the posi tion of road supervisor, and It is further ordered that the man endorsed for said position as road supervisor in any road district by the majority of the resident taxpayers of his said district shall be ap pointed by this court to fill said position. Provided, however, that if said appointee should prove either incompetent or un willing to perform tbe duties required of the supervisor in proper or diligent manner, he shall be removed by this court and some other peison appointed in his place. By order of the county court, Decem ber term, 1898. Ei.mkb Dixon, Clerk, . By E. H. Coopkr, Deputy. To Cures Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if fails to cure. 25c. Tbe genuine basis. B. Q. in each tablet. A nice line of fine linen handkerchiefs suitable for Christmas presents, call and see them at Mrs. Otto Deute, Seventh street, on the hill. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended npon and is pleasant and safe to rake. Bold by Geo. A Harding . He ware of Ointment for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through she mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be lined except on pre kcrlptions from reputable phyaliaus, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo O., contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, It Is taken tutor nally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F, J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per bottle. Hall's Family Tills are the best. Regardless Of Age. The kidneys are responsible for more sickness, suffering, and deaths than any other organs of tb body. A majority of the ills afllictlng people today is traceable to kidney trouble. It pervades all classes of society, in all climates, regardless of age, sex or condi tion. The svmptoms of kidney trouble are unmistakable, such as rheumatism, neu ralgia, sleeplessness, pain or dull ache in the back, a desire to urinate often day or night, profuse or scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of clogged kidneys, causing poisoned and germ-filled blood Sometimes the heart acta badly, and tube casts (wasting of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result in Bright's Disease, the most dangerous form of kidney trouble. - All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the Influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It has a world-wide reputation for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it Is so easy to get at It any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. You can have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery Swamp- Root, and a book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Send your address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binglumton, N. Y. and kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the Oregon City Enterprise. Death of as Oregon I'loueer. John Hancock Zumalt died at his home in Wllsonville, 12 miles above Oregon City on the Willamette river, Saturday, December 10, at the age of 81 years and 26 Jays. John H. Zumalt was born in Philadel phia Nov. 14, 1817 and moved with hi parents to Missouri at an early age, and at tbe age of 20 was nnited in marriage to 8arah M. Russell in Bolevia, Mo. ty the Rev. M. Micltiel, and 12 years later with their family of four little children came to Oregon with emigrant team, ar riving at Oregon City November 15,1849, and about one year later they settled on a donation land claim of 640 acres, a part of which he now leaves. To this union was born 10 children, the sons: are A., Robert, Cap. and John D. Zumalt, of Oregon; the daughters, Mrs. M. C. Graham, of Newbeig, Mia. T. 8. Kiggs, ofNestucca, Oregon, Mrs. Cap. W. 1' Short, now of Wilsonville and Mrs W. P. Short, of B. C., Mrs. J. 8. Epler, of Wilsonville and C. O. Davis, of Portland Mrs. Frankie Eranklin, Henry and Jack' son having died several years ao. Ten years ago last April, Mr. and Mrs. Zumalt with their children, grand children, great-grandchildren and scores of friends celebrated their golden wed ding at the old homestead and six years ago the 16th of last March the wife died. Tbe funeral took place Monday, Dec 12, at 2 o'clock, p. m. at the Pleasant Hill cemetery, conducted by Rev. A. Brady, of Hood View. Y. Wonderful bargains in millinery at Miss Goldsmith's. ACTIVE 80LICITOR8 WANTED everywhere for "The Blory of the Philippines" by Mural llalsteail. commis sioned by the Government as Official His torian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at San Fran cisco, on the Pacilio with General Merritt. in the Hospitals at Honolulu, In Hong Kong, in the American trendies at Manila, in the insurgent camps wii.li Agtilualdo, on Ihedeckof the Ulympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photo graphers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight poid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unomnal war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Bec'y., Star Insnrance Bldg., Chicago. Thousands are Trying; It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Diilm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Hoad, we have pre. pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggiat or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., C8 Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, ami 1 never hoped for cure, bat Ely'a Cream lialin seems to do even that Many acquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oncar Uatruin, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, I1L Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure lor oaiurra ami euutaiii no cocaine, mercury nor any injnrious drug. Trice, CO cents. At druggists or by mail. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the sjUfTTZT Signature of l7ff&U4t ! THE II HI H EST INTERPRETATION. The world of literature Is ao vast that no oue man can nowadays claim lull mate acvualntance with all the best of Its products or eyon all Its principal workers. The work of 8hakicare alone bas engaged from time to time the almost exclusive study of many ripe scholars. Such a poet as Robert Browning, or a prollllu novelist like Dickens, Is analysed and debated til a legion of clubs. The question naturally arim8 as to how and where reader he- come familiar with the spirit and works of thoee numerous great authors "whom not to know would argue oneself uu known." Never was the difficulty so fully and sat Waetorily met as In Charles Dudley War' iter's" Lltuary of the World's Best Litera lure." As a basis for Judgment we have hwe assembled all the best fruits of liter ature, In every Held, that authorship has given to us since the world began. To enable us understand and appreciate the spirit of authors we are furnished with In terpretative and biographical essays relat ing to a thousand of the foremost and greattwt. These are not mere treatises by pedantic scholars. They are graphic por traitures and estimates by living masters of criticism, each of whom has made a special study of his theme, Here we find the historian Lecky giving his estimate of Gibbon ; Leslie Stephen -depicts for the reader his old friend Carlyle; Prof. Ray Lankester writes of his own science- masters, Darwin and Huxley, Henry James gives a critical monograph on Hawthorne; and so the aeries runs through all the list as If artists mighty with the brush were guiding us through a gallery of great paintings only that here the paintings aie of men whose works are immortal. In the same man nr all the world's chief literatures are sketched aud interpreted .r us by scholars who have studied and lectured on them as specialties In the highest universities. In every single Instance It Is more and better than mere interpre tation It is a resurrection of the author the work, br the literature. Mr. Warner's great "Library" Is now being distribute) for introductory adver tising on veay easy terms. It Is r treas ure for li.'ef.and particulars can be ob tained by sending postal with name and address to W. O. Gilbert. 61) McKay Building Portland, Oregon. II 0VT IS YOl'lt WIFE. Has she lost ber beauty T If so. Con stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for halt a century. Trice 29 rts. and 60 cts. Money refunded If results are not satis factory. C. G. Ilnntley, Drugglet. To Care Cold la One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. Kc Tbe genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Jacob Schata, the leading harness maker of Oregon City, lOtb and Main street. A fine line of whips, buggy and work harnesses Repairing done at low est rate. Work guaranteed. A very fine Steinway piano can be had on very easy terms of Oregon City Auc tion House. For holiday presents we have lamps of all descriptions, which we will sell st a great sacrifice. Oregon City Auction House. Davidson, the photographer, makes velotype photos lor $2.6) per dozen, a pure carbon effect; crayons, 16x20, $1.85; paatels, lflx'.'O, $2.85;. A sitting free for enlargements. Holiday goods at surprising prices to meet the rich and poor. At tbe Racket store, OASTOniA. Bean tha flt Kind Yost Have Always ,ll" Kind ton Haw Always &&&& SJgoatoi of (LODGING-HOUSE 8. W. Cor. 4th and Yamhill Sis. Centrally Located. Clean and airy bedrooms well furnUhed for 25 cents per night. Parlor bedrooms 60 cents per night. Oregon City people are requested to give us a call. Mrs. F. A. Leb, Prop. THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for ns and our groceries: That we offer the best of groceries at the low est prices. They have confi dence in our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries is the purest and the most nutritious. Last, but not least, their grocery bill saves it self fully 25 per cent by their dealing with Marr & Muir. Our way of doing business Is to treat every one fair and square and offer the very best in our store. TVIo-xrxr & JVXxxlx Letter List. The following Is the list of letter re maining In the poalolllce at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 23, 18IIH: WOMKNl' MKT. llaldrlch, Kate Miller, K Brock, 8 Miller, Kllsha ' Oregon. Christina Oschats, August l.otird, Maud Nluian, Bailie Marr, l.laala Ituhlson, l.ella Shepherd, Mary A mkn's list. Campbell, 0 K Uyau.Chas P Long, Win Ninllh, J L Miller, Jas II Wesllng, II Uaddvii.Chas Wllklns, II GKO.F. HOUTON, P. M. Seventeen-Inch doll, bisque head, kid body for (ID cents at the Racket Store. Legal Notice. Notice ef Iicaolutloa of rrtnrrhlp. The Partnership heretofore existing be tweeu W, J. Kaui'h and John II. iUuah, engaged In running s feed yard ami store at wiaustoiie, la mis nay uiimiivvii. w. j. Hsuch continuing the business, collecting all bills and paying all itebis. VV.J. IUuch. John II. KUiH. December IN. Nulfre of appolntasnl of Atlailnlitraliii. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed lias been appointed hy the county court of Clarkamas county, stale ol Oregon, ailnilnistrstrli of the male ol Oeo, Nttx-k, deceased. All erons having claims against said estate, are liereliy notUled lo present I lie same, duly vended, to the undersigned or to my altorneys. II, f. A U. W. Hirnf. at their uftlce In Oregon City. Oregon, within sis moulds from the Hale ol this notice. ANNA 8 lock, Administratrix of the elate ol Geo. 8 toot, deceased. Ilecemher 1. II. K. 4 U. W. Bwope, ally's lor adminis tratrix. AdmlssUtrlrlts) .lloe. Notice is hereby given that K. W. Hunt has been duly appointed administratrix of the eataie of llenry W Hum, di-mased, by the county ooiirl for the stale ol Oregon for the county of Clackamas and has duly qualllled as such. All raons having claims against said eitale are hereby notified to present the sains to her with iiniper voucher! within six months from this dale at the ortlce of her attorney W. Y. Masters. Hamilton building, 1'urtlaml, Oregon, or at Ihe olllce of Hie clerk of the county court for the county of Clackamas, slate of Ore gon. K.W.HI' NT. Administratrix of Ihe estate of Henry Hunt, deceased. Dated December 111, IK. 1110 l lu. fr'.ierwtor ftallre. NOTICK 18 IIKHKBY OIVKN AND published that tbe undersigned bas been appoiuled eiectilurof the last will and testament of John kruse, deceased, by an order mails by Hon. Thus. K. Ityan. Judge of Ihe county court fur Ihe ooumy of Clarkamas, stale ol Oregou, and entered In said court on Ihe 7lh day of Novemhei. A. D. ItM; and that all persons having claims against tbe estate ol thessld John Kruse.de ceased, are hereby noUlied lo present Ihe same, prniieriy variueu, wunin six uiiinilis from the date of tins nolle to said executor at his residence near Hisllord, In aaldoouuty of Clackamas, Hlaie of Oregon. Dated this 7tb day of November. A. D. 1H0H. J. L. KKl'HK, Kxerutor of the last will and teatamrnl of John Kruse, deceased. II 1I-I- 4'llalloN. In the County court of the slate of Oreton for Clackamas county. In the matter of Julius lngua, deceased. To Agusta Warner. Bonhla Moodv. William ligus and (leorge I). Warner, guardian of IWIWIl BIIU Ul Mill VT llliaill ,UgMP, a minor, and lo all others unknown, if any such there he, lit Irs ol Ihe said Julius a gut, deceased, and lo all other persona Interested In said eataie: IN THK NAMK OK THK HfATE Of OKKUO.N you and each of you are hereby cited and required lo be and appear In Ihe County court of the stale of Oregon lor the eon my oi Liackamas, at the court house of said court In Oregon City In said county and stale on Monday, thetkh day of March, A. u. in i at toe hour ol l o clock p. in. In ti.e afternoon of said day, the same being the first day of Ihe Msroli term, 1KKI there of, and then and there show cause If any exist why an order o sale should not hi made directing and licensing Ihe edinliile trator of eaid estate lo sell all the right, title and interest of said Julius Ut is de ceased at the lime ol his death both In law and equity in and to the real proerfy of said deceased as prayed for in Ihe letltiori of Charles Logus, administrator of tbe slate of said deceased, which petition is now on file in saw county court ot uacka iiiss county Hlsls of Oregon, to which re ference Is hereby made. 11 v order of said County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Clai-kamas County. 'J Htm. r. Ki AN, Uoiinty Judge. Witness my hand ami seal of said court this Oih day of December, IH'.M. KLMKU DIXON. Clerk. (Heal of County Court.) Admlnlatrator'M Hale. Notl'-e Is hereby given that the under- signed will sell at public auction at the court bouse door, In Oregon City, Courtly of Ulackauias.tuKte ol Oregon, on the 21st day of January, 1H!)H, at 1 o'clock a. in., of said day, all the right, title and Interest of tha Hlate of Wm, J. Menxles, deceased, In the following described rest proierty situated In Clackamas oountv, mate of Oregon; lie- ginning at a noint 7. Ml chains north and 6 333 chains west from a point on tha south boundary line of Geo. Wall's d. I. c, where the township line between ranges t and 2 east of west meridian crosses said boundary line, thence west A.333 chains, thence south 3.117 chains, thence easterly fi.333 chains, thence north 8.71 chains to the point of be ginning, containing 2 acres of laud more or less, save and except a right of way S feet In widlb along the south boundary and and through said 2 acres of land. Terms of sale, cash, subject to approval of the county court of Multnomah county, phis sale Is mads by virtue of an order of the county court of Multnomah county, Btate of Ore gon, made tha 7lh day of December, IH'JH. J. A. TAYLOR, Administrator of lbs estate of Win. J, Menxies, deceased. IVetlre ot ICaerutrla. NOTICE 18 HEREBY 0IVBN that the undersigned bas been apKlnted by the County Court of Clackamas county, Stale of Oregon, the executrix of the last will and testament of David Keller, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to pre sent them within six months, to the under signed, at theotllcesof Hedges Si OrlllUh, Barclay building, Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified with proper vouchers. ANNA HARDAKA KELLER, Executrix ol the will of David Keller, deceased. Dated December 21, 1808. Hedges & Grillith, attorneys. 12-23-2-20 AtliutiiUtmtr'a Nollce. NOTICK 18 IIICIUCHY OIVICM Hist the undersigned, administrator ol lh siais of llenry Wehrhelii, deceased, has tiled his Dual account for said estsls In Ilia Comity Court of th Hlsts or Oregon, lor Clackamas Count, and the County J mlg of said coiiniy and stale has appointed Monday, thasecouil dayof January, at I :i o'clock p, in. for the purpose ul Hie Imarlng oheclions thereto, tlKOItdlCJ.CI'ltlllN, Administrator of the Kslal of llenry Wehrhein, deceased, ll-'JA I'J-XI t'llullon l llclr. In the County Court of the stale of Ore gon, for lh coiiniy of Clni'kainss. In the matter of the IC.tsts of I'sullus Cue, deceased, K. A. Cue, administrator of the estate of Paulina Coe. deceased, having filed his ietllUm herein, praying for an order of sale of lh real estate of said decedent, for the purpose therein set forth. It Is therefor ordered hy the above milled court, that (ieorg II, Coe, Hlewart II, Coe, HerihaC. Coe and Wlllsrd It, Coe, heirs of the said deceased, and lo all others unknown If any such there be, and lo all other iiersons Interested In said esiaia, appear beiora Ihe above entitle. I court on Ihe 'Jiul day of Jsnu ary, IrHsJ, at II o'clock a. in. of said day at Hie court house at Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, in show cause wky an order should not he granted lo the said aduilulslralor, to sell Ihe real eilsleol said deceased at private sale, and that a oopy of this order be published, at least four sue reulv weeks hi lh Oregon Cilv Enterprise. nseipaeer prli.led aud published lit said county and state. Thomas K. JtvsH, Judg. AdmiaUlrater . N-tlce f Nail. In lbs County Court of lbs Hlsts of Oregon, (or Clackamas County. In Ihe matter ot Ihe stats of Charles Bunnell, deceased. NOTICK Id HEREBY OIVKN thai lh undersigned, administrator of the estate of Charles Bunnell deceased, hy virtue ol an order In III County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, made and entered on lh Uhh (lay ol Hepieniher, Its", which was modified by sunnier made and entered on Ihe M day of November, MM, will sell at publle auction lur rash In hand lo Ihe high est bidder on Ihe prrnilse hereinafter de st-rlls!, on lh IHHi day of January, HO, at Ihe hour ol one o'clock In the afternoon ol ssld day the foil" wing described property sliusied III Washington county, Oregon, lo wil: Beginning at lh quarter section corner between sections two ('.') snd three (HI Township two ('.') Houib Range One (I) West Hlllanielle Meridian, and running , Ihence on Ihe seclion line Mouth forty-fl I LV) minutes West, nine and flfly-lwo on huiidretli UK chains to a stone; iheuos Kssl len lu chains; t hence North (orly flveIAI degrees Ksl. lour suit ninety-six l Iklj rhains; Ihsnoe North forty. live de grees iM West, three and sixteenth hund redth 1.1 (ilj chains; thence North lorty live (AJ degree East, four anil sevenlv-four (1.70 chains; thence Houtb forty five degreee East, three and sixteen hundredth (.1.1(1) chains; thenc Nor lb forly.rtv degreee (IA1 degraea Ksl, eleven and ninety an hundredth (H UH) chains; llienrw North llfiverven degrees and forty mlnutesS7 deg 40') West, twelve and sixty hiur hundredth (U.lli) chains; tnenos South furty llirre degrees and twentr-five minute (11 drgs 2Y) West, four chains; thenc jfortn liny seven degree and forty minutes (17 deg 40 I West, thirteen and sixty-seven bunilredlb (11(17) chainst thenc North llfleen minutes (15') West, fifteen and fori three hundredto (1141) chains ; thence North eighty nine drereea nu forty-elght minutes ( iletrs II ) KM, slxleen and two one hundredths (W ('.'I chains; thence North fifteen minulee (11) west len chains lo lh North lln ol lh Houih half of the John L. Hlrkliti and wife lonatlon laud oialui; thence with said lln Houth eighty-tilu degrees and forty-eight minutes (NU dega iH. mln) West, twenty three and thirty seven hundredth C3 37) chains; ihenoa Houth forty flvs minute V) west, forty two ami ninety liuintreiiciu M.UUI chains lolhertoulh line afsald claim: theme North, eighty-six degree and fifty minutes (Ml degs So niln'J East, seven ami thirty five hundredtoa (7.5,1) chsns; lo th place of beginning, containing eiginv-nin and seventy live hundredths rti.7.1 acre mure or less. Iled el Portland, Oregon, November t, IMS. W. T. BUNNELL, Administrator of lh lh enisle or Charles Bunnell, deceased. Pipes A Tiirt, 701) 711 Chamber of Com merce, Portland altorneys for th admluia- . trator. lUerutor'a .Xollce, NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that lh undersigned have been duly appointed by Ihe county court of Clackamas county, Ore- Jon. executors of lb estate of Elisabeth J, ledges, decessed. All persons having claims sgalnst the estate ol said decedent are hereby notllled lo present llieui duly vended and with proper vouchers at lh otllcesof Hedges A UrUIIth, attorneys, In tne Barclay building, Oregon City Oregon within six months I rum the dale of lh first publication ol this notice. II. L, KELLY, . O. A. IIAKDINO. Executors of th will and estate of Kllishelh J. Hedges, deceased, Hedges A Orillllh, attya. Dated Dec. 20, 1H!M. 12-25.1 20 Nuuimona, In the Circuit Court of the 8llof Ore gon for th County ol Clackamas. Magdalen Kareuswurlb, plaintiff vt Joha Ferensworlh, defendant. To John Karens worth, the above named defendant. In the name of th Btate of Oregon you are hereby required lo appear and answer Ihe complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit, by the llrsl day of th regular term of the abova entitled court next suc ceeding th expiration of tbe tuns prescribed lor the publication of Ibis summons, to wit; On Monday, lh 17lh day of April, IHUOi And if you fall so to answer, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to th court for the relief demanded in tha compldlnt, to wit: Kor a decree disolvlng tne bonds of matrimony imuw existing between you and said plaintiff, Hecond Awarding to said plalnlill the car and custody of th minor oh I Id, Issue of your marriage wild aid plaintiff, named J sines Walter Karens worth. Third Allowing plalntill to re sume her maiden nam of Magdalene Hohalx.Konrtb A warding plalntill her Costs and disbursements in this suit and for such other and fur. her relief as equity deeineth just. Published In pursuance to an order of the Hon. Thomas K. Ryan, j idge of Ihe county court for tha County of Clackamas, stale of Oregon, In the absence of Hon, Thomas A. MuBrlUe, Judge of the aboy named circuit court, for laid Clackamas county., dated December, 20, 18!. JJ. V. it O. V.'.flWOPU, Attorney for Plaintiff. 12-23 2 3 notice of Final Mettlemrat. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the undersigned administrator of th estate of Joslab Franklin, deceased, has filed his final account In tbe county court of the state ol Oregon, for Clackamas county and the county judge of said county has appointed Monday, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. the 0th day of February, 1801) to hear objections to said ac counts and to settle said estate. 8. It. TAYLOR. Administrator of tbe estate of Joelah Franklin, deceased. 12 23-1-20