Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1898, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Every Friday.
i if year 00
! Xhfcl
A discount ot W cents on all subscriptions
kit on year, cents lor i nioi.il. , ll
paid in advance.
Adveru.-ing rates given on alication.
Subscribers ill find the riulf of exiira
tlon stamped on their 'eis following
their name, ll this it Me is not chnnpett
within two weeks after a pavment, kindly
notify us and we w ill look alter it.
Entered at tr.e postofllce in Oregon City,
Or., as second class matter.
Beaver Creek lr. T. B. Thomas
Canhy Cieo. Kniclil
Clackamas A Mather
Milwankie Oscar WissutRer
Union Mills O. J. Triilliiifcer
Meadow ltrook (.'has. Holmaii
New Kra W. t. New her ry
Wilsonville Henry Miley
Parkplace. K. L. Ruell
(Gallon! J. Q. liaiie
Miilino T. Howard
Cams K. M. tHier
Molalla Annie Sttibbs
Maninimi E. M. ilartmati
BuitfVille B. Jennings
Aurora Henry A. Snyder
Orville L J. Perdue
Eale Creek 11. Wiibern
Damascus J. C. Klliott
Bandy F. Go-tsch
Currinsville Geo. J. Currin
Cherryville Mrs. M. J. Hammer
ilarruot Adolph Aschod
'The nay to build np Orejou Cltj
Is U sire Oregon City Teople jonr
Spaix maintained with her lost col
onies subsidized steamship lines which
in the nature of things will be discon
tinued shortly. If the United States
is to take any considerable part in ths
business of the merchant marine of the
world she must begin at once as the
paths of commerce are being extended
to the uttermost corners of the earth and
when once established, trade Is hard to
divert. II America does not step in and
control the carrying trade of these
islands, England, France and Germany
will. These latter countries subsidize
their steamship lines and the only way
to pot capital in the merchant marine of
this country is to make the same en
couragement to it as European countries
do. To secure the trade of these islands
i to advance the outposts of our trade
and commerce hundreds of miles in the
West Indies and make it that much
easier to get the lion's share of the trade
of South America while in the Pacific we
ar j placed at the very door of tbe richest
commercial prize on the face of the earth.
If e do not take advantage of our op
pertnnities we will lose what cannot be
gained in years. It is time that Ameri
ca's commerce is carried in American
ships. The subsidies granted by foreign
nations are made np in part at least by a
tonnage tax on all foreign vessels enter
ing their ports. In the United States
this tax is very light and our ports are
practically free although we expend
immense sums in improving our harbors,
establishing lighthouses etc. Tbe sec
retary of the treasury recommends that
this country profit by the experience of
others and that congress enact such
measn-ies as will place us on a plane in
the shipping world as our importance as
a nation entitles us to.
Tub inspctor-general of army recom
mends strongly periodical military man
euvers and experimental mobilization.
This undoubtedly should be done as it
would give training such as wonld avoid
most of tbe difficulties experienced in
tbe camps by tbe troops during the late
war. Training is the only way these
difficulties can be met.
Vkbt and Hoar oppose expansion by
the United States because their const i
ments get no direct benefit. If tbe
Ptiilippines were on the Atlantic Hoar
would not object neither would Vest if
his state got some of tbe immediate
benefits. Neither of them seem to be
able to see tbe great possibilities for this
jntry in getting to tbe doorway of tbe
ental trade.
ipain in ber bitterness had to file a
protest at being forced to tbe treaty of
peace at Paris. She ia especially bitter
at tbe mention of tbe destruction of the
Maine by tbe president in bis message. ,
Dain knOWl aS Weil a8 America matt
.. . , ,1 A.
Bpanish subjects at least had a hand ia
he destruction of the Maine.
No IvIhiiio can be attacked to Colonel
doesn't want to go Cuba, or to I'orio
Kioo, or to the ritillppines, with the
army of occupation. Tim war is over,
and no active military servloo ia
seen. Colonel llrvan ran do bet I
leave the army, ami lecture on Ilia own
heroism, with incidental praises of six-
' teen to-one, and remark on the crown
,he er08 ' Kld.-Ore-
J sonian.
Is the death of Judge Wait Oregon liua
lost one of the earliest pioneer. He
took an ne'ive part in the development
of the Mute and especially Clackatna
county where lie took an active part in
the early development of Oregon City.
He will be miaecd by the pioneer who
are getting fewer a the year roll round
Cosokkssm.vn ToMii'K Iras been before
the committee on rivrr and harbors to
got an appropriation for' the purpose of
purchasing the locks at I hi place.
This would be of great importance to
the Willamette valley and every citizen
is interested in seeing it done.
Tits democrats are getting technical
and are going to object to members ot
congress who accepted potation in the
army from taking their seat. They
will gain nothing by taking a course of
this kind.
II !
Gen. Garcia is dead and in his death
Cuba loses one ot her best sons. No
man did more to free Cuba and no name
will be more revered by Free Cuba than
that o! Garcia. His whole life was
spent in fighting Spain
Gen. Lee's return to Havana as its
military governor will bo very bitter to
the Spanish of that city. Gen. Lee did
good work in Cuba and is entitled to all
the honor this government can give him
in Cuba.
Tub present cold snap of ten days has
nearly broken the record for severity of
the weather and length of time it stays
with us. It would be considered warm
in the East at 15 to 23 degrees above
Typhoid has taken another one of tbe
boys at Manila. Corporal H. G. Hib-
bard was one of the leading young menl
of Marion county and would have gradu
ated from Willamette University next
Civil service rules are being enforced
in the collector customs office and the
office of collector of internal revenue
with tbe result that John Mintoloet bis
Tub silver men of congress are going
to oppose any currency reform legisla
tion and perhaps this is well, as it will
as much as one thing kill what little
following this mongrel crowd have.
Tub Press man is feeling very bady
this week. He even objects to our walk
ing the streets.
Pleasant Dream..
It does not lie in the painter's fancy to
imagine a prettier picture than that of a
yonne girl, with lips luscioua with the
promise of love, half parted in tbe smiles
of happy dreamland. Tbe mind of happy
maidenhood ia a clear and polished mirror,
which, when tbe wits go wandering into tbe
ghostland of dreams, reflects tbe impres
sions of waking hours. If those impres
sions are pleasant and painless and happy,
she will smile in ber aleep. if the impres
sions are those of a suffering woman, tor
tured witb tbe special ailments to which
tbe feminine organism is liable, the picture
ia spoiled by the lines of suffering and de
spondency. Maladies of thia nature unfit a
woman for joyous maidenhood and for cs
pable motherhood. They incapacitate her
to bear tbe burdens of life in any sphere
of action. Household, marital and social
duties alike are a burden to the woman who
ia constantly suffering from headaches,
backaches, dragging sensations and weak
ening drains. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription - positively, completely, unfail
ingly cures troubles of this nature. It
imparts health, strength, vigor to the dis
tinctly womanly organ. It fits for care
free, healthy maidenhood, happy wifehood
and capable motherhood.
"I have a little step-daughter who had St
Vitus'. Dance, which roar medldn cared,"
writes Mrs. T. T. Bon, f Ford, DiBwiddie Co.,
Va. "I spent aeoot twenty dollars for doctor's
wro, tBd mdiein, and it aid do the cmii
one cent 'a worth of good. We commenced firing
ur. rwrce's raronu rretcnpuoa ana uewen
Dr. Pterce'a Favorite Prescri
Hedlcal Dieeorery' and used three bottles of
each, which caet only aiz dollars. Now the child
le running aroand every where and is Just a
healthy as crcr.' '
er to i .i
I La
l'riiluy, IVcemlicr !.
The pence Cidtunisxioners have finished
their woik.
The women of the country protest
against the Keating of Congressman
Koherta, the I'tuli polygamic.
The house passe the urgency de
ficiency bill for the army and navy of
sixty-nine million,
Surgeon-General Sternlerg wa before
the war commiH-don and attributed the
failure of hi department in the war to
the fact that congress in its economy
failed to provide the uecessary equip
ment. lr. J. J. Waller of the Methodist
church, East Portland, ha been appoin
ted HUh. of Alaska and will have
charge of the missionary woik there.
The wind blow tit) mil j an hour at
Vancouver and stopped the ferry boat.
The steamer Mascot is sunk by a snug
in Lewis river.
The steamer Londonian from I'oston
to London ia lost in a gale with part of
her crew and passengers shout "5 per
sons in all.
Saturday, December JO,
Porto Kicans are getting accustomed
to the new order of thing and will soon
be running along smoothly.
New York troops will be the first to
go into Havana.
Advices from Ptowey are to the effect
that the Filipinos will accept the new
order of tilings without trouble.
It is now announced that the next ex
pedition to Manila will be dispatched by
way of the Suet canal.
Chicago has instituted an anti-boodler
crusade, caused by the attempt to get
the street railway franchises extended
50 years.
The army during the recent war re-
j ,.!- .
ceived enough officers for 24 regiments
from schools where military training
was bad by army officers,
Sunday, December II.
Germany wishes to negotiate a
reciprocity treaty and settle all differ
ences between the two countries.
Portland is enjoined in Ohio from
cashing a certified check given it in bids
for bonds by Hayn & Sons after tbe
latter refused to fulfil its bid.
Bryan will resign from the army, does
not want to go to Cuba.
Tbe American flag was nnfurled on
the town ball at Mariana today.
Tbe battleship Massachusetts struck
an obstruction in New York harbor and
made quite a hole in ber bull. She will
be docked.
The builders on the Paris exposition
are considerably behind.
Miller wins the six-day bicycle race
making 2007 miles, breaking the world's
record which he made.
It is claimed that there is a sane man
in the asylum, W. B. Biindschech.
The state fair officials have been ex
pelled from the national trotting associa
tion. Monday, December 12,
Spain files a protest at Paris in sinning
the treaty against the action of America.
(Jen. Garcia dies suddenly in Wash
ington of pneumonia where he had re
cently arrived at the head of a Cuban
The Insurgents and Spaniards have
had a fight at Iloilo and the report says
tbe Spanish were repulsed.
Gen. Lee and his staff started last
night for Havana.
Tbe Anglo-American commission will
adjourn until March and may result in
a failure as they do not agree on the
basis of reciprocity.
Chicago is having a lively fight witb
her street car owners on the extension of
A rear end collision results in the In
jury of three passengers in tbe Blue
Mountains, Eastern Oregon.
Tuesday, December 13.
Vest and Hoar oppose expansion in
the' senate.
The Cubans and Spaniards have riots
in Havana over the closing of the
theaters on account of Garcia's death.
France Is on the eve of riots over the
Dreyfus affair.
The Columbia is full of ice and the
ferry is stopped at Vancouver.
A great deal of wheat is being held for
higher prices. Whitman county, Wash.,
is said to be holding seven million
Wednesday December 14.
Tbe Kicaraguan canal Is taking a
large share of the attention of congress.
Cubans and Spaniards have another
clash at Havana. Tbe city is almost in
a state of anarchy.
Mr. Ilryan will devote his linio to the
lighting "imperialism."
Congress ia acked to puichuse the
Oregon City lock.
K I.. Giroux Is arrested in Textia for
selling a vailed mine at linker City.
The weather In Oregon and Washing
ton la the coldest in year. The Colum
bia ia nearly closed to Navigation.
Thursday IWemher 15.
President McKinley make a notable
address In w hich he advocate the tak
ing care of the confederate graves by the
Some of the volunteer want to slay
in Manila when discharged.
Ivt iniiint of volunteers in Manila w ill
he brought borne.
There will he an ell'irt made att lie
coming session of the legislature to abol
ish the reform school and combine the
school for the doat ami blind.
It Isabuwn by marked salmon that they
mature In thiee to four vear.
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
SulTcring humanity shuuld be sui)ilitd
with every means possible (or it relief.
It i with pleasure we publish the fol
lowing: "Thia i to certify that I wa
a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaudire
for over six livinths, and was treated by
some of the best physicians In our city
and all to no avail. Dr. Dull, our drug
gist, recommended Electric bitters; and
after taking two bottles, I was entirely
cured. I 'now take great pleasure in
recommending them to any Hron suffer
ing from this terrible malady. I am
gratefully yours, M.A. Hogarty, Lex
ington, Ky.." Sold by Clmrmon A Co.
A Kare Chance.
If you are looking for a Christmas
iirfttutnt ffiF vmt mnltiatB aUia AaiuL
, . .. , '. , .,,.
uert c11 l Sladen's Millinery
parlors. We are offering
$3.00 hats for $5 00.
5 00 " " $2 05.
$4 00 " $2.60.
And a large assortment of stylish bats
from $1.50 to $2.00. This is your oppor
tunity. Tbe greatest trimmed hat proposition
ever offered here or anywhere.
Mits Goldsmith,
yUR Christmas Stock is ready for your inspection. Tho goods are all
SJJ displayed and tho prices are marked in plain figures, and whilo ex-
amining nn article you can at the same time learn tho price. We in
vite you to coma in and compare quality and prices. You will not
be asked to buv.
Choice Whatever other presents
Books yu uv 70X mUHt hftve
some books, and you will
be pleasantly surprised to find how
far your money will go in this line.
We have dainty little gift books in
decorated bindings a large lint to
select from 20c. Strong substan
tial bindings of favorite authors in
regular size, 25c. or 5 for $1.00.
All the poets in various bindings,
50c., 65c, 75c, up to $2.00. A look
at our book-shelves will interest
Atomizers Are nearly 50 per
cent cheaper than
last year and we have a handsome
line to select from.
Toilet Cases, This line in
BoxeS, EtC. fludes Hand
kerchief, Glove,
Necktie, Veil, Jewelry, and Collar
and Cuff Boxes in celluloid, wood,
metal and leather. A pretty line
to select from, ranging upward in
price from 25c. for work boxes
with fittings and $1.00 for toilet
cases with brush, comb and mirror.
"The dude li uuulin' Seal of North Carolina, um u my!! I
All sorts and conditions of men
Seal of North Carolina
in their pipes. The rich and thefpoor
the lawyer and the laborer all
like it buy it and enjoy it. It has
a remarkable record of excellence
and esteem won fairly by its
unvarying good quality.
The Original Plug Cut
Always the same
flltl4 onsl rAAl
j iviiiu auu
Opp. Huntley's Dru Store,
Great Britain and America.
100 watches to repair at f 1.00 each.
C. A. Nash, at the PoalulTlce.
of Christmas
Photo A largo new stock to
Albums 8t'-ec- fron1, Prices
from $1.00 up for cabi
net sizes.
Gold '-he prices are slightly
Fens iwer th'8 year anJ wo
never sell gold pons that
we cannot guarantee. Pearl and
Dresden holdor with pen $1.00. If
you want to make somebody
supremely happy buy him a Water
man Fountain Pen. All gold
points exchangeable.
Vases and Exquisito designs
TraYS Teplitz ware. A
dainty present. Our
Our dornestio lino is pretty and
artiBtio 15c. and up.
Lowney's A fr8h m win be
Candies S ft? tim,6 f?r
the Christmas trade
All prices from 10c. up.
Remember that early buyers have the largest assortment to select
from and can choose leisurely. If you should see anything you
want we will lay it aside for you until you are ready to buy.
vsuui. j
Inf ot ihn pr(vm puna
V.wrt tmi I
.I. Hit ttruv(iu. I.jr mail nn n
e oral, ana fl.oa. WILLIIMS
0 CO., 1 rup., ClnatauU, OlUu.
Hpl of prim
For sale bt C. U. Hunt try,
Wanted-An Idea
Wbs (U IhlBk
n( KM Mnipl
rrtlrt vnur ldu
tnin. w ttur
BaTft. WBahlDBtim. !. I'., liar tfcalr .1 BU nrtaa iWfav
Bud IUI ul two kuiulfBd U'MiUatkt btbbhmL
Leather .'ocketlxka and pur
GoodS 1,08 r ladies and gen
tlemen 25o. up. Card
cases and bill books 25o. up.
Toilet cases in seal and pigskin
handsomo things $1.50 to $4.50.
Smokers Sets Mtch boxes,
Cigar Cases Cif?ar8- , w
carry a largo
lino of Domestic, Key West and
Imported cigars and have the
goods that please tho smokers.
GlaSS Durable and ine-x
Medallions Peivo presents.
Notice some of
them in tho window. Prices 25o.
Perfumes A very popular and
pleasing gift. We
have all the leading odors of tho
best perfumers in bulk goods which
we sell in any desired quantity.
Fancy bottled perfumes, pretty and
dainty; all sizes and all prices from
25c. up.
TT "I P P r VVIIIlBBii' Indian file
111 I I la JV'inl'iw'ii will our Hllncl.
IN I I pUI..lih aiirt ticuini
Ufa 1 lal'llr. ll Imirlwilwluiiioni,
D flluy h. Itcttln alunro, acta
'1 n " a l.ulllr, Klvr limUnl r
hi y lirf. lr. VVllilitmi' lii'liiin I'll Ulnl
I m mnnl ! nmrarfHl for I'llmtnd lu h.