Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1898, Image 5

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I'bns. WmIi, ill Cniil'y, whs In n
K. A. NlKlght of ('unity, wan m-i-ii on
our hi i mi i (i Tin''l iv.
Ili'iiry Milry, of Wilsniivllli!, was in
town on liiihiiicm Thursday,
J, C, I'mlilni k, ol Clarkauiss hum In
II. i' t hy Wi iliiimluy,
Minn Niillln M.iy, of this i:liy, vUHi-d
(iIi'IhIn In I'm Hand hominy.
Miss Mitry Mi liuyn-, (f this city, In
Visiting fru'inla in I'lirtUnil llilx wi-nk.
Mrs. Julia KiilicrlH, who Iibm liicn on
(lut uli'k llt fr tin 'U"t two Kci'kx, U
slowly rwovtirlng.
W, llloitd inl wifo, o( Carlton , am
visiting Mr. Mini Mi. M. V. Itrny ton, ol
Maple I.hiih.
Minn Nullitt I.amltwrt of I'nrlliiiiil, spi'iit
calurday ami (Sunday in Ori'icm City,
Vlnitlim fiinhds,
Iiv. (). I. 'Uyor, o( tho DulleM, waa
Ilia gnitit of Mr. umt Mrs. V. C. Jolninon
Ilia Drnt of tint work.
Mint Hadla Tuliiy, wlio lut lu-i-ii vlail
ing fni I In 1'uillaiid for tlm t two
wri-ks, ri'liirni'il liomu Kiind.iy.
I. I). I.iitkiiiii, of Munjti iMi, was In lliu
city, 1'liiirmluy ttml m Wiilcouin ralhtr ttl
t!.o r.utiririnu cllln.
Captain J. I Clink, who has lici'ii
sUyliijj ul Mohiil i 'tin ji iNi miiiiiin r i i
to 11 (of U fl'W l f
IUvi lUvm, f .i.i.ii of tli Orison Mint
of ht. Ili.iiii, wa nil Urfgon City visitor
Climt. t'riWi'll, who 4 nun ol tin
ri'i tuiln t.rtiig f'ir Mml.i, . uiu-n
lrk mnl givi'll a lllllollu'll at lloliollllll
rcturmi'l to tlm el I r tlm lii-t ul tin' ai-ek
Miv Wra ('aulW-ld, li Im lifioi fin
iloynl a slvimgraidiiT in an otlii'tt in
Hi'Uttli, fur noiiin months, It at Imiiuc fur
(Im holiday
Minn Altftha 1'I1 H of Now Km,
prominent in llm public m lioxU of our
cuiiuty, was railing on Oii-gon City
Irhttidi KaMirday l.tl.
I.t SwoUy Mm. I rjiu in Caldi-ll
truck her foot against Dull, and fall
ing bloke her writ. Him In doings
Mi'll mi coiilil bn eapwlad ronnidrrlng
m jc.
F. Itoui lii'r, i-Jllor of tlm "Fountain
nil I Jotiriml" of Mt. Wrnun, Mimoiiri,
lifiit n waning In Orrgon City lift
wwk on lili ri'tnrn from an liiTi!on
tour of llm Wml.
Mr. l. F. Warin-r, of ihlarouniv Iihn
rtn nhs-lcd. principal of the st-hooU Ht
ViIp, tlm rmtntr Mallu'iir county,
1 n salary of (('! y-r month. Mr,
Wurlmr i nun of tlm Ih-I known mill
inoKt iiiogii-ufciyi' ti a. Ihok of tlii county.
Dr. Itutli-r will pii'tirli In tlif K'y
riiN-l nrii s.i.h.th i 2:::d
Wm Iliycox rflcuwi l from J ill
Sunday. ItNvinir tfrvi-l lx iluyn, ho Inul
to my Imt 4-1 :t to liiitlilttt lino in full.
A timrrl.iKO In i'iiHii iim l Ih't'. 8,
to hanlfl .MulUna, kI iM, mi4 Muciiif
Mcllaltt, Ntfi-.l W yi-iira. TIh-v ,re
nmrriuil llm nam day liy County Juilo
Tlm following wili Im llm huImVcIn for
iliHciiKiiiiin at tlm Coiuri'k.'illoiiiil clmn li
imxt SaldiMili at 10:30 a, m. "T!ie
VlrtuM of ManhorHl" at 7:30 p. m. "Tlm
Influence of CtirimUnhy." Tlm public
la invited.
Tlm lloiim Kefeivtice Library that we
dvertlne in tlila i-mm ran bn mn at
tbiit ofllce. We bave bought a copy and
would be glad lo Miow tlm mine to any
one cotitimiplallnK purrhanliiK tbis ex
cullont work. It would make a flno
Chrlitinas preaent.
There waicoiiHidorable excitement in
town Monday, canned by a mull blaxe
in the roof of W. II. Young'!, eeond
hand (tore. The lire wai extingniilied
before it gained any hfudw,ty wiih few
buckcta of water by Mr. Young.
The Eaatern HUr bold their annual
election Tuesday evening and the fol
lowing ofllcr were chonen: Mil. T. K.
Kyan, worthy inntron; John Hum
phreya, worthy patron; Misa Fannie
France, aoclate matron ; Mitts Jennie
Kowan, aocrotaryj Mra. G. W. Church,
treHurerj Mra. Hena Arthur conduc
treia; Mra. Q. W. Grace, astoclate con
ductreasi. After election of ofllcera re
Ireahmenta were aeryed and a locial
time apent.
Mra. Edith Brown died at her home
in this city December 13, 1898, at the
age of 24yeara. She waa the daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Bagar. She waa
niarrlod January 12, 1808 to Mr. Ed.
The roecnt clout ion of the ofllcere of
the B. Y. r. 8. C. E. roaultod In 11. K.
Crona, president, John W. Lodor, vice
president, Ethel Walla, aecrotary, Mm.
O. F. OhlHen, treumircr.
Uov. J. B. Early, of Salem, occupied
(he Biiptiat jinlplt Sunduy, morning; the
ovenlng serviced being conducted by the
Indies, In tho InloreHta of the. Portland
Crittenden Miaaion. Regular service
will bo held Sunday in the Baptist
diureh. ' -
Farmers' attention When in Oregon
City try one of thosn 13-cent nmivla at the
Mttino BuHtouriint.. Home cooking,
South Main stioet. Adam Wcnpek.
Orm of Or giiiN I'uily I'Iuiii em unil
Tlm Oregoiiliin of Tuesday Inu tho
following ui i iiiiiil of llie ileiiili uiid curerr
i of Judu A. K Wuit.
Jtnlga Aaron I'-. Wuit died ul IiIh
Ii'hiio at Canhy, at I) a in , .Monday .
IIU veneral heiilth Imd been exrellenl
until within tlm pant wti, wlirnlm
Milii inl mi atlaik ol pu. iiuiuiiiii, mid.
oiiit lo bla a Iviim fl HU", Wi yeaia Wiih
uiiiililo to :iitifit(i net l" nII'ih la. Tlm
funeriil will tukH plui v at Canhy t 11 ;'M
a. in. Wedueadiiy.
Judgit Wuit settled in Oteiron City In
I S 17. and wuh 1-diinr of lliu Oiegon
HM'i:tator In 1H4H lie removed to
Portland In 181)2, and to bin farm at
Canhy In 1H75. In IHR.'I Im returned to
Portland and remained until Octoiwr,
IH')7, wIhiii he went b n k to tlm furm at
Jmlgit Wait drew tlm deed in 1H4H
wliicu conveyed fn in Frank W. Petty
grove lo llaiilel II. 1,'iwio-d lie the half
Ni'ctlon of land in which i now built
the central part of Portland. Thu con
iierutioii was f'i(KK), to Im paid In
leather. Mr. Lownmlilu waa tlien pro
prmior of a tannery on Tiimut t rei .
Ill 18i2 Mr. Wail n prerenled CUika
inim coiuiiy in llm it-rriiuri l l' niitla'ure
mm it nii'inlier of llm hoiixi, uiid In 1"7
I(w8 nerved iim a lui'inlu r i f ihe council
fin CI.u t.,nnii and WiHi .noi.iitii i'.
Anionic Wait w.thliorn in Whutely,
. p.'ieinlHT 'J, I.Si'l. lie went to
M rliiK-i", where hi Man uilinitted to the
liar in IHII, lln wih K.liiiiiti d to the
luir in Oh koii ut li e I..i roil't r t'im of
tlm Hiiinruni r.il ', i'l H'l. Ill IH'iH
!lH Vl.lH elm I.:. I 1. 1 tint lilill'ltll'
court of Uii'Kon, and by virtue hi
utlicewaa rirrnil jti.!.:1 of tlm fiurlh
judii'iul dii-trirl cnioi'ii ii' tlm rountica
of Watingtotl, Clm kutn.i", MuiilioiiiHh,
Cliitixip and ('i.'iiM.hia. Mm a chief
junlro from lSV.I lo Si;j, when lie re
rigni'd, April !l, lo urivpl a nomination
for cunrex by thu aiiti-admiuixtrallon
party. All of Jud.-e Wahii'a opinions
rcinli-red while on llie suprnma be'iirh
arc f.iiiud in llm Kirxt Oieou ltcporta,
hia lirnt opinion hcii.g in tlm case of
Jaiknii va. Khari, in which Judtte
II William reprcieiiti-d the plaintiff1,
and David Logan thu defendant.
In tlm CayuH war of 1KH Mr. Wait
Ailed a very linortant p.itioti. (in.
Jin-I I'altner was roinniinHary gmieral of
the volunteer army that went east ol the
Caacadn muiiiit'i.iia to fight the Indians,
on account ol thu Whitman inanpai re,
and he apHiititrd Mr. Wait aasintant
Coiiirnissary-general, aud ho to-)k the
lb-Id and rendered g'tol servi.w. Mr.
Wail' In-trui-tiun were "to take i liarK'i)
of thu .11 1 in I n r y ili'purtuic lit of tin'
lio ips in tho Held, who iiiiihI be supplied
with provision ut nil luuard. If a
s i. ply cannot he had with such funds
as are at the Jiapoxut of tlm department,
a resort mint be hud to levying contri
butions 11 poll citi.i'lia. In doing this
y.n will Im patriot).- in not reducing tho
amount of hroadMiilft below ihe wants
of families. Yon should have at least
It) days' rations in advance."
Judgo (iorgo II. Williama and other
pioneers, in summing up tho general
characteristics of Judge Wait yettinlay,
aid in substance:
"He waa very amiable and honest
man, and, while not a very great lawyer,
was fairly well equipped lor hia profes
sion. II waa car.tf ill and painstaking,
and wa a fair and upright judge, and in
private life and family relations he was a
very exemplary man."
Judge Wait was twice married, Ins
first wife Iwing Mary N Springer, and
his second Catherine Kulyey. Ilia only
son, Charles N. Walt, an attorney by
profession, resides on the home place at
To Care Cold lo One Bay.
Take Laxative Bnmo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund money If it fails to
cure. 2.r)0 The genuine baa L. B. Q. nn
each tablet.
Jacob Scbata, the leading harness
maker of Oregon City, 10th and Main
street. A fine line of whips, boggy and
work harnesses Repairing done at low
est rale. Work guaranteed.
A very fine Steinway piano can be had
on very easy torma of Oregon City Auc
tion House.
For holiday presents we bave lamps
of all descriptions, which we will sell at
a great aacriflce. Oregon City Auction
Davidson, the photographer, makes
velotype photos lor $2.50 per doxen, a
pure carbon efloct ; crayons, 16x20, f 1.85 ;
pastola, 10x20, $2.85;. A sitting free for
For 10 days Indies' rubbers will bo given
with every $2.50 pair of shoes, Krauee
Holiday goods at. surprising prices to
meet the rich aud poor. At the Racket
Now in the timo to buy your winter
millinery, 25 percent loss than cost at
Miss Goldsmith's.
Fur rugs for Christmas presents sold
very cheap at Oiegon City Auction
House. ,
On Piirliuffh.
Prlviito CIiiih, CiIhwcII of Co. I, 2nd
Oregon Volunteers returned to Oregon
City lust Friday morning from Hono
lulu where he has been confined in the
military hoxpital for days with ty
phoid pni'iiiiioiiia (evec, He came from
1 1 until til ii on Mettim-r Australia lo Sun
Francisco, which ho says wus a very
pli-aaunt voi ago. Criswcll is the lust of
the Oregon boys at Honolulu. He is on
a .'W-d.iy fiirlotith. which exnirea llm
2'Jlh, iiiMt,, wlmii he will haye to report
to tlm barrack at Vancouver, Wash.
Ho ulso reports about 205 of the New
York Kegt. in the hospital at Honolulu
when Im left and that &0came on same
steamer that he did, enroute home.
The balance are io be sent back to New
York soon. Criwwell prefers Oregon to
Credit to Our Merchant.
A few days ago some Portland depart
ment store (JistrihattMl a catalogue of
toys and holiday gixxl in our town; we
looked carefully over their prices and
found the same articles from 10 lo 15 per
cent higher than Bullomy A Bunch's
Ntock, without the xmage.
A steaming, hot dinner for 15 cents
with pleund coir.-e at thu Maine restau
rant, Mouth Main street. Adam Wuk
OKU, Prop,
W. V.. O Oaiuci, the birberbas re
turned to Oregon City and U at lioiim to
hit frienda. Vuu will find him at his
new shop firxt ihxir south of thu Portland
lloun). Miave, 10 ci'iit.
Handkerchiefs of all description cjt
ton, linen, ciiiliroidtotcd sains, for
l i'li'-S gent and children at the Backet
Knit tdiirt-, baby si'pies, mittens,
fascinator all color und b.ihy bootees
Al the Backet store.
Books, balls aud dolls, we w ill make a
specialty of for the holiday. At the
Backet store.
Doll heads, exira large size cheaper
than can bo bought in Portland at the
Hack I store.
Money to loan on a gixl farm security.
One to three y ars at 8 per cent.
i. B. DlMil-K.
Until January 1st, we will hi ll trimmed
and untrimiiied hats at 25 per cent less
than cost Miss (toldsmiih.
Di -covered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. ''Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she w ith
stood it eeverest Ict8, hoi luir vital
organs moid undermined and death
seemed imminct. For three mouth she
coughed itireisiintly, and could not sleep.
Hie finally discovered a any to recovery,
by purchttMing of us a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
and was so much re'icved on taking first
d se, that she slept all niht ; and with
two bottles, ha been absolutely cured,
Her name, is Mis. Arthur Lulz." Thus
writes W. C.llammii k A Co., of Shelby,
X. C. Trial bottles free at ('barman A
Co. 'a Drug Stoie. HeguUr siza 5Uc and
11.00. Every bottle guaranteed.
A pair of rubbers w ith every f 2.60 pair
of ladies' shoos for 10 days at Kratisse
Davidson, tho photographer, makes
velotype photos for $2.50 wr doxen, a
pure carbon effect J cruyons, 16x20,11.85;
pastola, 10x20, 2.85. A sitting free for
For Sale.
One fresh Jersey cow. Gxokhb Kid
dice, Mt. Pleasant.
Cat-rate-patent medicine Bale at Char
man A Co. drug store.
Fine salt, C5c per 100 lbs; stock salt,
40o per 100 lbe ; roaat coffee 10c ; fine
roast coffee with good spoon 6 lbs, $1.00;
rising sun stove polish, 6c; Arm A Ham
mer soda. 7 lbs 25c ; bird aeed, 5c.
Bed Front store, Oregon City.
Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or short time. Apply to G. E.
Hayes, office op stairs, opposite Hunt
ley's drug store.
Bake your turkey and roast your geese
in an Universal atoveor range. Get one
at Oregon City Auction House.
The curse of overworked womankind
are quickly and surely cared by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier
and tissue builder. Money refunded if
not satisfactory. Price 25 cts., and 50
cts. C. G. Huntley, the Druggist.
Charman the cut-cut-rate druggist go
to for Xmtts and holiday presents.
Japan Ceylon
' j English Breakfast'
Oolong Ideal Bleini
' Tea
That right now wo are ready for Business
with a largo assortment of ...
And we will he pleased to show our lines of
Maku a inoHt desirable present; our
line is complete.
In great variety, at prices within
the reach of all.
For Ladies and Gentlemen in Gold,
Gold filled, Silver and Nickel.
Complete $12.00. Records $5.00 per
dozen. I'eats anything in the line
of Christinas Gifts for old and
This is the Silver Plate that Wears.
We are prepared to meet every want,
uur Dt's-igns and Prices are sure to
please you.
Of all Styles and Grades Rings,
Chains, Lockets, Brooch and Stick
Pins, Link Buttons, Studs.
For the Table Spoons, Knives,
Forks, Cream Ladles, Berry Spoon9,
Pickle Forks, Cold Meat Forks, Sar
dine Forks, etc.
Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Panjos,
Accordeons,Autoharps, Guitar Zither
Columbia Zither, at prices never be
fore so low.
Match and Stamp Boxes, Paper Cut
ters, Hat pins, Button hooks, blotters,
Seals, Scissors, Bonnet Brushes, Hair
Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Hat Brushes
Combs, Suspenders, Purses, etc.
The Oregon City Jewelers.
r Vejt tm txn anal tssrS-s-
You can aive necessary things to your friends the year round if you can afford it,
but only once a year When ChriBtmas conies is the time for remembering the child
ren with the fancy little toys that make them happy at a very small cost, tome
and look at our new toys, games, ingenious diyersions, dolls, sleds, skates, little
wagons, droll optical illusions and other lively and inexpensive presents for the
Youngsters. You are sure to find just what you want for just what you can pay.
All our floor space is devoted to Holiday Presents and we are proud of our stock. It is a
"non plus ultra" in richness and cheapness for our town. We spared neither capital nor
labor to make our display as brilliant and eye and purse pleasing as possible. Here are
a few items of value to prospective buyers:
Three drawer Climax
sewing machine war
ranted for 5 years !j?2o.
Rocking chairs H 00
Child a rocker
6 cane seat high back dining chairs. . .
Moquttte Rug 2x4 feet
Well-made couch
100 piec pemi-porcelain dinner set. . .
Good bod lounge
Table sscarf 50
Hanging lamp 2 25
Pair lace curtains 50
Curly Hair Kid Body doll 11 inches long. 10
Doll carriage 25
Dressed Doll 13 inches long 10
China Doll G inches long. 03
Torpedo boat .. : ,,' 5
Massive iron train 20 inches long. . . . ' 50
firm, i ..in .rl
Wall pocket, latest
design, best qality,
75 cents.
Oregon City, Or., Opposite Court House.