OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMHEK 10, 180E. hii judgment In the matter of compro mising the suite of Toedtemeir vs County and llockiuan v County, to be tried at llillwhoro. In the matter of kid (or Mrs. Clarke, an indigent perxon, tt ir month was granted from Nov. 1, 1808, to May I.ISW. In the mattei of tlie indigent toli'ter's fund, 7S vai ordered traimferred from the Keiieral totheindigpnt aoldiew' fund. lathe matter of the ollii-eof county unrveyor ordered Inasmuch, an the c untV mirvevor, who was elected in June," 18!M, failed to qualify within the 'me prescribed, "id office is declared acant j and Ernest P. Rands i appoint et ht the court to fill said vacancy in the olTice of surveyor. In the matter of the petitiun of tlie Flureiice I'nttemltn Kefnae Home for women, the same was taken under ad visement. In the matter of application of Wm Knight for payment of D Hutchin's house rent, tlie same was denied. In the matter of plankton a pait of the Abernthey road near the Kedland poet-oHi.-e. it was ordered that county furnish plank for 50 yrds of said road, provided the residents of road district No 13 will grade road and lay plank. Claim of Gray Bros., of Palem, for bridtre irons furnished McCoy. The Petition denied and clerk instructed to notify said cUiniitnts that tbey must look to Mr McCoy lor their pay, as this county did not draw warrants except on orders isiven bv contractor. In the mutter of poles on Molalla road, it was ordered that supervisor of road district No 18. put 500 poles on the Molalla road at end of plank road. The matter of the taxes of the Clavson estate coming on to be beaid on renion trance of the directors of school dintriet No 28 to the action of the county court in making an order on the 2nd day of July. lS'.iH, herein a reduction of said taxes were made and a certain sum au cei'ted in settlement of same and the attorneys of raid estate having been notified to appear and show cause why an oider should not be made to set a.niile tlie said order made by the court in said matter and said attorneys failing to ap pear, and the court being fullr advised in said matter it is hereby ordered that the said order made on 2nd day of July ISi'Sbe revoked and set aside and the clerk instructed to notify the adminis trator of said estate of this action anJ that he further enter upon the tax roll and delinquent tax roll, and aalea books for taxes, opposite the property of this estate this action on the part of the county court; and the said clerk and the sheriff of Clackamas county be further instructed to collect said delinquent taxes, whenever applied to for that pur pose, in the amount due the county. Tbe matter of the appointment of road supervisors coming on to be heard, and the court being fully advised, and be lieving that the best interests of tbe county could be subserved in said mat ter and tbe best results obtained in road matters by having tbe taxpayers in each road district select a man from their midst to take charge of tbe road work in their district, it is hereby ordered that tbe clerk publish a notice for the next two weeks informing the taxpayers of the county that tbe court very much desires that they select and recommend to tbe court for appointment some com petent man in each road district for tbe joeition of road supervisor and it is further ordered that the man endorsed for said position as road supervisor in any road district by the majority of tbe resident taxpayers of his said district, shall be appointed by this court to fill said position ; provided however, that if said appointee should prove either in competent or unwilling to perform the dut es required of the supervisor in a proper and diligent manner, he shall be removed by this court and some other person appointed in his place. In matter of petition of Mrs L Glover for tax rebate allowed at $3. In the matter of the official bond of Erntit P Hands aa county surveyor: ap proved. In the matter of hill on road district No 3; Mr Byers instructed to repair same. In the matter of the contingent fund : 500 ordered transferred from general to contingent fund. In the matter of Mrs Kunyan, a county charge; $7 allowed for three months, to date from Dec 1, '8 In the matter of Lin Jones, a county charge; ordt red discontinued from Jan 1, 'oy. In the matter of the writ of review be fore the circuit court in leyard to board of prisoners: The judye reported that in the writ of review brought before the cir cuit court by MierifT Cooke in the mat ter of the reduction of the sheriff's bill for board of prisoners that the action of the county court in reducing said hill had been unstained and writ dismissed. In the matter of the writ of reyiew be fore the circuit court in leard to Weis mandel Mad The judge reported that in the writ of review brought before the ciicuit court by Johu Weismandel and N N Myers in the matter of the county court refusing entertain a notice to locate a new road and vacate an old one, the circuit court approved the action of county court in refusing to act upon such notice on the ground of indefinite des cription and ordered said wiit dismissed. In matter of official fees received for the month jof November, 8!)8: Clerk re ported 1281.85 and recorder f 100. In mattei of mileage and per diem for December tem, '98: SF Marks allowed 3 days and one extra and 20 miles, $14. 00 ; J K Morton, 3 days and 2 days extra and 20 miles, $17. BILLS ALLOWED. In the matter of the payment of claims filed against Clackam:is county. The county court having examined said claims and being fully satisfied, it is or dered by the court that the clerk shall is sue warrants on the general fund in fa vor of the persons for the amounts here inafter specified in payment of said claim : lna M Chase, cleik's acct $ 40 00 J L Peabody, " " 40 00 Dr Dedman, insane 5 00 J II Smith, surveyor 12 00 II S Strange, superintendent.... 15 00 NWBowland, " .... 15 00 JCZinser, " .... 15 00 Mrs M W Miller.bd jnr.Popp case 7 00 ' Glick ".. 3 50 " " " " Martin"... 14 00 Dewey Restaurant" " Pheiffer". 3 60 Bellomy & Bosch, court house. . 4 25 Telephone, court bouse 3 60 Water Commission 15 00 Tnauest of Ed Bovles J F Jennings, witness 1 70 E W Midlam, " 1 70 Ed Brown, " 1 70 Ed Rechner, " 1 70 G B Dimick. dist attv 5 00 II Straight, juror 1 20 John Ureen " 1 20 Wm Robinson 1 2i) K K Charman " 1 20 W II Young, Juror 1 20 K C Maddock, " I 20 Ed Morris, coroner 3 00 L Stout, assessor 100 00 Ida Stout, " BO 00 Kletha Cummins, assessors elk. . 44 00 CO Huntley, stationery 9 ftt Tress, stationery 4 00 Courier-Herald, printing........ 13 3.") H Straight, pauper 2 tin F Williams, " 5 00 K L Russell, pauper A On J L Kmse, circuit court 12 00 H A Kruse " 12 00 O C Iron Works, road and bridge 15 oft V II Savage, sheriU's 45 25 J J Cooke, sheriff's 2 70 C K Burns, circuit court 3 30 T B llankins, slier S9 00 E C Maddock, circuit court 7 00 U H Bestow A Co," " .... 4 23 J II Mver, road and bridge 9 ) W If Young. " 2 50 C II Isom, sheriff J, 32 25 I Selling, pauper 21 05 J J Oooke, sheriff 67 8!) PNehren, ct houte....: 0 00 State vs Lizaie Altaian C Schnbel, justice 6 00 M t McUiwn, constable 6 70 Mrs Seol I "0 J Montgomery 1 70 Mrs L Range . 1 70 G B Dimick 5 00 State vs Wm Hay cox CSehnebel, justice 11 M F McCown, constable 15 Tom Smith, witness 2 II Goodman, " 3 S Baechler, " 1 J W Johnson. " 1 W E Gnnter. " 1 E W Widlam, juror 1 J G Porter, " 1 J X Harrington," 1 T M Miller, " 1 J M Ware, 1 J R Williams l F T Griffith, dist atty 10 00 State vs R B Criewell C Schnbel h 7 50 M F McCown 51 15 Fred Blount, witness 12 50 Mrs Annie Blount.witneaa Vi 50 Zella Williams, 12 50 MrsEBerrv, " 12 50 J W Moreland, " 1 70 J X Oatman. ' 1 70 John Noblitt, ' 1 70 G B Dimick, dist atty 5 00 bills err DOWX. claimed allowed Clyde Evans, ct ct $ 4 50 $ 4 00 M CMnckhn.cor mqst on Ed Bovles 20 70 19 20 Glass A Prudhomme, stationery 12 00 11 00 Bills laid over Chas Moehnke, road and bridge. .140 60 tsiiis uisaiioweci J II Joyner et al, pauper $25 00 cibciit co CRT wrrsKssia. State vs Martin- Elmer Dixon I 2 00 C F Blytbe 8 80 MraCFBlvthe 8 80 Jacob Shade 2 00 Chas E Burns 6 20 W Grout 6 20 Peter N'ehran . 2 00 D C Latourette 2 20 GW Grace...." 2 20 E G Canfield t 00 G A Harding 2 20 E C Hamilton 2 20 Total 56 40 State vs Wyland August Willbroad 10 40 Smith 8 60 Elestha Rings o 00 FC Klinzer 6 00 C H Isom 2 20 Edward Bair 9 60 Gilbert Wyland 9 10 Ed Yoder 10 00 Chas Noblitt 2 20 G B Dimick 2 20 Total $55 00 State vs Atchinson W II Nelson 11 00 W M Clemenson 21 00 Jay Baher 8 40 Chas Mosher.... 8 40 Will Goner 8 40 W H Savage 4 20 Elsie Roberts 10 HO R R Lee 10 00 dtistio Lee 10 00 J O McCrea 11 to day Barkley 6 W II DenDiBon 2 20 Total $!I9 20 State vs PIvlTer Jacob DeShazer 11 80 Flora De.Sha.er 11 8) Casiier Younger 11 00 W t Larll 2 L'O Total State vs Babsch Win Cantril ...P3 80 2 20 Frank Cantril 2 20 W II Sampson. 2 20 John Graham 3 80 Albert Shaver. 00 00 80 Mrs Shaver 4 Ed Bchull 3 James Evans. 3 80 G E Hayes 2 00 I J Bige ow 2 00 E Kinney 5 00 L J Arnold 4 00 Clarence Floyd 4 00 L Bair 6 00 C " 5 (Ml Ed " 5 00 HLWolfer 6 00 Mrs L Wolfer ; 5 00 Frances Hoover 6 00 C Weismandel 5 00 L Toedetneier 3 80 C Schlichiser 5 00 Clyde Dick. 4 (SO John Egger 4 50 Peter Warner. 4 00 4 00 4 00 Louis Kollemier. . Henry Clyde Evans 4 00 C W Armstrong.. 4 20 4 20 2 10 W " . . DF Warner Tetal OB AND JURY WITNESSES. $124 60 T U Barclay 2 10 Chas E Burns 2 20 E L Shaw 2 20 E M Rasmnssen 2 40 Geo C Cannon 6 80 C 8 Herman 6 80 I M Herman r. 5 80 P Kearney 8 40 E A Revenue 7 00 Casper Younger 7 00 Jacob DeShazer 7 80 Barclay. verdicts AVER'S HAIR VIGOR futfiSk til the promises made for it, is the vcrJict of those 1tbo hv tried it. 3 or s "I ha Mid Ava'a Hair Vino, for llfHen er ami do not know o( a tingle vat whir it iin not ive enure eetlHiiotloa." r, U. uauia, rauneuaie, Aia, 0 air When llie ranted m hair t fall ont. 1 round AYttt n HAIH V loo a moat eirellent preparation ami onu that de all that la ciaiuieu tur it u Kuan, lenaellsvUle, Ca. Vit igor . AYta's Hmr Vttioa dortatl that lacUlmwl ror It. It rrtirrd inv hair, which waa lt woming rav, om un natural color dark browa." W. It. IIASUUlut Falaraon, N.J. "Xfjr head became full of dandruff, and after a time in hair org-an to fa!) out. The naeof AVCH'k Maik Vii.ok atuMveJ tha fallin out i and mad. the aratp clean and heal thy. "--Via. E E Oleason 4 40 J W Eryear 6 20 R R Lee 6 00 Augusta Lee 6 00 COT Williams 320 C I Gipson 5 20 J J Emert 40 00 Clvde Evans J J Leavtt 5 40 COT Williams 2 20 Ella 8wing 2 20 Fred Swing 3 00 Mamie Smith 3 00 Anna Athey 3 00 rmma Athey 3 00 Total $117 50 SUMMARY. State vs Martin $56 40 " Wyland 65 00 Atchinson 101 20 " Pheiffer 36 80 " Babsch 123 50 Grand jury witnesses 117 50 Total $191 40 CIRCUIT COURT JURORS. Followingare the jurors lor the Novem ber 18i8 term. LF. Wise $3 (50 F 3 Baker : ."tTTr. 2 20 Clarence Farr 2 20 Eli Stark 44 (10 J II Burns ..." 39 80 A Andre 41 20 E P Carter 40 40 Geo Knight 41 80 A V Davis 40 60 E M Hartman 44 80 G W Waldron 36 40 X H Darnell 38 40 G W Kidder 40 60 Fred Gage 37 40 Daniel Fallert 43 20 O L Barber 48 00 A M Lovelace 46 00 J Everhart 40 00 W W Aldridge 2 20 J W Wetzler 3 6) S B Johnson 4 20 II Gans 30 80 Total $077 00 GUANO JIHOI18. M Campbell $20 fO lieo C Armstrong 1!) 00 Chas CatU 18 .'10 Eugene Cumins lit 20 W C Heater 21 00 Thos L Dibble 21 2) II If Gregory 19 00 Total SPECIAL Jt'HOIIM. State vs Martin W L Beckner Elwood Frost .$133 30 $ 2 20 2 2'l 0 20 - (I 20 0 20 - 20 2 20 -$31 40 - 2 00 . 2 00 2 00 - 2 00 - 2 00 $10 00 C R I.ewthwaite . S J fVle-'by - -H W Morgan Wm Bee man M E Willoughby Total State vs Wyland A F Parker J M Tracy John I Int ton M E Willoughby Elmer Veteto Total State vs Babsch Wm Smith FJAIdiedge Total State vs Atchinson W L Beckner Wm Smith T 8 Lawrence W II Butts W II Faubion Robert DeShazer VI E Willoughby Berry Buckner 4 00 - 4 00 -$ 8 00 $ 6 00 - 6 00 - fl 00 - 00 . 0 00 0 00 6 00 6 00 $48 00 $077 90 -138 30 31 40 10 00 - 48 00 8 00 Total SUMMARY. Regular Panel Grand Jury Special, State ys Martin " " Wyland " " Atchinson " " Bolsch Total $913 60 In tbe matter of the reports of super visors for tbe month of December, 1898. Tbe court having examined said re ports, it is ordered that they be and the same is hereby approved and tbe ex pense of the several districts are here by ordered paid, and the clerk la In structed to draw warrants on tbe road fund and county fund for several amounts and in favor of tbe following named persons: ROAD ACCOUNTS ALLOW!.. Road Dist No 1 Labor on bridges and culverts W 8 Payne $ 00 P 0 8pm.hi.r 8 37 Harry Clifford 13 87 W II Common 1H 00 " and team 12 00 J II Mever, lumber 02 05 Geo B Rate A Co, powder 12 (10 Total $128 79 Dist No 2 O W Grilllu A Co, lumber $29 65 11 ii 11 11 1 A Mather, nails ! 8 00 J H Cramer 7 00 C k Cramer 0 00 K Robinson fi 25 J T Robinson 4 50 II Knox ., 3 00 Total .s.. $tt 1(1 Dist No 3 Labor on cut and 1111 at Deep Creek and bridge ( WGrllUnACo.luuiher 18 14 Warren tlreetiwell. 12 00 Elliot Preston 14 2ft Earl Tong 14 5f W W Cooke and learn 25 50 Irvin Hawk 14 25 Marion llinkle 9 75 Ed Ilnrghardt 15 50 AW Cooke ; 17 00 Total ....$141 SO Dist No 7- C Miiisinger, lumber $12 94 Dist No R- W H Endersby 1 50 C Shank 4. 1 60 G W Italy 3 75 rred I.avmnn .... 3 75 Joseph Wall 8 10 C P Ware and team U (HI Total $22 50 Dist No 11 Labor on Ateinnthy, Kerchem Mills and Forsyth" road Wm Foriythe $12 7ft A llavtnan tl 76 LYach 9(H) 0 A Holstrom 18 00 Total Dist No 13- .$46 50 O Armstrong and team W II Mattoon W II Bonney, plank Total Dist 14- .$7 75 J L Swafford $13 00 1 Shelley 8 25 Geo Swafford 6 75 Total $28 00 Dist 16 Making and laying rails on Parrot Creek hill and new bridge and la lor on Brown school bouse road W 8 Rider $10 00 TDOsborn 4 50 Geo Rider 8 00 la-ar Waldron 4 50 C II Rider and team 9 00 Jonah Penman 4 50 Geo iilanehard 2 50 P II Mead 75 " repairing scraper 60 Herman Anthony 1 00 I) R Romsey 1 50 Edu-ar Waldron, 800 rails 6 (X) C 11 Rider, 800 raila 6 00 Total Dist 17 (Concluded on page six). $53 25 Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent 1 long or short time. Apply to G. E. Hayes. Groceries. A large and well assorted stock of choice Fresh Groceries which we are losing out at the following prices while they last. 1-1 lb Cans Baking Powder 15c each Worchestshire Sauce. ... 12)0 per bottle Pepper Box Blue 2c per box Peariine : 3u per package Com Starch 7c per package Baking Soda 3d per packugu Sapolio 7c er pncVaife Large Bottle Pickles 15c h t bottle Choice Raisins 4c er pound Choice Teas. ... .25 and 35c t pound 1001b Sack Stock Suit 40c 50 lb Sack Dairy Salt 35c And all other groceries at the same re duction. CHARMAN A SON'S STUCK, Main Street, Oregon City. For Young Jlcn and Voting iVoiiien. There is nothing that will arouse the Ire of a young iiiitu or woman so ipiick as to have inferior laundry work put oil' on them. They may dress ever so will, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is riniHsy their nuat appuuiunce is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's flno work. There cau be no better work than is done at the Trov. Leave your 01 dors at Johnson's barber shop. Ttjeatfel And Masquerade Coh tumcs for Kent nnd Sale. Country orderg promptly attended to. Baruth & Febvet. Room and, Marquam Bldg. - - Portland, Or. Prof. W. H. Feeke, who makes a specialty of Epllrpny, has without doubt treated and cur ed morecaara than any living I'hyalclant bis success it astonishing. We have heard of cane of w ytars' standing tur tle of his absolute ear, (res to any sufferers who may send their K O. and Express adilreM. We advise anyone wishing a care to addreei TT0 i MIS AVcSc table Preparation for As similating ilicroodfliullkCula Uitg lite Stomachs ondDowcu of lromoteaT)c5tlon.Chceful ncss nnd RcsLContaln s neither (hitum.Morphliie nor Mineral. Not NAitooTic. " " Ax.Smf Anrrf.-fl rtcmcdv forConjtlDA- lion, Sour Stonwuh.Diarrhoca. ortns .Convulsioiw .revensn tirss and LOSS OF SLEEK SawaMaStBMBMSHM TaxStiniU 5iJnatur of Nirvr ',-oriK. irjr txAcr copy or vruma, irr-ia Patent m plour Manufuctum! in Oregon City from the bent st'lected wheat on tho market. All Our Flour Manufactured From Old Wheat IT IS FOR SALE K.u,.n.u. Guaranteed the bent. Patronize Home Industry. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST Alvays Amcrican- TH WEEKLY INTER THE NFW9 AND BEST livery Column is Bright, The Literature of its column In equal to thut ut the best max'a zincs. It Is Interesting to the children as well as tho parents. '-piE INTER OCEAN h a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, nJ wUU It I briuei to the family THE NEWS OF THE WOULD and Civr, Its readers the best and ablest dUcu-ulons of all qucilions of the day, It U in full sympathy with the idiu and aspirations of Western pecpte and dbcuist- l-tmt'.ire and polities from the Western standpoint. jjtjjjtjJMjJtJ $ J. CO PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00 aa eoe tuc nrtiiv un tuynntf ut. wnia. i nnir uun vni tun ARE THE BEST EVER INTER OCEAN'S ! THE I'rlce of Dally by mill i'rkeof Sunday bv mall ... Delly and hunJeyby mall.. u The Inter-Ocean will be given a a Premium to each new Subscriber The Enterprise. I HAVE T T TTf If W W WW T t Nu'.i t Crai s, Dates, Klg, Honey, Cranberries, Kaisins, and r eM And anything you Chrlftma Dinner' 71. R0BHR30jV, The 7tn Bt. Grocer. wow For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. e timii MBMia, eee en. iGroccr Jor lb ION OF ALL i MTHCWCST Always Republican OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Clean and PatkcJ with News rniTinut nc rue iuttd nrcAU iviw vr i lib nil ivn vvlhii SEEN IN THE WEST. NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE $4 00 per year I2.IHI per year . to. 00 per year of Complete Stock ....OF.... V V T TTTTTTT IT? 'TTTf Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Home Made Minna Meat, 4 e might want for your eU1 AW hi 11 IIS ji i L