Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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ClrcnU court convenes first Mondsy In
!Kveinber and third Monday In April.
Probate court in teuton first Monday In
ach month.
l.nmlslonert court mrrb first Wdus
1',rier flrat Monday of each month.
Xaynr, - - -sKeoorder,
1'ollc -Nie-htwatchman
Bruce' C. Curry
Chas. K. Hnrni
K. I.. Hliaw
T'estiircr, - H. K. Slraiijht
Oitv Attorney. - - Frank T. Grifflth
SAireet Commissioner, - - V. L. Bnldn
i4't.t. of Wster Works, - W. H Howell
tv Engineer, P. W. Kmn.
i.ii'Tll(iien R. Koerner, Frank Buch,
' R D. Wilson. JaniM Roake, II. K. Har
iri". C. D. Ulourftte, Arthur Milln, rred
A. Metiner.
Council meets first Wednesday of each
onth in city hall.
Ja)r. 8trj Continue his Journey
; (Continued troni last week.)
Vukarkst, Nov 10. I was at Vienna
tlie last time I wrote you and now will
itinu my journey; Leaving Vienna
l bight and when I awoke the next
euoming I fonnd myself traveling along
side the beautiful blue Danube river on
tuifside; wooded mountains oo high
fuh 6ne farms at their bottom. It wan
ftji'fiiect morning and at eurb a lime of
4Kb uay the scenery along a railroad
Jojka its best.
i There are quite a lot of kilns for brick
4rat is manufactured in large quantities
4yth women as makers. It was not
Jiii'g oefore Bada l'esth was reached
avhere the Hungarian . language is
Kiken. The ollk-ial are not uf the
. i . . . .. . . .
sViKUest ai uie depot and do not very j
tijucli like the Hermans, mi that
jeu if an official undeietands
4fte uerman language he will imt sk
or if spoken to in Ueiman, will eland
lire railroad accommodations are vert
i' xr and there is no comfuit in the ci.
Vbich are one half the siae of our Ameri-
can railroad cars, and tumirlies iiu
f Heasure even lor a few bouts ri'le, a d
4l in so all along Germany. Au.-tiia and
iiuugary, because they are the piopeiiy
Cf the jfoveri.ment, with the exrptiou of
the International Com pant ' tdrepmg
Ami dining cars, which are more on ti.e
S"ui nian car plans and ai-ou 4' the e av
Ol the Pullman or Wagner cars but not
'the Insurious comfort that the A merit an
railroad can furnish.
Afi along the Hungarian line at every
depot women are selling water at ( -nt--kruener)
cent per glas. The field
' .alt along the road an- . lvr ot gtttio.
Thwftiawand haystacks tie all that T
irtiiosbowof thetnmniei'sciop. The
torn is the only one that ae left in the
-Held and from appearances it was only
vgoxl to feed the cattle with hwanxe. the
Cta kit looked small, and not fully grown,
'fcut dried up. Hungary. like all other
gnacee I parsed covered with firm every
-mailable space that is wurth cultivating
lis aoiked, as there is no land to spare.
The Hungarians are a very hard work
ing Hues ot people and robust. The
Vuuirn working in the fields alongside
Die men, and with a will Only the
Very large farms are Worked with im
(iieuients, and the loom thev are lining
1 n the fields are not half as prxc'ically
made as our American tool, so that their
Jnhor is doubled.
The weather being line I Hid not mind
Die uncomfortable tram scrominoilatiom
nd enjoyed the scenery; ileothe watch
ing f field laborers. There was not
Touch fruit to he seen. Once in awhile
S urcat wagon loaded with g'aseware
f a- ked In straw on the way to Ronnianu
(uhjih imports from tlunirnry l.irae
JiMiititie8 of (clksn yearly) will te seen
Ir bring a short diHtance they send the
.goods in wagons direct to ihe broker
Or wh lesale bouses, saving the railroad
expense, time etc.
M the rsilroad runs about 20 to 30
fiiileH an hour at its bes', it was an all
lav run thiough Hungary and before
"Verciorova" was reached it was af'er
tnidri!ght. There my pasitport was ex
flinined for the 6rst time since I left the
yriiied 8taes. After entering the num
tcr and date of my appearance in the
Roumanian conntry and my luggtge ex
amined I pioceeded to "Tnrmo Severin"
C'e fir't Roumanian town for a stop and
4 take a look at the country for a per
fon I curioeity ami be able at the same
time to give you a rhort description of
(Jeit habits, dress and general doings of
Uie people of this not very well known
kingdom to our civilized part of the
Co niy and which I will endeavor to
Jlve in my next week's letter.
Em A.Btebn.
(aid of flirt. ik.
The committee, appointed by the
fircriilcnt of the Auxiliary, to arrange
fiio program for the reception given to
Lieut V. A. Huntley on Thursday eve
. cing, tender their sincere thanks to the
tidies and gentlemen who so kindly as
cf-'e 1 them on this occasion, and by
Vir efforts rendered the same a social
A nice line of fine linen handkerchiefs
f u.: nbie for Christmaj presents, call and
? them at Mrs. Otto Deute, Seventh
-fr.e', on the hill.
f liamberlain's Colin, Cbolera and
Dldiiiioea Remedy can always be de
fended upon and is pleasant and safe to
told by Geo. A Harding.
Card or Thanks.
The children of Mm. Elisabeth J.
Hedges, lately deceased, feeling that
they would be unable to see ersonally
all the many frionds who were no kind to
them during their lime of severest be
reavement and trouble, do by this meant
sincere It thank all those were Unit
thoughtful of them and kind to their
hour of trial.
Stkii'ki.kr In Canonuh, Dec. 5, 18DS
U. M . Strickler, aged 73 year and 4
Mia. ThoM Fields of Caneniah and
Mr. E. 8. Elliott, of Portland are daugh
ter of the deceased. The reuuin were
shipped to Dayton for bjiiul.
Vondkr Alia. Deo 2, lh!l8, to Mr. and
.Mrs. C. II Vonderahe, a son.
Johnson. Dec 2, to Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Johcitun, a daughter.
Read Dr. Ratcliffe's advertisement in
another column and then write to or call
on him, and he w ill not only correctly
dingnoi-e your vase, but will supply a
remedy which is sure to core. He guar
antees to do this.
KurnUhed r.ver) tte-k bj the I lacks
iiiaN thslracl & Trud Company.
C Pauling to A Tnpfer, lot 9 blk 44
Oftwe.it . $ 360
8 Kiamein to School Dial No 6 J, !,'
claim 41, i 3 , r 1 w
T H smith to II Campbell, lots 57,
58. Pleasant Liitle Homes
V J Miller to I A Wiley, 10 acres
in J Sex on claim, also VJ7 75
acre fee 30. t 4 a, r I e
I (I Short ! J R llepl. r, 80 acres
set- 0, t 4 s, i 1
T Niehoi-Hii io E J Nicho son, s'f of
nwf hi d a i of w4 sec 24, t 4
, i 2 e
F f S nion to S C Newton, ne1
i f Mt.'4' and Hflf of nwt, sec 2.
t 6 . r 2 ..
C KIiim r to F Kn-er, 34 acres in sec
80. i 3 a. i I w
M J K-.l gg to ti II Arhtnn, lots 7
8. Ink It. u.r I 2. hi.i 23 an I lots
2 3 4. blk ;tt. O-wego
K lvi tP J Kyiining. 21 acres
n -c I, t 4 n, i 4 e
J CuniplH-ll, by i-liei'ff, to J llotts
h ..f fwl of ne. see 28. 1 1 s.
r2 e ... .
N Yil'.ker to M lienili, lot 11, 12,
blk 47. O-aego
L K Barlmr to O L IWhur, 40 12
Mcies in w 14, r 2 x, r 1
V W 8 ratom to il L. )i.in, Unre
?um .4 lout ! hiks in f alia
View, al lots in Or gO'i Ciry
Ini VV ilk in in n J H II wkin-,
'0 acrea in Kii bev cluim
R J tt'ie'ei io t; K snii. k lot Q
l.ielel Met 300
TRUST CO are the oo neraof the ropy
Ight io I he Tliorne sv-teni of abstract
indexes, for I'Uckanias county, and have
'tie only complete Met of abstracts ill the
County, can fornix!) inforniation aa to
tnle to land al once, cn application
Ltani, lnvestmentH,real estate, abdtracU
ti!. tltfii-e ver Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Addresa IhiX 377
Ore-gun City Oregon
f'hrUttuH Kiideavr t'niiienlloii.
The Clacktinaa (.'iiri-tmn Endeavor
Conven'ion, held its H.-iiii-annual seMun
at 1 lie Congreuslional clinr h Wednes
day nd Tliursnsy of UhI week. A
g txllv number of young people assem
bled at the buninesM meeting Wednes
uay evening when, among other business
of imp irtance. a progiHm was arranged
for Urn In lowing Tburg.,y afiernoon
Ai 2 o'clock l'hiir-dy (Jen. T. Howard
led devotional exercinea which were
followed bv an edifying address pre
pared by Mrs. A. J. Mon'gom-ry, which
address prompted considerable discus
aion and many life I ill siugestions in
carrying on Christian Endeavor work in
general. The election of olficers at this
time for the ensuing six months re
sulted in Mm. O. 8. Ohlaen as preaident,
Mibs Mahol Miller, William Bissell, and
( he-ter Muir, first, second and third
vice presidents reSctively; Mrs. Jennie
E. White, recording secretary; B. M.
Fiih, corresponding secretary ; Mrs. K.
H. Oabbert, treasurer.
The convention closed Thursday even
ing with a spirited address by Rev.
Oilman Parker, who has had personal
experience in Endeavor work, which
makes his addresses especially interes
ting and profitable.
Bit) s' Brigade Entertainment hncces.
The entertainment at the armory hall
laht Friday night given by the Boys
Brigade, of Portland, was well received
by the citizens, of Oregon City. The
program was short but well rendered.
The boys deserve special credit for their
manual of arms, drill and their soldierly
appeaiance. Mr. Clark's vocal solo and
imitation of trombone solo was well re
ceived. Mr. Spencer's illuminated club
swinging was a very p'eabing and beau
tiful effect. At the conclusion of the
skirmish drill, the nurse corps showed
how a lion heart and a gentle band could
soothe and care for the wounded arid
dicing soldiers. The faces of the nurses
were shining with pleasure as they per-
: formed their tlmies in drill as though i
they were on a real battlefield.
Buy your holiday presents end toys at
the sacrilice sale of the Charman stock
j by the Portland Vry Goods Store.
What Khali We Bo.
A serious and dangerous disease pre'
vails In this country, dangerous because
so deceptive It cornea on so slowly yet
surely that it Is often firmly sealed before
we are aware of it.
The name cf this disease which may
be divided Into three distinct stages Is,
First, Kidney trouble, Indicated by pain
in the back, rheumatism, lumbago,
frequent desire to urinate, often with a
burning sensation, the flow of urine be
ing copious or scant with strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Svtcond stage, or Bladder trouble, with
heavy pain in the altdomen low down
between the navel and the water passage,
increasing desire to urinate, with scald-
sensation in passing, small quantities
being passed with difficulty, sometimes
necessary to draw it with Instruments,
It uric acid or gravel has formed, it will
prove dangerous if neglected,
The Third ataxe is Bright't Disease.
There Is comfort in knowing that Dr,
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered a Remedy
famous for its marvelous cures of the
most distressing cat.es and known as Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of
Ibis great discovery, Swamp-Root, a
sample bottle and book of valuable infor
mation will be sent absolutely free by
mall on application to Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Blnghatnton, N. Y. When writing
kindly mention that you read this liberal
offer In the Oregon City Enterprise.
The lad.es of the Methodist church
will hold a Christmas sale of useful and
fancy articles suitable for Christmas
presents. Look out for further annouce-
ment, and do not buy your presents be
fore yon have seen end priced the goods
ot these enterprising ladies.
Our friends out of tow u are requested
to come early so that they may be cared
for before the dance begins. Good
music and a good time promised.
You are invited to attend the ball ot
the season Christmas eve.
A Beautiful Complexion is an impost!
bility without good pure blood, Ihe sort
that only exists in connection with good
digestion, a healthy liver uud bowels.
Kail's Clover Root Tea acts directly on
the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping
them in perfect health. Price 25 cta.
and 50 cts. C. G. Huntley, Druggist.
Other High Monutalas.
"I suppose," said a Britishar once to
rturiu Amuruian tourist, I sup
pose while yon were in Switxerland you
admired its noble mountains?" "Swit
zerland mouutains " answered our
countryman, reflectively; "wall, yaas;
now I come to think of it, I did pass
over somo risin' ground out there.''
Our own literature, like our own hills,
is to us the only mountain in the world.
Yet other lands and peoples have also
had great literatures, even in the far
past, and it would not be conceding too
much to say that many of them loom op
grander in the horizon of the world's
thought We can well learn this lesson
from the volumes of Charles Dudley
Warner's "Library of the World's Best
Literature," where we have furnished to
us by competent autho-ities the histor
ies of all the chief literatures the world
lias Known, these articles are not
written in pedantic or technical style,
suitable only to the special student, but
are clear, graphic and pjpular in the
highest drgree, and capable of yielding
delight at well as instruction to the av
erage reader. Nor shall we wonder at
this when we reflect that a people's liter
aiure is ine niguway ot Its progress at
well as of its inner thought. So it is
with phases of literature, such as the
Arthurian legends, national ballads,
folk-lore, fables, etc., all of which are
treated id this comprehensive "Library"
by specialise who have been long de
voted to them.
It is delightful beyond all experience
to wander in these realms of thought in
the company of such guides. N'pw
worlds of enjoyment, with even higher
mountains than our own, open up at
brief intervals lo charm and enrich the
mind. Esiiecially pleasant it is to be In
trodticed also to great authors and their
works, as we are in over one thousand
criiical essays, by living writers of dis
tinction who understand and can ex
plain them. The biographical dictionary
of authors, the analyses of the world's
great books, the masterpieces of prose
and poetry fiorn every land and period,
are all so many features that supple
ment and In ad late each other and the
reader's intellect.
ihe fortunate ones who are prompt
may t.ow obtain sets of the introductory
edition, at prices and on terms far below
what the publisher will soon Infliet on
A postal card with name and address
will elicit full information.
W. G- Gilbert, 60 McKay Building
Portland, Oregon.
For Infant! and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of ffc&i
How Urinary Diseases Are Ntiorestfully
Treated by Dr. Biirrln.
To the Publlo: In appreciation of Dr,
Darrln'i wonderful skill as a socialist,
I tske great pleasure in extending him
(through the paper) my sincere grati
tude for what he haa done for mo, with
the hope that suffering hutiinnliy will
avail themselves of his Kiwer, should
any be atllicted as I was. For ten years
I was a great and constant sulferer from
stricture and bladder trouble which
finally complicated my kidneys, pro
ducing general debility and other agon
ising dilllcultles that made me an inva
lid all these years. Eight physicians
treated me throughout this time, hut to
no avail, so I concluded to trv Dr Darrln
and the result I wish to give to the public
with the advice not to go to any but a
specialist, aa I did, whose skill Is un
disputed. I am now a well man, and
can be referred to at any time in Pendle
ton, Or. J. E. Taylor.
Elsrlrloltjr Cures Tumors.
George Ah uslge, of Harrison street,
Portland, says: "I have been cured ot
tumor on my neck ot eight years' stand
ing, without medicine, or the knife, but
simply by eleclrlclity, administered by
Dr. Darrlu."
Dr. Ilarrln's riaea of Huaslnesa.
Dr. l'arrin gives free exsmlnatlon to
all, and when necessary gives medicines
in connection with electricity. The poor
w"tad '" 10 ,0 11 dHy, np
medicines. Those willing to pav, 10 to
5; evening. 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12.
Iealneaa, catarrh, eye, nose and
throat, heart, liver, siomach, lung
troubles, errors ot youth, blood taints,
gleet, impotency, varicocele, hydrocele
and stricture a tecialty. All chronic
male and female and pilvate diseases
treated at reasonable rates. No cases
published except by permission of the
patient. All business relations with Dr.
Darrin strictly confidential Letters of
inquiry answered. Circulars and ques
tlon blanks sent tree. Offices, 205 Morrl
son street. Portland.
Two Pointed 0um1Ioub Answered,
What I Ihe use of making a better
article than your competitor if you can'
not get a better price for it f
Ana. As there Is no difference In the
price the public will buy only the better,
so that while our profits mav be smal'er
on a single sale they will be much
greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the p ihlio to know
your make is the best
If both antctea are brought promi
nently before the public both are certain
to be tried and the public will very
quickly pass judgment on them and use
only Ihe better one.
This explains the large aala on Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. The people
have been using It for years and have
found that it can always be depended
npoo. They may occasionally take up
with some fashionable novellv put forth
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that they
kuow to be reliable, and for coughs,
colds and croup there ia nothing equal In
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come frotfi chronic constipation. Karl's
Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and
has been sold for fifty years on an abso
lute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
C. G. Ilnntley, Druggist.
The Modern Mother.
Has found that her little ones are Im
proved more by the pleasant Hyruii ot
Figs, when in need of the laxatiye effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Hvrup of Figs, is
manufactured by Ihe California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Batr, tk j ll Kind You Han slmn Botitdt
S. W. Cor. 4th and Yamhill Sts.
Centrally Located.
Clean and airy bedrooms well
furniriied for 25 cents per night. Parlor
bedrooms 50 cents per night. Oregon
City people are requested to give ns a
call. Mrs F. A. Lkk, Prop
our customers claim for us and
our groceries: That we offer
the bHt of groceries at the low
est prices. They have confi
dence in our goods and know
that we never misrepresent our
selves and that our stock of fine
groceries Is the purest and the
most nutritious. Last, but not
least, their grocery bill saves It
self fully 25 per cent by their
dealing with MarrA Muir
Our wsy of doing business is
to treat every one fair and square
and oiler the very best in our
For Young Men and Voting rfomeot
There Is nothing that will arouse the
Ire ot a young man or woman so quick aa
to have Inferior launtlrv work nut off on
to nave interior lauimry womputoii
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt trout or shirt waist is
in ussy their neat appearance la spoiled.
The Troy laundry makes a specialty of
ladles' and gentlemen's fine work,
There cau be no better work than Is
done at Ihe Trov. Leave your oidcrs at
Johnson's barber shop.
i Vrverywbere lor "I'bs Htory of lbs
I'hlllppluts" by Moral llalatead, coiiiihIb
tinned by lbs Oiivsruiiisnl as Olllclal II a
ttirlan to lbs War lirpsrimeiit. Tbs hook
was written In army ramps al Han Fran
olico, on lbs 1'sclllo wild llensral Merrill,
In lbs hospitals al Honolulu, In llong
Kuiig, In tbs American irsnchrs al Manila,
in the Insurgent i-snipt wltii Agiliiuldo, on
III deck of lbs Olympta Willi Davsv, ami
In lbs roar of hauls si lb fall of Manila.
Ilonanta lor agents. II rl in hi I of original
pictures taken la government plio'o
grapbert on III id. Large book. Uw
prices. Hlg profile. Freight paid. Credit
given. lroi all trashy unntlleial war book
Oillll free. Addres F. T. Harber, tWy ,
oiar insurant's mug., iiiicigu.
Lentil NoticeH.
Nolle uf Appolnturnt of Ailnilulitralrii.
Nolle It hereby given thai lb under
signed has been appointed by Ihe county
court of t'lsckaniaa county, slat of Oregon,
administratrix of lb rtlai ol 0o. Mock,
deceased. All ereoiie having calms
against salt! ilaie, ar hereby notified lo
present lb same, duly verified, lo lb
undersigned or lo my altor'ievi, B. F. A
O. W. 8ope. at their utile In Oregon City,
Oregon, within tlx uionlbs from I lie dal uf
tins nolle. ANNA HroCK,
Admlniilratrlx of Ihe estate ol Uro. Hloen,
IeoeiiitMr I.
II. F. A U. W. 8ope, ally's lor admlni
Atlnttnlatratr'a fettca.
NOrU K 14 IIKKKUY UIVK.N that lb
umlrrsigned, adiuliiisiraior ol lb e-lai ol
Henry Wehrhrin, dree ed. has filed his
final account lor said em a' In lb Courtly
Court of lb Hist ol Oregon, for Clackamas
Count, and Ihe County Jmlge of said county
and stale hataiiMiln(l Monday, lhscond
lay of January, lis all;) o'clock p. in.
forth purpo til ib besrlng oheciloiia
Administrator ol Hi Kalal of Henry
Wehrhein, drcvascd,
Retire Tor Publication.
Land office ai Oregon City, Ore., Nov, 8, mM
Nolle la hereby given Dial Ihe folio i K.
named settler baa llled nolle of his linen.
lion to mak final proof In tupiKirl of his
claim, and Ibtt said prool will be made h
tor K:(tsler ami Itecelver at Oregon Cliy,
Ogn, on Dec. 30, 11 trig:
Jull.N HritAKIIIT,
H. E. Iutift7 lor lb N. W K id Heo is, f".
4 8 , R. 6 E.
He names the following wltnruri to Kove
his con to nous rr-l'lenr u hiii and eulliva-
llon ol said land, vis:
Theodora Huerlb, of Park I'larw, Ogn.,
William II a-i.tth, ',k I'm.-, ugil.,
lien Harver, of Uarfield, Ogu., Al. Itionard-
ton, uf Park l'lsoe. ign
Fieeutora .latlro.
publlshetl thai itie umlrislgned It is
been punnied executor of (he last alll siM
Ir-ismeiil of John hu. d r -i.
order mail bt Hon. Thoa. F. Ran. jiela
of ib county court for Hie oomuv of
(;iafkmas. Hare of Oregot, and imrml In
sal t noun on lb 7th day of Nnvembei, A
I) l.tlM; and that all persona having claims
aaslosi iheeslaleol Ho-sal, I Joint K'U-e, oe
cesseil. ar hereby nntllled to present I lie
am, proiierly varld.. alibln six iths
rroni in aale or llils node lo sld n.ciilot
at hl realilenc near H'all'ord. In said comity
of Ciackama. Hiat tif Oregon,
Dated lids "lh day o N..yn,r-r. A. I). 1KS
Eeculor of th last will snd lea'amem n
Jolili Kr'ise, deceased. II II-I2II
McCIure's Magazine
$1.00 a year 10c. a ct py
FOR 1899
Among the special features are
A New Serial by Rudyard Kipling.
The Later Life of Lincoln,
Dy Miss Ida M. Turbdl.
The Naval Side of the War. by Capt Mahan
A Telegraph Operator's Life-Real Experiences
and Adventures.
. Contributions by Ihe highest auihorhlrt on new develnpmtnli In
Science, Invention, Ex pi -ration,
Embracing article dccrlpllve of
A riunge in the Diving Tor-
ikmIo I5oat.
Submarine Navigation .
The Kite in Modem War-
Telegraphing Without Wires.
The Marve.B of the Sea.
Splendid Short Stories.
They will rout from
Rudyard Kipling Hobart Parr
William Allen White
Hamlin Garland
Stephen Crane
Shan F. Bullock-
John A. Hill
CutcliffH Dyne
Morgan Robertson
Clinton Rom
We shall publish s number of very striking stories by new writers, snd
situ a hum her ol Ih se short, crisp, dramatic tiplmnlrt from real III which
our readers have coma to know s s Sclal feature of McCluhb's.
The S. S. McClure Company.
200 East 25th Street.
For i M, Call at is Office.
Adnilalatrsttvr a ftotlrn.
Nolle It hereby given that Ids iimlsr
ilgurd hat bran tills Jjllll day of October,
lmw, duly appulnisil aiiiiiniiiraior or me
Hl of Asa tl. HUigtddl, ilswased, and all
,wr,olll ,,Y,ni(0,Mli ,,,,, aid dsosased
or his mate era hereby notified to prsasnl
lb sain lo in properly verified, at in JT
resilience In Csuhv, t'lackaiuat county, or.
within six months of ihe lists of this initio.
Administrator of th estate of At tl. Htoga.
dill, deceased.
Dated tills 21st day ofOoolwr IMM.
I0 2 ll 2.1
4'IImIIoii (a Heir.
In th County Court of (lis slat of Ore
gon, for ti couniy of Clackamas.
In. I. matter of th Kaiai of Paulina
Co, deceased.
K. A. Co, administrator of lh estate of
I'stilln Co, deceased, having filed till
v Mou herein, praying for an order of sal
of lit real v ital of said ilrediil, for the
purpose therein tt forth. Il It therefor
unlet.! by th ahoy nlilled court, that
tleorg II. ("tie, Hlearart II. Co, lleriha U.
Do and Wlllard It. Coe, lislrs ol Ihe talil
deceased, and to all olhert unknown If any
inch liter Ire, and lo all other iwrsoni
Interested In said eslais. piear hlor Hit
above entitled court on the -ml day of J anu
sry. IWKI, al II o'clock a. in. or said day at
lb court house al Oregon City, Clackauia
county, Oregon, lo show causa ky
an urder should not b granted lo lb said
administrator, In sell the real tsislsnf said
deceased at private sale, snd that a eopy of
this or.ler be published at least four sue
cetslv weeks In th Oregon City Kulerprls.
a iirepapr pril led and published In taltl
county and ststs.
Tuna ai F. Ryan,
AduiluUtrator ,lle f Matle.
In lb County Court of lb Hist of Oregon,
(orClsckanitt County.
In lb nistler ol lb tal ol Charles
llnniiell, deceased.
undersigiieil, administralorof lb tsiaieof
Charles llnniiell di t s-.l, by virtu of su
ttrtlsr In lbs County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, made and entered on lb
Kith day ol 8sptiuber, 4M, which, was
luotlltled by so ordsr mad and l,lrtl on
Ihe ll ilay ol Novemlwr, 1MH, will sell at
public siiel'un lor cat. i In bsud lo lb high
est bldiler on the prrmls hereliisller tie-
utIImhI, on the IMili day of January. I MO.
at lb hour ol on o'cl.K-k In lb alternooii
ol said day lb following described roirty
sltiisieti in Washington couniy, Ogon,
lo li:
llegiunliig tl lb quarter section corner
he I are I STllon Itvo ('.'(slid three (.11
rtiwniS'i. laro (;') Hoiub Rang On (I)
West Millameli Marldiaii. snd rtluniiig
ie'ireon Ihe sect Ion tin Httmh forlv-fiy
IIS ) ndnulea West, mil and filly-lwo on
Iiumlreili (1I.VJ) chains to a sioii; thence
Ks'l r'i llnl chains: Iheuo North forty.
NyejlAJ degrees Ksl, four and ninety-six
4 rnalns; tnsnc Norlb fortydlv lis-
grer I l."i I Wrsl, Hire and sllieenlti build-
eeillll .l ItiJ chain: Ihenr Norm loriy
five li.1l deare .x, four and
seveuir-lotir (171) chains; II nc Hniiltl
bint live degrees has., Inrr a id sliieen
huiirireilili (.1 III) chains; l.ienc North
lortv-lye degrees tV drgraes Ksl. levn
nd idiielix hundretlili (II Utl) chains;
inene Nn'lb tl" v., rsn degrees and forty
iiilliiile.((V7 deg4ir Wtsl, Iwelv and sixty
four hili.clre.lili (I J IU) eha'lia; Iheuo HolllU
forty. three degree and leulv-flv lidniile
US degs XV) Wetl, four chsins; thence
North tin v seven degrees snd forty
minutes (47 deg 40 I W,, ihiriten and
slxV seve.. bumlretilb (I1.U7) chsnitt
thence Norlb Ol'een mlnules (IA') West,
niteeit and fori mre) liandredio (lii.lj
riialns; llience North elatuy nine degree
and lorty.elglit lliliiUte (SO deir Vi') Kt,
ll'eail and 10 on hnnd'edtna ( Ift O.'i
chains; Ihenr North flileeu nilniiie (l,i )
Wi I. len chain In the ,ortri Hit ol lb
Homh half of IlisJniiu L. Illekliu and wlf
donation land cialm J I lienor with Hid line
Houth elgt.iy iiln itegrves and furtylgbt
niiiiutet CU tleys 4H. mill) Went, laeniy.
ih e and thirty seven butnlreillh ('Jl S7
c'i.Iii; lliencs) Homb forty Mv inlnnlet
", West, forty Ittroam' nlnsly hurulreiltbs
I 'l.j chains to I he Hon i h line tfsahl claim:
lliein Nnr'h igbif.lx degrees and fifty
niluule (mi) degs 6: ndii'l East, teven and
llilrtv five iniiiiliedios 7.1W chsns; lo Ih
ptjp of beginning, conuiuuig elgliiy.nln
and seveniy fiv hundredths N.I 7," acres
more or le
IUled at I'orllaud, Oregon, November 4.
A'liulnlatralor of Ih lb slt of Charles
rinnnsll. decea-ed
I'M A Tim. 70:1 711 0'iinier of Coin-.
m-rce, Portland aiioroey for lbs adminis
trator, J
Unoolved Problems of As
tronomy. Life in the i;ut'icst Minos.
What I'eary is Doing in the
The TelnctroHCopo Pictures
by Telegraph.
U' h writers as:
Sarah Orne Jewett
Octave Thanet
Surah Barnwell Llliotl
E. Neshit
Ellen Glasgow