Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
Tims C a so Eastsiiis Railway CoMi'Ar
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U. A pWM.r.K,!tviT.
Dam Auot iATioN At a meeting of
the liar aimoclalion bold Wednesday
evening a permanent organiMllon wa
anicted. Judge Hayea waa eli-cUnl
prmldniit; K. A. Miller, vlce-preldent;
W. H. U'ltun, awretary, and V. V. Ut
ouretU,traaurer. Ao adjournment waa
taken until tieit Tut mlay evening when
comuillreea apiwlnted are to report
The aMoclatlon eipecta to recommend
(or paaaage, certain amendment- to the
code ui well aa other work to be done
LATocairra'a Htathmkht. There hai
been Rome controvemy aa to what Mr.
Latotirelte (aid at the Haturday night
convention. Aa tbla In manuacript
( protlucr It lor our render; "In
finance we ahoulJ favor a public policy
conservative, but not niggardly, tending
to advance and upbuild the material
Intereata of all parte of the city." "In
niorala, encouragement ihould be uiven
to barmle( amunenienli for the enter
tainment of our people at borne, with
proper afe guarda for the protection of
our youth agaluat ernictoua habit and
Immoral practices"
City Elictiow. At an Independent
city convention held Saturday night to
nominate a city ticket A. 8. Dieiner waa
elected chairman, B. C, Curry aecretary
the convention having been called to
order by J. 0. Bradley, C. D. LatoureUe
waa nominated lor mayor and Ueome
Hyatt treasurer. C. U. Huntley and II
K. Ilarrla councllinen In the second ward
and Dr. Powell and Frank Buali In the
first ward. At a non-partlnan convention
held Monday night 0. H. Pye presided
and Mas Bollack acted aa aerretaiy
Rudolph Koerner waa nominated for
mayor and II. E. Straight for treasurer.
In the first ward Bnice Zunialt and
Cbria Bcbtiebtd received the nomination
for council, and E. E. Charman and
James Hoake In the second.
Bankruptcy Cas. Miss Olson held
the flrat session of the referee'i
court in bankruptcy Monday under the
new law. It waa for the purpooe
proving clalma In the caae of J one pi
Scbwarti bankrupt. An examination of
the bankrupt waa also had for about two
hours. Hvbwarta was entirely unable to
recollect what baa become of nearly
$4,000 of goods. He had purchased
something like eight or nlno hundred
dollars worth ot goods since July 1st on
which nothing had boon paid and accord
ing to his petition to be made a bank
nipt he has about $4,000 In tho store
It was Impossible (or him to make his
expenses oyer half that, although he put
in such Items as $2 to $3 a day for drinks
and cigAia and that be gave his wife t'.'5
a week to live on, It. L. Bnbln was
elected trustee and the case was ad
journed to Thurnday.
Yonr Face
Shows the state of your feelings and the
atato of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itaolf apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, pimples and skin
eruptions. If you are teeling weak and
worn nut and do not have a healthy ap
pearance yon should try Acker's Blood
Elixir. It cures all blood dlseasoa where
cheap sarsapnrillas and so called puri
fiers (ail; knowing this we sell every
bottle on a positive guarantee. George
A. Harding, agent.
A Was Meek, " t Looked find.
Spunking of mink reminds me of ' a. oortaln young Indy against Whom
surprise which llttlu Ht, Louis maid appoarnncos onrtalnly looked dark onoe
nut long K'i, whim tbe V "ut op to had an nmUMlnK cxperlimoe of unjust
Wlioiihii tu miiko 0110 of a vnry fush- jurixuiuuL Hlio wont out ou a stormy
Inimblo houso parly in thu suburb of uy Biid was unfortunate enough to
Mllwntikno. She own a ii"ok hnrsolf (,iire j,Hr umbrella turned inside out
thitt in lovely, till roumliu and ourvlng nr two sister were initially unlucky,
and dimpled, so It nearly inado hnrryes mid ou Urn following duy tl e young
full out Iho nlwlit of tho big (Inline at ludy volunteered to tuko the throe nin
th In houso, whim all tho girls were get- j iUaa (0 (,e repaired,
ting roody and dinning buck and forth Promising to cull for thmn bftforo she
from snob other's room, to witness a ' rntnrmtil home la the afternoon, ahe
limit llttlo donation which two or throe
of the Chlongoun practiced,
"Why, yno know," aald the, "thny '
had regulur fa I no necks made of tlili
wai, and tlmy put thone on after bant-
ng tiiniii. 1 win never ao astouisnoa in I
my Ufa The wai flttod exactly when
on, and thny wore either a cIom dog
oollar of Iluck velvet to bide the joining
place or else a Jeweled necklace. Unlow
yoo could never havo told In the world
that the nock wuu t every bit natural.
The wai wos very thin, I suppose.
How they Joined It In the back 1 do not
know, for 1 diiin T sea any of the girls ,
gutting Into their false necks, but 1 1
know that It bud to be heated, for I .
heard thmn talking about it They must
have been awfully hot and onoomtirt.
able, but I suppose whim 0110 got uced !
to them thnt they wcro not so uwL 1
They certainly looked well Just like
tho real thing and If 1 hud unt known
beforehand 1 could never have told the
dlfTurencii. " hit Louis Kepublio.
Wanlnc ol lh Klv o'tlork.
We aro still too apt to pervert the one
of thlnx. auy the Now York Evening
t'ot The rise (and, might we say, tbe
fall) of thu A o'clock lua table is a case
in point When the honnltuble Eugli'h
custom of 6 o'clock tea was thoroughly
Ingrafted npou society here, sprooding
among all clnmun, tho tea tray for Its
service becamo nocostity Out of this,
however, soon grew tho atrocity of a
toa table as a permanent piece of parlor
brio-a-brao Eluborutuly cxinippod to tba
most minute detail, II stood perennially
ud immovably like the piano or the
andiron Tbe fad that tho spirit lamp
ondor the polished urn waa rarely light
ed and that the eggshell cups contained
tbe cheering brew not ouoe In a mouth
waa no canto in tho minds of many
chatelaines for its banishment Fivs
o'clock tea was a fanhionable custom,
and Its outward aiuumptinu, therefore.
fashionable need It finally entered
tho beads of aoino per sou a of sense and
tasto that to have china and silver thai
waa needed for certain food aud drink
service alwaya tincovred and on the
parlor table was neither neat nor attrac
tive Then tbe vogue of the parlor t
table passed Five o'clock tea la still
ploasautly aud fa ihionably indulged In,
but the tray or table now does duty as
required aud is retired whon its service
la over
Aataina'a Jrr.
TbecrystnllUiim of grosses baa once
more become a tan. Here are some
points to be reniemlN-ml
The granM-s should bo selected before
tbe seed pods have burst
Oocsslouul wheat or oats heads mis
well with the grasses
Fretty nodding vnriotlos always
should be freely mixed with tbe stiff
Tbe different Krunses should be thor
oughly dried first, not In stiff bunches,
but allowed a uutnral droop.
When dry, suspeud them in deep
jar aud pour over them a strong sola
tion of alum in tho proportion of two
pounds of alum In nun quart of boiling
Tbe grantee should uot touch the bot
tom of tba jar. as the will crystallise
fast to it
They should remain untouched In the
alnin solutiou for II hours in order to
become firm
Dried grasses aud the fluffy, plumy
varieties left plain (without auy at
tempt to improve on nature) may be
mixed with tho crystallised grasses in
the bouquet making, or the frosted,
shimmering orystnl specimens may be
grouped by themselves.
"OIRes Boys" Ar Girls,
La Froudu, the unique journal which
waa started ouly little while ago at
14 Rue St Georges, Paris, has already
acquired a good circulation, and Its list
of contributors contains many brilliant
names. La Fronde Is managed and edit
ed by women aud women alone.
"Even It ofTloe boys are girls," com
ments an exchange.
The feminine tuste for pretty and
dainty things baa overoome in a large
measure that dirtiuus and ngliuesa
which the ordinary uewspaper oflloo
aeoms to be heir to Tbe room of Muie.
Dnrand, tbe editor, for example,
brightened by flowers and greenery, and
tho furniture is of a light, graceful sort
thatwuuld have antonished Dr. Johnson
in his walks down Fleet street
jf a ruler.
First Mombor Musical Committee
Dora the new soprano's voice fill the
SeooudMouiber Hardly. The ushera
tell me there ore always vacant scats in
the gallery. Detroit Journal.
(Iicppji Pectprai
saved the lives of two of my chil
dren whon to all appearance they
were in tho first stage of
J. W. IIUFF0RD, Farmington, la.
Wmit BJOut her business, part of which
to do tome shopping in a large oity
...ui - hiiiitiit. On risinH to leave the
lnp she mechanically put out bor hand
w take possesion of an umbrella that
w.. ci0M he, looked like Her own,
and for the moment ahe had forgntton
the aooldout Bbo vu soon brought to
nor smiHita.
"That is my umbrella," aald a sharp
voice at her side, and a hand was laid
on bur arm to detain ber.
Apologizing for ber thoughtlessness,
hn left the ihoo. did the rest of ber
business and callod for nor umbrellas,
In the street car she met an indignant
pHr 0f evoi. Where had she aoen them
Muttf They scanned first her face and
ta.n tbe burden she carried. "Three of
tinra" muttered the owner of tbe eyes,
.n,i 1. was evident that she rufurred to
the ombrellus. "Tbreel She's din no
bad tho day."
As she spoke sho grasped bor own
nmbrella tightly and moved farther
away from the dangerous young lady.
The color came into the cheeks of the
latter. The speaker was bur friend ol
tn9 im)rBu(, Rnd she evidently bolloved
that the umbrellas, bad
beeu stolen.
Youth's Companion.
A new line of walkera sailors, caps
and veiling. 11 in Goldsmith. .
It will pay you to come to Portland
and purchase of us
Than any other store in the state
and we will pay fare to Portland and
return on all purchases of $5.00
or over.
Moyer Clothing Co.
BEX. SELLING, Manager. 3rd and Oak Streets.
turned with disgust from an
otherwise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purines
the breath by its action on the bowels,
etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years
. . .. . n( . ok
on absolute guarautee. i nc j vu.
and 50 eta. C. G. Huntley the DruggiBts.
nncklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman dt Co., Charman
Bros. Block. Price 25c.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest
on mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. C.
Latourette. -
Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, has a
choice and well selected stock of family
k-roceries which he is selling at very
reasonable rates. His motto is "live
and let live, with honest weights and
measures". Goods delivered to any
part of the city.
CARLOADS of goods for the Red
Front of course table oil cloth, 12c;
cabot W, 5c ; seamless hose, 10c ; tough
muleskin gloves, 25c, with calf front, 50c ;
9 dos. overhauls, 85c ; dress goods, yarns,
underwear, mackintoshes, capes, um
brellas and shoes at cut prices.
Red Front store, Oregon City.
The rate we are giving on subscription
with the Oregonian Is the beBt ever
offered in the county and those wishing
to take adyantage of it must do so in the
near future as this rate will not be made
la due not only to tha originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the CALironxiA Fio 8ybup
Co. only, and we wiah to Impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs la manufactured
by the California Fio Sirup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one In avoiding- the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The bigh standing of the Cali
fornia F10 Syhup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and tbe satisfaction
which the genulno Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of lta remedy. It is
far In advance of all other laxatives,
as it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
naurtcate. In order to get Its beneficial
effects, please remember the came of
the Company
. A A A A
riajed Oot,
Dull Headache, Fains in various parts
L the bojV( BinklnK ,t the pjtofthe
stomach, loss ot appetite, feverishnees,
pimples or sores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No mstter bow it
became so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Eloxir bss never failed to cure Scrofulous
Syphilitic poisons or any other blood dis
eases. It Is certainly a wonderful rem
edy and we sell every bottle on a posi
tive guarantee. Geo. A. Harding Agt
100 watches to repair at (1.00 each.
C. A. Nash, at tho Poetoffice.
We want to get the subscription list
paid to date, now is the best time for
farmers to do it.
Johnson has the best hair cutler in tbe
Best shave
barber shop.
in the city at Johnson's
Bellomv & Busch, the furniture deal
ers, are now delivering their goods by
means of their own delivery wagon.
A Personal Matter
A well painted house is like a neat
ly drecsed person always attract
ive and pleasant to look upon.
Can be repainted and freshened np
at a very reasonable price paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
until the sun makes any more marks
auu cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Flw'e QTnrn murrow
C.IJ 9 OlUrc... ins Painter.
5- 5- I
Ths KnalUh tun. j
The cheap place in which to live Is
like the typical old English inn that
my American friends aro continually
asking tne to find for them. I found it
tho other day, and, as the point tl tbls
incident lies enlirely iu its truth, I give
names and addresses.
I cycled my American friend over the
hills from Croydon to the little bninlet
of Little Warlingham, and there we
ran into the oourtyard of an Inn named
tbe Leather Bottle, which designa
tion had an old world flavor that de
lighted the man from New York. We
bad there a nioct excellent lunch, and
the charge was 18 penoe instead of the
osoal balf or own.
My friend was entbnslastio and re
solved to have tbe innkeeper op and
compliment bira on tbe cboiceness and
cheapnecs of bis viands. I begged him
not to do this, as be might raise tbe
prioe, and a Innch at one and six Is a
boon to a literary man, but my advice
was unheeded. Tbe proprietor when be
came received tbe praise of the Ameri
can calmly.
'Well" said tbe Innkeeper, I guess
I oogbt to know bow to set out a meal
to suit one from tbe States. For five
rears I was steward on W. K. Vander-
b It's vaoht I was ou ber at tne time
she was sunk at Newport."
Yon mav imagine tbe collapse of my
western friend, who c&d flattered Dim
self that he was several centuries away
from New York aud Newport Robert
Barr in London Outlook.
How to Win oa a Toss.
Spinning a silver dollar and
ffuewnne beads or tans is a
medium for small wagers among the
crowd in tbe alley behind tbe Cotton
Exchange. Tbe other day a young bro
ker mystified everybody by producing a
coin that invariably settled down beads
op no matter who did the spinning. It
was some little time before this pecul
iarity was observed, and then there was
a general demand for the secret. Some
suggested that tbe piece was loaded,
wbicb was scouted aa a self evident im
possibility, and close scrutiny failed to
reveal anything unusual about it
"I'll tell yon how it a done, boys,"
said the owner at length, "but keep the
scheme dark. All that is necessary is to
pass a tile a few timea around the edge,
so as to put on a slight bevel. It can't
be seen, but the coin will fall on the
beveled sido every time as sure as fate.
It's a good idea, by tbe way, to have
two in youi pocket one fixed for beads
and one for tails. A steady run is al
ways suspicions, yon know, aud yon can
shift 'em occasionally "New Orleans
S'imi'i Laatra.
A feminine laugh has to be decora
tive, and so it should be the laugh of
gayety rather than of humor. There can
hardly be a question as to tbe sweetest
laugh to be heard among nations of wo
men it is surely the Frenchwoman'!
She baa tbe softest warble of alL If
doves were not so serious, they might
remind ns of Parisian women laughing
together. Tbe Italian laugh is happy
enough, bnt it is uot quite so independ
ent of tbe subject of laughter. It has a
jollity all iu own. It is somewhat un
civilized, but uwd8 no civilizing. But
its principal characteristic is the con
tralto tone proper to tbe woman who is
to the last somewhat of a peasant.
Tbe laughter of English women is too
various for any briof description. For
English women laugh not according to
their race, but according lo tbrir caste,
as caste bas lately been revised and re
distributed. It may be said that in caste
also the treble note, the ready, tbe im
mediate, flits up to its own place tbe
top and is andible there, for all its
slender quality. Collier's Weekly.
I'aele Tont'a Cabia t'balr.
Among tbe many things associated
with tbe memory ot Harriet Beecber
Stowe is the chair occupied by her while
writing the initial chapters of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin." Mrs. Stowe, accom
panied by Rev. Lyman Beecber, her fa
ther, waa a visitor at Batavia, O., many
years ago, at tbe home of Judge Owen
F. Finn buck. During all tbe hours of
her visit and while writing she always
ooeuDied this plain poplar chair. After
Mrs. Stowe rose to fame with her book
the chair waa preserved and handed
down as a part of history from Mra
Fishback to Lou Buerkle, in whose
possession it now remaina The book of
the chair bas become broken off, and
all the slats are broken out of the back.
The color ot the chair was black. They
relate all the historic points now con
nected with this plain and unassuming
old time piece of furniture. Milwau
kee Sentinel
Valae) of a Good Sneeae.
We all know from actual experience
that a good sneeze is a wonderful looeen-
er of nasal bronchial muous. Sir Dyoe
Duckworth oomes forward in The Prac
titioner with tbe suggestion that the
induction of sneezing be resorted to for
the purpose of raising bronchial mucus.
The idea is a good one and woitby of
being placed in practical operation. It
bas been explained how vomiting causes
in expulsion of mucus or membiane
from the respiratory passages, bnt
sneezing appears to be quite efficient in
doing this. Ordinary snuff or any of
the many simple nasal irritants suffices
and may be blown into the nose of even
a child without any danger.
A Little Mixed.
In attempting to name ten Roman
emperors on an examination for the
bar, a student mentioned Antoninus,
Crassus and several other names ending
in "us," closing the list with "Angus
tine, the founder of Christianity," but
added, as sn afterthought, "This was
before the birth of Christ, of course."
Case and Comment
Some Chinese and Japanese can still
draw pictures with their finger nails,
an art once held in bigh repute The
nails are allowed to grow to a length of
18 inches and dipped in vermilion or
sky blue ink.
rTVV . hr
Baking Powder
Made irom pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders ate tfttgreatot
menaccrs to health of the present day.
rwt sMciMi sownss ofy, mm mm.
Sunday Services.
KiK'ilh and J. Q. Adams streets; Kef.
Krnrst J. VV. Mack, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 A. M., weekly services every Thursday
at 8 P.M. German school every Katurday
from 9 to 12. Everybody invited.
Ker. I . W. Bu l.r, Pastor. Hemces at 10. .'w a. .
and 7:3V r. H. Sunday Bchol after morulas
service. Prayer meetlnc i bnrsday evening at
7:30o,clock. Prayer meeting of Young People's
Society of ChrUtlan Endeavor ever duuday
veiling at J 30 prompt.
Ri:k, Pastor Morning Service at U:S0: Sunday
School at 11:15; Evening Service 7:30; Kegu.ar
prayer meeting I Lunula j evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding tbe Arat Sunday lo the month. I
cordial invitation loail.
Hillbbsamd, PaaUr. On Sunday maaaat g and
10 a. a. Every lerond and fourth Sunday
German sermon after the S o'clock mats
At all other manses English aermons. Sunday
School at 2.30 r. a. Veapers, apologetlctf
aublecta and Benediction at 7:30 r. a.
H. Obere, Pentor. Morning service at 10 t
Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting after.
morning service. Evening service at 7JOw'-
Epwono League meeting Sunday evening al
J0. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 7 JO
strangers cordially invited.
J. Montgomery, Pastor. 8ervices at 11 A. a. an
7 JO r. a. Sabbath School at 10 a. a. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor meet .
every Sunday evening at S:30. Innreds
evening prayer meeting at 7 JO. Seats free.
Erich, Pantor; J. R, Ehsst Aulitnit,
Preaching services every Sunday at 11 A. at.
and 7 :30 P. M- Sabbath school every Sunday at
10 A. M., Mr. Zimmerman BQpt. Prayer Meeunf
very Thursday evening.
Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. Services
very Hunday at 11a.m. and 7:dup. rat
Hunday school st 10 o'clock, Btrvice every i
Friday t ieuiiiK at 7:30. Other services as
may be announced. All seats free. Strang
ers cordially invited.
gregational chnrcii. Rev. F. Back, pastog. .
Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. Sunday
school at 10 L M.
Christian Science meetings at Willanv
ette ball, Sunday morning service, lt
o'clock ; Sundsy school, 12; weekly meet
ings. Wednesday evening at 8, except
first week of each month, when meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at
o'clock. Reading room open every.
afternoon from 1 :30 to 4. ,
A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday-
evening in tbe A. 0. U. W. Temple.
Geo. R. Califf, secretary.
Rebekahs Willsmette Rebekah Lodge)
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday ot
each month at I. O.O. F. Temple.
Matta Uodfry, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 0, Foresters ol
America, meets first and third Friday iai '
the month in Red Men's Hall. F. T.
Rogers, secretary; F. 8. Baker, chiel
Meade Poet No. 2, G. A. R., meets1
first Wednesday in each month at Wil-
lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, com
mander. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.;
meets on the third Monday of each)'
month in Masonic Hall. II. S. Strange,
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. 0. E. S. meet
the second and fourth Tuesdays in each)
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jenni
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meet
evary Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. 0. F.
meets first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall. J. W. Stuart, C.
of R. ; H. L. Patterson, Sachem .
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first and third Saturdays in each
month at Masonic Lfall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Corps No IS, W. R. C, meets
1st Monday in each month at the Will
amette Hall. Mrs. Clouse, president.
The Auxiliary meets the third Monday,
at Willamette Hall.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Men'a
Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Bianch No. 617, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets In
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, record
Willamette Falls Camp No 148, W. 0.
W. meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the
Redmen Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
Wanted-An Idea
Who eaa think
of some alniiiJa
unmi topatruts
Protect your ldea: they may bring yon weallaw
Writs JOHN WK1DEKUUBN CO.. Patent Attoe
auvs, WMhlngtnn, D. C. rr their i.lM) prlss offs
and list ot two hundred uveauona wanted.