Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Kvery Friday.
L. I PORTER, raorwiToR.
One year $2 00
Six months 1 00
Trial subscription, two months 23
A discount ol AO cents on all subscriptions
for one year, 25 cents for six months, il
paid in advance.
Advertising rates given on application.
Subscribers will And the date of expire
. tlon stamped on their papers following
their name. If this date is not changed
. within two weeks after a pavment, kindly
i notify us and we will look after it.
Entered at the postoftlce in Oregon City,
Or., as second class matter.
Beaver Creek Dr. T. B. Thomas
Canbv Ueo. Knight
Clackamas A. Mather
Milwaukie Oscar Wissmger
Union Mills 0. J.Trullinger
Meadow Brook Chas. Holman
New Kra W. 8. Newberry
Wilsonville Henry Miley
1'ark place F. L. Kussell
Btatlord J.Q
Mulino C. T. Howard
Cams R. M. Cooper
Molalla Annie Stubba
Marquam E. M. Hartman
Butu-Tille B. Jennings
Aurora Henry A. Snyder
Orville L J. Perdue
Eagle Creek H. Wilbern
Damascus J. C. Elliott
Bandy F. Galob
Currinsville Geo. J. Currin
Cherryville Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Marmot Adolph AscboU
faTTbe way to build up Oregon City
Is to fire Oregon City People jonr
Industrial development ia going to
take strides in the uttermost comers of
the earth, such as the world baa never
seen. Not only is this development
affecting all the earth, but it ia going
ahead at a speed never before contem
plated. Before man has been satisfied
to apply his genius to comparatively
small limits, but now nothing but a
continent will satisfy his ambition either
in industrial deqelopment, colonization
schemes or avenues of trade and com
Russia no sooner sees her gigantic
railroad nearing completion than she
reaches out for new ports on the Pacific
and not content with half of Europe as
well as Asia she fastens herself on
enough of China to make an empire in
itself. While Russia is reaching after
the great Chinese prize from the
north, England is as active by water
and it is an English dream rapidly
assuming shape, to see Calcutta and
Hong Kong connected by rail. But the
pet scheme dear to every Englishman
that has the matter at all in hand, is the
control of Africa. Starting with Egypt
en the north and Cape Town on the south,
ber outposts have been pushed until
they have nearly met Rhodes has for
years been widening the sphere in the
south while Kitchener has opened the
way in the north. Egypt will become
British in name as well as fact.
Fashoda meant little to Erance and
little to England alone, but all as a
link in the great scheme. Another move
or two on the political chessboard and
England will command contiguous terri
tory from Cairo to the Cape. Inside of
ten years yon can ride the length of
Africa by rail and not leave British
While these schemes of man are at
work in the Old World, America em
barks on plans frougbt with as much for
change. Departing from the doctrines
held since birth she holds the attention
cf the world, while she embarks in the
politics of the world, rather than that of
America, where heretofore she has been
denied the right that will now be ac
corded her Hi at of guardian of the New
World's interest.
Before the present congress shall ex
pire the means will be provided by
' which the canal will be built bringing
its attendant results that will make local
changes in the industrial world that can
be hardly loretold. Change follows
change so fast that we little realize how
little time has passed for such gigantic
works, Africa was only known to
Stanley and his fellow-travelers; China
to no one, Siberia, a waste, and America
a frontier colony, outside of politics and
little approaching the center of trade,
finance or society within the memory of
men now living.
Ox next Monday the annual election
of city officers will take place. Nomi
nations have been made by the "inde
pendent" and "non-partizan" conven
tions, and considerable interest is being
manifested over the contest. 0. I).
Latotiretta, the nominee for mayor on
the independent ticket, has been a citi
ten of this plaoe for twenty years and is
well-known as an able and conscientious
lawyer. He ia deservedly popular
among his brother-lawyers, anJ has
many supporters from all classes. His
record while here gives him good en
dorsement, Rudolph Koerner, the non
partizan candidate, is superintendent of
the Woolen Mills, and Is regarded by
his friends as well qualified for the posi
tion. The contest promises to be
spirited and interesting, but happily ia
devoid of personalties and political bit
terness. Partizanship does not seem to
cut much figure in the election, as some
of the most enthusiastic supporters of
Mr. Latourette are republicans and of
Mr. Koerner are democrats.
Imports of gold into the United States
(or ten months of the present year have
amounted to U3,C58,005; exports, T14
061,849. This gives the enormous bal
ance fl29,.y.Hi,LMG of gold importations in
excess of exportation in ton months;
and this sum will no doubt be increased
to $150,000,000 by the end ol the year.
This sura is more than double the net
imports of gold in any former year of our
country's history. Assurance of main
tenance of the gold Standard has done it.
We are getting back our rightful share
of tbe world's money, which was ex
pelled during many years by 'continuous
issue of silver and of silver paper, in
vast amounts. This folly was the chief
factor in making the panic of 1S93 and
subsequent hari times. Oregonian.
It seems that Schley bad believed or
bad a presentiment that Cervera would
try to escape the night of July 3rd and
Schley on that date changed the connec
tion on the engines ol bis flagship so as
to get greater speed. That same nignt
the troops captured six block houses on
the outskirts of Santiago and burned
them, that being the number of ships in
Cervera's fleet. Cervera believed that
this was a signal to the American fleet
and to fool the Yankees put off tbe dash
for liberty until the following morning.
The circumstance probably largely de
termined the result.
Tub successful completion of the
torpedo boat Davis is a notable event in
shipbuilding for Oregon. A boat of this
type making a full knot over ber re
quired time on her first trial trip is very
unusual and the more so considering
that this is the first torpedo boat built
by this company. This may be and
probably is.tbe beginning of a large ship
building plant on this pait of the coast.
Senator McBbidi in an interview at
Washington expressed himself in favor
of a legislation that would prevent tbe
obligations of this country from being
paid in silyer, and that would pat this
country positively on the gold standard
rather than in the negative manner as
at present. His constituents are with
him in this view of the mometary situa
tion. Spain has at last succomed to tbe in
evitable and accep ted America's terms.
She held out a long time and only gave
up when she realized that no Euro pean
power would take up ber fight. Jeal
ously prevented this in continental
Europe, together with the fear that
England and America would form an
alliance. The latter is feared as much
as the entranca of America in the colon
ial affairs of the Old World.
Lieutenant Huntley explains some
of the things that many friends of the
boys at Manila are anxious about. It is
only when we are able to get authentic
reports that we should pass judgment.
Matters are not as bad as they have
been reported, although it is safe to say
that none of us are anxious to change
places with the boys.
In the Wisconsin the coast adds to tbe
navy a battleship that as great things
may be expected of as of the Oregon.
Built by the same firm, the Union Iron
Works of San Francisco, she may be
expected to do the same work when
called on. She is a sister ship of the
Alabama and Illinois.
With an independent conve ntion held
one night and a non-partizan one held
the next night It might puzzle an out
sider to know what was at stake. But
there is just a slight difference that can
be explained if you have a day off.
The seyere storm that has visited New
England is in strange contrast to the
mild weather here. We have plenty of
rain, but no blizzards. Vessels are lost
on this coast in storms but not by tho
score in Pacific coast harbors.
Rkad Hie report of the director of the
mint published in this issue. It is a
good explanation of the financial question.
Friday November 25.
Thanksgiving is celebrated at London
by both Americans and Englishmen.
Pennsylvania defeated Cornell in a
snow storm at foot ball. University of
California beat Stanford the first time In
seven years. University of Oregon beat
Portland University 06 to 0.
The pension laws are liable to be re
vised as the application for pensions in
the Spanish war will make a large
amount ot work.
Chaa. F. McKinnon another one of
the Oregon volunteers is dead at Manila.
Multnomah heat the Y. M. C. A. at
Portland Thanksgiving 55 to 0.
The Monmouthshire is again in Port
land after an absence of a year during
which time she has traveled both the
Atlantic and Pacific,
Saturday November 20.
The United States has notilled the
peace commission at Paris that the de
mands made on Spain must stand.
Poetotlicea are being established in the
wake of the army in our new possessions.
The first troops for Cuba disembark at
Persia will probably become de
fendency of Russia in the course of a
few years.
An unknown man
Pass by a rolling log.
is killed at Grants
A portion of the townsite of Juneau is
in dispute.
Col. Pic quart one of the chief wit
nesses in Jhe Dreyfus trial has keen
ordered conrt martialed.
The Irrt s'lip direct for Liveipool with
wheat left te;!ay.
Trade a? ropoited by R. Q. Dun A Co.
is the la'jst in the history of this
Senate bill No. 68 Kuykendall. An act to dellns the qualifies
cations of voteis at all school meetings and school elections, and to
provide for the establishment and regulation ot polling places and
elections in school districts having a school population of more than
Section 1. In all school districts in this state now created, or
that shall hereafter be created, any citizen of this state, male or
female, married or unmarried, shall be entitled to vote at any school
meeting or school election who la 21 years of age, and has resided in
the district 30 days immediately preceding the meeting or (lection,
and who has property in the district of the value of at least $100, as
. shown by tbe last preceding county assessment, upon which he or
she is required to pay a tax; provided, that in districts of less than
1,000 inhabitants, women who are widows and male citizens over 21
years ot age, who have children in the district of school age, and who
shall have resided in the district 30 dsys, as aforesaid, shall be en
titled to vote at any school meeting for the election of school directors
or school clerk.
Section 2. All school districts in this state having a school popu
'atioa ot 2,000 or over, as shown by last preceding school census, shall
be subdivided into voting wards by the directors ot such district, such
wards to conform as near as possible to the city wards comprised in
its boundaries. The board of directors of all such districts shall
establifh at least one polling-place in each ward, the judges and
clerks of which shall be qualified electors within the provisions of
this act, and residents of such ward; and each elector shall be re
quired to cast bis or her ballot in that ward in which be or she resides.
Sec. 3. All acts or parts ot acts in conflict herewith are herebv
Sec. 4. Inasmuch as uncertainty now exists as to tbe qualifica
tions of voters in such school districts, this act shall take effect from
and after its approval by the governor.
Approved October 15, 18U8.
Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex.
has found a more valuable discovery
than baa yet been made in tbe Klondike.
For years he suffered untold agony from
consumption, accompanied by hemor
rhages ; and was absolutely cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds. He declares that gold
is of little value in comparison with this
marvelous cure ; would have it, even if it
cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma,
Bronchitis and all throat and lung affec
tions are postively cured by Dr. King's
New Discovery lor consumption. Trial
bottles free at Charman & Co's. Drug
store. Regular size 50 cents and (1.00.
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
Free Pill.
Send your address to II. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy in action and are partic
ularly effective in the cure of constipa
tion and sick headache. For Malaria
and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaran
teed to be perfectly free from every
deleterious substance and to be purely
vegetable. They do not weaken by
their action, but by giving tone to the
stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Regular size 25c. per box.
Sold by Charman & Co. Druggist.
Sunday November !i7.
It Is now believed that Spain will ac
cept the American terms for the Philippines.
Don Carlos has an army ready to lake
the fllold on the signing ot the treaty of
peace with America.
Germans want a share in the Philip
pines and the press urge the govern
ment to act in the matter.
The president of Costa Rica has an
important conference with the president.
Spanish troops will be out of Cuba be
fore the time set.
The queen of
William of Wled.
Holland will
Monday November 23.
It la now sttld that Spain has In
structed her commissioners to accept
the American terms.
A very severe blixaard is raging in the
North Atlantic states with many people
An explosion on a Stockton steamboat
scalds many persons, six die.
There will probably be no extra ses
sion of Congress as the president and
many prominent men oppose it.
Stock stealing on a big scale is going
on in Eastern Oregon.
Tuesday November 2t.
Col. Tiquart's trial for forgery In con
nection with the Dreyfus matter has
been postponed until the case ot the
latter is heard.
It seems that Cervora protested
strongly against going to Cuba with his
fleet as nothing but defeat could be ex
pected. Japan is preparing for trouble with
Russia In Corea. Japanese spies caoght
at Port Arthur are shot by Russia,
A strong protest is being made in the
east against Roberts, tbe polygamlst
congressman from Utah, taking his seat.
Tbe supreme court makes new rules in
bankruptcy cases to take effect January
2, 1809.
Memorial service were held at Manila
October 10 to the memory of thirteen
dead Oregon volunteers.
Wednesday, Nov. 30.
Draft of the treaty will be before the
peace commission today.
Boston harbor is lined with wrecks,
the result of Saturday's storm, There
was not a survivor from the steamer
A train robbery near Kansas City is
prevented by the company being not i Sod
and sending an armed force, capturing
one robber and wounding another.
Proper food could not be had bv sick
soldiers at Siboney unless they paid for
Work on the locks on the Yamhill
river has been stopped by high water
The steamer Detroit is wrecked on
Shelter Island, Alaska. No lives lost.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkbpbisk office.
j I
" Av you want to shmoks In this house-, Mr. O'l loollun, you will
slimok. Sals ol No'th CariUnl."
Seal of North Carolina
Is fragrant Is easy to light never
needs re-lighting, packs in pipe properly,
and does not "tamp" down too hard.
Always draws clear and smokes freely.
These are facts I
11 T
he Original
Always the
Mild and
ralaeae Draae.
The Miiployut'S in the ofllee of the ap
praiser uf curiums were busy examin
ing shipment of Chinese medicine,
and the pluce amulled like a furtillter
Tliern wero tho niraiil number of dried
snake, the looks ot whloh would be
oertaiu to kill or cure any Intelligent
pHlieuL There were alao a utimber of
plump Una tils, spitted on rods and ex
panded with slips of bamboo till they
n-sttmbled lunula ranketa; a lot of "sea
horses, " a long, slender fish, with a
bead like a borse and a prehensile tail;
bundles of ceutipods flattened ont and
panted on sticks; cans full of preserved
polliwogs aud angleworms and many
other ourious panaooaa, eaob of which
siuellod worse than the other. There
were pills as large as prunes, hand
somely decorated; roots and "yarbs" of
many kinds, which would paralyze a
Quuker doctor, aud boxes and bottles ot
unknown mixtures which would para
lyze anybody.
Tbe 40 separate ajid distinct smells
of tbe town of Cologne aro nothing as
compared to tbe odors arising from
about $100 worth of Chinese medicine,
which made some of the men handling
tbe stuff slok. Foul smell seems to be a
requisite In most medicines, aud if the
beneficial effects of mediolno are pro
portionate to its odor the medicines of
the Chinese should be tbe best In the
world. Portland Oregonian.
Only th tor
tares of the me
diarval rack are
comparable to the
agonies wblcn
many women
suffer through
.1. - ..Mil I se '.Birn
and diseases of their deli-
cate, feminine structure.
Nothing less man unoenraoic immnii
would induce aenaitivemindrd women to
submit to the intolerable methods of the
average doctor iu dialing with diseases of
this nature.
That there Is "a better way " than these
detestable "examinations " and " local ap
plications" is a truth which some women
have yet to learn, although thousands are
already rejoicing in the knowledge. They
have found in l)r. Pierce's I'avorite Pre
scription the one unfailing remedy which
heals feminine weaknesses at their very
source. This marvelous "Prescription"
restores absolute health to the internal
organism; stops weakening drains and ul
cerated conditions, gives elastic strength
to the supporting ligaments, vitality to the
nerve centers, and complete womanly vigor
to the entire constitution.
It ia the perfect fortifier and regulator of
women at every critical period in their
development; from the time when they
merge Into womanhood until the "change
of life." It is the one medicine which
makes motherhood safe and almost free
from pain.
A lady living at 7 Park Avenue, Ch ctgo ,m..
Mrs. lilllliy liowe, wiivc, ., ...7 ... ,
a Ion time from frmnle weakness awl sreniril
to be itdIiik Into a decline. Took several bojtlea
of your Favorite Prearrlptlon ' anil It aavtd me
from a great deal of suffering. I now riijov V'
fert health and will ever praise the wonderful
efficacy of your medicine."
The best popular medical book in the
world ia Dr. R. V. Pierce's tooo page Illu
strated Common Pense Medical Adviser.
It will be sent free, paper bound, for ai
one-cent stamps, to fay the coil of mailing
only. Address the Doctor at Buffalo, N. Y.,
or send 31 stamps for cloth-bound copy.
eaaea V Vi
(f n
Plug Cut
I Do You
Know the News
You can have It all for
tn the Kvening Telegram, ol Port
land. Oregon. It la the largest
evening iiewspntier published in
Oregon ; It contains all the news
ofthehtate and of the Nation.
Trv it lor a month. A sample
copy 1
will be mailed to you free.
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
.AND ...
Carries a complete llns of Cas
kets, (Jnltllna, Itohes and l.lniiigs
of superior quality aud most
modi-rale prices.
Lp p Dr. Williams' Indian Ptlat
L JNuiuiuieiil will cum mind,
PlllwUm and Itching
swl'llua. It ulinorlmlhe tumors,
allays the itching at once, acta
as a poultlre, gives timlant re
lief. lr. Wlllluiim'Imlliinl'lleOtnt
men! l nmnarcd for PI loa and Itch
ing of ihe private, purta. K.very boi la
warruntml. llv druvulnl. tV mnll on re
ceipt of price. M ennts and fl.mi. WILLIAMS
MANUFACTURING CO., 1'rop. Clevolaud, W.lu
For sale bv O. G. Hunt lev,
k tFlEtTir.KfAp M
Karl's Clover Root Tea
Heniitlfies the Completion, Purifies tin
Wood. KlveHn l'reHli,CU'itrKliln. t.'nrt'it'on
Htlpatliiii, IncllKfulliin, ntid all KruiUloiu (
the Skin. An agremMa l.amitivfl Nervj
Tonic. Sold on nhnulute irunninUS by all
tlriiKKUts at line, CUc. and f I.OO.