Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 02, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Ex-Attorney General Minium wat do
ing buslneat In our city Wednesday.
Mist A nun hamiiols, ol Portland wtt
visiting Mist Krnift Laurence Sunday.
K. M. lUmU iid family, of Vancouver
visited frlnndt In thlt city last week.
J. P. Keating returned Wednesday
from III visit to relatives In California.
Guy Clarke of Pacific Uulyeralty,
spent Thanksgiving wilh his parents In
tlila city.
Mm. Haiiglor, of Corvallt, wu visit
ing her daughter Miss Or Bnangler the
Ut ol Ilia wi k.
Miss Grace Ralrd, of Portland, spent
several days last week visiting luir
sister Mrs. A. H. Dresser.
Mr. and Mri. Thorns, of Portland,
ware visiting at (lie letter's sister, Mra.
Chaa. Albright the lest of the week.
Howard Brownell, who la attending
the 1'ecltlo University spent Thanks
giving with Ma arenla Wenator and Mra.
Max Tulford, who haa bcn at Ilandon
for two yearn haa moved hie family hack
to thla place. Hit many friends are
glad to aee him back again.
(lov elm t Gecr waa In Oregon City
Wednesday and waa met by a no in her of
the leading republlcent for an hoar or
more at the olllce of Register Moore.
W. J. Lewellen, of Hprlngwaler called
at the Enterprise office Thursday on hla
way home from Portland, where he had
1een purchasing hi Chrlatmaa snppllet
(or hla (tore at Hprlngwaler.
H. H. hlranue, who haa boon In the
hospital in Portland for aeveral weeks
li now able to alt up, but by the advice
ol hi physicians will remain there until
lie la able to walk.
Mr. Clark, the vocal
lky' Brigade Friday.
soloist, at the
The Meade Cori Volunteer Auxiliary
will give a New Year' ball on Friday
veiling, Dec 30, at the Armory.
All memlx-r and frlrnda of the Con'
grrgsllonal church are earnestly re
quested to attend the morning ifrvlce
next Bunday, to be presmit at an after
The neat regular meeting of Meade
Corp Volunteer Auxiliary will I held
on Saturday afternoon, Deo. 3, at
o'clock. Jennie K. Rowen, Secretary.
The Bible Society for Clackamas
count will meet Kunday afternoon at
3 o'clock at the Congregational church.
Rey. P. C. Iletaler, Uerintendenl will
have charge of the meeting.
The regular meeting of Meade poat
No. 2 will I held on Wednesday eve
ning Dec. 7th. The annual Inspection
will take place at thla lime also the elec
tlon of officers. The commander request.
a full attendance.
The memlxtra of Meade Cor Vol tin
teer Auxiliary wiah tolliank all who as
iated them to make their ball a success,
and eieially The Enterprise for the
oift of tha tiroicrama. and Bcllomy A
On last Saturday the 70lh birthday of
Mra. Uuth Scott waa celebrated at the
home of Mr. and Mra. D. C. Latourette
It waa a family gathering who were pres-
ent In honor of the occaalon, and a moat
pleasant lime waa enjoyed. Thoae pres
ent were: Judire M.C. George and wife,
Mr. C. K. George, Mr. and J. P. Eckler
Hon. II. W. Scott, Mra. Cooke, Mra
Coburn, Mra. Kelly and Mra. Duniway
The "Jolly Fellow" have laued Invl
Uttona to their frienda to a hop which
they will give at Weiuhard's hsll on the
evening of December ninth. The pat
ronesses are: Mra. W. E. Pratt, Mra
Geo. A. Harding, Mra. It. I). Wilton
Mr. Nelson Lawrence and Mr. Chaa,
W, Pope. The affair promises be to the
society event of the season.
A Farewell Reception.
The farewell reception given Rey. M
L. Ruga Friday evening lam, is i
memorable event in tha history of the
OreuonCitv Baptist church. The oc
casion wss favored with farewell com
mundatloni from various pastors of the
city churches who yoicod the unanimous
sentiment of the large appreciative
audience present. The prevailing im
nresslon boing that not the Baptist
church alone but the city and comma
nity at large lose In Mr. Rugg a promi
nent worker. At the close of the exer
cises the church, In token of esteem pre
nnind Mr. Ruirir and family several
nieces of silver tableware which elicited
renewed assurance that the unbounded
kindnesses of his congratulation should
never bo forgotten. On the Sunday
evenlmr followina. the farewell sermon
ended the relation of pastor and people,
Mr. Ruiru and family embarkina the
following Monday, directly for Urbana
111., his new fluid taking with him the
best wlshot of hi oongregatiou and host
of frienda In Oregon City.
Handkerchiefs of all description cot.
ton. llnon, emhroidoiled Swiss, for
ladies gents and children at the Racket
at ore. '
- The ureateut trimmed hat proposition
ever offered here or anywhere.
Mies Goldsmith.
Knit shirts, baby saques, mittens
fascinator all colors and baby bootees,
Ilia liliuM In Regard to Life In
Will Indnrest All.
Lieutenant W. A. Huntley, of Co. I,
Hucond Oregon Volunteer Infantry, ar
rived home from Manila Wednesday
morning on two month' nick leave. The
nterprlse reporter found him a rather
well-looking alck man, but soon learned
at 30 of the pound avolrdupola which
carries wa gained since he left the
lospltal 40 da a ago, he weighing then
nit I'JS ound.
The flmt question naturally wa "How
are all the Oregon City hove?"
I left every Oregon City boy in good
health, with the exception of one or two
who had some trivial ailments, not
aevere enough to keep them from in
forming daily duty, and all of them In
good spirits,"
"To what do you attribute the fact
that while all of the other companiea of
the regiment have hail death from
disease, company I ha not lont a man?"
waa asked.
"I attribute It to the fact that company
contained physically and morally, a
better lot of men than any other com
puny in the regiment. The company as
whole swallowed the bitter pills that
fall to th lot of every soldier (and there
were not a few of them) with a grin and
loke, instead of a scowl and a curse
They had the nigral courage to abstain
from the excess, so common to soldiers,
nd when disease came (and we hd our
hare) were able to flfht it with unlm
ttalred etreimlh. Such pjvial lellowl as
Campbell, N orris, Logua.Cornfleld Hard
ing, and Miller, of Oregon City ; Mi. Bride,
West brook and Turner, of Albany, to
gether wiih others I do not now recall,
iclp wondei fully to keep tlieiu from
thinking ol their troubles. Then there
Moflalt, Finley, Polndexter, Smith,
Htellmtclier and Oambar, who are
always looking out for the unlucky one
who are laid up In quarters"
'What is your opinion Mr. Huntley
about sickness? Will there he more or
less than In the past?"
"Lras. by all means. We have better
quartera, better food and more ex perl
ence in cooking and handing It to that
savings' can now be made and articles
of food outside the regular diet can be
purchased. The hospital are now in
good condition with plenty of nurses,
medicines and food for invalids. Then
too, the very beet end healthiest season
of the year is at band which will give
those who are run down a chance to
get on their feet again."
The reporter then reminded the Lieu-
tenant of the nasty letters that had been
written rrgarding the handling of the
emergency funds" placed in the hands
of the different captain for the use of
the men and asked what basla there was
(or such claima.
No basia whatever for the charge
that any funds were gambled away or
misappropriated ; it would result in the
court-martial and dishonorable dis
charge of any ofllcer so doing, and you
may e sure that it would be easily snd
quickly discovered, for every captain
baa to make an Itemised account ol the
expenditures of this fund to the colonel
of the regiment. Rut aside from that, I
know personally every captain in the
Oregon regiment and their honor Iz such
matters is above question. I also know
that the.ro is no gambling among the
ofllcers of the regiment. At to the
method ol disbursing the $100 fund, Idess
(lifter. Koine of the men (the ones who
wrote the letters referred, to) I fancy
think tha amount should have been at
once divided among me u memoers,
giving each one the vat sum of $1 .25 for
emervencie. How far such an amount
would go in an emergency and whether
It would be ready to go when wanted,
you can ludne for yourself."
"Our captain's Idea was that this money
could be used most effectively In caring
for the sick j that Is, in buy Inn necessary
food and nourishment that the hospital
would not supply. His idea is health
lirst. What if a mnn did lack something
In clothing or spending money; If the
fund could be used to buy things for
sick man. Captain Pickena haa said to
me many time 'Huntley I want to take
every man of company I back to Oregon
with me and I'm iroinir. to do it.' lie 11
do It too, I fltmly believe"
"Yes, you may restsssured that every
dollar of money placed in hit hands will
be properly accounted for.'
"But," the reported interrupted,
some of the mon seem to think that
Holiday goods at surprising prices to
meet the rich slid poor. At the Racket
For Young Men and Young; vVomen.
There Is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to have Inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever to well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
mussy their neat appearance is spoiled
The Troy laundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlomen'a fine work.
There can be no better work than it
done at the Trov. Leave your oidert at
Johnson's barber shop.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets,
All druirfflBts refund money if tails to
cure. 25c. The genuine hasL. B.Q
the fund hat not been used to good ad
You could not And two men among
our 80 who think that the captain hat
not handled thit fund In tha way he
thought best for the company. As I said
before, Ideas at to the best way to spend
money differ. They may have thought
they could have done Utter with It, but
I do not believe they ever thought he
misappropriated it."
"What do you think of the I'liiup-
pines7" wst asked.
"Oh I that's another stcry."
"Will the Insurgents offer resistance
to the United States?"
'Not when they know we are in ear
nest and propose to control the islands."
An envelope marked "To be opened
on shipboard" was handed Lleutenet
Hnntley, when he said good bye to the
boy, which proved to be a follows:
'Ciiartel de Kspana" Manila, Velio.
Wiikxsas, On account of III health
it is necesssry for Lieutenant Huntley to
be temporarily separated from hla com
pany and to return to the United Statet
on furlough. Therefore be it
Resolved. That we the undersigned
member of Company I do hereby extend
to hi in the tincerest sympathy .regretting
greatly that he hat to leave u but wish'
Ing him a afe voyage and a fcappy re
turn to the loved ones at home ; remem
berlng always his kindly and civil treat
ment of the men individually, as well a
his soldierly bearing and general com
petency (especially bit ability to Impart
plainly hit knowledge, and at the same
time remaining Arm withont giving
offence) when commanding the com
The above wu sigoed by every mem
her of the company.)
Boys' Brigade Drill.
Company B, of Portland, First Battel
First Oregon Regiment, United Boys'
Brigade of America, will give an exhi
bition in Oregoo City, at the armory,
Friday evenina. December 2nd. This
company gsve a uriii at me rornanu
Exposition before an enthusiastic au
dience. The exhibition will consist of
the physical drill with arms, given to
music, movements in the school of the
company, a skirmish drill with attack
and repulse, and the hospital corps drill
showimr how the Wounded are born
from the bloody front safely back with
in line. The company it 30 strong and
the hospital corps enrollt 16 girlt who
will appear in the regulation uniform of
army nurse. The drill will be Intel
snerced with numerous musical selec
tions by local and Portland talent. Ad
mission, adults, 25, children under 15
years, 15 cents.
Letter List.
The following Is the list of letters re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on November 30, 1898:
womxns' list.
Willis. Msry Prior. Mo F
Wllllsnn.R J Menysr, M
Thompson, Msry N
8milh, F Hunter, L
8tniruoiis, E Maltoon, F M
Burktt W fc
kin's list
Wilklni, II Harris. T
8Itk. J. E Hyfield, Frank
Nyvlst, N O Thomas. Arthur
Kent, J no Toden, 8 8
Colan, Wm Vena, Will
Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury.
a mercury will urely destroy the sense
of smell snd completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
ha mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on pre
dcripiioD from reputable physicans, as
the damaire they will do it ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo,
O., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure
you gut the genuine. It IB taken inter
nally.and made in Toledo, Ohio, by t.
J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Don't miss the bin street parade of
Stowe'a Uncle Tom'e Cabin. It will
take place at noon of the day advertised
It almost eqtule a circus in length, with
two brass bands. The only colored
lady drum corps, many fine dogs, male
and fomale drum majors, a long line ol
beautiful banners, flags etc. Monday
December 5th, seats on sale at the post
office store at 50c anyplace in the house.
Charman the cut-cut-rate aruggistgo
to for Xmas and holiday presents.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest
on mortgages. Apply to C. D. A D. O
sold only in
Otfie of
Jlgeoey fos
This is to certify that I have personally in
spected the beautiful Holiday stock of Burmister
A Andresen, and recommend it as the Beet and Most
Desirable Assortment of Appropriate Gifts I have
yet seen. Be sure to please your loved ones with
selections from this fine collection of Popular
and Very Desirable Gifts.
Wishing you one and all a Merry Christmas, I
Truly Yours,
Finished Every Week by the Clacka.
mat Abstract Trast Csmpany.
A Campbell to J N Miller, 180.83
acres sec SI, 1 3 1, r 1 e 100
C D Edwards to O R Vosberg, lots
M and 55, Pruneland
D Turney to G Moebnke, tract in
Moore claim, "B , 269 acres....
J E Johnson to L Criffin, 10 acres
In sec 4, 1 4 1, r I e
J Baker to I Baker, etf of se, sec
8, wtfofsw. tec 8,t3t,rl w
J Watchman to A Watchman, 40
acres in 1 4 t, r 1 and 2 e
George Brough ton to C A Willey,
wi of lot 3, e 56 feet lot 4, blk 4
Green point
M L Rogers to Procter A Beers,
wofnwi sec 27.t4s,rle..
M Kirk, et al to F Welsh, eX of
Welch claim
Wm Franklin to J A Bird, wj" of
nei of self sec 31, 1 5 s, r 1 e. . .
J H Miller to M A Campbell, 180.83
acres in sec 31, t 3 s, rle..
J W Doores to. M L, Dunlayey, 1.79
acres in Allen claim 500
C t Ely to E Murrow, .55 teres in
Wm Holmes claim 300
A F Longnecxer to G Cramer, 80
acres in Foster claim 300
Windsor Land Company to P Han
sen, lot 5 blk 8,-Windsor 100
E Parker by sheriff, to W A Hedges
Iota 7. R. lots 21. Windsor 174
J T Searle to J E Hedges, lot 5, blk
9 Canemah
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thome system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investnaents.real estate, abstracta
etc. Office over Bank of Oreeon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377
Oregon City Oregon.
Paine in the chest when a person has
a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece of flannel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
bound on to the chest over the seat of
pain will promptly relieve the pain and
prevent the threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same treatment will cure a
lame back in a few hours. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding.
Rev. H. L. Boardraan will preach at
the Baptist church next Sunday morn
ing and evening.
Cut-rate-patent medicine Bile at Char-
Fine salt, 65c per 100 lbs; stock salt,
40c per 100 lbs; roast coffee 10c; fine
roast coffee with good spoon 6 lbs, $1.00;
rising sun store polish, 6c ; Arm A Ham
mer soda. 7 lbs 25c ; bird seed, 5c.
Red Front store, Oregon City.
Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or abort time. Apply to G. E.
Hayee, office up stairs, opposite Hunt
ley's drug store.
makes PHOTO
ELRY of every description. Call and
see samples and get prices before trust
ing your valuable photographs with
IOC TKf ir.
IfShiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price of
25 cents and 50 rents and f 1.00, does not
cure take the bottle back and we will re
fund your money. Sold for over fifty
years on this guarantee. Price 25 cents
and 60 cents. C. G. Huntley, the Drug
everywhere for "Th Story of Ibe
Philippines" by Murat Hslsteait, commis
sioned by tbe Government as Olltcial His
torian to the War Department. The book
was written in army camps at San Fran
cisco, on the Pacific with General Meiritt,
in the Hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong
Kong, in the American trenches at Manila,
in tbe insurgent camps with Afrutnaldo, on
the deck of the Olvmpia with Dewey, and
In tbe roar of battle at the fall or Manila.
Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original
pictures taken by government photo
graphers on the spot. Large book. Uw
prices. Big pronis. rreigni poia. vreun
given. Drop all trasny unomoiai war ooona.
Outfit free. Address, F. X. Barber, Sec'y.,
Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago.
The Latest Sensational French Play.
Cyrano De Bergerac, by Edmond
Rostand, which is being played in this
country by Richard Mansfield and in
England by Henry Irving, is just brought
out in a dainty, handy clotn-bound
volume at tbe price of 35c., and a cheap
paper edition at 15c, by Hurst A Co.,
New York, the well-known cheap book
publishers. They will send it post paid,
or it may be bad at all dealers. It is
generally pronounced the play of the
year, and some critics rank it close after
Shakespeare's masterpieces.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak is
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh'e Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of Croup. It has
never been known to fail. The worst
cases relieved immediately. Price 25 cts.,
50 cts. and $1 00. C. . Huntley, the
Qi S
i Druggist.
Books, balls and dolls, we will make a
specialty of for the holidays. At tha
Racket store.
Doll heads, extra large size cheaper
than can be bought in Portland at the
Racket store.
Money to loan on a good farm security.
One to three years at 8 per cent.
O. B. Dimice.
Fisher's Mandolin club, Friday night,
at the armory.
To Core a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25o The genuine has L. B. Q. on
each tablet.
" uii la tb to man-in our baamt'M m
thair own nd nex'by coiihUm. It limitinly of
rle work eouducted at horn. Salary s'rnurbt
l0 year md Mins l-iin 1 1 ix nMfide.no
mor, do lm mi try. Muutuiy t.s- Keiervm'ea.
Eucl elf-ad- rated iani d inrelop, Her
bert E. Hew, Piest.. Dept M. Chlctfo. t-Si
Bwn th f I Ym Haw Always Bought
Ihe Hind Yoi Haw Always
Thla Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
atrate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warren St, New York City.
Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a poai
tive cure for catarrh if used as direoted."
Rey. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
eure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. '
Prof. If. E. Peeks, who
makes specialty oc
baa witno
doubt treated and cor.
ed mora caws than any
living Physician) hut
aucceaa ia attonlahinfir.
We hare beard of caiee
of ao y?r' atanding
larare bot
tle of hla abaolute cure, free to any aufTerere
who may send their K O. and Expreae adclreta,
We advtaa any one wishing a cure to addreaa
new. a. izta. r. 4ttvau w twh
At the Racket store.
on each tablet.
man A Co. drug store.