Oregon City Enterprise. VOL. 31. NO. 3 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1866 i h Q.K.I1AYKH ATTOUNKY AT LAW. psclal addition given to County Court nit 1'rouait tmalneat, Oflloa Upilalrs, opposite Huntley's Hook tori. C. SC HUE 15 EL, PutM?er ri'Pofat. ATTOUNKY-AT LAW. Onto over MrKlttrlrk'i Hhoe Hlore, Mar Hit Hank Of Oregon City. OaiuoR City Oaaiioa, JQUH. I'OWBI.L BKAMANN ' Pbyalclans and Burgeons. fopeclal alltiillon given to aurglcal work. OllW hniirai N to tl A.M., lloSI'. M 0 to 8 I', M. Hootna U anil 10 Cliarman 111k. aiac. aaowmu. j. o.oAiirsau. JJROWHELL A OAMPHKIX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OaaaoaCiTT, Oaaaoa. Will praotlea In all tba aottrU ( tha IUI 01- to, lu c.urVU bui diua. QLACKAsUa ABSTRACT TRUST CO. rnrnlah. Ahafaeta, ( halm of Tll'a. Perlp tloif, l.iwui, Iiiaur.ice. fay Taiea ferlool Title. !., tin. oillr. of. r !" ol Own ci r. J. t. CLAHK, rn:,ai Mr, aaaoaciTT, - oatoo, J II. MI1.I.KK, -PKNTIHT- Flne aala of teeth, gold crowns, all kinds ol tilling! ami piloVework. Seventh Ht. near lol. Oregon City, Or. 0 O. T. WILLI AMU. Vial kbtat and uoa aokkt. food II u ot bualuM. reddence and auburbaa rropertjr. rarm Property Id Irarla lo lull oo iiif Urms. Correapenitanoe prniriitljr anawered. OIBoa, oi. uo.ra 'uim.l MviMoilUi ehuioii. Q p. D.C. latouketti. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIM aTMKKT OHKUON CITY, 0KOM. rornlah Ablreola ot TUia, Uau S.-.nr . Olues MOrlf ann irMM Lew auaiaeae A. S. DKEMBKU. ATTOIINKYATLAW. Office over MrKlttrirk's Hhoe Store, near thaltankof Oregon City. Oaaooa City, Oaaooa. XL. PORTER, A' ATTORNEY AT LAW aaaraicraorraoraaTY ruaaiaHSD. OBce neat to Oregon CUT bank on th street D R. FRANCIS FREEMAN, -DENTIST Graduate of the Northwestern Unlver- itv Dontal School, Chicago. Aleo American College of Dental Kurgery, With Dr. Welch. Willamette Block. B F 0. A W. SWOPE, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Collections, Foreclosure of Mortgages, and a general Ihw business at tended to promptly. Main St. Flrat door South ol Methodist Church . rptlR COMMERCIAL BANK, " OF OKKOOS CITY Capital. 100'000 Loant made. Mllla dlaonimted. Make col leetiona. Hi.ya and sella aaehanga on all po' W In Ihe United HUtea, Kurm.e awl Hong Vonf. UfiHwIu rfieled subject lo check. ais open Irom A. a. to 4 r. M. D O.LATOUBETTE.Prj.Jent B AKK OP OKKQCN CITY, Oldest Banklns Boost H the City. Paid np Capital, M,000. Hiirplus '.C'"' V.ca raaa.nlHT, 0, oAUwiJS" A lenoral banking bualneaa tranaaoted. Uepoalta reculveif aubol to oneca. Approved bllla and noma dlaoounwd. Oouutj and city warranta boiiKht. Lnana mde on available aeourlty. . Kiohanite bnughl and add. Oolleotlout made promptly. . IHatta aold avallanle In any part of the world Telearaphlo etohatiKea aold on Portland, Han Vranolaco. 'Ihlnain aud New York, nieront pal J ou time depoalta. THIS IS WHAT our cuHtomerB claim for us and our groceries: That we olfcr the bent of grorerlee at the low Ht pricca. They have confi dence in our gooda and know that we never misrepresent our Helves and that our stock of fine groceries Is the purest and the most nutritious. Last, hut not least, their grocery bill saves It self fully '25 per cent by their dcalinj with Marr A Muir. Our way of doing business Is to treat every one fair and square and offer the very best in our store. & JVZxxix- Ttm experienced IioiimiVmcint can toll the difference between picked feathers of live geese and such out of the rear art of a poultry dealer shop, hut there are others that have not required such experience and will become a victim of unscrupulous dealer. Never buy pillow enless you step Into our eetabllanmerit end ask for a liitle Information, It will not only coat you anything, but will also give yon a ' chance to look over our holiday good which we are now receiving every day. BELLOMY & BUSCH, .ToaX" ttXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXi INSURANCE. FIRE ' AND ACCIDENT Railroad Tickets to all points East at low rates. c; Pate nt: plour Manufactured in Oregon City from the best selected wheat on the market.'" All Our Flour Manufactured From Old Wheat IT IS FOR SALE .yigJCT?, Guaranteed the best. Patronize Home Industry. Special Notice. Wo are headquarters for Canton Clipper Steel and Chilled Plows, Har rows, and Cultivators, Simond's Saws, Warranted Wedges, Sledges and Axes, Steel Ranges, Air Tight Heaters, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Wagon Wood and every thing in the hardware line. POPE St CO. Comer 4th and Main Streets. - Oregon City. Z2ZZZZSSZ2ZZZZZ Geo. A. Harding-- PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST M lllnmetle Iliitlilliiff. YOU Can Save Money By buying your Drugs and having your l'rescri ptioua filled at the leading Drug Store In the City Our Specialties Pure Drugs and Low Prices. We guarantee our German Cough Balsam to give Satisfaction or we will return the money. Wliat Evenly M Most Be So They all say that HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters for Hay, LandplaBter, Seoda, Etc. Good Morning! Nice Morning! Providing your head reated well the prevloua night on a pil low stuffed with Clean Gooac Feathen E. DONALDSON 3 zGrocr for It iEdgrVr'tVt; SZ22222H22SEH22Z2222222222222SS Carries the most complete stock ot First-Class Groceries to be found in the City. SPAIN YET IN DOUBT Showing the World That She Is Poor Hut I'roud. CAMHOT ACCEPT THE $20,000,000. VYIII Probably Hare Her Answer Soon Wreck at Alsea-$.1,000,000 fire lo Pan Francisco. Pasis, Nor. 22. The Spanish peace commissioners last night telegraphed to Mai) rid the substance of the United States' memorandum presented jester day, aud late yesterday evening they were discussing it among themselves. At lale as 1 o'clock this morning a Span ish commissioner affirmed that his colleagues did not know what to do re garding the American ofler. There la a difference of opinion among unofficial pec pie near the commissioners, but the prediction It made that Spain will de cline the American offer of mney. She will refuse to cede the Philllpinet and will say to the United Utalet: "You may. take the archipelago be cause yon bave the power to do to. Aa you advance we will retire, protesting against the greedy aggression. We will faithfully carry out our part of the pledges, and leave Cuba and Porto Rico in your hands. You came to engage In a discussion ander the terms of the protocol, but you evidently meant, when drawing op that document, to provide a conference in which, though we differ man to man, you proposed to announce at the proper time what you would do, whether we agreed to it or objected. Such an attitude robs the conference of anegotiative character, and seta np the United States at a dominant power, whose first purpose is to listen, but whose ultimate determination is to do 1U own will." As a matter of fact Senor Montero Rios is reported to have used virtually such language and arguments as the foregoing. lie said more, even indicat ing a high degree of exasperation at the American offer of $20,000,000 His man ner, no lest than bis words, betrayed his repugnance. Hit display of feeling and utterances, however, are not wholly approved by hit Spaniah colleagues, wbo did not hesitate to say aa much after yesterday's session. Utterances later by a Spaniard of im porta rice, whose nan.e is withheld for the present, indicate! another line of ac tion, a treaty of cession of the Philip pines. "Suppose," said the speaker in ques tion, "that Spain says to the United States: 'We are exhausted . We have no funds with wbicb to continue the war. We do not want to continue it, and we cannot. You serve us with an ultima tum. We must submit to your power. Prepare your treaty and when you want us to sign we will sign. We must bend to physical force. You have the Antilles and you will possess the Philippines as a conquest from a helpless people. We yield, but we decline $20,000,000 for pro perty on which our valuation was not asked nor respected. You bave your will. We trust yon will not continue the war upon our helplessness, because forsooth we decline your $20,000,000. Surely this waiver by us of your money will not provoke a further use of arms against Spain. We sign, we cede, we are dumb. It is finished and we may be permitted to letain the privilege of assuring our people and our national creditors that we, at least, have not stolen and re-sold territory we bad pawned.' " Should Spain cede by treaty, or, on the other hand, should she refuse and break off negotiations here, her protests will embody 'some such declaiation as this. As against such sentiment, it is argued that the business in hand is work for great men, aud that it would be childish folly to refuse $20,000,000, and that the Spanish government could not justify such a refusal bofore the Spanish people or the public creditors of Spain, a deliberate throwing away of $20,000,000 in addition to the loss of the Philippines. LaBt night the Spanish commissioners sent the American communication by a special messenger to Madrid, where it will arrive tomorrow. It is felt that the Spanish government must now answer the American ultimatum, but as it is ! not likely that the answer of Madrid will arrive tomorrow in time for the com missioners to formulate their reply to the Americans by the afternoon, it is proba ble that the joint meeting will be deferred from tomorrow to a dity later In the week. Paris, Nov. 21. The United States peace commissioners have undoubtedly made their final proposition here. When the conference opened this after noon, Judge Day, addressing Senor Montero Rios and his colleagues of the Spanish commission, recurred to the protracted negotiations, and reaffirmed the desire of the American commission era to reach an amicable conclusion, Then, handing the American presenta tion to the interpreter, Judge Day con cluded bit remarkt by saying that the Americans, preferring not to break the armistice or to resume hostilities, had determined to present another and Insl proposition, which he hoped would lead to a speedy and amicable adjustment. That portion of the presentation set tiny forth Ihe new proposal, the proposal that the United titatet most have pos session of the entire Philippine archipel ago, with a tender of $20,000,000 for a treaty cession of the islands, waa then read. Without betraying their mental attitude, the Spanish commissioners suggested an adjournment nntil Wednes day. The new proposition, with its collater als, waa embodied toward the end of the American memoranda, which filled 30 typewritten alieets. Only this part waa read in the j Mint session, the memoran dum then being delivered to the Span iards for translation by their own staff. Spain's proposition to invoke the offices of a third power to construe the words "control, disposition and govern ment of the Philippines" waa rejected by the American commissioners on the ground that the diction of the third article of the protocol, dealing with Ihe Philippines, is to broad and clear aa to afford no justfication for arbitration aa between the parties of tbe agreement. An analysis of tbe American memoran dum shows that all other suggestions and other considerations binge upon treaty ceasion at tbe amount named by the United States, and within two weeka. Ia tbe eyent of cession, Spain may enjoy for a term of 12 years rights of commerce in the Philippines equal to those of the United States. If the United States acquires the islands by conquest, Spain may not enjoy such rights. Should Spain refuse cession, she would remain liable for indemnity claims, national and individual, since the outbreak of the last Cuban insurrec tion. Should she refuee, she would also loee, probably, as further indemnity for the expense of conquest, one of the Car olines, wbicb she may now sell; and other cable privilegea within Spanish jurisdiction might be taken by tbe United States without any return to Spain for them. To is evening the 8panu.rda doubtless do not know whether tbey will accept or reject the American-terms. They are telegraphing the substance of the American memorandum to Madrid, and tbey expect a reply at Wednesday's meeting. Poaeibly they may conclude that be cause one money offer it made, another and larger offer may follow pressure up on the American commissioners. But if this be their expectation, it will not be realized. Tbe American terms, sab mitted almost at the close of the eighth week of patient hearing and painstading argument, are a practical ultimatum. Ntw York, Nov. 22. A dispatch to the World from Paris says :"No one can forsee what the cortes will do." This was the answer ot Senor Ojeda, princi pal secretary of the Spanish commission, when askeu il the American nltimatum will be accepted. Senor Montero Rios, president ot the Spanish commission, frowned as he list ened to America'a final note at the joint session. When the reading was ended be said curtly : "Spain does not need until November 18 to answer. She will present her reply Wednesday." In the communication tbe United States refuses arbitration, but offers $20, 000,000, in gold for the Philippines, and such a sum as may be agreed upon for an island of the Caroline group, or enough land on a strong island for a naval base and cable station. The American commissioners proposed to give Spain until November 23 to ac cept or reject these demands, which were translated at the session in full by Interpreter Furgeson, but after Montero Rios' remarks about not needing so much time the joint session was ad journed until Wednesday. It was reported immediately after the session that Spain, had determined to break off negotiations, but the World correspondent's information rather points to her giving notice on Wednes day that she accepts the American pro posals under protest. Spanish Secretary Ojeda said to the World correspondent : "America proposes o pay $20,000,000 for the Philippines. We regard it as ridiculously Insufficient, in view of the fact that we raised $40,000,000 on the security of the Manila customs alone. She adds a promise that for a number of rears not specified she will admit Span ish merchandise and ships to ports on the same terms as to merchandise and ships of the United States. We regard this part of the proposal as of very little, if any yalue. This condition no doubt bas been put in at the suggestion of England not of Germany, for she is favorabe to Spain." When pressed for hit opinion at to tbe ultimate action on the American de mends, he esid : "It ia for tht 8panish government to decide what to do. I do not aee how we are to avoid yielding to them. We have no friends and apparently are help less in the matter." "Ia the queen regent in fayor o! ac cepting them?" "Personally, no doubt she it," an swered Senor Ojeda. "But the will be guided by tbe government and thecortea and nobody can tell what tbe corteS will do. I am not a politician and bave no idea." "If Spain accepts," tbe correspondent inquired, "bow long will tbe com mission sit?" - "In that case" Senor Ojeda responded " there will remain only matters of detail to settle, for which seven or eight sittings should suffice." "Waa there any reference in the American communication to tbe Cuban debt?" was asked. "None .whatever,"replied the secre tary, but oar answer next Wednesday or Thursday may refer to it. No article of a treaty baa yet been finally drawn." "Has America aaked (or one of the Carolines?" "Yea. She proposes to buy a tmall coaling atation there." Senor Ojeda't demeanor waa that of a man much depressed. The Spanish were prepared for tbe America'a insist ence on tbe demand for the Philippines, bat are surprised at tbe form of tbe lat est proposition, which virtually ia an ul timatum, and at what they consider tbe inadequate compensation offered. WBKCK OF THE ATALAJfTA. Coa Down at Alaas With ST Men oa All P.ri.h bat Three. Yaqcisa, Or., Nov. 18. The British ship Atalanta, carrying a crew of 27 men and loaded with 2800 tons of wheat, from Tacoma for South Africa, waa wrecked near Alsea bay yesterday morning, and so far aa known there are but three sur vivors. Tbe causes ot the wreck of tbe Ata lanta and tbe circumstances attending it, produce a tale moet harrowing. The mismanagement ot the vessel by ita officers is ascribed as the case of the dis aster, and the crippling ot the Yaquina life-saving station by a penurious policy of that department of the government, adds horror to the situation. The ooly three survivors aver that tome of their comrades on board the ship may yet be alive. While the members of the life saving crew are in eight of tbe wreck, they are so far powerless to render as sistance, owing to tbe want of appara tus. Meanwhile couriers scoured the beach and country adjacent for 10 miles, to procure horses to bring np the life boat and beach cart. At 2 o'clock today the Atalanta lay about a mile off shore, in a field of turious breakers. Every swell passed over her works. Each hour a section of the vessel waa seen to fall away, and the timbers float toward the shore. A strong and steady south wester aided the current from the tame direction to bear tbe wreckage rapidly to tbe beach. It waa this power, and agency and this alone that enabled tbe three sailors wbo sur vive to escape the fate of their brethren. Iu a lifeboat filled with water, partly disabled with wreckage, and without oars to direct theircraft, they were borne to terra firma, thus passing over a course of nearly two miles. One man, who was clad in simply a shirt, more hardy than the others, made his way along the beach. He found a farmhouse and announced the news, and solicited assistance for bis companions. When the unfortunates on the beach were reached they were so benumbed with cold as to appear beyond help. It has required nearly 24 hours for one to regain his powers of mind and body. The rescued sailors have been taken into cabins along the beach. BALDWIN HOTEL A MASS OF RUINS The Baldwin Hotel and Theater Burn at San Franoiaeo. San Francisco, Cal.Nov. 23. At 3:?5 tli is morning the Baldwin hotel caught fire and was entirely destroyed. There were 800 people, guests and employes, in tbe hotel when the fire broke out, and certainly two, probably many more of these people lost their lives. Manager A. J. White was one of the victims, but before be gave up his life the gallant fellow saved the lives of three women. The fire is said to bave stared in the kitchen, located in the basement. It worked its way up through a flue to the sixth floor, and before tbe first alarm was sent in the flames bad gained great headway. The first alarm was followed by others in rapid succession, until five calls had been sent in, summoning every piece of apparatus at the command of the department The Baldwin theater also burned. The loss ia enormous.