Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 18, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
TimsCasd Kastsids Railway Company
(Couch St.)
7:00 A. M.
lo:c i
11:15 r. u,
7:4S .
b.yi only to
111:30 only to
Mil wu Vie
7:05 A. M.
9 W
11;) r. M.
8:ao only to
12:50 only to
rmuri ALTOS I.44VM
fuul Uli slront
I. it,, m.
onnioK I'iTT
Kt'ol K.ghlli'lrool
S lip, m,
4vsrssio amiioi
9 AO
11 Id M
i 10 p. m.
m. ro.
7 uo
A 14 "
M '
l.ut h, m.
a.l "
4 4)
1(1 "
4 2. "
im "
. '
I 40
HiiU'W Oirt leave every hour Ulilll onlork
B m. lit sOsd on anil l!i Jenurv4. Ii.
' I!. A HI1.UK,i.cit.
VAsroivr.ii Ramai'M, Tim F.lghth
California Infantry are doing gfcrrinoo
duty t Vancouver Barracki and like
many oilier military organlatlona liave
Issued a paKT calllrd the "KevlUe,"
which la very newsy little sheet, llh
Robert R. By ram a editor. It. II.
Ilyrsm will be teiiirmliered In Oregon
City aa the bookkwiwr lor JIamsliew A
Rehm and la now chief clurk lo the
quartermaster In the F.ighlh California
LunnsFoaTiis Citv. At s special
council meeting held Tueaday evening
concerning the light! on lower Main
etreet It waa determined to allow the
arc light! to remain a now stationed and
ilace an Incandt'trent light at Tenth
Itreet to light the approach to the new
walk up the hill. The council had
had quite spirited duhate on the matter.
It la difficult to move the prone nt light
on the etreet without consldereble dissat
isfaction. The council also ordered an
are 1IkU at the end of the bridge back of
the Barclay erhool and two for Kly. If
the coat of arc llglita waa put In IncaixU'O
cent lights the city would get more here
lit ou these back streets.
Hatarats Company F. The membera
of separate Co. F. expect their unifo nn
the coining wrok. CapUln Fred Vet
aner ha! appointed the following non
commissioned olhYeia: First sergeant,
Bemiir l.inklna; quartermaster sergeant,
Joe AiiNten, sergeants, M. L. Miller,
Alfred Weed, David Fanchcr and Fred
Jack; corporate, C. Graaier, Michael
Mctjuaid, U. Itall and W. Rail; Inure
corporal, Joe Boylan ; muitlcian, Winnie
Iloylan. The company la fast gottinj
Into ahape and will be one of the finest
In the atate. The boyi ire taking grent
Intereat and pride In the matter.
Charity F.ntsrtainmsnt. The em
ployee! of Wolff Zwlcker Iron Worki
hive made arrangement! to give a
mimical and literary entertainment at
the Marquam on December 6th for the
benefit of the families of the workmen
recently killed on the torpedo boat
Davla. The best talent of Portland has
volunteered its service! end the enter
tainment will be well worth attending
outside, of the fact of helping In this very
worthy cause. The families of these
workmen are dciwndent and anyone
buying a ticket to this entertainment
enn be sure that his money goes to a
worthy object as well as seeing one of
the best entertainment! that the musical
and literary tnlunt of Portland can give.
Tickets are $ 1 each and can be had at
the postolNco , this city.
An Iniporlunt Difference
To make it apparent to thousands, who
think themselves ill, that they are nut
aflllctod with any disease, but that tl e
system simply needs donning, is to
bring comfort home to their hearts, an a
costive condition Is easily cured by using
Syrup of Figs, Manufactured by tho
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold
by all druggists,
MANY A 1,0 V KH.
Una turned with disgust from an
otherwise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies
tho breuth by Its action on the bowels,
etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years
on ubsoluto gun ran I co. Price 25 cts,
and 50 cts. C. G. Huntley the Druggists.
Rest shave in the city at Johnson's
harbor shop.
co urn COURT.
(Continued Irom first page.)
It was ordered that he he paid $100 until
bridge Is inspected ' by oCinmlsHloner
In the matter of (lie petition of Judge
Moreland for rebate of luxes on the Me
(Jul property at Milwaiiklo, the same
w denlti'I,
In the matter of opening the Forsvthe
road, Hiincrvlsor Hoistroui was unlo.ed
to open the sniiin.
In the matter of the appearance of J.
P. Cole and It. J. Moore to show cause
why their assessment should not be In
o ' sd, their affidavits in response to
0 iler to appear and show eiui why
Iiict assessment on proKiriy should not
b i Incresssd, read, ami It appearing from
their afllilavll! that their proeriy la
woperly ai -eased ; It Is ordered that the
cjiiiii remain as at present on the tax
1 ill.
In the matter of compromise of taxes
In case of Thus. W, Kcllogg's prorty,
V e same was referred to dm trio t attor
ney with Instructions to make no com
promise In sjld nvitter, as all mutters
pertaining, to said t lie seem regular.
In the matter of the taxes on the
Clayson estate, C. W. Itlsley, chairman
bourd of directors school district No. W,
aiH'ared to represent school district No.
2M, in the matter of setting aside t ie
order whereby a compromiKo wss made
hy county court in settlement of tsxei
In Charles Clayson estate, lie contend'
lug in behalf ol his ilUir'ct that such ac
lion should he Uken as district No, 2t
never agi'ecd, nor would they agree to
any such compromise on that part ol shIi
taxes lieloiiuiiix to sniil school uislrict,
In the matter of the . itnent of the
Dull Run plJ line, the same was re
furred lo Ihe county lude.
In tho mutter ol the bond of F.li
W.IIUnn, aNsessor-elei't, the same wss
p oved.
in the matter of the report ol J, II
Hmith on the cut at Deep creek bridge,
tliasHiiinwa accepted, sod the mutter
referred lo Comiiiinaloiier Morton to lis ve
Hiipcrvirior Cmike make said cut and II'!
In conformity with hlan of surveyor.
In Ihe matter of increasing the allow-
ani'e of Mrs, Jane Itolterts, a county
charire, the presi'iit allowance it 1.1 In
created I) she being over 100 years
old and bedfast
In the mutter of the petition of Jsnfi
Rusitell et al, for relief ol David Morris.
7 waa allowed to dute from Nov. I, IMS,
warrant! to be drawn In favor of John
In Ihe nutter of the petition of Cliarle.
Ir itheiford for county aid fur Mr. and Mra.
UMitfer, 1 4r month allowinl to date
Aroiit Nov. 1, IStiH, warrant! to be drawn
i lavor ot Mr. Kruger until Iilrtle
o red.
I the matter of claims of C. 8 tilde-
man et al, (or work on HivhUnd road,
the a ime was dinal lowed, snd the ma ' .-
of (u-dialling plank for improvements of
that (Hvrllon of said Highland road tli. .
has been graded by volunteer work v
referred lo the counly judge to see I' ' in
roal waa proierly gradel, and with
toe. ' ' lo ai l in laid matter of ilnialnritf
isid Improvement.
In the matter of the Dickey r 1
Molalla bridge! oi Mol-lla rlvi , , e
county Juiltfe rearted how he found
matter! in connection will Molalla l.yjr
at point aliove Dickey bride r i '
Mriutil i MiruiuH. ii ordered tl'-' I e
county aurveyor lie instructed to make a
profile of SJid Molalla riyer atovf
riiiht l hpriiiK! as recommended by
the county Judue.
In the matter of bill of Orettonrity
hirpiial (or treating Mr. Martin and
Clara Chambers, it was orilered that the
same be sent to Sulem for collection out
of fund for non-resident poor.
In the mutter ol increasing the allow
ance 01 J. II. Jones and wile, county
charges, the tame was increased to $10
lr month, to date Iron) JSovemlier 1,
IH'.lS, to lw drawn In lavor ol tliarlei
Llvrsay .
In Ike matter of making an allowance
for L Freeman and wife, it was ordered
that Mra. Freeman have $4 per month
to date from Nov. 1, 1HDK, lor three
months, warrants lo be drawn in favor
of Mrs. C.J. Parker.
In the matter of accepting the tax roll
the same was approved.
In the mailer ol Hie sliertu s report lot
the collection of taxes for the year 1HU7.
the same was read, and the matter of
examination of said roll left with judtte
loeaiploy such help as tie may deem
necesxary to get a, full and complete re
purt of same.
In the matter ol replacing Mr. Irving e
fence, the same wss led with Commis
sioner Marks, with power to act.
In the matter ol retiring the Uacka-
in as river roau. livers inn aim uucx
Creek toads, the same was left to the
county judge and Commissioner Morton
with power to act.
In the matter ol the contingent lumi,
it wss ordered that flOO be transferred
to said fund.
In the matter of improving the road in
district No. 11 with corduroy, the
tion waa granted and it waa ordered lliai
2lK) yards be placed on the Cushing mi'l
road, Thomas Mann agreeing to haul
the same.
In the matter of expenses in justice of
the peace courts, it was ordered (list the
deputy district attorney be requested to
look into the matter of exH)nse in bring
ing cases in justice of the peace courts,
and bring them In those courts where
the least expense will be Incurred In the
conducting of said cases, and that they
further be rcqucitod to see that in all
cote 3 brought where there is any douot
of conviction or where in their opinion
the prosecution witness is being actuated
by any other feeling than strict jimtice,
that they Insist that Bald prosecuting
witness give a good and sufliclent bund
to reimburse the county for all expenses
in connection with such cases if convic
tion is not secured. And it is further
ordered that no bills for expenses in
justice courts be allowed unless the com
plaint under which said CiHu was brought
was submitted to an approval of hy tho
district attorney or his deputy before the
bringing of said cases. And it is further
u:iered that no bill of expense incurred
i conducting any me in tho justice
courts shall be audited and allowed un
less accompanied with such statement
of the catse as well as tiie facts attending
the place of arrest and the distance
traveled by witnesses, constable and dis
trict attorney or his deputies for which
mileage is claimed.
In the matter of ex-Commissioner
Jaggais' copy of Hill's codo, it was
OJdered that the clerk ascertain if said
codo is Mr. JiiL'gar'B personal property
or not, and if so, lo make a requiaition
on secretary of statu for one for Com
missioner Morton.
In the matter of the repuire of Clacka
mas counly tirldge, It was ordered thut
upon us coiiiplenoii and acceptance ny
JmliH Itvfin. warrant to be drawn in
favor ol rtici ov for the amount due,
. In the mailer of Mill'! code:), It was
ordered that the county Judge ascertain
what a set of Hill's codo can be mr
chiiinil lor
In toe miiHer of the reports of officer!
' rOc oi cr of those received, the follow
ing wis eppioved: Cleik, fdJft.W); re
conler, (.l td 10.
In tin' iMiiti. r of inlleatre and per diem
of citiri'v commissioner! (or November
term, K!)H, 8. F. Marks was allowed 5
davs and M miles, $17 IK); J. U. Morton
b daem d 'M miles, $17.00,
In tie uiiii'i-rof the payment of claim!
file I uyalusi Clackamas county. The
county court having examined said
cUmi" in I iieing fullv satisfied, it is
oioci d I 'j ih- court that the clerk shall
Imui war., .i.t on the general bind in
favor of the persons and for the amount!
hereinafter Scifled in payment of said
claim :
J K Mi-Co v W0 00
Maude -liHhnry, clerks acc't.. .. 20 00
Josephine I, I'eubody clerk! acc't 60 00
Ira M. Chase, clerk'sacc't 65 00
Htate. v Kiolin, j p court.
F T (irillith, diet att'y 6 00
wtate vs Van Tress, J p court.
0 Kchucbel. J p
M F MiCown, constable.....
(leu Dunlavy, wit
0 30
17 00
6 70
6 70
6 70
6 70
H 70
Finest llartman
A II l.oan, witness,
J I' Miller, " ,
F J Hiilimrs. " ,
Fi.nk Ridings, " ,
(1 (J F Myeis " ,
I 1) l.srkins
Hum Marrs,
J li I'orter.
Juror. .
J R William! "
P D Curran "
cc William! " ,
i R Diml. k, dit att'y
Ktate vs ll.-iiderson, j p court.
C Ki'huelHd, j p ,
M F.McCown, constable
O II Dimli k, dint att'y
Hlate vs Thompson, j p court.
C Schuelml, J p
Clias K llurns, con ,
(i II Diinh k, dist alt'y
Stale vs Chute.
C St-huehel, J p
M F MrCown, con
Uotlfrhid Wallace, wit
August Ilulteinillcr, "
Fred Hheehel, "
F.rnet Roy lea, " ,
Win llenderson, "
2 O ")
0 60
6 0J
6 05
Itt 00 !
6 00
6 30
10 70
4 30
1 n
3 00
... 4 60
... 6 00
...1143 00
(j li Dimiik, dep dist att'y...
Courier, tux roll IH'.HJ
Ktate vs liabsch, j p court.
W W Jeasn, J p
F M Mai hews, con
Kulnaker, wit ,
1'imoud Kinney, wit ,
ed II iwurd, witness
Al'oert Khafer, "
U.eAhhafer, "
I.J Arnold, " ,
8 00
12 80
2 00
2 70
4 30
3 10
3 10
2 60
2 50
2 00
2 90
7 00
Clareme Floyd, "
Ohas W Riown, "
Clyde Kvane "
(i R Dimick. dist stt'y
J W Grout, assesori acc't
30 00
108 00
54 00
I. Htout, " "
Ida Smut, " "
Kleth Cuiuins, " "
UWUrai-e, " "
M C Strii klunJScoroner'i acc't
(1 R DiuiU k.dist alt'y
M C Stiickland, coroner
M C StrlckLnd, coroner ,
(1 R Dimick, dist att'y
Inquest OeorgH Ililland.
H W tScramlin, juror
64 00
30 00
6 00
C 00
6 20
George Lilt her laud, "
W K Young.
K M Morria,
A Klebe, "
George Walsch,
Ir. IVauinan, wit
MriJovner, "
Pearl Palmer "
Frank Mathews, constable
C Schuebel, coroner
10 05
6 00
7 40
8 00
6 00
9 00
68 50
30 00
10 00
6 00
14 00
2 60
7 15
6 25
2 14
12 60
40 00
14 00
16 0.
24 00
9 00
Dr Deadman, physician........
(i U Dimick, dist att'y
Frank Mathews, burial
R J Moore, Canadian thistle ...
JDLarkins, " " ...
O T & T Co, court house
Courier-Herald, sta p
K L tlolman, pauper
U ii Young, "
R L Russell. "
J II Smith, surveyors ac't
A W r ranee, road and bridge..
Wilson A Cooke " " . .
Pope Co. " " ..
OCInm Worki" " ..
Geo R Rate A Co" " ..
E McCoy " ' ..
Maude Salisbury, sherifTi ac't.
Will L Miller,
Clyde Kvane, ' " .
11 Heaver.
I Sellimr. pauper 22 00
J J Cooke, board of prisoners. ... 82 48
W II i oumr, road and bridge. ... u uu
Noblitts stables, road and bridge. 4 00
V It Hyde 3 tw
Dunning & Campow Indigent
Mldleia ac 40 ou
C II Isom, sheriff! ac't 48 50
Press 4 75
F.nterprise 22 90
Mrs Wineiett, paujier 4 25
In the matter of the reports ol supei-
vison for the month of November 1898.
The court having examined said reports,
It is ordered that they be and the same
is hereby approved and the expense of
the several districts are hereby ordered
paid, and the clerk la instructed to draw
warrants on the road fund and county
fund for several amounts and in favor of
the following named persons:
Koad district No. 1
Labor on Milwaukie and Baker's
Ferry, Risley, Sprinubrook and section
line roads.
RF Tyler $45 00
('has Frankhauser 40 50
K J Lyons 39 00
Walter llagonberger 42 00
Henry Sluckoy 0 00
K Scot t 12 00
It S McLaughlin 12 00
oseph Polly 7 50
S M Miller 7 50
Deck Howlet 7 60
John Abrahams 7 50
Jesse Cootes 19 50
E J Spooner 4 50
Paul Spooner 30 W
Harry Clifford. 34 50
W II Counsel and team 60 CO
WS Payn 19 60
Total $443 25
Road district No 2 Bridge work
C K Cramer $12 00
BCiamer 7 00
J F Robbins 6 20
Road district No 3
Labor on Deep Creek
.$M 20
bill, Hagon,
Is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, bnt also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio 8yuf
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing' the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup ot Fig Is manufactured
by the Califohvia Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one In avoiding- the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing' of the Cam
t oK.tiA Fio Sykup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Flgi has
given tojnilllons of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weakening-
them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
LOCI! VILLK, Kr. NEW Tsitlf. N. T.
Winston snd Union school bouse, Rock
Creek, Baker's bridge roads snd repair
ing culvert! and small bridge!.
F.d Rurghardt $ 6 00
Warren (ireenwell
Henry Bock, bridge work..
6 00
3 00
i A w t;ooke.
14 00
I A W Cooke, team and bridge work
2 25
3 85
Ell Rurghardt, lumber...
.$35 10
Roed District No 4
II FCurrin $14 00
II F Curiin, work and two teams 3 00
It A Wilcox. .
3 00
(ius Wilt-ox
Albert Bartlema..
Chas Rartlema ...
Jas Ostium
George For man...
Roy Form an
Jamea Anderson .
T Yocum, lumber ,
.. 3 00
.. 3 00
.. 3 00
.. 2 00
.. 3 00
.. 3 00
.. 3 00
.. 28 65
$72 35
..$ 7 60
.. 7 60
.. 3 00
.. 3 00
.. 6 25
.. 7 50
,. 12 00
.. 1 00
.. 10 00
Road district No 6
P Kenney
Elijah Coalman
Marvin Dickenson
Ed Koffer jr
E A Revenue
E A Revenue, team
J II Revenue
Ed Koffer er
J H Revenue
F A Meining, spikes
J II Wewer
Road district No 7
Otio Aschoff
Adolf Aschoff
.. 1 00
.. 32 00
..$87 50
...$2 60
... 1 60
Adolf Aschoff, spikes 40
Total .....:$4 40
Road district No 11
J A Jones, plank and work, $18 13
Road district No 12
Graveling Milwaukie and Criswell
Frank Hutchins $3 00
George Clark 4 12
Fred Gerber 3 00
Sam Gerber 3 00
P Willson 3 00
Aug Huber 4 12
M H Heibhoff 4 12
W II Brown 3 00
Henry Reed '. 2 25
P T MeCubini 3 00
W P Kirchem 3 00
OD Robins.
Jacob Gerber
L Newkirk
A Swales
J R Heater
Barney Fallert....
A J Oldenberg...
Wm Chenoworth .
Henry Bolsmne. . ,
J C Isprague...
W II Bouney, lumber 5 00
Total $60 61
Road district No 14
J L Swafford $10 00
J Shelly 7 60
J Dixon 3 00
AMauts 3 00
BF Linn, lumber 7 40
Total $30 90
Road district No 15 Labor on the
Howland road.
R H TaborJ $2 00
AT Howland 3 00
John Evans 1 50
EnosCahill, lumber 9 32
George Broughton, lumber 3 44
Total ." $19 94
Road district Xo 16 Work on New
Era bridge road, grading bill and labor
on new bridge.
WS Rider $ 3 00
11 II Gregory 3 00
Walter Rider 1 50
A Staley and team 3 00
yierry Pecioral
Baved my child's life in an
attack of
Bedford Springs, Va.
A Hcbeer and team ...... , , 800
C II Rider and team 3 OD
Enos Cahlll, lumber 12 83
Totsl $20 33
Koad district .No 17
H F Garrison $ 75
JKhull 150J
Erthtill 1 50 1
Andy Knight 1 60
WmBiswilT 3 25
Albert Knight 76
Adsm Knight 15 00 j
Ed Hutchinson 18 001
Elijah liutcbinsen 1 60 i
II Gilmore 18 75
M 8 Fisher 12 00
Mllo Lee 3 75
J Tackleson 75
DIt Dimick 17 00
Total $!)6 00
Road district No 18 Labor on bridges,
graveyard snd Lewis road,
E WHorDscbub $2 00
T Daniels 1 15
W Daniel! and team 2 25
M London 75
BCasadav 75
Lindsley & Son 3 25
Total ..$10 10
Road district No 19 Bridge work and
labor on Meadowbrook, Oregon City,
Union Mills, Clarke! and Oregon City
Frank Miller $3 00
W 11 Brigga 1 60
Aunat Erickson 3 00
OCDean 1 50
John Denieon b 00
Total $14 00
Road district No 21 Labor on Gray's
Mill, Jack Cutting road and lalior on re
pairing culverts etc.
F M Nsnght $0 50
R P Cooper 5 50
Birt Hubbard 2 00
C O Hubbard 2 00
Milk Creek sawmill 2 00
Total ...... ....$17 00
X,aA rtlutrSoi nan Oiif a Tart a 1 nn ilia
Highland and Mountain Home bridges.
F W North $ 6 CO
H North 14 CD
M O Gard 5 50
W C Buckner 28 00
C Welch 4 36
F Welch 1 35
F W North 9 00
J W Jones 62 47
W C Buckner 1 80
Total $125 48
Road district No 23 Labor on Barlow,
Canby and Aurora Hill roads, Taylor
bridge and culverta.
John Gohra $ 3 00
August Dal man 4 50
Solomon Miller 3 00
A Hagey 1 60
J J Miller 13 25
H Hilton 3 00
tele Bros ... 5 59
Total $28 25
Road district No 26 Labo.' on Mol-
alia and Nolan Mill, Soda Springs and
right's bridge road.
W Thomas -. $ 2 28;
8 L Dart..
1 50
1 50
1 60
4 88
9 75
C W Dart
EE Jndd
W P Herman
A J Sawtell ..
R Dauahtery .
3 75
3 00
1 50
3 00
C Austen
PC Miller....
II Gable
F Scott
J Johnson....
L Steijrhinan..
J R Shaver...
1 60
... . 14 00
Total $48 42
Road district No 27 Labor on Lutier
man hill.
CK Quinn f 4 00
Wm Jack 4 00
E A llartman 4 00
I D Lark ins 4 00
W A Thomas 2 00
GeoU Cardew 3 00
Geo Pfiester 3 00
Edward Hubbard 2 00
C E Young 6 00
Road district No 30 Bridg
A Fortune
E Davis
F Manning
P Worthington
L Waldorl
.32 00
T Fox with team
J R Hays
8 00
Road work
C Shannon.....'
C Shannon and team
C Ford
AK Ford
E Calkins
G H Locey
J R Hays
Pope & Co., hardware
Fred Moehnke, lumber
7 60
3 00
9 00
3 00
8 25
6 00
10 00
5 50
122 15
Total $173 05
Road district No 31
Claus Peters $3 00
Don Gage 2 70
John Peters 75
P A Baker, spikes 5 25
George Saum, lumber 5 76
Road district No 38 Labor
...$17 46
on Bear
Creek bridge.
Gilbert Iiougham $6
A Iiougham 1
Lewis liotiphsm 31
Anton Mikkleson....' 21
Stillman Andrews 21
Fred Wagner 2
Paul Dunn 14 25
Em met t Donalhue 12 00
Peter P Heia 43 50
$154 05
Bjllomy & Buscb, the furniture deal
ers, are now delivering their goods by
means of their own delivery wagon.
A Personal Matter
A well painted house. Is like a neat
ly dreesed person always attract
ive and pleasant to look upon.
Can be repainted and freshened np
at a very reasonable price paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
nntll the sun makes any more marks
and cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store...
lh4 Fainter.,
Baking Powder
Made irom pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders art tn greatest
mcaacers to health of the present day.
Sunday Services.
K.glilh snd J. Q. Adams streets; Key.
Ernest J. W. Mack, pastor. Hun day school
at V) A. M., weekly services every Thursday
48 P.M. German school every Bulurdaw
fro 11 9 lo 12. Everybody Invited.
Rev. I. W. Hu 1 r, ftor. Hervleet t 1040 t. a.
and 7:30 r. n. HuihUt School after morolnr
ervico. Player meeliu 1 hu'wlny evemnt tt
7 HOo.clork. Prayer mrtliir ol Young people's
Society ol Chrlttiao fcodearor ever Sunday
veunif at ;30 prompt
Kt oe.Piitor HoroloK Service at U'iSO-. Sunday
School at 11:16; Kvenlui Service 7:M: Regutiu
pr'yer mee-i Thnraday evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
i".' '-.."a . ouuuay in me monui. A
cordial Invitation to ail.
Hi-LiBiaXL, .'eicor. On Sunday mam at I and
10:80 a. u. Every second and lourth Sunday
German sermon alter the 4 o'clock m
At all other maaaea Knglloh sermons. Sunday
School al l-.m r. n. Veapen, apologetic
subiecui and Benediction at 7 JO r. m.
H. Ober, Pastor. Morning service at 10:-.
Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting alter
morning service. Evening service at 7.SS,
Epworth League meeting Sunday evening at
4:30; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 5:301
strangers cordially Invited.
J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 4. sr. and
7:10 r. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. u. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor metis
every Sunda- evening at 4 30. lhutsdaj
evening prayer meeting at 7 JO. Seats free.
Ertcn, Paf.r: 1. K. Ehrit a.UUdU
Preaching se. Ires every Sunday at 11 A. M.
anu 7;ao P. M. bbath school every Sunday al
10 A.M., Mr. Zi-. .nermau supu Prayer Meeting
every Thursday evening.
Rev. P. K. Hammond, Kector. eeryices
every Sunday at 11a.m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock, tkrvice every
I riday evening at 7:30. Oilier services as
n ly be announced. All seats free. Stranger-
cordially inv -d.
gregatioiial churcn. Kev. F. Back, pastor.
Services every Sunday al 11 A. 11. Sunday
school 41 10 A. M.
Christian Science meetings at Willam
jette hall, Sunday morning service, 11
o clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet
lug. Wednesday evening at 8, except
first week of each month, when meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. Reading room open every
afternoon from 1 :30 to 4.
A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday
evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple.
Geo. R. CalitT, secretary.
Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday ol
each liicath at I. O. O. F. Temple.
Matla Uodfry, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 9, ForesterB ol
America, meets first snd third Friday im
the month in Red Men's Hall. F. T.
Rogers, secretary; F. 8. Baker, chiel
Meade Poet No. 2, G. A. R., meets
first Wednesday in each month at Wil
lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, com
mander. Clackamts Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meets on the third Monday of eaeb
month in Masonic Hall. II. S. Strange,
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. 0. E. S. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays in eacb
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennis
Rowen, secretary.
Oregpn Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. O. F., meets
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' HalL
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F.
meets first and third Tuesday in eacb
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Wacbeno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall. J. W. Stuart, 0.
of R. ; H. L. Patterson, Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first snd third Saturdays in eacb
month at Masonic Hail. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Corps No 18, W. R. C, meete
1st Monday in each month at the Will
amette Hall. Mrs. Clouse, president.
The Auxiliary meets the third Monday,
at Willamette Hall.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each mouth at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Biauch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of'
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M., meets In
Red Men's Hall, on second snd fourth
Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, record
They overcome Waknest, hretrm
laritv anil u mis loiisiior viK"
and banish "palm of moBstiu
tiun." They are "Lift Biivcr1'
toglrUat Womanhood, atUtntf Uo
Tflopment of organs and iKKly. 11
known rfmeily for women tviunhu.
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,4i.-tir VI prr not;
M hv driiVfrfMsw
For sale by C. O. Huntley.
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