4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1803. Oregon City Enterprise. Published Every Friday. L. L. rORTER, rnorunoi. BUBHCH1PTION RATES, On year $2 00 Bis month 1 0 Trial subscription, two months 24 A divcount ot .V) cent on all subscriptions for one year, 23 null (or sis months, i( pil in advance. Advertising rates given on application. Subscribers m ill find tha datt of expire tton stamped on their piers following their name. If this date is not changed within two weeks after a pavment, kindly nolifv us and we look after it. Entered at tha postofllce in Or iron City, Or., as second class matter. A3KJJT8 rOR THI ISTKRPRISB, Beaver Creek Dr. T. B. Thomas t'mby tieo. Kniitht Clackamas A. Mather Milwaukie Oscar Wissinger ITnion Mills 0. J. Trulliuger Meadow Brook Chas. Holtuan New Kra W. r. Newberry Wilsonville Henry Miley l'ark place L. Russell Station! J. Q. Gage Mulino C. T. Howard Cams R. M.Cooper Molalla Annie Stubbs Martiuaro K. M. Harlman Butteviile B. Jennings Aurora Henrv A. Snyder Orville L J. Perdue Eagle Creek H. Wilbern Damascus J. C. Klliott Sandy F. detach Curriueville Geo, J. Currin Cberryville Mrs. M. J. Hammer Marmot Adolpli Aschoti tTThe nay to build up Oregon City Is to girt Orrroo City Teople jour ratronage. THE ELECTION. The recent election indicate several things political. In the first place the senate that for sometime has been in the hands of the opposition will now be re publican by 18 majority. This means that the senate will be controlled by this party for sometime to come. The house still continues in the bands of this party but by a much narrow majority. The present indications are that the majority will be thirteen. Locally on tl.e coast it means that the silver party is utterly dead. Wash ins ton, Oregon and California have refused to listen to the Warrior statesman William Jennings J3ryan and here after his "cross of gold" will hare to be borne without help from this section. In the East the silver question cut very little figure in the recent elections. It is only in the such great states like Idaho, Montana, Colorado, and Utah that the fundamental principles of the double (?) standaJd are fully understood or its benign blessings are fully appreci ated and upheld at the ballot bos. There was a decided tendency in the East on the part of the democrats to pet together, and many a democrat who supported McKinley supported a con gressman nominated on a silver platform because they believe that free silver will never obtain even with the democrats in power any more than free trade has. Tbey regard the question as practically out of politics and are trying to get the party together on other issues for 1900. This resulted in cutting down the re publican majority in the house. The control of both houses of congress with the election of Roosevelt and a republi can legislature in New York can safely be taken as an appiovel of the adminis tration's war policy although Alger cost many a vote and all mishaps are laid at the door of the administration even if unavoidable. As we have said before silver is out of the question, will not figure in 1900 with any party, but the democrats will be far more united in 1900 than they were in 1896. The democrats by leading the popu lists astray on the fusion scheme have completely extirhapted that party nationally from politics. The populists of this county and state will have to choose between the demo crat and republican parties. It is a well devised scheme to try and deliver the populists bodily to the democrats and that is especially true in this county but it will not work. Ralph Platt commissary of the Second Oregon Volunteers writing from Manila to the Orej;onian ntates that the trouble on ship board with the rations was the absolute lack of facilities to bake break or cook for the regiment. If the transport had been furnished with these facilities the food would have been as good as on land except the refrigerator was not equal to its task. Lohd Sausiuhy's spwch at the lord mayor's banquet in which ho said that America must now bo taken into con sideration in the affairs of tho world, since she has taken up with a colonial policy has created a groat stir through Europe, and is intei prcted as meaning an Anglo-American agreement as Salis bury said that the entrance of America into the diplomatic affairs of tho world not be to the detriment of England. Tin report of Uen. Miles shows that much ot the sickness in camp arose from the fact that tho government was not pre pared to furnish the troops ptoperly and a long detention in a camp hardly pro vided with absolute necessities tended to make the men homesick and bring on melocholia under which circumstances disease more readily planted itself as both physical and mental resistance were lacking. Archbishop Gross was a man of great executive ability and a fine scholar. At the same time he had such a winning personality and affable manner that to know him waa to respect and love him. Not only tho church, but tho Northwest has lost one of its foremost citisens and educators. A man of broad and tolerant mind, tho humblest sought his advice and always received his consideration. His place will not be easy to fill. Tm letter in this issue from Captain rickens ought to set at rest any fear that may hare been raised by anxious friends concerning the boys at Manila. It will be seen that all possible care is being taken and the resources properly looked after rather than wasted, as some of tho volunteers seem to think they should bo It is certain that the administration is going to push the settlement of peace with Spain and no farther delays are to be tole.-ated. The negotiations have now reached the stage where it is a question of the price to bo paid for the islands and the method of taking posses sion of them.! The gloating manner of the assassin Luigini shows that he mentally is a de generate. No properly balanced mind can exalt in so foul a murder as that of the empress of Austria. At his trial be was anxious that it should be known that he premeditated the crime and de signed that it should be fatal. It has been suggested that Elyyille is entitled to a councilman. We believe they should be given one. This section of the city has never had a representa tive in the council and it is no more than right that they should have a voice in the city affairs. Josepiii was elected senator in Mult nomah county, receiving nearly two thirds of the vote. Flanders receiving about twice as many votes as Henry. Less than half of the vote of the county was polled. -Wanamakeb and Quay are going to have a fight in earnest tor the senator ship in Pennsylvania. Many people will hope the former wins bnt the chances are against him. Read Congressman Tongue's letter in this issue on the appointment of a cadet. He takes the right method in this matter and one that every citizen will approve A Sure Sign of Croup. Hoarseness in a child that is subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Many mothers who havecronpy children always keep this remedy at band and find that it saves them much trouble and worry, It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. From New Zealand. Rekfton, New Zealand, Nov, 23, 1890. I am very pleaeed to state that sincel took the agency of Chamberlain medi cines the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this par ticufar remedy than of all other makes for the previous five years. As to its efficacy, I have been informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received from it, and know its value from the use of it in my own household. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. Sca.nti.ebuky. For sale by Geo. A, Harding;, Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. C. Latourette. THE NEWS OF THE WEEK n Friday November 11. Gen. Miles' report on the war with Spain gives the cause of sicknee In tho camps as lack ot preparation for tho troops who had to wait weeks (or supplies, lie recommends better coast defenses and a larger standing army. A race war in Wilmington resulted in the killing of eight negroes. The trouble grew out ot a statement made by a negro in his paper reflecting on white women. The assassin of the empress of Austria, is imprisoned for life no death penalty being allowed In Switierland. The Red Grots people are having trouble with the Spanish in getting their stores in Cuba. An express traiu on tho Great North ern is held up in. Minnesota and some cash obtained. A bad atorm has been moving over the Great Lakes with considerable loss of lifo and shipping. Joseph Supple will build a modern shipyard at Portland. A pair ol twin ships have arrived in Portland tor wheat of 4000 tons register. Saturday November 12. Gen. Whittier reports that tho Philip pines are an extromety fertile country and their possibilities great but that here are inanv gravo political problems to solve. Spanish wrnt to arguo tho protocol and adopt a policy ol delay.l Oregon captured more medals at Omaha than any other state. Immigrants arrived in this country during the last year to the number ot 229.000 a alight decrease, about 3000 were debarred. Spain has declared martial law in Havana as the police demanded their pay. The police will be discharged. Miss May Wallace a teacher in Pen dleton was shot by an unknown assas sin Friday and died shortly afterwards. Tho shot was fired through the window about 9 o'clock in the evening. Alchina man is under arrest for the murder. Chas. A. Wheeler committed suicide at Portland by cutting bis throat. Drink waa the cause. Tho members of the Woman's Club of Portland, have selected the Oregon grape as the state flower. The correspondent of the London Times and other papers has written a very flattering letter to an officer iu Port Ian concerning the Oregon regiment at Manila. Sunday November 13. Instructions have been sent to Mit peace commission to close the matte1.' ol the Philippines and to discuss only the manner of taking possession. The Teresa is stranded at Cat Island and was being plundered by the natives. Commander Craven has been ordered to take possession ot her. It is reported that Spain will sell all her colonies. The business portion of Canyon City has been burned. The Earl, of Minto has taken his of fice as governor-general of Canada. Mme Dreyfus has been refused (per mission to telegraph her husband the decision of the court to review his case. Robbed the (irate. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was ioinoBt dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue euated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised "Electric Bitters," and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three, weeks and am now a well man. I know they sayed my life, and robbed the grave of another V'ctim." So one should fail to try them. Only SO r nts per bottle at Charinan & Go's, drug store. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, I'lainfield, III., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight tound herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery nt Charinan & Co's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents and $1.00. In the loot bal The eighth cavalry the first troops (or Cub have left Savnnnah. Penitentiary stove works aro to be opened up by 8upt. Gilbert ho having been appointed trustee. Monday November W. It la reported that a syndicate of ot capitalists want to take tho Philip pines and receive their rovonuo and pay Spain $175,000,000 and America $123, 000,000. Spanish soldiers refuse to leave Cuba and aro on tho verge ot mutiny on ac count ot not receiving pay. The insurgents have occupied the suburbs ot Iloilo, P. I. and an attack is expected on the city. Troops are iwing moved to new rumps in tho south preparatory to going to Cuba. A bad freight wreck at Ulparia blocked the track all day Sunday and seriously Injured two train men. Guy Beckford stabbed. Ray llollen beck in some troublo at a debating society held in a school house in Coos county; The injured man died altmwt instantly. Jim Weaver, who killed Wm. Mc Klnman in a saloon row at Burns, Ore gon has been sentenced to life imprison ment. Tuesday, Nov. 15. It is now believed that Spain will ac cept tbo American terms ot peace. The mutiny of the troops policing Ha vana was quelled by payment ot the same and theu they were disbanded. It is reported from Washington that there ia no Immediate prospect of the Oregon troops returning from Manila. Dawson has a big fire, loss about $500, 000. Tho increase by the state hoard of the assessment of merchandise in Multno mah county in lSVfl is held good by the superior court. Wednesday, Nov. 1(1. There Is a dead-lock In the peace con ference. Spain declining to sign a treaty on any term yet offered. A riot takes place in an immune regi ment at Santiago and (our persons killed. (ien. Breckinridge blames Shaflnr (or the trouble o( the army in Cuba and thinks Miles would have done better. Spain notified to get out of Cuba by tho first ot January. Aguinaldo threatens war with Amer ica as soon as Spain is out ot the Islands. The steamer City of Columbia (rom Honolulu to Seattle became disabled at sea and nearly went to the bottom, fi. na'.ly made the port o( Hilo, Sandwich Islands, where she went completely to pieces. Fonryonng ladies leave Portland (or Manila. They go as professional nurses. The Maria Teresa, In all probability, can not be saved (rom her present po sition. Several new lines of road are being survived in Idaho by the O. R. A N. and Northern Pacific. Male (aid Irish Halle. One of the fluent specimens of a real Irish bull was perpetrated by that olever and witty but blundering Irish knight. Sir. R. Steele, when inviting an English nobleman to visit him. "If, sir," said be, "yon ever come within a mile of my homo, I hope yon will stay there, " A rich bull Is recorded of an alderman at cards who, on Inspecting the pool, found it deficient. "Here's a shilling short," said ho. "Who pnt it in?" At the time of the home rule diffi culty and when tho cause seemed to be languishing a meeting was held, and one of the epetikers thus addressed tho audience, "Friends, the enp of our troublo is running over, and it is not yet fulL" London Telegraph. A Flphtlng Dirt. In somo remarks mi vegetables as a fighting diet O. U. Show says: "Ninety-nine per cent of tho world's flhting has been done on furiwieeons food. Com pure tliu Tipperary peasant of the potato and buttermilk duys with tbo modern gentleman who gorges himself with uiurdured cow. Tho Tip perary uiau never read bloody minded novels or cheered pufriotio musio hall tableaux, but he fuiif-ht recklessly and wantonly. Your carnivf irons gentlenmn is ufraifl of c-vcrylhiiiK, Including doc tors, dogu, uiouihu, death and truth tell ing." I'refiiHtnre. "You've kinsed t hut young rquirt good night and let him go, haven't you, Btolla?" said a weury voice at tho top of the Btiiirwiiy. There wuh mi nwfrl i-il. in o tor it mo ment, and then in a (in;..i, hi .-, ui;ii'3 voice the youii n f n ;.i i! .i r.'rfped hall Ulov, re ponded. "No, nin'iiin. hit I 1 iMlIc rlo's gotag to-" I'Mimun Trilcne. Princeton boat Yale game. "M smokes Sll Loth Oirllru Every progressive man no matter what his race or nationality will, sooner or later, find the best. This Chinaman has found out what a million men of as many minds have discovered before him that . Seal of North Carolina I I I 1 1 1 1 Is the best smoking 1 T! he Original Always the Mild and It nnnncnEnonnnnnnnnnz Appropriate lirmas. Some pmipli have peculiar uotlons of what is "apprrprlnte. " Soma time ago a resident of a neighboring town was preaching at the (iltidfttono Jul) and prefaced his remark by regretting the small attendance. At a race meeting held at u Laud wnsengngeij to piny "appropriate uiunIo," and It was found that the uunilir srlncted wen (mm Moody aud Sankey. "Go Bury Thy Sor row" was one of them, and tho other were all equally "appropriate." Christniu religious service was held at the local jail and hyums suitablu to the occasion were of cnurso selected. The first one was "Free From tho Law, Oh, Huppy C'oiiultion." and tho Inst, "We'll Never Leave This Sn(t Abode, a Refugn In tho Time of Storm." Tho funny side uf it all appculud to sumo of the inmates, and thn iuteiided good ef fect of tho service wna lost. Adelaide Quit HUmrrk'a Intense Hale, That Prince Bismurck wa a good hater ia shown iu the reiuilibccuce of J loir von Tiedemunn, formerly chief of tho imperial chancellery. During tho first diuiier at which Ilerrvon Titlo maun was present with the prince Bis marck said be thought Uootho waa wrong in saying that only love beauti fied life. Hate did the nmo service and was quite- a great a vivifler as love. "To me," added the prince, "are indis pensable love for my wifo and hate for Windhorst." Oue morning Bismarck said to Herr von Tledemniiti "I have not Uen able to sloop, I hove bated the whole night" "There Is so much troubl coming into the world." said Lord Bolingbroke, "and so much mure In f oini out of it, that it is hardly worth while to be here st all." If a man and a philosopher cunies to this ' enneluslnn. what must be the JU nstuntl conclusion of the thousands of suffering women who undcrKO untold tori me in blink ing- their bsbes Into the world? Philosophy of this kind Is bused upon gross ignorance. The fact Is, that thrre is no necessity for the severe pangs under- f:one by the average woman. If a woman s strong and healthy in a womanly way, motherhood means to her but little suffer ing. The trouble lies In the fact that the majority of women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine or ganism and are unfitted for motherhood. This can always be remedied. Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription Is a sure, speedy and permanent cure for all disorders or this description. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned, making them healthy, strong, vigorous, virile sua elastic. It banishes the iiidihpoitions of the period of expectancy and makes baby's adcent eaoy and ulinont painless. It quick ens and vitalizes the feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robtmt baby. Thou sands of women have testified to its mar velous merits. Honest druggists do not offer substitutes and urge them upon you as "just as good." "I siiflired firtirteen yrsrs," writes Mrs. Mnry I. Hlewart of llos 4ft, KarsloRS, Bsnls Clars Co., Cal., wilh female weakness, nervous ness snd general di-lilliy. I tried everything to no svnll. Ir. I'irrce's Favorite prescription snd 'Golden Medical Discovery ' cured lue." The names, addresses and photographs of hundreds of women cured by Dr. 1'ierce's medicines are printed by permission In the " People's Common Scne Medical Adviser." It's free. For a paper-covered copy send at one-cent stamp to cover mail ing only. I'rench cloth binding ji stamps. Address Dr. K. V. I'ierce, buffalo, N. Y. IJvery woman needs agreat medical book. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser fills this want. It contains over 1000 pages and nearly 800 illustrations. B. 1 .aV-T all sanws Mtlkan nun," tobacco In the world. Plug Cut- same- Cool. rrari xxxxxs. xxxxxxxxt Do You I 6 ! m Know the News You ran have It all (or 50c Per Month Per Month 3 I in tho Kvening Telegram, ot Port land. Oregon. It is tho largest irgest f In evening newspaper published Oregon j it contitiiis all tho news ot the Mlato and of tha Nation, Try It lor a month. A sample ropy will be mailed to you tree. Addr J rae The Telegram, Portland, Or. R. L. HOLMAN UNDERTAKER ....AND.... EMBALMER Carries a complete line of Cas kets, Coflllns, Holies and Lining of superior quality and must moderate prices. V'V'v1rvrv-y,w o ss Pr. Williams' Indlsn Pile 'hn'.uionlwill cure llllnd, liluiuinn em) Itoltlnir Lfcvt 1. n. ,Mii(."i,niimTkwiiuii, allays the llrhlng al nncn, act us u onulllce. iilves limlsnl ro ller. Or. WllHains'Indlsn I'llrOlnt mint I urupareit for PI lea snd Ilea- Ing ol Inn private puns. P.very bni Is warrahteil. llv ilrnuirlMS. t mall on re ceipt of nriee. Ml reiils nml SI.IMI. WILLIAMS KANUF ACTLiniNQ CO., I'rops.. Clevelai.d.Lhlo, For shIo bv O. (1. Huntloy, w saw r- .j 1. '&0fniSF,sE-.x;fS iwi s uovcr Koot I ea lleniillfir, Compleilmi, Purifies the ni'KKl.Klvena l''mh,L'learSlthl. I nrel on II put 1111, ImllKCHtlon, nml nil KmptlmiK or lite halii. An SKreetilila Litxntlvu Nerve lonlr. Sold on nlmoliite (uunnitee liy all dniKH-lala at 2nc, BOc. snd $1.0(1. 8. C. WELLS . CO., LCNOV, N. V. olc snoeaicross Id saT-