Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 18, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Mi'u.so.Nov, 14(h. The Mnlino Liter
try Society was orvunixiHt on Nov. l'th
nd the following oll'icera electa! : Miss
Betty, irefMeiit : W. II. Mulvey, vice-
president; Magum Mulvey, secretaiy
it ml Bain Howard, treasurer. They will
give free entertainments every Satur
day evening during the winter.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs
Teter Sager took them completely by
surprise on Satuulay evening last and
spent the evening in dancing, games
etc. until a late hour.
Geo. McCord'a saw mill is about to
start up on a bin tie contract for the 8. P
The boys of Adkins' logging camp are
all wearing standing collars now, cause
a new female cook
We understand our new school teacher,
Miss Patty, is giving good satisfaction.
Mrs. Minnie Lindxtrum is visiting her
Into OrvgiiB City for the winter. Our loss
will be aomcona eluv't (rain.
Mrs. D. Penman Sr., received very sad
newa last Monday morning from tier daugh
ter Mrs. C. Illnton, taxing that her son
Pavid w" hadlv hurt by a wagon running
over him. lie was iineoncious for some
time, and alit a critical condition when
the letter was wrliten.
The Warner Grange meets every fourth
Saturday, and a good time la always had.
Ust Grange day they had a chicken din
ner, and there were, chickens by the doien
Next time will I pumpkin dinner, every'
body being exectrl to take something
made, out tt n pkins "pumpkins pie'
and pumpkin butter.
Sous of the 1. R.
Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25, 1808,
The Oregon Society of Sons of the
American Revolution is an organisation
composed, of descendants ol ancestors
who assisted in establishing American
ndependence. Any male descendent of
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manning ot tbis 8lK'h n,ftor U eligible to admission into
Geo. W. Force is on the sick list.
We see Prof. Ogle down this way quite
often, suppose he has lots of lessons to
Wm. January of How ard's Flouring for the beet essay written by any studon
mill O about to take a portion in a mill in any college, university, normal
in Tottland. We are sorry to see him go, school, seminar?, or academv in Oimn
- - - O
the society. Its objects are purely
patriotic and historical. One of them is
to stimulate intuiest in the American
Revolution and loyalty to its principles,
For this purpose the society offers three
prises of f-'o, 115 and $10 respectively
but our best wishes go with him.
An opening meeting of the P. of il.
was held at their hall on Saturday last,
it being their twenty-filth anniversary.
. Miss Marv Manning, on the sick list
for the last week, is improving and will
soon be out again,
Mrs F. M. Manning just received a
dispatch from Lyons, Marion county,
that her grandmother, Mrs. Farnsworth,
was not expected to live. She has gone
to her bedside. Mrs. Farnsworth is an
old resident of this county. She came
here in 52 and is now nearly 86 years
t-LAFroRD, Uct lo Henry benati was
sailing about Sunday with a young lady
from Sheridan.
on any one of the following three sub
I. Oeorue Rogers Clark, and the
Winning of the West.
Paul Jones, and the Naval War
fare of the Revolution.
3. The Financiering of the Revolu
lion; Robert Morris, Haym. Solomon
and Benjamin Franklin.
It is expected that essays will treat of
the topics named in the foregoiug sub
jects. Individuals are named for the
purpose of attracting the attention 0
essayists to the part taken by the
individuals in the work which forms the
general subject.
Essays are limited in length to twenty
five hundred words; must be written on
It gal cap on one side of the paper in the
student's own handwriting, and must be
accompanied bv the certificate nf iha
r.ot.ce has been posted in tlie poetottice president or princinal of the colWi.t or
here that certain young bloods are liable LCademic institution .ttemled ti-
rre." ,or n8,D 0Mcene i"gKe author, to the effect that the author is a
tne building. bonafide student thereof, ami h.. w
Richard Oldenstadt, who recently in attendance therein not less than six
moved on to Mr. Adams' place has two weeks during the school year of 18D8-9.
plows going the past week.
John Gage has sown some timothy.
B. F. Weddle is getting along well with
his fall woik.
Special school meeting held on Satur
day afternoon resulted in the election of
Peter Larson as director, to fill the va
cancy caused by Mr. Myer moving to
the metropolis.
Sportsmen are not so plentiful here as
they have been neither is game.
Essays must be forwarded to the chair
man of the committee in cbaree, Wallace
McCamant, 34 Concord Building, Port
land, so as to reach him not later than
tebruary lht, 1899. In awarding the
prizes the committe will be governed by
these three considerations:
1. Historical accuracy.
?. Manner of treatment.
3. Orthography, grammar, syntax
and punctuation-
Similar prizes were offered by the
Miss Dorothy Athey of this place, and society last year, and competition there-
Wm. Borland, of Hazelia, will be united for confined to students in the public
in the holy bonds of "come weal or and high schools of the
come woe, we II stick together were e er
we go" on Wednesday, the 10th inst. A
ball will be given in the hall of the
groom's parents in the evening. We
wish the young couple all the joys that
could be asked.
Generally speaking, fall work is get
ting well oyer with and many are worry
ing and thinking that winter will never
The apple crop this season is extremely
wormy, showing the neeo. of spraying.
G. H. Page and wife, of Neskowin,
spent a few days with their daughter,
Mrs. Gage, away back from the sea.
Geo. Biehle is at home from the
Buchgrass country.
Hermab Reichle is in Portland.
Damascus, Nov- 15. Not much of In
terest has been happening here of late
farmers are all getting their fall work
done in fine shape.
Mr. J C Elliott and others will give a
shooting match November 23. Turkeys,
geese and chickens will be shot for,
come and try your luck.
Mr. Henry Hilleary is preparing to
build an addition to his bouse.
The Dunkard church bouse is being
slowly completed it is much needed and
when fixed up in shape will be a struct
ure of great use.
Mr. M. W. Gardner is kept very busy
chopping for his many costomers he al
so makes a pure grade of buckwheat
flour, give him a trial and be convinced.
Mr. Barton is building a large wood
shed jor Mr. T. H. Feathers.
F. M. Osborne and wife were seen on
their way to tha county seat last Mon
suits obtained were very gratifving to
the society, and hitihly creditable to the
students competing, This yesr the
competition will be limited to students
in coIiegiate and acautmic institutions
as above named, and no person not
student thereof will be eligible to com
Any additional information relative to
the competition which may be desired
will be cheerfully furnished by thechai
man 01 me committee, the essay
which is awarded the first prize will be
published in full, with the name of th
author In the public press.
Wallace McCamaxt, Chairman,
B. B. Bekkma.v,
of thejffciir
is indicated by is condition. When
the rufanl secretions decrease; when
the hair becomts dry, splits t the
ends and comes out incombing when
the gloss disappears and the bairbe
comes gray or faded, the ill health of
the hair is indicated. The success of
the fad that it restores the hair-producing
org ns to their natural vigor
It encourages and 'promotes the secre
tions of the hair follicles, And thus
gray or faded half regains its original
color, new growth
begins, and lost lus
tre is restored.
I bavt umiI
forflfun rear, Itrauma
t:i hair to keep lt natural
c olor anil l i'tit!vecur
for t'.UIne." T. U.
WEYANT, Wajrant, Pa.
The Famous Damascus Sword.
It is but seldom Unit a real good
specimen of tho Damascus sword can
be ohtuincd, for tho art of working aud
engraving this kind of stool is dcud.
These swords are niado of alternate lay
ers of iron and steel, so finely tempered
that the blade would bend to the hilt
without breaking. The weapons had
edges so keen that nocout of mail could
resist them and surfaces so highly pol
ished that when a Moslem wished to
rearrange his turban he used his sword
for a looking glass.
Luxury would not be desired by any
of us if we saw clearly the suffering
which accompanies it in the world.
Luxury is indeed possible in tho future
innocent aud exquisite; luxury for
all and by the help of all, but luxury
at present can only be enjoyed by the
ignorant The crudest man living could
not sit at his feast did he not sit blind
fold. John Rut-kin. , ,
Too Tirol to Work,
MtUnfs'iiiiiuiiB do not want to bo both
wwl or improved. They wimt to ho lot
alone. They neither wcloomo you when
yon come nor spottl you whon you go,
They are iudllTiwii. which you do. You
nmy pay your bill to the day if you like
or leave, it if you lmd rather wait No
body will touch a wiln or a valuable If
you leave it on your table, but if you
lono a jM-nctl or nn eyeglass no one will
over find it It is too iiiuoIi trouble.
Never hope to have letters forwarded,
for you will boo them no nioro, and few
registered parcels ewnpo tlioiHt entire.
A year ago for wo wintoml there
twice I wanted to send a telegram and
went to tho priuolpal onion. Malaga is
fourth or fifth in importance among
SpaniHh towns. The oftloo was only
open twice a day fr au hour or two at
a time. Not a clerk could sioak any
thing bnt Spanish, so I had to go back
to tho hotel for tho uitorpr,,,,r t0 trans
late my message. When 1 returned with
it, I wonted a nolo fur 5 penetiu
(francs) changed. All tho clerks at all
tho pipnoubolca wero very kind and
civil and smoked cigarettes while they
looked fitf change. Hut tho whole ofllc
could not muster it, so I was left to pay
uext time. It is as a life opurt alto
gether. Spectator.
Mrs. Potter Did you see that? Dlxou
seized that rocking chair and wus Into
it before his wife had a chaitcu to reach
it Aud 011 his wedding trip too,
Mr. Potter That' just it Thorn's
where Dixon is smart Nobody will us
poet that he is on his wedding tour,
don't yon see? Am! besides, ho gets the
chair. Boston Transcript.
Ari-Und-r' Wit.
As Hansen was Germany s grcatctt
master in mathematical astronomy, so
was the venernblu Argolundcr in the ob
servattotial stile 01 the folonco, savs
Professor Simon Ncwromb in Tho At
lantic. He was of the an me ago as the
newly crowned emperor, and the two
were playmates at the time Germany
was being overrun by the armies of Na
poleon. Ho was held tu love and respect
by tho entire generation of young as
tngiomers, both Ueruious aud foreign
ers, uiouy of whom were proud to huve
had him as their preceptor. Among
those was Dr. IL A. Gould, who fre
quently related a story of the astron
omer's wit When with him as a stu
dent, be was beardless and had a gmxl
head of huir. Returning some years lat
er, bo bad become bald, but bad made
np for it by huviug full long beard.
He entered Argelnnder's study uimn
oounced. 1 leastronnmer looked at blni
with some surprise, not at first recog
nizing bliu.
"Do yon not know me, Ilurr lrofeas-
The astrouomcr looked more closely. I
"Mein Uottl It is Could mlt bis
hair s-pck fcrouh."
a f a
Tho Kind You Huvo Always Nought, mul which has been
lu iiho for over SO yvnrs, litis borno tho signature of
1 mid liun been iiuido under his per-
yVy- tonal supervision slnco Its Infancy.
CvMK Allow 11 n nun in 1aIva vnn In this.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and Substitutes nro but Ex
periments tlint trlllo with nnd endanger tho health of
IniUuts and Children lixperlenco Against Experiment'
CnstorlA Is a substltuto for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops)
nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm
nnd allays FevcrlMhnes. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving; henlthjr nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
VM 0tTU MHNN, ft ttunti T. StffW tro )fW,
Doors, Iflis, Gbl
I 1
1 1
Mnnlrlinnr HLSS5
Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or short time. Apply to O. .
Weddinx stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entsbpbisb office.
Ladies, No More Darning.
The magic hand loom, made of
polished rolled steel. Latest inyention
for mending clothing, underwear, table
linens or heel and toe in hosiery. A
child can work it. Perfect weave, sent
postpaid, 25 cents. Greater West adver
tising & Novely Co., 1155 Washington
street, Oakland Cal.
New Era Note.
Xew Eka, Xov. 15. .We Iiad quite a frost
last night, and it Is very chilly today.
The farmers liave been very busy taking
advantage of the few dry days.
Mrs. David Vennion's brother, Jonah
Williams, of Pennsylvania, la making her a
W. H. Rider lias Lad his men out improv
ing the roads in our vicinity.
Terrel Osborne has rented tbs old J. M.
Findiey .place and is moving there.
Wm. Penman and wife were guests of
J). Penman's 8unday.
Cbas. McCormack and Miss Laura Rider
were in New Era Sunday.
Lincoln Waldron and family are moving
Acker's Dysprpbla Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising ol the food, distress after eating
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25cts.
and 50 cts. Geo. A. Harding, agent.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak is
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic In cases of Croup. It has
never been known to fail. The worst
cases relieved Immediately. Price 25 cts.,
50 cts. and $100. C. G. Huntley, the
: GO TO :
Low Prices. First-class Goods.
Corner 11th and Main Streets. Oregon City, Oregon.
injIaCTfcrAv '
Are tho Uest Wagons
Possible to Jtoild. ...
Always IIuvo Been, Always Will Ho
A rchiitulkm inainlainetl for fi.j years in a lx tter RtinranU-o
01 a C'mmi WHcon niude or IhhI inaicrm'h. urowrlv
Salem Woolen Mills Store
We carry every article of goods manu
factured by our new Worsted factory. Our large...
ClobI)ir) Departarjepb
Is Headquarters for Gentlemen
who Wear Fine Clothing
sonou, than all tho promises and asM-rt'ons of inaniifao
turertT nsonts a'd dealers in now-named unknown wagons
combined. Manufacturers of Milche'l Wagons pay '23 to
;)3 per cent, above tho n: . .et pr'ce of the best wagon tim
ber for the privilcgo of ci1' ing over, selecting and ek ho
ming oil' the cream of the best wagon stock. This is ABSO
And KNOW that you have tho BEST that can bo made.
Mitchell Lewis & Stover Co. SgSg?
First ondTnylor ml., Portland. Or
Iyour fortune told
Prices are
Our Tailoring
the largest and
most popular
on the coast ?
- -
A Itt'inarknlilti Hcli'iillllfl (iml . ,
. . Wuiiclnrfiil Soimice,
"Solar Rinlnav V
The only true science by which your future can truly and accurately
...be foretold...
ZAKAN, the worlit-rnowiied Kyptlan AtroloKr, who Ima hmn orcallnK audi a
toninhniiMit tliroiiKhuiit KuropH fur tho pant Hve ypara, will Klv a truthful Hi-miraH",
planM horoniopi. (Ii-IIiiphMoii ()f your llfn. IIh will lv your pcraounl ii-arftiici, ilia
poaitinti, charaiter, alilhly. taal.., prohnhla IciikIIi ol lll'c, p(iM.ihln acelili-uta, alvlc8 ami
auKKflxtloiiaoii lov alluira, murrlaK, frlt-nda, eiidinlca, apronlHilon, lmluaa niiittiTa.eio.
Riches to be or not to bo. IZZlXXlZ
, pHt, iircHMut ami luiurii lit...
A Singlo Answer May Lead You to Mako Thousandrt of Dollars.
8hkI li)('-nta ami kIvb fxaciilaln of hlrth and I will liiiiueilliilcly rvlurn you a truth
ful horoNcorw readinit of vour life, anil nrovn It In lis all trim t,i vitir.if I ..,u. n.u
olli-r aa a t-t trial. All Cfi'iiiniiiilcnilona atrlctlv conlldctiliiil. Addrnaa
f.AHMl I lie AHlUUiAHiVAl, l.U H 103, I'lilliKlrlnlilii, l'o.
From 1'rBna: "Zarali thw Aatroloxor ia crtiilnly aatoiiMihig llioumuida. ilia wondurful
preillctloiia and teota are haand upon iudiaputuhltj uml acieritlllo Inlllionnua."
Eaan the i iru Kind You Haw Always Bought
Oregon City people are invited to call...
Salem Woolen Mills,
For I M, Call at Is die.