OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1898. 7 THS BURIAL OF OINQER JAMES. A spell I had I" wait Outside the tmrrlik gain, for (linger James im pnsaln out M I wu paallt III I 'K win only rri-riill, Hut I Klvu 'Im tlm Mini, Fur I'll never git suullier change of lvla II g'lnl T.'d llltln Urn I tin, I'll swear, lleniwlli 'l ginger 'nlr la mrmitil sllraolloue woll, they waau'tvery Urn" I 'K waa fnat In ev'ry mill An foul mouthed cur, but Mill We'll forgive 'Im all 'In drawliaiiks ' 'm Ink' n 'la rttwliitrgo. 'K oni' ut fourteen liny a Fur drunken, Idle wsys, An tha colonel wld the nasty thlnia thai tolnnnU euinalliiif aay 'K eallid 'Im lo 'la fan m.- ... i ....... - tut Ilia oolisud took 'la 'at utl whan ' 'ho by today, Fur dnya 'a uan o dwell Inalde I guardroom pell, Where they put th ilatlila un 'Ira for a 'owl' In aayaga lirui, Hut aa by tlm guard want They gave Mm lli present l"he little buglur auuiukxl off tha "general ear Int.," Tha lianil Inmed out to flay - 1'iior Oingnr Jimioa away, la captain anil 'la oumpany cam down to see 'I m nit, An llilrlwu Ilia an rank. With th no rounds wli of Mnnk, Aa rode ill 'W ii on enirlage, llkp Ijioomln city tuft I 'K dmn'l want nn aai 'K'a )iiuriii')ln flrt rlnaai la trav'lin rug a umun Jm k, wlilrh Un't Lad at alls Tliu tu no th driiinmvta play, It ain't an ery nay, Dul ratlwr slow seli-eilim fnim a (ilnoa that' known aa "hxiil." Ijigiir vtullaiw III lndn (lirontel. ALASTAIIt'S CROSS. "ItUi" up nutl cumn out now; it' a bonny night fur u Intloed aud fur I lie work that' efisd. Inn Ilmi." Tliu voice cried aloud from the midmost of I ho silent KTimp tif cragsmen n lid fisher men tlmt stissl waiting ilnurly round tha fast alitit (limr f Inn MiioAliistuIr' cottage, MTclii(l, like n KUll'a nost, mi the ridge 'f ) l" ptiii'lliltilii bench kt Iti'liald.hny. "Make) hiistn, mull, iiinko haste, nml roiuo along with your self. Il'i ttrvii wiiltlng here wo are." "Aye, aye, it' ready nml nomlng I kin, Jliirilmiald, but Imsty work in aye 111 work, mid 1 was saying ft bit prayer la n urrit minute bcn-i tlmt vu all." Tlio climr Avuiik iu now, nml tlio spoakor came nut into tli Imlf li;lit tlmt a anlli'ti iiiiMin cava an lio allppHl Olfully from clutnl t rlmid in tlio wltnly ky. A Imiulwiiiio mnn, tlila fair Iu, wltb ryi'i im I ttiu n coriillowur, and yellow la ard Unit tha wind wa loaaiiiK all wnya at mu-n, lint juat tiow bin fyi-a wiTii iliirltriii il nml lila fnco art with tlio aiiinii ti ru ur jk I but lunilr) dumb tlio rroMil i t Lltufolk and in li:li Ixira arminil dim. "C'oium tint, Aluav tulrl" In rnllii'l, uii'l a t!l allp uf a lad roiim out and t'Kl wiiltliitf by hla aidti. llin fulhi r liitd t'lv"ii lilin a atraln of I ) n I all liliuxl aa will na Celtic, and liU inoilnr liiid li'i'ti kliuMy Iriali of tlio lrlli. Hot Aim tiilr MucAlnMnir favon d iiclilii r fuir l.ni M'T d irk Aili'i n, for Li r)T wi-ru of tlio ii n'niiliifiiiiii colnr, mid tin' itufi Imir Dudir bin lUlii'rtniin'a ' run wn m ilu.kv tnl. Hi typliniwi W. n i if tlio iluri'Ht, mid liKulunt tlio uiiliiini ( f cud k i.nd i hln hla llpa allowed I'tirloualy ! 'rlc-H, and in mid ruutruiit tu (ho aliinljiiimi nml atrnji iinK liida aronnd him wn bin fitrt-nio a. i l. ri uf build, in plli f tlio 'roiiuli bltiu rliitlii'a wlih liK'uiiii'd aliuot to liidn III m. "I am Ihti', " lie mild, np ah i ti r iu flucllii, na Im rfi pprd to hi father' aide, "ond thu tuno in livin, Inn Man AliiKlalr any i. Ami wlmt do you vuut of inn, in labium?" "(In down to tho bench, Alithtuir," lil fnthir oniil curtly, mid tho boy obeyed alleiitly. When their feet wero auklii deep lu wiiti r, Inn MmtAliiHtuIr aiMiko BKii- "Did you pray iM-furoyou alept Untight, AhiHtiilr? Yen? thnt'i KotHl. Btrlp iiow." Uia will lifted won tlerliiH eye t3 Inn'a gliKiiiiy fuoo, but obeyed ailontly, and prencntly aoino ono muttered a vnrw of an old upell aoiiR that chunfiwl tho womlur in Aluatalr'a ryei to oomprolimiHlou. Naknl linmla and nnkud fiwl are all that tU ai haa nimd of; Nakocl, oil, tho auul muat to that tho ninth waa haa grwd of I Makud kuart fur ttui alar to alft, nakod limb for tha thla to drift Oil! from the ahoro, to coma no mora to tha huartua that th ajilrtt haa liee.1 of. When the nmnnur diod, Aluatair raiaod hla hund und looked romulon tho darkened fuco with a flickering amlle on hla pulo mouth. "I It to drown my lelf you've broURht mo hero or will you do It, Inn MiioAhiHtuir? I'll lift 110 lin ger to atop you, for long huvo I buen knowing I wni the rjeillnm mouth and tho umiltm baud uniong you, aud my red hund bringing bud luck to your nets all tho minimcr. Only I'd take it kindly If you would do It quickly, friendH be cuuho it'a bitter oold it In waiting here." " Vou ahull uot ho waiting long, Alim tair," Iuu wild hcuvily, "aud udther will you drown yoursulf nor wo you. Wo will bo giving you n chance, thotujh not In Uyimliliihay. " "UoniilHlmy I know," Alastuir Rnld qulotly, "and it'a glad I would bo if you would kill mo hero with your own blind, lather No ' Ilia hand slipped from hi father' shoulder, "Then huvo your will and your way, Inn MucAlus talr, I'll not guiuwiy you." "Tiiure'a tho moon," Inn Raid at lnnt, "now inuko ready. " Ho stooped mid druggod aoino durk objoct at Lia feet a little higher up the bench, ao that ita lower cud only lay in tho eea, Alastuir glanced ut it and anw that It wu a true trunk, weod ooverod and bnrnucle grown with wnMhing about In heavy sens. Upon it a spar wus liiHhed orosHwiHO. AluHtnir looked at it a moment longer, then, in obediouoe to agCHture from his father, laid himself down upon it with bin arms outstretched. Then Muodoimld and another wuu stooped over him, lashing hi foot together and thou so curing hla arm to the orosspiooe just ibove the elbow. Two "lout ropei bald him by tho ahouldrr and went over ma body, eroCHlng on tlio brenst, and thiio were drnwn ao tightly that Alastuir, after enduring with ollnehnd teeth for ft inliitilo, wn forced lo nry out. "Ikiwu It," Inn MacAliialalr wild honracly, mid tho other obeyed. "I niiiMifuuow," Alasluir wild, amll lug, iu they drew lin k from him for s m Iuu to. "Your knots are fust, Maedon aid, and lo are ah I" They had ruined the oroH upright now, and tho xudoen irulii upon hi overwrought nerve bad forced another cry from Alastnlr, but tint next rough movement ho bore In al ienee, and it wa with shut lipa and quiet eye that he endured the Ruddnu tnatliigout from their midst audamoth- iriug spluuh into deep water. "A bout will tm ricking yon up may. la, but yon will not be coming back to Itoiialdahnv. Jtidua ManAlaatalrt" Mao. donald shouted after blm, but Alastalr eiillod nontirao back, a those on ihoro half expected. He did uot even turn hla hi'iul to look at tho shore, but lay at ill upon hi nroKx, taking with tha aamo (juietuoa the stinging of tho Milt spray lu hi eye and the tingling palu in hi bound limits. "Nuked limb the a ha need of," Alnstnlr whlUKiiod unison tly. "Doe the sou want inn any mom than the land dis s, I wonder? Oh, but It'a cold, coldl" shuddering a one wave after another drove over hi nuked body. "I wish tho wind would riMiitheu .1 would get flimico vt drowning. 1 tlmt a mutter of thunder? I wish It were. Mother, are you sorrowful somuwliuro for me to night?" A marir mutter uf thunder topped bl murmuring, and tho next hour laid mint In r crmi upon Alustntr'a burdened shoulders the cros of jx r pi'tuul tiii.sliig about from drowning to life a the big w u lifted him now and now broke over him iu a clutter of yel low foam. When the stress of tho storm wont by, Alnntnlr hud fulutod, tut pres ently tho splni'li of omo tossing wrack upon hi nuked hrenxt brought him to a knowledge of hunger and cold aud pain. "Tho fh will be plenty next cast, I'm thinking," AbiNtair gufped n ho tried tothuku the drenched hair from hi rye. "If only tho aea won't cost mo up at their vory door or then they w ill Lo thinking I'd t o coming buck ugnin to liituut them. I It coming loon 1 am?" Thu rope hud slipped from bis right arm, leaving it free, and tho next wave flung him ngiilusl sharp edged rock, bruising hi free arm on the smull almrp ahells Unit covered it Hut Alas tuir ( lung fait to tho nxk, with a light in bi face Hint would not fudo for all tho p-ilu of torn fhkh and nerve, and presently be found what he wa seeking a crevico through which he cou'.d thrtixt bis finger. Wlion hi blind wa flxnl fitht In the judged hole, the light diieK titd und Miftciicd in Alntnir's fuco. "Tills i gi:od, this I letter," do w hispered, "than thu 'p'ii sea, nod still ibis will uot duit my owu folk, for thin rock is not UniiiiliMiay. Kind, kind, aft- r nil, are you, ret o' me. kind er than I dun d hop" you'd be." And now a big wnvo lilted him softly and turned dim over nn dls face, still an ( bored lo tho tut k by hi right hand. Tho weight 1 thu criih on hi buck prexsi'd him dow u au arm's leugth, no luoro, and then the sui that bn had lovid very j'Hitly tuok (Imsoul of Alas tuir MiicAla-iiiir to ll lf. At b iig lust fMimnen from the Is land of Dduy f . und him, still bound to hla r rds. Though they wero afraid to tako tho drowned lad aboard their boat, lest they should sofT.r lu their herring harvests, they towed emu and all nslmro with them and burled cross and nil In their windy hill graveyard, where lie thoso few men of I'.il.iy Hint tho sea ha Hot drowned. And tho story ( f Crot Alaf talr 1 a woeful story In tlio North isle to tbi day. Hlnek and White rriilrrtlon und Calloora. In 1700, by II & 13 Will. IIL a 10, It was enacted tlmt from and after Sept 20, 1701, not tiuly "all wrought silks of the manufacture of Tor siu, China or lCnst Iudia," but "all cullcoe, palntod, dyd, printed or atnlu ed there, which are er shall be imported into tlii kingdom, ahull not be worn or otherwise used within this kingdom," etc Tbi was the first blow against the wearing of chiut.o or printed calicoes, but It wa not absolutely prohibitive, tho avowed object of the Kutnto being "the more effectual employing the poor, by encouraging the manufacture of this kingdom. " It meant that the ladles, having worn out the Indian chinta ap parel iu their possession aud uwMirlor to Hept. SO, 1701, would hnve to m con tent with homemudu stuff for tho next 21 yours, na it befell in tho sequel. The silk and woolen weavers had boon hostile from tho outset to the use of printed calicoes, whether of oriental or (lomestio nmnufucturo. During De cember, 1719, the iiouso of pnrliainont wero iuuudutod with petitions against thoso stuffs, end on March 211, 1721, tho royul assent was given to an act (7 Ueorgo I, statute 1, ohnpter 7), "to preserve and eucoiuugo tho woolen aud silk imiiiufiictiiiva of this kingdom and for nioro elTectnal employing tho pour, by prohibiting tlio uso and wear of nil priutod, painted, tnincd or dyed cali coes in apparel, household stuff, furni ture and otherwise." Notes und tne riua. It wus said ot Dr. Johnson that he always tulltodn though ha wero tuking an oath. Ho detested tho habit of lying or prevnricuting iu tho slightest degree and would not allow his servants to say he was not at home if ho wis. "A servant's strict regard for tho truth." said he, "must bo weakened by such a prautioe. If I accustom my servant to toll a lie for mo, have I not reason to apprehend that he will toll thorn for himself?" A strict adherence to truth, the doctor considered as ftsiicwd obliga tion, und lu roluting the smallest anec dote he would not allow himself the minutest additiou to embellish his story. Oram twrtfir. Admiral I'orter was forever running Into print, and hi penchant for thli kind of thing wa n source of great n noyaucfl to Grunt, who wa bl stanch friend. Wbut do you think of I'orter a an admiral?" wa asked of the general on one occasion. "Why." replied (Jranl, with qnlet amlle, "he would be the greatest admi ral since Nelson If ho had never learned to write," Kxohnngo, Tba Vmiurt of Travel, "What I rapid transit, Uncle Chrla?" "Itanld transit? Wbv. It 11 eioctrlo mn which Lave to run ao fat that they never atop to take on paaaengurs. "De troit rrea frost. A Trio of Holla. The following remark la by ft high land clergyman. In hi aermon preached In small clsurck In Strathspey, after Inveighing against slotbfulneai, be said In closing, "Do yon think Adam and Eve went about the garden of Eden with their hand In their pocket?" Last year, lu tho north of Ireland, tho following came under my observa tion. In ft hotel tho porter, for my In formation and dutifully in furtherance of tho interest of hi employer, re marked, "If you want a drive, sir, you needn't go out of the hotel," meaning, of course, that carriage formed part of the establishment. Another bull was In ft conversation overheard between two workmen. One pot the ques tion, "Were you acquainted with 8o-Bud-so?" to which tho r-p!y was, "No; he wa dead hi foro I knew him." An Irish friend of mine wn describ ing a dinner party ho bad been at. It wa a gri ut success, a two noted talk ers wero present, each of whom wa tulklug so fust tlmt neither could get in a word. SM-tiitor. The Marketing Point Tho factory for affording tho people of conio upon As the Great Manufacturing: Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON C1TV Is Coming to be One of the THE PKODUCE Get our Prices ja aioanlala of lalpaor. The "Houfrlcio," or sulphurous niouiituin, 1 considered to lie the great est natural curiosity of Ht Lucia, and, in fact, of the West Indie. It is situ ated about half an hour's ride from the town of Koufriero, to which it has given it li a ni',, and nearly two miles to tho cast of tho i'itous, and I at the foot of two small dills, both of which are quite bare of vegetation on the side fuuiug tho crater. It cover a space of about three acres and I crusted over with sulphur and alum. Thcro are several caldrons In a perpetual state of ebullition. The water 1 quite black in the larger one and boil up to the height of two or three foot, but lu the (mailer one it is quite clear. Visitor never full to boil some egg in one of the smaller caldrons, obtain them froio one of the creolo guides, wuo luteti a s'ifiiilv on hand on nuroose. Tobawro la Enslaad. In regard to tho suggestion which 1 sometimes made that one way to relieve agricultural depression In this country would be fur the government to allow and even to encourage the growth of to bacco, it may be interesting to note bow long the prohibition ha lasted and bow sternly it has been enforced. This may be gutliered from the following extract: "Cornet Wakefield with a party of borsii marching out of (jlocest-r upon thu lust of July to Wiuchuome and Cheltuum f j destroy the Tobacco plant ed iu those pints, the Country did list against them in a great Ixrfiy, to the number of A or (loo, giving them very revileiug aid thntnii.g si.cjhes, evu to kill them hop") and inuii, if tcut he and his Huldicis did come on, iusoiuuch that thn tuuiult b'-i-ig 'i c r- - t, I 4 wa oonstruiix-d t d-iw o(T un 1 n-tliirv more done" (M.jrtt.r us i'o!i!ic:i 2: July-0 Atlil If.r.Si. 'naiiml QuHrin - OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY towns of the East are noted the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that these towns have a fixed in which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy era, paying cash for all their purchases. , Best Marketing Towns in the State This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just the last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people ol this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place for of the Farmer on Job Printing. Bil l i LTa-? . I I M JJT r School Supplies Z 3g2?& believe that the brat line of Educational Works ever ottered are to be found in our stork. Considerable car ha b"en taken to procure the most recent production of acknowledged writer in evh line and In the matter of print, paper and binding they re simply perfection. Pencils, per, pens, ink and all the odds and ends which are necessary for aid In tb purtuit of knowledge are here at mall price. CHARMAN & CO. Cut liate DruKKisl. Book at Portland i'rices. Wanted-An Idea Who eaa think of aoaua atmpae UitLg to iMtati Prow yotir Ma: thT fnar bHo( ym WMllh. WrlM JOM.1 WlLOOF.liilt'KM CO.. YtWX ktft WuhimUKi. o. c. tm tblr l.i una ottm aiwl Uat ot two bundrad iufaDtloii waolad. U'ATE)-S:VEItAt. THVhI WORTHY PER ll.onaln hi a aia tu managi trr buM aa in t'ifl' own and t eartijr m nunc. It i- m iuU i - m . . ... . . .i k.l m . 11 r W ,1 a, t-W "V. r . J mi ...MB (."Alar-, .un viiviimj uiiijiiv v'n.i'unn imie, no .e-a a lary. M m hi; 176. K f jrenr. E cl e lf4ddr.'.- a ni d tnv opp, Mrr hart . ilaa, fr.ai., V. p . M. C -Id lo. ihii mm, DrT TIM It WHrnULK Aaaiva 1 roa iaoa foaTLaao. raoa 1 Fast Mail ''alt Uka, Denver, Ft Fat Mail Sum. Worth. Omaha, Kan. 7.20a.m. aia Citr. St Ixraia, 1 k.biCa.oandEaat. kan Walla Wall. Ppokare, Brmkana Vl.er Minneaiwlia, u Pol, rl)r j.jlp.B, baluth, Milwaukee, 10Sa.m. Chicago and tant I Daltea l- , Ltied Dt's, Bnnnevllt. g i, m MuuuoB.ah t alla.C a-1 fl.30 p. w. Ex.Suuila- e i.lo Ijwk., and H ioo iEi-Sundi y huD'iur River. I mudny 10 4. iu, j 7 f. m. ' 1p.m. Ocean Steauubips 4 p. ai. 411 Sailin latM aabjeet to change. For an Fninciaco tail N. 1,4, 7, 10, 1, 16, W, it A 24. 7 p. m. To Ala ka t p. m. 8 p.m. Columbia River 4 pm. Ex. Suuday Meaiutra Ex. -uiidnj -aturdir To Aa'oria and Wajr 10.UJ p, m. Landings. Sa.ro. Willamette Blver ;)p. m. Ex.8andaj M " wfd. Orecon Citr, Newher. and in. alem and Hj-Lmdi a 7 a.m. WllUmetteandVsmliill 4:30 p. m Toea, TLur Kivert Ti.l 1 hnr, and c'. OraRnn Citr, Dayton, and Sat. ana Way.tanau g. ,m. Willamette River 4:30 p. in. Tua.rh'ir. F onuu i o Cu.val.la .ue.llmr. an Its'. . an 1 W-yLaadinga aud eai. Leave, Snake River , L" Riparia UwiatJO l:4oam. Riparia to Lewiaton 5r4.'.a m. Daily Ex. D llyKx. 8u.rJy Friday W. II. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. F. E. DONALDSON, Agent, Oregon City. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h I I North, 6:0(Jr. a. Lv Portland Ar U:3o a. a. :Mr. a. Lv Oreoni:ity Lv 8:40 a. a, 7:45a. a, Ar 8. Kranclaco Lv 8:00 r.a. The above trains stop at all stations be tween Portland, Baleui, Turner, Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Ilarrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Urove, Drain, Oakland and all sta tions from Koseburg to Ashland inclusive Kebatt tickets on sale between Portland, Snprsiuento and San Francisco. Net rates $17.00 tirst class and $11.00 second class in cluding sleeper. Katei and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSTRALIA. Can txsobtamed from K. E. BOYD, ticket agent, Oregon City K03EBURO HAIL (Daily!. 8 8UA. a. I Lv Portland Ar 9:38a. a. j Lv OreuonClty Lv i:M r. a.) Ar Koseburg Lv 4:30 r.a l::f. 7:801. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAIXIB. Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) 7:80a.M. I II Ma.m. I Lv Ar Portland Ar Onrrallis Lv 6:Wr. 1.20 P.s At Albany and Corvallls connect with tralm of Oregon Cenir.il A Enstern Railroad. Express Train Dailv (Except Sunday) 4:M)r.a. I Lv Portland Ar 8:25a. a 7: r. a. I Ar McMluuville Lv I5:W)A. 8 30p.a. Ar Iailepeudenoe Lv 4:50. a. R.KOKHLEB, Manager. C. H. MARK HAM, Ass't Q. t. and pass. Agent Eii 3 Li. PORTLAND TO THE DALL :m By the fast and com modious ateamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily exc-t.i Sunday at 7 a. m. Thin ia the Great Scenic HonNt, All tourist admit that the ecenery on the Middle Columbia is not f celled for beauty and grandeur tit the United States. Full informf tion by addressing or calling or J.N. HARNEY, Agem Tel. 914. Portland, Or, Office and wharf, foot of Oak - FOR CLATSKAN Steamer G. W. Shav LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street T ;'.e day, Thursday and Sunday evening- i t 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatski.! ) Monday, Wednesday and Friday eei- it 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Pt-ie.t 0:30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 ft. m. This Is the nearest and most dirwt Shaver Transportation Cc. SCHEDULES OF TIMET. SOCTHERS FACIF1U RAILWAY aoKTB BUCSD. Jallfomla ExDreu (through) " - iri Local (way ataiiona) t JOi m. . J.3U p. ia. OCTH EOL SD. K weburg Local (way nations) California Eipres (tbrouijh 97 a m : p hi .POSTAL SCliEDLLt. by socthsrh rarirtc RiaaoAD. Mill closet go ng Soi ih, 8:'0 n, fallcioaes -oiug So.ith,9 Wa. m and :2lp u Ma ldimr bu ed from .Snrih 7 30 p.m., 10 1J . al-dldia ilbut-d Imui rou u il.lua.rn., 8:40 . .nv by XAirr sins Ei.KC-.Bic Lisa. ' Mall closet lor I'.ir: nd a: d d.t'rl' uli f pointa, I? iio.ni, nd 4:46 . ui. M ulcloet 1-r M.Uuu.te oniy, 8:45 m.. iitip. in. Mail rrlvca from P tU-id, 11:30 a. m. a 1 4:15 p. in. SID BOITKS. Orei on Citr to Elv. Carua. Mullno. Liberal an) Molalia leaves at 12 m. and arriyea at 12 m,- dT- . .. .. Oregon v;uy to ueaver oreea, ami, nitra Meadow Brook. I'nton Mills, and Coltn,leaTeB at 6 a. in. Monday, Wednesday and Jay, , and returns on following dart at 4:33 p. m Oregon City to Viola, Logan ana Kelianj lea rea Oregon City Monday, Wednesday ai.,1 r'ridayat l.uO u. m., leaving V loia same aayf at 7:00 a. m. Orogon City to Willamette, Btsirori auS WilionvUle, arrive at lu:30 a. ui. aud leave- at 11:30 a. m. daily. General deliyery window Is open on fcnwi v from 10 to 11 a. m. All Utien iltUp-.'d int & box all lie door U promptly eft off Ban .a aa on other d -lya. All Eattern mill that It delayed ml tlls J rrlve oj 8.30 a. m., a P. train will come vu 8 O'clock or 4:15 eiectric ear. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Risrs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the ' lowest prices. A corral! connected with the barn for loose stock. Information reeardintt any kind or stock promptly attended to by person ol letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. Moft's Nervrerine Pills - The great remedy tot nervous pro- tratioo aail all nervoy diseases cf tf hk.iUH.li AND AULU LSl.Sil. ganS ol eitHflr sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failingjy tost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Em sions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, e. cessivc use of Tobacco or Opium, whic lead to Cmsumption and Insanity. SljDL per box by mail) 6 boxa for $5.00. 1,'iOTTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, CleTclsnrJ. CX For sale by C. Q. Hontl6,v Wanled-An Idea 2S5S3 7TOtct ynnr Ideas: they may brlna yon wv;.a. Write JOHN WK.DDEKllt'RN CO., Patent AH-m. neya. Washington, D. c. fur Ihelr fl.an praa eUaw aud list of to kundnd u?-uoua wau(w piTrTiTi'i ii M ''' vT :l fE