Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 04, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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J, W. Hoot, of Clackanrm win In th
city on Monday. '
M. V. Ambler, o( Clui-kamas, m In
town Wednesday.
(Ibo, lUndslI, of New Krs, wa In
town Wednesday.
Hon. J. M.Tracy, was In lown Hatur.
day ou business .
(loo, l-ee. o( Clark, wit In the city on
bnnlriONH Tucmttty.
John dwelling. o( Hprlnuwater, ,wu
In town Momlity.
Ilmiry Thli'iM'i), ol Mllwstikle wuil
the county seat Monday. t
J Ui 11111 HruiiN, and wlfo o( Bsndy,
were lu town Tuesday.
John Haley, of Hsndy, was In town
Ttif fiduy on legal btmlneM.
Andrew VeUch, of Boring, im In
town Hi II ml of tlm week.
Wm. Harlow wi In tha city the first
of the week more busily riKKHd then
man a K"("t'un younger. .
Mr, Julie Hubert, mad k business
trip to Portland Wednesday.
Mine May Plisbury m visiting In
Portland the lit (it uf the wwk,
' Annuel Knglo, one of the leading uien
of Molalla wee In town Monday.
J. F. Clerk and M. F. McCown are In
the mountelni after deer thle wwk.
JeuiM Adklne and Cba Armstrong,
of Canity, were In the city Wednesday.
hoi Harrison, of Canby, wee In town
the middle of the week ou bulne.
MUa Maud Morey, vleited Mles
ICIma end Klhid Alhrlglit laat Saturday.
Miwi Ignore Key, of Salem, wee vit.lt
Intc Ml Mery Milntyr J'O flrwt of tlia
O. I.. Barber a prominent fsrmerof
i:illotl Prairie, wee In low n hatuiday on
W. F. Hubbard Hupt. of the Clarke
nee hstihery wa a caller et the Killer
triee otlU-e Saturday.
Mr. end Mr. Joliu Uleaaun, of this
rity took a drive to I'ortUiid, lent Fridey,
nd report good rud,
A. Pbelp and Irvin Wheeler, of
Cenhy, went at the county sett the
middle of the week on buslne.
Mr. and Mr. V. lUrrlaere now houiw
keeping in the room latuly vacated by
Mr. end Mr. Herry Moody, In the I-ogtis
Mr. Cspion, general agent of Pacific
Mutant Innram-e Co. of 8n Francisco,
wet transacting bimiiie In thle city
Th many friend of C. 1'. Thore all'
le (led to know that hie condition la
somewhat Itn proved, although he le etill
confined to hie room.
('apt. Apwireon returned from Cor
vellie Wednesday where he had (won
looking after bulnr connected with
the Agricultural college.
Wm. Vaughn, one of the democrats,
who la on the rinlit of the mone r one
tlonwatln town the flrt of the week
from hi Molalla home.
Mr. Louis Hchulpiu, who ha been
!iiinir W daughter Mr. Wagner, at
Wileonvllln I home again and finding
very well. Mre. Schulplu la 83 year
ol age.
MImI.IkIo WiUtn. of Ign, visited
friend In thle city Wedncidiv. She
loaves thie week for Kprague, Washing
ton, where she will spend several monlhe
with relative.
Mr. and Mr. C. E. Ronyan, left for
Portland, Oregon, Thursday Argonaut,
San franlco. Mr. Ilunyin is well
known In tld city, being circuit court
reporter for a good many year.
Tuesday Leo. Dunbarry, Fred Myers,
K. llariinaii, 1. J. Hiding, A. 11.
Login, J. r. Miller, J. I). Urklns and
Frank Hiding, residents of Marqiiam,
were all In town a wlinosos in the
cow-shooting case from that place.
The engagement I announced of Mie
Kathryn LaTourelte Wardo to Charles
Wesley Pohj. The wodding will take
place November 10, at the residence of
Mr. and Mr. Charles Litouretto, Oregon
II. II. Johneon, who left here last
Juno on a surveying contract In Mai
hour county lias retnrnod, Steve Hum
gate and John Vaugiin are yet at work
with other whilo Henry Cook and Hugh
Smyth are on their way back. Mr.
Johnson reports having had a pleasant
summer at tho work.
A. E. Tamesio, who for the punt year
has been connected with Huntley's drug
store, left last ovenlng for Salem, where
lie will be employed In a new drug store
belonging to Dr. S. C. Stone. Dr. Stone
own two drug stores In Salem and Mr.
Tameeie will have charge of one. During
Ms stay in Oregon City Mr. Tamesle
lias made many friends who will regret
his departure, but wish him success In
bis new field.
Treasurers Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that county
warrants endorsed prior to October 5th
1805 will be paid on presentation. And
also all road war rants endorsed prior to
the date of this notice, Interest will
cease on called warrants at the date of
this notice. Jacob Siiadk.
Treasurer of Clackamas county, Or.
November 3, 1098.
Local Evonts.
Hev. Itiitlm will prench at Kly next
Hahbath at 2:30 p. m.
The account of the Teachers' AmocIs
tlon will be found in the Carus corres
pondence on page 'i.
(ifo. A. Ktnid baa filed tetition in
bankruptcy In Portland with aMets of
$150,000 and liabilities of $111,000. This
I brought about by his connection with
the Kaat Hl.le luilway.
"KfTWclive and Defective Uighteoue
tieaa,"al 10 -.110 a. in, and "Practical
ChrlMtlliietiit" at 7:.'W p.m. Tbeae will
lie the siiMi-cIh of sermons at the Con
gregational chiich lit! it riabbath.
News has been received at thl office
of the death of Fred L.' Wiae, at the age
of 4H years, which occurred in iloston,
Mane., July 1, J80H. Mr. Wine wan lor
meily a rexlilent of Oregon City. His
wife Is now in Marl Intro, N. II.
Mrs. J. W. Notri recently received
from her son Ho, a copy of the first
American ptr publMied in Manila.
It was publlclied by a newputer nun In
the MinuuNota regiment and was mostly
devoted to Minnesota boy).
A good audience greeted the Daptlnt
boy Halloween socUI. With scarcely
an exception each uumW of the pro
gram was excellent and the boys deserve
credit for evident labor and pains exerted
in their preparations.
Oregon City's new military company
was mustered in Wednesday evening
being known as Separate Company F
composed of forty men, Fred Metsner
was elected captain, H. T. (lodfrey Uret
lieulenent and A. Willey second lieuten
ant. The company Is composed of the
beat young meu In the city
P.vsngoliHl William Mullen Iwgan re
vival service at the Ilaptiat church this
eet-k to coni nine over Sunday. Mr.
Mullen I a former bible student of
F.vangellrt D. I.. Moody and makes Ids
speaking Intereatlng to all hearing him,
whether of his faith or otherwise.
Meade Corp Volunteer Auxiliary bss
aent to each of the boy at Manila from
Oregou City a bottle ol pickb-s, can of
peaches, can ol ear. linen, pair of socks,
handkerchief, cake of toap with waih
cloth, box of sUlionery with pencil and
a dM'xn largo salty pins. Theae sre a
Christ ma preent from the corps snd left
We.lnovl.iy night "for San Francisco.
They will no doubt bo greatly appreci
ated by the boys.
Ensign Hawk the Junior soldier snd
mercy Itox secretary will be at the Sal
vation army hall Saturday and Sunday
next. Sunday Is the hegiuing of the
"Hed Crusade" come and Bud out what
It Is. It begins with knee drill at 7 a. m
lovers of mwtic will have a rare treat as
the Ensign la brlngng Ida musical Instru
ments and Is a good singer. Every
hotly come.
- The benefit hall that is to be given
this Friday evening should be attended
by every citizen of this place It is given
for the benefit of the boys who gave up
good poaillons snd comfortable homes to
light for their country snd the hardships
they have to undergo are becoming
familiar to all. If In anyway we can
help them it should be done. Those of
ns at borne can show our sympathy this
A night school was oened this week
st the depot building on the West Side
hy Prof (Jary. The prospect is good for
successful work si it will sfford an oppor
tunity for young people to attend that
have to work during the day. A young
man or woman who works during the
day and then attends school In the even
ing will make the best of the oppor
tunity. The session will be buld Mon
day and Thursday evening.
Y. MTcrA.lToTES.
The bimket ball boys S'o practicing
with entliUHiasin and are determined to
vanquish their Portland adversaries
Saturday evening next In the Oregon
City Armory Hall.
A foot ball team lias been suggested
by members of the Y. M. C. A. and will
lie definitely determined at tho meeting
ol the board of directors Monday even
ing at the Y. M. C. A. rooms.
A puir of parallel bars will be added
to the gymnasium this week.
Memberships ate being received at the
rate of one a day. We cordially invite
all men to aHaiat us in this way and get
value received.
Evangelist Wm. Mullen speaks at
regular 4 p. in. services Sunday. A solo
"Calvary" will be a special number of
good singing at this service. ;
Hot and cold baths are ready for men
at all hours from 0 a. m. to 10 p. ra.
The public is urged to inspect and
make uho of the Y. M. C. A. privileges.
Heading room always open for all.
Staub On Oct. 81st, to the wife of Ed
ward Staub, a ton.
Jok. On the 251b. to the wife of O. N.
Joe, a son.
The Clackamas county Humane society
will meet at the Oregon City bank Mon
day evening Nov. 7th at 7:30 o'clock.
All persons interested in the work are
Invited to be present.
Uiv. A. J. Montgomery, Socy.
City Council Meets.
In the matter of the Are board ordin
ance amended, and ordered published, so
that (he board will consist of the mayor,
recorder, committee on Are and water
and three members of the fire depart
ment. In the election of chief, five names
are to lie put up by the fireman, one
from each company, and the one receiv
ing the highest number of votes will be
The Kurgbardt railway matter post
poned until next meeting.
Fire bell was accepted. Miller re
porting against it.
Accident to Hlopers' horse, referred to
city attorney for opinion.
Notice of election ordered given.
First Ward-Ju:lges, M. K. Willougbby
J. (1. Pllsbnry, C. W, Fredericks. Clerks,
J. W. IJoatman, Nathan Moody.
Second Ward-Judges, (J. If. Wisbart,
C. 0. Hancock, Sr., J.ti. Porter. Clerks,
T. 8. Lawrence, O. H. Bestow.
Light at Oth and Main ordered to lOlb
and Main.
Finance committee to investigate title
of land on railroad right of way.
"The following bills were ordered paid
out of the general fund :
B.C. Curry $ 20 15
Cbas. Hums 00 00
F. T. Orilhtb 20 00
P. Heinmelgaro 0 00
Thos. Miller 'I 00
E. Hlcbner 2 00
John Duffy 0 00
OC Iron Works 7 W
O II Bestow 1 60
Enterprise 1 35
L DieklnnsQ 35 00
(J A Harding 1 00
Lakin A Lee, fire bell 355 00
C N Greenman 3 75
Wilson it, Cooke 2 25
W L Suidow 83 05
POECo 173 63
E L Shaw CO 00
H F Linn 4 50
E Olds, sidewalk 20 00
Press 12 00
O C Iron Work 84 48
John Dinner 69 00
Pope Co 24 12
T 8 Lsw rente 03 30
Dan Lyons 1449 00
E Olds, Abernethy road 300 00
A llotol Man'a Kipvrlrne Wllk a
Preak Hoarder.
"Once in awbile 1 have some freak
boarders, " said a hotel manager. "One
time I bad a living skeleton who came
very near breaking me up in business.
He came here for a long stay, as be
was goiug to ninkstbe ronudsof all the
masenms in town. His manager came
to me and made arrangements for the
skeleton to live at my hotel while he
was In tbe city. 1 anppoaed that a liv
ing skoleton didn't live on ranch of
anything but water, so I made bira a
rate away down $3 a week, 1 believe
it was for board and room. The skele
ton arrived early one morning, so the
first meal be bed at tbe hotel was break
fast. "After be had finished bl breakfast
and gone to bis room 1 went to tbe din
ing room aud aked the waiter what tbe
skeleton bad euten. I nearly full dead
wben tbo waiter told me that tbe now
boarder bad consumed three cups of cof
fee, two orders of beefsteak, four fried
eggs, two big baked potatoes, half a loaf
of bread aud a plate of buckwheat cakoa.
What do you think of that? That was
oertaiuly tho worst surprise party I ever
experienced. But there was no way out
of it I bad made the rates and I conld
not 'fire' tbe skeleton out He staid
with me nearly six weeks, aud ho came
close to eating me out of bonse and
borne. "Exchange.
I.onaj Serrlce.
A deecriptiou of the old New England
Sabhntb is calculated to make restless
children of tbe presuut day aud possibly
some of their elders tbaukful tbey were
uot bom two ouuturies ago.
The Sahbntb begun Saturday oftor
nonn with the goiug down of the sun.
Sunday morning a horn was londly
blown to announce the hour of worship'.
Service begun at 9 o'clock aud lusted
for eight bonrs, with au intorniissiou of
one hour for dinner aud conversation.
In tho earliest duys the cougregntiou sat
on rude benches, thoir seats being as
signed them at town mooting. Tbe
service oousisted of several parts, whioh
are chronicled in au ancient diary as
"Preliminary prayer or Invocation;
chapter of Bi bio read and expounded;
psalm in meter, read ont line by line
by Deaoou 8. ; long prayer on various
matters, one bonr and a half; sormon
of 100 to S50 pages; at olose of servioe,
baptism; sinners put on trial, confessed
before congregation. Minister O. bowed
right and left, no person Btirriug till he
bad pasNod down and out of the moot
ing house," Youth's Companion.
CARLOADS of goods for the Red
Front of course table oil cloth, 12c;
cabot W, 5c; seamless hose, 10c; tough
muleskin gloves, 25c, with calf front, 50c ;
9 doi. overhauls, 35e ; dress goods, yarns,
underwear, mackintoshes, capes, um
brellas and shoes at cut prices.
Red Front store, Oregon City.
Three or Four
particular cooks in one neigh
borhood are enough to make
a grocer keep Schillings Best
baking powder. H
Hew Tls Arm D(pttl fcr Ike
las ol I'nvaaar Charm.
The mitat curious aud complicated
cliHrm are th'we osod In the recovery
of stoliiu property and the detection of
thieve. Slrnnge to say, tbe Egyptian
practice of aeelng figures shifting over
the ink poured Into a boy's hand Is,
with certain minor differences, known
in Hindi). Tbo Vlnyaue Warn, or finder
of lout goods, rult some dark snbatanoe
over the thumbnails of a youth not ar
rived at the age of pnterty, or directs
him to look at a black spot painted on
tbe bottom of a bright brass pot.
The soothsayer during this period re
cite tbe szlmah (charm) tbroe differ
ent times, after which tbe seeing com
mence. The boy first sees a bhaugl, or
sweeper, appear in the Ink and clean
the floor, after which farasb (tent pitch
ers) approach and prepare a pavilion.
Tbey are followed by a train of serv
ant, who spread carpet and ernct a
kind of throne for tbe king of tbe Jinn,
who presently appears in state, aocom
pa n led by bis suit.
Before bim the loser of tbe article ap
pears, to advance as a complainant, aud
tbe inouurcb send his cbobdais (mace
bearer) for tbe thief. The latter being
violently dragged into the pretence, is
bastiuadoexl till be shows the spot
where the good are concealed, and Is
thou dismissed. When tbe cbarm is
concluded, tbe boy accurately describes
tbe person of tbe guilty roan aud the
plaoe where he deposited bis plunder.
The native of Sindli aver that this
incantation is not a diabolical one, as it
Is only to be mastered by the 40 days'
fust and tbe other ceremonies usually
goue through dnring tbe stody of tbe
tas kbir (or acquisition of power over
angels snd demons). Consequently few
practice it, and the knowledge is con
fined to certnfn families. I never saw
tbe operatiou, but have beard of it suffi
ciently often to be assured that my in
formants were uot deceiving me. More
over, traces of it are to be found in
southern Persia and other parts of tbe
eaatern world. It probably originated
in India, that poisonous source of three
parts of the superstitious which have
inuuduted Europe aud Asia and traveled
weaiwaid to Egypt and tbe Maghrib.
A a support to my conjecture, it may
be mentioned that in Sindb it is prac
ticed by some Hindoos as well as Mos
lem. Sir Richard Burton in Humani
Ralar Bandar at Charrh. Where II
- Waa tha Oaljr Slaarr.
Dr. Payson, the famous and beloved
preacher of Portland, Me., used to tell
tho following pointed story:
One very stormy Snnday he went to
church, moro from habit than because
he expected to find anybody there. Just
after be bad stepped inside tbe door an
old negro came in and asked if Dr.
Payson was to preach there that day,
explaining that be was a stranger in
town and bad been advised to go to bis
"Upon that," said Dr. Payson. "I
uiado up my wind to preach my sermon
if nobody else came.
Nobody else did come, so tbe doctor
preached to tbecboir and the old negro.
Some months afterward he happened
to meet tbe negro, and stopping bim
asked bow be enjoyed the sermon that
stormy Sunday.
"Enjoy dat sermon?" replied the old
man. "I 'olar, doctor, I nebber hcerd a
better one. You ste, I bad a seat pretty
well up front, an wbenebber you'd say
somethin I'd jess look all roun, ter see
nobody on'y jess me. An I says to
m'self, 'He must mean you, Pomp;
you's sooh a dretful sinner.' Well, doo
tor, dat are sermon set me a-thinkin
what a big sinner I war, an I went an
j'ined the church down borne. I'ze a
deacon now. " Christian Endeavor
Ob War of Poatlna a Letter.
Tbe isluud of St. Kilda is often visit
ed by tourist steamers in the summer,
but its regular mail communication
with the mainland, some 150 miles dis
tunt, is confined to the annual visits of
the steamer which brings the factor and
his stores, says Household Words. But
if at other times tbe inhabitants desire
to communicate with Great Britain they
employ the following curious device: A
man cuts the rough model of a boat
from a billet of wood, hollows it partly
out, places in the hollow a tin oi small
bottle containing a letter, nails on a
dock, and wbeu the wind is blowing to
ward the mainland launches the tiny
craft, having first connected it with a
bladder, which drives along before the
wind aud acts asatng to tbe little mail
boat. But the set of the gnlf stroam fre
quently drives this enrious oraft out of
its course, and as often as not it reaches
the Shetland islands or the coast of Nor
way, where, however, the letter is pret
ty sure to bo found aud posted to its
A Duel of Blanket.
A returned missionary from sonth-
astern Alaska tells in The Midland
Christian Advocate of a strange custom
among the Indians of that region:
When a difference arises between
two of them, and a friendly settlement
seems imposMible, one of them threatens
the other with dishonor. He will cover
tbe face of his foe with shame. He ex
ecutes bis threat by tearing up a certain
nnuibor of his own blankets. Tbe only
way his antagonist can get even with
bim is by tearing up a greater number
of his own.
If the contest is prolonged, it results
in the destruction of all tbe blankets
they have, each Indian destroying bis
own. Tbe one who destroys the greater
number is regarded ns having won the
Aa Instance.
"Speaking of getting a tooth pulled, "
said tbo corn fed philosopher "that is
cue iustauce where a man is bound to
stay and seethe thing out" Indian
apolis Journal.
When the Klnt Valtara Come to a
I nrrnnm. the Other Varlrtle Have
to Stand Off latll III Majet Ha
UorireJ lllutaelf.
If the city of Bombay bad a tutelary
bird, there is no manner of donbt what
bird that should be. I do not know,
say a writer In Tbe Times of India,
why the ancient Egyptian defied the
ibis, bnt if Bombay bore the prond fig
ure of a vnltnre rampant on ber shield
everybody would know why. Of all the
unsalaried publio servants wbo bave
identified themselves with this city and
devoted their energies to its welfare no
other can take a place beside the vul
ture Unfortunately the vulture has
never lent Itself to the spirit of her
aldry. The eagle has, strangely enough,
though the different between the two
bas never been very well marked in the
popular mind. Tbe translators of our
Biblo bad no notion of it.
Modern natural history ha disen
tangled tbe two names and assigned
them to two very different families of
birds, tbe distinction between whicb in
it essence is juat this that while tbe
eagle kills it prey the lets impatient
vulture waits decently till it time
come to die. Popular sentiment persists
in regarding tbe former as the more
noble, but there can bo no question
which is the more useful.
It is not easy Indeed to realize to one
self the extent and beneficence of tbe
work carried on throughout tbe length
aud breadth of India from year' end to
year's end by tbe mighty race of vul
ture. Tbe writer continues: Tbe vnl
tnre that one see in such numbers on
Malabar bill belong to two species,
wbicb are easy enough to distinguish
wben once one's attention bas been
turned to tbe difference between them.
Tiie commoner of tbe two, tbe white
backed or Bengal vulture (Uypa beuga
lensis) is a smoky black bird, with
baud of white extending tbe whole
lengtb of tbo wings on the underside
This band is Lroken by the dark body,
and that serves to distinguish tbe bird
at glance. I
Tbe other specie Is the long billed
vulture (Gyps pallecens) of Barnes
Jerdon confounded it with another spe
cl:s. Its general color is brown, darker
or lighter according to age, sometimes
almost whity brown; but, however
white tbe uuderparts may be, body and
wings are alike. The two species are
about tbe same size and larger than one
would suspect wbo bas only seen tbem
at a distance. A good specimen will
measure over seven feet from tip to tip
of tbe wings
There is one curious difference in
their habits Tbe long billed vulture
breeds always on high cliffs, while ts
Bengal brother is content to build its
nest on any tree big enough to bear tbe
weight of such a ponderous edifice. 1
bave seen a single mango tree groaning
under tbe weight of two or three nests
on tbe other side of the harbor. Each
nest contains one egg, generally white,
but sometimes blotched with brown.
Once fairly in the air, no bird surpasses
tbe majesty of its flight Tbe question
bas often been hotly discussed whether
birds can sail without flapping their
Tbe difficulty originated, of course,
with somebody of that unfortunate class
wbo -must reason about a question of
fact instead of looking. He demonstrat
ed that such a feat was impossibla The
vnltures kept on doing it all tbe same,
and any one may watch them. ' For
bonrs together tbey will sail in circles,
or rather in spirals, without the slight
est motion of their wings beyond trim
ming them to tbe wind like tbe sails of
a boat. Of course there meet be a wind.
There are two other kinds of vulture
which may occasionally be seen in Bom
bay. One is tbe king vulture (Otogyps
calvus), a royal bird, not indeed larger
than the others, but of nobler aspect and
prouder cbnracter. It appears singly or
with its mate and will uot consort with
tbe herd. Wbeu it comes to a carcass,
the others bave to stand by until it has
dined. . There is no difficulty in recog
nizing this species by its deep black col
or, relioved only by two pure white
patches ou its thighs and by tbe blood
red tint of its bare bead and neck. Our
fourth vulture is tbe foul bird known aa
Pharaoh's chicken, as well as by other
less reputable names. Its title in sconce
is Neophron ginginianos.
It is one of tbe commonest birds
about Poouch and everywhere on the
plains of tbe Deccan, but seldom visits
the coast I have, however, seen a pair
on more than one occasion about the
fiats. It is a white bird, not much big
ger than a kite, with only the quill
feathers of the wing black. Its bill is
long and thin, its naked face yellow and
its tai l wedge shaped. Its neck is not
bare, bat clothed with long, rusty white
feathers, pointing backward. It does
not stand upright, like the true vultures,
but oarries its body like a dnck and
walks like a recruit By these signs
you may know Pharaoh's chicken. It
makes its shabby nest of Bticks, rags and
rubbish on trees, ledges of publio build
ings or anywhere about March and lays
two white eggs, more or less blotched
with brown.
. The Lone and Sleep.
A physician quoted by the Boston
Transcript says that acute insomnia
may be promptly oured by the practice
of deep breathing. Draw into the lungs
as much air as possible and do not ex
hale it until obliged to, and then as
slowly as possible. It is soniewhatrtrf a
task when the night is oppressively
warm, but if persisted in ia fairly sure
to relieve lhat hyperasmia of the brain
which everyday folk call wakefulness.
The tricks of the sleepless to induce
sleep are many, but noue is found to be
more immediately efficacious than this
plan of forcing the lungs to take the
burden off the biain and nerves.
It la a t'alqae Affair Hal at Ahoiw
0mmm, Scotland.
On tbe last Wednesday of Angnst ev
ery year is fair, called the "Timmer
market, " held in tbe Castle square ia
Aberdeen, Scotland. Home SO or AO
years ago nothing oould be bought at it
but wooden articles, from wbloh a roes
the name "Timmer." Now, however, it
is the Scotch housewife' lat obaoce of
getting ber berrie for preserving. Ev
ery patron of tbe market knows that
after that month the only chance of
frnit is gone; hence the rnsh. Great and
small, rich and poor, alike turn out.
Booth set to the best advantage anrl
numbering perhaps 200 are arranged ia
rows, ample room being left for the buy
trs and pleasure seekers between. Fruit
stalls, old clothe dealers, shooting
range, wheel of fortune everything
to make a penny can be fonnd there.
Schools and colleges have nc rsccgnized,
holiday ca that Wednesday, yet the
average "med" is a regnlar attendant
Up and down he parade, blowing hi
trnmpet in the face of every one be
meet and looking tbe very picture of
By 7 o'clock tbe "tarTy rope" lamp
are lit and the fun commence. Country
"bnmkins" fetch their "lasses" and,
buy tbem candy and pears or whatever
i wished for, provided that tbe cost
doe not exceed sixpence. The elite of
both sexes mix with tbe crowd anrj
"treat," tbe one tbe other. Wben all la
about sold out, the student start for
home with a rush, upsetting the stall
as tbey go. Nothing of course is said,
by the police, it being "Timmer" day.
Sbonld any one be so absentminded a
to forget tbe months and the days there
of be bss no doubt whatever from tbe
bead splitting noise of tbe last Wednes
day in August
Fahalooa Prleea Paid For tha Leave
of the Saered Growth.
Few person probably have beard of
tbe marvelous tree of Tibet Neverthe
less for a long time it baa enjoyed a
great reputation in tbe east It is a sa
cred tree, aud fabulous price were paid
for a few of it leaves.
In hi "Souvenirs de Voyage aa
Tibet" Pere Hoc speaks of this won
derful tree. It is essentially of a literary
aud artistio turn of mind and bas tbe
strange babit of producing images and
hieroglyphics upon it leaves. Some
times religions figures take tbe place of
tbe letters. Pere Huo called the myste
rious thing "tbe tree of a thousand
images. " These images are found on
the leaves, on the stums and on the
trunk. Near the temple of Buddha, ia
tbe village of Liousar, Tibet, tbi
great tree bas stood for years, the plague
and the puzzle of all the botanists wbo
bave ever received tbe gift of faith.
A great -antiquity was given to the
tree ; indeed it was claimed that it bad
existed from time immemorial But aa
investigation not many years ago proved
tbe images on tbe tree to be fake. The
trick waa simple enongh, like every oth
er trick when it is found out In the
spring and ia the summer on dark
nights a lama, endowed with acroba tie
power, with bis pocket full of band
stamps, climbed all through the tree
and stamped tbe leave with all sorts of
boly images and characters, tbe most
numerous being tbe following formulae
"Oin mane padone om" (Glory to
Bnddha in tbe lotus). This is also
stamped upon tbe bark, and tbe leave
and portion of tbe bark are sold to vis
itors. For Bargains in Drygoods, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats or Groceries, attend
the Great Sale of the Cbarmaa Stock at
The Old Stand on Main Street by the
Portland Dry Goods Store.
Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor
ner of Center aod Seventh streets, has a
choice and well selected stock of fnmily
groceries which he is selling at very
reasonable rates. His motto is "live
and let live, with honest weights and
measures". Goods delivered to any
part of tbe city.
Men's $15 Suite for $ 8 00
Men's $17.50 Suits for 9 00
Men's $20 Suits for 10 60
Men's $25 Suits for 15 00
Men's $3 Overcoats for 4 50
Men's $15 Overcoats for 8 60
Men's Pants 50c and upwards
At the Great Sale of the Charinaa
Stock at tbe Old Stand, Main street, by
the Portland Dry Goods Store.
Send tbe Enterprise to your friend la
tbe East and thus give bim an idea of
what is going on in Clackama9 county,
It may induce bira to locate with ua
Bean til
il. b-:j u... it . is ti
i no king iihi nam siwars tsougm
Ask your
for a gencroa
Ely's Cream Balm
contain no cocaine,
mercury nor sny other
Injurious drag.
It 1 quickly Absorbed.
Glvei Relief it once.
It open and cleanaeef
UUIIIB HIU . I WIW . ...v.". - -
Benae of Taete and bmell. Kull Size Wo. J Trial
Size 10c.: at DniirffietaorbymaiL
. ELY BROTUEltS, 6 Warren Street, Sew TorkJ
Tl l. - - .1 1. .a ,h. UamhMnlt lMtfirM t h