Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 21, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Oawnuo, Oct. 12. Tha Clackamas
County Pomona grange memWra ItolJ
moot profitable and Instructive meetin
at Oswego, October 12. A large atten
ance was bad and niurh was aaid and
done toward our life insurance. It beinn
the annual flection ol officers, some very
good selection were made. The ladies
carrying off the larger cumber of the
offices, no doubt on account of carrying
out one of the many principles the mem
bars of the grange are in favor of, that of
women sufferage.
Much good talk was had concernin
the best methods of keeping up grange
interest and increasing our membership,
The reports from the various granges
Bhow that they are holding their num
bers and have bright prospects of a large
increase this coming winter. Members
from the Washington and Multnomah
county granges were present and many
good ideas weie exchanged. The exer
cises in the evening were long and right
to the point, and Pomona feast, the best
of all, was nice indeed. They all agreed
that Milwaukie would be the next place
of meeting, the second Wednesday in
Mad by
Tha Cuh of a Wsnderfal Hit
tha Lata Bill Kja.
James Whitcoinb Riley tells a quaint
story of bis formor lecturing partner,
Bill Nye. It was the opening of their
joint season. They bad both been rasti
eating during the vacation and were
brown as berries. Nye looked much like
an Othello in his sun burned make up,
and Riley suggested to him the applica
tion of some "liquid white, "aooaiiietio
much affected by the gentler sex of the
Nye sent for the preparation, and
never having used anything of the kind
before be filled the palm of his hand
with it and carefully smeared it over
his countenance. There was no mirror
in his primitive dressing room, and
Riley was beautifying himself on the
other side of the stage.
lne "liquid white" dries out some
what like whitewash, and when Nye
appeared before the audience he was a
sight to behold. His head looked like a
frosted top piece on a wedding cake.
His face, white as the driven snow, was
expressionless aud blank. The audience
shrieked, and when he came off from
his first selection they demanded his
reappearance. He obliged them to howls
of laughter. Again he made his exit,
and again was redemanded by the up
roarious audience.
Believing he had made a hit, he was
about to return to the stage when he
was caught by the arm by Mrs. Nye,
who cried, "William Edgar Nye, what
have you got on your face?"
"Nothing but its usual expression,
toy dear. "
"Expression I Fiddlesticks I Ton 're a
fright," cried his wife, and leading
him to where there was a piece of broken
looking glass showed him how he
Nye was mortified, and catching
sight of Riley, just about going on the
stage, he would have undoubtedly fol
lowed bim on and been revenged but
for the intervention of Mrs. Nye.
His head was scraped, combed and
washed, and his next selection was read
without "a hand" from the audienca
Moreover, the story is a fact and not a
press agent's concoction. Detroit Free
Tha Armies of Europe Bar Varlooa Bale
Regulating It.
The restrictive conditions at present in
force with re.svd to the marriage of
officers in the Russian army forbid this
privilege under any circumstance in the
case of officers under the age of 23. Be
tween the ages of 23 and 28 years the
dot of an officer's wife must amount to
a sum representing the minimum in
come of 250 rubles yearly.
.On comparison of these conditions
with those regulating the same question
in other European armies it may be
noted that in the Austria-Hungarian
army the number of officers authorized
to contract marriage is limited by a fix
ed proportion assigned to each grade,
and, these totals being reached, all fur
ther marriages must be deferred pend
ing the occurrence of vacancies in the
married establishmenta
The Italian army regulations, which
fix the income of the fiancee at a mini
mum of from 1,200 to 2,000 lire, would
appear to be more rational in their
. operation. Italian officers, however, ap
ply a somewhat liberal interpretation to
this law, with the result that the num
ber of marriages occurring under actual
provisions does not exceed more than an
eighth of the total number, seven
eighths of the officers being united un
der the conditions of the religious cere
mony only, and thus exposing them
selves to all the inconveniences which
attend a marriage not recognized by
civil law.
Similar disabilities would now ap
pear to bo incurred by Russian officers,
and suggestions have been mado by the
press in Russia that a general revision
f the law is becoming necessary. The
question is assuming some importance
from the fact that Russian officers,
. reaching a total number of nearly 40,
000, represent one of the most impor
tant classes in the state. Brooklyn Citizen.
rtnl Klaphaat la ioMriia.
It Is not generally known that a former
citizen of Owonsboro brought across the,
ocean the first elephant that was ever In
America. Thn name of the gentleman
was Moses Smith, w ho at cue time own
ed a vast body of land from the mouth
of Panther creek up the river, embrac
ing nearly all the prtwnt farms in the
neighborhood of Sorgho. Mr. Smith was
at Paris with his brother and had
"moro money than he knew what to do
with. " Ho told his brother that he in
tended taking something to America
that the people hud uever seen. "Yon
had better buy an elephant," said the
jocular brother, and that was what
Moses did.
He picked out the biggest animal he
could find and paid an enormous price
for it He brought it to New York,
where it was a uine days' jrondor, but
the owner soon found that he had some'
thing worse than the proverbial white
elephant on his hands. He tried to sell
it, but could find no buyer and at last
undertook to give it away, in which he
was equally unsuccessful. Finally he
fouud a man who agreed to pay him
f 100 for it, and this individual put it
on exhibition. He was so successful
that he went into the show business and
made a fortuue out of Mr. Smith's fol
ly. Colonel Frauk McKernan of Adair-
ville is a grandson of Mr. Smith, who
lived to a great age at his home in this
conuty. Oweusboro (Ky.) Inquirer.
Sataa at Camp Meeting.
We will call him Bishop Simmons,
During the itfternoon tho younger min
istcrs bad listened to him with venera
tion aud respect, aud when their turn
came tney round mm a dignified and
careful listeuer.
The afternoon was delightful and the
ramp meeting service was a long one.
Tho good bii-hup was a keen lover of the
weed, and after the meeting bad closed
he strolled otf for a siuoka At a little
distance he found an abrupt ledge en
tirely oat of tbe view of the camp
grounds, and going down around to the
foot of this he lit hiscigarand prepared
for a quiet half hour.
As it chanced, soon after one of the
younger ministers took a walk from the
grounds, and finally came to the top of
the same ledge, and, looking down, saw
the bishop.
For the space of a moment or two he
stood with a gleam in his eye, and then,
stooping down, he said in a sort of tri
umphant tone:
"Ah, Father Simmons, I've caught
you burning incense to the devil. "
The bishop took out his cigar and
turned about till he bad swung ths
speaker fully into view, and then added
slowly in a deep voice:
"But I didn't know he was so near. '
Current Literati" r. ,
Thoughtful to tha Last.
"Didn't your absconding cashier
leave yon any message?"
'Yea He left a line in the cash box
transferring to me his paid up member
ship in a Don't Worry club. "Chicago
stop that cough 1 Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bottle
of Shiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Charman & Co., druggists, Ore
gon City.
Tbe suoscription to the Enterprise is
$2, but if paid in advance it is f 1.60.
Subscribers must not get behind and
then expect to get the paper for $1.50.
Outstanding subscriptions must be paid
and you cure its consequences. These are
some of ths consequences of constipation :
Biliousness, loss of appetite, pimples, sour
stomach, depression, coated tongue, night
mare, palpitation, oold feet, debility, dix
tiness, weakness, backache, vomiting,
jaundice, piles, pallor, stitch. Irritability,
BsrrovunMS, headache, torpid 11 var. heart
barn, foul breath, sleeplessness, drowsl
aass, hot akin, cramps, throbbing head.
Dr. J. C Avera Pills are a specific for
all diseases of tha liver, stomach, and
"I suffered from constipation which as
sumed such as obstinate form that 1 feared
It would rauie a stoppage of ths bowels.
After vainly trying various remedies, I be
gin to take Ayer'i Pills. Two boxes effected
a complete cure."
D. BUKKE.Saco.Ma.
Tor eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which became to had that the
doctors could do no more for me. Thea I
began to Uke Avers Fills, and soon ths
bowels recovered their natural action."
VM. H. DeLAUCETT, Dorset, Oat
Dawtoa City Price.
Here is a rooont bill of far of a Daw
son City restaurant: OofToo or ton, 78
cents a cup; plu, 70 ouuts a piece; por
ridge, 1.7o a plate; soup, ft a plate
sandwiches, 70 omits each ; steak, a 8 ;
portion of cniidtod fruit, $1; whisky, 60
cents a glass; complete table d'hote
uioal, half au ouuoo of gold.
Callnary luforntatloa. .
Alls tress Do you call this sponge
cakor Why, U s as hard as it can bo.
New Cook Yea, mum, that's tha
way a sponge Is before it's wet Soak it
in your tea, mum. Town and Country
Tha antlmouopolistlo aeuttmeut in
this country is uot a modem idea. In
1777 Massachusetts passed an act en
titled "to prevent monopoly and op
In the Hawaiian Islands tbera art
twioe as susny won as Women,
Didn't Call tie Mary.
It is said that the uatlve servants in
Hawaii need to call their mlstrtNwea by
their first names. An English woman
of strong will determined on hex arrival
in Honolulu that her servants should
never call her Mary and instructed
them carefully in the presence of her
husband. One day, when she bad visit
ors, her cook put his head in at the
drawing room door and politely In
"What vegetables for dinner today,
my love?"
He had heard her called thai and
seemed proud of remeinlieriug not to say
Mary, Aew iorlc Tribune.
Wanted-An Idea
Protect Tour Meaat the may brlnarua WMlia,
write juhn wiudkhuuhh a to., raivet Atloe.
hti Wuhtnetoo. D. C fur their al.lU) Drtaa offe,
aaa UM el mo huadnd lurenUoaa wauled.
Wbe eaa think
of tone timpla
lb Id lo pe letup
Braving a KUk.
"I told you I would uot marry you.
Why do yon keep on asking mer"
"I waut you to understand that I'm
not afraid of your changing your mind, "
Chicago Itecord.
Boors, Mows, Glass, mm
-: GO TO :-
Low Prices. First-class Goods.
Corner 1 1th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon.
Tbls Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, caah or stamps,
generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hey Fever Cure
(Ely s Cream Balm) sufficient to demon.
trate tbe great men ts of Uie remedy. .
66 Warren St., Kew York City.
Bev. John Raid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream lialin to me. I
can emphasize bis statement, "It is a pod.
tire cure for catarrh if nsed as directed."
Eev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh snd contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
tons in lb iUta to miO'it our bo'"" m
th"irown and nerbr Couutiua, 11 mainly ol
ne worn eomiiKted ai noi.a. salary r ikoi
l 0a jrenr rod exin' a 1"Hn't- ' nfid. no
tiore, do Iree aeforj. Mout'ilytTS. Kle D'ei
Eucl'xe ell-adnreaeed "am d 'DT'lore, Her
bert E, Ileaa, Preat., Dert M. CulcgJ. 9-23
? He Knew.
' Pedagogue (severely) Now, sir, for
the last time, what's the square of the
hypotenuse of a right angled triangle
equivalent to?
Boy (desperately) It's equivalent to
a lick in fer me, sir. Go ahead. Lon
don Fun.
You can save express charges on buy
ing your graphopnone at tfurmeister
& Androgen's, the Oregon City jewelers
They sell the Eagle graphophone with
carrying case, horn, bearing tube and
reproducers at $12. Iiecoids 50 cents
each or $5 per dozen.
WHAT Is felllLOH.
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds
and Consumption; used through the
world for half a century, has cured in
numerable cases of incipient consumpti
on and relieved many inadvanced stages.
If you are not satisfied with the results
we will refund ynur monev Price 25
cts., and 50 eta. and $1.00.. C. G. Huntley,
the DrugiMHt.
Fine salt, C5c per 100 lbs; stock salt,
40c per 100 lbs; roast coffee 10c; fine
roast coffee with good spoon 6 lbs, $1.00;
rising sun stoye polish, 6c; Arm & Ham
mer soda. 7 lbs 25c; bird seed, 5c
Red Front store, Oregon City.
Tbe rate we are giving on subscription
with the Oregonian Is the best ever
offered in the county and thone wiidiing
to take advantage of it must do so in the
near future as this rate will not be made
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest
on mortgages. Apply to C. V. & D. C,'
Salem Woolen Mills Store
We carry every article of goods manu
factured by our new Worsted factory. Our large...
Clobt)ir) Deparbir)er)b
Is Headquarters for Gentlemen
who wear Fine Clothing
Our Tailoring
is the largest and
most popular
Dt on the coast )j?
Prices are
n mm
Oregon City people are invited to call...
Salem Woolen Mills,
...Crayon Portraits and Photo Buttons...
fire Jfye Best....
Studio, Ninth and Main Sts., Oregon City, Oregon.
Tho Kind You Have Always Iloujrlit, and which una been
la uho for over 30 years, lint borne tho tlgiuttiire of
, and hiu been mado under hu per
sonal supervision sine 1U infancy.
Allow no ono to deeelvo you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitation And Subatltutos arc but Ex
periment that trifle with And endanger the health of
Infant and Children Experience ngalnit Experiment. '
What is CASTOR I A
CaatorlA I a substitute for Cantor Oil, Paregoric, Drop
And Soothing Syrup. It I Harnile And Tleaaant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo
nubfttnnce. It age I It guarantee. It deatroy Worm
nnd allay FeverlHhne. It cure Diarrhoea And Wind
Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble, cure Constipation
And Flatulency. It asalmllate tho Tood, rcirulatc tho
Stomach and llowcls, giving healthy and natural tlcep.
The Children' Panacea Tho Mother' Friend.
Soars the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TWff (AW fJPM. f MOW iTt.
-"n i -Tr.amffla.1 ' m "
Have stood the tent of yearn. Tliry ore the
hent Wagona poHwihlo to hnilil. ami if you
want a noon rki.iam.k wapon, one that will
last the lonppnt and cont you the leant for
ropaira. you will luiy ''MITC1IKLL."
Flint and Taylor ntn Portland. Or
Salem Route..
Tho Fast and Commodious.
Leave Portland daily (except Sunday) 0:45
a. m. for Salem and all way landings.
Cool Breezes Beautiful Scenery Quick Time
Boats nasa Oregon Cilv at
8:00 a. m. and 5:30 p" m.
Portland office: Taylor St. Dock...
f ubjn-l to rh ng
..WHIlOIlt fl'Hjn,,.
A Kuinnrkable 8clnllllo mid . .
. . Wonderful 8oinro.
"Solar Biolotrv."
Tho only true science by which your future enn truly nnd accurately
...uo ioreioiu...
ZAR.n.the world-ri-nowned Emtian Antroloirnr. wlm liaa Un
toiilnhinent throughout Europe for the pa-it live yvur, will nlve a truthlul aenurata,
planM horosenpe dflinration of your lifp. ile will Klvn your personal appHranue, dla.
poaitlon, cliaraeter, ability, lanto, prolmbla IimikIIi of Hfc, iollil arcldcnts, ailvloa and
siiKKeitloni on lova alfttira, niiirrUK, frinda, tnani!, aiwoiilailnn. ImhIik-kh iiihiiit' eto.
ion can lnrorin yotirHdl HinroiiKhiy on
tliis and on any other ui'tlona of your
mti, inrnriii nun iniurfl i lie.
A Single Answer iMay Load You to Make Thousand of Dollars.
8nd lOcfntaaiiilKlveexartdaleof birth and I williinnmli allv n-tllrn Dim Iritlli.
ful horoHcope r-ading of your life, and prove It to be all true to yourself. I make Mil
irer a a U-t trial. All miiinmiilraMnna atrlotlv coiilidantial. Addroaa
KARAII the AN'I'HOl.tM.I'lt. ImvU II.i ii.nn.ii..i.in a.
From 1'ress : "Zarah tho Astroloncr la certainly antotiiliiiiR thotnmnda. Hla wondorfa
prediction! and tests are bated upon indisputable and acientiiio Inlluencai."
Riches to be or not to be.