Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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We Will Give You The
And the gfl
Liii 1 Lit i it 111 L
Cash in Advance
Or we will give you the Enterprise and
one of the leading Eastern papers on the
same terms.
Thi3 offer will stand good only for a short
time, and only fcr people who are square on
our books. The price of the Enterprise is'not
changed by this offer, and we can pay agents
no commission on this subscription.
This Offer Gives-
12 to 16 Paps Wiraic 31 M fc
And All the State and County News.
A Rlrlkluc lMtrlilli'n nl III Itorlng ml
Coumw llilynl by Hi. Ilrtlr.il 0u.
rl Who Would fi'ol I'.ruill ma Hug.
lliluimn la Oulilo II Int.
Tho realistic Spanish uovollst, Vuldes,
In ono of his most popular stories ("His
tor Sun Suplieo, " tiuiiNlutod liy Nathan
Haskell Dolt') gives a doscriptiou of a
retired Spanish general's nfteriioon nut
which will tlliiniiiiiiio many ohlvalrto
Incidents ill ihmiInIi 1 1 fo 1111(1 nut I V iltnu.
trutes tho reckless daring and oourugo
of which the average haughty don li
liberally possessed. Tho soono it a tort
of plonio grouudt iu tho outkirtof
"Meontimo tho animation Im.l lw..n
on tho Increase among tho rurtliuin. Tho
period or unmannerly action hud coma
Ono of thom climbed upou tho tnblo to
ninko n speech, ami tho others, by way
of applause, throw sherry and tnanr.a
ullla In hiH face. Another wat trylug
to lift with hit teeth a com nun ion wlwim
drunkuiinowi hud stretched out on tho
noor. Ho did not succeed. Ho merely
tors Lis tuck coat. Still ntlmr. u-nm
committing absurd and extravagant ao-
wons, miming a great uniso and uproar.
lUOOOUtll remained crnv mnl Mil.iiit
drinking ono glass of sherry after an
other. Hut hi rvn wnm n Inn......
usual, incomprehensible and unfuthoin
ablo, like those of a nmii tlml nf tir.
Though he did not speak or nioro about
ae seouica a aincreut man.
"Tho Euclishmau hml tk on nff hla
jacket and waistcoat, and, rolling np
bis shirt alevvea, wat exhibiting hit
biceps, which wore mull
trying to break empty bottles on his
aria Once Mood had coino, but ho
went on breaking tho bottles without
paying anv attention to it Tln.n ii
d tho waiter to bring a bottlo of rum
and a law class. Ho tilled this to tho
bri:n with tho honor, and then slowly.
without moving a muscle or oven wink
ing, ho Unwind it to tho imtti.ni. Tl,.i
ho tat down ut tho taLlu on-iot.. ii,
count and said solemnly.-
ou tau t do that.'
"A Hash of f urv I'lcnmpil throm-ii rim
harebrained nobleman's ryes, ,t ho
succeeded iu r'stiaiuiiix hiiiDMlf, and,
turuiua tlio r.-st or the. u,nk lllto t10
glass. Iio culinly onl. rid llio waiter to
bring him somo pepper. Iio tlmw in a
pinch of it. th. ii thn-.v into it hi. elg.ir
u-hes heaped tii 1 , (..re Mm. mid. with
out haying awiTil, with t In mu'io sconi
fill, conti'i'.iptrums smile, drained the
glass, and. net content with tlmt. I, it it
in piece. Wo niw hi lip Nxiitil with
Mood Tho eoiniiiiiiv ni eiviil with il.
mid Khoiits of triumph tlui priKif of an
Ulicoil(iuelal-lo blon.aeh. In ulo.-li it
seeined us though tho iMtioiml honor
wore concerned.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further Introduce CLASTIC STAI1CII (I l.it Iron Ilnind),
the manufacturers, I. (!. Ilubiugir Pros. Co., of Krokul-, Iowa, have
decided to OIVI AwAV u bmutilul irrsrnt with em h packinjc of
tturch sold. These jircsri.ts me Iu Ibc (orm o(
Beautiful Pastel Piote
They are 13x19 Indict In ili.(lllJ ,re emilcJ fo,low.
mri. " 1 Aim
' ft()cisrisocoo5,T '
Lilacs and
ihuchum win wt
, Jv--Sr.-H",rsnf .
V AMY 4iw iWms.
MOHl'lUeiM. in NAVlsiOMLAr
Lllacj and
These rare pictures, four In
i. i.eKoy, 01 New
ItllMlt.MV . .1 . 1. . J . I . , .
V. . j" J " ' " 0 rciiuwiirti ossiri BHISI,
.,. ....,,, . i.m, in-ru iiiimru iroiu uie very rnoiccst SUt)CCtl
In his Stlliliil anil an. nitm f.fT.rM,l f,. I.H -... .1.... ... 11 . 1
l-l. . ."I iiiv li-l lllliv IU 111c IIUUIIC.
The plrturei are accurately reproduced iu all the colors used In the orljz
Insls, and re pronouncel by competent critic, works of art.
Pastel nlrlllrr r ll. .r... .1.!..,. I... I .. .i i ,
th I I . i k '.'. i Hung nu nit inline, noiouig surpassing
n... . . f , l.
iiv mm tiiirnr turrs
will be given away
with cacti i i.ii l a l'm nl
purchased o( your grocer. It Is the Ix-n laundry stan h .ui the market, and
it soM lor 10 cent a package. Ask your grocer fur this starch and net a
beautiful picture
ill POfiprce irrca ci i?t tjjhu irr wn ami.i.i,..
j uiivsui. a,.r ui j iitf Jimivn, (IbUtri HU dUOOIIIUIt 9
of colr and artistic merit.
Elastic Starch
"Our neighbors iu tho other booths
innut havo reached tho' samu hanev
grudoof temperattiro, for nothing was
nearu tjutextravug.uit nhouts. tho crush
lug of glow, ciurso laughter and
Tho count was not vet s:itifli il with
his victory over tho Kutllhlimnn. Wbi
ho was wallowing with
nesa mo ciassra of lunior whioh wero
ouereii to hi in lie tlnl not cinu t,i .1..
vour him with bis eves, curried awn
by a dull mudiicN. which
out His eyes, which wero tho onlv tmrt
of his impuwiivo faoo Unit moved,
gleamed morouud uioro ferociously, liko
IUOSO 01 a mauiuuil Wluu a tr.ilt:n,'L,,t
has boon put on him Tlu l.iigllshman
continued to boant of hm strength. He
I was now thoruuuhl lntini, i.o.,l .,,)
talking impiidontly enough to the oth
era, wno wero not so drunk
'So you uro verv valiant, sm vrmT
i . ... '
asaca tne ouuut, still su,iliug disdain
" 'More than von.' retort! thn Fnn,
"Don Jonaro sturtecl tosnrlmrnt him.
but tho others restrained him. 8oou
calming himself, ho said:
If you lire to brave, wh not nut
your uuiki on mo taulor
" ' What for?'
" 'To pin it down with mine.'
Xbe fcngli.fhman, without an in
stout t hesitation, stretched out his
hugo, brawny hand. The count took out
of bit pocket a damuhkooncd duggor and
laid his delicate. CrOIItlomnnlv hunri nn
the EngliHliuittii't, and without hesita
tion and with a ferocious grip ho raised
the point with tho other and drovo it
through both Into tho tublo.
"Ihe women uttered a crv of terror
All of us meu run to their nnHinfini,-n
A fow left tho place in sourch of help
In an limtunt our booth was filled with
blood. From tho wounds great drops of
blood streamed, ttaiuius tho himrlUiT.
chiefs which we applied to thorn.
A doctor who huoDoncd to ba nmntu?
the bystanders drossed tho wounds pro
visionally with tho few means at his
disDOsal. Tlin connt siniln.1 u.4,il tl,,.
wero dressing hit hand. Tho Knglish
man was at sick as a horso and vomit
ing. Soon the count was doing the
tame, and both were tuken to such
rooms as the establishment had to offor
and wont to bed. Ever mm lnf. un.
- j -.w viii) vuai
hioutitig on tho barbariHin of the deed. "
This applies to real estate as well as other coiiKulitios.
Kvery family in need of a home desires the best location.
Has the greatest number of advantages to its credit,
of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay
you to investigate this property, (iood clear' lots at
reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or
T. L. CHARM AN, Trustee.
Charman Bro's. Block,
Oregon City
Your team will have the beat
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At lhe
City Stablea.
W. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
W. H. Cook,
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
Willlam'ft Kirlnov Cilia
Huh nO IHIIlfll in fllwiiM.. rt tl,n
irr; . . : v , . ....-
ivioneysuui urimiry tiigans. Have
you neglected your kiduova? Iluvo
you overworked your norvous sys-
Kidneys and llludiler? Have"
If Him Were a Man.
"Oh," she snddoulv oxcluimmL "I
wish I wero a man. "
"What would von do?" ha HHkerl
"I'll not suv what I would do. hnl!
there is ono thing I will coufens that I
wonldn t do. "
Aud that is?"
"I wouldn t sit aronnd as if I had
buiidcufl's on when 1 bupiieuod to bu
alono with a girl. "Clovelund Leader.
Scientihts meacuro by the contraction
of petroleum other temperatures soverul
hundred degrees below zero K At 1)10
degree below zero, tho temperature at
which liquid air boils, petroleum ether
remains in a semiliquid condition and
sontracts with the decrease of tempera
"... - " -
i j .....4 jinn ,iiTi vwijb hyn-
A 1 1 1 1 .1 nml finnnnil II.. ...1.1.
If 1, 1. ...... --.I 111... 1.1 I. ' M
,n nu.. oiuiiiierr nave you
W nuitiM In tho loins. Hl,ln li,,.ly mln. M
iund bludder? lluvoyou a Uabby np-
Iiearanco of tho face, especially f
miner mo eyes j oo frequent de- M
j... ui.iiu f ttiMiiun s iviuney
i'llls will Impart new life to the dls-
i-uncu orguns, iouo up the system A
und mnko a new man of you. Hv
moll All . . 1 . ' A
..m.i. ,M cuuui jn-r nox.
Williams Mro. Co.. 1'rnnA.. ninn.i.n n
For sale by C. 0. Huntley.
1800 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in otieration by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Bpo
kane, Tacoma, Ralcm,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and 90 other towns
in tho two utatea on the
Quick, accurato, cheap.
All the satinfaction of a
perflonal communication.
DiHtaneo no cflbct to a
clear underHtanding. Sjk
kano uh eanily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - - - Oregon.
Ask your
'or s generous
17 -v 'if in ;;i!Fi'n5
t I I J n I WrHVrnir.-8 ""II.
miiti 'iir H"r mi mlur r 'l
,..l..ri..,;..lr I ,Jrr .9 i
isfis c 1
liiinriouM (IniL'i
It latmilrkiy Ahior!
fMvei MtiWut at once
T i
lhe Nnml rusif.n. pf) 7 fi UI'A'I
Allnyii inllieiii.iolliin. VdUV '1 HUnU
Iliciln ami IVuim t tl 0 Mt.'uihrAno. KinlnreA tlin
Hi-nun. at 'I'nilfl niifl hnii'll. V'uW hiwi 6m i 'J'ril
Wi.li'C.; it I ni'-:.;H(ii i.r lf nmii.
ELY iino'l'llEUH, JO W utreu btrect, New York.
IlNtnbllMlied IMJ3.
1 1 Mmi
Transfer1 and Eppe,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.