Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Whr All Kiiwi.t tli t'ommandar Kat,
Lla url llsva Tlialr Sixilal ltlria;-Naal
KtlquatU laolatM Ilia Maa Wlioin All
Olliars an Hoard Moat Ouay,
Tlio WMnlroom oa mitii-of-wnrU the
livliiK pluoo of all tlii olilnr ofllwirs of
tlio (ililp, with una exception, tho onm
iiiiuiiIIiir oflldcr. Ho Ilvos by himself,
1ms hla owu oulilns, Lit own muss, Li
own servant. Nuvnl titlquutte and ous
torn Liivo OHtubllHhiMl tlilshitliltof lsol
tlon for tho mint on tlio Mill p who has
commttml of all tho rout Tlio rnawin li
liniloulittMlly to m found In tho very
fiict that ho rtiprnmnit extraordinary
power. Under thine circumstances any
mtmnjit to forgot tho soptiriurity of bit
runk by niitus of a oommon cuhln or
tiiiwiriMiiii for htm and hi subonllntUis
would only rtuult iu ciiiburrnsftiuun on
both stilus.
This ibn'i nut mraui that he may not
to soclnblo, for much dnpinuU npon tho
limn. Hut It la sufo to any that any show
of i'ITukI vouch aiiioiiK thoao who live
almft tho muMt mtiHt (vitiia from hU side,
if ho wishes It to bo Kcimrul. Tho sltiw
tlon U a diillcnto ono.
In tho frm.r air of tlio wnnlroom wo
fliul from 10 to JIO iiflUmrs living togr'th
or, thn numU r varying with tho slat of
tho nli li. Thi'iraKi'M mity rmiKo from 25
to BO, aitd thxyaroof all raukaabovo
thut of naval radot, and of all corps.
Liiilluutir olllcor, tin ulllocrs, inudlcal
olllwrs, mnrliia ofTU'crs, 0110 jwy ofllccr
and oiio clmpluln, inuy all Imi iiicluthxl
lu I lin wnnlriKiiii of a liirxfl ship. Thoao
mi'ti live In ntntiTooma arruiiKI about a
common spaoo, which U known a tho
"wardroom country." This assumption
of a oxu o of pralriuliko dliiHitislons ii
oniiimrutlvrly truthful In tho erompwl
quarters of a ship. Iu thia "oouiitry"
rxUts tho aoc'lul lifo of tho wardroom.
JIith tlii-PK) men of varied callings, yut
all of tho ata't following live, muvo
and have their snrlnl beluu.
A day ffM'tit In a wardroom by a laud
luliber would revtial tunny tntenwtliiK
difference between naval ofTirxirsftud
their brethren on shore. To Ih'kIh with,
they aro uioro otwiiiopulltiui In their
sixtx-h. Tlio men In our wardroom aro
ItiitliertNl toK' llicr from all parts of tho
Union. I-iil discussions find but an
tuitiitreUd nudlrtioo, or even aderUWo
oun, so that a naval ofllwr K''Ik aocua
totueo" to ak and thliik of all tho 48
stnt4 aa UIhhkIiik cually to him. Out
aido of bin owu country lio is ao jrrwtt a
traveler that very fow civllltuia run keep
up with tho way ho skips in convcrsa
tlon from China to IVru or to Tamna
uia. Other rharncturlHtlca that aro
quickly uotiivatlu aro hit simplicity,
bio clioerfuliiomiRiicl bia heartiness. Tho
wardroom I constantly reiuidiiiK with
laughter. Tho men lu It aro hunlthler
tlmu men who tivo In hnuwn They pet
lip onrlier til tlio mortilnK and jto to t4
rarliur at niKht. Mont of our wardroom
are buMlliiK with ofllecrs at 7 o'clock iu
the nioriiiuK.
A (,'hkiico at thn brc.ikfuKt tablo shows
tha senior limi olllii r prrsidiiiir, and thn
other officers jiluivd iieurhlm according
to rank. At tho other end of the table
la tho muii who Ima len olectinl by hi
ttiKKHiuutes to direct tho catering of tho
" moss. Hctwoon this early iiiom! and tho
breukfmt proper, which cornea at half
paot II or 13 o'clock, there la not much
lifo in tho wardroom, for the dully mil
itary routine in full of chill and uxcr
clmi which keep most of tho officers on
deck. Thero aru drill with grcut ruiis
and with suiull arms, drill In cleurliiK
ali lp for action, drill In hundlitiK am
munition and many other all of them
rootod In the one idcit that you miiht
liremirvo your own lifo by doatroying
that of your enemy.
A MKiu a uu ollloer roturna to tlio
wardroom from one drill and begin a i
convumatiou or icrhai hum a oug ho I
1 lutcrrvptcd by tho buKleioudock aud '
riUBt buckle on hi aword and roturu to i
another drill.
At every coll to quarter all officer
muNt report thmnoolvo ready for duty.
Tho chaplain and paymaster, having
much leaa to do with drill than tho
other ofllccr, aro ununlly tho flrt to bo
back in tho wardroom, whore thero i
other work for them. The medical ofll
ror bit k" forward to tho sick buy to
look after Jilt piitiuuta.
Whuu tho midday brcnkfuHt come,
thero U tho first breathing pace for a
littlo luiNure and relaxation. Hut the
drill for tho day are not yut over, aud
at 1 o'clock tho buHtlo U renamed
throughout tho hlp. A suddeu call may
come for co'linlon drill, or lire drill, or
battalion drill. If at boo, a flouting tar
Kot may be dropped overliourd, aud for
an hour tho ship be almkeu from litem
to Hte.ru by the diHchargo of (runs. From
8 to S o'clock iu tho afternoon thero
Kcmiriilly a runpito from work, and tb
V iirdroom Ix'gin to how signs of bo
ing a homo. Borne In it are rending or
writing, other are amokiug or playing
gumu or loafing Still other uru iu
their rooms taking tho seuiitun's after
noon imp. Uut ut 6 o'clock tho drill
and exoroiKoa oomo nffuin.
i!y 0:110 o'cln k thero Ih afeeliii(i that
ono can Hit down mid dine without for
of interruption. The menu hh a whole in
now guthorod together, and tho meal in
generally n thoroughly enjoyable and
delightful affair. After it is over ther
are cigiira, ymnoH, uniNio, or the ri'ht to
withdraw within onosolf without o;.
citing reinitrk. liy 10 o'clock most f
thoHQ giiilora aro iu bud, but eveu no
the drill nrny not be over. At midnight
tho bugles may sound, and iu two min
, tit en all the ship' company be rapidly
wuking ready fur an euomy. How
York PoHt.
It i Htrango to notice how many old
cliuwical expreanioii still survive iu
TuHotmy. Tho people still swear "By
Uiuichusl" nud "I!y Diiuial" just nswe
do "By Jovol" but when they tulk of
"Tom, Dick and Hurry" they isay "Ti
tus, Uaius aud Semproiiius. "
rHBlahinaat rur a Murdar That Wm Mer
Crual Tliau Dnalli,
In 1801 a man died In tho Catitklll
who bad boon ooiidemiiDd by ono of the
itrniigoNt aeiitdiioe on record, italpli
Buthnrhiiid wan born In 1701 and lived
In a stouo houne near Ivood. Ho wu a
man of violent temper and morose din
pottltlon, sliiniiiwl by hi neighbor aud
generally diitliked. Not being able to
gut an Ameiicun servant, ho imported a
Bcotchwoinan, aud, according to tho
uaga of tho times, virtually held her
In bondage until tier pawiugo money
bad been refundud.
Unable to endure any longer tho rug
lng temper of her master, tho girl run
away, immediately upon discovering
her abwmou tho man set off iu an angry
chase upon bis horse and soon overlook
ber. The ioor woman never reached tho
bouse alive, and Sutherland wo ludiot
ed aud arrested on the chargu of murder.
At the trial he tried to prove that his
horse had taken fright, run away,
pitched hi iu out of tho saddle aud daub
ed tho girl to death uxm tho rocks, but
the Jury did not accept tho defense, and
rJutherland was sentenced to die apou
the scaffold.
Then oaino the plea of the Insuffi
ciency of clrcuiiixtuutiul evidence and
tho effort of influential relation- These
ao worked upou tho court that tha Judgo
deluyed the sentence of death uutli the
prisoner should lie UU yeun old.
It wo ordered thut the culprit should
bo releaxcd ou bis own recognizance,
and that, ponding the Quul execution of
his sentence, ho should koopabaiigmun't
nooso about bis nock aud show himself
boforo the judges of CuUUllloneo a year
to prove thut he wore hi badge of in
famy aud kept hi crime in mind. It
was a more cruel decision than tho sen
tence of immediate deuth would have
been, but It was no doubt iu biirmouy
with the spirit of the time.
Thus Kalpb Hutberlaud lived Ho al
ways lived alouu, He seldom spoko. His
rtjugh, imperious muuuer bud gone.
Year followed years. At each sessiou
of tho court the brokeu mau came be
fore tho bur of justice and silently
showed tho uoosu thut circled his neck.
At hut bl ninety ninth year cumo,
the time when the court hud ordered
that the utmost penalty of tho luw
should be executed. For tho last time
the uiun tot lured before the Judge's
bench, but new judges bad arisen In
tha land, uuw laws bud been mudo, old
crimes had U n forgotten or forgiven,
and there was uoue who would accuse
him or execute seuienco. Indeed tho
awful restriction thut bud bound bis
life so intimately (o the expiation of
bis crime was now legally removed.
But the spirit of self puuUhmont con
tinued, ami wheu Sutherland, after he
bod pussod bis hundredth year, was dis
covered dead, alone in his bouse, bii
throat wss fuuud to be encircled by the
rope which bud becli placed there uearly
three-quarU-rs of a ouutury before.
Youth's Compauion.
11 a Waist Vttl.
HlgR Quito a rivalry between Tom
and Fred.
Urlgg Yea, I understand they are
both seeMnff the bund of Miss Triffett.
ISiggs They both culled at ber house
the other eveuiug aud at once begun
the exciting game of trying to outsit
each other. Tom bad to give it up final
ly and left Fred in possession.
Griggs So Fred got tho best of it?
IJiggs That's the question. It was a
rniny night, and Tom did not take
sway tho poorest umbrella when he loft
tho bouse. Boston Transcript.
Carrla Ilia Hatch! la Ula Hoot Lag.
In some place meu carry bowie
knives and gnu in their boot leg. One
may meot iu Fulton fish market in this
city a man carrying a hatchet in hi
boot leg, but the hatchet i for peaceful
purposes. It is an Implement much used
in the market for opening and for nail
ing np boxes and barrel in which fish
are packed, and the boot leg seems to be
tho handiest place to carry it New
York Bun.
Mine, do Pompadour encouraged fan
painting and also collected Quo speci
mens of tho work. Ureuzo, Wattean
and other groat artists did not disdain
to lend their talent to the art. Tnese
pictures were douo mostly on vellum or
ihiekon skin.
-!! In hi s am to mauaf i out buniu aa pi
1'iel' iwn n I noartij ix.ontita. It ! m iulv ul-
fl"-w ci.ud oiatl st no'iie. HH ry airwni
I'.miajr. r niil cipemo dullnita b nMliilo, no
in' lie, no iK a la.y. H"o:hlv 17. Jt forcmw".
K .n.ie lfiltrJS "1 innie(l aOTvlopv, llor
bart K. II . i'r ., Di p . M. C .irgo 8-l
The Enterprise will be pleased to re
ceive within the next few days several
cords of wood which parties have agreed
to bring in on their subscription to the
For Young Men and Young rVemen.
There is nothing that will arouHe the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
mousy their neat appearance is spoiled.
Tho Troy laundry makes a specialty of
Indies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There cun be no better work than is
done at the Trov. Leave your eiders at
Johnson's barber shop.
Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent
I .1 t..,n A .tt.lt, t. 11 R
011 long or piiuiv iimo. t v. ,
Ilnyes, office up stairs, opposite Hunt-
leys orug store.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
lioot Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures
Headache, Nervousness, Eiuptions on
the face, and makes the head clear as a
bell. Sold by Charman & Co., druggists,
Oregon City.
Doors, Ita, Gk Mill
Low Prices. First-class Goods.
Corner llth and Main Street?, Oregon City, Oregon.
The Marketing Point
As the Great Manufacturing Center
of the Pacific Coast
of farmers,
selling their
last few years, sought the markets of other
towns. The system of macadamized roads
that is being built into all parts of Clack
amas county, will enable all the people of
this county to share in the profitable mar
ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is
sure to do, tfce demands of Oregon City in
crease in the next five years as it has in the
past five years, this city will rank next to
Portland as a market place for
.of the Farmer
1 !
Get our Prices
Tho factory towns of the East are noted
for affording the best market to tho neigh
boring farmers and gardeners in proportion
to the population of any of tho towns in
that section. The reason for this is that
the people of these towns have a fixed in
come upon which they can always depend,
and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy
ers, paying cash for all their purchases.
Is Coming to be One of the
Best Marketing Towns in the State
This is proven every day by the number
who are to be seen on its streets
produce, who, until just the
on Job Printing.
soars socso.
'allfeTTila KinreM ahrouxh)
' ir Local (war ttaUoui)
SMI a.m.
ran p. m.
Koaehiiri Lnoal (war lUtlnnn)
:77 s. m
t:.0 p. m
California Jlipraaa (through)
srsouTMssR mcinc sausoaa
Mnll cloami (Olns North, H:M)p. m.
MaUeloaoa ulni( Htith.9:00a. m. sod 6:20 p. m.
Mad diatnbu:t'l Ifum .North l.m p.m., 10.15 ..m.
Hall duirlbultd (row south 10 a.m., !:Up.m.
Mall elosaa (or fjrtiaud aud diftriuollnf
poliila, ii uoo'i. iu4 4:V p. in,
Mulclxea lor Milwauset only, 1:45 a. m..
4 45 p. m.
Mnil urrlrea Irorn Puitland, 11:10 a. m. sod
4.14 p. m.
OrcroD CltytoKly.Carua, Mullno, Liberal and
Molalla leaves at U m. aud arrlrea stUm.
Oregon City to Bearer Creek. Mink, Clark.
Meadoar Brook, Union Mills, and Collon.leaTea
MSs.ni. Monday, Wednesday and rrlday,
and rsturuaou (ullowlna da. at 4M p. m
Oregon City to Viola, Logan and Kedland
learea Oron City Monday, Wednesday and
Krldarat 1:00 y. m., learlu Viola same daya
Orexon City to Willamette, Stafford and
Wllonrllle, arrlreaat luua. m. andlcaraa at
11) a. m. daily.
Uun ral delirary window la open on Snndar
from 10 to 11 a. m. A'l liu;rdropd Into Ih.
bui ai iim uoor U promptly ae .t off Sunday,
aa ou oihet d ira,
AH Kaairru mall that la delayed and falUto
arrive on 9M a. m., S. f. tr.ln will eoma ou 12
o'clock or 4.16 e.ectrie ear.
Daily trls steamer Bailey Cstzert-Leaves
every morning in trie week st 7 o clock, ex-
cept Sunday . lleturnlnir, lavea Astoria
every niglit In Hie week st 7 o'clock, except
Wl.it. IVM., I (, Tixkela anil O R A N
Co. tickets sre liib?rchsnKsile on stesmrrs
Hslley Usizert, T. J. rotter snn k k.
rtiompnon, for Astoris snd sll wsy points,
Flsvel, Ilwaco, 8caview, Long Besch, Ocean
1'srk snd Nalicotta
mtl. AM.r..lrn.t Anrk. Teleolione
(Main) 351. (Jjliirahla phone 351.
U.S. buuii, rresiaeni.
ros laos Fostlasd. rsoa
FoatMail -alt Uk. Denver. Ft Fast Mail
Sp.m. Worth. Omaha, Kan- 7:20 a.m.
aa City, St Ixraie,
chicaoand .
f-pokans Walls Walla. BpoVatie, Bpotaua
Vl ar Uinneapolia, isi. faal, F!er
2:41p.m. Daluth, Milwaukee, 10x4a.m.
Chi ago and bant.
Dalli Ia lea
Loeal Dnl't, Bonneville, L1
8 . m ltu..nonah talla.C s- 8 30 p. in.
Kx.8uudav eiiie Locks and d Kid Ei ttouduy
iiiuir Klver. euudar
10 a. m, 7 p. m.
Ip. m. Of fan Stesmiblpa 4 p. m.
Ml Bailin Datea aubject
to change.
Forean Franeinco
raillXJ.. 1,5, 8, 11,
14, 17, W, A J6, 2S-
Tp. m. ToAlaka tp.m.
8 p. m. Columbia Biver 4 pm.
Evbuuday Steamers Ex. cun clay
Faturdnj To Astoria and Way
10M) p, m. Lendicge.
S a. m. Willsmetts Elver P-m.
EiSundaj u"n;
Oreon Citr, Newbars, snd rn.
talem and " ay-Lnds a
7 a.m. fflllsniettesndYsmhlll
Tuaa, Thor Klvers Tuea. I hor,
and sau Oron City. Dayton. snd oat.
ana Way-LanOtug.
lam. Willamette River X P-
Tua.lhir. Ponu.i io Co.val.la tue..ibnr.
an t eat. ana W.'y-Laudmga ajd aa:.
Laave Snsks River , Isve
Kiparia LewiatoD
l:4o a m. Kipana to Lewialon nL
Daily Kx. D llyEx.
Saturday Friday
Gen. Fsss. Agent, Portlsnd, Or.
Oregon City.
Of the
Express Trains leave Portland Daily.
8ou,h I . 1 Korth.
Oor.M. Lv fortland Ar :30a.M.
:52r. M. Lv Oregon City Lv 8:40 a.m.
7-46 a.m. Ar 8. Franclnco Lt 8:00 T.u.
Tha above trains atop st all stations be
tween Portland, Salem, turner,
Marion, Jelierson, Albany, Tangent, Sliedds,
Hulsey, Harrisbiirtr, Junction City, Eugene,
Cottage Urove, Urain, uasianu aim an aia
linna from Rosebure to Ashland inclusive
Kebatts tickets on sale uetweeu rorusnu,
Sacramento and San Franciaco. Net rates
$17.00 tirst class and fll.Uu second class in
I.llldinff slttt'THT.
Katvi aim llCaeiS wiwirni )uniu inu
LULU and AUSTRALIA. Can beobtained
from E. K. BOYD, ticket scent, Oregon City
8:80a. M.I Lv
i:Hik. M. I Lv
b:M r. M. I Ar
Portland Ar I 4:30 r. M
OreKouOlly Lv :Mr. s
Koaebure Lv 7:80 a. s
West Bide Division.
Mull Train, Pally (Except Sundav.)
7:80a.m. I Lv Portland Ar
11:55 a. m. I Ar Oorvallla Lt
At Albany and Corvallls connect with tralni
Ul V(KVU U .B.W, H .......
Express Train Dallv (Except Bunday)
4:60 r.M. I Lv Portland Ar 8:28 A. It
7 H.iF.il. Ar McMinuviUS Lv I5:.-0a.
8:30P.M. Ar I luttixsuikuco Lv 4:50 A.M.
Ass't O. K. and pasi. Agent
By the fast
and com
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This in the Great Scenic Route.
All tourist admit that the scenery
on tho Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full Informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. N. HARNEY, Agent,
Tel. 914. Portland, Or.,
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.
Steamer Gr. AY. Shaver,
Portland foot of Washlnirton street Tues
day, Thursday and Sundsy evenings at
5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskanie
Monday, Wednesday and Friday even
ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point
about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25 J
Rainier 8:20; Kalama9:15; fit Helens
10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m.
This Is the nearest and moat direct
route to the great Xehalem valley.
Shaver Transportation Co.
ndogfrial Exposition
Portland, September 22nd
Octocer 22, 1898
Tbs Finest snd Greatest Exposition Ever
Held in the Northwest
Products of Oregon snd Washington will be
displaved in Komleriul prolusion, mclua
ing more vsrieties ttisn ever before
gathered together in one exhibit
G.IL silTer ni Mm Medals will De Awartlsi
Marvelously Rich Specimens From
OurUold, Silver and Other Mines
Has been engsged for the season
Astounding Aerial Feats and
Acrobatic Performances
Very Low Rates on all Railroads
Adults 25 cents Children 10 cents
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Donhle and Sinzle R128. and sad
dle horses always on hand at the
lowest urices. A corral) connected
with the barn for looge stock.
Tnfnrmntlfin rcrardinff BT1T kind Of
stock promptly attended to by person ol
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason-
able terms.
Mott's Nerverice Pills
The great
remedy for
nervous pros-
tration snd
all nervous
f ST 1TT2?' aU nervous
&&3 generative or-
L X . A , . JL. .,. J .
litt I'kt. A.NU 41 lilt CM.NU. ptjg 0I eiUKT
sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Faillr.g
lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly End
sions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worr, t
cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, whic
lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.01
per box by mailt 6 boxes for $5.00.
MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Prop's. Clcielanl Qt!ot
For sale by C. G. Huntk"
Wanled-ftn Idea
Who ana think
of aoniH sl'npla
thhur Ut lM,..nl?
Prntoct yonr Mi: thT mr bring yoa w IB.
Write JOHM WK.DPEKUURN ft CO., Patent Auor.
nnyi, Wanhlnntoii, O. C..t"T thi'lr !,tl pritooac
aaOUst ol two buu.ui taUna waauxl.