Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
f -
Timi Caud Eastii Railway Company
(Couch St.)
7:00 A. Mi
11:13 r. m.
1 .
8:30 only to
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7:03 A. M.
13:10 P, M.
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SuiiiNy ers u-aveavoty buiir until t n'elock
p.m. Iu sflsol on And r r January a, imn.
C. A. Mil. I. til, nvrr.
Ir. Ilutlf r will preach at lbs Kljr
ihaI next fabliaUi At 2 p. in.
The rooms underneath the armory are
being remodeled anil fitted up lor tb
Fast Bide Electric Co.'s olflce and ware
Mm. I.. C. Drlggs, formerly of thin
city but now of Portland, gave a lecture
on "Health," to the ladies of Orison
City on Wednesdoy of this week.
F, F. Wblta, who went to Alaska
about two mont In ago, Is retried to bo
employed In the Alaska Navigation Co.
io building large warehouses at Iawon
and is making from 1 12 to f 16 xt day.
Rev. K. Mark, of lb Lutheran I in
manncl church, will ttnt.li German
school every Saturday morning from 9
to 12 o'clock liegimiing next Saturday
Confirmation rlitK meets Saturday after
doom at i o'clock.
At the First Congregational church
next Sabbath, the liiornlnK thrma will lie
"An Antidi.lti for Failure" al 7:.'!0 p. in.
Tbo Wonderful." Speciul Sabbath,
school rally at 12 o'clock. Y. l S. 0.
K. meeting at 0:1(0 p. in. Tba public la
rordially Invited to all services.
The nuw militia company recently or
ganized in this city, met Monday eve
ning and the following olll.vri wero
elected: Captain, Fied Metr.ner; first
Jlenienanl, Scott Godfrey; second lieu
tenant, Adolph Willcy. The captain
will ao!tit the non-commissioned of
ficers later on. No name bis yet been
decided Uion for this new company.
There li an entertaining letter In the
Argonaut of October lOih on "London
Women'a Clnbi," giving deacriptlom of
some of the moat prominent In the
metropolia, among otbeii the Green
Park, the Somorvllle, and the Liberal.
The working of tbeae organizations are
pleasantly described by the Argonaut's
Fori Uunmiie Society.
Mr. W. T. Shanahan, corresponding
secretary of the Oregon lluinutie Society
will be In this city Monday evening
October 20, and will give bdk on tllB
subject of humane woik. Will also as
sist Mias Neita McCarver In the organi
ration of liuuiune society. All those
w ho are Interested In the work are re
quested to meet at the Willamette halt
at7:!10. j
lluptlnt Hun day School Eiiterluinmeut.
The Sunday School ontertainmont
given at the Baptist churcli Friday eve
ning of lust week proved decidedly suc
cessful. Tbo 8rial feature confuted of
a patriot io drill by ten young Indies,
with MihS Edna Kugg commiimlretiB.
Each huly was tastefully arrayed in a
costumo representing a country's mode
of dressing and turned with the national
ensign of such country. At designed in
tervals an orderly "parade rest" was
gracefully observed while a national air
was sung or an appropriate poem re
cited, duo respect being givou the U.
8. army and navy at all limes anJ re
proach likewise shown Spain. Follow
ing the program, cnflee, ice creuin and
cake were served and a pleioiant social
hour enjoyed.
By speciul request the young ladieB
will repeat tbo drill at the 0. N. (J.
Armory hull Saturday evening, this w eek,
for the benetlt of the Oregon City Y. M .
Fai.i.kht. At Logan, Hiinduy aflernooon,
Oct. 2, '08, In the 17th year of bli age.
Herman (I, Fallvrt, ion of Mr, and
Mrs. It. Fallert.
The dnceaned came to his death by the
accidental discharge of a shotgun In bis
own tiandi. The shot entered the right
side beneath the rib and ranged up
ward destroying the right lung. Death
was Instantaneous.
Ilii was boy of bright intellect and
poHaeMed noble traits of character. The
deceased was a mninbnr In good stand
ing of Harding Urangi), I', of If. No. Wi,
logsn, Or., and acted as an aalfii,
teacher In the Lower Logan school last
Ho loaves a futher, mother, one brother
and live listers and a largo circle of
friends to mourn bis death, The re
mains weie interred In the I'lesssnt
View cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
The pallbearers were 1'sul M. Kin hern,
George A. Kohl, Alfred Bwalca, FUIn
(JerU-r, Henry Kohl and Norval Kir
chsm all of whom were bis schoolmates
and friends.
The funeral procession was one of the
largest ever witneased In this commun
ity. The grave was handsomely deco
rated with the choicest (lowers by loving
I'arkplace letter Llt.
Letters remaining unclaimed for the
month of SeptemW, IHllH, at I'arkplace
pofttofhYe :
Frank Irish, F. I. Irish, K. L. Cheshire,
Jos. Schamoul, W. II. Fee; Miss Georgia
MatthloM 2, Mrs. Ilessie Smith,
When called for please say advertised.
It. L. Itl SNkl.L, I. M.
FuruNhed Erery Week by the ( lacka
mas Abslrsrt k Trul Company.
I.orena I'osson to W A Holt Sept
17 'H8 (j C D5 acres in Geo Aticr
nethy claim f 1
U 8 to A Vorbels, e, of ae,'4', sw4'
of se'4 of iwtf wc 9, 1 0 i, r 3 e I'at
II Fellows to I L Clark Sept 20 '98
bond for deed 140
Maurice Castullo and wife to A F
HowlHtetalScpUO'l'H, W DP
Welch and wife claim, 10 acres 300
1 1 Claik te II Fellows Sept 20, 'OH
W I) 79 72 acres I Lsswell claim
101.47 J H t bench claim 4000
J L Hoffman and wife Io F 0 Hoff
man Sept 1.1, '98 W V 2(M0 and
83 acrea in G iiroek claim 1000
J E Siefer and wife to J T Apixirson
Sept 20, '98 W I) tract II Straight
claim 300
V E Cook lo C C Maulien Sept 10,
'08, W I) 1 acre of sec 8, 1 5 a, r
le 750
H May and II L and It D Hall to W
L Knynrt Sept 24, '98, W P 30
acres C l'eiidlelon claim., 13.'!0
V S to J 8 Haevland Feb 27, 91
lot 1, blk 2(1 Oregon City Pal
J C Fiot to F Wei-a Sept 23, 'OS.
W I) lots II end 12 blk 12 Glad
stone 05
A Scott to F A Ely, Sept 13, '98 Q
C D tract In Haeleii claim 20
M Walton to C Ely Jan 10, '98 Q C
near tract blk 40, deed, t 20
E L and J M Hamilton to M
Hark Sept 12, '98 WD lot 2, blk
37, County Addition 187
J and Q A Knapp to N East, Sept
28. '98, W D 30 acres iec 7, t 6 s,
r8 e 80
J F Cooper to L Italermund Sept
27, '98 W D acre in Marshfleld 200
8 S Wine to G 11 Wise Mch 9, '08
W D 2,ls' acres in J P Eaglou claim 200
8 E Spanlding to II Worth Sept 14
08 W D30 acres in J Chitwood 1300
SC Lawrence to Carl Monhurg,
Octl '98 WD lot 1, blk 140 OO 050
M Suheer to A A Englebart, Sept
14, '98, W D 2:48 acres seo 33, t
3 1, rle 300
TRUST CO. are the ownen of the copy
right to the Thome system of abstract
indoles, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, In vestments, real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oroiron City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377
Oregon City Oregon.
Weddlnir, stationery, the latest Btyles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkbi'iiiss olfice.
You will find the best umbrellas in
the city at Uurmeister & Andresen'B,'
tho Oregon City jewelers. Step in and
see their lino and get their prices.
The beginning of bddntss h dandruff.
Keep iht salp ctenn nd promote tht
growth of the hair by tht use of
I'flstrhave in the city at Johnson'
barber shop.
V liut II r. A. K. Nailer Hays.
liurrAix, N. Y. Gurrs. From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the elliutt of your HMIoh's Cure In cases
of advanced Consumption, I sin prepared
tosaytliut ills the most remarkable
Remedy that has ever been brought to
my attention. It has certainly saved
many from Consumption, Sold by
Clmriniin & Co., druggists, Oregon City.
8.itiilwli:Mlaiid brown Hiigur, O. K.
at 4,'i to 5 cents, Wliite metal spoon
with ourid good roat coffee at 12! i
cents or 9 pounds for $1.00; Hour .'l,25,
Arm & Hammsr soda 4 cents; bird scod
6 cents; starch 6 cnts; Battle ax, 35;
Rah Rah smoking, 20 cents per pound.
lUu FaoKr.
We want to get the subscription list
paid lo dale, now is the best time lor
farmers to do It,
100 watches to repair at (1.00 each.
C. A. Nash, at the Postofllce.
(lid fashions in dress may he revived,
but no old fashioned ov-dicine can re
place ChamU-rluin'i Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Geo.
A. Harding.
For quiet place to hitch your horses
sway from the motor line and a place to
jet a first class job of repairing or horae
dioeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
ay sy sjin g j w n mm w
Bring this Coupon with you
will allow you a rebate of...
Wo carry tho largest 6tock of...
...In the City Including
Moyer Clothing Co.,
BEN. SELLING, Tho Popular One Price Clothiers,
Manager. 3rd and Oak Streets.
100 Reward. $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages and that is
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucus surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer $100 for any case that it fails to
cure. Send lor list oi testimonials.
Address, F. J. CiiBStY A Co., Toledo,
O. Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa
tion and indigestion, makes you eat,
tdoop, work and happy. Satisfaction
guarantee or money back. 2" cents
and 50 cents. Geo. A. Harding, agent.
Robbed the (rave.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject,
is narrated by him us follows: "I was
io a most dreadful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
cffiited, pain continually in back and
skies, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
kad given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised "Electric Bitters," and to my
great joy and surprise, the first bottle
made a decided improvement I continued
heir use for three, weeks and am now
a well man. I know they saved my life,
and robbed the grave of another victim."
Ho one should fail to try them. Only
50 r nts per bottle at Charman A Co's.
drug 9tore.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the Combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it U
manufactured by acientlflo processes
known to the California Fio Svrup
Co. only, and we wish to Impress opon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. Aa the
genuine Syrup of Figs ia manufactured
by the California. Fio Brnup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one ia avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Stkup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without Irritating or weaken
ing them, and it doea not gripe nor
nauseato. In order to get It beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
and we
an normous line of...
Three Doctors in Consultation.
From Benjamin Franklin.
"When you are sick, what you like
be -it iB to be chosen for a medicine in
Ibe first place; what experience tells you
is liest, to be chosen in the second place;
what reason (I. e., Theory) says is the
best to be chosen in the last place. But
if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Lx
perience and Dr. Reason to hold a con
sultation together, they will give you
the best advice that can be taken."
When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina
tion would recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy because it is pleasant
and safe to take. Dr. Experience
would recommeud it because it never
fails to effect a speedy and permanent
cure. Dr. Reason would recommend it
because it is prepared on scientific prin
ciples, and acts on nature's plan in re
storing the system to a natural and
healthy condition. For sale by Geo. A.
Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or short time. Apply to G. E.
Ladies, No More Darning'.
The magic hand loom, made of
polished rolled steel. Latest invention
for mending clothing, underwear, table
linens or heel and toe in hosiery. A
child ran work it. Perfect weave, sent
postpaid, 23 cents. Greater West adver
tising h Novely Co., 1155j8' Washington
streot, Oakland Cal.
A Personal Matter
A well painted house Is like a neat
ly d reused person always attract
ive and pleasant to look upon.
Can be repainted and freshened tip
at a very reasonable price paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
until the sun makes any more marks
and cracks in it. ; .
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store...
Tho l'itiutcr..
TrmuplsatlBf Motel m.
The wonders of surgery will, it seems,
novor ceasa Among the most important
achievements is the transplanting of
muscles. This has bum locceHsfnlly
done in the case of a patient who bad
for half a lifetime been nnable to use
one leg on anconnt of paralysis occur
ring In early childhood. The operation
is thus described: "A six inch longi
tudinal Incision is marie on the inner
side of the thigh, with the middle op
posite tho top of the patella. The sarto
rius is dissected out, cut off at its in
sertion, brought forward and attached
to tho mnscrlnr fascia just above and a
little to the itiucr sido of tho patella.
"The at tachmcnt most be made firmly
by splitting the fascia and drawing the
tnoscle tfaroogh, so that it becomes ad
herent to both inner and outer surface
Kangaroo tendon is used for sutures,
being the best material. The wound is
then closed, and the whole thigh is
bandaged, and finally a plaster of parts
bandage, or a long splint, is applied.
The patient is kept recumbent for two
week at least, gentle motion is com
menced at the end of three weeks, and
the plaster is entirely omitted at the
end of from five to six weeks. This op
eration has been performed several times
with great success, the only failures oc
curring where the muscles were imper
fectly attached. This state of things
was entirely remedied, however, iu the
later operations. "New York Ledger.
Guatemala might easily sustain ten
times its present population. The soil is
rich and easily cultivated, and, nnlike
the other Central American republics,
there is plenty of labor. Some parts of
the country are quite thickly populated,
but tho others are covered with dense
forests and a variety of timber, which
might be easily mode marketable if
means of transportation were provided,
lint, although Guatemala is much
further advauccd than the rest of Cen
tral America, her railway system does
not exceed 250 miles; there is no inter
nal navigation, and the wagon roads are
in a deplorable condition. The mineral
wealth of the country is supposed to be
large, but it is only slightly developed.
The mines are inaccessible, and, in the
absence of modern machinery, which at
present cannot be conveyed to them,
cannot be worked with profit
The government offers generous in
ducements to immigrants. The land
laws are liberal, and efforts have been
made from time to time to secure the
establishment of colonies and the pre
emption of public lands by private set
tlers. But all the accessible area is at
present occupied, and no foreigner can
expect to prosper in Guatemala unless be
has abundant capital which will enable
him to purchase at high prices planta
tions already developed. Forum.
Bla Own Composition.
A recent article in Le Figaro of Paris
is devoted to the American colony in
that city. It says that the colony has
slways played the important and bril
liant role in society chiefly because
most of the Americans were "Anieri-
caines. " "It is certain, " continues Le
Figaro, "that out Of ten 'Americaines'
residing in Paris there is but one Amer
ican. Affairs 'business,' as they say
over there absorbs the sterner sex in
the Pnited States In that country the
men have neither the inclination nor
the opportunity for much leisure, and
only pay us very short visits.
"While their wives install themselves
here tho 'good' husband only makes fly
ing visits and is very seldom referred
to in the elegant salons of the wives. "
The writer continues: "I was at an
official ball not long ago, where one of
them was the hero of a curious 'his
toire.' He wore on the lapel of his coat
a brilliant star, which struck me as
original and somewhat curious in form.
Although very artistic, the order was
unknown to mo. Some indiscreet per
son interrogated the Yankee as to what
order it was. The Yankee replied in a
phlegmatic tone, 'It is my own compo
sition."' Superstition Bonaparte.
The Bomipartes always were super
stitious, especially the mother of Napo
leon. She always had a presentiment
that the rise and fall of her family
would occur in the same century, that
the glory which was prophesied for
them would be followed by disaster.
And the prediction was verified. She
died in her eighty -seventh year, having
lived long euough to see the downfall
of all her childrca
Napoleon I always feared Deo. 8 as
an unlucky day, and it is related of him
that before every important battle he
would throw dice to ascertain if he
were to lose or 'win. Tho "red men"
whom he always saw going to battle
with him was a delusion that caused
him much suffering. Toronto Saturday
Not Worried About That.
Her Father Well, if you are deter
mined to marry my daughter, I shall
offer no objections, but before you take
this irrevocable step I think it is only
right to let you kuow that I have de
cided to leave all my money to educa
tional and charitable institutions.
Glib Suitor Oh, that's all right.
I've got proof that you bet on a bicycle
road race once. It'll bo easy euough to
show that you're of uusouud miud.
Chicago News.
An Indication.
"Ila," said the fond but firm father,
"is, I fear, a youug man of extravagant
"Yes," the daughter admitted, "he
Wants uie for a wife." Ciuciunuti En
quirer. Tho largest coffee plantation in Bra
zil aud perhaps in the world is the Du
niout plantation, established by a
Frenchman iu the state of Winas Ge
raes.' The number of coffee plants in
1890 was 4,718,000.
Tho first sermon iu Maine was delir-
croi at iiunheyan Aug. 0, 1007.
Ryal auk ta loW purs,
wholssaaM Sa4 Allc'lk'.
Absolutely Purs
Sunday Services.
Kixhtb and J. Q. Adams streets; Re.
Ernest J. W. Mack, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 A. M., weekly services every Thursday
it 8 P.M. German school every Saturday
from 9 to 12. Everybody invited.
Key. T. W. Hu l.-r. Ptor Harrirrm aLIIl m . w
and 7:80 r. M. Sunday School after morninit
....III. I'll ... . 1... - .
;.SOo.clork. Prayer metlnt;oI Young People's
Society ol Chrliln Kndearor erery Sunday
renius at t JO prompt
nuin.ruuir. virnmnnerTice at li':); similar
School at 11:15; KTenlni Service 7:30; KckuIm
prayer meeting- 'Iburaday eenint Monthly
Corenant Meeting ery Wedneaday evening
preceding the Drat Sunday In lbs montb. A
eoriiial Invitation lo all.
Hillsbsand, Paavr. On Sunday man. at and
10 JU i. at. Every second and fourth Sunday
German sermon after the 8 o'clock mass
At all other masses Engllub sermons. Sunday
School at -i.M r. m. Vespers, apologettcal
subjects and Benediction at 7:30 r. M.
H Obe.K, Pastor. Morning service at 10:i
Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting at ten
morning service. Evening service at 7 au.
Epwortb League meeting Sunday evening at
8:30; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at? Jfe
strangers cordially invited.
J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services al 11 a.m. and)
7 JO r. a. Sabbath School at 10 a. a. Young
People's society of Christian Endeavor meeta
very Sunday evening at 6:80. Thursday
vening prayer meeting at 7m Beats Ire.
Erich, Pastor; i. R. Ehket Ai.iJtint.
Preaching services every Sunday al 11 A. U.
and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at
10 A.M., Mr. ZhiinKnn.uSupt. Prayer Meeting;
every Thursday evening.
gregatioiial cliurcii. Eev. F. Sack, pastor.
Services every Sunday at U A. II. 8undar
school at 10 A. M.
Christian Science meetings at Willam
ette hall, Sunday mornine service. 11
o'clock ; Sundsy school, 12; weekly meet
ings. Wednesday evening at 8, except
first week of each month, when meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at S
o'clock. Reading room open every
afternoon from 1 :30 to 4.
A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday
evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple.
Geo. R. CalifT, secretary.
Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday o
each month at I. O.O. F. Temple.
Malta (jodfry, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. ft, Foresters of
America, meets fir it and third Friday in
the month in Red Men's Hall. F. T.
Rogers, secretary; F. S. Baker, chief
Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., meet
first Wednesday in each month at Wil
lamette Hall. E. V. MiJlam, com
mander. Clackanus Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.
meets on the third Monday of eacb
month in Masonic Hall. II. S. Strange,,
rioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. S. meet
the second and fourth Tuesdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennia
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. O. F., meets
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F.
meets first and third Tuesday in eacb
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall. J. W. Stuart, C.
of R. ; H. L. Patterson, Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. XT.,
meets first and third Saturdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Corps No 18, "W, R. C, meet
1st Monday in each month at the Will
amette Hall. Mrs. Clouse, president.
The Auxiliary meets the third Monday,,
at Willamette Hall.
Artisans meets first, second and futirtfci
Thursdays in each month at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Bianch No. 647, meets every Tueody of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M., meet-, in
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesdays (i. H. Hyatt, 'cord
j8jjS jti A .fCS .iiO.ivtgi..rgi A-&-G,
Carries a complete line of Cas
kets, Coiliins, Rut and l.inln;;t
of superior quality and rec '
moderate prices