Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Cliaa. Hotmail, o( Maailowbrook, ia ft
visitor nt llio eapltol Mils wmtk,
MIm Netllo Walilon, of Mill city, will
tovb the Hprlngwator school tills wlntur,
tol. Itobt. A. Mil lor l among the vii-
Uors st HhIiiui thin wmilc.
Minn Kliiia Albright, ami MUi Mwid
Ilutlur lire UunilliiK tho 1'orllaiid llusl
IIOM Oolll'KO.
I)r, l'errln wfti In tlila city during the
wank, lie I now ruaMltig in Kort
Urovo whtira he hut t lurgo praiitleo,
Uoorgo Ilolluit, of Caiirnmli, who went
to Alaska In tho spring, linn returned to
liU home aftora fruition snaroli fur gold,
Mrs. W. L. MiIIit, who ha bn
paiullng the siiininur with Mr. Miller's
iitrenU la Jacksonville), Iim returned
Miss Clara FlHhor, of Corvallls, arrived
111 this city Wednmulay, mid Id the guest
f her counln, Mm. J. P. Iivett.
Mine J. Uttor Iim gone to Argnnllna,
Kansas, (or t visit. Sim will he absout
bout six weokt,
Dave Woreham. of Baker City, who
lift! been visiting relative In Canetnab,
returned to bit home Wednesday.
Mr. nd Mm. W. F. Kirk, of Iloaver
Creek, were In town on buslnesa Tues
Mr. J. Goldsmith and two children,
of Eugene.. re visiting Mr. M. liollaik
nd the Missea Goldsmith, of thla city,
Mr. 0. I). Lfttourettehftt been quite
ill during the week but It now eomewhat
John Donnlson, who It after Knight's
eclp In the houte, went up on Monday
tuorulog to watch hit roiet.
Mlet Florence Jubbt, of Viola, painted
through tlila city Wednesday on her way
to Portland.
Mrt. J. Ford, ol Portland, vlaltod
friends In Oregon City Thurtday and
Friday of laat week.
Mlaa IWrth liarln, of Portland,
viilted (rlenda In thla city Thursday of
last week.
Mra. Hath and two daughtera and
Mita Dodaoo, of l'ortlftnd, vlsltod frleudt
in Oregon City laat Wedneaday.
Local Events! At fourjeorc.
Rettorea Health.
Kev. Wolherdon, of Portland, will
ofllclate In tiplaoopal church Sunday
MIhd Ada Kundall, one of Clackamat
county' successful teachers, waa mar
ried to Hev, Arthur Hrown, at her home
in Now Kra on Tuesday. Tlie young
coiiile will make their home at Hkaioock-
awa, Wash.
Muaile Kulluf coria will give an en-
Uirtiilnment and suppor In Wlllumette
hall on Thursday evening OctoW 13.
A cordial Invitation it extended to every
body. Admission Including lunch 15c.
Next Runday morning the sorylcoi at
the Methodist church will be of s apodal
nature. The paator will preach a aer-
mon sultablo to the aeason, and the
church will be appropriately decorated.
Services alto In the evening, all Invited,
Dr. Miles' Nervine
At the annual election of the Presby
terian church held Monday evening the
following ofllcort were elected for the en-
tulng year. Elders full torm, J. W,
McKavandA. T. Mulrj abort term-
Prof. J. C. Zinaerj deacon E. F. Story J
triialee F, C. Andrewa; Sunday school
auperlntendent John R. Wllllamt;
treasurer Chrlt HclmnUI. The report
thowt the church to be In a flourishing
condition having paid off all dobti con
tracted during the year, and alao aome
ot the old atandlng debt.
The mr-mbers of the Methodist church
expressed their great satisfaction at the
return of thulr paator, llev. II. Oberg,
by making an Invasion of the aasonage
last Tuesday evening. It wa a very
happr turprlae, during the evening the
ladlea aerved excellent refreshment.
After a splendid aoclal time the happy
company retired leaving their beat
wishes and other substantial tokens of
their affection.
US collector, Iioverly, Uaae., who baa
K""" mo gvvu Illo HiUO llVDff, ssjs;
Dr. Miles Bostorative Nervine baa done a
great deal of food. I suffered (urrears from
sleeplessness and nervosa bear troatue.
Would feel wsarjr and used op la the
lag, bad no ambition and mr work teemed a
burden. A friend reooou&MuWd Ir. M1W
Nervine, and I purchased a bottle tinder
protest as I bad tried to many remedies ua
successfully, I thought It no use. But It
gave tne restful sleep, a good appetite and
restored ma to anergetlo health. It la a
grand good medicine, and I will gladly write
anyone Inquiring, full particulars of my sat
isfactory eijwrlence."
Dr. lilies' Comedies
are sold by aU drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, flrst bottle
beoente or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tbe heart and
nerves f roe. Address,
DH. MILES MEDICAL CO, fctkbart, Ind.
C. Nervine
MfUtjtorM J
Paine In Oregon City, Sept. 30, Dr.
u. l,. r aine, aged oo years.
The death of Dr. Paine, a prominent
physician of this place on Saturday, waa
a audden blow to hit family and many
I friends. Ha hail kmn ill hut a ahnrt
Geora Lasello, wife and eon, Merahall timt BoJ ,ll conjuio,, WM BotthoU1fht
. . 1 f! . . . I f - I I
reiurneu iiorao oaturuay irum m "w to be alarming.
tiait wiu reiauyea at Aioany. Since Dr. Paine'a arrival bar.. .vKt
Letter Llat
The following ia the list of lettera re
maining In the poatofllce at Oregon Cltv.
Oregon, on October 6, 1808:
woMxa't Lirr.
Barbnr, R T Lm, Etle
Croksn, Katie May E D Mra
Dickenson, Anna Blmmons, Nora
DeParcq, Y Thurston, Gov
Gamer, W Walter, adolpb
Millard, Joe Wllkle, David
GEO. r. HOBTON, P. it.
Tbe merchandise business of Thomai
Major Thoa. Charman la confined to y"'go, from Urookville, Pa.,'be haa Zi u' "
1,1. Lome with a aevere atlack ofrbeu- built np large practice, both in tbe .7".: " " "T. ,, .V,
tuatltm. city and aurrounding counUy. and no C,hrT V"" w" ,e old
perton. however Door, ever AnnA.nl Ia
w e . . Tw t - 4 at. - at a I " rr
lion, uoruon nayee apent me nm m ,or mej aasisUnce without lu
pait ol tu week in Baiumon important being gven
tuslness at tbe stale bouse. pr , WM , n,ember of the Order
John Talbert. one of tbe "war horsee" Woodmen of the World, Workmen
" r - l
and united Artisans, and each o the or
ders attended tbe funeral in a hod v.
wrncn occurred at lila late residence at
2:30 Sunday. The services were
of Clackauiaa, went to Salem Monday
morning to look after legislature mattera
lor a few dayt
place of bueineae and aettle or make sat
isfactory arrangements. After 30 daya
from thla date, all accoanta will be
placed in banda of onr attorneys for col
Jamii P. Lovitt,
For TuoMAt Chaimax.
. - . , . ii ii ;JU ouuuay. ine services were con- oenu me cntibprisi tor
Capt. J. T. ApiK'rton la looking closely dl(cled th hwmh . oberg and U,e East and thu. give bim
after the interests of tbe agricultural col- . . . w r.nnu mus give mm
lege, which will come up at thi. aosslon S",!"' what la going on in CUck.r
of the legislature,
Mlrum Dabler, who bat bwn engaged
In Aatoria aa manager of a large cannery,
baa returned to hit home at Logan, where
lie will eiid the winter with his family.
Mr. and Mra. J. E. Frevlag left Mon
floral tributes were beautiful.
lie leaves a wife and two daughtera,
Mlr-aea Ida and Kittle.
Send the Entirprisi to your friend in
an idea of
Clackamas county
It may Induce blm to locate with
Chkiiho. In Oregon City. Oct. 2. '08.
I. ! .... 1 ' '
M-njainiii r. i rctiore.
The death occurred at the home of bit
son-in-law, E. L. Davidson, and the
day evening for Auston, Texas, where funeral services were held Tuesday, con
they will spend the winter with thulr ducU-u by Kev. A. J. Montgomery. The
daughter, who resides there. " remains were shipped to Boston for
... . . . . . ..... burial.
jkiiaa nora vouyers, oi Viaisaanie,
California papers please copy.
Mattoon. At the Oregon City boa-
pitnl.Monday. Oct. 3, 08, William II.
passed through this city Tuesday eveu
ing on her way to Salem, whore the bat
a clerkship at tlie legislature. inai,.nuniiaT. uci. a, va, William II,
...... ... . Mattoon, aged 4tl years, 4 months and
lue many iriunus oi airs. Aiionrrosi, zo oaya.
of Ely, will be sorry to hear that her J Mr. Mattoon came home from Alaska,
Lealtti la not improvea since going lo about two montha ago and haa been In
Colorado, and she will have logo else- poor health ever since, lie
E. W. Dixon, who bat been employed
in the Oregon City land dike by tbe
government, at special land agont, ex
pects to leave noxt week for Seattle,
Wash., where be will in the future re-
ever since, tie was era
ployed by Noblitt A Co. in their livery
stable for some time.
The funeral waa held Irom Holman'a
i .. i. , ...
unueriaaing pauort, and tlie services
were conducted by Kev. A. J. Montgom
ery on Tuesday.
f Pi.aautl r.t Linn. I Ctr m-aa In
i.i..ii.Mn..u. ii.. ...'t nni rt. Cim.na-QRiKBR.-In Oregon City, Oct.
",,, m,u the Presbyterian parsonage Wy
ter Mra. Ira Wiahart. Mra. Kussell left k8V. a. J. Montgomery. Miss Sophro
Monday evening for the East, where she n,' Oriebor, of Oregon City, and Win.
will romain aeveral weekt visiting reia- ut, ei uaaton, Uregon.
tlvet and frlenda.
. r. ... i i McCaoblamo-Godfriy. In Oregon City,
Mrs. F. P. McDevltt and ton, of Oct. 1, 'im.by Rev. A. J. Montgomery,
isanuon, win arrive in una city baiur-i nuns .wane n.. uouirey and frank E,
dav and will be the truest of her aieuauBianu
mother Mrs. E. F. Martin. Mr. Mo- ceremony waa performed at the
Devltt, her husband, will arrive shortly, horae oI the briJ' mother, Mrs. W. N.
he havlmr sold out hit interest in tbe Godfrey.
Two lots and seven-room house,
hard finish and of modern Btyle,
also eood woodshed and wash.
n. House comparatively new
and in first-class condition. One
of the best graded schools in the
county within a few blocks; good
sidewalk to Bchool and cars.
Property situated at Gladstone,
within two blocks of Portland and
Gladstone cars, 2 cent fare to
Oregon City and 12 j cents to Port
land, lately owned by Charles
Meserve. This is a rare chance
to purchase a homo cheap. Clear
title given; will be Bold for
less than one-half the cost and on
easy terms to suit buyer. - Property
For further particulars apply to
T. F. RYAN, Oregon City.
Bandon Record and will probably locate
near Oregon City.
East and
The young couple will oooupy
Evangelical parsonage on 7th street.
Dr. J. II. Miller has
will return October 6.
Best values in dress goods, linings,
trimmings, ready made skirls, hosiery,
neckwear, etc.; school umhrellas ISO
cents; with steel rod, 75 cents.
Rko Front.
Catarrh Cured. A clear houd and
Bweet breath secured with Shiloh1
Catarrh Remedy ; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal Injector free. Sold by Charman &
Co., druggists, Oregon City.
Mack-Mitfiiucnhrvch In Tacoma.Sep-
imier a, us Alias Alary Muehlun
bruch and Rev. Ernest J. W, Mack,
of thla cltv.
i.t . . .
juihbs muenienorucn is (he accom
plished daughter of Charles Muehlen
bruch, of Tacoma.wbile the groom is the
pastor oi the German Lutheran church,
of this city.
Rev. and Mrs. Mack are occupying a
cottago on the Cor. of J. Q. Adams
made with Schillings Best
baking powder has no bitter
8nxKiiAN. In this city, Oct 3, to Mr,
and MrB. Win, Sheehan, a daughter.
Dancing School Time Changed.
Mrs. Nelson Lawrence states that her
dancing Bchool will be held on Saturday
evening in place of Friday, as previously
Remarkable Rescue.
Mm. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III.,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs: she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
she waa a hopeless victim of consump
tion and that no medicine could cure
her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption; she
bought a bottle and to ber delight found
herself benefitted from first dose. She
continued Its use and after taking six
bottles, found herself sound and well;
now does her own housework, and la as
well as she ever was Free trial bottles
of this Ureal Discovery at Charman &
Co's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents
and $1 00.
Bean the -j? Von Han Always Bought
Bar klen't Arnica Halve.
The bestial va fn the world for Cuts,
Brulsea, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Kheinn,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkln Erup
tions, and positively curea Files or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman A Co., Charman
Bros. Block. Price 25c.
Daniel Williams, at tlie northeast cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, has a
choice and well selected slock of family
groceries which he ia selling at very
reasonable rates. Ilia motto it "live
and let live, with honest weights and
at r a t
measures . uooot ueiivered to any
part of tbe city.
R We have just received our stock of
umurcuas irom me factory...
VV 1 morc.i
tla of bla abaoluta ear, r to any aufTarcra
who may Mod th.lr R O. and Eipr.u ad1ra.
Wa adrift any on wlahinr a cur to aMra
tatW. a. nzU, J, 9.. 4 Cedar su law To
nm ima m mm
Will be a desirable time to enter the
New Classen will be commenced after the holiday vacation.
For catalogue, address
W. I. STALEY. Salem. Oregon.
Has an excellent preparatory school with Normal, Business, Preparatory Classical and Preparatory
Scientific courses and offers the standard College, Classical and Scientific courses.
Expenses as small as anywhere In tbe Northwest
where equal educational advantages are afforded.
...Good equipment and facilities...
Fifty-fourth year begins Sept i, 1808.
8e,,d or'i'nK'lo. . . WILLIS C. HAWLEY, i H, Pres.
Salem , Orrffon.
is the beginning of
Protracted hunger means starvation, and starvation means death. When
the scalp is starved the hair dies at the roots. What's the matter with
your hair? It gets dry, harsh, brittle, dull of color, the ends split. You
wash it and brush it, but it still comes out It's hungry I If washing and
brushing would stop starvation, then all the expense of a horse's keep
would be a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger needs bread, not a bath.
That is why
jtj Tj rvo
Prevents Baldness.
It supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair, and the hair grows.
It restores the tone of the scalp and so induces the secretions of the fol
licles that the coloring matter is renewed and fading hair regains its
natural color, dandruff disappears, and the hair becomes thick and glossy.
"Men and women whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of
friends, admit that they owe it to Ayer's Hair Vigor.
- 1
last winter I discovered a bald spot on my nead as large as a silver dollar. A few ar
plications of Ayer's Hair Vigor started a healthy growth of hair, and in a short time tha
disappearance of th bald spot was a subject of wonderment to my friends and pleasure to
"V" A.M.AIXEN,No.3ii6IustSL,Stluia,Mo.
" h.Y? your IWr VIgor for f' nny years and know of nothing equal to It
as a hair dressing and restorer. It has given satisfaction among my customers who speak
highly In Its praue." A. E. FIELDS, Barber, No. 45 Princess St,, Kingston, O.
" I am sixty-nine years old and have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for fifteen years to prevent
Biy hair from turning gray. It is an excellent preparation for that purpose and I shall
always use it" JOHN HECHTMAN, Osseo, Minn,
I find Ayer's Hair Vigor to be Indispensable. My hair fell out for five years, but a few
applicationa of the Vigortopped it u gave the hair a beautiful glosiy appearance, and I
alao found that it did not affect curling or crimpuIg.,, M, . SNYDER, Brantfoid, Ont
TV V T yp v y - v j v