Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Damascus, Oct 3. An abundance of
rain has been falling in ttiese parti the
past week and some were beginning to
nomler if we would get any more good
weather, but at present it is much better.
There is but little plowinn being done
as yet. The potato crop is very light.
The members of Pauiaseus grange had
a very good meeting Saturday and made
arrangements for eome important
bnsiness to tome up at their next meet
ing. Dr. Hempstead and wife went to Tort
land one day last week and Mrs. Hemp
stead remained and is visiting for awhile.
Epperson Bros, from Sandy ridge will
set up a large chopping mill at F. Bates
Mr. Udicher and eons were feen in
town Saturday, doing business with our
new postmaster.
Walter Smith has eone to Hood River,
to see the place where such fine fruit is
raised. Mr. Smith is our rustling poul
tryman. Ed Siefer has moved to the old
Osborne estate which he recently pur
chased. J. W. Hilleary received the poetorlice
Saturday mornimr and has the otlice
neatly fitted up and his many friends
wish him success in his new position.
M'ss Strange, the efficient teacher of
the Damascus school, went to Oregon
City to see her brother, who is quite
A. C. Xewell has the most reliable and
instructive war book out that we have
eeen, and he reports having good suc
cess. r. V Fathers went to Portland to
brina out a load of merchandise last
Saturday, for the firm of Hilleary
rharlps Thome and Earl Tong arrived
t,m from Yauouina Saturday evening
where they have been fishing the last two
weeks. They enjoyed themselves 01
course, but it rained every day that they
were there, so the deer did not have to
Mr. Spaulding went to Oregon City
Mnnitav with a load of wheat. 8. C.
Young was also seen on the way to the
county seat.
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
"Life is but an empty dream 1"
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real 1 Life is earnest !
And the grave is not its goal ;
"Dust tbou art, to dust returnest,"
Was not spoken of the soul.
Kot enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each tomorrow
Find us farther than today.
Art is long, and time is fleeting,
And our hearts though stout and brave,
Stilt, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave,
in the world's broad field of battle,
In the bivouhcof life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle,
Be a hero in the strife !
Trust no future, bowe er pleasant!
Let the dead past bnry its deadl
Act act in the living present!
Heart within, and God o'erhead!
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind ns
Footprints in the sands of time
Footprints that perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing shall take heart again.
Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
Saturday evening, Oct. 8, tbeY. M.
C. A. basket ball team of Oregon City,
will play a match game with the Port
land Y. M. C. A. team. Both teams are
working hard and an interesting game is
promised. Besides the game, the young
ladies, of the Baptist church, will repeat
the flag drill, after wliicbjthe Ladies'
Auxiliary will serve refreshments. Ad
mission 10 cents.including refreshment,
Sunday, Oct. 9th, Be v. Oberg will
speak at the Y. M. C. A. lecture room
at 4 p. m. Eveiyone inyited.
The Y. M. C. A. re-ding room has on
file at precnt nearly 50 of the best and
brightest papers published.
Inter State Convention is to be held at
Seattle, beginning Friday. Quite a
number expert to go from Oregon City
It. Freytag has organized a class in
tyinnaHtics, and all interested in this
line of woi k will favor us with a call.
Mffleall to Inflict Pmla.
The doctor smoked slowly on hi
rigitr. It wits pluiu that he had some
thing to say.
"I was thinking of my early college
days," ho said, "and of a peculiar in
cident that happoued very soou after 1
began my studies. Tho professor was
instructing tho class one day on the
corpuscles of tho blood. lu order to got
some fresh blood for microscopical ex
amination each student was ordered to
tie a nig around his forefinger and striko
the top of tho finger suddenly with a
needle with suflieient . force to draw
blood Seems easy, doesn't it? Do you
know there wasn't a nuui iu tho class
that did it at tho first attempt It was
funny to watch somo of thoso embryo
surgeons poise tho needle with a deter
mined air and launch it to within a
hair space of the flesh and tuore stop
dead. Others tried to force the ueodle
iu slowly, bnt paused very shortly,
with au expression of paiu couimeu
surnte to that of au amputation. 1 my
self gave it np as a bad job, and hacked
a cavity in my thumb with a poukuifo,
and found it easier.
"The faet thnt wo were very yonng
and inexperienced is uo explanation for
this peculiarity, as I have siuce fouud
by personal test Almost everybody ex
hibited the same repugnance to inflict
ing pain in that manner. Try it your
self. "
The other man tried and succeeded on
the fourth trial. New York Suu.
Art of Makluc Mu.tard I'lutfr.
To put on a mustard plaster is not tit
all diftlcult hut to do it iu the best way
requires some care and skilL Iu the
first place, remember uever to givo a
cold mustard plaster to a patient To a
weak or sensitive person tho shock is
often great Either mix with very hot
water, or, bi'tter still, hnve a plate put
whore it can got warm while you are
mixing Having everything ready at
hand, mustard, flour aud a spoonful of
molasses, with a bit of old muslin or
linen an old handkerchief is the best
thing for tho purpose. Stir the mustard
end flour together first making the
plaster stronger or weaker with mus
tard as you have been directed. Add
the molasses aud theu the water until
the smooth mass is about as thick as
porridge or poultice. Spread your cloth
on the warm plate, using the middle
portion of tho lineu and leaving a mar
gin on all sides, which u to be folded
back at the edges. Put a second cloth
over the whole, so that the mustard it
entirely hid between the two covers and
keep on the plate nntil it is necessary
to itpply the plaster. Philadelphia
Value of Toe. la Walking.
The idea that the lesser toes are neces
sary in walking is generally entertain
ed, and it has been a surprise to Euro
pean physicians to learn that amputa
tion of all the lesser toes of both feet
has been followed by complete recovery
and the restoration to usefulness of both
the feet operated upon. The feet healed
slowly after the operation, bnt very
steadily and without unpleasant com
plications. The operati ju was perform
ed, and in a little more than a year and
a half the patient danced all night and
experienced no iucunveuieuce whatever
on account of having only one toe on
each foot She rides a wheel, plays ten
nis and enjoys every sport that girls of
her ago are fond of. The cause of the
trouble was originally chilblains, which
was neglected nntil it produced con
traction of the muscles with the most
intense pain, which was at times so
severe that she could not enjoy the
necessary amount of sleep. Surgeons are
of the opinion that a great deal of need
less suffering is endured which might
be relieved by extremely simple opera
tions oa the feet. New York Ledger.
How to Prevent Croup.
We have two children who are subject
to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack
is coming on my wife gives them Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and it always
prevents the attack. It is a household
necessity in this county and no matter
what else we run out of, it would not do
to be out Chambprluin's Cough Remedy.
More of it is so'd here than of all other
counh medicines combined. J. M.
NicKi.E, of Nickle Bros., merchants,
Nkkleville, Pa. For sale by Geo. A.
Dodging a Shot.
When Dewey was first lieutenant of
one of the gunboats which Farragut
used as a dispatch boat the admiral
used often to come aboard and steam np
near the levee to recounoitcr. The
southerners bad a way of rushing a field
piece to the top of the high bauk, firing
point blank at the gunboat and then
backing down again. Upon one such oc
casion Farragut saw Dewey dodge a
"Why don't yon stand firm, lieuten
ant?" said ha "Don't you know you
can't jump quick enough?"
A day or so after the admiral dodged
a shot. The lieutenant smiled and held
his tongue, but the admiral had a guilty
conscience. He cleared his throat once
or twice, shifted his attitude and Anally
"Why, sir, you can't help it, sir. It's
human nature, aud there's au end to
A General Proportion.
Wick wire (looking at board with
"Pity the Blind" on it) You are no
more blind than 1 am.
Dismal Dawson Well, what's it to
Wickwire What business have you
wearing that card?
Dismal Dawson .Tist as much right
as anybody 1 don't say I'm blind. This
bere is jist a abstract proposition. See?
Loudon Tit-lilts.
In a Wet 8ain.
"I see, " the editor said, "that yon
have rhymed 'uahi' with 'rain.' "
"Yessir, " tho otlir e poet assented
"Well, it doesn't go. It may be all
right in the weather report, but you are
hired asapoot " Cincinnati Enquirer.
Smoke aa Thejr Wah.
Cigarette smoking is a common prac
tice among the colored washerwomen of
New Orleans. They lean over the tub
and make a quaint picture as the smoke
rolls from their lips. Nebraska State
Devils In Petticoat.
The Russians are reported to have
said when they first saw the highland
regimonts, "We thought we bad come
to fight with men, but find devils in
Scotch (Jraulte Ware.
Bellomy A Bunch are displaying a fine
lot of Scotch granite ware, which can
not help but oaten the house
keeper's eye. It Is far suerlor to any
grade ever brought to this city, and the
firm extend a hearty invitation to tho
public to inspect them' goods.
Wagner Sold "Lohengrin" For SO.
"When-in the fifties-. Wagner's work's
began to spread through Germany, one
town after another put 'Tne Flying
Dutch,' 'Kiensi,' 'Tannhauser' Hiid
'l.ohemtiln' on its theatre's program,"
writes Richard Wagner's biographer in
tiie October Ladies' Home Journal.
"At that epoch theatres In Germany
gave no percentage whatever. The only
obligation the law imposed on them was
to buy the score. The price of fhe score
was fixed in each special ease between
the theatre and the author, and varied
according to the population of the town
and the success expected. Once the
score was bought, the theatre had no
further obligation toward the author.
Wagner usually got from forty to eighty
dollars for a score, and rarely one hun
dred and twenty dollars. What Wsgner
got -once for all-tor 'Riensi, 'The Fly
ing Dutchman," rannhausei' and' Lohen
grin' amounted, therefore, all told, to
something like fifty to one hundred
dollars from each theatre which put
these works on the stago.
"'Another source of income ought to
have been the sale of the scores to the
publishers, several of whom have made
fortunes with them. But the fact that
Wanner was always in want of money
put him in a disadvantageous petition.
Tristan,' for example, was sold for eight
hundred dollars, and 'Lohengrin' for
eighty dollars."
TliiitJojf.il Feeling.
With the exhilarating sense of re
newed health and strength and interns!
cleanliness, which follows the use of
Syrup o Figs, Is unknown to the few
who have not progressed beyond the old
time medicines and the cheap substitutes
sometimes olio red but never accepted by
the well-Informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
You can save express charges on buy
ing your graphophone at Burmeistur
A Andicseu's, the Oregun City jowelots
They sell the Kagle graphophono with
carrying case, horn, hearing tube and
reproducers at 12. Recoids 50 cents
each or $5 per doxen.
blop that cough ! Take warnlnir. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bottle
of Shiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Charman A Co., druggists, Ore
gon City.
The suoscription to the Enterprise is
$2, but if paid in advance it la $1.50.
Subscribers must not get behind and
then expect to get the paper for $1.50.
Outstanding subscriptions must be paid
The rate we are giving on subscription
with the Oregonian is the best ever
offered in the county and those wishing
to take advantage of it must do so in the
near future as this rate will not be made
iou iu lb at-il lo ran a our bu.m. m n
Ik'rnwm nd nrbr ""tii. It Is mainly f
lie work conducted at home. Salary r IK lit
l0 yvar rod ex,ni s Mm It i nfid no
o-r, no l w al iry. Mont ily ITS. Il le'. n ' i.
Suet e eli-'l':reMd nam 1 mviloio, Her
bert E. He, fieet , lej t M. Chief . t-a
Thai Hill
are rot distinguished by any rrmrk
or sign from coughs that fail to bo
fatal. Any cough, neglected, may
sap tho strength and undermine, the
health until recovery ia impossible.
All cougha lead to lung trouble, if
not stopped.
Agcr's Cfccrrg Pectoral
Cores coQfjUs
"My wife vu suffering from a dreadful
cough. Wa did not expect that the would
long survive, but Mr. K. V. Koyal, deputy
surveyor, happened to be stopping with u
over night and having a bottle of Ayor'l
Cherry Pectoral with him. Induced my wife to
try this remedy. The result was so benrAoial
that she kept on taking it till shswai cured."
K. 8. HUMl'HRIKS, Bauasy, (la.
"My little daughter was takes with s dis
tressing confjh. which for three years deM
all the remedies I tried. At length, on the
argent recommendation of s friend, I began
to give bar AVer's Cherry Pectoral. After
using one bottle I found to my great sur
prise that she wa improving. Three bottles
completely cured her.
J. A. r.RAY,
Trav. Salesman Wrought Iron Range Co,
81 louis, aid.
Cfiemj Pccioral
is put up in half-size bottles at half
price to cents.
Wanted-An Idea 2
Prnteoi your Mut thT may brio. wmIib.
WrtW JOHN WKUDKHUUHN CO., r.lrnl Alt..
Deri. WaablniUHi, I). l' ti tlwlr Si." priae uOm
and lUt ot two aufldrtd UireaUou vuw.
Who eaa think
ome impie
laiDf lo pmWnlf
Salem Woolen Mills Store
We carry every article of goods manu
factured by our new Worsted factory. Our largo...
Clobt)ir)6 Departar)er)tl
Is Headquarters for Gentlemen
who wear Fine Clothing
Our Tailoring
is the largest and
most popular
on the coast
Prices are
Oregon City people are invited to call...
Salem Woolen Mills, '
i'Jz-A Kill i irrnd Jv-rrrrst dctjst
...Crayon Portraits and Photo Buttons...
pre Jtye Best....
Studio, Ninth and Main Sts., Oregon City, Oregon.
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was tho originator of "CASTORIA," tho samo thai
has homo and docs now hear on every
tho facsimile signature oj wrapper.
This is tho original "CASTORIA" which has been used in
tho homes of tho Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it to
tho hind you havo always bought yfj. on th
and has tho signature of C&stzTa&fa wrap
per. No ono has authority from mo to uso my name except
Tho Centaur Company, of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President.
March 2 1, 'Q p , j).
Do Not Bo Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which somo druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even ho does not know.
"The Kind You Havo Always Bought M
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
mi iuTua eeaMuif. tr nvaaaf emirr, m. ten tin.
;Y5 W 'S -N I ja I I jl
Havo sIqk1 tho ti-nt of yonrs. Thevars tho
bent Wagons possihln to luiild, nti'l if you
want a noon hki.iaiu.X wntron, unc Ihut will
. last tho longest and rout you tho It-nut for
repairs, you will hiiy a "MITCHELL"
Klr.it and Tuylor tH., PortlunI. Or
Salem Route..
The Fast and Commodious
v m iifTjTn'T'
Leave Tortland daily (except Sunday) 0:45
a. m. for Salem and all way landings.
Cool Breezes Beautiful Scenery.. Quick Time
I'oata panH Oregon City at
8:U0a. m. and 5:30 p m.
' uhjo'i tofh 'hk
..without n .i
Portland office: Taylor St Dock...
A Iti'iiiiirkaliln Hrli'iilltln and , .
. . Wonderful 8(!lnce,
"Solar BioIosry.,,
Tho only true Hcionce by which your future cnu truly und accurately
...bo foretold...
ZARAII, the wortil-rmiown'i'd Egyptian AnlrnliiKr, who han heen oreailiiK iitiflh an
toninhmeiit throughout Kuropn for tiie int rive yeiirM, will ive a truthful, ooouratn,
planet horoscope Ji-llnoiitlon of your Iff.. Jlfl will lve your piTwiiial apiparunw, dln
liositlon character, anility, tntn, prolmhle It-nKlh of lift', poihl nrrlili'iilit, advli; and
liiKiteiilioiu on love iill'iilrH, marriun8. 1'rli'ndu, eimnilns, iipi'culiillon, IiumIiuihi nmttt'n.eto.
ni t a- V You oaii Inlnrui yoiimi'll ihorotiKhly on
XilCnOS tO Do Or UOU IU UQ. thin und on anv oilier qucHtlom of your
)mt, iri'ciil arid future life.
A Single Answer May Lead You to Make Thoimanda of Dollars.
Rend IU cent and Klve exam dale of hirtli and I will iinmedlutuly return you a truth
ful horoscope rnndinK of your life, mid prove It lo b all true to vourmilf. I mak thi
oirer an a U'Ht trial. All pninmtinlrHtlnim atrltitlv nonlldwillnl. Adilreaa
.A It til fhe AN ril(l.XJi:iI, l.o. U llx KKI, IMilliMlrlnliln, Vn.
From 1'rens: "Zarah the Anlroloxtir la ueriiilnly anUinlnhlnK ilinimnnda, Ilia wonder! tt
predictions and teats are based upon indisputable ami soieulilio iulluenous."