Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1898, Image 1

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    Oregon Cit Kntr
. 111 i 1 . 7
VOL.33. N0.4H
attention given In County Court
nil Primate btulueai.
Olllce llulalra, oppnalt Huntley's Hook
J'liyilclaill Slid Surgeons.
fcsiMflal attention given to itirgiral work".
Oilhwlmurai H la II A.M., 1 to ft P.M.,
OtoBI'. M. ItoumiOaml K Cliarmaii lllk.
o. o. eaowxai.c. . o.OAMrimt.i.
Oaxeo Citr, OaiooM
Will prentice In ill (he oourta of the state, 01'
floe, lu l i url Id l'm ilin.
Furnlab, Alxt KM, ( balm of Tit', Deierlp.
lluu. mmus, luiiiMim. I'ey Tim I'erleut
lilies, ia., eto. Oltlce i r lisuk ol
Vnf n (,'Hy.
1. f. CLAHK, Pre.., end Miir.
Flns seta of lHlh. gold crowns, ill klmli of
lllllngi and bildgewurk.
rifveulh HI. hear dKt. Oregon CHy, Or.
0. T. WIU.lAMH,
0o4 ll'i u bunliKiM, rc.ldeuiie ami auburbau
Farm l'nisrl) In Irarte to lull u easy terms.
:iirriiliii' promptly answered. (lOlro,
OLD lIU'l illlll III M llndl- CUUICU.
Q l A U.O. I.ATOl'KKTir.,
Fiirnlli Alulrarts it Title, I J nil Monty, Fnro
flu M'l.'.d'H:''". Hint trammel lit-mfsl
l.w inilbr.
8. Iui:ssi:it,
Olllcuvtr MrKlttrii k's Hlwe Mure, nrur
ttiv Hank ol On jjiiiil'ily.
OlIKilnM ClTV,
Artrror mnrTt n iHin,
Odlca next to Ortion CUT Unk on sill alrrvt.
Orailiiale of Hie Nortliwoltn Univer-
aitv Ui'tilnl HcIiikiI. Chlt ago.
AIho Ainet U-an Collegeol Iutilal riurgi-rr,
With Or. Wflch, WilUmoll Hlwk.
Ollloa ovtr MrKlttrlrk'a 8lio Htore. near
tha Itank of Orrii)n City.
Dhkuim City
TanHnmii oimmiainaino arimaii.
Urn ii mails. Illlla ditcimnteil. Make col
Icctiiinn. Iluyi ami Mill aii'haiiiie on all poluu
in Ilia Itullpil Hiaita, Kiiroix ami llmif Vou.
licnualta rtmul-ril aiibjmil lo check, fia ik
opsu Irom a A M. to 4 F. M.
U.C. LATOUKKTTR, Preililrnt.
F. J. MKYKH Caakler.
Oiliest Banking: te Id t&e Cltr.
Paid np Capital, I'iO.OOO,
UtirpUiN I.U.D.'AI.
MaunaKT, - cai. a. rriLn.
Tica raaamaKT, ' eao. a. hakimm!.
OAiHiaa. - CAunatD.
A central banklnf bnalnM tranaacted.
Uopnilla reril veil u liloot tn clieck.
Approved bllla and notoa dlanunted.
County and city warrant! bought.
Loam mvlo on available necurlly.
KicbaiiKe boiiKbtaml aold.
OoMeotiiini made prninptly.
Iiralti mid avallanlt In any part of the world
Taltitraphlo txi'baiiRoa aotd on Portland, Hail
Frnoloo.:!ilcj.i and Now York,
utvreatpaU on vuno dopoitta.
our ciwtomors claim (or tin and
our ijrocnriosi That we ollt-r
the hcHt of grooerina t the low
rat rice. They have ronll
donee in our gooiht and know
that we novnr iiiiarprimnt our
selves mid that our Block of fine
grocerina 1h the puront and the
niont nnlrilioiiH. Lant, hut not
lpant, their Kroeory hill aavea it
self fully pur cunt hy tlioir
dealing with Marr A Mjir.
Our way of doing bnninon" is
to trcnl evory onp fair and aqimre
and oll'or the very h(Ht in our
t?nr. Wlllliimn' Indlnn lllej
linuimoiilwlll rure lillml,
?11uihiuiu and llclilntf
il'llrs. It ulisortis ttio tumors.
niluyn tlio lu lling' at oni e, ncU
i.ihu pniiitii H, I'lvrn instnnt ro
ller. Dr. Wlllliims'iiulliitil'ilr Oint
ment In nroimri'il for l'lli i mid Itch-
Inir nf tho private purta. Kvory bo la
win ninU'.l. ilv ilriiwuli-tH, by uiiill on ni-
rclpt nf prlee. Ml neuta uml Ifl.Uii, WILLIAMS
MANUFACTURING CO., Vm. ciuvuiand. onio.
For sale hv 0. 0. Huntley,
till HI
We are Prepared
Wt alio will upholstar your old loung or any c'lalr thai needs renovating awl alio
sk tliUM who contemplate furnishing to inaka ui a cull before purclirsing.
,.. Ws oan surely make It Interfiling both In it) la and pnea...
Speclall Attention We Call to Oar Imitation Leather Tor Upnolsterlm Porjosn.
I3IXLLOMY & BUSCII, Tlielloune Furnll.er
Kailroad J icketa to all
Manufactured in Oregon City
from tho best w lccleJ wheat
on tho market.
All Our Flour Manufactured From Old Wheat
'y all grocoru
in Oregon City nml
tlit) bent.
Patronize Home Industry.
We are headquarters for Canton
Clipper Steel and ChUled Plows, Har
rows, and Cultivators, Simond's
Saws, Warranted Wedges, Sledges
and Axes, Steel Ranges, Air Tight
Heaters, Ammunition, Fishing
Tackle, Wagon Wood and every
thing in the hardware line.
Corner 4th nd Main Streets, - Oregon City.
We liavo just received, direct from tho Eastern factory,
a complete line of men's and boys' furnishing goods for
fall and winter...
A Full Line of Shoes...
Have just been placed
bottom prices. Please
1 have lately moved to
Cannula 111 .'at- Ma 11 Ht..
They all Ray that
Headquarters for Hay, LandplaHter, Seeds, Etc.
To Furnish
Lace Curtains,
Draperies, Upholstery
Goods and Trimmings
in greater variety limn at any previous lime
points fcast at low rates.
$ Your1
zGroQcr j
in stock and will be sold at rock
give ua a call and be convinced.
Carries tho mout complete stock
ol First-Clasi) Groceries to be
found in the City.
ui Says Most Be M
iMTiouH Jllovr to the Town of
Colorado .Springs.
Death of Thomas Bayard-Fear Sew
Monitors-Other 5ewi of Interest.
Colorado Hi-aixoa, Colo, Oct Thia
city had a visitation of fire thia afternoon
which threatened tor four hours to des
troy the fintiro bunineas district.
The wind wai blowing at the rate of
45 miles an hour from the southwest
when the fire started at the Denver &
Hio Grande freight depot, at the foot of
Cucharis street, at 2:10 p. m., and the
flames spread with (feat rapidity. A
strip four Mocks loiitf from north to
south, and two blocks wide from east to
weit, has been burned over, but at this
hour, the con fl aitrat ion U believed to be
under control. The flames are still leaV
In high over the burnt district, but the
wind has died down, and there is no
doubt that the fire engines, which have
come from Denver and 1'ueblo in re
sponse to appeals for aid, will be able to
confine the flames within the present
The A tillers hotel, one of the largest In
the West, three lumber yards and two
blocks of buaineaa houies have been des
troyed. In round number the low is es
timated at 11,000,0000, and insurance at
one half of that amount.
The fire started in a pile of rubbish
underneath the plB'fortnof the Denver A
Kio liranda freight depot. Within five
minutes it had communicated to freight
cars standing at (lie depot, and it -pread
so r,iji.!y tint it was imiioseihle to
inovfl any of th j rar. Ila'f a ear of
powder consigned to (!. S. BarL.es &
Pons exploded. The cans were throw n
hundreds of feet, and the wonder is that
loliody was K.j'.lrtd.
Then can;t the li-niole daiuer to the
city, (irent chunks of (lie we.a scat
tered about, and in a few moments the
CiieySt Fowler lumber yards, 500 feet
away, were burtiimt. The wind wj
(weepinir a erfect hurricane. The
Illumes ruxhed tlirouh the lumber yarda
and burned all ti e lilit frame buildiuKS
in the blo- k. Then Ihey leaped across
the street and burned the Kl Paso Lum
ber Company's yards and the paint es
tablishment of Sperry & Inn Iter man.
A few "linutes after, tho Newton lumber
yards rauiiht.
For a time after this it looked as if the
Antlers hotel inirfbt be saved, but the
heat was too great, and there was not
water enough to send a stream half up
tlio building. At lour o clock it was
burning on the south end, and the fa
mous hotel was doomed.
Tha colored employes of the hostelry
showed great intrepidity in climbing out
ol the upper windows in the face of an
infernal heat and pouring water upon
the fire through a small hose. They
left their posts only after they became
positively untenable. Down below, the
firemen were also directing streams upon
the buildings, but the water pressure
bad become so reduced that the streams
were of little effect. The contour of the
buildings, the upper stories of which
were of wood, served to make a suc
cession of smokestacks along the sides,
and it was but a few moments until the
flames were leaping from nearly every
window. The building had stood for a
long time against the tremendous heat.
The flames rose higher and higher and
soon the outlines of the stone were seen
with the woodwork burning awav with
them. Here and there little blue
flames shot up w here the. copper cornices
caught Ore.
It took ahoul two hours for the hotel
to hum, and it made a tremendously
hot fire. The walls bejuu to fall after
the huildint; had been burning perhaps
an hour, and they went down with an
awful roar. The smokestacks remained
for a long lime, and some are standing
yet. The Antlers Annex was quickly in
flames, and went up rapidly.
Two or three explosions were heard
while the Antlers was burning, and
these are supposed to have come from
the boilers. All of the Antlers' people
from the engineers tothe bellboys, stayed
at their posts until they could stay no
longer. At 6 o'clock all that was left of
the once beautiful Antlers was a mass of
blazing debris. Thousands gazed upon
it with sorrow and regret, as it was uni
versally conceded to be the chief orna
ment of the town.
The Antlers was a beautiful six-story
building, owned by the Colorado Springs
Hotel Company, in which General Pal
mer was heavily interested. The lessee
proper was E. Burnett. The building
was insured fori 200,000, and the furni
ture, valued at $lii7,500, was Insured for
if-Sl.500. The building and its contents
are almost a total loss. The hotel will
be rebuilt.
There wore several guests in the hotel,
including a number of invalids, hut all
w ere gotten out in safety and taken to
comfortable quarters. The Union P
ciflc, Denver & Gulf railroad's passenger
depot, Huerfano street, was borned,
but the other passenger stations were
While the big fires were burning aev-
eial amall ones broke out throughout the
city destroying several residences and
throwing people Into consternation.
The Klatlngnlahed Statoamaa and
lomat PaaaeeAway.
Dkdimm, Mass., Sept. 28 Thomas
Francis Bayard, the distinguished states
man and diplomat, died at Ralatein, the
summer lesidence of bis daughter, Mrs.
Samual D. Warren, in this citv. on
Wednesday after an illness of six weeks.
He suffered little pain daring bis last
days, his deatb being due to a general
breaking down incident to age. Mr.
Bayards was a member of an eminent
family. Since long before the the Revo
lutionary War times the Bayards have
been conspicaous in the country's his
tory as patriots and statesmen, and
many acquired national fame as jurist.
Four members of the Bayard family
havs had senatorial honors bestowed
them by the little State of Delaware
Thomas Francis Bayard; bis father,
James Asheton Bayard ; his grandfather,
of the same name, the negotiator of the
treaty of Ghent; and bis uncle, Richard
Henry Bayard. He was born in Wil
mington, Del., October 29, 1828, and at
the age of twenty-three was admitted to
the oar. In 1SC8 he was elected to suc
ceed bis father in the United States
Senate, and was subsequently tice re
elected. It is noteworthy that on the
dav he was elected to the Senate fjr the
full term, his father, who had resigned,
was al re-ele -ted a sen.it ur from Dela
ware to serve fur the unexpired part of
his original term. When the Deumcra j
tic National Convention was held in
1SSD, his friends rallied in force to secure
his nomination for the Presidency. On
the first ballot he titood next to Hancock,
who was nominated on the second. In
the Democratic convention of 18"4, at
which Cleveland was nominated, Bayard
became Cleveland's Secretary of State,
and at the close of the administration
returned to private life and to his legal
profession. In lHi'3, when Cleveland
camu into office again. Bayard was sent
to the court of St. James an? served un
til ls07.
Zwl'kerJBid on
Defense Vessel.
Washixotox, Oct 1. Bids were opened
at the navy department today for four
harbor-defense vessels, of the monitor
type, authorized by congress at an ex
penditure of $1,250,000 for each monitor.
Four per cent allowance was made in
favor of the Pacific coast builders.
The monitors are to be built strictly in
accordance with the department's de
aigas. In type they have no duplicates
in modern ship construction, and more
(ban anything else resemble tbe little
monitors which distinguished themselves
in the Civil war, but are vastly superior
in actual power. Their usefulness will
be stiictly limited to coast defense.
Their speed will be 12 knots, about
double that of tne old vessels.
Their batteries will consist of two 12
inch breech-loading rifles, capable of
piercing the sides of nine-tenths of the
naval vesoels of the world ; four 4-inch
rapid-fire guns like those that did such
service in the destruction of Cervera's
The monitors will be 225 feet long, 50
feet broad, and will draw about 12,'g
feet of water.
Bids were submitted as follows :
be iris Nixon, to be completed in 24
Newport Nevs Co, In 27 months. .
Ililh Iron works, in 27 months
Union iron works, in 27 months...
Maryland Steel Co,, lu 2t months. .
Wolff Zwicker, in 27 months. . . .
W. B. Klejohcr Co., in 21 months. .
Columbia iron works, in 27 months 1,015,000
John Dialogue, In 2tt months 1,171,000
From the face of the bids, the lowest
bidders for the four vessels were Nixon,
Newport News, Bath and Union iron
works, who each bid for one monitor.
Death of
the Kinperor of
China Is
London, Oct. C A special dispatch
from Shanghai says :
The announcement of the death of the
emperor is confirmed . The reports as to
the means employed in his taking off
differ. One story has it that he died of
poison, and another that death was
caused by strangulation, while a third
states that he was subjected to freightful
torture, a redhot iron being thrust
through his bowels.
Another dispatch from Shanghai says:
Telegrams furnished hy the talti. or
local governor, to a Chinese paper allege
that the emperor committed suicide
September 21, after signing a decree
which placed thedowauer empress at the
I head of alluirs lu China, ihis, it is
added, is understood to mean that the
emperor has also been announced semi
olllclally. All the English-speaking
secretaries and the principal members of
the Chinese foreign office, it is further
snnonnced have, been banished.
The British foreign office today re
ceived a dispatch from her majesty's
minister at Peking saying Mr. Mortimer,
a member of the British legislation, on
returning home yesterday with a lady,
was insulted and attacked by a mob,
which stoned him and covered him with
mnd. Later in the day, the dispatch
adds, seme American missionaries were
similarly attacked, as was the Chinese
secretary of the United State legation.
The latter's ribs were broken.
Sir Claude McDonald, the British
minister at Peking, reports that there is
dangerous feeling abroad.
Almost Collide With tha Paesenger
Steamer Santa Rosa.
6 as FaAKctsco, Oct. 1. Over 200 peo
ple narrowly escaped deatb by the col
lision of the steamer Santa Rosa with
one of the derelict log rslts sow afloat In
tbe Pacific.
The ship was bound from San Diego
via Los Angeles and Santa Barbara,
with 202 people on board. When off
Pigeon point she almost ran at full speed
into the taft, which lay low in the water.
Her course was quickly changed, but the
raft scraped her side and carried away
the patent log si it passed ber stern.
The raft, which has become such a
menace to navigation, left Astoria Sep
tember 19, in tow of the steamer Pro
greso, but broke Iooe, and efforts to
locate it have proved unsuccessful. The
raft was afterward towed into port at
Santa Cruz. It contains one million feet
of lumber.
Kattle-ahlp Illinois Launched at New
port News.
Newport News, Ya., Oct. w Amid
the enthusiastic plaudits of nearly 40,000
intently interested people, the shrill sal
utation of steam whioiies from many
boats and tugs, and the strains of "The
Star Spangled Banner," the first-class
ItaUiebhip Illinois slid into the water to
day. The launch was a brilliant success
in every particular. The sponsor of the
ve&el, Miss Nancy Loiter, ol Chicago,
was accompanied by Governor Tanner,
of Illinois, and his staff, in full uniform,
and a crowd nf prominent Chicagoans.
Notable among the vessels in the har
bor was the United States dispatch-boat
Dolphin, having on board Assistant
Secretary of the Navy Allen aud a party
of Wasliiniftonians.
The approach of the christening party
was greeted with tremendous cheers,
and as Miss Leiter and her attendants
ascended the gaily decked platform, and
while the workmen were engaged in
knocking away the keel blocks, all eyes
were upon the young lady of Chicago.
Suddenly the painted mass of steel
quivered, then slowly began sliding to
ward the water. Just as the motion
fairly began. Miss Leiter, who bad been
standing with the christening bottle
poised in the air, let it swing sharply
againBt the bow, simultaneously utter
ing the words: "Ichristen thee Illinois,"
and then amid defeaning applause, the
waving of banners and the din of steam
whistles, the gaily decorated hull, with
more than 100 persons aboard, glided
gracefully into the James river and
slowly floated out into the stream.
Advises from Japan says Rev. Free
man, Chaplain of the U. S. Steamship
Baltimore jumped overboard and was
drowned at Nagasaki. The remains will
be brought to this country for burial .
The president will have no more
troops mastered out at present as they
j may be needed before the situation is
cleared up.
A. W. Lyman, one of the best known
newspaper writers in the country, died at
Brooklyn, N. Y. yesterday.
Wednesday October 5.
The Spaniards in San Juan are anxious
to leave as they say the people are hos
tile to them.
General Gorcia has been appointed
by this government to look after the dis
banding of the Cuban army at a salary
of toOO a month and all expenses,
Col. Rosen velt accepts the nomina
tion for governor of New York, on the
republican ticket. Chauncy M. Depew
made the notification address.
The transport Senator arrived in San
Francisco yesterday from Manila with
about 30 soldiers, six of whom are very
sick. She was 30 days on the way.
Thursday October 6.
For the first time in the history of
America, the Stars aud Strips were un
furled in the citadel of Quebec.
The largest tobacco warehouse in the
world burned today at Clarksville, Tenn.
The floor space covered over five acrea
and was estimated at f 100,000.