Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 30, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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nit 1
Ve Will Give You The
And the flA
mmu mil
Cash in Advance
Or we will give you the Enterprise and
one of the leading Eastern, papers on the
same terms.
This offer will fitand good only for a short
time, and only for people who are square Jon
our books. The price of the Enterprise isjnot
changed by this offer, and we can pay agents
no commission on this subscription.
This Offer Gives-
12 to 16 Pp pl ii General If s
And All the State and County News.
iMtwii I'll In IN 18.
!.. 1DIK ili.i rnvnl mew at Clmrillg
All U 1 w -v I
miiimiIIiiu mill im tlui actual
iltv now occupied by NoIhoii's column ft
long wooden itluHl wi placed, nun in ii
A-twthi) akololon of n whale of grat
dimension. TliroiiKU " writer
walked from end to end.
Opposite stood, lis now they eland,
spring garden, where in old time tho
beau and belle of tho court of Charles
II disported themNidve. Tlrnro iu
boil) WltH llHIltCll "IUO UWIHM IllK-
Uvntiuidcr doslmua or seeing it per
formance stood iu a circle, and wltlilu
. iiinktlnr oho iduvlimeurd wuro appar
ently Indiscriminately thrown down.
. . . M t 1 ... . . .. J
Onlooker, poaaluiy courtMioniie, nmnm
a particular card, and tho pig trotted
round and placed hi auont on tho un).
nl card without an error.
Vrnm ilmt exhibition, tbe writer, in
the a:no house (ho think), wn taken
and Introduced to "tho Hottentot Vo
1hhv ilmnac! clad In Kuur.y
garments of tin mom tUnisy kind, who
displayed her IlKitro ly prouiuy imv
cmlng mid circling round tho room lu
which slio g:ivo her reception.
iMHiilnir t hence, the writer waa lasen
in rim horse, uuard parade to wo tho
cauuon ma-d by tha French a a mortar
during tho alege or Uwlia, mi. u wn
on a carriage. 1" a horizontal posltl in,
and tho writer, lifted by hi father, wa
thrust Inside tho muilo, ami, strug
gling somewhat, was, with a littlo dif
ficulty, cxtnict.d r-cn hi confined po
sition. London W.et'di.
A Beautiful Present
Tha (ilrla llln.lmd Too,
Visitors at tho World's fair of 1808
will recall tho ludlau exhibit or en
campment on t ahoro of tuo aoutn
pond. Ono ol tuo tent or wigwams
was occupied by an athletic aud flno
looking but somewhat taciturn specimen
of young Indian manhood a ni own
particular homo, and whilti it waa open
at all projHr hour for tho Inspection of
visitor ho resented auy approaca w im
pertinent curiosity.
A U)vy or young women aroppou miu
hi tout one day before his utmal hour
for opening It and found mm lowing a
rout in a blanket
"Soo how he blushes, " exclaimed ono
of tho visitors. "We have caught Him
doing aquaw'a work."
"Why, that a nut natural ooior, Hig
gled auuther. "Ho alway blushoa, "
"Y.a. vnuni Iiulle. " Mini las inuiaa
In nerfoctlr cood KuuHmIi. "ho blunhea
ft iP anntn or the civilized and eiillahten-
od white American of tho nineteenth
Thevhdtnra joined him in ulnaning
and ahortly afterward wont out without
further remark. xoutu a Uompauiou.
I "Br Jlugol" ItaMjMT
Prlnm L. L. Ilouunurto. luauy year
ago, claimed "By Jingo" a an English
imrrowinir frojn tho IUannoa, Tlio riou-
lotlnEanquea aay"Bal Jinko," mean
ing "Yoa. Owl." not "uy ui or
rarDien." Tho k would eamiy be-
oome . g lu tbe mouth or a loreiguor.
BiiKino mil lor aud noldiora havo alway
boon ubiquitous. Some timo ago I waa
at an luu at Larruiua (tho thnudilng
fl(xir) in Boulo, where tho hnt, who
had gained tho quw u a medal for Berr
ien in tho French army in the Crimean
war, repeated "Hal Jiuko" huudroda if
timo during the clay. ISO uouui me
Hawine in the time of Kutolais, tho
first author to put Bawjuo worda in
nrliit (thnnirh hn dill XI rilthr olllllutil V )
ha1 the aamo habit. It mut alwaya
have attracted tho attention of foreign
er, who would readily imitate it-
Note aud (juerica
A 8oreorar Clctd.
M. Legltlmua, tho now Koclalit dep
nty from Guadeloupe In tho French pur
llamunt, 1 a uegra Ho dreiM in the
UtoMt faslilou, wearing ilk hat, paUut
leather 'hot, white iicrktM and irre
proachably cut frotk cut lib btdievoa
in ghoata, witcho and devil aud in a
famoiia wrenror In his own country. Iu
fat, ho owed hi eliictiiiii fi hi mioreM
ful duittatof tiio duvil by (Uuviug and
yelling for aevoxal hour iu a cmeU'ry.
His ability in this lino convinced tha
free and Independent doctor of Guudo
loupe that their lntoreats would be ufe
In his hands.
In order to further introduce CLASTIC STARCH (H l"i I ' ).
hc i llubinger Uro. Co.,oI Keokuk. Iowa, have
dec Ul c d t !i 0 1 V II A W A V a beautiful prmrirt with rach package ol
Btarth sold. Thce presents arc In the lorm ol
loQutiful Pastel Pictures j
Tbcy are 13x19 inches In ilc,and are entitled follows:
Lilacs and
flQgiiaocooia'T '
ma 1 w p n v w Ba
" Utl 0TNA IYAI4.
KioijaJe.V Hvta.Caa J
Lilacs and
These rare pictures, lour In number, by the renowned pastel aniii,
R I.eKov.ol New York, have been rlicn irom me vny 11 . .-w..
n 11 studio ami are now viiercu ior me mn '", r- . ... .
The pictures are accurately repmlwed in all the colors u.ed In the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critic s. works ol art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing lor the home, nothing surpassing
them in tieauty, rn nness 01 roior nu nnii"- ..
One ol theiie piciures
will be given away
'V:X r? ."bZZ' rZ r.r.,7J,7n,l7v .tanh on the market, and
Issddloriorenis aiackge. Ask your grocer lor this starch and get a
beautilul picture HA riiBeTirilTC
ALL GROCERS KEEP tUSTIU 5 1 Ant n. wwtri ru dusiuwii.
ol color and artintic merit.
Elastic Starch
This applies to real estato as well as other commlities.
Every family in neod of a home donires tho best location.
Has tho greatest number of advantagos to its credit,
of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay
you to investigate this property. Good clear lota At
reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or
T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee.
Charman Bro's. Block,
Oregon City
HI FolaU4 Qoorr- ,
Ilamllton palace waa one of the first
gnat hooaef in Scotland to ntxi deswirt
spoona A rough country aquiro, dining
there for the first time, had bocn aerred
between the second ermrae with a weot
diuh oontaining oream or Jelly, and with
it the servant handed him a daert
spoon. Tbe laird turned it round aud
round in his great flat and said to tbe
servant. .
"What did ye gie me this for, ye
d d fule? Do ye think ma niootb has
got any smaller since Ah lappit up tuu
sou p?' 'Argonaut.
A Pol I to OlMtaole.
An incident reported to have occurred
in Japan exhibits an cnviablo Rtuudaid
of courteiry on the part of tho native
of that country which I respoctruiiy
submitted to that outragod podeHtriau,
tlm wheelman'1 victim. An American
liJiri a bioycla in Tokyo accidentally
knocked down a venerable native. 1 ho
aitod victim gathered himuelf together.
deferentially approuchod the rider aud
humbly boggod pardon for boing "iu
hi honorable way. "
"I do not claim." said the thonxht
fnl mumher of theclub. "that the Influ
ence of fanhion la entirely harmful We
rnuht admit that we owe tuo niuunor
and dresnmnkor something. "
' Goodnoas, year oxciaimoa tne
nunallv frlvolotiH member, ahuddoring.
"My account can't be lea than f 160."
Brooklyn Lire
The chaffinch is a favorite bird In
Germany. It is beautiful and a flue
singer. Its various color are gray of
deep blue on the neck, a reddish brown
on the breast, white on the wing covertt
aud Uaeisn black on the tall.
Your team will have the beet
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At lhe
City StobleB.
W. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
Hnowwr. to . H, COOkw.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
William's Kidney Pills f
Has no ennui in disease of the
9 Kidney a aul Urinary Organs. Have
V vn neiflecUid your Kidneys? UavoT
vou overworked your nervous aya-
Inn and catiHca troume wnn your a
pains in tho lolna, aide, ba:k, groins (
f and bladder? Have you a flabby BP- ,
pearanco of tho fiioe, citpeolally'
r under tho eyes? Too frequent do-( I
Hire pana urine? William's Kidney
I'illa will Impart new llfo to the due I '
f euwd organa, tono up the system A
i mall 60 cents per box.
m Wii.mahh Mro. Co., Props., Clnvolnnd, 0,
1800 milcB of long dis
tance telophone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Tele phone and Tel
. egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and 00 other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satiHfactlon of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - - - Oregon.
For aalo by C. G. Iluntloy.
Tlioiiftitmi lira Tryln It.
In order to prov the great msrlt of
Ely's Gruaia lldm, tho iiiont effective cure
for Cntarrh and Cold In Head, wo have pro.
pared a gnnorou trial size for 10 cent.
Oct it of your draggU or send 10 cent to
ELf DUOS., CO Warrn St., N. Y. Cily.
I suffered from cntarrh of Hi wvnt kind
evor Biuoe a boy, and I rover Iwoid fr
cure, but Ely' Croum Uidm aoems to .)
even thut Muny aoiiuainla.noi Lt uted
it with exoellont result.' icar Ostruui,
45 Warren Ave., Ckiongo, I!L
Ely' Cream Balm Is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh aud enntnins no ooealno,
moreury nor anv iniurion drug. Trice,
0 cent. At druMim or by rouiL
I.tttaMlohed 1868.
TfaitffBf and &rjtf e,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.