Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 16, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
there loo long. When Russia hud re
ceived all concessions that policy would
warrant she had no further use lor the
man of the pescock feather and dropped
him : but he could not regain his stand-
Published Kvcry Krldny.
1, I.. POKfKR, PaOrRlKTOH.
inn with llmrlund and it is supinwd she i ,
demanded his dismissal.
One vcr I- 0,1
ft x month 1 V
Trial MiSoriptloit, two months
A discount of V rents on all su!criptioiis
for oii war, S5 cents for six months, it
paid in advance.
. Advi rtiving rate? Riven on application.
Buh-crim-ra will timl tlie date of explra
Hon stsn.ped on their papcn lollowing
their name. If this dale is not ohsnged
Within two weeks after a payment, kindly
notify us and we will look alter it.
Enteret a' t' e poslottice in Oregon City,
Or., as second class matter.
Beaver Creek..." lr. T. B. Thomas
t'unhv Ueo. kitntht
Claek'aiiias..'. A. Mather
Milwaukie Oscar Wtssmger
I'nion Mills J. Trnlliiiiter
Mead,. Brook Chaa. Holman
New Kra W. - Newberry
Wilsonville Henrv Miley
Park flare F. L. Kossell
Plallonl u-J-,SU,lK!
Mulino C.T. Howard
Cams K. M.( .Hir
Molalla Annie t-tubhs
Marowam K. M. Hartman
Butteville Jennings
Aurora Henry A. Snyder
Orville U J. Perdue
Eagle Crerk H. W ilhern
Damascus J- C. Klliott
Sanity K Ou tsell
Currinsville Oeo. J. turnn
fherrvville Mrs. M.J. Hammer
Marmot Adolph AscboH
ff"Tlte way to bulld'up Oregon City
is to tire Oregon City Teople your
Gxn. Miles may get court martialed
if he keeps poking Alger in the ribs.
Thi city of Boeton has come into a
legacy cf5,X0 left by Ben Franklin.
It has now amounted to 1500,000.
All Europe is extending sympathy to
the Emperor of Austria. Never has
there been an assassination that caused
more universal sorrow in Europe.
It is reported that the Oregon and
Iowa will both start for the Pacific.
Manila would 1 a good place for them
just now. Their influence would not be
lost in that corner of the world.
Tub republicans of Maine did nothing
io the recent campaign relying entirely
on their strength. This apathy has
taught them that they most stir them
selves. While they carried the entire
ticket it is by a reduced mcjonty.
The alliance of England and Germany
will enable these nations to control the
maps of Asia and Africa. Russia will
not come into India nor nee China as
she sees fit. The ports of the latter
country will remain open and Germany
and England will reconstruct the geog
raphy of Africa at their own sweet will.
Thb democrats and populists baye
fused in nearly every state having an
election this fall and In nearly every in
stance they have declared for the 16 to 1
theory. They will discover how dead
this issue is after election. Oregon
should be an example to them, but they
belor.g to the unterrified.
Fbakcx is still greatly agitated by the
Dreyfus ecandal and are holding secret
cabinet meetings. The new minister of
war expresses the belief that Dreyfus is
guilty and threatens to resign. Nothing
will probably be done until the maneu
vers of the army that are about to take
place are over as the effect of opening the
case is problematical
Ir it in tiue th'tt the French have oc
cupied Fastioda in the upper Nile Valley
it will mean trouble with England un
less Fr-met withdraws. England lias
spent too much in Egypt to allow Franco
to inti rfere besides the commission
that sat in Paris early in the year fixed
the fpl.eie of influence of the two coun
tries and iiii'mul was to have tho Nile
Valley. "
Li Hung Chano is again in disgrace
and he no longer arrays himself in oflje- j
ial fine linen and purple. lie had an af
finity for the gold of Russia and dallied
That tliis country is more prosperous
tlian over, notwithstanding tho croakers,
is shown hy tlie trade statistics with the
United Kingdom. Exports from the
United States to tireat lUitain havo in
creased 12 per cent, while imports from
that country to this have fallen oil- 35
per cent, during the lust year. Tlie flg
urea being: Imports from the United
Kingdom, $l09,13ti,ot3; and exports
to the United Kingdom. Io-IO.Oi'iO.I.W,
There is no doubt that tliere will be
plenty of trouble for the United State
in the Philippines. The natives cannot
govern themselves and if America under
takes to exercise authority she wi
probably have to tight Aguinaldo. To
turn the island over to Spain would raise
protest trom this country that coul
not be overlooked, besides, Spain could
not hold them if she w?re allowed to
undertake it. Pewey sees trouble ahead
and again shows his good judgement
by asking for a cruiser and a battleship,
The Philippines will be tlie hardest
nut to crack of the war.
Tin mad frenzy of an anarchist who
assainited an aged and infirm woman like
the Empress of Aortria can be only ex
created by civilized people. That
woman whose whole life was devoted to
charity and philanthropy should be
brutally killed in one of the chief cities
of Europe is a sad coiutrentary on our
civilization. The most charitable view
that civilization can take of these mat
ters is that these assaassins are moral
degenerates and not accountable for
what they do, otherwise the enlightened
forces of the world have a terrible in
dictaneot laid at their door.
Tub retirement of Thomas Charman,
of Oregon City, from a mercantile bus!
ness of which he has been the head for
forty-five years is a notable event in the
local history of the old Hudson's Bay
Company town of Oregon. It is doubt
ful if there is now in active business in
the state a man who has pursued the
same line of business in .one place and
upon practically the same site since the
old territorial days. While, for senti
mental reasons, it may be regretted that
the veteran founder of this old mercan
tile Loose did not round out bis half
century in business before retiring, it is
conceded that Major Charman is fully
entitled to rest, and a multitude of
friends follow him into retirement with
kindly remembrances and good wishes.
Td ion that night to learn Baa's mind
Joe Beekly woi the reason.
A rival'! good at timet, 1 find.
To make os force a season.
I'd dallied for a year till Jo
Bet Jualonsy a-burnln,
An then I wrote I'd call to know
Jest how ihe viewed my yearnia,
An in the letter thai I sent,
Although a aorry acnoller,
I paid her many a compliment,
Been aa the-ones that toiler,
"I've heard In aongs your voioa aria
An seen the flowers apringln,
An often, lookln in your eyas,
I've heard the mockbtrda sing-in 1"
Bat when I called the aeemed mora shy
For aome cause or another
An tried, I thought, aa time flew by,
My fondest hopes to ainotber.
"Dear Bae, be mine!" I aaid at last
An edged a little Higher,
Bat not one word her eyes downcast
Or lookln in the Ore,
An then she raised her eyea ag'in
An aaid, my bosom thiillin:
"Too say you've beard, hy lookln In
My eyes, the mockbtrda trillln.
Why should I apeak, then ? Beemi to ma
That you're a curious man, air,
Tor if yon look once more, yon see,
Why can't you hear my answerl"
Will T. Hale In Chicago Times-Berald.
I do not fondly ask from yon
The qualities of a noble heart,
A mind whone thoughts are pure and true,
A tongue that speeds no venomed dart,
A temper . t or gentle mood,
Unselfishness or hltjh endeavor.
I do not ak you to "be good,
Bweet maid," or even to be "cleverl"
I do not ask for poet'a song,
For dreamer's tale, high gifts of mind,
For orator's eloquence righting wrong
Gift! all, no doubt, to you aligned;
1 do not ak for theories new,
One's powers of comprehension talking,
For wisdom or for wit from you
(There would not be much uo In asking).
I do not ask yon for tho gift
All other giftH ho fur above.
I will be brnve and niako a uh if t
To live my life without your love
Not none to play a lover'a part,
Ho. tliounh the omihuion iMiiHtrceelng,
I do not ntik you for your heSi t.
1 only Uhk a n.u.or bluesing.
I do not Bi-k you when we meet
To ooudeHcend to notice me,
But when kind fate nffords that treat
I'ray tiear in rntnd this modest plea:
I do not ak you to ait still.
Though in your chair you always wriggla.
I'd have you do whate'er you will.
I only ask yoa not to giggle!
1 1
Friday SeptetnWr 11.
AVer and Adjutant tien. Corliln have
requested an investigation of the war do
Oregon troop, at San Francisco will be
mustered out or sent to Honolulu pend
ing need of more troops at the Philip
pines. Tho democrats and iKipiilints are still
clinping to the 10 to 1 theory.
GuV.-Lord personally Inspected the
camp of the Oregon volunteers at San
Francisco and expressed himself aa satis
fied with their condition.
Tlie center star mine of Kosslattd 11.
C. sold for f.'.OOO.OPOO.
Edem Pasha Is believed to he tlie in
stigator of the riot at Camlia, Crete.
An attempt was made on tlie czar's
life but the explosion was premature,
Spain was compelled to sue for peace
through sheer necessity.
James A. Sexton was elected O. A.
H. commander at Cincinnati.
The Hawaiian commission has made a
tour of the islands.
The Anglo American League presented
Ambasador John Hay with acongratu
latory address tton his acceptance of
the portfolio of secretary of state at
Saturday September 10.
Complete fusion was effected in Wash
ingtoti by the populists democrats and
silver republicans James Hamilton
Lewis democrat and W, 0. Jones silver
republican were put up as representa
Bids for constructing tho coaling sta
tion at Pango Tango, Samoa, have been
opened at San Francisco.
Senator Gray, of Delaware, has been
added to the Paris peace commission
making the persotiel: Senators Davis,
Gray, Fry, Sec. Day and Whitelaw Reid.
The Sagasta Cabinet will go to pieces
on the passage of the peace bill
The president has offered Gen. Scho-
field and ex-Senator Gorden places on
the commission to investigate the war
department. Commissary General Eagan
and Quartermaster General Ludingtonare
the men most blamed.
Gov. I-ord reports that he finds the
Oregon recruits alright at San Francisco.
Shafterwill probably take charge of
the depattment of California, and Merri
man come back to his old department
the Columbia.
Pension Commissioner Evans is de
nounced by the G. A. R. whileMcKin
ley and Alger are endorsed.
Porto Rico Commissioners meet at
San Juan and are ready to go to work
on tlie teims of evacuation.
A new Cuban political party is being
launched by the late Junta to be known
as the natinnlist party.
Utah republicans endorse the war
policy of the administration while
Nevada democrats refuse to fuse with
the pops.
Mercantile agencies continue to report
trade as the greatest in the history of
the country.
The Sandwich Islands will be known
as the territory of Hawaii and the com
mission will recommend a government
akin to that of the territories already
New York democrats will ignore the
Chicago platform.
Sunday September 11. .
The Empress, oi Austria, was assina-
ted at Geneva by an anarchist.
The president has requested Gen.
8chofleld, Gen. Gordon, Gen, Dodge,
Pres. Gilman, of Johns Hopping, Gen,
Manderson, Robt, T. Lincoln, Dan S.
Lamont, Dr. Keene and Col. Sexton to
act on a commission to investigate the
War department.
Five inches of snow fell in Kansas
and Nebraska Saturday.
Fashoda on the Upper Nile is proba
bly occupied by the French and this
may lead to trouble with Engiand as Bhe
claims the Nile Valley.
The silver forces have fused in Color-
Tlie republicans made no campaign in
Maine, but will win.
Tho Cuban peace Commimon has ar
rived at Havana.
Tlie new Maine will probably be built
y the Cramps.
Aguinaldo in culling a self nanstiluted
congress together anil putting Lis dicta-
orehip in operation.
Monday Sepiomber 12,
First session of the Cuban commission
The business portion of New West
minister 15. C. burned with a loss of over
f'.VHHMMHI, Vihile Jeroinit Aria, is Inirin d
uilhaloHSot 1.(HX),IHHI and 11 bodies
have been recovered from the ruins.
A typhoon in Japun causes the loss ol
,MH) lives.
Half the population of Jackson, Miss,,
leave on account of yellow fever.
The commission to luvestlgitto the war
department is not yet settled.
By order of the war department the
in a very of the men in I lie recent war is
to be recognized and a list of inch men
is ordered sent in.
The Filipinos are still waging war
against the Spaniards notwithstanding
the atmlstice.
Euroan journals urge international
action anainst ararchirt.
A gasoline explosion cousei the des
truction ot four buildings and four bodies
have so far been recovered.
Gov. Lord la satisfied with tlie condi
tion of the Oregon troops at San Fran
Sunday was the first day of rest that
Santiago has had since the war opened.
Benj. Jones, tW years old, lynched at
Liberty, Mo., (or a ci iminal assault on an
11 year old girl.
In a Kentucky feud two men were
killed and the fatal wounding of two
Tlie Rosalie brings a half million down
from Skagway.
Tuesday, September 13.
Maine elects the entire republican
It is reported that the natives have
set up a government of their own in the
Spanish senate adopts the protocol at
a stormy session. Weyler, Blanco and
Cevera were all condemned.
The French have sent reinlorcements
to the troops holding Fashoda on the
White Nile.
Soldiers at Camp WikofT are to break
cam p at once.
The commissions at Cuba and I'orto
Hico are getting to work.
American methods are being used in
cleaning Santiago and a new health
record is being made.
Of the three new battleships CrauiHi,
Newport News, and I'nion Iron Works
will probably each get one.
The steamer Jessie, lost in Alaskan
waters with 18 lives.
Wednesday, September H.
The Spanish chamber of deputies
adopt tlie peace protocol amidst a
stormy scene.
The currency convention opens at
Omaha. It is composed of the leading
financiers and authorities of thecountry
No more volunteers will be mustered
out at present as they may be needed,
especially in the Philippines.
The president's private secretary, John
Addison Porter, wants the nomination
for governor of Connecticut at the hands
of the republicans.
Laochlnl who will get life Imprison-
Plshlng lor Health.
Worn a man breaks down with that
dread disease, consumption, and reroirnizea
his condition, he starts out to fih for
health. lie tries this thing and that thing.
He consulta this doctor and that dootor.
He indulges in all kinds of absurd athletic
txarcisea. He tries first one climate and
then another. He trits the r-t cure and
the work cure. He growa steadily worse.
That ia the atory of most consumptives.
Finally, when the consumptive dies, the
doctor shruKS hia shoulders and pronounces
consumption incurable. A thirty years'
teat of Dr. Pierce's Goldrn Medical Dia
covery lias demonstrated that it cures 08
per cent, of all canes of consumption, if
taken in the earlier stages of the disease,
before the lungs are too far wanted. In a
consumptive there is a weaker apot than
even the lungs. That spot is the stomach.
A consumptive never really brgina to die
until his stomach gives out. The "Golden
Medical Discovery" not only braces up
the stomach, but acts directly on the
lungs, healing them and driving out all
Impurities. Honest medicine dealers will
not urge you to take au inferior subntitute,
"I hnd a verv bad cotitrti. ii!o nlirht nwrata
ann wan tmuwi in
. i . ...
mygriive with ronitiitmitmn "
wrilen Mm. Clara A. Mclntyre, lios 171 Ah-
inno. miiinicwn o., Mfiwi. a tririKi or mine
who had (iicl with conMinifitlnn came to me In
a droon and 'told me to dike Ir pierrr'a (inldm
Medlml l)iovery, and, th.ink the f,ord, 1 did
so. Hy the time I hnd tak' ii Imlf of t he find
txitlle I felt much lietter. I kept 011 until I hud
tnkeu throe bottle. That was all 1 needed. I
got well and Ntrong; ftgain."
Whenever constipation is one of the com
plicating causes of disease, the most perfect
remedy is Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets,
which are always effective, yat absolutely
mild and harmless. There never waa any
remedy invented which can take their
place. They never gripe.
' zr v - ki n m m j m M M i. tin m
mm w
5p L J
Hurrah I Battle Ax hit come."
Evtry body who read's the newspapers knows whit priva
tion and suffering: were caused In Cuba by the failure
of the supply of tobacco provided by the Government to
reach the camps of the U. S. Soldiers.
When marching fighting -tramping; wheeling ()
Instantly relieves that dry taste In the mouth. ()
Remember the name
when you buy again.
metit for assassinating the emprtsi of
Austria will he confined I t a aina'l dark
cell from which he will never rmeige and
fed only sulllciont to Uai.iin hie.
domes resigns as he does not lid
America's policy.
The New Westminster fire is believtd
to be ol incendiary origin,
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any case) of catarrh that cannot
he cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHUNKY k Co.,
Prop , Toledo, ().
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the lust 1J years, and be
lieve hint iwrfiM'tly hotiorublrt in all bus
iness transactions ami flnnurlHlly able to
carry out any obligations madii by their
WkstATkcax, Wholesalo Drtiggis's,
Toledo, O.
Wammni), Kissm A Maiivin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, ().
I (all's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly tion the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 7C
Kr.txjtllu. 'Sold by all druggist. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
The University of Oregon graduated
last June tlie largest class in its history.
The class numbered thirty. Thu fall
term will begin September 10th, Stu
dents who have completed the tenth
grade brunches can enter the sub-freshman
class. No examinations are re
quired for graduates of accredited schools.
Reasonable equivalents are accepted for
most of tlie required entrance students.
Catalogues will be sent free to all appli
cants. Persona desiring Information
may address the president, Secretary J.
J. Walton, or Mr. Max A. Plumb, all of
Eugene, Oregon,
The courses olfured are those of a good ,
university. There are departments of
modern and ancient languages, physics,
chemistry, biology, geology, Knglisli,
elocution, advanced engineering, astron
omy, logic, philosophy, psychology,
mathematics aid physical education,
Music and drawing are nlso taught. The
tuition is free. All students puy an in
cidental fee of ten dollars yenrly. Hoard,
lodging, heat and light In the dormitory
cost f-'.50 per week.
Hop Tickets.
Hop tickets for sain at this olllco.
rr?! 7' "" - , ....,, in,,.,.
V' . '"'l'y siiil'ti.i.l'ii,i., in, 'if.,,.,.
t'i-'L - ,J"""" 'H-r.ifl.M , ,,.,,
K t-llrlmit oinnnlii...,!, ,ii.,i:ir-
T"n-V-f !"Imiii,,.,i( f ,,,1'nnN ni,.1 l-i.,l , N.,
" l-iiM.ll I, r i i i ' 1 1. 1
V,VJ J1 '.: III. in. I .mi., I .! I, rin III- I
( . , ,;. i ..-.),.. II tt.-. f 1 i' l.n
l-V I, 1,11. 1..I.II. . ., .
v-.w-;-i i0i r t,H Km iiiali o.,'1' ''-!..
l''or stile by 0. 1. Hiiiilli v.
For Infauts and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Monthly Palna cured by Or. Miles' Pain Pills.
H lio ruu
B Know the News
You can have It all for
K Month bUc Month
il In the Kveniim Telegram, of Port
J land. Oregon. It Is the largest A
i! evening newspagier published In 'A
Orrgnii ; it contains all Urn news ja
Pi of the Mute and of the Nation. 'J
Y Trv it for a month. A snmnle
will !o mailed to you tree.
y, Aid
The Tclcrjram,
Portland, Or. V
P radical
Horsesl? ocr
Track and Itoad Work a Specialty.
Any style shoes forged In Iron or
steal. Wagon work and repairing.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop on Seventh street, next door to
Noblltt'i (table.
i All kinds of Carriage nnd Itopair work,
Bhop I Oili and Main directs.
pay casl;
For Your Green Prunes
or will dry them on shares
Apply At Cilbcrtclale
Farm Dryer
Or for particulars Rilihca A. O.
Jacobs, I lrron Cily
Wuoluii Ali!ln.
Bnan the The Kind You Have AImvs
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.