Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 01, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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OrCOll CitV FntCrDl'iSC MniUry iK,mtutvi'w is not dialed. rj.T!r.T.T.
& J d I ! The one in San Francisco is especially so, j . f3
lHb INtrJ7U--
That these evils are duo to inoxivrlonoo
PublioUed 12vcry Frktuy. i a inelliciont oiliocrs ia dually trim.
j Tho lesson the count iy is learning iH
I that this brnn.h of tho service must
Ij. I I'OUlbU, 1'koi'iukt.ik,
SUHKCHIIM ION HATKH, ; ll!Ue (it best lll'iliiy tllld training ill till'
One your
Nn months
Trial Mibscripiinii, lo months
A discount ill ,'h) i-t ills on a'! subscriptions
fur one year, :.',' cents (or six inoMhs, it
paid in advance.
Adverti-int; rates given on application.
army, Men with no eHi ionco t un
1 ii accomplish little for good mid much (or
li n in.
Sl'KGKON-tiKNKIi.M. IKHNlllllO de
mands a court o( inquiry nnd w hen the
in. , :i .. in i . ! ti.... ii,..
SiiWri'H'm i!l timl the dute of expira- 1 i
tion t:uiipl on their pacer following trouble w itli our troops canto because
fioir iihiiu'. 11 nils uaie is noi riuiiipt-'i
wit'itn two weeks alter payment, ktiuliy
notiiy hj nmt we look alter it.
Entered at the pootoflliv tn Oregon City,
Or., as sn'oiut clas$ niaticr.
the ofluvrs in the quartermasters depart
ment wore totally iiicriteient. The
quicker the responsibility is fixed the
bettor. It will bu fixed nnd tho nmn or
nion responsible for thin condition of the
army and all the needless milVring w ill
D a i, ... b P..fc !.. T U Tlionoks
t'uniiy tteo. Knilii ! have to answer to the Ainericnn people
Clackamas A Mailicr
Milwsukie (War S isMni:er
Cnion Mills U J. Triiliiecer
Meadow Itroolc OiSs. ihdmail
New Kra ....
WiUimville . .
M jpuhiu
Kik' Creek..
W. Ner'wrty
Ilenrv t i!ey
K. h. useil
J. I, tome
C. T. Howard
.. ....... U. XI. Cooper
Annie Stuhl
, K. XI, Hariinan
B. Jennie I'S
Henry A. Sny.t r
Friiiny Auc, '.'ti. oni. (10 day fuilonuhn w ill bo Kiantril
Ciii'trtin Tiiylor of tho Indiana think j to nil doldiora Ht'iviii) ontsido ol the
that Vn t:!'1!! did not receive the credit' t'nited Stute.
due in U io ollii'inl report of tho nuval
Afc:in h;i?:i!y left Manila when the
white tl.i k went np. Itlnneo cabled
his retaliation when the proto-1
eol was nikjiied, and Mucin did tho
came thln at I'orto Kico. All were
moral if not pbjioal cowards. The
Spanish 'overiiiiient is not accepting
H'u 'if1'" ' their resignations and these boasters, at
.11. ,11 "1 '
i bust Wanco and Maviaa w ill bo com-
J. C. Ktiii'tt
i.' i:.,,i..i,
CtirriimviHe tieo. J. Currin jx'i,eu io 8iay ai uieir pvsmana pciiorm
f,i.urr..,-Ml. lra M I llititimprf ....
Aiinrnini .-iu'Mni i.-v i
45TThc war to tuihl up Oregon City
In to plve Drffon lily Teople jour
The Czar's proposal for peace and that
the great military camjis of Europe te
disbanded is receiving the attention of
the civilized world, and if genuine, he is
entitled to more credit than is usually
giyen to tho czars of Itu'-sia. The czar
may realizefbaf the contr-ot of. tlie
world are beiii made mostly along the
lineB of peace. That the nations that
are making the greatest Btriiks are the
ones that have the enialleet armies,
England and America. It limy be that
Ruj.-ia has gained all the concessions the
thinks she is able to wrest from China
and has put China in the position of
defying England and now cries peace,
when she has all but brought on war.
England has been all-domiuant in China,
controlling nine-tenths of the trade and
enforcing her demands with her fleet,
b it cow Russia conies in and w ith her
gold has got the ear of the Chiuese gov
ernment. In diplomacy Russia stands higher
than any other nation and she has used
all her arts in China. With her railroad
neariug completion all her army could be
landed at the doors of China, because of
this the latter has more readily listened to
the Muscovite than the Saxon. Russia,
Germany England and France hae
certain spheres of influence in China
that they try to dominate and have cer
tain trade concession in these spheres.
Russia is supplying the money that is
now building a road in the English
sphere of influence and demands that
Russia shall dominate all roads leading
to North China. In short, Russia is
trying to control the railroads of China
and is making good headway. English
demands on China to hye up to her obli
gations has caused very strained relati
ons between the countries and may lead
to an open rupture. This is the present
situation in China and is one of the
reawns why America is very unwelcome
to continental Europe in the Philippines'.
The next, few years will see wonderful
changes in China. The old order of
things is passing away.
It is only exirieuce and discipline
that can teach us anything. Few of lis
are willing to be told the result of given
acts. We wish toexieriment ourselves
and when coupled with thoughtlessness or
recklessness very serious results follow.
This is illustrated at Cavite by TrooHr
Hudson firing his pistol without warrant.
Little things now will make friends
or enemies of the insurgents.
battle at Santiago and sa writes Samp
son who tiaifiuits the same to the secre
tary of tho navy.
Cii" ! nn Clt'ik of the Oiegon is cheered
in p. '.-i'lg through Philadelphia on his
way to tho hospital in New York.
TI. North Atlintio squadron will bo
kept j.u'.'.'! pviiding peace negotiations.
The Alhany being built in England is
tho only cruiser built outside of tho
United States fur this government and
will now be completed. She and the
New Orleans weio bought from Uracil
U'cuuso it was feaied Spain might buy
t lii-iii .
The big monitors that have been in
West India waters haye beeu ordered to
Newport It. I.
The last of Shutter's army will leave
Culm today.
Orders have boon given to muster out
both Oregon batteries.
The joint arbitration committee
Beuihled today.
Aluer Is accused of double dealing
w ith Miles and Shatter mid iiitoiesiing
developments are looked for,
Matters at Manila aro In a disturd
state and diplomacy ill he required to
prevent trouble with the natives.
l'nglaiiil is uigi'd by tho press to In
tervene and prevent Spain from regain
ing control of the Philippines.
Insurgents are trying Spanish metho Is
on any 'Spaniards falling Int i their hands.
. Many vcs!os have arrived lit Havana
with cargoes and fond.
Three hundred soldiers aro sick at
San l'ranci-co.
The English army is advancing on
Ondurmau on tho upper mill and a
battle is expected.
Steamboat men on the Yukon are
making money these days.
A French fishing schooner is ruu down
by the steamer Norge and 10 men
Tho international couunissioii Is busy
at tuchec.
The democrats are all torn to pieces in
their state conventions in the east over
money plank. 1 lie republicans are
stronger than ever for the gold
standard and want it so declared
on tlio statutes while the pops
what few are left, think they see
chance to do little "work" with the
The Columbia the first vessel of the
Seattle-Honolulu ' line sailed Thursday
Miners on the Ameiicuii side are at
tracting a great deal of attention on the
Fi'sio.N has failed in Idaho as it will
everywhere in the end. If fusion means
anything it means the union of antagon
istic principles. Tho world does not
piORtoaa Unit way.. .
Tho Hawaiian commissioners have or
ganized and are at work at Honolulu.
Saturday Aug. -7.
The Stickeen Chief has undoubtedly
been lost at sea with 43 poisons ou
board probably caused by an explosion.
She was in Alaskan waters.
Lieut. Hob-tin has arrived at Santiago
to sitpetintond tho raising uf I ho Cristo
bal Colon and Xlaria Tcrvsn.
Weduesihy August III.
Tho constitutional convention for the
Central American states will repjita
constitution about Nov. 1st.
Tho steamer Roanoktt brings a million
and a half from the Klondike, About
f.'S.OlW was stolen oil board and the
thiol was not found.
A combination of some of tho large
iron and steel companies of the East has
taken place.
Pieaidont McKlulcy was at Cleveland
Tuesday in consultation with Sec. lay
and Justice White of tho Paris peace
It is now said that Count Cassini will
be tranferred to London. Russia evi
dently believes him to bo her liest diplo
mat and wants him where the fight will
be hottest.
It has been suggested that the otlice
of Admiral be credited and bestowed on
Rear Admiral Dewey. It ought to be
done without a dissenting voice.
Hendkiwon, who made tha twenty
mile swim near Hood Kivcr, in the Col
umbia was . rejected by the military
authorities as unfit for military duty.
Tliis shows how yery impractical some
of the military rules are when carried
out to (he strict letter. Rut judging
from some of the results of -the recent
war (he less power left in the hands of
some of these officers the better.
Muther Goone up to !ntf.
Little Xliss Snyder
Was a bicycle li ior,
Hut one luy her lilg cousin Jack
Actually guyed her
Into drinking cider,
After which the went borne in a hack.
Chicago News.
Sermtorlngall'a Llni-i on "Opportunity"
Master of human destines am I!
Fame, love and fortune on my footsteps wait
Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate
Deserts and seas remote, and passing by
Hovel and mart and palace soon or late
I knock unhidden once at every gate I
If sleeping wake if (eenting, rise before
I turn away. It is the hour of fate,
And they who follow me reach every state
Xf ortals deire, and conquer every foe
Save death; but those who doubt or hesitate,
Condemned to failure, penury and woe.
Seek me in vain and melesily Implore
I answer not, and I return no morel
Wanco issues a proclamation in w hich
ho advises the peoplo to accept defeat
with good grace.
Relations between England and China
and Russia are so strained that a rup
ture may uL place anytime,
Tho members of the eace commis
sioners on the part of the United States
to meet in Paris are Sec'y Day, White'
law Reid, Senators Davis and t rye and
associate Justice White of the Supreme
It is claimed in England that tho
queen inspired the czar's x'aco nolo lo
the powers although Russia denies It,
Weyler advises the giving up of the
Philippines and repel England Irom
gaining any territory near (iibraltar.
It Is retried that IHXJ Spaulali refuge
on trausiHirts were lost iu storm at the
Naval board is appointed lo recom
mend naval promotiou oilier than those
already made.
The Harvard and Yalo will be returned
to their owner.
EvcryboJy surrenders to Battle Ax.
Thcr is no greater hardship than to b dc
prived of your
fla, j fS
Wv0 wWw Wa 4 Ui a
1 St
and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax
will give up most any thing to get it. 10c buys
a larger piece of Battle Ax than of any other
kind of high grade quality.
Pemeniber the name
8 when you buy again.
0. 4
l.'t.oOO Ions with a minimum s-h o I of jT-S'-'v
The Supreme court of California de
cides that the Stanford estate must pay
the inheritance tax.
one American
one seriously
In a riot at Cavite
soldier is killed and
wounded while several others received
slight wounds. Four natives were killed
and several wounded. Natives strip
ping a wreck in the harbor are fired on
and one killed and one wounded.
The new provinces of the United
States are great colTce producers.
The bark Guardian was lost in
Alaskan waters. The crew were all
Lieut. Hobson will 1x3 made a naval
Five people killed by a train at Ware-man.
That there is something wrong with
the military camps of the country from a
AMallah, plons almr all mankind,
Who dwelt In Mecca, morning, noon and
His voir e to Allah rained In prayer contrite,
iaa ho and bumble, purs in mind.
Inspired of heaven ho not ho bis wife.
Hho daily stood tho mnrknt plur.e within
And bought and k;1i1, nor drained It any sin
To mingle there In so ni. uf toil imd strife.
Wli'.le thus he prayed she corned the food he
Bnt oft he reprimanded her. Paid ho:
"Thou Blinuldxt dtvoto thy life to prayer,
like me.
Berve not thyself. AllUi alono Is great!"
At lust his words snnk deep Into her heart.
Buid hho: "VShilu Allah khuli my poor life
My vol'O to him I'll raise In holy prayer.
Hewjoforlb of rightcotiwnerfd 1 uiu a purt. "
Ab'lulhih's heart n glml, and, hl by tido.
They piajid uniil the sun in bouven was
Then linrifer to fhe ilou mnn drew nigh
And loudly c amoral to he weirded.
Abdall.-rh's wifu still prayed. No food was
Tiie good man's soul was vexed. "'I'll
pluin," he Kiiid,
"That even piety must needs be fed,
And man cannot cxint alono by prayer."
And thus ho learned "Fuith, without works,
Is dead,"
And, profiting by what ho learned, straight
way Be went to work and prospered from tlifft
And tbanki to Allah gavo for dally broad.
Arthur J. Burdlck in Oodcy ' Magazine.
Sunday Aui. 28.
Financiers and Commercial men of
New York predict a largq fall business.
' The Spanish inhabitants of the La
drones wish to leave the islands as
trouble is feared with the natives.
The Scarrdia sails from San Francisco
with troops for Honolulu and a hospital
corpfor Manila besides $ 1,000,000 for
the troops, their first pay.
The president has promoted many of
the officers at Manila. Limit, l'ovey of
the 2nd Oregon to breyet captain among
.Miles will probably be called to ac
count on his return to the United States
byAltferfor making public dispatches,
A movement is on foot to ta to the re
mains of Columbus from Cuba to Spain
Dr. Iloldnii proclaims himself governor
of Havana but this will hardly stand.
A Chicago newsboy is back with IIKK)
from the Klondike la-sides ft f 10,000 claim
at Circle City.
Thursday Sept. I.
Lieut. Colonel Henry was arrested.
confessed that he forced the famous
letter that floured in the Dreyfus cane
and then committed suicide.
lien. Iioynton reports that the saiil
tary communis at mickauiaiixa are
The Spani-h ollicers captured in tho
naval bat'Ies at Santiago have bnen
Three battleships are to be built of
Vra j, :r it ln
Monday August 2!b
Gov. Hastings, of Pa., chartered a
special truin and took the sick solders
from chickamauga to their homes.
Kx-Oov. Mathews, of Indiana, died
The conditions in Cuba are anything
but satisfactory and it will be a long
time before order is restored.
German newspapers state (hat
America has only entered on her colon!
z ttion scheme and will Invent causes to
intervene and seize any islands ehe may
' Food is again scarce in the Klondike.
New discoveries are being made.
Tuesday August 30.
The Czar's peace circular causes a
sensation in diplomatic circles the world
Details are all arranged for mustering
much trouble
for a really healthy man
to be (rood buinoml.
Tnlllty and exhuberant health are a nr
vtrbial combination. The hearty man who
ia always laughitiK doesn't have any trouble
with his digrKtion. It baa' been said that
lnnifhinir makes people healthy. The truth
is tliat health makes people laugh.
It la ImmiiMble to estimate the tr.
tnendous inHiienee of health tn,.,u human
character. A mail wilh a headache will
not be ia a happy, contented frame of
mind. A man who miffera from a weak
stomach and an impaired digestion will nit
nd grumble through the best meal ever
prepared. A bilious man who is not a
bore, ia deserving of a place in a museum.
A nervous man who is not petulent and
fault finding is a curiosity. All these con
dition lead to grave diseases, when the
victim becomes not only disagreeable, but
dependent as well. A wise wife will real
ize that while the old spying that a " man's
heart is in his stomach," ia not literally
true, it is a fact that hia stomach sweetens
or sours his character according ifi It is
healthy or unhealthy. Dr. Pierre's Golden
Medical Discovery is the best of medicines
for the conditions described, it makes
the weak stomach strong, the impaired
digestion pel f-ct, invigorates the liver,
purifies and enriches the blood and tones
the nerves. It tears down half dead, inert
tissues and replaces them with the firm
muscular tissues of health. It builds new
and healthy nerve fibres and brain cells.
It dissipates nervousness and melancholy
and imparts mental elasticity nnd courage.
It Is the best of all known medicines for
tiervoua disordens.
Through your skillful treatment I am onct
More w-ll man," writes I. N. Arnold. V.q., of
Gandy, I.onun Co.. Nelir. I siilferad for yenra
and could not find relief imiil I commenced
taking your T.olden Medical Iaw-overy.' suf
fered with constipation and torpidity of liver
which resulted In irritation of the prostate and
Inflammation of the bladder. I had only taken
one lttle when I found great relief. The mcili
ciue has effected permanent cure."
l'v knots, coal ca;.ui.n lor bl,b.) in.I.a
armor to bo 12 lut'e i i i ,l! 'ii; , at, 1 I
U inch guns.
In a" riot at Gulvesiou with negr long
Mhi.iiiin one rnau was killed mid
several wounded.
i.ircia has Ih'cm iltudeil by (iouiez
for his action at Santiago.
France thinks Kushla has betrayed
her in the (imposition to disarm.
How's This I
We oiler One Hun I rod Dollars Ho
ward for a.iy emit of catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catrih Cure.
F. J. CiiKNKr A Co.,
I'rona , Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney (or the last l.' years, and be
lieve him pcifcctly honorabhi in all bus
iness transactions and llnanci illy able lo
carry out any obligations undo by their
Wlst A Tki'ax, Wholi i.alo Druggists,
Toludo, O,
Wai.iuno, Kinnan A Maiivin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, I).
Ilall'sCatarrli Cure Is taken internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system, l'rico 7.'c
per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Fills aie the host,
The University of Oregon graduated
last June the largest class In its history.
The class numbered thirty. The fall
term will begin September l!lh,' Stu
dents who havo completed the tenth
grade branches can entei the sun-freshman
class. No examinations aro re
(Uirod for graduates of accredited schools.
Heasonablo equivalents are accepted for
most of tho required enounce students.
Catalogues will bo scut free to all appli
cants. Persons dcsirinir Information
may address the president, Secretary J
Walton, or Mr, Max A. Plumb, all of
Ktigpiin, Oregon.
The courses ollered are those of a good
university. There aro departments of
modern and ancient lunguaei s, physics,
chemistry, biology, geology, F.nuliah,
elocution, advanced engirieciing, astron
omy, logic, philosophy, psychology,
mathematics nnd physical education'.
Music and diawing are also tiiuifht. The
tuition Is free, All sliidnnls pay an In
cidental fee of ten dollars yearly. Hoard,
lodging, heat and light in the dormitory
cost $2.&0 per week.
uo You
Know tho flows V ft
You can bavn It all for
V In tho levelling Telegram, of Port
I num. iin'gon. u is inn inrgeni ,i
! evening iicwKpnper published In 11
' I tr.Ot. -II .l.lif,M M I II. M ..MUtf
V. ,.f il... i .... I .1 ,!. V .......
: w i-tiiii, ,-, fin, ihiiiiii
M Try It for -a iinniih, A sumpio
V. copy will be mailed to you Iron,
t! A.l.bg-s
ih 50c a
Tho Telegram,
Portland, Or.
kJ M 4
I iorscsljocr
Track ami lload Work ripeclalty.
Any stylo shoes forged In Iron or
steel, U'uh'hi work and repairing.
Hutlshicilon Kiiiirnuteeil,
filiop on Keveutli ftn el, next door to
Nobhlt'i alahla.
i"-v 9 v w tttt sr--4
mm mmm pais
v; I '", f
: i '-. V l'"'l " (' 'it' t ni.ti-liill.-
F t, t J t -.-r. " l ji,: nn'",' Xi.viit"
' -; a t v .mii ti!.1" i. in-I'm' -I"-
' I i II). t H llM. I
Yli V.Y:
.,1.1 ,1-
.'. nl, .0.,O"u
For sale by ('. (I, Huntley,
All kinds of Car.-hois and liepnir work.
Hbop luili and Main streets.
For Infanti and Children.
he Kind You Hav8 Always Bought
Bears the rf , '
Signature of WLa&ZTtUc&li
pay casl;
Fcr Year Green Prupej
or w ill ilrv tliom on ihares
Apply At C;!bortdnlo
Farm Dryer
Or for paiileiiliirs addii ks A. U.
' Jacolis, I ireon (,'il,y
Won ell M 1 M
. . . w . w.
Bean tU Jf Mnu W IWB siwj
Blgnaturs ' SVSi-M-
Tho U. S, Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdvt
superior to all others