OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1898 T New of tin Wi'i k Conlluui'il, M In ittrl ii'nil.liciiiiH I'liilnrno tint w.ir inlry of llil ihIiiiIiiImiiuiIoii. It Id n'i'iHi'i1 Unit tiari'ltt la cxloitlnn tr.imcy limit llm Inli.ililliititH at Ullmrii. Tim KiiIuIiIm i 1'yil.tfiM li'.M tlielr tmllunul ftMuiiipiiti'iit iiinl u l'i I'lintil'i III llMllllllllpoliM, Minimum wIiih tlm iilu luliirily hIhIim tit No Ymk uml K. iin Illicit wont u Kr.Mil rum id 1u1ih'Im. tlio fiinlit of tint yi'iir. Jlllllllil'lt H HI.Xi'MIH l' I'l" UIIIlfXKli t'l Out I'nli'-'l Will"". Tlinri-ilny, Annum Cnhfuiiilii ll iiiIIIi'hiih Imvi) imiiiliiif iw II, T. imko I'T ttnvi'tnur. Tim war iliip.nliiM'iit Inn liHiicd onler (lint Hi) iimru tiuij' I'O (iii'H'urilml In I Ioiii.IiiUi for tin) trt-ont. TU Hi'iiinliit kiu Manila iih it IimhiIiiI hIiI; hihI i'uriy a inilll'iii ilnllitra to pity lliu troop with. Tliu liimiwnl at MiiiiIU will nut lay luwn tlmlr nritiM iitili-a asHinol of Aiiii'iii rtti or KiiuIIhIi proim-llun. Tim tl r:-t onlur I'T iiiimti'iliiti out Iihn Ium'i) nlvi'ii ini'l wi'l follow'"! I'y utlti-ri wlililn wrt'k. llm Hiiiiih ruiti'i will eunvimo Hcpt. Mli. Tlii" liutt'lrt'd live wi-ro lout In II'hkI inK cmil mini'" In 8lli'nla. f :t-trtf llolrl Arrival. ; lin.ll.-y, I'urtliiinl J M.Svuit, liullityvillu M tilll, ri-rlliiii-l W AiuwIrniiij.O'ikl.iiiil, Cl H K J.ivi, itiul wifi. Piirtlnnii Mr Mary Mi-tir"iru' PmillU (irovnCitl. K Kfili'iiii. I'lirtlMii'l J llirkn, au lriiiiri'",o W Itllrlilllrtll, fi'lt'lltl"! W V truT, Han FrHiK'iM'O m i;i!intt, r.'!ni H l'llllllll.lll, Nl'W III J Mink, (-"imiUihio MrJ S M.f.t joiii"y , l'uitliiit'l A W S'li..ili'l! ', I'l iini-r, Sin I'lamino 11 II .11. I'm ll. ii" I I, Kii'-L''-r. San I- i.iiiri-.'O ii Ai'iiM.i'i. rn'ir'i.i!" T': ii I'!.'' I'll' li"''-l i" tl"' lll"'"'t i "" city '! lift 1 1 ' "I'l' tl I'l.-clri,' i mi" t" in Irnit "I tl"' iluor. Men mi l li-iyn lifl't uikI il.uk ulilitu very i ll'' M' i'"i'i' '' ior yourm:!! ul tin.. k t 'li'ii'. litter I.M. Tin' fnlt.iinit i li" IHt of letter limimiiK In tl"' Hli.lllru at On-put City, Om-kuIi, on Auitii'l '.'5. 1'.'H: Max's iit. Aii'lpmoii. C ' Hmllh, )nor)t Ore IikIIhii Mwl C'i Hmllli, Kiit lrl.iM. llirmu Wdlhcr. II K Unilll.. WT WtilioJJ IVImiir-Mr J M'inl Cr of JnB K'lwarita. WllMK!l' l.i "T. Aiu'ln, Si-IHo rinrli. A C lUkrr, M 1' Kli-niliiK. K A J 1 1 id. K llimu-r, liln rattiT.on, ("li Hmltli," Annln (inn. r. noitroN. i'. m. Sloiiey to loan at per cent Intereat on mortgage. Apply to C. ll.il). .C I.atottretto. For a ipilet plaeo to liitelt your liornea away from tbo motor lino and a place to gi't flrt i Ukh Job of repairing or home hoeing call on 8. V. Scripture' alioji on Filth at root. ltnn Wnmileil. Cash will lie pi'l for clftn, cotton raga to uae In cleaning preawa In Enterprise olllco. I'o not need to be white. Hop Ticket. Hop ticket! for alo tthl! olllco. Send tho KNTttKi'inrm to your friend In the Kuht and thu give lilm n Ido! of what U going on In Clttckamai county, It may Induce lilm to locate with us Notice to Dog Owners. On and after Pept. 1, all dogs murt wear a licenae tax, to be procured from the city treaaurer, II. K. Stiaight. CiiA. K. llt KN!, Chief of Police. AugtiHt 24, 1SUH. A projoctoHCopio and phonographic entertainment will be given under the auaidcea of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational church next Tuosday evening. Admission 25 cents, children, 10 cents. mop that cough 1 Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25o bottle . of Sluloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by Charnmn & Co., druggists, Ore gon City. The correct styles In Millenery at the lowest price. Our salo begins to day. Miss C. OoldHiiiith. Your Fnce (Shows tho state of your feelings and tho state of your health as well. Impure blood mnkes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skin eruptions. II you are loeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy ap poarance you should try Acker's Mood Elixir. It enres all blood diseases where honp sarsaparillas and so culled p(uri flors (nil J knowing this wo sell every bottle on a positive gunranloe. George A. Harding, agunt. Miitt'Ut Corpn Voliintiii'r Auxilliiry will givu a I t w n Muislul on tliu ('iilliolliM:liun:li liioiiiiiU Tlimxliiy '-vkiiIhu. AiiKit 't "itli, lir lli lii'iii lli iifiHir liuys now lit MhiiIIii, Tim U;iliit In Iiiviiu'I to i:uln(i uml iii)'iil hi In our wink, 1,iiiIIiV wihihth fioin 6') cciiIh tip wiinlH nt tin' lim kiil Hliirn. K, I'!. MumiiII linn lii'i'ii luiiiily cink"'l 1 1 in MinL witnk Miiiitiii liU r.i'ttituu on Dili hlri'i't. ('iilvln A. 1'nrkitr nii'l ll II'k. Inillil of thin I'oui.ty, with iiuiriii!'! lit tlio Mi'tltoillht iHiiNiiiiiiiii Wi ilni'Miliiy, Auk U"t Villi. Ki'V II.OIhtk oIliclutliiK. (inntH' filinlcliiiiK ivooiIh nrn clii'iti'iT tllilll t'lHI'WllHIH lit till lUrki't Htortt. Mr. Joluiiriiil, voiihIhIiIo of Hnti'ly pru iliii.'l, luht hU tlniiiili Lift h.itniiliiy In llii- iMigh or tlm wlii'i'l ol u tlir.ililnu mii ( liinii, whlrli whm in uliutl imar lliu plllI'M. A Hkcti'li lontuli'il on Klizulji'th Hunk'n ttillrln on "yollow Jiiiiriiiiliniii" forinii an lotcri'iitiiiK fimtnrit of tlio Argnniiut of AllKIIHt .11. ltU l'lttllill lll'llllliclll- tlmt of llm iiikIIioiIh of iilitirn of nciixa tioiuil iii'ttni,ip''rn nml ulycii tlm Iilnlory ufyi-llow j'liirnitliHin, referring pitrlii'it lurly to the work llmt indonu iy womi'i), Hop plrkerH ImtH uml (loyi'H lit tlio liucki't Ktorn. An li'it cri'itiii ton Jul will I'l) In I'l at llm MHli'iiliht uliurcli on Fri'luy ovi-tilnKof llii week. I inn' t (nil to Ki-t a (IihIi of llif li'u creimi, an tlio lii'Iii'" of tl.i" rl uri Ii aru notwl for tluMriilil liy in pro paiintt Hi in iii'ci'K.ary miiiuiiiir luxury. Ki'V. If. Olinrif Mill pii'arli in tliu Mi ltiiHlixt rlmrrli both hiornitiK anil (y-liiitt next Hiiinluy. KulJuirtMol inler et to all. Come, ami bring your frieti'ln. Mm, )r. Martin, tkii aoliitual heiilrr, erjBtiil reii'I'T 1411J til.iirvoyiint uieJiiini, Iuim airivi-il. Klin rwveala tlio pimt, pn ent ini'l fiituro; ti'Ili on Iii!iii-hh hik all Bi;!i ol life. Klie ia ntopping f'ir a nliort imu nt the Clitr II'iiim', liooiii H. Kur'.'a Clover Itmit Ten, for Coiisiipa ti.m tin- bent nml If after using it ym don't ,iy io, return the pm k ;!(,( and get your tmiiu y. Sold by Cluirinaii ii Co , driu'gii-'.i, ' in ,."'11 City. ( iet your fruit jiiirt mid j. nt 1 1. ii i in' (iiiH-eiy. Iv tuinb!..iN tor Yoimar Men nml Yntiiu ''"iiicii. Tbeie In nothing lb d will aron-othe in of a young man or woman so ijuick a to have inferior laundry work put off on Iheiu. Tuey may drchs ever so well, but If their shirt front or shirt waist ii liuiHsy their lie.it appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty ol Udiea' and gentlemen's lino work. There can bo no better work than ia done at the Troy. Leave your older al Johnson's burlier shop. Farm for Sale. A 300 acre farm, known as the SamU era' place, at Molalla, Oregon, finely Improved, rich soil, 2o0 acre in culti vation, lino neighborhood, church and graded school on the farm. Title perfect, mi incumbrances; possession given im mediately to purchaser. Trice, f'.),0tH); illOOO down, and remainder on long time at 7 per cent. For further particulars, call onor address C.T. Howard, Molina, Oregon. 1 mo NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and SaleBUible ORECONCITY. LOCATED BKTWEKN THE BRIPQR ANI DhfOT. ' Double and Single Uics, and sad dle hornea always on hand at tht lowest jiricea. A corral 1 connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind oi stock promptly attended to by person o: letter. Horses Bourht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Foil on reason able terms. 1r. l. holman iuNDERTAKER 4 $ ....AND... f 1 EMBALMER Carries a complete line of Cas kets, Collling, Holies anil Linings of superior quality and most moileriile prices. Holt's Nerverine Pills The great remedy for nervous pros tration and ,t- au nervous t? AiafAf? W. diseases of the KiS tr' Seneratlve or- nuuiifc. and AUfcK ibiMi. pans of either tex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or lost Rinhood, Impotency, Nightly Emis sions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 per box by mail) 6 boxes for $5.00. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Cleveland, Qlilo. For tale by 0. Q. Huntley. Wlmt Hr, A. K. Miillcr Nityi.. HvrrAUt, N, V, Oknth. I'rom my perfiiiiiil kuoMli Je, giilneJ in olHervliig tint ffl'u.rt of your Milloli'a Cine III v.Mf of ailviiuceil ('(iliHiiinptioii, I am preiarn to nay tlmt It I" tliu lnoi-t remurkiible Ki'iiimly llmt Imu ever Iweii brought to toy ftticntlon. It lii" mi tni nly Hav!l iniinv from ('oiiaiiinptlon. Sold by Chiiriimn A Co , ilrut'iiHiN, Oregon City. 100 wutiJieo to repair at MfiQ eiu b. C. A. NAhlf, ut the IVI.,f!li'e, V0l S XUi (tun of llm bent fanii" In Clurkiiuiiiii County for mln. 1.. I.. I'oiithk. 1'uiicy eiinbionit fliifleil with fenthera IHu. At tlm lUrh-t Hiore. Atletitliili Cii'ltpei'H. Tlm Wllhoit alHgn will xlurt o it of Ore gun City Moiiilityw, Weiiieiliiy and rrldny. returning Tuednyn, TliurmlayH, and SutlirdayM, Lenvea Noblitt'a Hluble at 12 o'clock noon. Hound trip tirketa C'uiiiKrn to Wilhoit or other renorta In llm county will bo taken out in private rigH if ileHired, at bedrock priecH, Call or adilreHH Chan. Noblitt, Oregon City. OABTOIIIA. BwftU 1!K Kind j Han A!anBo'Jj!il The Ruoscnption to the Enterprise Is 2, but if paid In advance it is X). MKiibseiibi'rs lnu"t not get behind and then expire! to gi t tho paper for $1.50. Outstanding subscriptions nnii-t be paid up. Khlloli's Consumption Corn euros w here others fad. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no homo rliould be without it. I'li-UMiiit to take and g-ft right to the epot. Sold by Chitrmuii A Co.. druggists, Oregon City. The Hot lii'iin tlj l or Flux. Mr. John Muthias, a well know n stock dealer of I'ulaki, Ky., says: "After si.ll'.'riug for over a week with flux, and 1 il V pliii Jan Ir.tvii.i: lailrd to Jciieve in", I was u'hircd to try I 'l.aiulieriain'B Colic, Cholera and IKanhoc.i Ki ineily, and liuvw Ihe plmnuro of slating that tlio half of a bottle cured me." I'or fulo by (.ieo A. Harding. William Stallfleli's I ienuan, of Sandy, underwent an examination befiiivJudge Uv mi, Thursday, for insanity. The man was pohitivo that someone w ielicd to takit bis life, and bad spent several wakeful iiifhtH enOeavotln'lo hide Irom bis bloil tliuctv foe. Tlm ei.leiie lieinu sut- flcent, lie was conveyed to the ayluin on llie evening train. The Hacket store is the place to get tho latest novelties. for (rCaXOTftv 4irMl "Rem ?tever KLV'S CUE AM ItAI.M Is a po!Htnr. Apply Into Uie mwlrlli. It In quickly lworhel. M niu l Dnu'i.'l'ii' ur lr mail ; itmpin luc by mail. tit UltOTli bits, MJ Wtrn-a St., New York City. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening StrenjTth.-U. S. aovaranwat Report OREGON Industrial Edition OI'KKS IN Portland, September 22nd CLOSES Octocer 22, 1898 The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held In the Northwest HORTICULTURAL AND AGRICULTURAL Prodiieta of OreRonand Washington will be displayed In wonderml prolusion, Inelud Iiir mora varietlei than ever before liathered together in one exhibit Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will d: Awarded Marvelously Rich Specimens From Our Gold, Silver and Other Mines BENNETT'S RENOWNED MILITARY RAND lias been engaged for the season Astounding Aerial Feiits nml Acrobatic Performances Very Low Rates on all Railroads ADMISSION Adults 25 cents Children 10 cents Wanted-An Idea 3 Pmteot your Mcmi ttier mar bring too wrnlih. Wrila JOHN WKUDF.KUl'RN ft CO., Patent Altur. mtl WhlnUn, D. C, fur Iholr l.a prise oSar aoa u oi two ausurw luTenuuus wautwu Wiiat EYGrylitifly They all pay that HARRIS' GROCERY lleH'I'juiirlern lor Hay, IdimlpliiHter, Heedd, Ktc, NEW AND COMPLETE OfOKNTS AND HOYS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAI'.S, CLOTHING, and gooda for Fall and Winter. Also A NEW LINE OF SHOES II is just arrived from Eastern factories. All at the LOWIvST PRICES. I'lease give mc a call. I have been removed for some time to CAL'I'IELD BUILDING, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO HUNTLEY'S Hook Store. SILVER PLATE THAT When you guy SPOONS, etc, Utty reliable brandfl, even if they do cont a little more. They are worth tho difference. We hi 11 the genuine, original Hol ers Bros. ware. Guaranteed to be the best in quality, style and fminh. BURMEISTEB &. ANDRESEN, TBEJtELGtI CITY The Marketing Point OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON C1TY Portland as THE PRODUCE Get our Prices Says Must Be So! ('nrncr, t hi? inoet eomplfte utock lit I'irHt t.MaHt (irowrios to be found in tlio City. LINE. -d - WEARS Tlie factory towns of the Past are noted for afl'ortling the best market to the neigh boring fanners and gardeners in-projiortion to the population of anj' of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that tho people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cath for all their purchases. Is Coming to be One of the Best Marketing Towns in the State This ia proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just the last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people oi this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to a market place for of the Farmer on Job Printing. SCHEDULES OF TIME WA'THKRN nrmu RAILWAY HollTH BCt'.SU. aUliwnti Eibreu (throinrh) (s.m.. irg l4ial ia staU'iim) IJup.as. SOUTH IMiCD. .i,t:lH'H I;''1 (wnj IMl"nn 9:77 IUBI Ciilllornla Kxprcis illiri.tikfil R: tlp. di ,1'ObTAU HCilKDULE. iit toiTiiER.f r iric haii.road. Mall clone (oiu( Niirth, a:('0p.m. Mall ntK -nn,8.li0. m. and i.:2(i p in. Mil l illnr. limed lrm Nonh ;p m lii lJii.in. M ili ilin.illi it. d frmii tim.ii U limi., 8; 40 p. in. ,r iast wt ai.p.CTsic line Hal! cim4 lor r.irt:nd i.d dixrlbutlni; pfiiiitH, luf.Ki, Kiel 4 4 p. in. lm elu.es I'.r UiU.iui.ee only, 8:45 a. nt. i . -l.'i p. in. M,ul i rrlres Itoia PniUmi, 11:30 a. m. and :IA p. m. SIPB K'lliTJin. Orrioa City to Ely, Carim, Mullno, Llberiil snit MoIhIi luavea at 12 in. ami arrive atUo. iiir. , . in-iron f; tr to lleer ,re!, Mina, i;iri. Meadow Jlroo, I nion M Ilia, and ;uttii,leiive il it m. Moii'lay, vieuiwuy hm.i n7, mil rtiiuriia ou IuIkiwiiix i1h at p. " Oreicili ;ity to Viola, l.'in n'i neuiana leave Orfon city Muunay, nwinea-iay .- ri.lHi at 1. 00 p. m., leavlnx Viola aaiue nays al 7.uuu. tn. (ir,:.-,,!! Cit to Wlllameite. BtafT..rl and A'lUorivhle, rrlot loWa. in. and mave at 11:110 a. in. . la, .y. j. . rl .M.verjr wmd-w i opun on -oimay 'nun into 11a. in. A l 1 -i ri.i .'i p-''1 iik tnw u- i uio .:oir U iiompily e t off Buniay, a tu liii.er d . A : Kanii-fi mill inai I oeiaywi nn i mna mv,-o 9 'fil a. rn , 8. I', tr. lu mil c too on 12 a'f l ,f;ii or 4.15 .e:l c ear. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMUIA laVKlt AND PUCiEf SOUND XAV. CU. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Odilv trir a ateamer Hnitey Oatzprt-Isves every inoruin in the weeK st 7 o'clock, ex cept Buiiday . Uetnri.inif, liares Astoria f-verv nielli in tlie ;k al 7o'clx;k, except Biiti'lay. Wl.iie tVillar I.ii.e Ticltfta and (J. K. X .n. C. ticket are lnterr;tiHii.','le on iteatnera Umley (ialzert, T. J. 1'otter and K It. rtioiiipann, for Anioria and all way point. Flnvl, IIwhco, Hearirw, lng JJeueti, Oeasj i'ark and Nain-oiia Otti-e, Alder-street dock. Telephone (Mail,) Ml. C Jnni'iia phone ,il. I,. I. rLUi 1. j renHiciii. (HI T5) opr lr:ei kt TIMK WHF.DULES Arivb n,K taoK I i'iiilm iRoa F. n' M-il air Ijik", !'enr. t-t Ft M.iil b p. m. Worth. Oiahi, Kan.; 7:41a. u. a City, at Ljni, j bid. oai.d t '.. j rp,kao.) ''!! Watta. Hpoa-eJ Spokane i'l er M .in enp .li... St. tu!,i r'ijer 2 -op.m. 1) ol "t l. Milwaukee, 10.uia.nL t hiao ai:d natit. Dal',-, Ual'M Led IMn, B'inBeriHe, I. CjI 8 . m -lu Dun.nh ralls.C a-! .ap. in. K1.S11.1ua' w w LiCk', uud U ,ua Ea.nstn.lay mid Jay K.ver. .-u .ilay 10 a. m, Inn. 8 p. m. Ocean Steamships 4 p. m. All Bailing I'atei subject to change. For an Francisco fail ... 1,C, 11, It, 21. 2H. . 7 p.m. ToAUk 6 p.m. rail soli 17th 8 p. ra. Colnmbla River 4 pm. Ex. Sunday b learners Ex-njidaf jattirdiy To Aaioria ai d Way- lonjl) p. m. LandixJi-'S. Ram. Willamette Elver -tlOp-m. Ex. Sunuaj '" Oregon City, Newlierg. and rn. alem aiid VVa7Lind'a 7 a.m. WlUametteandYamhill 4d0p.m. Tuea, Thur Kivera Ti.ea.lhnr, anil sai. Oregon City, Hayton, and Sat. an 1 Way.Lanaiiig. a. m. Willamette River : P- Tu-. rh ir Pori.an . to C hthI 1 iue..ihar. antra. anJ W y-Laad ug auU sal. Lear Snake Elver . Kiparia LewiatoB l:lo m. Kiparu to Lewietoa 5:4.ia m. KailyEx. x'i'Jr.B- Saturday Fnda W. U. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. E. DONALDSON, Auent, Oregon City. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. 8ou.h t I North. (Our. M. Ev Portland Ar :30a..M. :S2M, Lv OregouCtty Lv 8:40a.m. 7 -46 a. a. Ar 8. Francisco Lv 8:00 r.M. The above trains stop at all stations be tween Foreland, baiem, Juriier, Marion, Jetterson, Albany, tangent, Miedds, Halsev. Harrisbiirit, Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all sta tions rom uoseDurg to Asiuana inclusive Kebate tickets on sale between forlland, Sacramento and 6a 11 Francisco. Net rate $17.00 first class and $11.00 second class in cluding sleeper. Kates and ttcaets so eastern points ana Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU ami A IS 1 KALI A. Can be obtained from E. E. BOYD, ticket agent, Oregon City ROSEBUKO MAIL (DallTi. 8:30a. U. I Lv Lv Ar Portland Ar OrenonCity Lv Roue burg Lv 4:30 r.M 8::inr. M 7-JWa.m V:ilA. U. I i.M r. u. I W est Side Division.. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLI8. Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) 7:H0a.m. 11:53 a. a. Lv Ar Portland Ar Corvallia Lv t.M r.M 1.20 r.M At Albany and C'orfallls connect with tralna oi Oregon Central A E.nieru Railroad. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday) 4:j0r. M. I Lv Portland Ar S:A. at 7 :i p. M. I Ar ' McMiuuvlUe Lv I 5:M)a. . 8 30P.M. I Ar IuilepeuOenoe Lv t:50A.M R.KOKHLEK, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Ass't O. I. and Paae. AgenU.