OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY AUGUST 19, 1895. Snlbl A rrantetn.nl. What Sir DhuM Lysona believes to have boeu tlin ilrtit ease of ft sottlniueut ttMMMMMiMtHWOWKMtWMIW A Beautiful Present !n order to further Introduce TLASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron nrnnd), the inamiliutiirrrs. I. C. liuliinger llros. Co.,ol Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to UIVU AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch lold. Thcae presents aro in the form of . Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x19 Inches in sUc.and are entitled as fullowi: of mi "affair of minor" on tho Duke of WollluKtou's plan Is (Uwcribixl by htm iu hlii "Kurly Hemluleeiioea. " It ooenr red lu Halifax kbout Uio lulildlo of tlit jinwut couturyi Ouo tiny Captain Eviun came to mo bollluK vvr with wnith and imlliu (Ion. Ho snltl ha hud boon irroasly In sulted by (.'iintiiln Ilurvoy, tlio govern- WE WANT TOM SUBSCRIPTIOM ... 1 1 1 1 We Will Give You The EM jiPRISE And the I w FOR ONLY 82 PER YEAR Cash in Advance Or we will give you the Enterprise and one of the leading Eastern papers on the same terms. This offer will stand good only for a short time, and only for people who are square on our books. The price of the Enterprise is not changed by this offer, and we can pay agents no commission on this subscription. This Offer Gives- o 16 Paffes Tslepfc il H lis And All tho State and County News. or'i mm, anil hi'KKt'd nui to uct oh IiIm friend. I utirml, jimvldwl ho promised to do exactly as I told him. llo turn tented. I called wi Captain Harvey's friend, Captain Ilourkts and wo agreed to abide by the Duke of Wellington's order ubout dueling, which hnd Just thou been promulgated nt Halifax. We nirrted out our Intention ft fol low: Wo inudo each of our principals writo out hlH own version of what hml occurred. Wo then cluwo nil umpire. Wo selected Colonel Horn of tho Twen tieth regiment, aeloitr headed and much respected olllcer. With hi approval wo lent him tho two statements, and ho directed us to conio to IiIm house tho fol lowing morning with our principals, At tnoopMlnted time we arrived nnd were showu Into tho diiilng room. Wo bowed fonuully to each other across tho tiililo mid awaitd tlienppcurmico of our referee. Colonel Horn wniii entered, and, ftddre.Mn our princiiml. kind: "lieutli'iiieii, in tho llrntplmit, I must thank you for buying nmdo my duty no light. Nothing conld t moro ojh'II, generous or gentlemanlike tliim your Internet) In. Tho bent advice I can givo you in thut you slmko bunds nnd forget that tho occurrvace linn ever liiipKticd. " They nt onto walked up to eat h other mid slunk hmids cordially. They were tho Lest of triemU over niter. Control of laUI.l Hand. Tho control men get over their hand by coiiMiiut practico was being discuss- cL One cited tho enso of nil artist who is afllieted with iiuUy no badly that ho cannot convey hla food or driuk to hit mouth nmiidcd. And yet thin in an with pallet nnd brush in hand ran pnlut a well as ever ho could I More bin brush touches tho riuivua hi hand trembles violently, but the moment J10 foci the brush touch his pit-turn bin stroke be come firm nutl strung and juit wlmt ho dor-ire it to bo. Almost a tmmiiei cao la that or a veteran Holdier well kuowu in Kansas City. "Peg Leg" Smith. Smith ia now lu tho Soldiers' homo iu Leavenworth, WhtiM iu Kauai City, ho ul to run a cigar wheel nt tho city hall sqtmro. Smith cotnoa to knususCity freunent- ly, and when hem likea to go to a shoot lug gallery on Walnut street nnd nhoot at tho target Ho is a good ahot and enjoya looking along a ritlo bnm-L Smith haa tho palsy in an alarming de grees When he raises tho rillo nnd nlms It at tho target, it Jerks around lu aueh a lively manner thut ouo would wager he could uut hit tho side of a house, but Just an he in about to pull tho trig ger hia hand steadies nnd tho next iu- slant tho Ik'11 ring. Tho palsied man haa hit tho bullncye. KunwaCity Star. Lilacs and Panslcs. Panslcs and Marguerites. 1?? sry HI HI 6WM MIMhoJS 1 lQlMCI0CO0lt4'' stgwsciaocooiiiNi Aft f Alt k tit A MTWI ITUfM W1H it "IC.ruJHINCElTBKbj'C? m 'J. Wild American Popples. Lilacs and Iris. artist, These rare nlcture. four in number. lv the renowned pastel R. LeRoy. of New York, havu been chosen from (he very choicest subject! in bis studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The picture! arc arcurately reproduced in nil the colons used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critica. work! of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing aurpaulng them In beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. :iHHS Elastic Starch purchased of your grorrr. It ia the best laundry starch on the market, and ia sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer lor this starch and get a Deautilul picture ILL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT KO SUBSTITUTE Th. Slary tha Cab HrporUr Dltlnt Get. Ouo day a cub reiKirtor wua acnt to cover a meeting of au eaht sido literary club, which wua to dctuto about arbl tration and its effect upon international peace, but ho como back to tho ofllco within an hour looking diwippoluted. "Yi hero's your itory?" akod tho city editor. "Tlicro vaan't any atory to write, " replied tho new reporter, picking op a newspaper. "They couldn't agree upon the wording of tho subject, and they got to arguing nnd calling unmea, and finally the meeting bruko up In a free fight Bo I camo back, air." Tho city editor came down from bis dok and gazed pitifully npon tlio culx "Tbey were to havo debuted on peaoe," ho said sorrowfully "uud tho meeting bniko up iu a fight, nnd tliero was noth ingtowritol Yonmuygo." That la a story they tell along tho row, and It is an old ouo. Scribucr'a. T.Uow Attractive to InMcta. If we watch tho beautiful golden marsh marigold, we shall find It rarely receives a vinit from tho bnmbleboa It la said that those bright, golden bodied flies of tho family Hyrphidio aro the chief diHHomitmtors of its pollen. How ever this niuy b, ouo thing is perfectly plain, the marnh murigold is a striking and showy yellow flower, which cannot escape the notlco of a multitude of sprlug insects. It is couHcipjoutly visit ed by bees, files, butterflies nnd hectics. Yellow is a most common color among flowers, and one which is peculiarly conspicuous nnd flashy in sunlight, when it Is varnished witli a gloss liko that which we see on the buttercup uud the marsh marigold. ChHutitwjuau, Extruvsgaitiui. "Ilore's a case, " sho exclaimed Indig nantly, lofjking up from her puper, "of a man who actually had tho uerve to put bis wife on an nllowunceof 10 cents day." 'What did sho do with it all?" ho ankcd absentmindodly. It was several hours before sho felt that sho was calm enough to discuss matters with him diupunsiouately. New York Wona. This Is Tour Opportunity, On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, eenerous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh sad Hay Fsv.r Cure (Ely's Cream Halm) snOleiant to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTIIEHb, CO Warren St., New York City. Tier. John Reld, Jr., of Great Falls.Mont., recommended Ely's Cream liolm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive enra for catarrh if used as directed." Key. Francis 71. Poole, Pastor Central Tree. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Calm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury or any injurious drug. Price, CO oenta. WHEN YOU BUY, ALWAYS GET THE BEST - This apliei to red citato well a.- ether comotlities. Kvory fiwily ia nuil uf a huiaj tletiros tho best loca tion. SOUTH OREGON CITY Has the greatest number of ad vantages to its credit, of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay you to investigate this property. Good clear' lots At reasonablo prices on easy instalments. Call on or address T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee. Charman Bro's. Block, Orogon City Mir lie. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Sconio Route. All tourist admit that tho scenery on the'Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United states. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. IlAltNKY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or.. Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Special rateB given on hauling to and from uiadstone and rark-plac. 1800 miles of long di tnnuo telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pondloton, Albany and 90 other town in the two states on the linn. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Instance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard a Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. 2atnbIlNhe4 CI. IRAS. 4 mm PIONEER Tranced and Expfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE.