Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
OREGON CITY ENTEKPKISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1898 7 IHtMh TIIANMPEKS. FuriilNheil Krrrjr Week by Hie Chirka mint AliNtrnct X 1 runt ninniiti). (I W Lemon to M C Williams July HI, '08. W I), lotn 7 kin! 8, llk 2, W CImIhI)Iiu I 450 C W llulul.tloW I) Allmi Dmt 21, 'U7 W I) lot 7, and )i of lot , blk 2, Pinker Hill 2U0 It I- and 8 N Ward to A U raubloit Aug 0 'tw, W I) I.Ik 101, Ulul tone iKK) A C and J W I'uul.l.iii to It !).- Kliur.ur, Aug 10, 'IN W I) 101 (ilii'lHtonti 70 UH tolTuvlll FolilS, 'OH, uw!4' mu2, t2, r5o I'mI V, II lliirnliHrilt ami L 0 MuUgnr to dm -kamaa cumity July 2H, 'DH right .( way In mh) 10 mill V'i, 1 2 1, r He 1 W J Palloy to M M 1'itllt'y May 17 'tis, W 1) lot 17 to 21 In blk 71, loin 21, 25, 20 blk 73, luU 1 to 7 l:il DO toUH In blk HO; lot 11, 12, 13, 14 end 28, 20,80, 31, S2, land 2, blk 70, Mlnthorn 1 J II Woodward by ubitrlirto AIT Mm, Auk I), 'W7, timid, 317.70 acres in claim 37, 1 8 a, r l.w. . . . 374'J C Covey t al by tburiir to Al T Co Auk 0, DH, deed, ee,'4' too 31, t 8 t't 1301 J Grow, by sheriff to Al T Co lino Aug t), IIS deed, 000 acree near eeo!!3, tSa, r3e KU0 Cilailstuiie It K Amu to A and K EngWg July 18, 'DH, W D lot 13 mid 11, I.Ik 50, (lladnloiio.... 300 It V mid M Hburt to J ltolwrU, Jly 1H, '1)8 W I) nw'; w,'4', too 10, t 3, r 1 w 2T0 TIIK CLACKAMAS ARSTKACT TUUHT CO. are tlio owner of tlio copy right to tha Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have tli" only complete net of abstracts in the CVinty, can furnish Information a to title to land at one, on application. Loans, liiVctinctitH,nal estate, abstracts tc. Oill.eover Hunk of Orutfou City. Call and investigate. Address Ikj 377 Oregon City Oiegoti. Klectrtc llotrl Arrival. A llanluw and (41111!, Portland II I. Wade, I'ortUnd F HiiikboldiT, " MJtiill " J W Str,t " i Mature?, Hun Francisco II (iilnmro, I'oitlund K TlimniMii, Ht Umia, Alo J I) linker, Ix.tiK lit-ach HTCollli.,Kau Fran CJlltirne, " " J Ctlibbona, Storkaton, Cal J 1 1 ) kin,' Portland It K Wilson. Woodland, Cal II I. I.oiitf, I'mtland OJ KothihlU, " K Archer, l'ortland J H Iavid, Nttwberg J H Kvana and wife I.a'lramlo A Wright, I It-,jiiur F Norman, Chicago A llomiiicll, Portland J Htovena, XV Armstrong, Oakland, Cal W Ferrler " " Tlio F.leetrlc hotel In tlio finest In Hie city and flrat-cliiMin all Iti apointments, KliHitric car atop in front of the door. hlop that conrh! Take wartiitiK. I' may loud to coiiHUtnption. A 20c bottle of bhiloh'a Cure may Have your life. Sold by Charman A Co,, dru'ginta, Ore gon City. WANTK1). 100 watcbra to repair at fl.00 each, . A. Nauh, at the i'oMtoiTlco. Toauhora' IiiHlllute, The annual toachera' inatltute will be liuld In Oregon City, commencing Au uat20lh and lasting five daya. Bupt. II. 8. Strange haa uoininoncod the pre parations neceasary for the Inatituto, and will secure the aorvlces ol able In etructore. Money to loan at 8 pur cent intoroat on mortttaKna. Apply to O. I). A D. 0. Latourelte. For a quiet place to hitch your homes way from the motor line and a place to got a first class job of repairing or horse hoeing call on 8. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. 8hlloh's Consumption Cure euros where others fail. It is the loading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. I'leasant to take and goes' right to the CK)t. Hold by Charmnn A Co., druggists, Oregon City. Your team will have the bcBt of care and Full Measure of Feed Atihe City Stables. W. H. YOUNG, Prop., "ucc",")" to W. H. Cookw. Livery Kiga on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. LouVes, A, 0. U. W. lunula nvory Hiiturdiiy vonlng In ilm A.O. V. W. Temple, tli'o. It, Caliir, swieliiry . Ilobckalia Willamette Riil ink nil Iwlge No, 2 meets w;iiiid and fourtli Fridiiy of uiudi month at I, ().(). V. Tnmplu Malta tJodfry, aocrotary. Court Hubln H'xxl No. (I, Forchlma of Aiiinrlca, iiiuola II rut and tTtlid Friday In tlio 111011II1 In Hod M.m'a IU1I. Y. T. Uiiuoin, aucruUry; V. H, ISukor, thiol rantior, Miiudo runt No, 2, O, A. R., mot( flrxt NVudiiiiniliiy in oai b moiitli at Wil laiiinlto lUII. E. W, Mlillum, coin- maiidor, Chii kainia Chaplar No. 2, II. A. M moota on tlio thhd Monduy of ouch month In Muionlu Hull. II. H. StriinKP, aonrotnry. I'loiionr CliuptiTNo. 28. 0. K. K. meuta tlio aocond and fourtli Tuoadaya In vaidi inonlli at Maaoiilo Hall. Minn J111111I0 Itowon,iocrotury. Ori'ijon Loduo No, 3, 1. 0. O, F., ninita evary ThnradBy in Odd Followi' I lull. T. F. Kyan, at'tiM tary Full Kiiciimpinoiit No. 4, 1. O. O. F, moota flmt and third Tucadny In earh mouth. J. A. Hluart, Mirrotary. Itodmon Wai liono Trlt.o No, 13, Imp. O. It. M., iinHit Saturduy fvonlnu 7:30, at Hod Mon'a Ilall.-J. W. Ktuart, C. of It.; II. I,. I'attorann, fWhom. Multiiomah IxxIka No. 1, A. F. A. M nun-la flmt and third Huturdayt In eauh month at Maaouic Hall. T. F, Ityao, Mad Corim No 18, W. It, C, uiooti xt Monduy in mill in'. n'h at the Will. ainiilte Hull, Mra. Clouoti, prcHiilio.t. Tbo Aiuiiiury moota the third Monday, at Willmnottu Hall. ArtiRuna niocti flritt, ocond and fourth Thiirvduya in earh month at Ited Men'i Hall. J. T. ftarl, aocrotary. Catholic Knlhta of Amorim Ht. Jobn'i lliaiu h No. 017, moota evory Tuesday of tlio month. Tnala'ln T.-nt, K.O. T. M., meet in Ited Mcn'a Hull, on mh'oihI and fourth Wixliioodayit O. 11. Ibatt, roord k'0Ml Kiirni for Sole, A 3'iO aero farm, knov.11 aa the Hand- era' place, at Molulln, Orcuon, finely Improved, rich soil, 2oO acre in culti vation, Hue noliihtiorhood, church and grudrd school on the (arm. Title perfect, no Inciiiiiliniiiccrt; uaHpMiion given im mediately to i.tirchaner. Price, $0,000; f:;000 iluwu, and remainder 011 long lime at 7 per cent. For further particulars, rail on.or address C.T. Howard, Mulino, Oregon. 1 mo Attention Caniprra. Tbo Wlllioi! atago will start out of Ore gon City Mondays, Weduewlaya and Fridays, returning Tutenlays, Thursdays, and Suturdays. leaves Nohlitt's stable at 12 o'clock noon. lioiind trip tickets t2.50 Caniers or other reports In the rouniy will bu taken out In private rigs if desired, at U-drock prices. Cull or addrofS Chas. Noblitt, Oretton City. Wood Kid Wanted. State (tiulity an J rjimntity you wish to fiiriiisti, also price for delivery in our yard or on tlio hill. Kid will lie opened August 20th, '08. Ohkoon City Wooi.r Mn.u. Lost. Ptravcd or stolon from my place at Rolton.on Tuesday, a brindle colored dog, very large, will answer to the name of Jack, and weara a leather harness. Liberal reward for return of name to roe. Oscar KoHmikRG. The auosciipiion to the Enterprise la !2, but if paid In advance it is f 1.60. Subscribers must not K't behind and then exect to Ret tbe paper for $1.60 Outstanding subscriptions must be paid op. The Kent Itemed For Flax. Mr. John Mathlaa, a well known stock dealer of Pulaxki, Ky., says: "After suffering for over a week with flux, and my physician havlim tailed to relieve me, I was adviaed to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of stating that the half of a bottle cured me." For aale by Oeo A. Harding. William Stallelen'a German, of Bandy, underwent an examination before Judge Kyan, 1 luirsilay, (or insanity. The man was poaitive that someone wished to take his hie, and had spent several wakeful nights endeavoring to hide from his blood thirsty foo. The evidence being stif flcent, be was conveyed to the asylum on tlie evemug tram. The Racket Btore Is the place to get the latest novelties. Pr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure lllliid, LtHile Ulet'illnir and Itclilnu 1'llen. UnhmirhKilietumora. allays the Itching at once, acts as a lxmltlcu. vivea Instant re lief. Dr. WililninH' Iufllun Pile Oint ment Ik prepared for PI lea and Itch- InR el I lie private parts. Kvcry box Is warranted. Hy ttniirKlsln, by mull on re ceipt of price. Ml oonta and fl.(M. WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., 'rlft.. ciuvolaud,l)bio. For sale by 0. G. Ilimtluy, Wanted-ftn Idea I Wno can think of aoRM aluipie thlun to patent! Prnlaot your lileaai they may bring yoa waalth. Write JOHN WKUIiKKllt'RN CO., Patent Attor. Bava. Wanhlnauiii. D. U., (r their vrlac oSar aud lias vt two hundred uiventlona wantad. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of ell In leavening Strength.". S. Ooverameot Report 1)0 YOU Doors, Ins, m, lonlii OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL? . go TO : c. H. BESTOW Low Prices. Corner llth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Will be a dcBirable time to enter the New clasHC" will be commenced after the holiday vacation. For catalogue, address W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon. The Marketing Point As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON QITY Is Coming THE PRODUCE Get our Prices NEED ANY it CO- First - class Goods. OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY ' The factory towns of the East are noted for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that tlio people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. to be One of the Best Marketing Towns in the State This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just the last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people oi this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place for of the Farmer on Job Printing. SCHEDULES OF TIME rfOUTHEK.N fACIKIO KAILWiY H'lHTH SOUND. IiTiil (t)iroiifli) " irg Local (ajr Ulluiis) S .ilOa. m. ' M p. m. south aovao. Koicburr Un: (wuf Ktlom) Ualllurula irn (lliroui) :17 a. m t . iO p. m .fWTAl. HCi.EKL'LE. ar noiiTKK ricirio hailsoid. Mull o ng Norlli, S;cO p. m. lallc.oii wiiik 8mli,9 OH a. ra and p m. Ma I dUli.bu cl from Norlb 7 XI p m in li .in. mi mi hmuuu iruio ftuuiii W.IOa.m., i;M) p. m. Mall c.i lot t'jrl.itad and dltirtiUtln( yn'i, if iifri.1, ),', l.W p. III. Milclo.s tut l.l..u.e only, i.ii a. m.. l:p. in. iinlvaa Iruin P,nUuud. 11:30 m- m .,..1 4:1 p. oi. IIjE KOUTKa. OriKou Clt7lolj,Carui, Mulino, Liberal and Molalit lvi i u m. and arrives al 12 m. dally. OreKon Cllf to Bearer Creek. Mink, Clark. Meadow Hrunk, 1,'nion Mllln, and Coluni,lee at a. m. Mnudajr, Wwlnen end if'rida, and return! ou folluwluf dava al iM p. m OreKvn City u Vloia. i.tu aud Kedland leavea Orrnu City Mooduy, Wcdueaday and Friday al I.IM p. ax., leavlu Viola aama daya at 7:uv. o. r.-ou City to Wlllamotto, bifrrl aud tViloriTl:c,arrlvuaalluUa. uu auditara. at 1I:MU a. in. ua..y. U' U' nl ivlivry md iw la "pun on nouua from 10 to 11 a. in. A I 1'tu r. Jiu p 1 ,nt ihj buiaiiliv ouor I. trompily te .1 ott bunJa, aa uu d if. Ao Kiinru mill Ibat ladelayod anllnllaio r-lo t-.m a. in., b f. u iu r ill ou U 'elua i.r :l0iecln ear. Legal Notices. Brere'a Halo. In the Circuit Court for tin Slate of Oragoo for Claokama County. Juaiali Oaburo, plaintltT, ri. Frank Oa burn, William Us bum, Nettie Uaburn, Lar ina Butina, Kiua Eiltutt, Larne.t Hickey, tunica Keimely.deleiMlaiit. Notice la lierebv iriven iliat bv vir(u of a judgment, order and decree made and en tered in Hie above entitled caufe In tlie above entitled court, on tlie Utti day of No Tenioer, J7, wherein and whereby in wax ordered, adjudged and uecreed that the lot lowing jeavribed prurty be told, to-wil: 1 he eaat ol the tail of aeclion 2, Tp 2 8, K 3 eai-k of the S Ummeue meridian. cuntaihiiiK 'ti acres mure or leas, be Bold and that the inideraiKiied, John V. Bradley was by aaid judgment, order and decree, ai'iioinied releree to sell the above describ ed real prorrty. o therefore, oy virtue or toe said judg ment, order and decree, 1 wid, on Saturday tbe 17ib day of September., at 1 o'clock p. ni , at the Ironl door ol the county court bouse oi said county aud stale, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for casU in hand the above draenbed property. 1 hat the proceeds ol aaid aale shall be ap plied lo the payment ol the general coats of mis suit. Second, to pay the costs of reference. Third, The residue to bo divided amonz the ok neri thereol according to law. 8 1U-a 10 JOUSC. ttKADLEY, Dated August 19. 193. Aaalg-nee'e Bale of Houura and Lota. Tlie loilowine property is ottered for sale. and niuii be sold ao as to close op ttie es tate oi h. h. iiliatiu, Insolvent debtor. Any reaaonable oiler will be accented for tbe wuoie of said property or any part of same. Uoue and lot 7. block 119. Oregon City. L'jl ol block 81 of OreK'io Cay. 1Otlol block 9 Fails View Addition to Oregon City. liuue and lot 11 of block 8 of Willamette Kalis. Lor 11 block "U" Clackamas Heiichu. For terms, prices or particulars call on or address THUS t. KYAN, Assignee of estate of E. E. Williams. 81Ulo Kxeculer's Notice fOIRK Id HtBEBY 1 HAT HIE IN PER .1 a iomi una De.ii uuiy "P,.oiiKja 0 1 10 uoj. ooduu i- 11 .yea, JuJko ol ibvi C iui tv Cjart 01 t-'ie ot-ue . 0.c,,Oi, tor Clu.kaniM eouuty, xovi.t'.r ol ihj ii aud t aumcui I Joaepb iul:v.. ueocaae L All 1 oi.a ..a.- ini eii.,,.aaxal ut aa. 1 utatj urj . e.cDy uoil- ncd p prj.unt .ue Ju y ve..Oe t u .ue ollice of O. U B C. l. La..u m, .tttir- ueyauttalu .x uioutua fim .Oo uuuioiio.a n t t o. la.J, June 16, Otego.i U:y, O.-oiu J. .vHAlUvL-cluN, hxjvutJf Atortaoid. Kotlre ofFlDal Settleueait. I hereby aire notice that I have filed in tha lounty Uourt ot Clackamaa Couutr. state of Ora tion, my aeoounta for hnal ttlement aa Admin latrator of Ui h stale of A iuuu Keiiy,da mumxI, aud tbe Court haa appointed Tao.-d i , tbj KOouio..yoi auil.i, i-v, atiuo'olocK A. M aa the date for examiuatioa and aetUemenl ot aachancoanu. UUluttlttt. Adminwtrauir with tha will aiuexei of the wlau of Augellue K iv.rly, v-eJo-toJ. uiuj, Juua ij, isya. tt-i;:7:15 EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.b 1 North. :0ue. M. Ev Cortland Ar :30a. t.Sir.u. Lt OregonUity Lv 8 .40 a.m. 7:44 a.m. Ar 8. F ranclaco Lt 8:00 r.a. Tbe above trains stop at all stations be tween Portland, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jetlerson, Albany, Tangent, Siiedds, Halsey, Harrisbure, Junction City. Encene. Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland aud ail sta tions irom noseourg to Asniana inclusive Kebate tickebj on sale between Portland. Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates (17.00 first class and $11-00 second class in cluding sleeper. Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HON'O LU LU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from E. E. BOYD, ticket agent, Oregon City ROSEBURG MAIL (Dailrl. 80 a. M. I A. M. JO r. m. Lt Lt Ar Portland Ar Oregon City Lt Koaeburg Lt I 4:80 r. a I 730 A. M West tlide Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLI8. vMatl Train, Daily (Except Sunday.) 7:30a.m. Lt Ar Portland Corvallis Ar Lt 5:50 r.a 1.20 r.a 11:Ua.M. At Albany and Corrallls eonneot with trains ol Oregon Central A Eastern Railroad. Express Train Dallv (Except Sunday) 4:Mr.M. I 7:air.M. I 8 SO p. M. I Lt Ar Ar Portland Ar McMiunvllle Lt Iuuepeudenoe Lt 8:25 A. a 5:S0A. 4:60 A.M. R.KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, Asa't a. F. and Paas. Agent FOR SALE. One of the best farms in Clackamas County for sale. L. L. Porter. Fancy cusbions stuffed with feathers 48c. At the Racket store. OarRf ma TIMK Wf(Klirjr,K.H KU I'OBTLAMI. Aaaira yaoa fnatMail p. m. lair. IiBnvnr, Ft Worth, Omili.i, Kan a mi City, Ht L.itna, CbtCaoand Cia Fwt a T ) ID. p"kn h,r p. tn. Walla Wall. HpoSana, iinrimi'ili, Hu l'nl, I' O I II th. Uilwaukra. 8voana KIW 105 a. m. l In. ai and huL I p. m. Ocean Nuaniihlps 4p.m. 111 Sailin IkIm rabjMt to change. For -an Kranciaoo fail Ai;2,r., Ij, 14, U 22, A,, 30 7p.i ToAla-ka- rail Aug. S, 28 p. i I d. m Colnmbla filter Hteainers To Aatoria and Way tandiUKa. Ex. huuday 4 D. ra. Ex. eandaf Saturday 1U:UI p. m. (am. Ex. Sunday Willamette iver :S0 d. m. Hon. Wed. riron City, N'ewharg, ralem and ay-Lmd aud In. 7 a. m. WlllamefUand Yamhill Kivera Umton City, Daytoa, aa 1 Way.LanuiuKa. Tuaa, Thar 4J0D.IBV T.e. Thar and sai. and Sat. Laave Kiparia l:i a in Won. i. Snake Elver Biparu to Lcwiaton lyava IWMtOO 5:4.-. a m. an. Tuea, aid lb or. and Friday W. II. IIUELBCKT, Oen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. E. IXDNALDSON, Agent, Oregon City. 3 FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer 6. W. Sharer, LEAVES " Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves ClatHkanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyen ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8 :20 ; Kalama 9:15; St. Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and moot direct route to tbe great Nehalero valley. Shaver Transportation Co. When Going East .... Use a Ctat-claes line in travelling between Minneapolis, St Paul and Chicago and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Can in service. The Dining cars are operated in the in terest of ita patrons, the most elegant service ever inaugurated. Meals ar served a la Carte. To obtain first class service your ticket should read via. The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil waukee for all Eastern points. t or full information call on your neares ticket agent, or write to Jab. C. Posd, or Jas. A. Clock, Oen. Pas. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis 246 Stark St., Portland, Or. NOBLITT'S STABLES Ldvery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad die horses always on hand at the owest prices. A corral! connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. Mott's Nerverioe Pills The great remedy for nervous proa tration and wiSi-a renerative or- buuiu; and ah tu 0 either sex, such aa Nervous Prostration, Failing or lost Manhood, Im potency, Nightly Emis sions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex cessive use ol Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1JXX per box by mailt 6 boxes for $5.00. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO, Prop's, Cleieland, Ohio. m -Cll iT al JM For aale by C. G. Huntley,