Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, ( AUGUST .19, f 1898. Oregon City Enterprise LOCAL TRANSPORTATION LINES. TimkCahd Easthids Railway Compan LEAVI PORTLAND (Couch St.) LIAVI OREGON CITY 7:00 A. M. TM$ A, M. 7:4s 7;5 8:30 :.1S IMS 9- j:ou 10:05 KM5 10:50 li:j "MS 13: IS V. M. U J' r. M. 1:00 1:05 i:45 ''SO r.30 :J5 4:00 4:3 4:4S 4:5 s:.w S:33 A;u 6:w 7: 7"S 7 45 . 11:311 only to Mllwsiikle 10:30 only to Milwaukle 11:40 7:50 :w only to 9:13 10:30 12:30 only to Milwaukle 4S MINUTI lOHIDULt OKKUON UTY. ASH rOUTUKD UIVKKTKIIH tTSANlB ALTON MAVIS rofcTI.ASD Voui il" Ureal II ) " 1. 90 p, m. OSMIUM (HIT Xiot Kifiilb .tract :(). ra. I:SU " . p. m, sUNUAY. s-eo. in. It to " 3 nop m. b.M " t ), m. I u m. 4:, a T;tn " with OiM'O Cl'jr f.lrotfla Cm o lliwl V.IU.AMKTTII FALL R'Y. CAM LSAVS V.I-1MIOM BSItMII WIUiKTTI rUJ ao (.in. . m. t IU m TUO 'U t 141 " low " M 11,4) B. m. ,2 ,u l ift " jifti-.w- : 1 Ml M ( i " iio 7 i " - .. UanoratT hour iinili I oVIo-k p. m. In 0il on mm r" . (till if T J, C. A. MI.I.KH. i-i rr. Onkmon City, Ohwiom .Acuunt 10, lffliH THE LOCAL NEWS. A Pluasaht Tip. Mr. I.. K. Sail' l.ury, Mi Bracken, Mln Mollle Unk. Inn, Mis MmikI Salisbury; Messrs. II. K. Straight ml Henry Salisbury re turned Monday Irom a delightful trip to Ml. Hood. They loft two weeks ago lnrlntf mir varment Weather, and to vol.1 tli heat, traveled by tlie Ht of the union. And reached the destination oi itilr trio iwo days later. Arriving at the foot of tlili splendid old peak, thy oUalned O. C. Yocniii, M the guide, whose familiarity with Hie route made lit services auits valuable. Reaching the tlii.Wr line t 3 o'clock In the morn ing they began llielr climb towards Ihe nmniit. This being Iheir first ascent of the mountain, everything s of special mfc-rest, and although Hie steep climb ing lieoame llrttomo, the young I idles of the rty were quite e to tlie tank nl proved thniiH)lvsi cotiregooiii iiiounUineer. At Creier Itock they en Joyinl lierlY luncheon end t qnrter to 12, hd Mcended to the highest point on the mounUlm glittering inow dud ummit. Horethfy flod for time on the grandeur of the pctcle and after luofitlng their nmia in the hoi, made quick doewnt to Hulmon river. Y . M. C. A. Tlila organisation ia now under the leadornhlp of Mr. J. L. Mead, ol Turtland, who lui come, with the in tention of making tin good limiitutlon the mont opular young nifn'i aanocia (Ion In the city. In city the aiae of thin, it In of prime Importance that the lather and mother ho have the Inter t of their eon at heart, maintain an Initiation which cultivate chriatian nianlineKt ana iucro iout iinncipiui which ttand for honenty In all avenue of life' actlvltlc. Everybody ahould lie Intori'ated In the preervatlon of this too, locanne It door ii ever ajur for the liomehma and here (trangnn may find friend and harmlena amusementn. The cxpenne of providing for an organiaatlon of tin kind I heavy, only when one or two bear the entire burden, and llirht a oon a the people a a whole meet their individual responsibility, which I nmall, tut no less important or necenaary. It Ii to be hoped that the people of Oregon City revive this movement no that the city may not only lie known for ita in duntrlal resource but alno for its sub stantial christian cltiaenBhip and honor loving men and women. Awardku Diplomas. The following, who took the teachers' examination last week, received diplomas: Firat grade Elnie T. Taylor; second grade Anna Charlcson, Grace Allart, Bulle RamaKe, J. U. Nne, Marjorie Canfleld, Ella J. Iloehike, Mary Itogois, I.I 1 lie Kowland, Agnes L. Wilson; third gradtt Mahala (Jill, l'carl Garret, Ora Lewollon, Lizzie Shipley, Grade Edwards, Irene Cartor, Nettie Waldnn, Martha fitnrclilor, Octa via lliirmann. Mary F. Hurlh, Clara A. Holmntrom, Osia Baker, Ira Harrington, Jas. 0. Marquam, Claude B. Stone, Florence E. Tatty, E. IIoaglnnd,Evenda Lund, Susana Morowoy, Angela Gronde, Myrtle Griffith, Lurline Cochran; life diploma, May Kelly ; state certificates 3, A. Jennings, Emma Sturchlor, P. L. Coleman. A Mkiiiiv Tik. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. BwHlTurd's home on Wt'diicn'luy evening wan full of luiiKhlrr and merry-making, for a few of their ninny fileml came, In an lufiirinul manlier, to py their re DpecUto MUn Mia Hwafliird, of Halem, who I vinitlng thiiin. A merrier soclul lime I sehloin enjoyud by younu or old. An organ, ikillfully played by Mint Nellie, flooded the parlor with do llghtfiil ineloJy, and nuvunil cliulco vocal ncliH-tloim and guliar Solon, coutributed to It all, a charming treat. Following thin piiinn Jviul couverHutlDn and mirth provoking games, during which fre'pient outburst of hearty laughter, bore evl donee that youth' Irrepressible; si-lrit wan surely present with iU fun and enthu sIhmid. When the vlhltorn were about to leave, Mr. Bwafford pluasantly sur tthmii mem wmi a nanny lunclieon, which the most delicate appetite could not resist. This cloned the pleasure of the evening, and all departed, e.igvr to aifiiln return. Stolitih Which.. A young man by tlie nsino of Hen Thompson wa suh- Plclonutl ol stealing a wheel, which sud denly dlsapiNian-d from tU V'et Bide Electric station on lant Thursilay. Of ficer Khaw, who I filling Tolice llurn' jionltlon during his absence, was notified concerning the siisplcioned party and the missing wheel and thereupon befcan to carefully investigate. Monday afternoon, while standing near the utipenion oringo, iirn J liompton was seen coming across, covered with dust and looking rather the worse for travel. Keeing Of ficer Shaw, he started to escape but was caught, ami on being questioned, ac knowledged that I s had taken the wheel, and sdmilted that he had traveled all over ths western part of the county, and was on his way back with the wheel when it broke down near Bolton. lie ad an examination before Justice Kchue- bel and was Ixiund over to await the ac tion of the urand Jury. Cass or Animals A. Egebbardt and mother of I'ortland, were vlsilinir on the hill Wednesday morning where they found a dead horse tied to a tree, with a young coll stauding pitifully by the dead mother' ride. They reported the mat ter to Police Khaw, who quickly found the owner of the borne. The owner de declared that the horse had been watered Ihe night before and given the ;rocr food. Whether watered or not, it want were evidently unnatisfled, for healthy animal do not die without some cause, and it would be well for ix-oule who have these faithful atiimuhj to water and d ud them with a little more prompt ness than is olten practiced. Dsi-ot IUi-aibs. The Southern Pa cific depot is receiving the attention of everal carjienters tills week, who are mildiiig new platform the way around, putting In a new foundation and remodeling the baggage room. This milding has peeu sadly in need of re pairs for months, and we need no longer be ashamed of it appearance Lost Hi Fi.nosr. Win. Derby. Damascus, was threshing on Win Bkiryin' place near Datnaacu Tuesday ami while vxaiuiuging the box of the machine, caught hi finger in the belt nd mashed it severely, making it nec essary to amputate it. uano ohckrt. uur Dana boys sus tained their reputation Thursday eve. iug by playing, In their usual able man ner.a dozen very pretty selections. They assembled on the bluff and entertained people as far out aa Klyville. fcoinoL OrXNs. The Oregon City uhllc schools will open for the winter term of work on the iOth day of Sestem oer, ai wmcu lime all pupils are re quested to be present for enrollment. Etructually yot gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or luggish, to permanently overcome hah itual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headache, colds, or fevers use Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Lost, on Wednesday, July 27, '08, between Oregon City and Wilhoit Sprints', the seat of a barber chair. Lib eral reward for return. Noblitt & Co., Oregou City. Back subscriptions of the Enterprise must oe paid up. We will take a lim ited quantity of good quality of hay and oats on back subscription. All kinds uf fancy good, hosery, rib bons, belts etc at the Racket store. Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent on long or short time. Apply to G, E. Hayes, office up stairs, opposite Hunt ley's drug tore. Last Friday young Ben llolladay was rescued hum the surf at Gearhart, after being taken with a cramp,by E. E. Lari more, ol Portland. FOR WORMS and other bowel com plaints to which chil dren are liable, there fa no medicine equal to AYER'S PILLS Mrs. A. CASEY, Figott, Ark. coum contr riucKKint;M. August Term T, F, l(;su, Judire, M. F. .Mark anil It, Morton, (.'oinniUnlouor. Adjourned August Term. f n the matter of thw report of viewer (d ihiinu" on the Lion road. (J.ini up on Wednesday, August 3rd, and laid over until Wednesday. August llltli The '(Hit ion was denied, and viewer of (UllIHges ordered tl.tid H4 follow! A.I. Jones, 4; J. M. Tracy, ft (JO; W. 1 Kircliein, I I m. In the mutter of the petition of John WeisiiiHiidle, et si, lor a county road cutnu up on August ,'trd, and luid over one week. Denied on account of an in dcllriku 'lesi.riptio-l in the notice of Io cs! lot) of proioM)d new real and that portion of the old road ti be relocated In the inaiu-r of the petition of W. II Nmith, et al, sgalnsl the rernissl in of tnxusou the Clayion estate, llio same was laid over until llin Heptembor court. In the matter rf the warranty deed for the Deep creed bridge itu, the natno wa act-eptoiJ ami onJored recorded. InthomatUir of the bond of M. Strickland, coroner-elect, thevamtf wa tccepieu ana pprovei). In the matter of the alii lavit of Theo doro Wygant (or tax rebate, the peti tion was uunteu. In the matter of the petition of I'IiomImi . hharp f.jr a road of public easement, the viewers, James Wilson ... i. .. . . . . r ran a r.aies ami uaviu limner, ap pointed lo view said roal ami a-e dainaite. reported that Ilia nHtitionera should pay damuKus to the ex-adininis- trator ol estate, and notified to meet August 2711), 1!8. In the matter nf the claim of J.L aldron (or a home k'lled. while work union road. It was ordered tlmt ha ba sllowed til to aid in navinir (or the loss oi raxi norse. In the matter of the netitinn of W. II rturglmrdt, atrent. (or a franchlKe (or an electric railway over and uooo certain roads of Clackama county, thn (ollow ing order ws considered, but laid over until I no heptemhnr term, on the first day oi sani term Hcntoraber 7th. at 11 ocioca a. ni., to give Hie property own era siong me proposed line an oppr uinity to present lliuir view In thd mat ter. "This Comliiir on rnulnri v lo oe nearo, ami it appeartmr to the court that said ellllon should be granted aim an itiiiigs buiiig by the court con locreu, ' It is ordered that there ba and thers I hereby it ran led unto W. II. Burit hardt, ag-nt, and his assigns, the right and itriyileiru to lav down, maintain and operal iron and steel railway iracKH. ami lo erect Do d ami ai.nh ances and stretch wires thereon for the puriHo of Iransmittinir Dower, to be useo in operating aaut railway and (or railway purpoaes ami to operate a rail way by electric power upon the road of iiacxama county a (ollowi Bt'Kinninit at the intersection of Sor enth street. Oregon City, rlth Molalla avenue; thence along the West side of Molalla avenue lo junction ol Molalla and Highland rosds; thence along the est nine ol said lliirhland road to point INK) feet South of South pier of wnai is anown as the Latourotte bridge. "The track of said railway ahall ba single one with necessary turnouts and turntables ami shall be laid and the poles eroded for the purpones herein before specified slong the Westerly side oi sain road and witlun a line luieet from the westt-rly side of said roads ac cording to the surveys thereof, which space is hereby granted to said W. II. ilurghardt, agent, and lo his assiuns as a right of way (or the purposes of said railway; said road to be pi 'teed upon adopted grades, excepting where spec ially agreed upon between this court and the said Bmkhardt, aitent. or hie as- simis (rum road abutting property. ".o rik'tit is irranted to uso any county bridge or culverts. 'The track over said right of way shall bo completed within two years (rum thn date of this order, and work shall be commenced upon the said right ol way lor the purpose o( preparing it lor tlie said tracks and poles within one year from the date hereof. "The ritrht ia reserved bv the county court to make necessary orders or rules lo reitulate the lunninu- of the railroad over the roads of Clackamas Co that may be necessary for the convenience and safety of the public All riifhts and privileges herebr con ferred shall expire at the end of 50 year from the date of this order, or upon failure to comply with any of the pro visions of this franchise. "Said W. If. Biirchardt. aitent. or his assigns, shall within two years from thy date of this order and thereatte.' during the term of this franchise, operate cars upon said railway at least once each day In each direction, over the entire right of way hereby granted, and a fail ure to operate said cars (or more than 100das in any one year shall work a forfeiture of this franchise. "A failure on the Dart of said W. H. Burghardt, aitent, or his assiitns, to comply with any of the provisions of the. iranchise shall work a forfeiture of all rights and privileges hereby couferred." Also, under same conditions: ' "BcL'innins at a point on West side nf Highland road. 1800 feet South of the south pier of what is known as Latour ette bridge; thence along the West side of Highland mad where the north and south one-half section line of sec tion 22, township 8 south, range 2 East, intersects said Highland road." In the matter of Ihe netitinn of Pliilin B. Haute and otherB for work on Mount Angel road, the same was referred to Supervisor Young. In the matter of fllline road in dis trict No. 20, the petition was granted. Tlie Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock- bridge, Ga., while attending to bis pastoral duties at Ellenwood, that state, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says: "By chance I happened to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and 1 think it was the means of saying my life. It relieved me at once." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. THE EXCEUDiCE OF OTP OF AGS la due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it ia manufactured by aclentlflo processes known to the California Fio Sraup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true aid original remedy. At the genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured by the CixiroimiA Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one ia avoiding the worthies imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sthup Co. with the medl cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs ba given to millions of families, make the name of the Company guaranty of the excellence of It remedy. It i far la advance of all other Kxatlve, a It acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it doea not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get iU beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AX FBAXCISCO, CL LoruriiLB. Kr. new w. jr. In the matter of the application of Mr Wyland lor county aid. he wa granted $8 per month, to be paid to Mrs llient-n, in the matter of the lond of Jacob Shade, treasurer-elect, the same was ac cepted and approved. In the matter of the bond of J. J. Cooke, sheriff-elect, accepted and ap pro, en. The road supervisors' reports on bridges lor July was accepted. In the matter of county aid for Mrs. Fleming ami (atnily. she was granted M per month to begin September 1st, im. In the mstter of the hill In district No. R. referred to Commissioner Morton with power to act. It was ordered that the monthly al lowance of Samuel Forsythe be discon tinued irom una une. In the matter of bids for wood for court house, bids were received as fol lows; h. M. Haines. 12 25: Georire Uzelle, $2 40. Contract awarded to Homes, to be delivered according to no tice. In the matter of work In road district No. 2, $125 allowed on Sunnyside mad ana also to brace tscott s creek bridge. In the matter of the report of the clerk snd recorder for the month of Auirust 1808. Tbe court having examiued same iney are Hereby approved and show collections as follows, to-wit: Clerk $75 00; recorder, $125 65. In the matter of mileage and Der diem oi me county commiasioners lor the . .i . . . . month of Auirust. 1S98. 8 F Marks 11 lays. 26 miles. $.36 CO: J R Morton. 11 days, -'U miles, io 00. DILLS allowed. . M L Moore, back pay, treas acct .$50 00 w Jones, road and bridire acct.. 53 83 U v ouderahe, road and bridue. 53 R Miller, road and bridire acct... 3 00 Lyman Herrich, state vs Wilhelm ' MoUele, Ousanacct 10 60 Thomas Bechill, slate vs Wilhelm Mofieler. inxaneacct. 10 60 Adolf Aschoff, state vs Wilhelm Stofleler, insar e acct 10 CO R Freytae, pauper acct 4 00 00 Hospital, pauper acct 73 13 C Schuebel, state vs L llemler... 3 05 H V McCown " " ... 5 30 F W Sulliusn, witnes 1 70 F Himler, witness 1 50 C hchuebel, state vs L Locy 3 20 K L Shaw " " 1 70 O Schuehcl, state vs S Adler 4 95 M F McOown " " 8 60 Herald, printing 38 00 Geo firoughlon, lumber 538 00 Harry Freeman, coroner acct .... 1 70 O C Press, printing 18 30 U U Herald, printing 15 75 I. H Feater, sheriffs acct 11 00 MrsL inesett. psuper acct. ... 25 00 Chas Moehuke, road and bridge. . 71 58 John Bittner, road and bridge ac. 36 25 Geo Blount " " " 21 25 W France 31 87 H Trembath " - - n cO G W Church " " " 13 50 John Greenwtdl, road and bridge. 6 00 ureenman, express 25 T Barlow, broom 30 Jacob Castell, pauper act 1 50 b A bominer, insane acct o 00 Circuit Court Baliffs Thomas Miller, circuit court baliff 3 00 T W Kouts " " " 3 Oil E D Olds, road and bridite acct. . . 75 60 In the matter of the reports of road supervisors for the month of July, 1808, court havinit examined said reports, it is ordered that they be, and the same are Hereby approved, and the expenses of the several disiricts are hereby ordered paid, and the clerk is hereby instructed to draw warrants on the road and gen eral fund for the several amounts, in fa vor of the following named persons: Road District No. 1 11 Meyer, lumber $10 10 Paul Spooner, road fund. 1 50 1 50 4 00 1 60 Harry (jidord " ' W H Couusell " team, road fund. Total Road District No. 2 B Grainer. road fund. .$18 60 ...12 00 ... IS 00 ... 18 00 ... 3 00 ... 15 00 ... 60 75 0 K Cramer " . Noel " . Dosheals " . Luthwait " " . I Wilson " . Harrison Imel ' . 6 00 Milow Thompson, road fund 7 50 Willis Imel " 3 75 B Dan ford " 7 50 M Webster " " 1 50 Total $93 00 Road Dhtrlct No. 3 J 0 Elliot, general fund, nails.... 65 Jos Buckmsn, road fund 15 40 Chris Hiner and team, road fund.. 24 00 Henry Bock, road fund 15 7.J Orin Orilliih ' " 15 00 A W Cooke " " 42 50 W W Cooke " " 10 60 O Willman " " 1 60 H psnlson " " 3 00 Wm Berrlngnr " " , 9 00 Grant Mumpowpr fl 00 John Hat ton and team...... .... 0 00 A Forties ana team 9 00 Wm Hkirvin , 7 60 J R Morton 2 60 DVinzant 3 00 F Notnagcl 1 50 O Muinpower 3 03 J C Elliott, nails Jos Bach man, blacksmith 15 Totsl $235 60 Road District No 4 II KCnrrln $4 00 Ed Noble 1 50 Total Bad District No 5 . t v A Vetach O Aemisegger W Kichey DHedderman 2 O Richey 1 1 vy ISormtf , W Berniker 3 00 00 00 G Rich 4 W Deen 6 0 W Richey John Epperson 3 00 3 00 1 60 1 60 1 60 2 50 2 60 6 12 W Holt J Anderson O M Anderson O M Richey and team.... J A Richey and team. . . , J A Richey, supervisor... Total $01 64 Road District No 6 J H Revenue, supervisor $12 00 Road District No 8 CPWsre 75 WMl'osalsky 75 Total Road District No 9 Peter Pohl Frank Ochs.....', Jacob Schmidt Herman Linn II Johnsen Totsl Road District No 11 J R Jones, general fund. Henry Gill Sam Forcythe T S Mann '. J Jones A Asmus C A Holmstrom 8 25 Total $127 04 Road District No 13 L Teney and team A L Mattoon and team ... G Wallan aud team F A Mattoon , J Mattoon, with team .... D Zurcher A J Rardolph W Burhlord ...$ 3 00 ... 7 50 ... 6 00 ... 3 00 ... 8 00 ... 3 00 3 00 3 00 LLTenney 1 50 00 W H Mattoon 6 Total... $12 00 Road District No 14 B F Linn, general fund 53 1 J L Swaflord 19 0 O Kuntzman 7 5 John Gillet 6 7 8 Oitleaby 4 50 Ed Baldorf 12 2. rred Williams 26 25 W Muir 10 50 H Muir 18 25 C Nash 3 50 District No 15 R il Tabler $13 00 lieo Kidder 15 00 R W Porter 3 00 Total $31 00 Road District No 17 Bridite work on the Kniitht aud J. Nat bridge. Carlton A Rosecrans, nails $ 1 75 Ad kins Bros, lumber 34 14 A Knight 1 60 Wm Biasell 3 00 F Deyoe & 75 C Huiras, hauling lumber 1 50 C Morras, hauling lumber 6 75 D R Dimick, supervisor 10 00 D R Dimick, hauling powder 3 00 F H Renood, hauling gravel 1 50 Total $09 89 District No 18 Work on Highland and Molalla road Wm Beeson & Son, lumber $175 00 h Irish 3 00 Moses Thomas 3 00 Jones 3 75 Thomas Daniels 6 00 Jacob Steiner.. 6 00 John Bohlnnder 6 00 W illiam Martin 7 50 Wm Griaenthwaile 6 00 Henry Hughes 6 00 Carl tStudeman 4 50 Albert Hornschuch 1 60 Henry Ginthcr 1 60 D W Robertson 1 50 George Schmidt 1 50 Eugene Cummins 1 50 A Schuebel 13 00 E W Hornschuch 13 00 " hauling powder.. . 3 00 Total $275 00 District No 20 W Jones, general fund I 7 60 W O Buckner, general fund 25 M L Freeman 5 50 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 3 50 1 50 33 So W T Henderson " 11 11 Correl Stromgreen " Joseph Fellons " W Mayfield " F Mayfield " Welch and team " W North " W O Buckner Total. .$41 68 SILVER PLATE THAT When youBUY SPOONS, Buy reliable brands, even if they do coat a little more. They are worth the difference. We sell the genuine, original Rog ers Bros. ware. Guaranteed to be the beet in quality, style and finish. BURMEISTEP & ANDRESEN, thejev?IlgeS1's. Royal aiakM tha food para, wholMom and 4nfet FOYDEii Absolutely Pure 65 40 otm uima towtir co., tw voml vu t:.,,i. w Levi Bobbins, general fund $ 1 60 25 00 if l A 1 rulhnger fcros. general fund... 15 M A Engle 9 00 M ScharTer 6 00 F Schoffer 3 00 B F Harless 3 CO R Dickey 12 CO V Dickey 7 50 W H Engle 8 00 B F Harless ,. 3 00 B F Noyer l 50 H Engle 1 60 R Eickey 4 60 OEall 4 60 Total $74 34 District No 23 Work on Aurora and Taylor bridges. C Zimmerman, general fund. ...$ 3 00 J J Miller, general fund 1 50 W J Miller, general fund 6 00 Total $10 60 District No 24 Work on Barlow and Marquam roads. R Garret $5 25 L Yoder 2 50 E Miller 1 co G H Kinzer 10 05 75 25 60 60 Total $19 00 District No 25 Graveling and work on Canby and MacKsbnrg and Molalla roads. J W Smith $ 7 50 G W Scramblin 6 75 John Barth 7 50 C Weismandel 9 75 II Harnes 12 00 Park Wallace 9 00 Chas Harnack 6 00 F Webner 1 50 Geo Harraes 6 00 J E Walls 6 75 H Kummer. 6 00 L E Bowers 1 50 J J Gibson '. 1 60 F Lamour 3 75 Bert Wallace 1 60 J H Daly, supervisor 16 00 Work on Oregon City, Silverton, Canby and Macksburg roads. H Kummer 2 25 J W Smith 1 60 John Barth 3 7s Park Wallace 1 fift F Webner 1 fi B Lnbbens. .. 1 60 .. 3 00 .. 4 50 .$120 00 J H Daly, bridge , J J Gibson , Total District No 27 Sturges Bros, general fund.. J S Yoder, general fund . . . A Yoder CT Touny, supervisor Total District No 30 Pope & Co, general fund ... . .$27 96 J Bk-kner " .... A Fortuer " " J Pitta rt M Peterson J Obrien and team Total District No 26 ..$34 37 .. 8 1 .. 3 12 .. 1 60 .. 6 00 1 87 .. 6 00 .. I 50 . 1 60 .$34 34 LStehman... A L Pratt " JAken J Shaver J A Hannager CDurrell , A Wells J R Shaver Total District No 31 Z Elligsen and team xafft C Baker 7 50 CPolifka 160 P A Baker 4 00 Total $17 jo District No 32 General fund. R Vincent $24 45 W E Heater 3 75 H Yobs IM O Calkins 160 S M Hilman 4 50 H Yeager S Oft E L Baker and team 3 00 voss 1 Rft EL Baker 3 60 Total $29 25 District No 35 O C Iron Works, general fund....$ 6 85 r oze, general fund 8i Waldo Long, road fund 1 50 Brodwell 75 Total. .$9 40 What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. ccrrALo, n. i . UENTS ; r rosa my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, lam prepared to say that it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by Charman & Co., druggists, Oregon City. WEARSs CITY ..$ 3 36 .. 4 60 . 15 00 .. 6 00 $ 1 87 3 00 10 90 7 60 2 00 8 00 i