Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1898. 3 PERSONALS. In town art at In our Mm. 1 Shaik linn bcimon th uWkl Hat. Win. Malloon, of Viola, was Monday, Mr. nml Mm. J. it. llanny Long lluach. W. lini'l, l Clackamas, i city this wiM'k, (I. Wills, of IIHUboro, was In dwelt) ility last Week, 0. A. l'tilllfM. of Portland, was on our strode Wednesday. Mr, and Mm. A. F. Petknr nra plan liliiK to k to the Ha Hldu Hnnday, fui a two wtH'ke' outliitf. Mm. 0. 0. Mlllor. Mm, J, M. Law rence end Miss Vttda Williams h-lt Bat unlay for a month'e slay at Wllhoit. Clmi. ('auMd mid larnlly ar back from a 10 days stay at I,onu Uracil. J. K. Wider, (lie Painasnis fariimr.wns on bunlncss, In this place Wednesday Miss Mm llnir, of Kngi-no, In In the city I Ik' Kiii'nt of Miss In (ioIiIhiiiIiIi. Mm. I Ioru o W Warns I spi ndliik- I few days whit rtdatlvea at Forest Drove llurbcrt ('lm ami Wilfrt-l White are Imi k from a pleasant outing m ar Mt. Homl. lion U. Hcott.of Mllwankcn, pnswd through our city Friday on hie wsy to Hali'iii. (1. II. Pcstow, wae In Portland Hntnr Jay In the Interest ol the Y. M. 0. A. of thin city. T. II. Joni-i, th pcech-icrowrr, of Marluii county, wae dolnn bulnis In thU vicinity Friday, Mlsa Vera I'hlllil'i, of North Yakama, liudiiiU lo kit with Mine Carrie llregiueoii, of llila city. MIkk I). lhoiiioii, nfHt. Inls, ia aiHUiiliiiK a few ilay a at descent with her c jui n, Mr, Vwliirg. Mm. It l!,xtnr, accompanied l.y her aon ami daughter, ara at Trout l.ake Wash., visiting relatives. MU llfli'M Uhnuvli, of thin city, who has been vislHrg friend un the I'laeka man, rrturnt-il home Mi n lay. Mera. IU1I, Grill o anil Ito Uml, o! Ktwne, were the gin-sla of the .Misc UnlilHuiitli, one ilny llila week. y.V. ttuik alio b la-en vUitiiiK Lli Mahhk fur several days, left lat week fur hii home al Coloina, Wash. John I'avlaaml wife, of rorilanil. were visiting fiimels'ln this city Friday ami left Hatiinlay fur an outing at Wilhoit. Mra. Win. Wtljiht relumed fiom a ihreti months' visit III Kfia uml lKtnuin, where the infl old friends end relatives. Mina F.ihtd rsixlfy . I.-ft this city Mon day to muka liir future home in Kansas where lu r fuHirr haa roil, led fur eiiiu time. Mini Jennie I'orUr fell Monday for a tniiih nccdid rrt at C'Uts.ip, where she will viitit bet eister-indaw Mia, C. W. Porter, j F.rneat Siratton. who him been visiting! friends in thiarlty.for the pst two weeks, returned to hi home in Poitland Wed nesduy. (io. Lrk, who lived In Oregon City four yeara hut who ia noar a resilient of Portland, opeut a few duya lo thin plain laxt week. J, Rrndley, who la njrti.llii(i Ma mm rm r at I'owell'i Valley, wan in town Wed nnfliiy, and reported cveryihlng in M aeeflon fl,jiniihllitr. Mr. (illhert lleduea, Win. Hivlnen and fumilv, Kielmrd IK and family and Mr. Stokea are back from a two wecltti trip to the moiintaina. A. 8. Duncan, ol New Yoik City, In apcelor cf the Totlal Tflcarajtli Co., and W. It. Memn, nmiiaKer of the Or'tfon lihea, wi-ro In this city lunt Tuunlay. JMr. and Mm. John lary, of Alhina, Veiled III thia city Sunday. Mr. Leary hua JumI rulurnml from a trip to Irelund, where he haa been vlaiting hia inollier. Winniii Hill, A. M. Kerohen, D. Kin nard, K. Hobh, S. Thompann and II. (1111 returned to thla city Tuesday from a a 11-d.iy'a aurveyin( tour through the country around the bond waters of the Clnckamiia. Undertaker Kyman, of Sherwood, panned through thia place Wednesday for Mare Inland, Cal to return with the body of Hoy Chapman, who formerly re aided lit Sherwood, and who died August 8th, while In the service of the navy, F. HutfH and J. P. Pimon.both clti nna of CurrinHVillu, were on hiiaineBa In Oregon City Tunndiiy. On beinu anked concerning th condition of cropa In their auction, they atate that all (ruin is of a poorer quality and quantity this year, than any raiaed in that r-oi tion for years heretofore. i3crliea(lh Restored Am ' ft ' - ir.!ViiVv, It B tnlMiry of Ii epluKiiuoiei run only ba H realized hf tliimi who hare eiporl- m'o J It, NurvouiiKtM, aht)liMif io, lieaduohen, nournlgta ami that rn!oriiMa VetluK t uiirent, cun lurtiljr bo cured hy Dr. MlliV (eUiratlva Nervine. So curtain la ' ,Mf!aa of thia fact that all dnicrMa aro autlmrlud to rufunJ prlco puld for the Ort . Ulu tried, l rovlJlntf IL Cum not bouv&t. :.!rk. Slunry Lruim, wlfu of tho well known hu'kainllh at Omud Junction, Iowa, sayai 1 waa trundled with alorilraiie, nerroua iiciui, hnudache and Irregular nirntruntloni ulferlng utiUjld liilw ry for ycurn, I uand vurliiiu 1vcrtlM'(1 ruiiiedlua forfiuittlneuia pluliiU ttenlitea belriK under tho cra of local lun, wltliiiut help. I noticed In Ir. Mllea' adverlUemurit Ilia tintluuiiilul of a ludy ciin-d of nlliiinriUvlinlliir to uilim, aud I khull novor reo to ttii.nk thnt In'ly. Her thtlmiiiilul liidiued nm to IT. Mlhn' Nervine and Ni rvo and Mvur I'llla, which ri!l4ired lue tohealih. 1 cannot any umiuKh for lr.Mllei'lU-u,i)dlea' i r. Mllna' Itemixllea araaold If all dm-. .-lata under a pmltlre tuurunUia, Unit botilfl Kumflia or money r .'ii'rtiil. IIiniU on dl- w i uf tho heart and :ii-rea frmi. AdiliKaa, ficrvlnoji Beatore J '. Hoolth rf k ml j:itEs Mtiui;ALA uun, tuo. for igCaXorttv I -.-'.'...T:g,A J ELY'H CRKAM BAT.M la a pnaltWeenra. Apply Into tho noatrlla. It la quickly abaorhod. W c'.tt at nrurelaia or by mall ; aamplca inj. by tnalU ItLa" UHU'i'UBlia, M W arwu bu.Now York City. Sum Stevens la taklntr his vacation at Wllhoit. Itev, M. I,. It ii w baa returned from hia trip to California. C. T. Howard made us a visit from Mulino Tuesday last. Dr. (ioueher, of Mulino, made a pro- fesklonal trip lo Vancouver tliia week. II. C. Ilawley, Iifun'a busy farmer, was In tho city on business thia week. Mm. CD. Laioiirelirt and family are ""joying the pleasurus of Wllhoit. llirry Kaaiham and Joe OiMMlfellow are tuck from an ouling at Wilhoit. Mrs. K. M. IlnrmeUtor left Monday lor anttnilin of a few days at Ke 'vrt. C. W. Noblilt, the liverymen, Bent a few ihtys Ihis week on his farm at Newly. Mioses Mina, Amy and llrssia Kelly, and Mis Nieta .Mci'arver are at 8ea View, Mitses Kale arid Mary Dolun, of Fort- land, are visiiitik their mother in Ihis plaen. The MisHos Lula and .Ittle Drer re turned Ihis week from a pleasant visit with friends at Davton. Kdilur Filch went lo Clatsop to return wiili bis family, who have been spending several weeks there. Mm. T. A. I'o'o aii'l duuifliter, Misa Laura, and Miss Hazel I'llobury are sojoiiiuiiiif at Long Iteai.h. K. D. Olds, the contractor, returned laal week from Washington, alieie l.e went in the luteiestof buniuess. A. Ticharulg, cleikin VurmeiMter & Andeiesvn'a jeweliy store, is taking hia vacation down the Columbia. Mra. II. W. Duir.motlu'rof Mrs. J. A. Montgomery, la spending a few weeks on her homestead at El wood. Miss May rilsbury left Wednesday evening for Oakland, Calif , where she will visit friends (or serial weeks. Miss Fthel ltlinn, of Atdoria, who has been vbiting Mips lititli Cowing left thl week with Mi Kuth, for Astoria. Howard Uowlttml, who ia city alitor of llm Kiigune Daily Guard, spent Wed nesday In thia city with, hia sister, Mrs. Keeler Ciuhhert, Miss Nellie SwritTord left with Miss Lila SwalTord, Friday lo spend the re mainder of the summer al the hitter's residence In K.ilem. Miss F,. M. Donaldson, tho accom plished organist of the Presbyterian church, left Monday for Colorado for the purpose of improving her health. . Mr. George Fields, of Moscow, Idaho, arrived in this city Wednesday and is the guest of bia aunt, Mra. H. J. Hard ing, and cousin, Mrs. A. J. Lewthwaito. C. A. Nash and F. T. liogers are out . . . . . . i ! . on their outing uowti tne ioiumoia. they go well supplied with lishlng lackle and expect a good timo for two weeks. Mrs. Marshall and two children, Wil liam and Urucio, Miss Claudia Hart and Miss Gertudo Nofzgor Is a party, which left this wuok to seek rost and rec reation for three weoks at Ocean Tark. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Albright and daughters and Mrs. Hurry Moody loft Ru idny for an outing at the popular Wilhoit resort. Mr. Albright returned Monday but will spend Sunday with the family. r It Is reported that Y. F, Morey baa rented the Knapp jeildoni.-o in Portland and will move there In the early fall. J, Piirdom, formerly of this city, but now of Grants Puss, was In the city Tuesday greeting bia many friends. Win. Samson and daughter, Miss Echo, were In the cily Thursday from thair Molalla farm, where they are spending the summer. K. Sudio Whito and her sister, Mlra Lute Martin, left for Astoria Thursday eyening, where t,liey will remain during the regatta. Mrs, James Taylor, of Iowa, Mr. and Mra. J. A. Taylor and Miss Annie Tay lor, of Ihis city, spent Wednesday the guests of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Proughton, on their farm up the Clackamas. "C. A. Williams, of Gladstone, lias re turned from a pleasant outing at New port. Mrs. Williams and son, Clark, remained at the Im ucIi to continue their vacation until September. Which do you like best grocer bills or doctor-bills? Use the wholesome baking powder Schil ling's Best n A II oho Chicken. To see men riding from one section of the country to another, on the brake beam, ia becoming a very ordinary sight, hut who would believe that this adven turesome life of Ilia brakehcam travelers could lend any attractiveness lo an un assuming foul? Strange as it may teem, chickens love notoriety, for as the over land csmo to a standstill at the depot Wi-duesdav morning, a whiU chicken was discovered safely peri lled on the brakebeaiu of one of the cittche. Some very devoted and conscientious friend of the railioad Informed the train officials that a featherly pasnciitrur was stealing a ride and soon the frightened chicken meeting willi t' warm a reception came down from its erch. It however, bad nut ridden far ciioiikIi for it no sooner left one train before it made a bold dash for the breakbeam on the local going south, tiut as truiumen do not make a practice of carrying hobos tree of charge, they kept the intruder at bay until the train was under way. A chicken that will hazard such risky undertaking as this, jimt apparently to see more of its own native land, should be given a "1-ccial cttr aicom, -aided by brans bund and several attentive waiters. "HeaTfll" Thia was Itev. Montgomery's theme at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening Alter reading a few verses from Iho book of Revelations, he explained in an able manner that although the xjetic side of KMple' nature loved to think of Heaven as existing, in kind deeds and pleasant smiles, yet these were only the beautiful elernola that came from some source higher than that of man's invention, and that Heaven was as surtly a definite place, made by God, as Portland ia in reality, city full of life and tireless activity. Then be touched eloquently iiKn the eudurlnit character of Heaven, showing bow it differed from the great city organizations of the world, in that when the world-renowned Athens, Home, Memphis and Alexandria had crumbled awar, and beon forever for gotten, Heaven would continue to en- Jure unblemished l.y the ravages of time, and this thought was followed by a beautiful portrayal of Heaven as a home from which friends need never part, an eternal refuge, visited not by death and undisturbed by earth's distress and dis apHjintnipnt, prepared only for those who endeavor to live according to the teachings of God's book. Krmnrkable Iloscue. Mm. Michael Curtain, I'lainfleld, III., makes the statement, that she caught cohl, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion snl that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Pr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself hcneflttrd from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, and ia as well as -she ever was Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Charman & Go's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents and (1 00. o aTs t o "tlx a. . Basra tha ItlB Hind Yoil Ha6 AlwurS B0Ufll Disorderly Conduct. L. Collutt, a Frenchman, living five miles from the the city, who baa been spending much of bis leisure time here the past week was arrested today by Of ficer Shaw, for uing profane language and indulging In disorderly conduct on the streets. Ho bad no defense to offer and was fined fO. Get your fruit Jam and jelly tumblers at Harris' Grocery. Money to loan at 8 per cent Interest on mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. C. Latonretto. Wanted. Some person to build a 5 or 6-room cot tage with modern conveniences to rent. Must be on or near Main street. No children. Address "M" care of Enter prise.' Table linens and toweling all prices at the Racket Btoro. Mrs. 0. P. Scroggius is visiting her sis ter at Portland. ffucklen's Arnica nalrn. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Ithenin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped banda, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman A Co., Charman Bros. Block. Price 2!ic. Falray Notice. Strayed from my place one black mare weight 1150 pounds, a little while strip In her face, brand quarter M, or M. She was unshod, Age about 7 years. Any party finding her will take her np and write to the undersigned and I will pay them for their trouble. Geo. Kaicii, Canby, Or, Bt telij Sffl S Mist B8 M THE DREADED CONSUND TION CAN BE CURED. They all say that HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters for Hay, Landplaster, Reeds, Etc. Carries the most complete stock ol First-Class Groceries to be found in the City. NEW AND COMPLETE LINE. af aaf M , Jt. Of GENTS AND BOYS' FURNISHING' GOODS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, snd goods for Fall and Winter. Also A NEW LINE OF SHOES Has just arrived from Eastern factories. All at the LOWEST PRICES. Please give tne a call. I have been removed for some time to CACFIELD BUILDING, MAIN STREET, NEtfT TO HUNTLEY'S Book Store. TOT. YAK3SDA. T. A. Dliieam. M. C, th Ureal Chsmlat ai I Scientist, Will Renil, Frr,Tlirrc Kortlriui His Newly SlwoTered Remedies to Sufferers. EniTOR EaTSRi'aisa: I have disco ered a reliable cure for consumption ai I allbrochial, throat and lung disease , general decline, loss of flesh and all cu ditions of wasting away. By Its time nsei thousands of apparently hnpele cases havt been cured, rinproof-positi' am I of its power to cure, that to inal its merits known, I will send, free, any afllicted reader of your paer, thr. bottles of my newly (Uncovered remeili upon receipt of express and post otli address, T. A. 8L(JUM, .VI. C, OHPine Street, New York. When writing the doctor, please mci tlon this paper. WHITE COLLAR LINi; COLUMBIA RIVER AND PU'iF.v SOUND NAV. CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA W. P. KHAXKK CEO. E. KKAMEB Krancr & Kramer rv. . : 225 Washington Bt. Portland, Ore. Dally trips steamer Bailer Gatz-rt-Leav every morning in Ids week at 7 o'clock, c: cept 8umlay . Returning, leave Ano" i every night In the week at 7 o'clock, exc t suri'luy. White Collar Line Tickets and 0. R. .t . Co. tickets are Ihterchanpable on steame i Itailey (Jatzert, T. J. Potter ami K I . Tliimipaou, (or Aatoria and a;l way piiir Klavel, IIwhco, rVaview, Long Beach, Ove Park and Nahcotta OIHce. Alder-street dock. Teleplioi t (Main) 351. Clnmhia phone .Vil. U.B. BCOfT, President. Practical Horses!? orsestyoer Track and Road Work a Specialty. Any style shoes forged in iron or steel. Wagon work and repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop on Seventh street, next door to Nobtitt's stable. T T A A A A tt.t.vt.v.v.vv.tvt.vttvttt.t; The Costliest Cough Cure is Change of Climate, and it's a cure that's not often possible and not always sure. There's a better idea about coughs and cures: Why not fit the lungs to the climate instead of fitting the climate to the lungs ? It is the power to do this that makes AYERS Ucny TTVi , reciora. THE BEST COUGH CURE in the land. It is a sure cure for colds and coughs; a specific for Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough; it prevents Pneumonia, cures La Grippe; and it so strengthens the lungs and heals the torn tissues that many cases of disease marked by all the signs of Incipient Consumption have been absolutely cured by its use. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral can now be had in half-size bottles At Half Price, 50 cts. We tried almost everything for asthma without success. At last we ued your Cherry Pectoral and the relief was immediate. . S. A. ELUS, Keene, N. H. When I had almost despaired of ever finding a cure for chronic bronchitis, I derived most excellent results from Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I can testify as to its efficacy." R. G. PROCTOR, M. D., Oakland CUy, Ind. "There wero sixteen children In my father's family and there are seven in my own. W iave never, since I can remember, been without Aver'e Cherry Tectoral, and have never had a case of cold or a cough that this remedy did not cure." b jlo WM MASON, Chicago, 111. " My wife was sick In bed for ten months and was attended by sue different doctors. All of them said that she had consumption, and some of them said she could not live a month. I bought one bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. It seemed lo help her, so I secured ona dozen bottles. Before- these were all used, she was completely cured and to-day la strong and well." w- EWING, Camden Point, Mo. .v . :r. ..,tt.rA with lnnir tmnlile. Sha had a severe couch. " ror more man w, ww - - - - great soreness of the chest, and experienced difficulty in breathing. A three months treat ment with Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral effected a complete cure. We regarded it as remarkable, the otner remecuea sne naa ineo nau liuieu i iu iv icuci. C. H. BURRIS, Marine Mills, Minn. as a 1 4 T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.TTT.V .A, .A. .A. .A, A, A. .A, i