Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
I OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY AUGUST 19, 180!. CORRESPONDENCE Kkdund, Aua. 10. The farmer aio jubilant over the proHpert of getting llirir harvest over without rain. TvUefaon ha commenced threshing 1 1 the lower end of towu with his (liresher. There ha been two new arrivals at Our town Bitu-e we wuie heard from. The liint wag a nine-pound boy at the 1,0 ne of Mr. and Mr. T. V. Unix, They cail him (ieorge Dewy Linn. The other I-a ten-pound girl, who arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kamuscher last Sunday evening. Several of our families have whooping ough. Mrs. Uatlie Wilcox invited quite a number of her lady friends to come and f pend the day, the occasion being her birthday. The day passed very pleas antly with quilting and conversation. Albert Wright, of lleppner, was spend ing several days last week visiting friends in this neighborhood. He ex fleshed much pleasure in the progiess that has been done for the cause of Christ ajiu-e he was last with us. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Collins, of East Portland, spent a few days of the past week railing Mrs. Collins' parents, Mr and Mrs. A. Sprague. Lycargus Mosher, who is at St. Paul forking, spent Sunday at home, lie came down on his wheel. Hop pickers seem to be in great de miand this year, as this community has Veen canvassed by four or live growers Liking for pickers. The F.pworth League will hold their meeting on Sunday evening hereafter, in stead of 3 o'clock as before. The hour !- 7 :30. Come one and all, and you will fce made welcome. W.J. Johnson and wife, of Russel t'lle, spent Sunday, Angust 7th, in this wn. They used to be old resident of litis place. Iry Bonney, of Hubbard, was seen in iuvn one day last week. Mis Olive Mother ia working for Mrs. Trincie Linn, Mark owen left Saturday. He is go ing to Eastern Oregon. t has. Rutherford is engaged to teach fie fall and winter term at district cum- er 75, tiiis being bis third term. The ople in that district know how to ap' preciate a gjod teacher. To the Teachers of Clackamas County. I tako pleasure In announcing to you that the animal teacher' Instituto for 18'JS, Clackamas county, will be held at Oregon City in the Barclay school build ing, commencing .Monday, August !M, at 9 o'clock, a. in. and closing Friday Se tember 2nd. The instructors will be Prof, J. H. Ackorman and V, A. Wetrell. Profs. F. liigler and 0. W. Durette are expected to adlreoa the in stituto on educational subjects. Mr. J. H. Strickler, of Oregon City, will fur nish vocal music at each afternoon ses sion Instruction will bo jiven in the best methods of teaching all tho common branches. The prompt and regular at tendance of all tho teachers of the countv is exported. Your attention I respectfully railed to the school law of Oregon, which reuuire all teachers hold ing state papers, as well as those holding county patera, to attend inctitute under penalty of having their certificate re voked for failure to do so without cause, The hearty co operation of our teachers is needed to make this an institute of interest and profit. We hope that you will enroll the first day and be present at each session . Your truly, 11. S. Stkanoc, Superintendent of Schools, Clackamas County, Street Superintendent Snldow worked all day Sunday on the brldgo on Wash-!k y Ington and 12th treets, putting on mm l wul If JN CTS mud sill and stronger brace. Last f r An Enjoyable Day. Several of Miss Vesta Broughton's friends spent a very p!oaunt day at her home on the Clackamas last week. Out door games and delicious refieshments engaged their attention and all declared that the occasion was one long to be remembered. Htple lane. . ,Vplk Lass, Aug. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Grace and children, of Oregou City, were the guest of Mr. and 3Irs. its. Shelly. Sunday. Miss Elsie and Courtis Gibbs were Tisiting relative at Needy, the latter f irt of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mau'z have gone to Fobilla to Bfend a few weeks visiting fi iends. .MiM Annie Epworth, of Portland, is flailing at Mr. and Mr. Geo. Bishopp's. James Shelly and Clay Green, who went to Eastern Oregon a ehort time ago, sue at home again. Miss Emma. Jonee, of Beaver Creek, ia visiting her sister, Mrs. Clay Green. Gilbert Noe, of Needy, was the guest f Courtie Gibbs last week. Misses Ida Barret, Mattie Mautz, L. llautz, George Hyatt and Mr. and Mrs. It K. Morris, of Oregon City, spent Sunday at Soda Springs. Itouued the Grave. A btartling incident of which Mr. John diver of Philadelphia, was the subject, iB narrated by him as follows "I was b a most dreadful condition. My skin W4B almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue oated, pain continually in back and tiles, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians Sad given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised "Electric Bitters," and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle Bade a decided improvement I continued fceir use for three, weeks and am now well man. I know they sayed my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." So one should fail to try them. Only 10 r nts per bottle at Charman & Co's. Trug store. The correct styles in Millenery at the lowest price. Our sale begins to day. Hiss C. Goldsmith. A Good Time. Ererv body enjoyed a splendid time last Wednesday evening at the social, given by the young people of the Presby terian church, at the residence of Fied Myers, on Seventh street. The lawn was brilliantly lighted with fifty Japan ese lanterns, hung from the limbs of the trees and the dozen tables, covered with their spotless linen and delicious ice cream and surrounded by a happy assembly ot young peopio, made it a scene of no little beauty. All who a preciaie a good tune and real ice cream should patronize the Bocial entertain meats given by these busy worker of the Presbyterian church. Letter List. The following is the list of letter re maining in the postolfiee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Auut 18, 1398: MES S UST. Anderson, J H Fleck. Ed Prof Bell, J no Graves, R Bobs, E Graham, it 8 Evans, W K Murphy, B F Stevens, Geo women's list. Berrv, T W Bolton, J B Foresight, Will Nelson I, Blood, Elsie Hector, Nellie Simnionds, Lula GEO. F. HORrON, P. M. Nice ready ma le Ladies skirts at the Racket stoie. Kirn. Andrews. In this city, August 12, '9S, to the wife of E. B. Andrews, a boy. week he was actively engaged on Jeffer son street, tilling up It numerous hole and putting ll In a much improved con dition. About one month ago my child, which is fifteen month old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave It such remedies a are usually given in such eases, but as nothing gave relief, wo sent for a physician and It was under his care tor a week. At this lime the child had been sick tor alnint ten day and was having about twrntv-ilve oiwation of the bowels everv twelve hours, and we were convinced that un less It soon obtained relieve it would not live. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended, and I decided to try it. I oon noticed a change for the bettor; by it continued use a complete euro wa brought about and it is now perfectly healthy, C. I. Booos, Sttiinptown, (iilmer Co., W. V For sale by Oeo. A. Harding, O-rgon City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No. I merchantable, W cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $3 40; Howard' RKt, (U. 40; Fisher' Best, $.340; Dayton 4.25: Peacock, 4.:I0 Ua'.s in sks, wiute, 30 cent per bushel, gi, 34. MillstutH Bran, 13.00 per ton shoits, $13.00 per ton. Potatoes 40 to 50 cents per sack. Eggs, 17t cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 25 to 35 cents ir roll, Onions, $1 50 per sack. Green apples, 60 to "5 per box. Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, cents; 50-pound boxes, cvorated, 6c prunes, 4 to 6 cents; plums, 3c. Bacon llama, 10 to 11 cents; sides, 8c 8 to 0; shoulders, 6 to 7; lard S'to 10 Livestock and Pressed Meats Beef live, 2lt to 3 cents ; hogs, live 3'' to 4c hogs dressed, 8 cents; !eep, V-h to $3.00 per head; himbs $1.75 to (2 50; veal,dresned 7c. Poultry Chickens, old, $:1 00 to $3.50, turkeys, alive, 8 to 10 cents ;r pound. Meade Corps Volunteer Auxiliary will give a lawn social on the Catholic church grounds Thursday evening. Atigu-t 25th, for the benefit of our boys now at Manila, The public is invited to come and assist us in our work. OASTOnZA. Bun tlx It Hied You Haw t!mrj BotizW Wick ii a sc. In this city, August 16, '93, to the wife of A. W, Wickham, a boy. Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor ner oi center ana sevemu streets. Das a choice and well selected stock of family groceries which he is selling at very reasonable rates. His motto is "live and let live, with honest weights and measures". Goods delivered to any part of the city. A Retaining Wall. Morris and Olds, the bridgebullders, tommenced this week to build a retain ing wall, 76 feet long, along the bank of Hie Abernetby immediately in front of Frof. Gray's residence. The high water las washed out the county road, running parallel with the stream and with the and of this wall, earth can be filled in ar.4 (Le road rendered safe for travel. av'aVaa.aWV.aa. , A. - ' w" w w w w w W William's Kidnev Pills C Has no equal in diseases of thesf iLd Urinary Organs. Have x k vou neclccted vour Kidnevs? Have T . you overworked your nervous sys- m rouoie vina vour k .Kidneys and Bladder? Have vouT Pains in the loinn. sirln. Tinr'lr. crroinu M I and bladder? Have you a flabby ap pearance oi the face, especially r under the eyes ? Too frequent de- f nire pahs r William , rills will impart new life i 'easea organs, tone up "a mane a new man .mail 60 cents Per box. . luuin ro. c froM.. For sale by C. G. Huntley. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cores Headache, Nervousness, Eiuptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Charman & Co., druggists, Oregon City. Experience is the best teacher. Use Acker's English remedy in any case of oughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cents and 50 cents. Geo. A. Hard ing, agent. OASTOnZA. Banti -yIha Kind You Haw Alwart Bought Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Charman & Co., druggists, Oregon City. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Played Out. Dull Headache, Pain in various part of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loe of apetite, feverishnese, pimples or sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eloxir has never failed to cure Scrofulous Syphilitic oionB or any other blood dis eases. It is certainly a wonderful rem- 'dy and we sell every bottle on a pud- tive guarantee. Geo. A. Harding Agt. Notice Tor Publication. Un.l Oinc: a. Or gou Ctlr.Oru., Au. U Ll'J8. Notle ! ber;ir iveu ci: t ih.IowIiir. ijmel M'tt er li B I no'.k'u o' M tola iln u inik 8 ml proH In iupo uf hlM rUlin, au) t.iui mil i prooi be .rnide b;lor( the K-nl-ier and Keeclver at llr gou City. Or.., uu iKp-Uiulj-rViih, IMM. l: iE IKoK D. hEKD, II. E 110V9, toi the .N . : at bvo. 14, Tp, t 8., USE. Ho Dime, tha follow. nt wltneowo to pror hli coniliiuoua rj.lUuo upoo aad cu tlvatluu of mil Itml, tIi: FisDk Ab ert, of Bimell, Omon: Mad ton Rd, of L kxii, O-eK'in; lUrtiu Jj(ii d. of UHtan. Oraon a id Jiinn Muilc-i, o. Onga t'ltv, Or noiu CU-t. B. MOOKRS, Rsint- r 2 3 President Hill, of the Great Northern is gotnj to put In elevator along hi lino and handle wheat in bulk Instead sacks as now handled on the coast. Mujor Fish reports 20 feet on the bur of the mouth of the Columbia at low w uter. There Is a scarcity of ship coming to the Columbia compared with one yea ago. Miss Perxlo Wing, of Washougiil, was diuwned w hile In surf bathing at Clot sop. She was caught In the current am! ia supposed to have been killed by the shock as she did not sink and had no water In her lungs. i ne ureal .ortnern inino near Uan yon City has been sold to Salt Lake capitalist. A great deal of green fruit I being iblpped East from the vicinity ol Salem a bile much mure will lie dried than In former year. A man by the nnme ofTrllwood shot a rancher by the name of Adam at Klamath Fall and his nine-year old son and shot at hi wife. The trouhlo grew out of the settling of accounts between them. Trilwood had been working fr Adam. The son Is badly hurt, hut (he father may recover. A. J. Steven,of Portland, was drowned Saturday at Long Beach. He ventured out too far ami was caught by the under tow or cramped. The Presbyterian Sunday school ient Tuexday on a pictuo near Willamette Fall. The school wa well rer"'cntcd aml(all hud a good I"" Miss Hazel Stella lavidou bus kindly presented this ollice with numerous beautiful bixjiiet.i, from her very allrat; live (lower garden on Sth and MainB'rcrt. Her (lowers are of a rare variety, and her gifts greatly appreciated. INe Ourtjmker Cabinet. Enjoy Turkish, Ktlesian, Sulphur, Perfume.), Theriuil, Medicated and Vapor Baths in the privacy of your room at home or abroad for three cents. Water baths cleanse the outer skin or suriace oniy. w ir method cleans-, purities, invigorates ami tone up the en tire system inwardly by 0x-nlng the flye million clov'g nl poic of the skin, enab ing nature in her own way to expel by perspiration all Impurities and ellele matter from the body. Make your blood pure, your sleep sound, your skin soft, white and beautiful. You feel younger, like a new being. It pew lively re vents and cures disease. The Quukur endorsed and recommended by the motft eminent physicians and over 07,000 users. Ladies are enthusiastic In its praise. No assNtant or experience . .,. ... neeuea. a mini ran onera'e it. ror ale by Steward A France Oregon City. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. VF. ARE ASSERTINQ Itf THE COURTS !OUR JIIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. . DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of llyannis, Massachusetts, was tho originator of CASTORIA," tho samo that has homo and docs now hear on every tho fac-simile signature of Qtffl&cJ&tc wrapper. This is tho original "CASTORIA" which has been used in tho homes of tho Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and sco that it w tho hind you havo always bought jf on tho and has tho signature of C&s7&&ti: wrap per. No one has authority from mo to use my namo except Tho Centaur Cominy, of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is President. Do Not Bo Docoivoi Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he nukes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Havo Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having Tho End That Novor Failed You. tNI ? MUMNf, mumav fr, ki Tea air Send the K.mkhpkih to your friend In the I.aht and thus give him an idea of what Is going on In Clackama county, It may induce him to locate with u jC JK j9 -tV A Ax. Jic0liSki. Jr. l. holman UNDERTAKER : 4 ....AND ... ' i . EMBALMER 1 Carries a complete line of Can- j, kels, Cottlins. ItiitH-t ami Linings of superior quality and moat I1 moderate prices. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's DruR Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Beet shave in barber shop the city at Johnson' "Three from two you can't," Bays the schoolboy. Right I Three from two you can't, either in dol lars or dividends or sarsaparilla. It takes the beBt sarsaparilla root to make the best sarsaparilla ex tract. The best sarsaparilla comes from Honduras, C. A., and the Dr. Ayer Co. practically controls tho entire product. Yet others claim to be making "best "sarsaparilla. They must be making it out of tho remainder left after subtracting three from two. Cut, " three from two you can't." You can't mako the best sarsaparilla without bust root. You only get the best when you Gel itfefS Sorsoparliio which is made wholly from the best root imported from Honduras. JJ.B You Disappointed? I7TH ANNUAL SESSION HTATIC NOKMAI. HCIIOOI, MONMOUTH. Illl Slnvtu ii t'iiie 1 1 irofii,i'nil (?nr- Wall riiliin ! t r i 1 1 1 1 1 K tii tr i n m of ulna rift..., illi eliliilriMi, i;-'illr niirinal roilm it( hra, Su! ir rr nrlinllr prii-l,ini. (Iraihiaict uf arnra.lill hlK'i achixil an I r.i iluiilli"! 'Iircrlly lu im!k. iinal rna illiiloma Ilia whixil ara rr law aa Ilia i-rr titii ta to law h I IV hi. Tlt iru liittU'i ol llio w'imi r In ilaiiu i.l ai ' ,. 'J i f1 'A l.ltllit aipaiiw tlia yaar fur fritiii l jiiilM 1 1 I trarh I llritlllllill r I h".!IUIil liM'allm -li.l .i,Mlii.. Tha flrtt tiTui iia'ii rn" lay, Sitniiiar J I. ( aliloici" iriiiif fiill lUll id wirk, c't-xr 'fill fnilviHMii mi aiilirtiiiiii. A i lrtM V K WANS' M,-rlitrv uf tlia I.'., ill.' V. U CAMI'HKM,, I'ra.l Ic n'. L " i'llil.T.,!,. . i If -.J ,,-r,i.Hr- jLvt jwV' ' WW J' Zj3 4a.,' 'Jr.. Z' -V'., -T ' "mZ-, ml ' i MITCHELL AG0NS Have stiwxl tlio test of ycur. They arc tlio let W'ngons tioHHiblo to build, and if you want a noon hkmahiic wntron, ono tlmt will lflHt the longent and cont you tlio leant for repairs, you will buy a "MITCHELL" MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO Flrntand Taylor tH., Portland. Or Sometime people are disap pointed with the photograph they get. Perhaps they had expected we would shorten up the nose or take a kink out of the mouth. Possibly they thought we could put dimples where dim ples don't naturally come. Well we can do all this, but unless you instruct us that you want them otherwise we will muke the picture like the original, It us know your wants and we will supply them. ....THE LEADING.... Oregon Citv, Okr. ror first-class fresh cured Meats Go to Sf Chas. Albright, Jr. Free delivery to all parts of the City. Do You Know the News 2 V 1 Yon van have Hall for Per Month 50c Per Month In tho KvonitiK Telegram, of Port land. Oregon. It la thn largest evening newspaper puhliehou in Oregon ; It contain all the new of the Htate and of the Nation. Try it for a month. A sample cony will be mailed to you free. Add res The Telegram, ,1 tn ruruanui vr.aed