Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
frfiili'i.l Mbrnry Aiiftnlailon 0 Ci REGON Y ENTERPRISE. VOL.33. NO. 42. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1898. ESTABLISHED 18CG G K . IIAYIC8 ATTORNEY AT LAW. peolal attention ulvrn l Cuunly Cum t ml I'rolialtbunluvM Oflloa Upatalra, oppnulia Jlutilloy'i Hook-liir, Jlt8. 1'OWELL A bKAMANN Physician ind Hur((roiii, KmwcUI Keiitlon given lo iiirKlcnl work. Olllcelitmr: 8 lo II A.M., 1 lofl I'. M 6 to 8 I'. M. Room U ami 10 Cliarman Itlk. 10.0. mowmm. , ir.OAnriiLi, lUOWNEIX A CAUPliKU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oaauoa citt, ..... omaoir, Will practice In all lb oourti el III Hate. 01- BU, III lUf, 14 bulldlllf. The Best IS NONE TOO GOOD And when you buy CARPETS why not nvestiKatef We are showing now the finest lino and coloring! up-to-dato Morjuettcg, Body Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains and Hemps, licmnanta at re duced prices. BISLLOMY & DUSCH, TIieHotme Kurnl!ier QLACKAMAB ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. Kurnl.h, Ab.tiacta, Chain of Til', Dcrrlp Hull. Ijwih, lli.urni.rt., pay Taa I'erfcot Till, lo., io. onir Dvr timik ol Ur. u Viij. 1. tt. I'LAKK, Fro, i and Mur, 0UOH CITY, .... OBKUIIM, J II. MII.I.KR, DENTIST Fin Ml or U-rlli, Rulil crow m, alt kliuli of 11 111 t 'K bililKirk. Seventh HU near dtoU Oregon City, Or. r O.T. WIUJAHH. 'kkal kbtate anu loam aukht. good llu o( biuliinM, re.ldcuct am) auburban Properly. Farm Property In tract lo aull on ar term. Correapaiidenr promptly an.werad. Office, indoor 'Mill! of MuIIuhIUi clmroti. D. A D.O. LATOl'KKTTB, TlieiJ Tell Itx Ncr shoes show that she knew what to buy; also that her shoo man knew how to fit the foot. Shoes tell every time the habits and tastes of their wear crs. If you need new ones we promirto you satisfaction, Krausse Bros.... ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIM aTKKKT OHkllON CITY, OHKUON, furnl.h Ab'lraru of Till. Loan Money, Fore- eiine Hiiriaaara. ati'l Iramaci Ueueral Law amine.. 1 J K, CIIOHA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Win PaAtnra m Au. Coi'aT or mi Stat. Ural Eatata and Inturanre. OfBc oa Main 8tret bet Slslb aad Seventh, oaauua vitv. oa. INSURANCE I i FIRE AND ACCIDENT f t ) Railroad Tickets to all points East at low rates. I F, E. DONALDSON A. 8. DIIEHKEK, ATTOKNEYATI.AW. Oltlcor MrKlttrlrk'a Rho 8lora, near Ida Hank of Urrgoiil'lly. OaaiinM City, Ohkooh. J- L. POUTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW itaraACTforraoriaTT rvamnNio. OSloa nxl to Oregon CUT bank on tth itrvcL JJR, FRANCIS FREEMAN, DENTIST Graduate of the NorthwcaUrn Unlvo ailv Denial SoIkxjI, Clilcnijo. Alio American t'olletreof lVntal Hiirvry, With Dr. Woleh, WillamHte Mock. c SCIIUEIJEL, ATTOUNEY-AT LAW. 0I1U' ovrr MrKittrli k'i Blina Hlure, near Ilia Hank of Orrgtm City. OKruoH City Okiuon. milE C0HMEKC1AL BANK, OF 0KEU0M CITY. Capllal, 1100,000 TiiHiurTi oaNiatL bahiiho artmiM. Uxiia mail, lillln dOcounteil. Makaa col lection". Hum and mill exclianne on all pnlnu In Ilia I ii I led miic, niirnii ami iiong niiiia. bMMlta received iibjoui lo check. JJauk open from 9 . . to 4 r. M. D. C. LATOUHSTTE, I'ronldcnt. r. J. MKYKll, Caahler. Pate nt: ploar :J$ Your fmt fof II Manufactured in Oregon City from the best selected wheat on the market. All Our Flour Manufactured From Old Wheat IT IS FOR SALE inSandia Guanuitceq the best. Patronize Home Industry. B ANK OP OKEOCN CITY, Oldest Banklns Bouse In the Cltj. Paid np Capital, 10,000. Huiplua, I.D.bAU. raminaNT, - ctuaiia a. cachilo. Yica rnaiilanT, sao. a. HAamxa, OAimaa. - - a oauriaLO. A general banking bunlneni traniaoted. lpoilti received aubeoi to olieuk, Approved bllla and nolei (II icon n led. Countr aud oily warranti bought. Loam made on available leourlly. Imhang bouKbt and lold. Colluotloui maile promptly. Draft aold avallaule In any part ol the world Telearaphlo exobaiigei aold on Portland, Ban rranolco.(!lilci(oaiid New York, nteieat pal J on time dupoilt. THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for us and our groceries: That we oM'L-r the best of groceries at the low est prices. They have confi dence In our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries is the purest and the moBt nutritious. Lant, but not least, their grocery bill saves it self fully 26 per cent by their dimlinj with Marr & Muir. Our way of doing business Is to treat every one fair and square ml oiler the very best in our store. i ii mm mm To buy CAMP STOVES, CAMPING OUTFITS, LOADED SHELLS, or anything in our lino they may need. We carry the best line of Hardware, Stoves and Steel Ranges in the city. POPE St CO. Corner 4tb and Main Streets, - Oregon City, a i!Mjijijd5!d-Jrl'J-JJ'-:;V'J'1-J-'-j;j'J'J'J'l','J'j;'''r':'!1; A Rich Strike $ You cannot make money faster than by buying your . . Dress Goods . . . where you can get them cheapest. Klondike Is all right, but you must have clothes to wear, and the best quality at lowest prices can be naa only at Thomas Charman & Son's TEXT OF THE PEOTOCOL Terms of the Agreement Between The United States and Spain. The text of the protocol feigned between Spain and the United States is as follows: "His excellency, M. Cambon, ambassador extraordinary and minister nlpni- potentiary of the French republic at Washington, and Mr. William R. Day, eecre tary of state of the United States, having received respectively to that effect plenary powers from the Spanish government and the government of the United States, have established and signed the articles which define the terms on which the two governments have agreed with regard to the questions enumerated below, and of which the object is the establishment of peace by the countries, namely: "Article I Spain will renounce all claim to all sovereignty over and all her rights over the island of Cuba. Article II Spain will cede to the United States the island of Porto Rico and the other islands which are at present under the sovereignty of Spain in the An tilles, as well as an island in the Ladrone archipelago, to be chosen by the United States. "Article III The United States will retain the city and bay of Manila pend ing the conclusion of a treaty of peace, which shall determine the control and form of government of the Philippines. "Article IV Spain will immediately evacuate Cuba, Porto Rico and the other islands now under Spanish sovereignty in the Antilles. To this effect, each of the two governments will appoint commissioners within 10 days after the signing of the protocol, and these commissioners shall meet at Havana within 30 days after the signing of this protocal, with the object of coming to an agreement re garding the carrying out of the details of the aforesaid evacuation of Cuba and other adjacent Spanish islands, and each of the two governments shall likewise appoint within 10 days after the signature of this protocol other commissioners, who shall meet at San Juan de Porto Rico within 30 days after the signature of this protocol, to agree upon the details of the evacuation of Porto Rico and the other islands now under Spanish sovereignty in the Antilles. "Article V Spain and the United States shall appoint to treat for peace five commissioners at the most for either country. The commissioners shall meet in Paris, October 1 at the latest, to ptoceed to negotiations and the conclusion of a treaty of peace. This treaty shall be ratified in conformity with the constitutional laws of each of the two countries. "Article VI Once this protocol is concluded and signed, hostilities shall be suspended, and to that effect in the two cauntries orders shall be given by either government to the commanders of its land and sea forces as speedily as possible. "Done in duplicate in Washington, read in French and in English by the undersigned, who affix at the foot of the document their signatures and seals Au gust 12 1898." PROCLAMATION. Washington, August 12. The president issued the following proclamation: "By the President of the United States of America A proclamation: "Whereas, By a protocol concluded and signed August 12, 1S98, by William R. Day, secre tary of state of the United States, and his excellency Jules Cambon, ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of France at Washington, respectively representing for this pur pose the government of the United States and the government of Spain, the United States and Spain have formally agreed upon the terms on which the negotiations for the establishment of peace between the two countries shall be undertaken; and "Whereas. It is in said protocol agreed that upon its concession and signature hostilities botween the two countries shall be suspended; and notice to that effoct shall be given as soon as possible by each government to the commanders of the military and naval forces, "Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, president of the United States, do, in accordance with stipulations of the protocol, declare and proclaim on the part of the United States a sus pension of hostilities, and do hereby command that orders be at once given through the proper channels to the commanders of military and naval forces of the United States to abstain from all acts inconsistent with this proclamation. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington, this the 22th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and the independence of the United StateB the one hundred and twenty-third. William McKinley, President. William R. Day, Secretary of State. Pioneer Store.