Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1898)
8 HK;o CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY AUGUST 5, 189? THE VICIOUS JAGUAR HE FINDS A DEADLY ENEMY IN THE PLUCKY PUMA. v" ' Thrw Flrrr Sooth Amrrlomt Itrntr Flflil Each Otlur to t!,B lrm(li on Sight Two - Ihtltln Thut Show the OlinrnotrrlMIc of tho Animal. "Oil tf.o Aynrv liver, near its hond, lives onliil live thoro fivo yearn ago I wmiiiin of mixed iwttisli and Indiim Meo unwed Slariu 1'adilla, tho wifo of the niayordoiiiu, or foromau, of a rattlo raneh. I liave talked with her and heard from her lips (ho aeeonut of the fstitjj;o adventure she had wheu a child of 7 years. "l!er parents with their chihlren tvero niakiiiir a journey over a trail that led aloun the ftmt hills of the Maritime Andes. They had eneamped for tho -flight, and this ehild, while herparonts' atteuticu was uvapied. started into the forest to pit her thvwoxxl us she had of ten seen her mother do. Her absonoe was not noticed n'ltil she had been pino some time from the camp. As she pith eretl dry stici.s into a bnndle slm saw a Lirpo, Fpottul animal s'tealiu)? swiftly toward her. "Every South American country pirl of i knows a jaguar win u sho soos him, whether she has ever soon one before or not, for tho iirv;:d of thoso animals is an instinct aim-hp tho iuhabitants of regions which they friHjnent. Ovwiinio by fear tho girl could only stand still aiul await her fate. With her eyes riv cted on the she did not see where they came, from, but of a sodden she perceived that he was savagely fighting with two bus.'o. tawuy animals that bad repnms upon hiuL "The lfclit seemed to her to last a loug time, andcnij-tl-e brutes in their strug gles came very near to where she stood. Tho pnmas that I'ad attacked him kill ed the jauiT at last, and after standing over the bxly a few miuutvs as if to as sure thems iv s that ho would not re- vive they for tho first time turned their pue toward tho child, who had been too much terrified to improve her chance to . run away while tho beasts were fight ing. . " ""They favor.d her with a long stare. nd then, not oiTtrliig t. approach i;r barm u, "ial . dt libt rutoly away and trotted into the tiepiviorf tue f, r. est They sejircely had disappiuno when her father, having missal the , child and guided by the sounds of the fight, came running to the place with frun and machete and found her safe. He got a jaguar ekin asa trophy, though it was cut too nearly into ribbons by the pumas' claws to be of value. "In the Goarico country, at a village called Puraya, near the Merida trail, I saw au Indian named Jose Lobado whose face and bead were deeply scar red and wbot:e body was a network of similar scars from wounds received through being carried away by a jaguar when an infant iu arms. Of course he could not remember the occurrence, but his mother, who had rescued hin de scribed it to me. "She had gone to a tnata, or wooded pot, on the pampas for firewqod, carry- . ing her child, afu r the fashion of Ven ezuelan women of humble station, iu a shawl looped from her shoulder. This shawl, with the small boy in it, she slung to alow tree branch while she gathered her buudle of sticks, and she did not perceive the approach of a jaguar until he had seized tho child and was carry ing it away. "The niother grasped her machete and ran after the jaguar, shrieking. She managed to keep the beast in sight, but he was rapidly getting beyond her Tiew when suddenly the jaguar stopped, put the child down and bristling for fight stood with bis forepaws resting upon it' - "Then the niother saw that a- puma was fronting the jaguar. She hurried on toward where the two beasts faced each other, growling and snarling. Be- .fore she got to them the puma sprang, and at once tho two were fighting fierce ly above the child. In tho strnggle the ' child was rolled to one side, but before the mother could get to it the jaguar broke away from the puma and spring ing to the boy again crouched with his paws above him as before. "The puma leaped again and the fight was renewed, but again' tho jaguar got clear and jumjied to guard his prey be fore tho moth- r could get a chance to snatch her child. Onco more tho puma attacked his foe, and this time as the beasts struggled and tore each other an accidental kick from one of them sent the boy 20 feet away, almost to the mother's feet. "Catching him up she ran for home and got safe to tho house. Tho boy, though covered with claw wounds from head to foot and bearing dwp marks of the jaguar's teeth iu the back, where the beast had sei d him to carry him away, recovered completely from his in juries, although bearing tho scars for j his lifetime. Tho puma and the jaguar j were found, both dead, at tho place! whero they had fought. " Hiila'delphia I Times. Tho TallMt Landmark Iu tlx World. Tho most important Island iu tho Ca nary grouo is Touerit'e, whoso famous mountain is known to navigators as ond of I l.o most imposing hiinlinaiks in tho world. Tho mountain rises 13, 1S3 foot a! ove the sea, tho peak having tho form of u sn;ar loaf. Considering tho fact ;!...t. the i 'l.iud is iisilf a mountain, springing utmost perjvndier.larly from tho ocean, tho bottom of which is six miles below, Tcnerifo is tho loftiest jvak in tho world. lVsido it Mont i.lane is a pygmy, Cofopaxl, Kinchin jimjtu and Mount Kverest dwindle by comparison. While all tho islands aro volcanic and all contain evidences of Very recent action, Tcnerifo is tho only ouo which still continues in eruption, i The summit of tho mountain is a cir cular wall, iiu losing a crater a niilo in diameter and over 100 feet in depth, j From tho ofling, and even from tho soa-! shore, tho sides of Tcnerifo seem as though carved by hand, but tho im- mouse suo of the mountain is in pro-' portion to this crater, although it Booms iucnnliblo to tho looker on that at the mountain top them should bo one of tlm ' largest craters in tho world. Tho groat crater of, Tcnerifo has been miosvent ever since the island was rediscovered by Knnipoans early in tho fifteenth con. TlttOgltlllllg 111 Ittlfl, It is interesting to note In Smollett's "Travels Through Franco and Italy" that when tho novelist was making im excursion In Maih, KiO, from Nice' cross iho .Maritime Alps to Turin ho descended the l'icilmoiit, so slopo of the Col di Tonda toward Cuneo on a tobog gan. "Having reached tho topnf t'io moun tain," ho Mis us iu letter 88, "wo prepared fr doj-eviling on tho other ido I ; the lore, whu h is au occasional td .'dg laado of I vo pieces of wood, cur. vied : ty t.i'i coulauts (local guides) for (ho pui ios.t. i did not much relish this kind of . carriago, esHcially a tho mountain was Very steep mid covered with such a thick fog thut wo could hardly son two or three yanls U foro u j Neve' i lc.Ni or.r guides v. iv so oortl-' dent i:.l my companion, who hud pass j cd the . ine way i n- ct.'u r i tcasi ms,V-i seeuro that I ventured to p!:i(VMny-. ( j on t ;s niacl iiie, one of tho ceulaut. stain. I. '. iud mo ar.d t!:C (lUr . it-! ting bcfoiv mo us tho conductor, with his fict paddling in tho snow, iu order to in Hler.ito tho velocity of its descent. Thus accommodated, wo de scended tho mountain with such rapidi ty that iu an hour wo reached Iamon. Hero wo waited two full hours for the TUAININQ BUTTERFLIES. mountain side there aro smaller critters ! 1U wl,i,'h tvl.-l wiU tho serv.utts ... ... '. nr I in f tit, i,, v.tMil 1 whlctl rontintmllv mint Kiilnlinmiiii i 11 steams nialgast'saud wasionally throw out small quantities of lava. tit. Louis Globe-Democrat Kuui. The lack of niaehineliko disi-ipline in tho Russian soldiery is truly Asiatic, and so are the stagnation, patience, suf fering and squalor of tho peoplu. In Russia tlicy are drunken, instead of be ing gamblers and opium smokers as in China. The abseueu of a middle class and the gulf that takes its placo are Asiatic conditions. Iu Russia no man except a member of tho cabinet or a dip lomat dares to discuss polities. In other Asiatic countries tho people aro not forbidden to disenss them, be cause they have never shown any in clination to do so. No more do tho 119, 000, 000 muzhiks of Russia. Their intel lectual activity never goes beyond the affairs of vulago, familv, farm or em ploynient Their most active interest is m religion, but they make of thut such mere tissue of forms and mechanical or automatic practices that it is carried r without any moro mental effort than tho Botivlt ot a victim of St Vitus' dance. Tho leaven of progress is not in the muzhik any moro thau it is in the cooly. If Russia's system cf govern ment is to be threatened or altered, it must be by the 10,000,000 who reflect tho European ideals iu their dress ami manners and who present fertile ground for the propagation of European re forms. Russia's danger is from the top; the bottom is sodden. Julian Ralph in Harper s Magazine. This is simply tolsigganing used as a practical mums of transit for traveler!1 iu tho Aliis. Chambers' Journal. A Yitung New Viirlt Wiiinmi Who Kiijiiy a l'liii HUUiii tloii, Miss Helen Jonyngo, tlm younjt so prano of thiselty who has latoiy beoomo prominent in the concert world, enjoys the luibmo distinction of huvln'4 tamed ' and I ruined butleiilies. The idea of (ho performance occurred to her several year ago, but wlieu brouehed to sol n. tif'o frleiidi wits declared impossihlo. ' Notliiug (taunted, she iKgaii tho ta. k, mid at Ill's i met with repeated failure, j Siiuo biittcrllies pined ami died in cap- I tivuy ; o;lu is throve, but lost initio oi their wihl instincts. After time sho noticed that somo j species were tamer nnd braver t hint oth- j el's, ami (hat among theso several maul- j fesied it great liking for various inlildo bul'stances, chietly swiHt and aromatic Solid and llui.k j All butterthes have nienmry and will return o the place where they have' onal soilietliilig th y hkiv . Most of them taste and suioll, but do INNMHMNNHHf A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce fLSTIC STARCH (Mat Iron Hiatal), the iii.ituihn luicis, I. C, llubinger llro.n. Co., til Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to til VII AWAY a licmtiful present with cat h ut kiiu of starch sold, '1 hese irefci,t!i aro in the form ol Beautiful Paste! Pictures j They aro 13x19 indict in oUc.nnd aro entitled u'. iollowi: Natarc'a Stlrrr Work. Tlie process by which natnro fonns such accumulations of silver is very interesting. It must bo remembered tliBt tho earth's crust is full of water, which percolates everywhere through the rocks, making solutions of elements ob tained from them. These chemical solu tions take up small particles of tho pre cious metal which they find scattered here and there. Sometimes the solutions in question aro hot tho water having got so far down as to bo set boiling by tho inter nal heat of the globe. Then they rush upward, picking hp the bits of metal as they go. Naturally heat assists the performance of this operation. Now and then the streams thus formed, per petually flowing hither and thitber be low ground, pass through tho cracks or cavities in the rooks, where they depos it their loails of silver. This is kept up for a great length of time, perhaps thousands of years, until tho fissures of tho pocket aro filled up. Crannies permeating tho stony mass iu every direction may Ijoeome filled with the metal, or occasionally a chamber may be stored full of it, as if a myriad hands were fetching tho treasure from all sides and hiding away a future bo nanza for some lucky prospeotor to dis cover. Ptarsou's Weoklv. A Quick Wlttril BaptUt. O110 of tho candidates for tho state senate down in Jefi'cr.-cn county, Ala.. was a prominent baptist, and ho ex- ( pected his fellow churchmen to help push him along. The' story goes that ho was campaigning 011 a country beat and had tho good fortune to fall in with a 1 whole congregation of liaptisl s. Wheth-1 er a prayer meeting had jnt been held or what the occasion of the gathering was is not known. About this time a light shower came op, and the candi-, dato at once raised a large umbrella I which he was carryin?:. j "Von ure not afraid of this little 6hower, are you. brother ?" re marked one good IJaptirtt, standing near. "Not at all, " responded the quick witted candidate, "but you know I am , opposed to all forms of 'sprinkling.' " He carried that beat solidly. New Or leans Times-Democrat Didn't Suit Him. i "What are you doing now?" asked the man from tho country who was look ing over a drug store with a view to a J possible purchase. "Charging thy soda wo expect to sell 1 today." I "Uo yon know all tho peopjo that i come in here to buy things?" "Of course not We have hundreds ! of strangers every day, cspijcially among ; those who come to patronizo the fouu- j tain." j "That's what I reckoned, and me nnd 1 you can't make no dicker. I hain't u goin to buy no business where they i charge all the sodey iu advance and 1 then peddle it out to every Tom, Dick and Harry what comes along. What I want to buy is a drag store doin a strie'ly cush trade. " Detroit Free Press. i (ilrn a at MvillHn. A rebuke emphusixed by a kindness is apt to be remembered. Ouo day au ofll- ce r walked into tho oftlco of ouo of the well known business men of the west. "What do you want Ilea'?" ho said to tho officer. "I've eomo to attach tho wages ol ouo of your men for a debt " "Who is tho man?" . Tho 1 nicer named him, and he w:f at onco suiuuioucd to his employer' oflico. "How long have you been in debt?" was the first question asked. "Iieen behindhand for 20 yearn J cau't seem to catch tip," said the man. "Ihit you have a good salary. " "I know it, but I can't got out ol debt." "You must get out, or yon must leave hem How much do you owe?" The whole was uot much less than 1,000, but tho employer immediately wrote bis check for tho amount, and said, as bo handed it to the man : "This will nay all your bills. If 1 bear of your muniug in debt again, you'll have to go." It was what tho doctors call "heroio treatuieut," and it uot only astonished the man, but "revolutionized" him. JIu settled with his oatlitors, and then, by carefulness, kept out of debt Better than 11 genius for making mou- ey is the habit of paying as you go. Youth's Compauion. Hailing on Frrh Water. A Pittsbnrger who at 0110 time serv ed an enlistment on tho United States steamship Michigan, a vessel jt tho j Luited States navy which is stationed ' on tho great lakes, tells a story cf Charles V. (Jridley, captain of tho flag ship Olympia, which led the fightiug at Manilla. Young (Jridley, shortly after gradua tion at tho Naval academy, was ordered to the Michigan for duty. A few days iter lie uad reported the commander ordered tho usual boat drill, and the crew went through tho process of alwn doning tho- hbip. When tho cutter of which undley was in command had gouo a mile or two- away from tlie ves sel, the young officer, who had never before sailed on fresh water, inquired sharply for tho water cask, which he discovered had not been placed in tla1 bout "What do yon fellows do for drink ing water when you aro called away from tho ship?" ho asked tho cockswain with some asperity. "Sure, sir," replied that "worthy, "we generally dip over tho side," Gridley had nothing morn to say, but the joko has been iu circulation ever since. Pittsburg Dispatch. Hatllrahlp and rnliur. , Tho difference between a battleship and an armored cruiser is technical, and experts have stumbled over the matter. A battleship is supposed to have heavier! " . " -I r-i n 'i A II 1 t . s t r , v t -ii iv r , 1 ri 1 t '1 Lilacs and Panslcs. Pansics and Marguerites. mm Mm ClV-ia c In ' atQumciMOCOOciM), 1 ncui''''t"y5vowiita hu.CrFuBINCCR BR0S"C? I :.' 15 Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. Miss JKNYMiK AMI II Kit llt.'TTKItrt.tltS. not rut and drink as do flies and Ixva lly degrees she was able to Identify tho kinds of butterflies which were attract ed and tho different saccharino sub stances cacti preferred. Sho found that tho best results canto from young but tcrtllcs. It niailo littK or no difference wheth orgrowu from tho caterpillar at home or caught in tho first week of their adult life. After being fed several times tho pretty little creatures lost their fear and would settle ou her dress to rest and oven to sleep. They would feed from her band and seemed to likt) its warmth. la this wny sho trained largo number, and last Hiiiiiiuer was the happy possessor of ahoiit bundnd. The ownership is brief, however. Tho butterflies live a very short perl od, and as soon as tho warm season is reached legiii to diminish In numbers. the last passing away iu enrly autumn. Mum Jeuyngo will re at her cxerl ment this summer Now York Mail and Express. These rare pictures, four in tiiinibrr, by the renowned pastel artist, R, I.cKoy, of New York, have la-en chosen from tho very rhoircut subjects In his studio ami arc How offered for the lirt lime to the public, Tho pictures ure accurately reproduced in all the color ued in the orig in 11 Is, mid are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. i'.ntcl pictures are the corrnt thing for tlie home, nothing' lurpaulng thrm in beauty, richness of color and artitlc merit. One of these pictures BH I a B rirac'... Elastic Starch purchased of your grocer. It is Iho best laundry start ft on the murkrt, and is sold for 10 cents a p.u kage. Ak your grocer for this starch and get beautiful picture ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTiO STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE Swrvtrat Lots Slnry Iu I.ltrrstnra, "Wherever Mrs. l!rowning trod. whatever sho touched, became endowed with tho sacri-dness of her presenw, writes Clifford Howard of liobert and Elizabeth larritt Drowning in Tho Ladies' Homo Journal. "When Mr. tirowning returned with her on a visit to Kngluud, utter nil uIihi iico of wvernl years, ho repaired to thwlittlot hurcli in which they had liein married, nnd there, at the en t ranee, ho reverently kneeled nin kiswd tho jutving stones Uxin which she, tho light of his being, bad stepped. And in lifter years, when tho light had goim from bis life, ho sought, this sacred sjuit on the. tilth of each Soptemls a and iu the dusk of the evening shadows passersby might haVHsecu u wbito haired mail kneeling for a moment as if iu prayer Is-foro tho doorway of lln; dark and silent church. let little would they have thought to rccognixo 111 this limn tho poot Lirowu mg ho whoso mysth-al writings bad led tho world to regard him us a man of unstero liatnru. Mho I Wrll lti-urmruld. Mrs. Itobley D. Evaus, tho wife of "Fighting Dob," probably has a larger personal interest iu tho fortunes of tho navy than any other individual in tho United States. Her husband commands tho battleship Iowa; her brother, (Jap tain 11. O. Taylor, commands tho Indi ana; her son, Frank T. h'vaus. is a ca det UKiu the Massachusetts, and her son-in-law, Lieutenant C. C. Marsh, is Hag secretary to Admiral Sampson on thu New 1 ork; her two daughters, Mrs. Marsh and Mi Virginia Hvaus, mid I Iiit t iu Taylor, have voluti- guns and armor and to be Ix-tter fitted to withstand hard knoc ks from an on. ! u,'r u',rl posing force. Rut this dis s not always' tl',,r'-'' f,,r trained nurses and uro now bold good, as may bo seen in tlm caso of taking a course of instruction at tho the Maine as compared with tho Ihook- yn. The Maine was a battleship, but sho was uot so largo nor so heavily ur mored as tho armored cruiser 1'rooklyn. Ou ono point there seems to be uo (lis pute, and that is tho fact that tho cruisers ure faster than tho battleships, and it is conceded also that iu most in Hlanees tiit. bitititjniiips aro better pro tectedNew York Tribune. hospital at Hampton. . Why, Certainly. Customer I wish 1 bad as good a head of hair as you have. I have tried everything to remedy my baldness, but with no good results. j Watchmaker Have you ever tried ' rubbing your head with steel? Customer Certainly uot. That scorns to me ridiculous. Watchmaker Why ridiculous? Isn't it a fact that steel makes the hair spring? Boston Courier. j Friondthip. , Hazen I like to see n nian stick by bis friends. Now, for . instanco, if a man told you I was an uhh you wouldn't join right in with him, would you? Dilby No, sir, I'd rebuke him. I'd tell hiin that the truth should not be spoken ou all occasions. Uostou Tran script 4 A Weak Ilrother. Penn had a very strong aversion to I tobacco. Onco ho came unexpectedly upon some of the Friends who were en l joying the fragrant weed, but out of j respect for their great leadi r they hid I their pipes, which, however, still con tinued to emit smoke. Perceiving this, tho governor said pleasantly, "Well, friends, I am glad to see that you aro at j last ashamed of your old practice." I "Not entirely so," replied ono of tho brethren, "but we preferred laying down our piis.s to tho danger of offend ing a weaker brother. "London Tit bits. 1 A Change of Opinion. "Them's a good deal of humaii nature in a puppy," remarked tho philosopher, calmly watching Fido tearing his bei t hat to pieces. "Almost as destructive as ono of my little nephews. " Mrs. Bouncer Why, professor, don't you soe he's got your hat I The I'rofessor Thunder, so ho has I I thought it was one of the boarders' hats. Take that, you whelpl Boston Tran script . Fatul Frivolity. Jack and his two pretty cousins hap pened io no winking along in Trout ol a drug store. "I wonder," said Kfhcl, "if, astro nomically speaKing, i.'iiiin Henry's son is iu tho right sl,!n for lcRcreani soda?" "I'm afraid not," replied (Aveiulolen with her eyo on thoy.iith, "I don't see any signs of tho soda act." Jack groaned and inarched them fiercely past the drug stnro by way of punishment. Chicago. I nhiiuo. A Berlin paper declares, on medical authority, that not ono of Germany's professional bicyclists has a normal, sound heart, and that most of them be come uidit at 20 for great bodily exertion. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of t;n cents, cush or stamps, gciieroUH siiinplo will ho mailed of the most popular Cutarrb nnd liny Fever Cure (Ely's Cresin Halm) snffioiant to demon, strato the great merits of tho remedy. ELY ItROTHFJIH, 5(1 Warren St., New York City. Ttev. John Tieid, Jr., of On-nt Fulls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream liulm to mo. I can eiupliiiHixe bis statement, "It is a posi. tive euro for catarrh if used as directed." Kev. Francis V. J'ooln, Pastor Cuulrall'res. Church, Helena, Mont. Fly's Cream Halm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug, l'rioe, CO cents. WHEN YOU BUY, ALWAYS GET THE BEST .'.. This oj plica to real ostato as woll as o Iter cmnotJitioH. Every family in nood of a homo dosir a tho best loca tion. K 30UTH OREGON CITY Has tho greatest number of advantage to iu credit, of any of tho ruiburbu of Oregon City. It will pay you to investigate this property, (lood clear lots at reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or address T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee. Charman Bro's. Block, Oregon City PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fust and com modious Hteaiiior , ' Regulator Loaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Rccnio Route. All tourist admifc that the ncenery on the Middle Columbia in not ex-, celled for beauty and grnndetir in tho United Mutes, b ull informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. IIAKNICY, Agent, Tel. 5)14. Portland. Or.. Oflico and wharf, foot of Oak St. -JELL.OI ) A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY 'rompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. ' Moving attended to promptly and carefully. , Special rateo. given on hauling to ana irom UladHtone and Park-place. 1K(X) niili'H of long dis tanco telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in otMTation by tho Oregon Tele phono and Tel- . "graph company. . Portland, Scuttle, Ppo kano, Taconu, Salem, Walla Walla, P.-ndlnton, Albany and other town in the two tdatCH or. tho line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All tho mitiHfaction of a iierHonal communication, stance no cll'ect to a clear undemanding. Spo kano an eanily heard a Portland.. - Orogon City office at Huntley's J)ni Store. 1 1 ' 1 J. h. thatcher.'manager, ! Portland, - - - Oregon. IOhIuMUIh-iI IwflJ. PIONEER Transfer1 and Freight and parcols delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE.