Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1898)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1898. Oregon City Enterprise LOCAL TRANSPORTATION LINES. TimbCabd Kabtsipb Haii.wav Comi'akv LIAVI PORTLAND (Couch St.) LIAVI OREQON CITY 7:00 A. M, tosou 10:45 11:30 11:15 P. u. i:ju i:4S r.yi iS 4:00 4 45 i.lS 7:00 2 . fJ:jo only to MiU'Bukle 9:lS 10:30 only to Mtlwaukte li:4 7:03 A. Mi 7:j' 835 o:io 10,05 10:30 11:33 u: r. u. l5 1:50 t3S j:J 4:03 45 S35 6:20 7:3 7:50 8:20 onlv to Milwaukle 9-lS 10:30 11:50 only to Milwaukle 46 MINUTI OHIOULI. OHKUOM CITf ami fOUILAKD K1VKIITKU I TSAMIB AkTOKA UAVkS fOkTI.Alin Vuul 1 ilrl 1:01 a. m. II W (:!.. casual mrt ;(). m. 1 Ju I J p. at. sTNUiYf. lUm i)a,m l uo 1 aip. m .Mum. 0 " IN t.l " Tlika'S lnlrrhMll Hll OiacK City hml WILUMITTB AUJ K'Y. OAM IUI uii-as.ioii mimt iu.nrni fauj Warn. a.m. l:UO 70 Ml " 10 UU 11 (O 13 10 " 1 it p. m. 40 " Ml t 10 Ml " tie " IA w l i .n 40 IU " - im - .iA Sunday ei lvevai T hour unill t n'l-lo- l m. lu tllMlaa and ii"' Jxio nt I. IM, C. 1 hlLl.kK. -err. Obkoon City, Ohkuom ..August 5, 1WH THE LOCAL NEWS. Capbt Qi'abtkt or , Vasiion Coubok Tlill eaeelletll quartet of young men tcave a splendid musical entertainment at the Congtea-atlonel church on Mondar evening. Tito house wm not well Oiled, owing lo the fart that innjr are away oo their outings, but Ilia limited numlMri tailed to detract from the merit of the musical, for the young musicians Mng with surprising iirlt and kept those who were present wall entertained . Pa trlotld songs, pathetic melodie and hu morous recitation comprised lha pro gram, and tha abla manner with which thaaa were rendered together with tha neat appearance of tha singer, dressed in their cadet uniform, commanded tha admiration of alt. Meesre. J. W.JIar riaon, Fred Butter, A. B. Davla and 0. II. Jones were tha performer and all are student of Vashon College. Mr. Davla Cloaed the entertainment with a lew well chosen remark !out the achool in which ha ald that It waa eatablithed by Hon. M. F. Hatch, on Vashon Iiland, ten mile trow the city of Ta coma, a quiet and batilifut apot, auf fldnntly iaoletod from city life to remove all dangerou aoclal obstacle from the young eople who came for wlf develop ment. He further atated that the achool wu enthulatlc In athletic nonsecia rian Id religion nutter but of a high moral atandard, and very reaaonable In ratea and tuition. Lbvi P. Joiinsom to Pbbacii. Mr. Uume, a wealthy business man of San Francisco, who own land and hum iteaa blocka in the town of Wader barn Carry Co., wrote to the olllclala of the Treibyterlan church'Jn thl clty.and aald that if they would procure a uiinlater for Wederburn he would contribute ftlOO toward hi aalary, and erect an edifice in which to bold the aervlcea and build him a pareonage. The official required but a few momenta to accept the offer and decided to aend Mr. Levi Johnson, Incident of the Y. M. 0. A. in thl city. Mr. Johnaon and family left Tuesday to ulllll the obligation thiuat upon him, and the very beat wlahea ot a host of (rlendaand admirer accompany hi in. Mr. Johnson haa figured prominently in Y. M. 0. A. work In our city the past three yaara and haa accomplished great good among the young mun of this vlcin iiy. Sunday MoRNiml at FHnnYTaniAN Cmlhcii. Sunday morning at the Pres bytrlao church, waa devoted to a beauti ful communion aervice, conducted by Kov. Montgomery in a simple but of' ft'ctlve manner. Tha following were puhlleally received into tho church, Mrs. ParAh A. Droughton, Mrs. Amanda l)eute, Arthur L. Williams, Angelina Williams, and Louise M. Robertson and Myrtle E. Doremut have been leceived Into the church since laat communion. Fi.ouhihiiino Corn. Tho intense hot weather of the past week, while un plousant and exceedingly oppressive to humane beinga, is greatly beuttdtfng the corn all over the county. A small patch of corn cultivated by G. Wlahart on 7th atreet haa grown to the height of 19 feet, and will soon lift its silken tassel two eet higher. '.., KvKitim hkuvifie at MKTitomuT Cii-i'it'4i.T-NotwiihMUDilliig the opprea Iva heat of Kunday avening, s fulr iaxd Hudleme aa fiuhlud at the Mtho dint uhuruh, to listen to Uev, Ohfrg preach on the subject of "Advantage in )iadvaiitugo." Ha read the flrat lUversM of the KMh chapter of Luke, where It jwak of ZHcchaeuawhohen, he heard that Jean w to pas that way, wa compelled, because of hi dis advantage In being ilioitof stature, to climb up In a tree, in order that he might look over the head of the vast throng of people and catch a glimpse of thl fsmoua mun, plainly showing that If Zaccbaeu had not been forced to con tend with the dixadvtntage of being abort of alajure he would not have climbed up In the tree,and in all proba bility never been Been or converted by Jeaua. He eloquently referred to Dem cahone and Carey, and Bald that had It not been for the many dlaadvantagea which they had to overcome their effort would not have been famous, and their achievement quite Knitted. He cloaed with a forcible appeal to fhoae who are not bleated with a much natoral ability aa othera, saying that by means of appli cation, honety and tlrelea Industry, these otatecles can be overcome and aucoeaa achieved. 1 " HfLBNum Coal. 8. E. Midlam, of W 11 holt Springe, who run a 100-acre tract near Wilholl Hprlnga, came to Ore gon City Friday with a very good speci men of coal, which wu qnarrted from hi farm. This coal wu taken to 6. F. Bcrlpture' blackamlth shop and tested on hla forge and Mr. Bcrlpture, who la an authority on coal, state that for ateaiiiboat, factory and cookatove use It can not be aurpaaaed ayen by Penn sylvania' beat. Mr. Midlam says that this ix l exlsla in great quantities on hi farm, and when some cheap and rapid means of transportation I obtained will supply the largest demanda. Not only haa he a good quality and quantity of coal but also haa an abundance ol a high grade clay, consisting of poller's clay, terra cotta clay, Are clay and the white clay. Thia can be worked up into any form, and I urpaed by no clay iu the United Ktate. Can any state In the Union rival Oregon, to bounteously bleaaed with rndle resource, or can any county In thl broad domain claim richer poaeiaioiiB than Clack amuT Wbatiub Hiiioht. The following weather and grain report for August 1st was given out by the weather bureau Monday : The Dallea, tempera ture, 103 decreet; heat severe on fruit and damaging to grain. 0k Grove and lygti Uidgo, late grain la shrinking; I'eudleton temperature 100 degrees, no damage to wheat; Huppner tempera ture 100 degrees; late spring wheat shriveling; Kockfoid was temperature 00 degree; raln burning in many placea, Moscow, Idaho, temperature, 07 degree ; no damage to grain; Kilt villa, Wash. temperature, 112 degree. A Vicioca Doo Mr. and Mra. Chas, Callff, of Uraen Point, have for aometlme ownod a dangerously bad t-m pared do and knowing the croaa uature of the beast, have alwaya kept him securely chained to their wood died. Ua last Sunday afternoon Chat, their eon wai playing near the chained brute, and for getting himself he pasaed within close range of the dog and waa bitten on both leg and hip. Dr.Ncrri ieponded to the summons, and bandsged up the wound. The dog was killed, and the boy ia resting eaay at last report. Tbachihs Elrctko at Parki'Laci On Monday evening the direclora of the Parkplace achool held their annual elec tion ot teachers, and the same corps of teacher which conducted the school lust year were eh eled,namely,Prof. dray, principal, Henretta Dotaon, Estella Bracken and Marguerite Wflliama. Since the school haa been under Prof. Urey'e management it hu become one of the beat Inititutina ot larnlng in tlie late, and for perlect discipline and good order no school holds a better record. Basin Ci.banbd. The ateamer Salem, under the direction of the Willamette Pnlp A Paper Co., waa engaged two daya last week removing the rubbish and trash from the baaln. A quantity of mud was washed out and the water put In cjnalderably better condition, Too muoh attention cannot be given to the cleansing ot this body of water, aa It i a fact that the drinking water ot the city must be pure and clean it health ia maintained. Basket Picnic There will be a grand basket picnlo given by the United Artiaana at Gladstone park Saturday, August Oth. All Artisans and their friends are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the pleasures of an outing In the beautiful park at Gladstone. Game of various kinds will be the order of the day, and no one can alTord to be a! sent. "For Liver Troubles and constipation Ayer's Pills are invaluable, ahvayi affording immediate relief. They are The Beat Pill. R. S. MAYO, Edna, Minn. 99 TtrrritNKD Frow Mt. Hoon. vllaa Illanche Sharpstein, of Han Francisco, and Mis Lute Maitln, who have been camping for. ten days in the rhadow of Oregon's greatest snoAr clad peak, re turned lo thl city Monday, delUlited with their entire outing. These two vouug liiilic succeeded In ascending to the summit of Hood, but failed to do posit their fiames In the box because it was covered completely with a white mantel ol enow several inches deep, They rexrt great crowd at this ideal resort and ili-cUre ' that thay no more than approached tha shady nooks of Mt. Hood before her wlntery hreewa had imbued thtf'ii with Increased vigor anJ a ravenous aptite. A Pi.tAHANT Pasty at Oswxuo. The residence of Mr. and Mr. John Davi, of South Oswego, wua crowded to over flowing on Tuesday t yenlrig with a happy company of their nuny friends, who came lo enjoy a ia call In the form of a party, lUnclngand games pleasantly engaged their attention for several hour after which a iplendid abundance of ice cream and cake were aerved,and all took their departure deliitbted wi'b the evening, Those present were Mr. and Mr. J. Davia; Misses. Minnie, Nida, Maggie Hollirnan and Mrs. A. Davidson ; Messrs. J. Rail, M, Warthlngion, Wm. Klda, L. Halllman, A. Davidson, and E. Chuck. City Council Meets. T. 8. Lawrence waa granted perm Is. slon to use street for material In build ing 8th atreet walk, Wilhelm'e ber depot was granted re newal ot license. Fire and Water Committee reported recommending the purchase of more boae. On motion laid over one month. Recommendation to purchase I bell from Portland Br Work was adopted and committee given full power. Ordinance wa read authorlting the purchase ol a boll at a price not ex ceeding 180. Ordinance introduced creating a road fund of the money received from the county. Williamson wa re-elected sexton of the city cemetery. Committee on streets and public prop erty was lnstrut!d to make needed re pairs to city jail. BUM AIXCWKD. U C Curry.recorder A extra ');...$ 30 00 Chas E Hums, chief of police..., GO QO E LShaw, night watch 60 Oti Pope & Co, aupplies for Snj 4ept. 4 25 On-gonlan, advertising 3 20 P Hemelgarn, meals for jail 3 20 L Dickleman, cleaning streets.. 35 00 OCity Iron Worka 12 13 Insurance premium 142 50 Hose Co No 3 repairs 4 25 B F Una, lumber 20 40 CN Ureenman, hauling........ 4 50 Wilson & Cooke, hardware 6 30 Herald 6 15 FT Griffith, feea SS 60 PG ECo, lighta 171 40 W L Smdow, work on streets.. . 74 65 Clack Co 40 per ct of id fund r'cd ny city ;. 923 30 Press, printing 6 20 E E Seol, painting hoea bouse. . . 27 00 I Soiling, pair pants....... 100 kkcohdek's kki-ort. One vagrant in recorder's court given 10 day on the street in labor; 13 dollars received for licensee ; Five burial permits issued. Reported having had the city buildinga reinsured at $1600, Effectually yet gent'y, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluttish, to permanently overcome hab itual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers nee Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California FiR8yropCo. ' Lost, between Ileurlci'a school' house on Highland road and Marr & Muirr'a grocery store, a brown checked coat, nearly new. Finder return to Mr. Grisenthwaite, Beaver Creek or to En terprise office and receive reward. Lost, on Wednesday, July 27, '08, between Oregon City and Wilhoit Sprinus, the seat ot a barber chair. Lib eral reward for return. NoblittA Co., Oregon City. Back subscriptions of the Enterprise must oe paid up. We will take a lim ited quantity of good quality ot hay and oata on back subscription. Men and boys light and dark shirts very chesp come and see for yourself at the Racket store. Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent on long or short time. Apply to G. E. Hayes. Oanada is extorting ever cent poesibJe out of the Klondike miners. All kinds of fancy goods, hoaery, rib bons, belts etc. at the Racket store. Siberian trade from Portland is aisu ru ing fair proportion, i Basra th ' MM " lrarS B0lim Get your fruit jars and jelly tumblers at Harris' Grocery.' Money to loan at 8 per cent Interest on mortgages. Apply to 0. D. k D. 0. Latourette. . THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS ia due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bat also to tbe care and fcklll with which it la manufactured by scientific- processes known to the California, Fio Syrup Co. only, and we wlah to fmprea upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. Aa the genuine Syrnp of Figs la manufactured by the CALiroHxiA. Fio Sravr Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one ia avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par tie. The high standing of the Cam roiiiflA Fio SthVp Co. with the medi cal profession, ' and tbe satisfaction which tbe genuine Syrnp of Fig has given to millions of famillea, makes tha name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, w it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it doe not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial effects, please remember the Dame of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM rftAXCUCe, Cat MCHVILUE, Kf. " - The state ' hoard of agriculture are printing 10.000 copies of a pamphlet descriptive of thia state, to be circulated lit the eastern elates. '' Tbe Rev. W. B. Costley, of Slock bridge, Ga , while attending to bis pastoral duties at Ellenwood, that state, wu attacked by cholera morbus. He says: "By chance I happened to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and 1 think it wm the means of saying my life. It relieved me at once." Foraaleby Geo. A. Harding. The Semi Weekly Press, which ha been ably edited for the put year by Mr. M. E. Bain, will appear heieafter m the Oregon City Press, in one issue a week. It ia improved over its former condition. Last year'a patterns of wall paper at reduced prices. 5 and 10c counters at Bellomy & Bunch. The correct styles io Millenery at the lowest price. Our sale begins to day. Mis C. Goldsmith. etop that cough I Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bottle of Stnloh'a Core may save your life. Sold by Charman & Co., druggists, Ore gon City. At Four Score Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores nMitn. UNCLE KZBKTEL OBEAE, asaesaor and tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who baa passed the toih lite mils stone, sayst "Dr. Miles' Beatoratlve Nervine hu done a great deal of good. I iuffered for jaara frota sleeplessness ao4 nervous heart trouble. Would feci weary and used up In the more lag, bad no ambition and my work eeetaed a burden. A friend racomtaended Vr. Miles' Nervlaa, and I purchued a bottle under protest u had tried so many remedies ua successfully, I thought It no nse. Dot it gave me restful aloe p. a good appetite ant restored me to energetlo health. It Is a grand good medicine, and I will gladly writ anyone Inquiring, full particulars of my sat isfactory experience. ' Dr. Miles' Remedies are told by all drug gists nndor a positive guarantee, first bottla benefit or money re funded. Book on dis eases ot the heart and nerve free. Address, ' Dr. Mwy" Nervine . Restore j OB. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lod. FARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At the City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Bu.waora to W. H, Cooko. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. ProvidrA Watbrino Trouq ii Oregon City is In many ways a modern city. Her factories, running day and night, her splendidly equipped mills, brick buildinga and sightly residences, bear ample evidt-ni of this. Bui enter prising a her citizens are, they have neglected to add lo their city's possessions something that is in. xpnsivn and es sential, s pnblic watering trough. Every town in the east ol half our size and re source, is provided with a public wster ing trouuh, lo which farmer from far an.i near, et easy access, and In a Imd so abundantly bathed in refreshinu shower and so ri. li in timber facilities, aa here, wonid it not be an eas mit-r to remedy ibisonly defect io what would otherwise be an ideal city? No community receives better patron age from hr farmers, than doea onra. No where do fanners purchase a larger amount of first class uaods, than those of Clackamas Co , and no agricultural cla deserves higher respect at the hand of her merchants than those who bring ns their iroduc from the Willam ette valley. L-t ua treat them courte ously and provide a pnblic watering place for their blasts ef burden. Teachers' F.xamliiatloM. Notice Is hereby given that for the purpose of making an eiaruination of all persons who may off.-r themselves aa candidates for leathers of the schools of this eonnty, s puhlicexamlnatlon will be held in the court house at Oree.m Citv. Oregon, on the 10th day of Angnst, 1808, commencing atl o'clock. -d. m. Th examination ot applicants for state papers will commence bi 9 o'clock a. m. August II, 1898. ' ' ' ' H. 8. Stbakob, Superintendent of 4 : ila. CI uk m ta County Oregon. TeacherV Instltete. The annual tea hers' institute will be held In Oregon City, commencing Aug ust 29th end lasting Ave daya. Supt. II. 8. Strange baa commenced the pre parations necessary for the institute, and will secure the services of able in structor. Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on mortgages. Apply to C. D. A D. C. Latourette. For a qniet place to bitch yoor horses away from the motor line and a place to et a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. Six men of the Astoria naval reserve will be a-signed to service on the torpedo boat Fox, nearing completion at Port land. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where othera fail. It lathe leading Coogh Care, and no home should be without it . Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Charman 4 Co.. druggists, Oregon City. fre Studio, Ninth and Main Sts., NEW AMD COMPLETE l : I ' l l, (Anns Of GENTS AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, and goods for Fall and Winter. Also A NEW LINE OF SHOES Has just arrived from Eastern factories. All at the LOWEST PRICES. Please give me a call. I have been removed for some time to CAUFIELD BUILDING, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO HUNTLEY'S Book Store. SILVER PLATE THAT WEARS-ss WhenpugTjy SPOONS,, Buy reliable brands, even if they do cost a little more. They are worth the difference. We sell the genuine, original Rog ers Bros. ware. Guaranteed to be the best in quality, style and finish. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, THEJEWRLGE.C1TY They alt say that HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters for Hay, Landplaster, Seeds, Etc. Royal aiaka tha load pare, wholaaaaM and Salkloa. m km FQVDin Absolutely Purs aoM ama eo., mw mas. Ledges. A. 0. U. W. meets every Saturday evening in the A. 0. U. W. Temple. Geo. R. Califf, secretary, Bebekshs Willsmette Rebekah Lodge) No. 2 meet second and fourth Friday of each month at I. 0.0. F. Tern pie. Matta Godfry, secretary. Conrt Kobin Hood No. 9, Foresters of America, meets first and third Friday ia the month in Red Men's Hall. F.T. Rogers, secretary ; F., 8. Baker, chief ranger. , Meade Poet No. 2, G. A. B., meet first Wednesday in each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, com mander. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R, A. M., meets on tbe third Monday of each month in Masonic Hall II. 8. Strange, secretary. Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. 8. meets the second and fourth Tuesday in eaekv month at Masonic Hall. Mies Jennia Rowen, secretary. Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meet every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall. T. F. Rvan, secretary Falls Encampment No. 4. 1. 0. 0. F. meets first and third Tuesday in each, month. J. A. Stuart, secretary. Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp. 0. R. M , meets Saturday evening 7:30, at Red Men's HalL-J. W. Stuart, C. ofR.;H L. Patterson, Sachem. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M., meets first and third Saturdays in each month at Masonic Uall. T. F. Ryan, secretary. Mead Corps No 18. W. R. C. meets 1st Monday in each month at the Will amette Hall. Mrs. Clouse, president. The Auxiliary meets the third Monday, at Willamette Hall. Artisans meete first, second and fourth Thursdays in each month at Red Men's Hall. J. T. 8rl, secretary. ' Catholic Knights ot America St. John's Bianch No. 817. mmti rr TnAlav rJ the month. Tualatin Tent, K.O.T. M., resets lit Red Men'a Uall. ou second and fourth Wednesday O. H. Hyatt, record keepet Jr)e Best.... Oregon City, Oregon. LIME H - - - Carries the most complete stock ot First-Claes Groceries to ba found in tbe City. Qay Sars Mnst Be So!