Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1898)
, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1896. 9 f OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE PERSONA LH. J ol Oswego, wit loln- the cily Monday, J, Murks, ol Auiora, whs In Hilt city Tuesday. H, 0. Callahan, of Highland, was in the city till week. Mm. L Moore, nf K'mi rir , In the guest ol friends In our rlty, Rey. Oilmen Parker held Inlorestln;,' aervlcns at Ninth Yitnlilll Hominy. Mlaa Minnie Case spent a ilny thl week llh Irlend in Mllwutikln. Kdllor Cheney, lf and ion im lurk Irotn mi enjoyable outing at See View. Mr. Howe, of Chlcngo, In spending (hit week with Mr. end Mm. II. I.. Kelly. Mr. mid Mm. Win. Anion, of Albany aratlie tliirHiM of Mr. end Mm. Kngene Cowing of thin i lly. lion. C. V Yates, Killlur of the Slmrl dun Bun, madci pleasant cull el this olDio on Monthly lift J, (lower hihI wiIos.mIJ. Wckner, of Oswego, h it Tuesday (or summer's outing at Tillamook. Mis Annie Wllchart spiit Monday of this week, the guest "I Ml' Hn-ritl Case, ol Kails VIi-w. Mm. Chat. I.ynrh nl lulitr re turned tlim week from a delightful three weeks' outing it Sea View. J. D. Weed, one ol our promising young mnn.hes gotta to McM innvllle for lew week's visit with friends, Mm. J. '. Iht la Fontaine, of tbla city, spent t ly last week, the guest ol liar muiher Mm. Sarah Piquet. Mm. Grant llecon spent a Ivw ilnyt last week In Yamhill county, visiting her sister, Mm. C. K. Wheeluck. Mr. iul Mm. K. K. Chsrmsn and daughter June, eatx-ct to leave today for season on the Israeli at Sea View. Mm J. H Noe,o( Needy, loll from ladder Sunday, and broke her arm. Mr. mid Mm. J. Ilanney and children left Tuesday, to listen U the dashing of the wsvea lit Kesside for a lew weeks. Mm. 1. Heslle, of Chicago, end Mm. Win Ucaile, ol Portland, were guests olJudye and Mm. Schubel Thursday. Mm. h. C. Ceplce and daughter Miss Nina, art) expected bark this week from three moiilhs'visit with relatives la the emit. Mim Mary A. Itrown, M. I.. Moore nd John Mooie leave next week for Kosehurg, where they will reside In the future. Mix Vera rhillla of North Yakima, who formerly livid in thla city, U visit ing with Mr. and Mra. Grant Hacon, of thii place. Mm. W. 1'. Burns, of I'ottland, and Mm. Sarah Blackford, of Clatskauie. ware the Kueita ol Mr. and Mm. C. K. Iluroa lent week. J. C. Foi.of Oswego, who haa been engsged harvesting the psst tew day on P. F. Morey'i farm, wet visiting in Ore ion City Tuesday. Mra. Harry HUdrn and Mm. C. W Porter, of Gladstone, and Matle Slum power, of the lower Hatchery, left Wednesday lor a nionth'i outing on Clatsop beach, Mr. JarUh and family accompanied by A. Walling, of Oswego, romposod a party which left? thla week Tuesday, to enjoy Ihe pleasures of an outing on the beach at Tillamook. It. J. Johnaon, a wheat dealer of Eugene, and a brother ol K. L. Johnnon of thla cliv, and G. 8. Amlumon, of Kugene were vUltom In Oregon CUy on Monday of thia week. Prof, and Mm. II. 8. Strange, left Tuemlay with home and bugity (or a few daya outing In the mour.talna. Prof. Strange will be alxent from hla ofllce on Saturday Augunt the filh. Mr. and Mra. Harry McCarver, of Portland came down Hunday to escort their ilaughler I.eila who ha been apmid Ing a few daya vinltlng Mr. and Mm. Chaa. Habcock, of thia place. Mini Mairgle Howell, of Otweso, who liae Hollered with poor health (or several yearn, left with her mother taut week for McMinnville In hopea that the change might improve her health. W. W. Wlllard, the Logan echool teacher, waa doing bueinees in our city on Monday. Mr. Wlllard will begin a three months' term of school at Logan about the middle of September. II. N. Graham a clerk In the men's furnishing department of Meier and Frank's, Portland, returned to his place of buslnosa on Wednesday after a pleas ant weeks visit with his parents at Cams. M White, thehopgrowerotMarquam, was in the city this week, looking for hop pickers. He says that his hops never looked better than they do this years and believes there will be a larger yield than usual. Judge Schuebel, made a tour through Washington county, last week on bis wheel. He transacted business in H ills boro, Forest Grove," Greenville and Dilley. At Forest Grove he was royally entertained by Dr.Ferrln and from there he went almost to into Washington where he visited friends. The heat was Intense and all the farmers were In the midst of their threshing. A. 1-ocy, Sprliigwater'a farmer whs In town 'f iienil.iy. V,t Orsh.iin went I'j Aslorla Thurs day on buslncHi. Mlwi Mary, of this city, la visiting rel atives at at Kockwood Mr, and Mrs. Geo. K I'uney are spend ing their outing at Newport- r. Turner, of Htnfford, spent Tuesday at the Hiiiiliir Klk restaurant, J. Adklns uisde Oregon City a vlxit from Canby, one day thla week. Mins Florence JuM, of Portland visited frlenils In this city Wednesday. J.'M, Yodnr and wife, of Needy, were doing the city on Wednendny lust. II. mul I) Will, of Aurom, made a IiiimIiiubh trip to our city Monday, Prof. O. II. Itvland, o( lluhhard, was on huHinnns here and iti Portland Tncs (Uy. Mi K (Ilw lUuch, of Canhy, spent the wt'K pli-HNsnily wllh tho MIhkos Maud and Uussie Maddock. Mrs. T. CanidMill, (ormerly of this Pisco but now a roslditnt of Portland, was on cukiness here Wednesilay. J. P. I Hi key culled at the ofllce Wed nesday and reuewml his subscription to the Kulerfirise. H. Jesne, one ol Needy 's citizens disre gitrilii l tlie heat on Tuedsy, sod s(ent the ly visiiing In our city. Chaa. Tooxe, a prominent Wilsonvilb) farmer and business man, made the KntcrprUe a pleasant rail Wednesday. Mr. Geo. Steel hat resigned as suiej IniKiidcul of the Fast Side F.leciric line, and A L, Maxwell, of Portland, It the new suerluleiiduiit Miss Kate Ward, will leave haturday for a two weeks slay at Ilwaco, Wash., the gtint ol Mm. Ilallle Poe. Chat. Poe expects to leave soon for the same locality where the interest of the fir in will demand his special attention for perhatwo weeks. Patriotic Picnic at Hubbard. The picnic at Hubbard on last Satur day wss ol unusual interest to all and one of the most pleasant afhira ever held in these parts. A Urge number of loyal men and women from Marlon and Clack amas counties assembled notwithstand ing the oppressive heat ol the day, and gathering in Wolfer's park, attentively listened to splendid patriotic program, which was oeiied by an excellent selec tion from the St. Paul band and fol lowed by a (ew patriotic words by Heu. Hyisnd, of Hubbard, who ably ex plained the object o( gathering the peo ple louether on an occasion of thla kind saying that It we to unite the masses In an undying love (or thia their land of freedom and to cultivate a spirit of grati tude to God, whose ever watchful csre had always been so fully bestowed on our nation In times of war and peace, He closed by Intro lifting Gen. C. Biow tiell. ol Oreiton City, who lor two hours reviewed in detail the history ol- our people from the earliest period np to the present time, slated" his masons for con sidering It advisable for the United States to retain the Philippine Islands, paid Cuba and her people several glow ing ttihutea showed that the United States wst the richest nation financially, mentally and morally In the world and expressed himself confident that a people are destined to progress as long as our men and women cleave to the high principles of justice anJ riuht. After this Seaker bad closed, the pa triotic ladies and gentlemen of Hubbard favored the audience In an Impressive manner with that hymn, ever dear to the hearts of Americans, "The Star Spangled Banner" and when thia waa finished, the meeting closed. After wards young and old enjoyed Ice cream and cake prepared hy the ladies aid so ciety ol Hubbard, and then gathered in social groups under the inviting shade, where ihe day passed pleasantly away, all feeling that thla beloved America has the most sacred treasure ever bought by the sacrifice of man. T. J. McFarland, of Oswego, returned a few daya ago from a sojourn in Califor nia, and waa taken suddenly ill with pneumonia,' and died on last Friday. The remains were conveyed to the Ti- gardville cemetery, and there laid to rest. OABTOHIA. 1 1M Kind ton Haw Always Bought , j im sing im About one month ago my child, which It fifteen months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave it tucb remedies aa are usually given in such cases, but at nothing gave relief, we sent for a physician and it waa under his care (or a week. At this time the child had been sick lor about ten dayt and waa having about twenty-five operations of the bowels everv twelve hours, and we were convinced that un less it toon obtained relieve it would not live. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy waa recommended, and I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change for the better; by its continued use a complete cure was brought about and it ia now perfectly healthy. C. L. Boooa, Stumptown, Gilmer Co., W. Va. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. WANTED. 100 watches to repair at fl.OO each. C. A. Nash, at the Postofilce. A Ooed Bund Cenrert. Last Thursdsy evening the Oregon Olty band boys under the able leader ship of C. A. Nash, assembled on the blufTat the hem I of 7th street steps, and rendered a doxen band selection with the best ol effect. Mr. Nash declares that he hat material In this band second to none In the stale, and if be succeeds in obtaining the hearty co-ojwration of the business men, ol Oregon City, lie can develop a band ol which no one may be ashamed. Kvery city the size ol this place, is exMscled to maintain a well trained band. It should be un neceisarv (or Oregon City to depend on other communities, for their music and as we have iiood talent and experienced musicians in our midst, It only remains for the many enterprising business men of Oregon City, to fully realize then our Interests, and Immediately adopt tome means for the supiiort of a band. 1)1 covered by Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened lie clutches upon her and for seven years the with stood'tta severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed I mm loot. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of ut a bottle ol Dr. Klng't New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first d'we, that the slept all night; and with two botllet, has been absolutely cured, Her name Is Mm. Arthur Lulx." Thus writet W. C.Hammick A Co., of Shelby, N . 0. Trial bottlcL free at Charman A Co.'t Drug Store. Regular size 60c and $1 .00. Every bottle guaranteed. Married. OaBiiKKT-RowLAHn At Eugene, Ore- rn. August 3, 18tW, by Rev. Morton Rose, Miss Eslella A. Rowland to Keeler II. Gabbert At 9:30 Wednesday morning, Keeler H. Gabbert, ol this city, wsa united In marriage to Mine Estella A. Rowland, at the residence of the bride't parent! Mr. and Mm, L. B. Rowlands at Eugene, Ore. Ushered in by the inspiring atraint of music, and in the midst of a few relativea and Intimate friends the happy couple assented to a faithful ob servance of the solemn requirements placed upon them by the Rev. Morion L Roe, and with these timple ceremo niet performed, they were united in holy wedlock. The earnest congratulations and best wishes of a host of friends were freely given, and the newly married couple then left on the trln for Oregon City, where it it their intention to reside. The bride Is the accomplished daughter ol Mr. and Mm. L. B. Rowland a pioneer family well known and highly respected in Eugene and throughout the state, and the groom ia one of Oregon City 'a most thrifty and talented newspaper men, whose ability at a writer it unquestioned and who for two yean past bat ably edited the local sheet on the Oregon City Courier and Herald. Hit many frlenda in Oregon Cily and vicinity, heartily tender their warmest congratu latlont, and entertain for Mr. and Mm. Gabbert the most favorable hopea aud expectation!. They go to Sea View for an outing, but will return in a few days to this city. Yellow Jaundice Cared. Suffering humanity should be supplied wilh every means possible lor in relief. It la with pleasure we publish the fol lowing: "Thia is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaudice for over tlx months, and was treated by tome of the beet physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our drug gist, recommended Electric bitters ; and after taking two bottles, I waa entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffer ing from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, M.A. Hogarly, Lex ington, Ky.." 8old by Charmon A Co. druggists. A photographer from Portland has been kept busy this week, taking pic tures of Oregon City siulils and placet of interest He visited the various newt paper offices of the city, and delighted the inmates, by taking their photos in a variety of attractive attiludea. It it triumphal procession that Milet it having in Porto Rico. lour Face Shows the state of your feelings and the stale of your health at well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skin eruptions. If you are teeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy ap pearance you should try Acker'a Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where theap tarsaparillaa and to called puri fiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. . George A. Harding, agent. Table linens and toweling all prices at the Racket ttore. Dear Madam: Your bread needn': smell of soda or alum or lime. Schillings Bst baking powder has no lime or alum or excess of soda. What Dr. A. E. Halter ay.. HvrrAia, N. Y. C1kts, From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure In cases of advanced Consumption, I am prepared to say that It Is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It hat certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by Charman A Co., druggists, Oregon City. Send the EaTssraisa to your friend In the East and thus give him an idea ol what Is going on In Clackamas county, It may induce him to locate, with n Best shave in the cily at Johnson's barber shop iluckleii's Arnica Muive. The bent salve in the world (or Cuts Brnises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapied hands, ChilhlHins, Corns, and all Skin Krnp tlons, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give (x-rei't sni infliction or money refunded For sale by Charman A Co., Cbarraan Bros Block. Price 2.rc. ;,7i r t Save Your Fruit! WANTED - Prunes, Etc., to Dry on shares At Cllbertdale Prune Dryer For particulars adilrewt A (I Jacohi, Oregon Citv Woolen Mi Hi. Daniel Willinms, at the northeast cor ner nl Center and Seventh streets, hsa a choice hii. I selected siock of (xnilly itna'i-ri'-s which he U selling at very reiiwiriahle ratcn rno'to is "live 4iil e lite, wi'h hoiicKt weights and !iii-snre-" ImhmIb delivered to any n i.f 'lie . in . i' I if S. G. THAYER, THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Hlneum. M. C, tkt Ureal Choailrt suit Oflentlut, Wilt Send, Frs, Tares Bouletof Hn Newly SlMflvemd Kemetics to Hufferen. Editor Entkbprisi: I have discov ered a relisble cure for consumption and allbrochial, throat and lung diseases,, general decline, loet of flesh and all con ditions ol wasting away. By its timely use thousands ol apparently hopeless cases have been cured. 8o proof-positive am I of its power to cure, that to make lis merits known, I will tend, free, tu nny afflicted reader of your paper, thren bodies o( my newly discovered remedies npon receipt of express and post othVe address, T. A. 8I.OCUM, M. (!., 98 Pine Street, New York. When writing tho doctor, please men linn this paper WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUOEP SOUND NAV. CU. PRACTICAL HORSE SHOER knxt-..I Carriage mi I Y.ryr work. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA, Hiw., pi ll and Main ntrren. W Ps K RAN KB . ' (1KO, K. KRAMKR Kraner & Kramer ..Tailors.. 228 Waehinnton St. Portland, Ore Daily Irii-s iteamer Bailey Gat zert-Leave everv morning in tha week at 7 o'clock, ei- V't bnnilay , Retornirift, leaves Astoria 1 every niRht in the week at 7 o'clock, except , Himi'Imv. Winie (Vllur bine Tickets and O. R.AS. 1 Co. tickets an- lulerchanfrable on aieamer Bailey Uaizm, T. J. rotter and K B Tiii'inioii, lor Artoria and all way polure. Klavel,, Hraview, Long Beach, Ocean i'ark and Nahoida Otii.-e. Al'ler-airert dock. Telephone (Main) 351. C .In rahia phone 3.M. U. B. SCOTT, President. EDTVAIiD STOIiY. . Practical Horsesr; oer Track and Road Work a Specialty. Any style shoes forged in Iron or steeL Wagon work and repairing. Satisfaction guarantee!. Shop on Seventh street, next door to Noblitt's stable. TTTTTTTTTTYTTVTTTTTTTYTTTI SjJjJjJaTjJjJjJjJjJ: ata. a a a a AVER'S ITTT TTP Ov " I have sold Aver'a Hair Vieor for the past thirteen years and have known of no i where it has failed to give satisfaction. I sell more of it than of any like preparation. J. V. UKlbCUt, Harrison, Ark. " For 6ve years I have been selling Ayer's Hair Vigor under a positive guarantee that It would produce hair on a bald head and restore gray hair to its natural color. I have not bad one bottle returned, nor has there been a single case where the dressing was used that It did not do all that was claimed for iL H. M. ACUIF. Elba, Va. Removes Mwm ' For some years my hair had been coming out It had become very dry and my scalp was covered with dandruff. I have applied Ayer's Hair Vigor regularly for some weeks , now, and I could hardly trust my tenses when I 6rst found that a new growth of hair had started. It is much thicker than formerly and of good color. The dandruff has disappeared and my scalp seeihs to bs in a perfectly healthy condition." Miss R. WRIGHT, Perth, Ont. " Some time ago, my head became full of dandruff, which caused me great annoyance; after a time the hair began to fall out. The use of Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the hair fioua falling and made the scalp clean and healthy." Mas. C. M. AY RES. Mount Airy, Ca. Restores to Gray Hair its Original Color. "I think there is no toilet article in the world so good as Ayer's Hair Vigor. I am fifty three years old and my hair would have been all white now if it were not for the use of the Vigor, but the application of that dressing has preserved its color, and kept it soft and glossy." Mas. W. H. JARVIS, Otsego, Mich. "After five years' ns of Ayer's Hair Vigor, I can cheerfully recommend it as a desirable toilet article. It keeps the hair soft and glossy and helps it to retain its natural color." V. WARNER, Dunnville, Ont. MAKES HAIR GROW. H For about five years my hair kept falling ont until I was almost bald. Some New Hampshire friends asked me to try Ayer'a Hair Vigor and insisted on getting It for me. I used it during that summer and fall and found that a new growth of hair bad started. I continued to use it steadily for about four months, and at the end of that time had as good a head of hair aa one could wish." . HOWARD MELVIN, Carlisle, Mass. I am well pleased with Ayer's Hair Vigor. When I noticed that my hair was getting thin, I commenced to use the Vigor, with the result that the hair not only ceased to come ut, but a new growth of hair started. It certainly is an excellent tonic." CHAS. C GRAVES, Brook ton, N. Y. 4