Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 05, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Dov-w, July 2rt. Mr Nelson and wife
have returned horn. Thev have been
spending a few days fishing on the Col
J G. DeShaxer and fatuity, of Firwood,
wre visiting Mrs. Kitssruiller lat Sun
W. Feubian, It spending a few days
with hia cousins, of this plat.
Joseph DeShaser, ia preparing to fin
iMi bit barn to stack his grain in
' Damascus, August 3. -The people
tiere are very busy with their grain har
vwt; the aphla have Wen very numerous
taiHng the oats to mature as early as
the wheat, and at the earn time have
lightened the crop considerable.
James Crookshanks started his thresh
itu machine last Monday. Vm. Derby,
ol Oreshamiiai an entirely new machine
out. with the blower attachment to stack
Hie straw and no doulit he will have the
.pi ivlege of blowing most of the straw in
this vacinity.
The Rock Creek Union Sunday school
will give an entertainment and serve ice
cream and cake Friday evening at the
residence of Mr. Bartons.
(Several of the people here will attend
tie camp meeting at Tremont.
Mr. Clement and family, who have
resided with as for about a year are to
move to Wasco county soon.
Mipls Una.
Mapls Lani, August 1. Mr. and Mrs.
Wtu. Blood, of Carlton, are visiting the
lu tiers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bray
ton. Mr. Cecil Cosper, of Clsrke, was the
guest of Courtis Gibbs, Fiiday and Sat
urday. Masters Gilbert and Ray Morris, were
vising their grand parents Mr. and Mrs.
A. Msuts last week.
Mr. Gibbs, is running bis reaper now.
Mrs. 8. 8. Jennings and children, of
Sell wood is visi ting ber parents Mr. and
Mm. N. W. Richards.
Mr. flenry Msuts, of Portland, was
the guest of bis uncle A. Msuts Fri
day snd Saturday.
BmuiOs Tt txi Yw Ha Atari Bottftt
-fl DTaraer to A E Evans, July
UtSRX C' D.M of one eleventh
irii of W and E Evans j
ohn 100 00
W H Davidson to C B and A M
Trullinger. Apr 4 98 W D,
nwiof s)-i secl0t6sr2e 200 00
FHAMLiodtoD F Leopold,
Feb 26 '93 W D lots
1. 3 blk 5, Robertsonn 300 00
U 6 to N Ford. Jaly 3 '98 lots 2,
3, 6 snd 7 blk 23. Oregon City. Pat,
VCaufield to Benj Stanton, GO ,
acres inTJ Chase elm July
25'98 560 00
U 8 to J Biber, May 2 '98 m
ne) txsli of Dw'i U,Q' De of
ewtf secl4t2sr6e Pat
Gladstone R E As to A B
Gotttling June 1 '98 ,W D,
lots 9 10 11 blk 45, Gladstone 450 00
U 8 to M Grab, June 11 98
Patn settee 24 t6s rle Fat
K K Smith to D W Smith, Apr
13 93 W D S7. 81 as sec 10 1 3
s r 1 also 5 seres M Bracken
cliu also lots 2, 4 and part 65
blk 4, Barlow's...... 1 00
JH Rineason to L J Ryan July
30 1)8 W D 37 91 as Rinearson
dm 800 00
W G and K A Edwards to Ross
Looney July 2 '98, Bond for .
deed nH of ne sec 20 t 3 s r 420 00
A Krseft et al to M C Kraeft,
Mar 25 '97 W D 10 as dm 28
t3sr2e 500 00
CWise et al to E S Jeenne,
May 18 '98 W D sw and t
of eeKec36 tl sr4e 1 00
B E Flitcroft to O F Olson, July
25 ,98 W D 18 acres J G Swaf-
ford elm 600 00
J &B Shaw to F Glass, Oct 20
61 WD lot 17 blk 20 C annex 125 00
G 6 Batty & Co to Wil Fruit Co
July 23"98 W D tract 60 Prune- .
land 1000 00
W T Dolan to M L Dolan, June
22 '98 deed all property be
longing to grantor in Mult &
Clackamas cs J 00
Famished Every Week by the Clacka
mas Abstract A Trust Company.
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
tbe only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furniHb information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, investments.real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
' Call and investigate. Address box 377
Oregon City Oregon.
The subscription to the Enterprise is
$2, but if psid In advance it is $1.50.
Subscribers must not get behind and
then expect to got the paper for $1.50.
Outstanding subscriptions must be paid
0-rirnn flty Market Kepert.
(Corrected Weekly.)
WheatNo. 1 nierehanUhle, 60 cents
per hushd.
Flour IViUnd, IS 40; Howard's
B-at, 3 40 ; Fwhcr't Ihwt, $.340 ; Dayton j
4 25: Peacock. 4.:W
Oats in ska, white, 3(1 cents per
bushel, g, 34
Millatnffs Bran, . 113.00 per ton
shorts, f 13 l nr ton.
PoUloi-s 35 cent er sack.
Egg, 17.ii cents per dosen.
Butter Ranch, 25 to 35 cent ver roll
Onions, (1 50 per-sack.
Green apples, 50 to 75 per bos.
Dried Fruits A pple, unbleached, 3
cents; 50-pound boxes, evaiiorstod, 5o
prunes, 4 to 5 rents ; plums, 3c.
Bacon llama, 10 to 11 cents; sides, 8c.
8 to 0; shoulders, 6 to 7 ; lard 8to 10
Livestock and Divined .Meals Beef,
live, 2.S,' to 3 cents; hog, live S1 to4c;
hogs dressed, A cents; sleep, $2
to $3.00 per bead; lambs $1.75 to $2.50;
veal .dressed 6 to 7
Poultry Chickens, old, $3.00 to $3.50,
turkeys, alive, 8 to 10 cents per
Farm for Hale.
A 300 acre farm, known as the Sand
ers' place, at Molalla, Ore iron, finely
improved, rich soil, 200 acres in culti
vation, line neighborhood, church and
graded school on the (arm. Title perfect,
no incumbrances; posxession given im
mediately to purchaser. Price, $9,000;
$3000 down, and remainder on long time
at 7 per cent. For further particulars,
call on or address C.T. Howard, Muliuo,
Oregon. 1 mo
Tbe Bet Remedy For Flax.
Mr. John Matbias, a well known stork
dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says: "Aftsr
suffering for over a week with flux, and
m? physician having tailed to relieve
me, I waa advised to try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
and have the pleasure of stating thst the
half of a bottle cored me." For sale by
Geo A. Harding.
Bids Wauled.
Bids will be received by the under
signed at the office of the City Recorder
of Oregon City until 2 o'clock, p. m ,
Wednesday, August 10th, 1898,
for the improvement of the road
on tbe north sue of Abernethy
Creek from Main street to county road
leading to Portland, in accordance with
plans and specifications now on file in
the office of tbe Recorder. Esch bid
must be accompanied by a certified
check psysble to the Recorder for the
sum of $250 as a guanntee, that bid, if
accepted, will 'be fulfilled. The com
mittee reserve the right to reject any or
all bids.
H E. H asbis,
Jams Roaki,
Fbkd MrrzxiB.
Committee on Streets and Public
Dated at Oregon City, August 3, '98.
Wood Bids Wanted.
State quality and quantity you wish to
furnish, also price for delivery in our
yard or on the hill.
Bids will be opened August 201 b, '98.
Obeoon Qui Wools Mills.
Strayed or stolen from my place at
Bolton,on Tuesday, a brindle colored dog,
very large, will answer to the name of
Jack, and wears a leather harness.
Liberal reward for return of same to me.
Sot Ice ef Stockholder's Meeting.
- The snnusl meeting of the stockbild-
eis of the Cspen Shoe Company will be
held at the office. of said company at
Willamette Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday,
August 9, 1898 at 3 o'clock, p. m.
N. M. Moodv,
' Secretary.
Catarrh Cared. A clear bead and
sweet breath secured with Suiloh's
Catarrh Remedy ; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal Injector free. Sold by Charman tfc
Co., druggists, Oregon City.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of I
, William's Kidney Pills
Has no equal in diseases of the I
1 Kidneys tu Urinary Organs, nave
you neglected your Kidneys? Have1
you overworked your nervous sys-( '
Item and caused trouble with your (
.Kidneys and Bladder? Have you1
pains In the loins, side, back, groins,
. " 1 VI IJ A TI " t t 1
A sire pass urine ? William's Kidney
T I'illn will Imnnrt. npwllfp tn th HIr-
eased organs, tone up the system A
and make a new man of you. By
T mail 50 cents per box. w
f w iluahb mto. uo., fro ps., Cleveland, v. 1
For sale by C, G. Huntley.
Opp. Huntley's Drujt Store,
Great Britain and America.
Janu uiauuerr nuve you a uauvy ay k
pearance of the face, especially w
under the eyes? Too frequent de-A
INe Our Quaker Cabinet.
Enjoy Turkish, Russian, Sulphur,
Perfumed, Thermal, Medicated and
Vair Hatha In the privacy of your room
at home or abroad for three rents.
Water hatha cleanse the outer akin or
surface only. Our method cleanses,
pnr'fles, Invigorates and tones up the en
tire s) stem Inwardly by opening the five
million clogged uiea of the akin, enab
ling nature in her own way to expel by
perspiration all Impurities and etTete
matter from the body. Makes your
blood pure, your sleep sound, your skin
soft, white and beautiful. You feel
younwr. like a new being. It postively
prevents and cures uisease. The Quaker
is endorsed and recommended by the
most eminent phyaioiaus and over 87,000
users. Ladies are enthusiastic In Its
praiae. No assiatant or experience
needed. A child ran operate it. For
sale by Steward A Francs Oregon City.
Attention Campers.
The Wilhoit stage will start out of Ore
gon City Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, returning Tuesdays, Thursdays,
snd Saturuavs. Leaves Noblitt'i stable
at 12 o'clock noon. Round trip tickets
Campers to Wilhoit or other resorts In
the county will be taken out in private
rigs if desired, at bedrock prices. Call
or address Chss. Noblitt, Oregon City.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures
Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on
the face, and makes the head clear as a
bell. Sold by Charman A Co., druggista,
Oregon Citv.
The Racket store is the place to get
the latest novelties.
Fancy cushion stuffed with feathers
48c. At the Racket store.
Letter LUt,
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the poetoftke at Oregon City,
Oregon, on August 3. 1898:
won h i lit.
Barker, Grant Mrs Jsniea, Sadls
Barrett, Nora Noyer, Jans
Brooks, Edytli Webster, II
Bassy, J L Lucier, Ons
Berris, A J Moore, Jaa 8
Brotlon, Chss Oiler, Andrew
Coudry, Peter Faiterson, C B
Dye, JB Rmkofakl, Win
Gengler, Peter ' Sievtrs, Krneat
Hogges.Wm - Walsh.- R W
Junes, O W WrUmandel, P
Wilson, M D
Nice ready made Ladies skirts st the
Racket store.
Johnson has the best hair cutter in the
ill the promises nude for It, is the
verdict of those ttho hoe Med it.
er s
"I hav sold Area's Hal Viooa (or (Ifttto
year and do not know o( a ilngl cau wh-r
It did not Riva antlr tatiilactioo." F. M.
GROVE, Faunadala, Ala.
"When dtaeaM canted my hair to (alt cut, 1
found Arm's Hair Vlooa a moat eacellent
preparation and one that doe all that la
claimed (or If-L. KUSH, Connelltvllle, Pa.
"Arrs's Hair Vigor doeeall that la claimed
for It- It reatored my hair, which waa laat
becomlei Krav, back to It natural color dark
brown." W. H. HASELHOFK, Patereon, N.J.
. "Mr head became full of dandruff, and after
a time toy hair tx-iran to fall out. The dm of
AVKft'S flAIR Vioor atopped the falling out
and mads the ecatp clean and healthy." alas
C. M. AVRES, Mount Airy, Ga.
ELT'8 CREAM BAI.M Is poattlreeiin).
Apply into Uie ooetrlla. It la qnli:kly almorhed. 60
cent at Drnt'trle'a or uy mail ; eamplee inc. by mall.
SIX BKCrilKKS, M Warren Hi., Mew Vork City.
1'or Peoph
r People That Are Ml f
Sick op " JuBt Don't,
eel WelL"
onlv out: tarn a r,n
RtmsN Pimples, eurM Hudache, Oytpepils as
CoiUrenen. 2S cti. hex at driixiri-ti or by mail
VainjrlN I rse, addraai Or. Betanlu) Cs. FbUs, fa,
gor-vw "o" i4v"vy-vr v v -
State New,.
The salmon pok Is small, only about
300,000 cases,
Fire at Dayton burned the' warehouse
and -10,000 bushels of wheat.
The Msisma'i box la mlsalng from
Mt. Hood so T. II. Uardner reports.
In a gambling row at La Gramlo one
Chinaman shouts and kills another.
The salmon packers areendeavoi Ing to
get the season extended to Sept 1st.
A North Dakota colony of 30 families
will settle near Forest Grove, this tall.
The Oregon State Teachers' Associa
tion mot at New'Hirt, on Wednesday,
July 27.
Mines around Canyon City are still
attracting attention, both locally and
from eastern capitalists.
Tbe annual meeting of the Southern
Oregon Pioneer Association will be held
at Jacksonville. Hept 1.
The second laiyvet cargo of flour ever
shipped to the Orient left Portland Tut
day on the Mogul, 45,01)0 lbs. '
Threshing Is now well under way
near Eugene. The yield of wheat, so
far as reported, Is from 18 to 30 bushels
per sere. Moat of the farmers counted
on a better viol J than thla.
The annual school fund apportion
ment made this week by Treasurer
Metschan was bssed on 130JA3 children
of school age. This shows an Increase
of 37.665 iu the psst ten years.
John Walker, who resides near Ath
ena, Or., was severely injured while
threshing. His hand waa caught in
the cylinder of the machine and lacer
ated so bsdly that amputation ol por
tions of It was necessary.
Governor lord is seriously consider
ing the advisability of railing a special
session of the legislature this fall. He
thinks the regular session of 40 days,
with a United States senator and stale
commissions to elect, is too short In
which to attend to the necessary law
making. The stockholders of the Newberg Fsir
Association did not intend to hold a fair
this year, but as there seems to be a de
mand for one, they have submitted a
prouoaitioo to Nswbxrg citiiens. A
guarantee of f 150 is desired, 1100 to be
used toward paying expenses and for
premiums. It is thought the guarantee
will be raided.
A serions accident happened to John
C. Barnes, of Uervsis, last week. He
was opening the gate Into hia barnyard,
when his four-horse team ran awav. He
jumped on the brakelotk, and In pasa
ing an apple tree he was caught between
the ' wsgon and tree and severely
cruahed. He la painfully bruised and
will be confined to his home for some
Toesdav afternoon, Jacob Doerner, a
farmer living near Cleveland, Douitlas
county, left Roseburg with two horses,
riding one snd leading the other. The
horse he rode reached home Wednesday.
On Mr. Doerner not putting In appear
ance, search waa instituted. The miss
ing horse was found in the river.drowned.
It is supposed Mr. Doerner went into
the river after the horses and became
entangled in a rope and was drowned.
His body has not yet been recovered.
The work of cutting and binding full
grain will be about completed In Benton
county by the first of next week . Most
of the threshers In the county will begin
operations by Wednesday or Thursday.
So far as can be learned, the yield will
be above the average per acre. The
acreage In cultivation is exceptionally
large. Wheat Is quoted in the local
market at 52 cents. The past three
dsys hsve been noted for extreme hest.
The maximum temperature at the agri
cultural. college waa 09 degrees In the
shade yesterday.
At 8t. Mary's hospital ,ln Walla Walls,
last week, Dr. N. Q. Blalock performed a
remarkable surgical operation. Miaa
Carrie Stone, of Athena, Or., who had
for some time suffered from stomach
trouble, her death being but a question
of a short time, was taken to the hospital
to be operated upon as a last resort. Dr.
Blalock and his assistant removed from
ber stomach a large mass of black hair,
or a dermoid cyst growth. It measured
32 Inches In length, 5 Inches in diameter,
and weighed six pounds. Miss Htons
has a good chance of recovery.
Hon. John Minto, of Halem, is spend
ing bis whole time experimenting with
hop sprays. He stated today thst he
Intended to continue hia experiments
until he had found a composition that
would bring certain death to hop lice,
and until he could tell the farmers ex
actly how to prepare the mixture in the
cheapest and best manner. His method
of testing sprays is to make the mixture
very strong, so strong that he moots im
mediate results, and then by gradually
weakening it he finds what proportion
of ingredients will secure satisfactory re
sults, with the least possible, expense,
Mr. Minto says the farmers are too
ready to give up spraying if tlmlr spray
does not kill the lice when used in the
prescribed proportions.
Acker's English Kemeily will stop a
Cough at ' any time, and will cure the
worst cold In twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25c. and 50c.
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Jlyannts, Massachusetts
was the originator of "CASTOR I A," tho samo thai
has borno and docs now bear . on every
the facsimile signature of (&yffl&cJ& wrapper.
This is tho original "CASTOR I A" which has been used In
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it 1$
the kind you have always bought lf .i , on the
and has the signature of C&ffl&Uti wrap
per. No one has authority from mo to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Do Not Bo Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist majr offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"Tho Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Mod You.
Vm8 a'twa MtiMuaf, w Kwaaar et aarn Ma m
Htrnng ai lnic ait irtifiiiil eour-wa
Wall iaipiMx training ilaparlmenl of nine
gratra, aiili 10 children.
Ktsolar normal oounw of turra yaara. Senior
year wholly pmlr-Mtiiiial.
Uradiiatva of a-iera-llw-l blli arhnola S'H ao.
kM aliiilttil chrrrtly 10 inifM onl work.
Tlis diplomat "flha ariMtnl art rwogiiUad by
law sa s M fa it-rtillct. to ia'ti.
Tht sramiau. ol the anlnMil a rain dam and at
l.lKlit (pn lbs varfur fr.mi II .M u f too
Haiilltnl and hralthfnl loraiinn -imaalixiiK,
Th. tint torm oi-ana Til-a-lay, tti(Hbr ')
('ataloitn sivins hill dtalla of arork. mar.
fully lent tin aoiillcaiion. Addma
I. I CAMI'UKLU PrMldant.
Have stood tho test of
hest Wnifotm poBihln
want a noon rkmaiii.k
last the longest and
repairs, you will
Plrtatund Tuylor ttt., Portland. Or
fresh cured
Go to
Chas. Albright, Jr. J
Free I
delivery J
to . I
all parts of )
the City. I
r f
j i
L .Hi- .
years. They are the
to htiiltl, and if you
waijon, on that will
cost you tho least for
buy a "MITCHELL."
Do You
Know the News p
You can have It all for
in the Evening Telegram, of Port-
llttwl flrtaiMtn It ias ftl.a tm-.vaiuf
" 'ft""a. IV in HU 111
evening iiuwspaner puhlished In
U Oregon ; it contiiins all the news
ri oi me mute ami oi tne nation,
f Try it for a month. A sample
K cnuv will he mailed to you free.
Pi mjur-fn
The Telegram,
Portland, Or
4yTjr & w" tjt