t.L OKICGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1808. 3 PHUSOXAIjS. lion. John II. Mitchell win In Hie nly Htindiiy llm Kim t nl lien. C, Ilrowniill, I", KiiniHliy win In tlm clly Tiicaday on ljllalllltla.. V. Nnlilltt, (if Newly, was In llm clly riaturduy. II Tiilliiirt, (if I.ikiiii, "pent Kittiirdity In Ori'ii'in city. V.. Iliirrlii)(l'iii imhiIh a ImiIm' lrli In Allmtiy Saturday, (!. J. Mi'Kokiii', of Portland, waa In town Kiln week. I). It. IHinlik, of Canhv, spent Kiilnr liny in tliU plain. Mr, Mount, a resident of Canity, whs In town Saturday. Hon. ()n KHIln, of Needy, wan on our mrwiK Friday. C. Fviina, of Wllaonvllle, was a visitor In llm i lly on Saturday, I. . Hoyv, of rurlliiiiil, made h bindni'sa trip lo this I'ily Monday. II Anthony, of New I'.ru, wim doltik hiialnca in tlm city Monday, K ri hallcr, it Mulalla farmer, Vina ilu lug biiainea hereon Friday. II. K C. 1'helpa, nl Canhy, un In llm city ul thu lulls un Saturday J. L. Mattocks, of New Mr, spent MomUy Inihecliyof the (alia. Miaa llatllii (aae attended Hie U ik Ii era' niDflliiK, t Canity, S.uurday. II. CIiuko mill family, ol lliii inly, are CMimiiiiK on tlm Chautauqua K'ounds. Mr. mid Mn. I'. Mmnlic. ol Kandy, were mnoim lliu city visitors laat week. Miw Maud MmliliM k himmiI mind.y In attendance nl tli New Kia eainpineet lug. II. Wolfer, a prominent citiisen of Needy, waa In the clly on lunlntn last week. , h Wi mm. of Curilnsville. transacting1 business III OrcKon City last week. Miaa Hertha (loldatiillh ii pending few dayi with relatives and fi lends at Kugeiie. Mi. Tom Cowing, Jr., Ii visiting with her parent, Mr. and Mm. Smith, uf Milvertun. A lUlid, of Stanford University, waa Hie iincMof Mr. and Mrs A. 8. Pursuer hist week. Miaa Frances Fonts, of Tlm Dalles, la Hie guest of Mr. and Mra. T. W. Kouta, of this rliy. A. Iluird. of Slunlord University, la spending1 liia varation on tlm Chaiitau qua gioumU. lieu. K. Howell and wile, of 1'oitlund, pent Sunday the gueati ol J . W. How f II, of lliia city. I), licyimlda, of I'ortlund, has bought out ol IihiUt shop fuiinuily owned liy llclirv Wildhcarl. Miss .Myitlu llardcsting, of Hilton, pent a fi'W ilnye at t ho Nuw Kra Camp luei'tinr last week. (ieo. V. I-eniiimn, of (iladittone, left Monday for (iranL'a Tana, where lie goes In the intt'ical of business, II. S. (iilmon, forincrly of thin city, but now of I'ortlnnil, attended the cuuiii invi'tiiitf at New Kra, Sunday, MIkn A ihi l Wili liHit, whu Iiiih lieen vleiiiiiK for aevorul daya with frivnda in California, reinrned home M hhIuv. Mia. V. Terry, Mr. anil Mra. C. Kielda ml Win. Klioilea, all of thia city, were viHlloi h tit tlm New Km l'uuiiineeling on ritindiiy laht. V. Kurtz, of Fri-ih h I'mirio, who Iihh hue n enguued oh cundui't tr un (ho South ern I'm lllo, ia Hpeudiiit; a few week in thia city. Miaa May lUheork, of Sail Liko Clly, arrived hero Monday, and has taken charge of tho elia titiuiinry woik ul the Chautauqua. CIihm. Hohertaon, of Portland, who la In the employ of the Iuhk diatunro telo phone couipany, wiir in the city Monday, On llUhilll'HH. J'rof lleritane, th well-known niuai cal itiHtriiL'tnr of Salem, arrived hero Moinlay to lake chaiKO of tho eiiiKinn at Chauliiuiiua. Mian Imoglne llariling and Nettie Walder returned homo Monday from a very pleiiaant week's vialt with frienda at VVO'idlmrn. D. Fiaher returned laat week from Foreat (irovo, where ho spent a pleaaant 4th vinitinK hla (laughter, Mrn, K. Dilley, of that place, Mian Clara llouch, of l'ortlnnil. re turned to her home ' Monday, after upending- a few daya with MifRpollio CroHH, of (ihulHlone. Chaa. Moore, who haa boon ongnKud lit a a.iwmill, at Nehalem, for three montha, returned home lunt week, to re main during the aumnior. Kev. and Mra. (iiliiiun Parker mnd a vlHit to Aatorla Friday. Hov. Parker re turned homo the sanio day, but Mra. Parker remaineit with frienda. Mian Pearl Howell, of Salom, who la employed on tho Salem Journal, in HpondiiiK tho week In thia city, the gtieHt of Mr. and Mra. K. L. McCliirn. Iwin Doolittle la biuk Iroin Hyen, where ho Iihh been for Home time prote peeling. lie met with Home decree of f iici'i'HH, enjoyed good health anil vimtcd T. Ciimphell and an Clalro, at Dyea, and found them Joiug well. nit m lin k from CulifoinU. Kiii'IhIi l Mill confined to hia tuoiu I', A lama left llila Week for KaaUirti On (oii. J. Moiolaud, of Molalla, apent Mon day In Una city. Mra, l, P. ThompHoti and ami are vlaitlnK In the cl'y, J. A. Moohuk made a flying vlalt to I'orlhiud on Tiioulay. Prof, (jury left thia week for a viit with lelntivoa in tl.e eut, A new ariivnl of Suah ribbon In all colora at llm Km ki t loru. MUh ShaipHteln, of California, If the gui'Ml n( Miaa Kuth Cowing. Kev. ami Mra. Olierg and children Hpiitil Thiirailny with lelutivea. Miaa Annie Midlinn, of Portland, ia the gtuixt of frlemla al Caneinali. J (ireen and family and W.Joiiea moved to Peudliiton Monday. Wm. Siiiiipaou inadu a trip to town Monday from hi Molalla farm It. and W. Alhee are spending tin miiiiiner on the Columbia, indium. N. A. Walden leit .vii,nd.y for Pendhc tori, lo remain during Hid Miiniiner Fred Miendl lelt laat week for eaMctn Oregon to remain during the auniiiier Mra, II. C. Moran, of Salem, ia the gueat ol her iHter, Mra, . L. Mi l'liire. Mr. and Mra. P. Shark, ap-nt Sunday viaiting Mr. and Mra. II. Koako, of Port land 8. Smith and family moved lo Port land Monday, where they will make their home, Miaa Lizzie Walker, of Portland, tmaaed through the city Monday for Wilhoit'a Sprimra. Miaaei (luaaie and Albertina Miller, of Aurora, are guehta of Mra. Chaa Ogleatiy, Prof. A. C. Strange and aiater are among the tampers on the Chautauqua grounds. Miaa I'ila Buafrord, of Salem, spent Monday in thia city, viaiting Miaa Irene McCown. L Miller, of Falls View, made fly ing (rip to the Capital City on his wheel Monday. Miaa Maud Maddock la bark from a pleaaant weeks vlait with frienda at New Kra. Hon. John II. Mitchell was the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. C. Hruwncll, on Sunday last. Miaa Pearl Hill, of (iervala, is in the ri y this week, Il u KUi st of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Kogeis. C. ItHinahy, one of Molalla's prosper una fit lena, brought '20 head of aheep to town Monday. It. Spenrer and F Jones left Friday for Kaatern Oregon, to llnd employment in tho hurveat fields. Chaa. Wilaun, who has Iwn Bludylng law nil winter, ia spending his summer as tuirM-r on the Alton. A, J. Sawtell, of Mulalla, the only tea- act grower In thia portion of the country, waa in the city Tueaduy, Palph Scott, of Portland, Is viaiting Mr. and Mra. (leo. Heron, during the the aeaHon of Chautauqua. Mra. K. Holt, whoh.is been q'lite to ri.ufly ill for two weeks, has recovered suMirientlv to be out again. Win. Murahall and wife, of Portland, worn tho gueala of Mrs. K.J. Marshall, of Caneinali, the paat week. F Itetzerand K. Vaughn, of Willam ette Falls, left Monday for Walla Walla, to remain during tho summer. Mrs. J. K. Sanders, of Sheridan, ia the gueat of Mis. J. Ii l.aher, and will re main througho.it Chautauqua. T Punnigan, of Silverton, who has been on holiness in Kaatern Oregon, piiHaed through the city Tuesday, on his Wiiy home. Kev, Ili ie, paHtor of the Norwegian Lutheran church, Portland, accompan ied by hia wife, "pent Monday veiling Kev. K. Mark, of this place. C. Hilley, of HiimaHcux, a well-known pioneer of this county, died at his home on Sunday last, iih a reault of an injury received by falling from a hay wagon on Saturday. K. Carter, of Wilhoit, accompanied by his wife and daughter, were in the city TucRday . M rs. Carter and daughter lelt the same day for a vimt with relatives In the eiiat. Fred CttHO, who has been engaged in the carpenter trade at San Franclnco for several months paHt, returned to this city Monday, to viait with hia mother, Mrs. M. K. Case, of Falls View. Fred Morey left Monday to escort his grandmother, Mrs. G. K. Morey, to her home at San Francisco, Mrs. Morey has been the guext of Mr. and Mrs. P, F. Morey for the past three months. II. L. Wolfer, of Mackshtirg, was in Oregon CitV Wednesday. When be started home ill the evening his liorse kicked him as he was lemoving him from the stall, inflicting a painful scalp wound. G, It. Miller, of San Hernordino, Ca ifornia, arrived in this city alter a two iiiomiIih' overland trip, from Southern California, lie reports btiHincBH very dull in that seollon,and says people are moving away in great numbers. He re ports that hny Is selling in Los Angeles at $31 a ton. T. ' I .1 M F. Mclilinm'a, Is back from a brief ylsit with friends and relatives at Stork ton Cal. Mias Nun Cochran returned this week from a few il.i.os vialt with fiienda at Claakanle. Mrs. Delia (ireen and two children, left Tueaihiy for a six weeks outing at Long Beach. P, Ingells, of New Kra, accompanied by his daughter Mias Mary, spent Tues day In the city . A. II. Wing, of Molalia, was In the clly Wednesday and attended the business meet in; of the Maccabees. Miss Annie Flynn, of Albany, is the gueitofMr. and Mrs. G. W. Church, and will remain during Chautauqua. Kev. Montgomery returned from two weeks visit at Haker City where he occupied the Presbyterian pulpit for two Sundays, Mis. G. O. Ilolman and two daughters Kdlth and Stella, of Portland, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Ilolman on Tuesday. Fred Harris, who has been employed In Geo. Harding's ding store the past eliht weeks, left (or his home at Forest (irove .Monday. Prof, A. It. Rweetser, Instructor in chemistry at faciflc University, is In the city, attending the Chautauqua. He has charge of the botany department! Firh Commiaaioner Hubbard, F. C Downing and J, Baring, pasaed through the city Monday, for the Dalles, where they go to look after fish interests. Hen Gregersou is confined to bis room this week, as the reault of receiving a severe blow from the wood carriage last Friday lo the Pulp and Paper Co's saw mill. Tbe Chautauqua. The Chautauqua opened on Tuesday with about 2500 people on the grounds. At 2 o'clock the auditorium was well filled and President Miller made trie opening speech which was brief and to the point. This was responed toby T. T. Geer In a lew well received remarks, after which the famous lecturer from Chicago Dr. Ilenaon, delivered bis lect ure on "Backbone" which was lull (4 wit and humor and delighted all. Wed needay the attendance was somewhat In creased, the three lecturers were Dr, Ilenaon. ol Chicago, W. E. Barton, D. I). ol Boston, and W. C. Hawley, president of Willamette University. These speak era were all well received and enjoyed the heartiest applause. In the after noon a banket ball game occored be tween Portland Y. M. C. A. and the Oregon City club resulting In a score of 6 to 2 In favor of Portland. Thursday Hey. A. Bradford, of Mont- clair, X. J. lectuied on "Oliver Crom well" add Mias Maud Babcock, of Salt Lake gave some select readings io tbe evening. F'riday there will be three lectures by President P. L. Campbell, E. Updyke, of Madison Wis. and J, T. Graven, of Ga Birthday Parly. One of the most delightful parties en joyed by the.voung folks of Oregon City, waa that given in honor of Sadie Keller's seventh birthday Sunday July 10th. A number of beautiful presents were re ceived. Games and other amusements were the order of the day, after which ice cream and cake were served. Those preaentwere: Mr. and Mrs. Keller; Sadie and Marie Keller, Ella Dempater, Annie Gleason, Gertrude and Clara Keller' MHggie Wilkinson, Sadie Sulli van and Katie Bradlev. WANTED. 100 watches to repair at ft. 00 each. C. A Nahii, at the PontofhVe. Johnson has the beat hair cutler in the cily. A Marrow Fscape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada K. Hart, of Groten, S. D. "Was taken with a bud cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myaelf up to my Savior, determined if I could not slay with my friends on earth,' 1 would meet my absent ones above. Mv husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Charman & Co. ,9 Drug Storo. Regular size 50c and $1 00. Guaran teed or price refunded. THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Nlurtim. M. C, th (ireat Clienilst and SeliMHIat, Will Heiul, Fr-e, Three Bottle-of His Newly Dlm'iivereil Keiueitie to Sufferers. Editor Entkki'Kihk : I have discov ered a reliable cure for consumption and allbrochial, throat and lung diseases, general decline, toes of flesh and all con ditions of wanting away. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have boon cured. So proof-positive am I of its power to cure, that to make its merits known, I will send, free, to any afllicted reader of your paper, three bottles of my newly discovered remedies upon receipt of express and post ollke address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 118 Pine Street, New York. When writing tho doctor, please men tion this paper. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYEP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it U manufactured by sdi-ntlflc processes known to the CAuronsu Fio Bvuup Co. only, and we wihh to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the (fcnuine Syrup of Fiffs Is manufactured oy the Caufohnu Fio bYRUP Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding- the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par tics. The high standing of the ClLI Fobmia Fio Svia-p Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the frenuiue Syrup of Fig has Riven to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irrluting or weaken' inff them, and it does not gTipe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ! rUASCISCO, Cal. UirUTILLK, K. MEW TOKK, X. T. Our baby has been continually troubled with colic and cholera Infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Cham berlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troubled. We want to give yon this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not that you need to ad vertise your meritorious remedy. G. M Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by Geo A. Harding. Bids Wanted. Bids will be received by tbe under signed at tbe office of the Recorder of Oregon City until 2 P. M. Saturday July 30th 181)8, for the improvement of the public road, known as tbe Singer Hill road, leading from Tenth street to top of the blufT at Seventh street in accordance with plans and specifications now in the office of the Recorder. Each bid! to be accompanied by a certified check paya ble to the Recorder lor the sum of 1250.00 as a guarantee that bid if accepted will be fulfilled. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. H. E. Harhih, Jam KB Roake, Fkkd Mitznek. Committee on streets and public prop erty. Oregon City July 13 185)8. Bills Wanted. Bids will be received by the county clerk up to 2 p. m. July 15, for the furn lading to Clackamas conntv of 61, 200 feet f good, clear fir lumber, sized 4x8 inches and cut in 20 feet lengths; said lumber to be delivered by July 29, 18H8, at such place on or near the suspension briJge at Oregon City, as maybe designated. The right is reserved to reject any or all ids. By Okdkk or County Coi kt. Wood Wanted. Sealed bids will be received at the office ol County clerk for furnishing the court house with 60 cords of good sound fir wood. Said wood to be made of live body timber and to be well seasoned. Bids will be opened ut the August term of conntv court. The court reserves the light to reject any or all bids. Ei.mkk Dixon, County Clerk. Tliresiug Machine fur Sale. A ten hoiBe traction engine and separator for sale. This probity is in good order and will be sold cheap. W. H. Bonnky, Redliind, Oregon. For Sale. blooded Jersey A fine full ten days old. bull calf. C. II. Dyk. 25 Woodcutters Wanted. Call on the Mayger Company, of Mayger, Oregon. Wages 75 cents per cord. Any of the Astoria boats will land you on our dock . Wanted. Some wot d haulers. Apply to Okkuon City Manufacturing Co. Lost. On tne bluff, July 4, a black cape, trimmed with fur and bend around col lar and down front, box plait down back. Return same to M. Michael's store and receive rewaid. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's the best and if after using it you don't say so, return the package Htul get your money, Sold by Charmtin & Co., drnegists, Oregon City. Db.GUNN,Ss For People That Are nil I A Sick or "Just Don't U 1 1 I V Feel Well." I I L LO ONLY ONK FOR A DOSE. Rtmsvat PlmplM, curat Headache, Oriprpsta ant CostlKitess. 26 cti. a box at ilruxio.u or bv matt VauiplM free, address Dr. BoMnks Co, f hiia. fat CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of BETRAYE.D BY FL-PJACKS. & Walter Who Can Tell a Mao's Ooea. patloo by th War Kat- There is a waiter in a Dearborn street restaurant who has discovered the sci ence of reading a man's occupation by his manner of eating. He can look into the calm eye of a customer engaged in disarticulating a "ham and" and de taruiiue with wonderful accuracy whether the man is a scissors grinder or State street merchant Of course one mnst bo a close observer to do all this, and it isn't everybody that is afforded a lunch counter for a field of study. Yet if the stndent will avail himself of opportunities wbih seated at tbe mahogany board he will find that when the business man is at lb') talilo some habit acquired in tba dully purxuauce of his profession will be sure to show itself. ' For an liiHtance, the banker may come in and order wheat cakes. If he does, the waiter declares bo will invariably dip 'his fingers iu the water and run over the cakes to see if there is a mis oonnt. Tbe gambler will look around to see if any one is watching and then palm a slice of bread. If he orders flapjacks, be is snre to slip them One by one from the bottom as be eats tV'm. The clothing salesman will bold bis flapjacks op to the light and feel tbe texture, while the keen observer will notice that the jew eler, upon ordering pie, will bold it to bis ear, shake it and then listen, after which he will lift off tbe top crust with tbe point of bis knife and examine the insides. During an lnterivew tbe other day tbe waiter stated that ho called bia new science "eatistry." "I have not mastered my science yet,' said be, "and seldom a day passes but that I learn some new point. Oh, It's a great study, and I tbink in time it will take its place along with palm istry and phrenology and other kindred sciences. " "Have yon ever made a mistake in judging a man's occupation?" "Only once, and that could hardly be called a mistake, for I made no decision as to tbe man 'a business. I confess I was stumped. Tbe fellow came in and ordered his dinner. Of courso I gave him a class of water. He looked at it with some surprise and said, 'I didn't order that. " 'It costs you nothing, says I, 'and you don't need to drink it unless yoa want to.' "He thanked me, and what do yoa think be broke his bread i'jto it and then ate it with a spoon. I didn't know what to niuke of it, and for the life of me I conldu't determine what his busi ness was. When he was leaving, I kip ped him on the shoulder aud asked him outright what he did for a livicg. " 'Why, says he, 'I'm aniilkman.' " Chicago Intor-Ocean. AN OLD GOVERNMENT DIE. rsed by a Lawjrr a a Paperweight For Year. In tho course of a lecture at the Ap prentices' library A. E. Outerbridge, Jr., related an interesting incident that serves to show how much more careful Uncle Sam is in the destruction cf old dies for coins than he used to be. "Some time ago," said Mr. Onterbridue. "I was visiting the office of a friend who is a lawyer, when I noticed upon his desk a little metal object, covered with three or four coats of red paint, which waa apparently in use as a puptrweight. It was a govcrumcutdie for a silver dollar of 1801), and for my friend to have it in big possession was a penal offense. He did not know what it was until I told him, and he informed me that it bud been around the office as a paperweight as long as he could remember 40 years Jit least. I cave him a silvi.r weiubt iu its place and informed the authorities ut Washington of the circumstance, also forwarding my lrieud's affidavit as to what he knew about it. 'At that time, though all dies were supposed to be destroyed when discard ed, tho system was rather lax, aud they sometimes found their way into the pos session of juuk dealers. I agreed to turn over the din upou condition that it should not ba destroyed, but kept in the numismatic collection at the Philadel phia mint, aud that I might borrow it at a future time to illustrate a lecture. The conditions were agreed to, and I have brought the die with me tonight to snow to you. I bad to write a very formal lettor to get it, stating tho pur pose for which it was to bo used, and it must be returned tomorrow morning." Philadelphia Record. Bad Done What She Could. A colored womon went to the pastor of her church tho other day to complain of the conduct of her husband, v ho, she said, was a low down, worthless, trifling nigger After listening to a long recital of the delinquencies of her neglectful spouse and her efforts to correct them the niiuister said, "Have yon ever tried heaping couls of fire upou his head?" "No," was the reply, "but I done trit d hot water." Washington Letter in Chicago Record. A 1'ertiueut Uuvry. "Ah, yes" said the star, "I have been married for eight years I" "Continuously?" asked the critical ouo, but the query was deemed unworthy of reply. Cincinnati Enquirer. It is estimated that 1,200 tons of os trich feathers have been exported from Cape Colony dnrinR tho put SiO years, valued at fI2.O0O.U00. Sunday Services. OKItMAN KVA;K1.ICA I, LU I II Kit AN 1M M A.N UAL CHUK(:H-t'nrin.r hiKiilh aii'l J. q. A'lam streets; Itev. Kruen J. VV. Mar.., psaior, Huriilav acliooj al 10 A. M., weekly ervice every Tliuralay at 8 P.M. Herman aclool verv Saturday from 9 lo 12. Lvsrylanly Invited. K1BHT rONOKKltATIOKAL CH'TRCH. Iter. I . W. li.i I t, t'naior. Me.rneei at 10:30 . n. mi T.M r. M. h.HMijr Hebixil alter mornlni erire. P, jyor inceon i.ii.mIhjt evenuiff ei 7 iKin.DIwi:. Prayer meeting ol Vouns People's ijoem.t ol Ciri.imn Kuileor ever Huudar reninf atfl:30pirnpl. FIKHT BAPTIST CHUKfJH. - RT. il L, Kcoo.Paator MoriiluKrirlceatl:l: RuuitaT iwrioolal 11:15; Ktreiiliia Herrlre 7;HO: Krirulaf orarer meetlnu I i.U'iilajr erenlnn. Monthly Covenant Meetlnr eer Wednexli prece'lillf Die flmt Sliudsv In lha month I COMlal Invitation to all. HT. JOHN'S CHnKCH.CATH-OLIC.-Riv. A. Hii.MBXixn, I'u,r. On Similar maaaat S and 10:KO a. M. Knery nerorxl and fourth hutidar Oerman aermon alter the s o'clock mats At all other maaaes Kiixllah aermona. Humlav Reboot at 2:30 r. a. Venpera, apologellcal ubiecu aii'l Henedlntloa at 7:30 r. a. MRTHOIUST KPISCOPAL CKtJKCH.-K-T. H. One', Pantor. Mornlni errlr at 10 IV riiifKlar School at lu lM. Glaaa meellnf after nomine nerrlee. Krenlns terrine at 7 30. r.i,w.,rni beaKut meeting Hiindajr evening al :0; Prayer Meeting Thiirnday (veiling ( 30, trangeri cordially Invited. fIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHCRCH.-Rgy. A 1. Montgomery. Pantor. Hervieen at II a a. and 7:30 r. u. Hal.batb School at 10 a. m. Youni People' Society of Chrlmlau Endeavor met-tl very Sunday evening at :80. Ihmidar evening prayer meeting at 7:30. 8eata free. EVA.VOSLICAL CHURCH HERMAN Rer. Erlen. Pator; J. K, K Hit at A- fnC P eaching nervleea every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:Wi P. M. Sabbath arhool every Hnnday al 10 A. M , Mr. Zi i,infii sUpt. Prayer Metllur every ThuriMlay evening. GERMAN' LUTHERAN ZION'8 CON (rroraiini.al church. Kev. F. Pack, pantor. rmre every Hnnday at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. Lodge. A. O. U. W. meeta every Saturday evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple. Geo. R. CalifT, aecretary. Rebekaha Willamette Rebekah Lodgw No. 2 meeta second and fourth Friday of each month at I. O.O. F. Temple Malta Godfry, secretary. Court Robin Hood No. 9, Forester of America, meet first and third Friday ia the month in Red Men' Hall. F. T. Rogers, secretary; F. 8. Baker, chief ranger. Meade Poet No. 2, G. A. R., meet first Wednesday in each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, come mander. Clackamts Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., meeta on the third Monday of each month in Masonic Hall II. 8. Strang, secretary. Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. 8. meet the second and fourth Tuesdays in each month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennie Rowen, secretary. Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. 0. O. F., meeta every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary Fills Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. meets first and third Tuesday in each month. J. A. Stuart, secretary. Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp. O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30;. at Red Men's Hall J. W. Stuart, C of R.; H. L. Patterson, Sachem. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. hi.. meets first and third Saturdays in each month at Maaonic Hall. T. F. Ryan, rccretart. Mead Corps No IS, W. R. C., meet 1st Monday in each month at the Will amette Hall. Mrs. Clouee, president The Auxiliary meeta the third Monday,, at Willamette Hall. Artisans meets first, second and fourth Thursdays in each month at Red Men's Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary. Catholic Knights of America St. John's Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of the month. Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets ia Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth. Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, record keeH'i ; Practical Horses! oer Track and Road Work a Specialty. Any style shoes forged in iron or steel. Wanon work and repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop on Seventh street, next door to Xobhtt's stable. r i William's Kidney Pills thejf iV0.J T T7?i nil pminl in r.i$una r4 thn ff Kidneys aLd Urinarv Organs, Have , I you neglected your Kidneys? Have ' you overworked your nervous sys- p tern and caused trouble with your fT Kidneys and Bladder? Hove yonw pains m the loins, side, back, irroins M 1.1. ..1.1. a 11 ,,i v auu uiuuui'i t iiava you a uaooy ap pearance 01 uie lace, especially' under the eyes ? Too frequent de-. sire puss urine ? William's Kidney Pills will impart new life to the dis- ( eased organs, tone up the system . ami muite a new man 01 you. Uy mail 50 cents per box. t Wllll.,l.VK.W r. jn . . 1 .. ...... ... ... 1 ... k Kf., i. nijj., ueveiarja, u. For sale by C G. Huntley. HOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS Thi'y overcome WenkntrM, irrffrn Iai it y aiiii uini-nluti(.,iiif reee vinur ftitU batilxli pattiri uf meni'triitv v . un." inej are i.iie MuYr" tui'irlsiit wtminntiootl. niiimir iltw Yt'iiiiiiftit or onrnriH find bwiy. Na kiioun n-mrWy fur women viunl. tln'iti. Cumiot 1 hirm lift bn imii.. a ixea-ur. )H1 tw bus afrv-v vAit'TrnfHrniT An 1 1 1 ,t .7' juvii vnumtuabbVHVK'viMUiM Wanted An Idea Who mn think or tom nripis thlDirtoDat.'itt Pmtwt your IcImh: thpy Pi'iwt your 1m; they may brlug- you wmlia. Wrlta J6HK WKODEKufjRN i CO "pl, I?. Deyi, WashlnRhiii, D C, fur their ll.au nrla oQaw dai llal ot iwu buudnd lavauUuua waalwL