Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1898. 3 ('UliltTH. (Itriiullmiiirt floiivinina llrat Mint a lu No TinilHir mil (lilril Monday hi April, FrnUUMjourl III innnlun first Mtitiilsy In santi (lnminlliiiiiitnoiirt muni Ami Wmliuisfliiy itar nrm nuiinitv hi vault niiiulli, OltWION 01TY OKKHT.IIN, M ny up, . - JtiTonliT, ciiiinrriiii'ii MKlitwatrliinan -Treasurer, City Attorney, -Hirwt ('iiiiiiiilnaiiiiirl -Hiit. (if WUr Work., - K (1, CriiIIkIiI 'Hum. K, Itvan - C!iu. H. Hurim - K. I Hlmw II. K. Hi milhi Frank I'. (Jrllllili - W. I Hndlii W. II Howell iMiKinrxr. rri. - , , iviiiiiiiiMI II 111 V I I Council mrult, K'M'rniT, Frank Itu.cli, It, 1), Wllmici, Jarnao Koskt, II, K. 1 1 nr. rli, I!. I) Utotirolts, Arthur Milln, Fred A, MtUner, Council insets Ural month in city liall. Wstliisulay of mil Johnson has Hi best Imlr culler in (lie dly. Nice Lscos for dress at tlio Itucknt Ntore. trimming cheap (iwo. A. Harding, "the druggist', lint some second-hand aliow case (or sale at a batgaln. Mop that cough I Talis warning. It may lead to consumption. A 2o Iroltle of Shiloh'a Cure may save your life. Hold by Charman A Co., druggists, Ore gon City. For quiet vim' to hitch your horses way (rum the motor lino and a place to get first class Job of repairing or borne shoeing cull on K. F. Hcrlpture's ibo on Filth street. Ksrl's Clover Root Tea, for Consllps. tlon It's the bent and If after uitlng It you don't lay ao, return the package and get your money. Sold by Cbarman A Co., drmrglsls, Orej(n City. Catarrh Cored. A clear bead and twtet breath aw u red with Bhiloh't Catarrh Remedy; told on a guarantee. Nasal Injector free. Hold by Cbarmao A Co., drogglata, Oregon City. Tht Minnesota dog learn which hat been making a tour of the Western States paaaed through tbla city laat week od tta way Booth. There wart seven dogs In the team and all teamed quite at bomt In the harneaa Bhllob'a Consumption Curt curea where otliera fall li lathe leading Cough Cart, and no home abould be without It. Fleesant to take and goea right to the pot. Bold by Cbarman A Co., druggiata, Oregon City. Now la the time to paint your house, barn roofs, fence, bicycle, buirglea etc. and Cbarman A Co. have the agency for the lt I'urt Prepared Taint uiftde, all old at leas than I'orlland prlcea. Re member Cbarman'a l'rug Btore. Tbo Original Cut Kate Druggist." At a meeting of the city council held Saturday evening an ordinance wm in troduced to receive bid for improving ISingor'a Hill and tint Abernuihy road; Singer's Hill road being too narrow for Safety, It will probably be widened L'O feet. Daniel Williams, at the nort beast cor Her of ('enter and Seventh streets, has a choice and well selected stock of fmuily traceries which be is selling at verv reasonable ratca. Hia motto is and let live, w ith honest weight measures". Goods delivered to part of the city. 'live and any TJie boysof the Fountain Hose team are now in good training for tho Fourth of July race. Although tho member of this team are not so fast In the sprint, yet they have good endurance and with a little more training will acquire fairely good speed. They arise at an early hour in the morning and Jog several mile Into the country and Imck before breakfast, and then In the evening run with the cart. The members of the team are as follows: A. K. Green, F. Rogers, A. Cannon, A. Froman, M. Smith, L, Mooru, C. Hartman and A. Willoy. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be Interested In the experience of Mr W, M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Providence, It. I. He says: "For several years I have been almost a con tant suffer from diarrhoea, tbt frequent attacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a travel Ing talesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects were ira. mediate.' Whenever I lelt symptoms ol tbt disease I would fojtlfy myself against tnt atucg witit a lew doses of this valua ble remedy. Tht result hits been very aatlsfsctory and almost complete relief from the affliction." For tale by Geo. A, Harding. Stockholder Meetlnr. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ore gon City Manufacturing Company will be held at tht office of tbt company, In Oregon City, on Saturday, July 9, 1808, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day for tbt purpose of electing directors of tbt cor poration to tervt for the ensuing year and transacting such business as may properly come before the stockholders' meeting. C. G. .'. cobs, W-7-1 Secretary. Oregoa City, Jobs 1, 1808. In tho city at Johnson'i ClillilrniiH hatauml bonmitH nlcu leloo. lion at lliu Racket store. Lutourolln Fulls are tliu slur attraction to plousuru seekers tit in season. Tho Victor straight lino sprocket pre vent cliuln hrcukngo and excessive friction. Last year's putlerna of wall paper at reduced price. 0 und lUc cull liter at Itellomy & Jusch. W'eiMiiiK stationery, the latest styles ami tliiiiNt assortment ever brought to Oregon City ut the KNTkaentsK oIIIcm. MiihIc, oratory and mlrili will ho the ordor of the day on the excursion to I.alourvllo Falla on the 4th, Tliero have been 6K),000 atuol beaila hatchod thin auuMon at the haicbnry on Haluion river, all of which are In a healthy condition. Our bahy haa leen continually troubled with coliu and cholera Infantum aince hia birth, ami all that we could do for him did not acorn to give more than totniMiiary relief, until we tried Cham bcrlaln'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. Hlhco giving that remedy be haa not been troubled . We want to give you thla teallmonial aa an evidence o( our gratitude, not that yon need to ad vert I an your meritorious remedy, U. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For aale by Goo. A. Harding. Alleutlon Camper. Tbt Wllholt itage will atart out of Oregon City Mondaya, Wedneedaye and rridayt, returning Tueadaye, Thuredayt, and Katurday. Iiave Noblitt'a atable at 12 o'clock noon Round trip ticket f2 60. Campers to Wilhoil or other reaorta In the country will be taken out in private riga If desired at bedrock prices. Call or additst Charles Noblltt. Oreiron Cltv. How's Tblsl Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for sny esse of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cora. F. J. CiiiHir A Co., Props .Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. Cheney for tbo laat 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all bus iness transactions and financially ablt to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WnirrATai'AX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldimo, Kinna A Mabvik, W hols- sals Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu roua surfaces of the system. Price 75c r bottle. Bold by all druggists. Testi inonlals free. Hall's Family Pills sie the beet. PA It K PLACE SCHOOL PAUTK, Ilrccpt Ion Tendered to Hie lirmluatrs nf Hie PhhI Three Years, On Saturday evening Professor snd Mrs. tiray tendered a delightful receu lion to all graduates of the Park place school since lKlij. The spacious parlors ol Prof.Grav't residence were beautifully decorated with an assortment of flowers snd ferns. The front parlor, which was reserved for I ho das of '08, was deco rated with sKciaI care and presented most artistic aparuiua. The wall was trimmed with a rare variety of sweet brier, and on the center table a quantity of class flowers the marguerites were thickly strewn. Uotween the folding doors Old Glory bung, decked with s myriad fragrant rose buds. In the adjoining room, which was set apart for the class of '07, an elegant variety of sweet eu and woodbind fern were In evmenco, uio sweet tea Doing the class flower. A largo parlor on the wort received its portion of the extensive ducorations chiefly in an endless variety of roses. This very tastily decorated royiu was In honor of the old graduates ot '0.r, The flowers of this class were red and white rosos. and these, made Into large boquots, added much to the beautiful effect. When the students had assembled, they listened to the following program, which was well rendered in all its parts: Address to Incoming Class.. .Dollie Cross Response Florence Patty Class of '07 Song Class ot '07 Address William Beach Instrumental Solo. . Address Vocal Bolo Address Poem...... Fred Smith J. Garrow ..Mrs. J. W. Grsy W. Garrow . v,,.Mary Huerth ...... Class o( '08 .....i.. Carl Butts Class of '98 Hong.., Class History..., Address Cast. Apperson Impersonation Charles Galloway After the program tht company en joy td a delicious luncheon of choice fruit, cake and candies, At a late hour they took their departure, declaring that the evening's entertainment was perfect in every detail. Tbe following composed the party : Prof, and Mis. Gray, Misses Harriet Dotson, Marquerlte Williams, Miss Bracker, Capt. and Mrs. Apperson. Class of 95 Fred Smith, Wm. Beach. Class of '07 Dollie Cross, Nora Elliot, Jesse Faublon, Percy Cross, William Garrow, Joe Garrow.' Class of '08 Florence Pstty, Kate Smith, Daisy Rivers, Pearl Uemler. Clark Williams, Carl Butts. Host shave burhur hIiiii flreiit ri'ilnctloii In cliildren'a wuhIi but uml bonneta at the Idickut Mlore, lleiiiitiful dlilrt whIhih, laliint ltUNHlan IiIoiihh front at III" Kuckut Hturn. Take your family or your nirl lor an ouiing on tliu 4th of July and g" on tliu excursion, I'.lcyclii namcls, bath tub enamels, white enamel Jimt Ihe thing to renovate old furniture etc Charman A Co., Cut Unto Druggists, If you dont want to get left In your arrrmeiiients for a pleasant celebration of the 4ili of July go on the excursion to Latniirolle Fulls, A party o' 12 young men, Bt. Joseph's school, Portland, were escorted through the city by Father Rauws on Wednes day. They brought their lunch baskets snd were admitted Into the woolen mill after which they visited other plac. s of Interest, The marriage of Mr. V. Harris, of this city, and Mis Kdith Conn, of Astoria, was solemnized at the bride's home Tuesday, June 28. st 4 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Harris will make their home In Oregon City, after a short wedding tour. The yoimu ladies of the Ayll club have Issued Invitations to about 60 of their friend to a picnic at Gladstone Park, Julyl, from 4 to 8 o'clock Outdoor games will be participated in, and the Ayll girls will serve refreshment suit able for a picnic and will endeavor to make the event a happy one. During tbt past week, a trial has been In progress before Referee It. A. Miller, the point at Issue being the effort of the heirs of Mrs, M. A. Mordock to set aside an order of the County Conrt al lowing a bill against the estate filed by John W. Doors, the hnsbsnd of Mrs. M. A. Murdock. Mr. II E. Cross appeared as attorney for plaintiff C D LatoareUo for defendant. Tht cast has aroused considerable interest among people 'of m and vicinity and a number of them were in attendanca. The Corvallla Times In speaking of the Commencement exercises at tbe Agri cultural college has the following to say of Oregon City people. "Miss Holds Holden, of Oregon City, bad the valedic tory. 8lit hat a fine stags presence and so excellent delivery. Her subject waa "Rallying Polnta," and tbe theme brought out much that was excellent. In closing, in behalf of tht claas. tht thanked the people of Corvallis for con- ilderate and kindly treatment during four years of life at the O. A. C. ; she expressed gratitude to tbe board of re gents for the splendid opportunities sffonletl for securing an education, and the faculty for patient and able efforts ex landed In Impsrting knowledge. She bade a feeling adieu to all and elicited hearty applause for her effort." "The presentation of the diplomas was made by llou. J. T. Apiierson, president of tbe board of regents. This fine old man whose rugged honesty stands out in every flhro of his Iming seieed the occa sion to made a few reraaiks to -the clas snd as 27 stood before him and listened attentively to bis solemn words of simple ad yict tbe scene was impres sive." Xollre to Contractors. Sealed bid for repairs and improye mot required at the Barclay and East- bam school buildings in Oregon City.will be received st the residence of the school ciork on Seventh street, in Oregon City up to 0 o clock p. ni. of July 7, 1898. i isns and sjH-cillcations for work and material required may be seen st the office of tbe school clerk. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. S. M. McConvn, School clerk. A Hirthduy Party. A very pleasant birthday party was given by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Martin last Saturday tvening, in honor of the 14tu biithday of their son Arthur, it happened that Jesse Jones, son of Rev. Jones, waa visiting Arthur and as he was 10 years old on the same day, the party was also in honor of him. No pains were spared on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Martin to make the occasion an en joyable one, and of tbe spending the eve ning In pleasant games, during which a delicious luncheon was served. The happy party ot young people took their de parture well pleated with the kindness showed tbem,v Thpse' present were at follows: .Arthur Sitton', Jesse Jones, Mamie Brown. Mvrtla Pnn Hr. Fitch. Lisaie Albea, Arohit Yeung, Stella Powell,' Rae Boltmsn, Millie Kruse. Jessie Elliot, Nettie Kruse, Fred Powell, fay ritch, Clarence Walls, Retta Scros- gins, Ray Walls, Roy Miller. Ruby Holden, Norman White, Minnie Case, Rev. T. L. Jones and wife, Mrs. Geo. Osburn, Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mrs. Clara Foster, Mrs. G. Potter, Mr. Chat. Fitch. TOrsHelen Holdep;Mr.pd Mrt. E. E. Martin and Mr. E. Brown. CASTOR I A For Infants tad Children. The Kind You Havi Alwajt Bought Bears the Blgnatirt of Tho Orealpnt 4th of July Millinery aale ever known begin to day at Mira 0, OoMnmllli'd. The correct styles in Millenery at the loweHt price, Our salo begins to day. Miss C, Goldsmith. Good looking people, odd looking peo ple, people Just like you, aill go on the excursion to Lalourelle Falls. 1 here is no better place of rest for hard working people than on the Medio dist excursion boat on the 4th of July. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great P.lood Purifier. Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eiuptlons on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Hold by Charman A Co,, druggists, Oregon Citv. The subscription to the Enterprise Is but If paid In advance it is $1.60. Subscribers must not get behind and then expect to get tbe paper for $1.60. Outstanding subscriptions must be paid up. The Victor straight line sprockets free themselves of mud and grit without ensible effort on tbe part of the rider and with none of the snapping snd grinding sound usually accompanying such action. Sprclal Notice, During my absence I have placed in charge of my dental office Dr. W. T. Lyons, whom I can recommend to my frienda and the public in general as a skillful and reliable dentin. L. I-. Pickens. A Child Enjoy. The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of 8yrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother bt costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow it use ; so that it It tbt best family remedy known and every family should bavt e bottle. Man ufactured by tbo California Fig Syrup Co. Married. CoAL-NosLia-In Aurora- Wednesday, June, 29. 1898, Mist Emma A. Coal and Mr. Clarence Rev. A. J. Montgomery. A very pretty wedding occurred at Aurora on last Wednesday afternoon. Clarence Nosier, of Coote Co. was united in marriage to Mist Emma A. Coal, daughter of J. P. Coal of Aurora. Tbt ceremony waa performed by Rev. Montgomery at the residence of the br,de's. A large number of relatives were in attendance' one among them being Mra. Reasoner, tbe grandmother of the bride's snd a pioneer of 18-50. The bride was for some time a leading teacher of Portland and tbe groom has taught successfully for several years and will continue teaching at Coqunlle City, CooseCo. There many friends extend to the young couple their heartiest con gratulations snd very boot wishes. RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Erery Week by the Cbtcka. Bias Abstract k Trust Company, TF Ryan to E J Howard June 11 '98 W D lots 6, 15 blk 16 Glad stone 290 J Keehler. trustee, to C Luckle June 13, '97 W D 1 acre sec 4, 1 4 s, r 1 e C Luckle to Zion Church, June 13, ,99 W D 1 sere, sec 4, t 4 s, r 1 e PShumwayto J Siefer June 14, '98 W D 59x150 feet In H Straight claim 300 Butte Creek Grange to M J White Mar 15 '90 Q C D H acres and .07 acres in Allen clsim J,' acres and .G7 acres in Allen claim, Feb 15 '96 60 60 E V Rice to C J Faukbauser Jan 8 98 Q C D 25 acres Deo 21, t Is, r2e J C Deasner, by Sheriff to M Giesy May 12, '98 deed, yt of ne and nw4 sec 31, 1 4 s, r 1 e 299 A Lang to H G Newberry June 22, '98 ne1 of sec 13 1 2 s,r5e 400 ECreitser toCII Rider June 24, '93, 6 acres in sec 13, 1 3 s, r 1 e 240 M Boeckman to E T Boeckman June 22, 98 W D 100 acres in tec 8, t 3 s, rl e , 1000 II R White to P J and F J Ridings Apri 6, 'C8 W D 4' acres Robert Allen claim 250 M J White to P J Redinga Mar 6 '90, W D H and .67 acres Allen claim 60 C G Stono to J Ficklein Mar 23 '93 W D 197 acres in A Stone claim 2900. T J Elliott to J C Elliott Mar 11 98, Q 0 D 1-8 t)i ot e of tec 2, 1 2 a, r 8 e 65 E J and L 8 Eivens to G 8 L Assn June 17, '98 W D, Ely 60 feet lota 15, 16, blk S3 Oswego 446 J F Newberry to U 8 June 24, '08 netf of tee 12, 1 2 t, 1 6t J M Tracy to R Shuttell June 25, 98 Q O D 106.11 acres Foster claim 8 00 -THE. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACTS TRUST CO. art the owners of tbe copy right to the Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and bavt the only complete set of abstracts in the County, can furnish information aa to title to land at once, on application. Loans, lnvestments,real estate, abstracts stc. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Call and Investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. Orders of liranif Marshal. The undersigned having Inter, i-bosen grand marshal! upon the occasional ths celebration of our national day, n.i,e Hie lollowing order for the paraJe ; !irt headqtlarters will be established on Main street, comer of Fifth. 2nd. E. J. McKltrlck is hereby appinte. chief of staff. Tire following gentlemen have been appointed aids: Captain Fred, Metaner, H. Griffith. Cha. Al bright, H. E. Cross, R D. Nelson. Thev will report mounted to the chief of staff, promptly at 9 :4- a. m. 3rd. The column will form on eastsi !e of Main street, left resting on Fifth street at 9:45 a. m., and will move promptly at 10 a. m. 4th. The order of march and assign ment In columns of the different organi zations taking part In the parade is as follows : Oregon City band, Msyor snd O. C. Ujum-ll, County Judge and County officers. Speaker of day Company F. O. N. G Chariot of War. Oregon City Fire Department, Floats Mede Post No. 2. O. A. R.. Redmen Forester. Woodmen Maccabees, footmen and carriages. 6th. Tbe line of march will be op Main street to second. Countermarch ing will return down Main to 10th. Countermarching op Main to 10th, east on tenth to 7t. 6th no 7tb to Adams street, south on Adams to 6tb, west on 5th to Center street, south on Center to tbe grove wnere the exercises will be held at outlined by tbe general com mitte. On arriving at tbe grove tbe column will be dismissed by order of Geo. A. Harding, Grand Marshal, E. J. McKittrick, chief of staff. A new arrival of Sash ribbon In all colors at tbo Racket store. Get your fruit Jars andjelly tumblers at Harris' Grocery. "Saved Her Life." MRS. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson. Wis., than whom none is more highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "In 190 1 had a severe attack of IGr1ppe and at tho end of four months. In spite ot all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lungs heart and nervous system were so completely wrecked, my l!fo was de spaired of, my friends giving me up, 1 could only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained me terribly hud my cough was most aggravating. I could not lie In onn position but a short time and cot on my left side at all. My husband brought me Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a half bottle of each I was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and was completely restored to health to the surprise of all." r""KVsV,"''"''.3 Dr. Miles' Eemedles 1 JnJ' are sold by all drug- g , gists under a positive C' Me' 1 guarantee, Brst bottle aJieart QuefrS benefits or money re- t; n A a funded. Book on dls eases of the heart and VV nerves free. Address, Li rfA44-ffL DR. MILES MEDICAL OO, Elkhart, Ind. FARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed -At ihe City Stablea. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., SuooMtora to W. H. Cook Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Ttltphont No. 42. .. Thejr all aay that HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters for Hay, Landplaster, Seeds, We have just removed to the old Bee Hive stand, next to HnntejJr : Book Store; and have received a new line of Genfer and Boys' Furnishing Goods for Spring n4 Summer direct from New York which we are selling 'A the Lowest Prices. Give us a trial and we guarantS to give every customer satisfaction. 1a. YHKEDH. Main St. between 7th and 8th, Caufield Block. Royal aisliM ths food part, wholesome ant Scllctoaw. (fit POVDER Absolutely Pure OOVM SMIN4 MM CO . ftW VMM. A -hap snd splendid way of celebrat ing the 4lh of July will be to go on ttie excursion to I.atviirelle Falls. Lotr. A. O. ). W, meets every gatnrilay evening In the A. O. l W. Tmplqr--Geo. K. CalifT, secretary, Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge No. 2 meets second and fonrtb Friday 61 each month at I. 0.0. F. Temple.- Matta liodfry, K-cretary. Court Robin Hood No. ft, Foresters 01 America, meets first and third Friday fnv tbe month in Red Men's Hall. F. T. Rogers, secretary; F. 8. Baker, chjol ranger. Meade Post No. 2, 0. A. R., megta first Wednesday in each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Mkllam, cons mander. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. meets on tbe third Monday of eaUh month in Masonic HalL H. 8. Strange, secretary. Pioneer Chapter No. 28. 0. E. 8. meets) tbe second and fourth Tuesdays in eal9 month at Masonic HaH. lilaa JerJ&iej Rowen, secretary. Oregoa Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. O. F., mt&a every Thursday in Odd Fellows' HalW T. F. Ryan, secretary Falla Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. O.T. meeta first and third TncedaT In tkth month. J. A. Btuart, secretary. Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imy, O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 73, at Red Men's Hall. J. W. 8tnart, D of R.; H. L. Patterson, Sachem. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M meets first snd third Saturday! ineacV month at Masonic Hall. T. F.. Ryag,. secretary. Mead Corps No 18, W. R. C., meeta second and fourth Wednesday in each month at the Willamette Hall. Mra.. Clouse, president Artisans meets first, second and fourhk Thursdays in each montb at Red Men's Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary. Catholic Knights of America 8t. John1 ni.nnli Vrt tlty A..A T.,,l , the month. Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M., meets lav Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, record keeper Tempting iraij We are jnetly proud, we think, of our tempting array of good things for tha table. At this season it requires enter prise ond some expense to find new aol choice thine. We prefer pntling forth every effort in be half of onr enviable reputation and tht needs ol oar patrons, A. ROBERTSON, -7th St. Crocer. Carries the most complete stck ot First-Class Groceries to -kit fonnd in tht City. Etc.