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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
AiinoleUo" Oregon City Enterprise; VOL. 33. NO. 35 OKKGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1898. ESTABLISHED 186 JHB. I'OWKI.L A SKAMANN Physician ml Surgeon. Kpeoll allenllon given In surgical oik. Olllce himrsi H lo II A.M., 1 10 ft I M ., Olu Hi', M. Room I) ami lOCharinan lllk. to e. aaowmu. I. u. cmkll. JJHOWNKIX A CAMPUKIX, ATTOHNKYH AT LAW, Oaeoo Citv, Oaaaoa Will raetlp. lo all lha eourti el lha elal. Ol io, In t uS U bu din. QJI.I80M. CIVIL KNUINKKR axd DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will be at rourt house on rath Halurday and on regular elun days of county court. QLACKAMAI ABUTKACT TRUST I'O, furnish. Abat seta. Chains of Til a. D orlp-llun-, loans, luiiiroi rm, ray Tm frfJt XlllM. elo., io daim uv I i.nuk ol Dr. n CI r I. P. CLAHK, Pra ..and M r. as.oacm, - - - - oaaooa. J H. MILI.KR, PKNTIoT flna aeta of tesih. gold erowns, all kind ol Blllnga and bildgework. Seventh Bt, nar depot. Oregon City, Ur. "I a T. Wll.UAMS. RIAL UTAH AHD LOAM AOENT. A lood 11b ot business, rldoo aad auburbau Prpparty.. Parm Preparty la tract lo eutl on aay larus. Corrtwp.oii.oos promptly answered. Oflle. em i.r suin ! aMndte man. Q D,A D.O. LAT00RSTT1, ATTORN EYH AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIM BTBIit.OBIGOSJ CITY, 0BBOOB famish Abstract ot Title. Loss Won.y, fore- aluaa iiurtiM. eun i'sci ""' Lav lunm J J . CROSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. wiu, PaAcnca i Au. CouaTt or tMa Stav Reel Estate and lanrase. Offloaoo Main Btret bet. Hlith and H.vnth. uriuom fiTT. na. A. 8. DRESSER, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Offloover Mi Kltirick'a Shoe Hiora. near th Hank of Oregon City. Oaaona Citt, (. JIC. MARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will prallca In all Ilia courts of the ! Oftlc 0Maite poitrl house In Can Held building. J L. PORTER. J' ATTORNEY AT LAW AanaAcnorraoraaTT namsaio. Oftca neat to Oregon City bank on Oth street. D R, FRANCIS FREEMAN, DENTIST Graduate of the Northwestern Univor- aitv Dental School. Ctiii-nito. Also Americnn Colli'tfeuf Denial Surgfry, With Dr. Welch. Willumclte Mock. riMIK COMMERCIAL BANK, OF OKKUON Oil Y Capital, 100,000 TAANSACTS A OINKSAl, aANIHO SI'SIHIs. Loans made. Hills dlMinunluil. Make, enl lections. Huva and sella earhatiKO mi all point" In lha Hulled states. Kurope and Him Kmnr bepnnlta reoelfd iilijecl to rliwk Bauk opau lromA. M. to 4 r. M. B.C. UIOUEmiP JANK OP 0RK00S CITT, ', Oldest Banking House li iitCltj. i Paid op Capital, IM.00O. .i. i ( Barflii. i ' ' naatoaKT, '"""i 'iTSSH : vioa raaaiBaNT, . 1 . .. e0, "Aaomo. A gMafalbaaklBf boalnaaa traniaotod. i ItopaaKa racalrad aublaot to oneoa. Aparova4 blUa and notoa dlaoountod ..Coonli and City warrant! oooiht. , Loaaa mada on ral labia aeourlty. Inhn notifht and aold. ' Oollaotlona ada promptly. pra(uaol aTallaola la 7,rt' Jdw "J talaaraphla aiobaiwtaa aold on PoKlaod, Ban fraaelaoo.Obloainand Maw Totk. KlaraatpaUaatlaa dapaalu. , JOHN YOUNGiER, , IEWELE Ra Opp. Huntley'a Dm Store, VoRTYYEARS EXPERIENCE IN . . .ii. 4 lii"iii.nwn,'j !,! hi, i" 1 ONI FOR A OOSb Kill' C ithnBloOlC' i LlniM.HI 11. PUS Good for This Larife Kitchen aafc. 1 no. I Aah liatrnaion Tahle, oo 3 Good HewInK Machine, JI5.00 7 iw tamp Folding clialra (j)5oc 3 Center Tahlra (-djoc; $30 Baby Carriage for $j.oo jCarpeta, al.e 8x9, 99, yato, each $ 1 00 Many other bargain too numeroui to mention. This Offer Good for ONE WEEK ONLY. First Come, Flrat Served. DELLOMY & RUSCII, TheHouwFurnlnhent vr. r. KRAMKB Krancr & Kramer ..Tailors.. C 22S WaahlutiUm St. an Pate n t: ploat Manufactured in Oregon City from the best aelected wheat on the market, IT IS FOR SALE K&.a u Guaranteea tho bent. Patronize Home Industry. Wo arc headquarters for Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Lawn Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Garden Hoes, Cultiva tors, Screen Doors and Windows, Wire Netting, Etc., Etc. BINDING TWINE Agents for White Mountain Ico Cream Freezers, the best made; also for Simond's Saws and Canton Clipper Plows. Full stock of Steel Ranges, Hardware, Etc. POPE St CO. Corner 4th and Main .'t.l " -J y'" : i I fl Rich Kiondike-5 Is all right, hut you must have clothed to wear, - and the best quality at lowest prices .can be . had only at V, Charnian & Son's Thomas Pioneer Store. Week Only. Hardwood Iirdroom auiU at $6, 9, & I9 50 They Tell II Her bIkx-8 show that ebe knew what to buy, aluothat horthoo nun knew how to fit the foot. Shoe, tell nverj time the habits and taatet of their wear era. If jou need n'W onee we promix you Ratiflfaction. Krausse Bros.... Portland, Ore. 3tmt for1 it rJrlHr,Hrlrlr'r,r,r'g Streets. - Oregon City.' 1 OKO, K. KBAMEB J" Strike You ' cannot make money faster than by buying your . : Dress Goods . ; . where you can get them cheapest THE FIRST BA'TOE United Staten Army A nib united near Nantlngo. MXTEEX DEAD, MXTY W01NDEI) RooRevflt'a Roaich Kldcri and Regalara ' Under (ieuerat Yoaug Pooght aad TToo the Rattle. KuOtt Milu NoRTBwaar or Joraoua, Cuba, Jon 24 DlaniooiiMd caTelryoien forced way tliroiiKh niountaln trail tbia morning and encountered the Hiiantah Infantry In adanae thlckston high plateau alinoal overlooking tb city of Santiago de Cuba, and routed tl.eni alteraabarp battle la. ting one bour. Tlila afternoon, etrongly remforcvd by the arrival of additional foroaa, the cavalryman beld a potltloo a II til more tliao five nilleafroru tliStuUb atroDgliold In Boutha.trn Cube, (ireparina for a gen aral niov.niantoD tbat (Bty. Today victory wa not gained without tli abodding of American blood, and one oftloer and twelve of lb troopa lie under tb ground on tb field of battle, while about 80 other, Includ ing all officer, are In the field hoaIUl aaf fertng from wounde. 01 the probably tan will di. It ia believed that th enemy' Iom waa at tba leaat SO dead, bealdea many woundfd. In. Battlea at tba Sam. Tiro.. Practically two battle ware fougut at tb earn tliu, on by lb rough rider under th Immediate eommand of Coloo.1 Wood, on lb top ol Ui Plateau, and the other on the billatde, aavaral in Ilea away by tb reg ulara, with whom waa General Young. Tn expedition Maned from Juragua marked on aom Cuban asaiK a Altar a email town on tba coaat, nln mile eaat of alorro caalla, which waa III firat place occuplwi by lb troop after lauding at Oarl Qulrl, laat Weliieday. WIlltH. Khii a La Qaaalaa. The Initial Ugh! of Colonel Wood' rough rider and the trooper of tb Firat and Tenth regular cavalry will be known Id blauiry a tb battle of La Quaaina. Tbat it did not and in th compute (laughter of lb Americana waa not due to any nilecal cuittiou in tb plana of th Spaularda, tor aa perfect an amboacaile ai ever waa lormed in the brain of an Apache Indian waa pre pared, and Li.uienaiit-Coloiiel Rooaevell and bia men walked aqaarely into it. For an bour and a half they held tbeir ground nnder a perfect atorm of bullet from front ud eldee, and then Colonel Wood, at the riKQt, and Lieutenant-Colonel Roosevelt, at the lelt, led a charge which turned the tide of bailie and aenl the enemy flying over the hill toward Santiago. Ilia now definitely known tbat 10 men on the A meriran aid were killed, while 60 are wounded or reported miming. It la Im possible to calculate lb Spanish loaaea, but it la known they were far heavier than thou of the Americana, at leaat at regarda actual loaa of life. ' Already 37 dead Spanish ol dier bare been found and burled, and many otnera are undoubtedly lying in the thick underbruaa. The wounded are all removed. Hpanlarda Knew American Route. Tbat the Spaniard war thoroughly posted at to th route to be take,-; by the Americana in their advance toward Seville waa evident aa shown by the careful pre parations they had made. The main body of the Spaniards was posted on a hill in the heavily wooded slopes on which had been erected two blockhouses, Hanked by irregular entrenchments ot stone and fallen trees. At the bottom of these biUa run two roads, along a bich Colonel Koosevelt and eight troopa of the Firat and Tenth cavalry, with a battery of two howitzers, advanced. These roads are little more than gullies, and at places almost impassable. It) these trails Ihe lighl occurred. Nearly halTa mile separated Koosevell's nien troin the regulars, and between tbem on both sides or the road, in the thick underbrush, was concealed a force of Span ish that must have been large, judging from tb terrilllc and constant tire they poured In on th Americans. The tight waa opened by the Firat and Tenth cavalry, oader General Youne;. A force of Spaniard waa known to 6 in tb Vicinity of 1a Quaaina, and early in the morning, Roosevelt' men starlet oft up th perclpitoua bluff back of Sibonay to attack tb Spaniards on tba right Hank, General Young at the same (irue taking the road at the root of the hill. . . About two and a bait mil' out from Slboney, some Cubans, breathless And ex olted, rushed into the camp with the an nouncement that the Spaniards were but a little way in front, and strongly entrenched.' Quickly the HoUhklse guna out in the front wer brought to the rear, while a atroog ooutingllne was thrown out. Then cau tiously and in ailanc the troop moved forward on tit a bend in the road dlaeloaed a hill where the Spaniards ware located, , Tb gun war again brought1 to tb front and placed in position, while the men crouched in the road waiting impatiently to give Roosevelt's men, who were toiling over tb little trail along tb preat of th ridge, time to get op. , . !, f i ; At 7:30 A'. M., General Young gave the command to the men at the'Hotobkise gun to open fire; 1 The command was th begin ning of 4 fight that for tubboxnnee has seldom been equalled. i... The loatant.the Hotchklsa gun ware fired, the hillsides com manding the road gave forth volley after volley from the Mauser rilie of th -Span-, iarda. i "Don't shoot until you see something to hoot at," yUd General Young, and th men, with et jawa and gleaming eyes, obeyed th order. Crawling along the edge of the road and protecting thamselve aa much aa poeaibl from tb fearful fir of the Spaniards, the troops, tome of thm ttrlpped to the waist, watched the baa of th hill, and whan any part of a Spaniard became vlaable, they fired. Never for an Instant did they falter On dusky warrior of th Tenth, with a ragged wound In hi thigh, coolly knelt be hind rock, loading and firing and when told by on of bia eomradee that he waa wounded, laughed and aaid: "Ob, that' all right; tbai'i been thr for omatiin. loth meantime, away off to th left, was beard tb crack of th rifle of Colonel Wood's men, and then the deeper toned volley firing of the Spanish. Over there the American losses were greatest. Colonel Wood's men, with an advance gnard well out in front, and two Cuban guide before them, bat apparently with no Bangers, went squarely into the trap aet for them by the Spaniards, and only the unfal tering courage of the men in the face of a fire that would make even a veteran quail' prevented what might easily have been a dlaaatar. At It waa, troop L', tb advance guard, under the unfortonat Caproo,' was well surrounded, and bat for the reinforce ment hurriedly sent forward, every man would probably bare been either killed or wounded. . . , , . "Tbere mast bare been nearly 1500 Span- lards In front and to the eldee of us," aaid Lieutenant-Colonel Rooaevell today when dUcucsing the fight "They beld ibe ndges with ride pile and gun, and bad a body of men in ambuab in th thick jungle at the ide of th road over wblcb we wer ad vanclng. Our advance forward atruck the men In ambush and drove them out, but w lost Captain Capron, Lieutenant Thorhaa and about 19 men killed or wounded. The Spanish firing was accurate, so aeenrate Indeed, that it surprised me. and their fir ing was fearfully heavy. "I want to say a word for our own men,' continued I Jen tenant-Colonel Roosevelt. "Every officer.and man did bia duty up to lb kindle. Not man flinched. ! Ue Oar Quaker Cabinet. Enjoy Tarkiah, Raeaian, Sulphur, Perfumed, Thermal, Medicated and Vapor Batha in the privacy of your room at home or abroad for threo cent Water batha cleanse the outer akin or aurface only. Oar method cleanses, purifies, invigorate and tone op the en tire a) stem inwardly by opening the five million clogged pore of the skin, enab ling nature in her own way to expel by perspiration all imparities and effete matter from the body. Makes your blood pure, your sleep sound, your skin soft, white and beautiful. Yoa feel younger, like a new being. It pontively prevents and cures aiaeaae. The Quaker ia endorsed and recommended by the moat eminent physicians and over 07,000 asers. Ladies are enthusiastic in - its praise. No assistant or experience needed. A child ran operate it. For sale by Steward & France Oregon City. Send the Estkrpribk to your friend in the East and thus give him an idea ol what is going on in Clackamas county, It may induce him to locate with na. A Marrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groten, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myaelf up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Charman &, Co.,s Drug Storo. Regular size 50c and fl 00. Guaran teed or price refunded. A. dollar saved la equal to two dollars earned. Fay np your subsciption to the EitTKRpaisa and get the benefit of the redaction in price. Wanted. Some wood haulers. Apply to Obxook City MAirvrACWRiso Co. THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. aV. 81oa. M. C, tba Great Chemist and Beteatist, Will Send, Free, Three Bottle of His Itawly Discovered Remedies -" (o Sufferer. .' ! Editob F.ntkbprisi : I have discov ered a reliable cure for consumption and allbrochlal, throat and lung diseases, general decline, toes ot flesh and all con ditioaa of wasting away. By its -timely use thousands, of , apparently hopeless cases bav been cured. Soproof-poeitiye am I Of its power to cure, that to make its merits knowai I will send, free, to any afflicted readier of your -paper, three bcitleaT ot thy Bewry discovered remedies opoir receipt ot. expws and post office addrws, A. SLUCUM, M. C, , ' --V 0(3 fint Street, New York. When writing the doctor, please men tion this paper. LATE WAR NEWS Spain 8aid to Hare Bought IlattlexhlD. NIGSBEE EaGAHKH TUB TERROR. lie Was Attacked by Three Boat Terror Probably 0ot Of War Lokdok, June 28 The United State) mbasy baa report from several source' r the effect that Spain baa pnrehued trr powerful Chilean armored erohwr O'Htg gin, laat beard from at Cape Verde, wbex a transport with Spanish soldier ia said t have gone to lake her over, ' " Wasbisotos, June 2K-Th navy dapwrs- ruenttodav posted the following bulletins Admiral Sampson report that Xh auxil iary cruiser St. Paai arrived of Santiago yesterday and discharged. Jier, troops, Captain Slgabee report tbat on Wedneadaw afternoon, while off Pan . Joan,, he was at tacked by a Spanish ,anprotetd -cruise and th Spanlab torpedo-ajoat- Tenor. Tbar Terror made a dash which waa awaited bar the St. Paul. Shot from th gum of tbv 8t. Pul bit th terror three ,tims, killinsr one officer and two men and woundinf' several others. Tb terror d rapped baclr nnder cover of the fortification with difV cntty, and waa towed into harbor m a sink ing condition, where she J, row being re paired. Later the. cruiser 1 and gunboat etarted out again bot remained ander pro tection of the forts. i ' Th beginning of the straggle for tnty oesesioii of Santiago i hourly expect Camara'a squadron ia at the 8u canal, ft' destination ia unknown but it ia elaimda by th Spaniards that it is bound lor Manila. A strong naval force is to be sent to tha coast of Spain atone that will inrtnits too Oregon. 0000 troop will leave atone from Tamjai-. to reinforce Shatter. Lieutenant Blue made another trip b investigate the condition of of 8antiag harbor. He reports all of Cvera'a fleet at- anchor in Ihe bay. The blockade of Cuba haa been ordered greatly extended and strengthened. Large Spanish reinforcement are being. sent to Santiago. . i Third Hanlla Expedition Ball. Sab FBAifcisco, June 27. At 2:30 thiev afternoon the third fleet of vess!, carrying about 4,000 soldiers and aupfdie, to rein force Admiral Dewey at Manila, sailed ot through the Golden Gat. Tb scene on tb transports wa a thrilling; one; mett' were perched in the rigging like so many Insects, and bandicerch'efs and flags wave from every port bole and spar. A. tne ves sels proceeded dowly down the bay, she noisy demonstrations of li.e people on tr. shore became more pronounced and ia creased until th din was awlnl. Added V the noise of whistles and bells was the boom. of many cannon from the batteriea at Fuck Mason. But the farewell g veil the sol.liera was no lest hearty than the welcomo given them wlien they landed within the IliniUi oT San Francisco. The expedition which left today is undnr command of General McArthur, who ha mode the steamer Indiana hi tins'ilp The City of Para, Ohio, and Morgan Ciiy were the other vessels tonail with the Indiana. The steamer Valencia was not teady for sea. today, and will probably sail with the steamer Kewprut on Wednesday. Gsneri Merrittaud bis staff will proceed to tha islands in rne Newport :- . . It i said the transports which left br today will be rushed through to th island at top speed, In order to have as large a foroa as possible ready to receive the Bpaniaif! should Manila be the ultimata deelinattpia. of the Cadii fleet. 1 "r "" m , ' . , Battery A tm Be MI.Td,.. t Pobtiasd, Jane 27. Battery Ai O. N. CCr this evening received Instruction to (a rdy for mustering Bito theivlo. .ltaa xpected th battery would bs, xnosterud ,1a tomorrow, but a number 'of th mea tfa absent from the oily, and it will' lake two three day to gather them btoi.1 " ' ' - It ia probable thai thr wiU U room fo several more reoruita, a 1 ia.-aaiilt.ely l tb battery men will pas the xamintjoo. Oregj.B CT BI Haaoead.. Nw Hayxn, Conn.i Juii37 Tb8eva ty-fourtb snniversary of tblawdepartmi3 of Yale college was held this afternoon, a,nj the Townsend prize1 orations wer delivered Gilbert Hedge, B.A., of Oregon City, epofc on "The Debt of Virginia to JtBarsoii," an tli prize of $100 waa awarded tuu.i Iedgto also received tb Kent,. Club diploma fO excellence In debate. ' '" ", ' ' Tkresing Machine for Male. . A ten Korse traction engine ahS separator for sale. This property trim good order and will be sold cheap. ' . - -W. U. Bosnsy, BvdUndrOreson. I omU IM.M Nil iM H MLtAaaO ci, PW P