Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1898)
OREGON ' CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, .JUNE , 24, 1898. Head ilit war revenue Mil In Dili issue. Johnson has the best hair cutler In tlio city. N Ire Laces fur dress tiliiiiiiliiiC ulieaii t the ltiicki't store. Dr, I'uIiih In 1m vliitf a splendid brick fum e built around III rintrtr uti Main treil. Geo, A. Hurtling, "llm iIiiikkIhI', has iuiiid hitdiiiI liuml show imses (or sale at a bHiguln. Btop that cough I Take warnliiK. It may lead to consumption. A 21k) bottle of fcluloh'e Cur may save your llfn. Hold Ity Charman & Co., ilniKylrtts, Ore on City. Itev Oilman l'arker filled the lUptlni pulpit on laH Humlay both morning and evening in the absence of Kev, Hnuyi, who occupied tlitt iuliit In tho White Tempo). For quiet place to hlieli your horses way from the motor lint and a place to gut a lint Clai-a Jo!) of repairing or horse shoeing mil on ri. F. 8erliture's nliop on Fifth ntnt. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea, for Cniiatip. lion Ii'h I Uht Mini If after iihinii It yon don't say mi, return tlm piukiigo hiiI get your money, Hold hy t'lmr nmii A Co , druggists, (Irivon City, Catarrh Cored. A clear head and sweet Ireu'li wentcd with WilluliV Catunli Itwneily ; sold h gmirai.tce. NuhiiI li JiTiiir free. Hull In- ('barman A Co., ilniKi-tH, (i-giii City. KIiIImIi'k ('hsiiuiti"ii ('urn cure nht-r n'licr full. It la I he leading Cough Cute, fin. I no home elmuM ho without i I'h'H'iiiit t tk uml g"c t 'ulil lo Mil tot . Sold hy Omnium A Co.. druggUis, Oregon City. Tin ti .fill ruuiH nr.. i.'M only spuilir g lluu l ivrr, hut they are nln doing g'at diiniHgc In thi chrrrli'-. .1 I'. Jeiiiilima win. uni.tlly him mi abundance of thin (rtilt, rcpo'l thnt hirt emire cron has been ruined. The ho) iiMhethrce hone (uinit are sparing no pains lo make thi-ir Fourth of July contest it -tum-M. Tlu-y have been rarefull) training for two weeks, anil a week more of preparation will mt thcin In tlm hint of conditions. Ht hool cled at Canemah last Fri day. There were about 70 students en rolled all ol whom did good work tindur their pr1 ni l pal M. Iliatt. Minuet Annie ahd Kdlth Smith having finished their course, graduated with honor. Mr. 1. Ketehain of I'ike City, Cal., aaya: "During my brother's Ut alck nesa from trlatlu rheumatism, Chamber laln'a I'aln Halm waa tlm only remedy that gave him any relief." Many olhera have testified to the p-ompt relief from pain which thia liniment allorda. For aaleby Geo A. Herding. Now lathe time to paint your house, barn roof,, bicycles, bungles etc. and Charman A Co. have the agency for the best I'ure 1'repared Taint made, all aold at teat than Portland prices. Ke member Charman'a l-iug Store. The Original Cut Kate Druggists. Daniel Willlama, at the northeast cor ner of Center and Beventh atreeta, haa a choice and well (elected atot k of huiiily groceriea which lie la aelllng at very rearionable raUa. Ilia motto la "live and le live, with lioneat weight and nieamirea". Uooda delivered to any part of the city. I have been a miuVter from chronic diarrhoea ever alnce the war and have tiaed all klnda of mciliclnea for it. At laat I found one remedy that hai been a aucceaa aa a cure, and that la ChamWir latin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. P. E. (ihimiiam, (iaara Milla, La. For ale by Geo. A. Harding. The Presbyterian aociety ofChrlMtian Kndeavor la a- thriving aHuociatlon of young people. Thoy now have a mem berahip of 42 which ntimbor la steadily growing, all who are not members of other societies are cordially Invited to at tend here. Next Sunday evening John Willlama leada and the cuhject la "Right use of Tm9". I waa aerloualy afllictud with a cough for several year-, and lust fall had a more severe cough than ever before. ' I have uaed many remedies without re ceiving much relief, and being recom mended to try a bottln of Chanihidaln's Cough Hemedy, by a friend, who, know ing me to be a poor wi.l.-n , guve it to mo I tried it, and with the ihohI gratifying resulta. Tho flint bott'o relieved mo very much and the hccoiuI bolllu huanb solutely cured me. 1 1. .ve i,t hiid u good health fur twenty y . -. Respect fully, Mri Mary A. Re,ird, CUiomore, Ark. hold hy (Jeo A. lluiuiug. Stuckliolders' .Vet iint. Notice 1b hereby nlven l ' . it r!.e aim mil meeting of the stock holder of thn Ore gon City Munufiicturinv d.iui i..y will be held at the olllce of t!.; it in Oregon City, on Hatiiriluv. .lu. v i., at 10 o'clock A. M. of rmlil ny t"r the purpose of electing direetorn of iho eor poration to aerve for tlm ciouuug juur and transacting such buHiiiCb u.- ruuy properly come bofoie tho p'ettholdnni' meeting. C. Ci. J.m- u -, 6-3-7-1 Beerolary. Oregon City, Juno 1, Wi. Htiiit shave In the city at Johnson's barber shop Children liaUand boon Is nice selec tion at the Kackct Mora. The Victor atrrilght line sprocket pre vents chain biciil'Hgti and excerwlve fr Iciiim, Itev. Dr lliitlur will nrearh In the I'Hikplmu chapel at 8-IJ0 P. M. nex Hubhaih. loiatyear'a mitiirns of wall per at reduced pi li e-. 5 mid I0o counters at llulloiny A hunch. Wedding stationery, tlm latent atylea iml tiniwt itasortiiieDt ever brought to OregonClly at the KrmapaiaB ofllce. Patriotinm will run high among the lari-e miinlier i.f imoplu going on the ex cm "Ion to l.atouiclln Full on the Fourth of July filar kherrlei are already beginning lo riieii Merita the river The boys and girls can no longer complain of having nothing to !o. Itane hall spirit in ntill alive among the young no n of the city Several of the old pliiycra are anxious to organise a le in ami if a uroiind can he procured I hey hope In play noine nuei elul garnea ihU summer. Kxperlein e is the best teitcher. tVu Aekei'i Knglinli remedy in any cime ol eon ulm, cuIiIh or croup. Should It full to IfiVe illillieiliitle relief Mioliey refill, led. !'.' i eiita and f0 rent, tieo, A. Hard- ill!, Hgl'llt. Ai the Melhodini cl.ur. ti on i.ext Sun- I . lie. ruing Key. Oheig will preach on, "In ih Watch Tower "and in the eveiiirig h n di-eiiilia w ill ho on, "liod'a Une ol lli j. cied Corner Slimes," All ie cord I uly invited A I ruin with iiIiia combe put-Hi d tlirmili the city at an early hour Siiinluy rii'iriilng TI en- weie -1 1 men in the exH'iltiun under command of Mujor Frcdetii k. I hew- tro.s will ernlmtk at Shu HrsiiclKi'o lor Manila. The (iilluwing will be the subjecla for diaioursu at tho Kirnl Congregulional church next Sahhaih at 10-30 A. M. "What It Is lobe a Chriaiiau". 8P.M. "Kating Honey or ," Pleasures and Pen alt lea". The public la cordially wel comed. The Fpworth lx-mie of Oregon City is an active society, and all who enjoy a good Sunday evening service can send an hour very profitably there. The sub ject for next Sunday evening is "Holiday Ternpiationa" and is to be led by Miss Mamie Aldiich. Hev, Montgomery will preach next Sunday morning on, "What Manner of Man la This" and in the evening his sub ject of discourse will lie, "God'a Wonder. lul lioik." All are welcome. The Pres byterians are making active prepa rations to celebrate on next October their 10th anniversary. On last Sunday evening Children's Dav services occurred at the Methodist church. A large audience greeted the you n if neon e and a I evurenred them- aelyea well pleased with the program. The service waa lu honor ol early Medio diet heroism and each recitation waa nicely illustrated wiih large pictures. Case of State ofOrerrun va Fred Itluhm tried in Justice Schubel's court Thurs day by lurv. Defendant waa accused of annulling one Jamea Forbes on the 21st Inst. Jury returned a verdict of guilty. The court imposed a fine on de fendant ol 115 and costa. Ioder and Clark (or defendant, U. It. Diiuick for the stale. The Ladies Auxilisry of the Y. M. C. A. met at the home of the president, Mrs. Geo. StmTord, on Tuesday afternoon June "1 thia being the occasion of the yearly election of ollicers. The following were elected to serve for the next year. President,. Mrs. li. 8. Bellomy; vice president, Mrs. J. W. White; secretary, Mrs. K. K: Martin was re-elected. Mr. Levi Johnson waa uuatiamously choaon treasurer of the society. The Ladies Auxiliary, while working quietly, has done much to help along the worx of the Y. M. C. A. It lias a membership of thirty three active, energetic workers. Kobbed the Urate. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I waa in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, uyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised "Electric Hitters," and to my great Joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement I continuod their use for three, weeks and am now n woll man. I know they sayed my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at Charman A Co's. drug store. Marriage License. June 21-Dottie M, Dill and W. 0 Brown of Clackamas. .s June 17 Rule 0. Mendeuhall and Chits. Ackerson of Clackamas. OASTOIIXA. Basra tbs f lh' You Haw Always Bouffrt Blgwtnrt of Orrat reductfon In children's wash hats and bonnets at the Kucket atore, Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy A 15 use h, Tho fiulyatlan Army will aerve lunch and Ice cream at the Barracks on the Fourth. Good looking and old looking people, in fact people Ilka you aro gutting ready for the 4 tli of July excursion, Where are you going to celebrate the Fourth? We are going to celebrate on the rlyer exclusion to Latourelle Falls. alhafter's army landed at Daiquiri, near Santiago, June tl. The coast was first shelled by Sampson's fleet. Dyspepsia can Ins cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Bold in handsome tin boxes at 23 cents'. Geo. A. Harding, agent. Preparations are nuw under way to put the Chautauqua race track and atti letio field in good condition. The track Is U-lng bunked up around the curves snd the baso ball diumoiid will be con siderably Improved. The Canhy Camp Meeting will be held July 1-11, Ibis year. The Kvangelintic services will be in charge of Key John Naugle (tho Peter Cartwright of the Pacific aloHi) Sermons on the lligtit-r Life and lectures on t lid liihle daily by eminent p"-nchers of the M. K. church.! Clean straw for culiipcrs, free pasture for horses. Good bourd at very icanouuhlu rates. Kev. V, Muck, of Ilia Lutheran church corner Kighth ami J. i Adams s'rut-tn, has returned from Tac.oina, wlicro bo at tended the meeting of the Wanhiugtoir District of the Ohio Synod. He will teach German school through the sum mer months, live days in the weik from 0-12 a. in., beginning next Monday, June 27. All are invited lo muke use of this opportunity. We would like to look into the pleas ant face of some one who hss never bad any derangement of tlm digestive organs. We see the drawn and unhappy faces of dy-ptics in every walk ot life. It is our national disease, and nearly all complaints spring from ibis source. Ite move the stomach dilliculty and the work is done. Dyspeptics and pale, thin people are literally starving, because they don't di gest their food. Consumption never develop In people of robust and normal digestion. Correct the wasting and loas of fleh and we cure the disease. Do this with food. The Shaker Digestive Cordial contains alieady digested food and is a digester of food at the same time. Ita effects are felt at once. Get a pamphlet of your druggists and learn about it. Laxol Is Castor oil made as sweet as honey by a new process. Children like it. The Modern Beauty. Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with lis beanty. If her system needs the cleansing action of n laxa'ive remedy, she uses the gentle snd pleasant Syrup of Figs. Ma le by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. I'kc Our Quaker Cabinet. Knjoy Turkish, Russian, Sulphur, Perfumed, Thermal, Medicated and Vapor Baths in the privacy of your room at homo or abroad for three cents. Water baths elesnce the outer skin or surface only. Oar method cleanses, purifies, invigorates and tones up the en tire system inwardly by opening the five million clogged pores ol the skin, enab ling nature in her own way to expel by perspiration all impurities and effete matter from the body. Makes your blood pure, your sleep sound, your skin soft, white and beautiful. You feel younger, like a new being. It poatively prevents and cures uisease. The Quaker is endorsed and recommended by the most eminent physicians and over 07,000 users. Ladies are enthusiastic in its praise. No ' assintant or experience needed. A child ran operate it. For sale by Steward A France Oregon City. Wanted. Some wood haulers. Apply to OrxiIon City MANorACTrmso Co. Beautiful shirt waints, latest Russian blouse front at thn Racket store. . Thresliig .Machine for SnJe. A ten horse traction engine and separator for sale. This emiwty la in good order and will be sold cheap. W. II. Bonnby, Redland, Oregon. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest ot all in leavening StrengthV, S. OnmuMl Rapoft The Greatest 4th of July Millinery sale ever known begins to day at Miss C. Goldsmith's. The orrect styles In Millenery at the lowest price. Our saie begins to day Miss 0. Goldsmith. There is no better place of rest for hard working people than on the Metho dist excursion boat on the 4th of July. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eiuptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Hold by Charman 4 Co., druggists, Oregon Cltv. The subscription to the Enterprise Is but if paid In advance it is 1.60. Subscribers must not get behind and then expect to get the paper for $1.60. Outstanding subscriptions must be paid op. The Victor straight line sprockets free themselves of mud and grit without sensible effort on the part of the rider and with none of the snaiminn and grinding sound usually accompanying such action. i't Woodcutters Wanted. Call on the Mayuer Company, of Mayg.r, Oregon. Wages 75 cents per cord. Any of the Astoria boats will land you on our dock. Spn-lal Notice. During my absence I have placed in charge of my dental office Dr. W. T. Lyons, whom I can recommend to my Iriends and the public in general as a skillful arid reliable dentist. L. L. Pick ins. (.'Iiifkaiiin County Teachers' Meeting The next meeting of the Clackamas County Tear hers' Association will le held at MolalU, on Saturday, June 25. Following is the proirram: Sona "America" 'School Management" T J Gary. "The Study of History" L L Moore "Mental Arithmetic" O DEby Grammar" J A Jennings "Tenure of Teachera' Positions" N W Boylan "Ethlticsin Primary Grades" Mrs J W Karten "The Highest Ideal ol Teaching" Prof. II 8 Strange "Our Public School" Prof II G Starkweather 8ong "Blest Be the Tie That Binds.' FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer 6. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock Returning, leaves Clatakanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyen- ings at S o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama9:15; St. Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and most direct route to the great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. When Going East .... Use a first-class line in travelling between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago and the principal towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars in service. The Dining cars are operated in the in terest of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inaugurated, Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first class service your ticket should read via. The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil waukee for all Eastern points. For full information call on your neares ticket agent, or write to Jab. C. Pond, or Jas. A. Clock, Uen. Fas. Agt., Ueneral Agent, Milwaukee, Wis 248 Stark St., Portland, Or. ytara' standing r1 cnr.d by 11 him. He Urc boc Ki sT unco tla of his abtoluta car, fr te aay surTrra who may send their P. O. and Expraat address, Wa advla any ana wiihlni a car to addreea fret W. I. rUBb F. 9., 4 War It, lew Tert I A new arrival of Ssih ribbon In all , colors at the Racket store. Get your fruit Jars and Jolly tumblers at Harris' Grocery. Hood's fJarsaprilla only 64 cents at Cbarman's, the Cut Rale Druggists. Chautauqua Boarders. All who can take boarders and lodgers during the Chautauqua July 12-23 will please notify the entertainment com mittee as soon as possible. We expect i a greater number to entertain this season. T. J. Gaby. Mrs. M. M. Chakxav, Mas. J. R. Hkavkr. Committee. Ktoleo. A rubber trimmed, hand made single harness, Crupper spliced, single belly band, open bridle, new piece on check with separate bit, lines, black oval; also whalebone whip with red leather handle. Reward for same. L. L. Postkb. A .Serenaile Party. On last Monday evening a merry com pany of young people appeared with their guitars and mandolins, at the residence of the Misses Andrews of Mt. Pleasant. The young ladies had retired, but on hearing sweet straius of music in the parlor, quickly joined the party and for two hours all enjoyed a de lightful time. Those compoing the party were Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Andrews, Missea May and Allie Andrews, Nora Caliif, Oliver Edwards, Mr. Green; Messrs. C Mmr, C Adams, F. Shreine, O. Califf, M. Price and II. L. Horiischuh. A SurprKe Party. The young people of Ibe Methodist church gave C. A. Williams, of Glad stone, a pleasant surprise party on last Tuesday evening. Mr, Williams is the newly elected president of the Epaorth League, and a few of hie fiiends ith backets full of delicacies leathered at bis residence to pay their respects A merrier company never assembled to honor their hero. All entered heatily into a variety of games and they enjoyed a splendid luncheon of delicious cake, fruit and lemonade. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams, C. Williams; Misses Grace Movers. Jessie Humphrey, Mae Case, Ella Brunner, Mrs. Bell, Rev. Oberg, JESwafTord; Messrs. Geo. Case. E. Maple, Wm. Bell and Roy Case. Proposed Bicycle Way te Oregon City. Colonel Hawkins. II. L Pittock, B. S. Fague and 8. D. Pague yesterday pros pected for a new bicycle path along tbe east bank of the Willamette, and found a very feasible route, with a level, natural grade. Starting at tbe Ioman-Pouleen mill, the proposed path would run along tbe summit of the river bank and keep the wheelers in sight of everything. Tbe prospectors yesterday went up as far aa Miiwaukie, and found tbe natural features of the route ideal. The matter of constructing this path will be taken up at the meeting of tbe United Wheeling Association next Thurs day evening at the Oregon Road Club, and every body intereded in bicycle paths is inylted to be present. Ore- gonian. FOR SALE. One of tbe best farms in Clackamas County for sale. L. L. Pokteb. FARMERS . . . Your team will have the beet of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe : City Stablea. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Buoc...or. to W. H. CO0kw. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. They all say thnt ijliferilf Sajs Mis HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters for liny, I..u..!; V.stor, Seeds, Etc. We have j u t removed to tuo uM Iko Hive stand, next to Huntley's Book Store, ami ' r. e received a new lino of Gents' and Boys' Fm filing1 Goods for Spring and Summer direct from New York which we are selling at the Lowest Priec-. Hivo U9 a trial and we guarantee to give every cuft'Miier satisfaction. YKKEDH. Main St. between 7th and 8th, Caufield Block. Ryal aMk.s th food putt, wbol.aoma aa stlkl a. mi povozn Absolutely Pure MVtt MfflMO owf CO., M VOMt, Married. Spkncxb-Lovrll In this city Fond ay June 19, 1818, at ibe borne ol Mr. an Mrs. Chaa. Drew, by Rev. Oilman Parker, Miss Maude Lovell, of KeW ding Cal. to Charles Bpencer of thn city. A few friends of the yonng couple wera present and extended to Mr, and Mrs. Spencer their warmest congratulations and best wishes. Babnks-Fi'I.luk In Portland, on Judsj l'i, 18J8, at the resilience of W. P. Burns, Miss Lillian Millkent Fnl'ir and Mr. Wellington O. Barnes, Key. John Morrison otliciating. ) Miia Fuller is a niece of Mr. and Mr. W. B. Burns, who resided io Oregon City ,i:any years ago, and has a lare circle of friends here who extend cou gratiilalioiis to the happy couple. Ladies and chiUreos underwear il kinds from 5 cents upward at the Ract"-t store. You cant fTlrd to stay at home on tiia 4 of July, when cheap excursion rates to Latourelle Falls are offered to yoo. That Lame Bark ran ba evrejl vlfl Dr. Miles' 2biiV i'LASIEB. (Ml A At Four Score. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Hearthv UNCLE EZLKIIX OBEAB, aMessor acil tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who baa passed tbe SOtb life n-.lle stone, sayt "Dr. Mile' Restorative Nervine bas done B great dual of good. IsuffcreUfor jearsfrora sIcoplessDcsa and nervous heart titrable Would feci weary and csed up in tbe ttora Id, had no ambition and try work soemed a burden. A friend recommended Dr. HilesT Nervine, and I purchased a bottle ondar -protest as I had tried so many remedlea un successfully, I thought It co ose. But X , gave me restful sleep, a good appetite anS restored me to energetic health. It Is & grand good medicine, and I will gladly writ -anyone lpqulrlng, full particulars of my sat isfactory experience. I Dr. allies' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Boole on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, MUe' Nervine? K ft. .In... $C DR. MIXES MEDICAL CO. Elkhart, lod. All naln banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pill EWABD ST IKY, Practice! Horsesfjoer Track and Road Work a Specialty, Any style shoes forged in iron or steel. Wagon work and repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop on Seventh street, next door to Noblitt's stable. Carries the most complete stock ot First-Class Groceries to bd found in the City. '4 Be i! IS