8 OREGON CITY KNTEKHIISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 180b .cgon City Enterprise. Nihlinlicxl Kvcry rHcluy. L. L. POUTER, PBrRikTH. HIHBCH1PTION HATKB, Oif y.r 2 00 Mix months... , 1 w TLal suUbcription, two months " discount of SO cents on tit subscriptions tail vpar. 25 rents for nix months, it mm in silvanoe. line riming rates given on application. .:!.scribcrs will And the date of f xpirs- t:L.. stamped on their pa pets following " lllf. i I III llJ is not cliniinr,. it:i two weeks nr pavment, knuliy Mtity as and we will look alter it. Ft't-red at the postnftlce in Oregon City, Or., as second class matter. ,It is generally believed in diplomatic circles that Germany will make trouble if' (ho United States try to hold the rlilippine Islands. kitkr, the wheat king, baa lost his grip in the wheat market. He let go Ms holdings and wheat dropped 23 cents at Duluth, from Saturday to Monday. Is the Killfeather bribery case the law 1ia been laid down in the federal court that under existing statutes it is no urine to accept a bribe, although it would be one to give the bribe. Tiia officials of the 0. R. & X. deny thai there is any deal on foot or contem plated by which the road will be ab sorbed by the Union Pacific notwithstand ing perBisteut rumors to that effect. Tj Hit) battleship Oregon belongs the credit of the first succestdut landing of troops in Cuban soil. Forty marinej no matter in what corner of the earth it In ldilbnr iti Pittwn u-otitra A...,t. it,., ' elecioti h.n fastened all eyes on Oregon. Hie ri-Mili i if the election will be mom cofou for good to this Dure. All of the treat drlie if the Fast crime out with double-headed notice' mid the commer cial woiKl is especially well pleased. It will nttMct capital horn mid bring new industries. Well done, Oregon. Tit Nicaragua canal is going to he built and that as soon as possible. The sentiment in the East is very much stronger for the canal. The importance nf rjiiick niys) communication between the two comts has been greatly aecentu ated by the conquest of the Philippines and the crtuse of the Oregon. These two facts have crystalised the sentiment and now a demand is going up in the East that the canal be built, this demand grows stronger each week The Republi cau state convention of Pennsylvania recently held, has this plank in its plat form : "We reaffirm the declaration made in the last Republican naiional platform in favor of tlie con-truction of the Nicaragua Cdiiul. We believe that the piesent war lias demonstrated beyond question the imperative necessity of (his canal for imrKwes of national defense and for the development of our foreign and domes tie commerce, and we call on congress to pu-h this wo. k ia suocdily as possi ble." L . . ... ... . . J . Tiikkk has been a great deal said about an ad. nice liitwieu tie United States and Great Bri'ain. No such alliance exists, nor ever will unless the exigen cies of the tinu's involve something more than at present. Blood is thicker than water and if the nations of the earth become involved in controversies over the uidvtreal strife for greed, English blood w ill loin on one side of the conflict, OlilXiON ELECTION Iltt;it ami viu Comment on th (Jrntt Victory. 'MII.OiVX I P I'KiLU TIIK Ol l'SlDK" (1-neiril Rejoicing ever the Absolute Defeat nf the Mlvcrlles Rode tiuotl to tlie .Vaihui. from the Oregon was the advance guard of a landing at Gaantanamo June 10. T!Tth people have ennfMenw in the uovernment is shown by the fact that the?20,WK),n00of3 percent bondsauthor iivJ by the government will bo largely oversubscribe. The bonds being sold at par. Preference being shown to the Jowil bidders. Tint stock business was never in better .shape. There is a good demand for tock, especially cattle from the East, and this is constantly growing. The may lie fouud. Such an alliance would only be temporary, as neither England or America would gnin anything by a fjiunl uu.iei- 4iidi.:g u:.dcr pieseiit cir-cum-tan.-es. V-a. the financial and com meicial interests of the two nations would instantly forge a band of defense, strengthened by ties of common blood and tongue, whenever these interests or any other held in common, shall be en dir'trpre j bv h cvrtni?h or other alliance. Wak taxes are being felt. The bill wis sig'i-d Moaday and the new rates eo into eflect at once. Tea is taxed fanner who cat. put cattle on the market j ten c.,ts a oua j fir(,at shipment of -ecexnwoor mree years w:u ana te4 il!lVe j,.,, ,,; iat most of it will be caught Ix-fore it reaches its destinu- i lion Ti-a sin;, m, hi j to the United The Republican victory in Oregon will have gieai weight in its bearing upon national politics. It is clearly a victory for the g ild standard over the joint forces that stand for debased money in one form or another. It emphasises with increased vigor the victory won in lS!Hi, aiid will teach the national organi sations of th se forces the necessity of rinding new issues. Yamhill County Reporter. A liliorul reward is offered for any per son who will detain the fusion parly long enough to learn from them what became of the 15,000 majority they were claiming for King. Salem Sentinel. silver fuslonlsts. The campaign has been one of great spirit, mid tins been watched with intense nlcrc, In tint CiililllllH'd It oil) I'mfe, 1 wntin,; A glance at yc-icrd i i Honesty is the best policy, always has been and alwavs will be. Witness the political downfall of II. L. Karkley and David Craig and the silver heresy. Gervais Star. a teady market. 0.' Wednesday the house of represen- j .. It is matter of congratulation in Ore gon politics that the It.irkloys, Ilofers, Kincaids and like personages, are retired from view. It is not nin-essary to even erect monuments over their remains. Albany Herald. The lecenl political campaign ex posed or developed a desperate state of affairs. Last Saturday at least four hundred men of Benton county were in Corvallis for the purpose of dixpusing ol their American citizenship (or money. There was an up-n and biazen demand upon the candidates for "a few dollars if I support you ." These men were not drawn to this by want. Many of them were well-to-do and all of them could have earned as much money by honest work, on that day, as they received for their promised "support." Eighteen hundred votes and four hundred for sale! Small wonder we sometimes see corrupt politicians. Corvallis Gazette. (Clackamas county is not so far be hind in this matter. ) The soldiers will continue to he paid in 100 cent dollaps, Monday's election settled thai question. And the Nicar agua Canal will be assured of the vote of Oregon's representatives in congress. Aolflaud Tidings, Jackson county has pased judgment on Crowell and Crowellism. Republi cans are not alone in viewing the result with satisfaction. Ashlaml Tidings, It seems to ha settle ! pretty well in !,!.. country The lepnUioins claW. J , , ,lu, , ,.,, ,MV lo imvc can tea tlie state ticket by mmo than WM majority, which shown a very satisfactory improvement in sound money sentiment since .vlelvinley Gai ned it by a majority of IVtHI. 'I hit elec tion will not alter Oregon's vole in the house at Washington. Thomas II. Tongue, republican, was elected in the first district In 181KI with only (1:1 votes lo spate; this year he is re-eleeted by over 'JOOO plurality, The second district also elect a republican in M A. M.ndy li nearly 7000 plurality ; his prodecoi-sor, Mi E'.lis, received only J,'.; ...j,u, nearly two yoars ago. The election ol state officers Includes T. T. (leer, rupiib. lican, for governor, by a plurality of at least MX), and the republicans have carried the legislative ticket In almost every county in the state, Insuring the election of a republican for United Slates senator to Mil the loiig-Ntauding vacancy for which Mr. II. W. Corheil was named by a faction of the legislature last year, but to whom the senate denied a scat. The city of Portland haseleete l straight rcpu ilican W. 8. Mason for nuyor, to i, i .1 when I w rote Teiines me jirnh ed me mat rials heaped up toi "in, '.,! c inteHt-', wilhout en I. This Is a i. v of Macn, as llie Siniiihli d ni't w oil Hie tost n ladled about llieil i-.nn ...H. night they "ent w ird Ihni Hi" time bit I come for a cessation of lios'lliii-- They foil It right to Inform us that Mi" ll-i'ii Ginado was thickly plui'od nilhloipe anil that we had better go to so i tluongh the Hoc Chiea heleaftei, 1. null lie so, hut the wide channel served weii eieniwli for our nine ships in the ninth auH'li of Sat u. laj n Jl One of toe ui v eg capluins ol the Spanish navy xeia a noie to the aUiye effect, w hieh I hud to t m 1 1 m late this morning He fouti'l a 'rn'y Cas tiliati lelliiimieiil ol poiuso lor tiio painful situation. Speiking of tlienni dilions which he chose to imagine that the commodore had olleied, lie wmie Inn ' Np mil h eln.l)Mi ex 'lied gii'ii! I ' I g i ,ii ii a-. in. : it li .ve d' iwn tinr I o (ill .'i oe I o move, S.ndiei w 0 , . i ... I -v r Hi w i . l" I I s i'. " . i l ei di. 'g ed u nil . ;i i m i i llu 'tie "n ii i ili en n , pile I I. .1 I. el Tin- 'id we k oeii I .ml we . art loholdlng io W . il K III .I'll 1 1 14 1 1 I - , . . etl the Ciipl .ill "I Ue l lli'lh.l, Moil dIC'l W 11 In) iii in- i I'll jiiHieiilay iiiorning. The Iteina (tin ixiiiia MUllein l hahlly h . 1) is ii. a In, rl ill lo coulemplatn II, e ! ict Hun inn pitr.e money, when it i i , w ill be I -. on mi e- lltii lie of so nil. eh , cr hu , ! for each of the men earned by ... ni ' . hlilis. There were about in.i i .1 n oinlli.it linhldes some .i- in.. . ... .i ie, who do not count, thongli tiny uiu.t have suH'ered. It needs a liui.l lii.ni t i deal A till the Spalilaidh In is They show an Incapacity to real ii f iets and the imaginative re si'iin es of a stage villain. Wo want la n,.Mi i.Ii i , hut they am capable of that the truce of war off-red "it the , "l"'"" llH batteries at nuy Spanihh tl 'et withdrew" ( so ve il a). '" " m",, "Ulcers or Soldi, ra thev had Indeed departed In llaniHS and ! 11 1 I"- "' the (oils. We hav suinkii some hours beior-, h it not ,s a , !,,''':' ' ' "A ' - l today, ami in tiler of choice, or condnionul a( r nun-1 tt t" ''low up eveiy one that can tn ktt I i . .,1 . I !(! I.itlilil. I'llii I'lltllllliliLllit tjilillitl itlail succeed the notor.ou-populist, yly,.H,er (Uyi ,lul o( j get e.s t the telepraph cahle witlioul Colirodhov who i' nun to the captain to '' 1 1 ' "''ppose no Chinese Ii ,, er ciuiplaiii that Lieutenant l.nndy d;d not ! rt ' 1 !lJ l"1 'rl,,t 'td eggs. I'iio troithim iiht. "Well, wnat did lie I"'1""1.' death was annouucel aminst Peiinover. Tlie new mayor has a good comfortable majority of at least JO H The result In Oregon, w ith it tum. .g downof cln.p money here,ieH,,sde.M,),,i ..u.Mii (, ( h k , ,,v ,.,. , w !,o s d give s so tnucl, ciueu nsrninger oi republican success in and a substantial indorsement of t'n. l.'.i.L I... . I .;.! 1 j , i ..i ..li oil i ant no i'i.iiIoi t In the ord v iiroeluiiii. the congressional election of nex'f.id.i ,,''., ' . ' , . . .... i . wise he do lie it." 1 lull pliiuHe i rei its. I 1 1 ' 4 - Life Win g'.'W 111 lo to- the silu nim for ii We hud not j '" "' We h.ivn declared a bio. k threatened or hhiit.-red in public, but I 1,111 is hardly worlli while. national administration The Argonaut. tor Young Men and Young W men. hid drawn a diagram of the letlon a ' ue to Kturt revolutions um mo iihiir two ami. which i.x.o llv i a'lve theie is bitio uioi .. to There is nothing that will a.u the ,.rii d tl, position of the i inisii. , ''" '' " I'hHipl'i'M'M. If Is proh.ibh) if" of a young man or woman o ti'i cf: us j 'et il iininl n it he suppi.M .I toal the '' w" '"' ''"t to tt-e tlnnti,-In a io have inferior laundry woik put oil on j World is all rejoicing wlih in. We ! ,v"" v"' ,'" Olympht at least It Is Ihein. They may dress ever - well, j moved down lo Civic, this ,u e, noon, , " ' t' J hh ney ( l (X)0 but if their shirt front or shirt waist ijHnlas w Biiprom-bed w nui I (.. tb.- j m''" .ln nuh the tropics, hut we must musy their neat appemance is H.i, d. ground, the silent haltiMcs. Miiokii.g . ' w" wanted. I hoiiM rathr go riie Troy laundry makes a specialty of. w.e. k and ruined budduus. We saw I 11 J'l' ' 'f '' season ofthe, y ladies' and gentlemen's line w ork . ,1,,, w Waving over ihe old w.dl.d 1,1 1 ".ot '"r'"l 'billl.is.ly There can be no better work . ban is city ol Cavito mid Its landward sutm. i. 1 i n ' ' V"r.U"'"y' 1 . ""V-,, ' " , iy oi v a no mm ps lauuw an sunn n . ,n n ,i tmpny went. Tell mo done at the Troy. Leave your older al f s.tn lint', and the (ierin.n ..-l 11 v 'm: .i.Miiit. With uiu, 1. I..v... Johnson'i barber shop. liujover the Ciuti ao hnsniuN. A Vol it FariiKM. ta'iu-s passed the Hawaiian annex itiotl r. k ii.,,. liv u f , . I u 1 1( -ill ) tit 111 Ti.iu : on nearly etv-tythln Ti , ..t.ti- in . .nfl n n ra vil 'in Tf ti-a ta ' . ar put to .: -.e .IcaVa trouble as stamps I.m -.1 i,r,uu!,l ni..,.na fl.jl I',, It ,t ' ' h ive to be alHx-d to nil articles tx"d. Sties stnoiin to abuit 100,0n.),(H-) I thH M-ln,u f the public that the three- p-ion t annn.il'y. F). n .-,'is's g-t (axed : ply ticket that went down in the wreikj Hungry Hair is the beginning of they carry, aud j o! Juno (i in Oregon was blown up from the outside. ewl,erg ii.apluo. isLties will abandon the Monroe doettfne Slid inaugurate a pronounced coloni.d pj..ty . Til ii Herald charges Mr Porter with i-oiiing or aiding in the issuing of a cir cu'.n agaiust U'llen duiing the campaign. J!r. i'urier bad nothing to di with it, km.'v nothing ubout it. The ciicu'ar whs i,ot pi int. d in the Etiterptiso oili. e. Ca" the Herald ay as much concerning the circulars about Republican Candida- tCf? IFofer and the great om cent d lily 1 If is e:i na'ed tint the drug trade 0f , tailed to save n.-othi-r Ilarkh-y from the ,, .,, . ,. ,, ,. . ' g 'iier.il wreck. N-wbi;rg Graphic, ! : Oiegoii will yield i,),().iO annually in , n ' I ! war revenue, 'i'ii-' people in the end wil h u',- 'his to p La . o un i bee. w hh ue of tlie v.i." rev V a The "ruinous" gold standard bus; y. C'lnsniners of to-! ('rc' F" t-r,'"t fou-inn dtnuiiid for! ;i 1, ive to pay their! I-rt!:ni'I fl-mr that ciiimgh bottoms can-; 'i Beer is taxed'" ' !l l't'r,' ,c'irr' ll '"'"! land 1 eiegram. i : ti b iceo, 12 cents a pound ; ci.-.us. i (; a 10 tO. Tianspoitation comp lilies have t i a:li a one-cent stamp to ad ir. i el, i rcivipi Tims the govern me'.t tji-'-t-. i'r sii.ew.i of war. I5it,ks are . t .x -1 at the rat of i j ) on '5.0 (0 dpi- i : tal, and tele-r.ph ind telephone ines- Tiu !o.3s to Polk county is consider-1 6 i a't! iu the buiiiing of their court bou?e, ! t a tax of cent each. inr.'iy all recotds in the sheriff and as sessor's oilices sre lost. The county via ioee inure in the one ilem of de.in jiient taxes thun would have piovidel s r-.ifc place for the records. C'la. katn is county should see that a fire would i.ot find them in a like condition. A thous and dollar reward is offered as the (be is supposed to be incendiary. He:l' IU 11 I. tor ii 'I ii .v.- n Hide-; ).,( ',.y r.n' ii bund"- I vilu h"' re ?..'. h" i ..'. il ' I T;tE editor of the Herald believes that tlie j eople are so "ignorant politically and otherwise" that thev cun not read ('... ; printed in i( own cobioia si d S.",,-; Ui.il the Kejiuiiiicnii- of tins co'in'y li ft L. L. P.'. r far b I.in-l his cv,n 1.. 1, !. The fa.'ti. Mc I'oiler n-ecivnl Hi-; e "O'es than the carMlidate on the : A. H uuing. i) i i;,.,. f. i ...,...( 1 1. ,. i r d'efivi .", cm!))!1: p):p''(T, -1- V, assessor. tre.t-iUier or coroner and C thepe v eio ( lertp.. If the Ilt-mid veij' l ponfirio itself to the truth when pi-oef is so easily ascertained it might iget s.ure of i's lien believer. In Clackamas ouuly "Bro." IJaikley ! lias a inaj ii it o! tiJ over I'or'or, hut in Marion county I'orter'e ni.ij n ily is ,'i72, : thus making the re-uil in the di-.!iii t c iiij;ii.iing the ixo counties in favor of Purler by a majority of 11 id. tiuod-l ye, ! Mister "Dro." ilarkley. Salem States-; men. j N'o great loss but some small gaintj U'Ken is gone. Capitol Journal. i Come into my parlor said the demos to' the jiopos. Pendleton Tiibune, We hope tint bishop's title to "miin- (ions in the sky" is bctb-r than his ere-! I ' "a'.v tnk(-' ad village of it. A little I Jeiitials to a i-eat in the senate. Stayton i I ue bought w ill iibo save muidi extietue I Mail, ; a'id valuable time. A prudent and cars ; lul man w 11 keep a bottle of Chambcr- I !.:.. i:.. ..i. . 1 . a t.. which triuiotihed at th( n.illu in iI.m I.juI i on, g ioiii, i.iMii-rrt ami uiititooeai ' " j - - .- j V in the honor. . tl. hifHf.d.,a- """"""-""l"'""" 11 " 1,1,5 ",hl hlalU Had manaHincnt keeps more people in poor circum-t ince? than any other one r- oi'-e. To be nice .lul one must look n' and plan ahead so that w hen a f.iv a !e ftpottuirty presents itself he Ttie verdict of the people of Oregon is a splendid reaffirmation of the principles J rein that lun spoken since the sound money victorv oflsWO. The result ofthe elec-: is l-s hoise goingforad..c-jiijn for governor and congressmen ml e l.i -1 :lor bill to pay, ! that t-tiieon Monday last, is the lir-t ex- ' w 5! cents, the other is "f popular t-eriiiin-irit coiienn-' .'is and then wonders "l ,,,p w,r v'ilh atio ino 'bseirar.'e ol oilier government i ..c-tting richer while i ' For sale by Ijeo th; untAD-.-it coNsurvip- I I 11 M i O E CURED. ; obligations devolving upon the i.evv presi-! j dent and the new c'ures.. If Oie-on : I . i i sjje,,k.i for too nation, the people re j KU.tfled. They aiu pleased with the M- j i suits of the fin.t I'ao J v.:r : of t.n aduiir.iv ' Oiikoon is beit.g well advertised. The ' tration jiledgi r to the maintenance of a T. A. Mni'iim, M. ('., 'he On-ut (.'lierrmt nnil : gidd staielard, to the protM-.iion of' scientist, Aid seielrr, llinj Bntlir-n uf American intere.st.s. and to the .:,. I llu Newly ibsi-iivr-red Henir-dir-s t su lercrs. Koitoh r,M i;iii'iii -n : I have rliseov e'ed a reiiiibie cM'e for consumption and ailbr'M.'hial, throat and lung diseases, genernl decline, loss o.' flesh ari'l all con- litioris of w asting away. By its timely (rp of the battleship Oregon around tliei ,ls,. thonn.i ds of apparently hopeless H'o-n bss called tlie attention of the ! cas"fl lia.ve bo('n cu'''d. Koprrwf-positive arii l ot its power to cure, inal lo make w orhl to this state and the result will probably be the buildingof the Nicaragua rno'j! ns the time taken was so long that the nation can not afford to take such chances with its fleet. The Oregon is till advertising the state in the part she iis merits known, I will send, free, to any alllicled reader of your parer, three bottles of my newly discovered remedies upon receipt of express and post office address, T. A. SUXJUM, M. C, 08 l'ioe Street, New York. When writing the doctor, please men tion this paper. j of Spanish tyranny from the ttehtion; hemisphere. Chicago Times-Herald. The big republican victory in Oregon is the end of populism in that slate. I Three silver parties went down in the ruins, and have no further reason for ex istence in that corner ot the country. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The cheering news that comes from Oregon of the election of the entire re publican ticket is doubly encouraging when it is realized that the victory is a triumph for the gold standard and sound money platform oyer a combination of 4 Trotractrtl hunger means starvation, and starvation moans death. When the scalp is starved the hair dies at the roots. What's the matter villi your hair? It gets dry, harsh, brittle, dull of color, the ends split. You wash it and brush it, but it still comes out. It's hungry! If waSLin apd brushing would stop starvation, then all the expense of a horse's keep would be a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger needs bread, nut a bath. That is why 4 4 f-j'.Mi-. L jl b 0 Prevents Baldness. It supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair, and the hair grows. It restores the tone ofthe scalp and so induces the secretions of the fol licles that the coloring matter is renewed and fading hair regains its natural color, dandruff disappears, and the hair becomes thick and glossy. Men and women whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of friends, admit that they owe it to Aycr's Hair Vigor. Last winter I discovered a bald spot on my head as larpe as a silver dollar. A few Ap plications of Aycr's Mair Vigor btartcd a healthy growth of'liair, and in a short time ths disappearance of the bald spot was a subject of wonderment to my friends and pleasure to myself." A. M. ALLEN, No. 31 16 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. " I have used your Hair Vit;or for a great many years and know of nothing eriual to it as a hair dressing and restorer. It has given satisfaction among my customers who speak Iiighly in Its praise." A. K. FIELDS, Ilarber, No. 45 I'rinccss St., Kingston, O. " I am sixty-nine years old and have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for fifteen years to prevent rny hair from turning gray. It is an exttllenl preparation for that purpose and I shall always use it." JOHN HIX'ltTMAN, Osseo, Minn. ' I find Ayer's Hair Vigor to he indispensable. My hair full out for fivo years, but a few applications ol the Vigortopped It. Jt gave the hair a beautiful glossy appearance, and I also found that it did not affect curling or crimping." AL Ji. SNYDLK, Uranlford, Out