Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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(Ooualtxlii from pK 7)
Many gtxiil.iolo sinus lawl plavere, lao iiiartet'as, and nh.ral
clubs will Im represented al II. Cliaiilampis whoa names mil oap
.pear on the dally iirnKraius.
Tli acaoiiiiaiilinaiilswlll lirpliije'l In the celeliratnt i'araoni
Orchestra, (if I'urtlanil, and llerr P.ilwanl II. Klaca, concert pianist
from Ilia college of muaJo, Halatn. lierr Fleck li native of
Vienna, Aualrla.s ull of Ilia goat pianist Anton HiiUnslrin anil
a graduate of Ilia Impe rial Conservatory, of Hi. raierahurg, K'iMla,
I'rnf, Herltaitt anil llarr Klerk will give private leseotis In amitlng
and ilano ate. at reasonable rales during Ida Chautauqua,
Among tlif (natures whlnli liavt received Ilia earnest attention
of tlia Cliaulanitia Association IliU year . has hren (hat of niusio.
rteallaltiK that ninaln i on of tlif moat Important features, I lie
Automation has put forth an rilia ell'iirt, and tlia pulillo will da
pleaaed lo Irani that lliey liava etigaited Ilia ramoni Orchestra, o'
rorlland, tlia Irsillng mimical organisation ol Ilia Northwest.
Among Ilia memhars of Ilia orchestra ara 'aulolaia of Ilia very
ihigheel claaa avhn, will he heard during the aeaaloti of Ihe Chan
taintia, prominent among m hum wa may inaiilloti I'rnf. It L,
Hidden, violin; Mr. M. Uunihert, clarinet; Mr. II. Terry, xylo
phone and hell; and J. It. Kvereel, viola and violin. Tlia Aaaiir).
ailon and Ilia pnlillo ara to I congratulated npiin securing the
eervlrea of this laiitlld musical organisation, which will surely
.Klva uiilHinndrd aailnfallon.
.Ill .llunil .tiny lllrM bt of Ilia University of I'lali,
Walt lJf L'llv, will have charge of Ilia Department of Klncnllun.
Hho la una of Hit) celebrated f locnllniilale of America and on of I lit
liunilier mentioned in Ilia April I'mltan, wa ijni.lt as follows;
"Tlia gnat Mormon Tahernacle al Hull Lake seals twelve iliniiaainl
peiaone. To lie liaard illallnrtlv In every part of tliat Immense
eiltlW la a triumph of Ilia It it in Hit vole. ' Duly in a woman la eald
lo have lima eiiccieilnl, awl that woman la Mix Maud May lUli
cock head of Ida drparlinvnt of elocution and phai at education
al Ilia I'lali I'lilvrraliy. From llil fart enmalhlug "'ay la gathered
of Iha range and pnaer of her voice. In 1 war, he taught voir
culture and dlaila at Harvard," Oeiierel claaa free, I'rlvaia
leeaona will la provided for.
The 4.uiul.re nail Al tilrlU-t. idia jiaralll he In
charge of Mr. M M, It 1 1. k lr. phjaiiul illreclur ol tlif V, M C.
A. lli-lore coming lu Portland Mr. Itltiglcr aa Ulterior ol aoma of
Ilia heal gymnasiums ol Ilia Middle Weal. In ln present poaltlnn
he haa charge of the larval end Ih- rnlp-d K mnaalnin on Ilia
J'aclllc Coaal, In which over three hundred men have been taking
regular, )siematle eien lae during Hie paat aeaann.
The ( law Work llila yrar will he along Ilia llnra ol
(modern llilit gymiiallca adopted for Hi varlona parllra Uriidin g
the Cliantau'i'ia. Thrra will ImtI for rlillilrru, youlha and
adnliearli mortdtig.
'I'Un A I It It-Urn wl'l ronalnl of a perfect carnival of anuria,
nu ll an ! hall.liatkrl hall, lli')Tlr rarra, relay raring, aprlnllng,
I ole vatiliing, atid all klnda of llrld rveula. The Varloua ollr(ra
-of Ihe atele III aeml leaina and the I'ortlnnd Ymn g Mm'a ('lull
llan Atniclatlon with Ita Inula ol aihlrtia, hear hull, haakrl hall ami
whrrl rlnha will he al the aervlre of the Chaiilaiiiiia lo make Ihli
'liaulauiia )rar a erfrrt "Olymplra" in the gathering of rotitra-
Tlila department la In i harga of I'rof, flereetaar of I'aolflo
Unlvaraliy, Kotaat flrova,
(Jiadkloin Paikand vh lnliy oflareicrpilonally flna opporltml'laa
lor arork In Hi a daparimem and a flora ol peculiar Inlernt. HiU;
denla Iniandlng to take thla omirea aliotild Iw aupplled with a g'd
)(iket leuae,
I'rea. If, i llvurUumai. of Iha MtiMlnnvllle collega, In
charge. Tlia ttudy hour In ilda iieiiartmaiil eaidi morning will he
davoted, In the Ural part, In a lector alndynn "The Illalory and
Development of Ilia Knllli Ilihlr,'1 occupying perbapa half the
period. Thla will he followed h) a literary alnily and Inlerpretativa
reading of aoma inaalerpli n ol Iha literature of Iha Illljle. The
lexte tlacd In thla atlidy will ha Ihoae of the modrril readnr'a Illhla,
(the McMillan (,'o.) The hM.k of Joli will he aim'led In thla way,
and If lima peimlt, other n a-trrpnere will lie taken up.
I'rof. J. Il.llornt r. of ina Hiat AKrl.'iiHural ColUga will
oonducl altidiea In Kogllah l.lteraliire almplilifil and ml a 'led lo
the net'da of pulillc eclioola, arademii-a, collrgna and trmtuttt cluha.
A coiirae prrpared eapecially to n.it't Iha coinlllioiia pn'iillar lo tlia
farther Weal, and lie linnii'dUte pnrNiae la to etigg'l im. ami
melhoda that will aerve aa a Ionic In creailng a ilealro for mor
reading among Ilia young propla of our elate.
I'r. I. I.. 4'utnplM'll of the H'ii Normal 8dioul, of
Moiiii oiiili, Dr., comliictor. In thla oiorae en rlforl will he made
to ileveloi a li' of Hie moai luiporiant general eiliicaiioniil olni'l
plea aa appilcahl lo comiiion IhhiI work, ami a aiudy of the
"Method of Hie llei iimlon," I. Hnl on McMurrnv'a recent work,
HI lieaiinleriakeii I'uua lor every dan work in Hie ai'liool room
will lie on l line'l, mid Hie iliiCI,dea ol acMml Koveriiiiieot dlacua"d.
Krveial m enl rdoi ail nit' mirka of iotere.l will lie lirli-lly atnid,
Ihchi.iImk e.i i i.iii v Dr llnnU' recent work on "Tne I'eycliulogic
Koiiiidmlona of Ivlncathiii."
I.C Inter. ,M M , ' r 1 1 .el t I ol the Ilnn-Uv acliool, Orei;oii
'I i v . a HHUte b on Demoto, e lio nie I In ijeriuauy and a K',i'il
of lli l.nil'i Hcieiiiillc I'ouiae, Ni.ervlle, III,, will give practical
leaaotia lo the laiirfiiittf ol lila native OniKue.
I'KXM A N will I',
lloliiica lliiwliit'tiw 4 oil ')(' ol 1'orilaiid, Oreijou, will
have loeiniH'ra ol me Itriinv rennlii give iiiitnn tlon In ieliiuaii'
hip and otlier line a of work.
Thl" department will It condiirle I hv I'rnf. Collier, of I'orl -land
1'nlver-liv, wlio h.ia ma l a careful alinly ol the neology of
Hie I'ai ltl" I'oaai. AdloVeraof Una Interacting etudy w III lind It
prullialile for tneui lo join Hie claa.
The Jnnhira will Hod an Iotere.l jo if ami alile Inatrticlnriu
charite ol litis department. Itev II. ii. hireleller. of Allmnv. who
Itaa iiiHtty Irlemla amoi.K Hie Junlora. liavltiK prepared a claim of
thirty for Kraditatlng thla year, will leach Hie ila at the Aaaemhly,
Itriliicnl ralea on railroada ami hoata will he arranged and
announced later.
Meaaon I ickeu, lin lildioK campiiiK iirlvllegea fl "'I
Kmifie llckeia : : : : : M
Chlld'en unih r I.' : : : : Free
All iiiluiatera receive lialf ratea and are ropietted lo aiitioume
thla Haaeiiildy In their .iilpia.
Kor flintier loloriuiitlou ad Ireaa the accrelary
Inalaiirea In Maine ul a Cualom Thai I'rtv
valleil la t-.iiglatnl ( nlurjr Ago.
A Ilniignr Imyi r nttciitling court in
tllU Alicll'llt tllWII llf VIM UHM't, Mo.,
went rttmiuiiKliiK ris-cnily in tlincolotiiiil
court riH-orda of tltu place utnl In tho
rniirMi of lila rinilliig run ncrnaa I ho
iilllciul rcglntriithni of A "atnock liinr
rlngo." Not knowing v lint aurt of mtir
rlngu that wna he liaikctl further and
lint conaiilcnililA light umiii cualom
tlmt prevalliil In Kngluinl a century or
two ago and ala-r tu aoinn tulctit iu tho
Auicricnii coloiiica.
Hiiiim k iiiiirrliigna wiru voddlnga
M tn ro thn lirldo apixurcd tlrcaacd lu a
w ill to alicct or clnuulao. Tho rcuanu of
audi a gurli wii" tho lu lli f tlmt if a
lutui mtirrli'd n woniiin w ho waa in dcht
im could bo iicld llnhlo for her indi bli d
iiora If ho received her with any of her
J rin rty, uml nlwi Unit if n mhiiiiiii tiinr
rlod a mini who wna In ili ht biacntlit
ira could nut tuku lu r properly tu milia
ry their t'ltilina If hit rei'eived liolliitiK
Iroiu In r. In Kiiglatid, wiva u it uiiiiititi
rinii, tlieru waa ut li'iint oun cuao wlii ro
tint hrlilii wna cluthnl ptiria liiituritlibii
vhllit tho ceremotiy wan being per
loriiied In tloi grciit church lit lliruiiug
limn. Tho inliiihti r ut flrnt n fuacil to
M' fnriil tlmciTi'iiinliT, but llinlilig Until
iiiK in tho rubrlu tlmt would tucuao liini
Im iiiurrlcd ihu pair.
Tu carry out llio Ijw fully ua tint peo.
jiln umlcretiHal it tt.ii u ri'inuiiy hhuuli
alwuyahiivo been jt rlnrtin d im It won
lu tlm Dlriniiigliiini church. I!ut inodca.
ty forliiddluK, viiriotia cxpt'diciita wito
need to iii'oitinpliNli tlm (Icxired jitirjioho
mid yet avoid tho uiidcalrulilo fntturcH,
Xiiiiiiitimea tho briilit atood in u cloeet
mid put her hand through u lmlu in thu
floor. ' Kniiictiiiica aho atuod behind u
t luth ai-riiiiii uml put her hand out ut
Din elilf,' iiiiIii elm wound ttliout her n
M hitu alii 1 1 furnihlit'd for thu purpoNu
liy tho I ritli'groiiiii, ittid huiui'Uuicn eho
Umid in her cht'itilwi or atniK'k. h'veu
tunlly, in Kthex county lit k'tiht, nil im
iiiodehty wna ttviilihd by tho brido
xroniu'a furulidilng to thu britlo ull thu
(.'lothcN alio woru, rclaiuing litlo to thu
attitio iu hltueelf. TIiIh ho did in tho
prcHi iico of witiu'HKcs, tlmt hu ltiigltt
jirnvo the fact in ounii ho wnt muitl for
liny tlcblN nIio tniglit lmvo ooittrnclml. A
liuirrliigu of thla kind (Hcnrriil ut llrtid
ford lu 171)11, uml Ihu following Imitruo
copy of tho record of thu aitinu:
DliAlivoiin, Din. ye St,
Thla may certlllii wIioiiimk vit It limy eon
cermi Hint Jiiini'M Ititth y of lliinlfonl w ho wiia
Iiinrrlixt to thu wtilovt Mury Huron Nov hmt
puat liy niu y eiihaerllMir tin n (hi'liin d Hint ho
look the Kiilil perxoil wltlmilt iniythliiK of ea
tiitniiiid Unit l. dm tln wiriitif Kliurr liurlniuk
Hi Mary thu wito of 'J'liniiiiia Klti kuey ic Mnr
Kiirut the wlhi ol t.'iileb llurhauk nil of linul
lord were w it imtitow tlmt tltu clot lie hIio then
biidou were of lila providing-&bnHluwliikupou
Wli.l.lAM IUun, MlntHterof yuCloKix'l.
It 1h noted by tho hiiiiiu writer that iu
till citNi'H of Ninock liiiiiriiih'iiN that luivu
coinu to hiit kuowludgu tltu britlca luivu
bcou widowH.
It iH thmiKlit that during tho reign of
(loorgu 111 tlinro wuru many unlock mar
riagcM in Mai tin, tlionu part of tlioprov
inre of MuHHtobumittH J lay, chiefly in
LitiMiiln und Ydrlt counties or in thu ter
ritory whluh in now so known, Thuru Ih
nothing t't eliow tlmt tho pritctico out
lived tho Kuviilutiim. In Itluiiio up to
Ib0i3 a hiislmiitl wiim liublo for tlobtH of
Itia wife contracted bufuro murriugo,
nut no micb ftuliterfitgu im tho unlock
murriagu could roliovoLlm. Now York
Tho oldest London tlmatorg are Drury
I.nua thtmtcr, oputiud 1008; Sudler'i
Wella, iturtud aa au orohtiBtral atuioinbly
room in 1083; Hayiuarkut, 1720; Go
Tent Garden, 1782, aud Lyoeum, 1795.
Tlilnga That Amiuy lite Mi k.
Nnthiiig ia gniiied nnd lunch Minn
that ia very vnluuhlu ia wuled by n!
lowinu otira-lvca in iHKMiiueiiervoua nnd
Ulialilo to Ihi of tho hllgiltent Dao iu tlltt
Although we tuny rotiaidcr a pcrann
too ill to bo a warn of what ia taking
plan) about la i in. Im U a.iiuctiuma fully
oogui.ant of tint inereat trillea und al
way inoro or lea auweptiblo tu tiny nud
nil tlilnga goin on. For that ruftaoii
t'ouvoraiitloii ubnttt tlm coudltloii of tlia
j ntlotit oarriinl on lu whlepera or iu any
inyaterioua iiiuuin r ehmild bo avoided
and an nlr of qutot checrfulucaa ulwuya
Nollilng ia ad annnying aa to he con
tlnuully aaknd if we do not wleh thnpil
Iowa tlinngcd, tho bcdclothoa atruiglit
em il, thu blillda t'luned or 0h lieil, aome
liourihliiiu iit bniugbt. or utty antull du
tuila nlteinled tu. I letter by fur to aeo
fur oilcan If lltld lb) (uielly without din
turbing tho patient, l'artlonlarly it ho
U (liaJMiaed to elrep do Hot lit OHI O get
n tmwepaMT of tlm kind t!i it him tlm
greuliiat ioHaililo amount of r.ittlo in it
und eeiit youraelf in a rocking chair ro
giirdloea of tho poehibli) elli'i'l it limy
huvu upon thu iiiriotiH coudilioti of
your friend.
When It la tlmn for iiourixliiuoiit or
ineiliciiio, be prompt to ;ivo it, but ill
wnya wiihotit tnlkltiK over it too much,
ami if it Ih tho bitti r cup that if to ho
proHcribed have ciimc thing ugreeiililo to
follow h.nl a cbci rv wonl. If it in tho
food fir bioth, have it ) rt arul otitKido
tlm hickroiiiu uml brought quietly, und,
iihovo till, iu mi attriictivi) form, iHiiring
in mind tlint n little, daintily prci-cutcd,
will bo iiitii h morn ut'i-ept.ihlo und p ir
tiiken of- will) imiru bi'tiidit than a lai'itcr
iiniiutity. New York LeiL-er.
Clever AdTerllalllf.
At a certain largo ptiblio library there
ia a rulo, which ought not to bo tiecvi
aury, tlmt men and boya must rotuove
their but on entering. Utm Snturduy
aftcruoou, wlmu tho room duvotcd to
the circulating department wiia crowd
ed, a man uf middlo ago caino lu nud
l.uiU lila iduen In lltin Tin had n hook
or two under hia arm, us it for tho pur-
powi of iiuiklng tin exuluuigo, but ho did
not remove bin lint. On tho contrary,
Im hud it jammed down well on bin
hend, and there wna a determined ox
prcHNinii on hiii fiioo that Hetimed to bcto
keu a firm purpose not to taku it olT.
An attendant Ktcppod up to him and
quietly Uhki.il him to rciuovo hia head
gear. "No, sir," ho responded in n lond
volco. " You havo no right to muko a
limn take bin hat o!T. Thin in a free
"Certninly it in," rejoined tho at
tendant, "but you can't get books ut
tli Ih library if you don't obNiiryo its
ruloH. "
"I'd llko tn know why not,"
"llocauHo it's tho rulo. Tlmt is suffi
cient." "You insist on my taking off this
hut?" nskod the limn iu a still louder
"Yes, sir. I do."
Hy this tittto tho nttoutiou of every
body in tho room liuil been drawn to tho
obatiimlo visitor.
"Well," ho vociferated, "I'll take it
off if you insist, but 1 want yon to rtu
dorritutitl I do it under protest."
Ho ruinoved thu ofluiidliig hat, dis
closing a head as bald as a billiard ball,
with this inscription painted upon it in
black lottors thut could bo reud 20 feet
nwny, "Uho Stuithby'a shaving soap."
And he was tho obsorvod of all ob
servers for the noxt half hour. Youth's
The Ureal I'rrat lier'a I'rrullwr llablU la
1'reparlng Ilia Krruiona.
Dr. Lyuiuii Ikecln r'a pocu.iur liubits,
ahowu by hia method of preparing si r
uioiia, am illtiairiittd in Auniu I'icld'a
lut a at book, "Tho Life uud Letters of
Harriet Lcecher r-tuwu." Iu her words:
"If ho was to prcuch iu the evening,
bo wua to bo aei u nil day talking with
whoever would talk, uixcBhiljlij to all,
full of everybody's nffulra, buaiuusa nud
burdeua, till au hour or two before the
tlnni, wht u lio Would xa: t up into hia
etudy (which ho nl ay I preferred ahonld
be the topmotd naiiu of thu house), and,
throwing off hia t-out, after a awing or
two with the dumbbells to acttlo the
balance of his iuuhcIls, lie would ait
dowu and duali ahead, making rjuunti
ilea of bicroejyphio tioteaou siuull stub
bed bits of paper about us big aa the
puhu of hia bund. Thu bells would be
gin to ring, und still be would write.
They would toll loud uud long, aud his
wlfo would my, 'lie will certainly be
lute,' uud tin ii would bo running up
uud dowu etuirs of mesji ugcra to see
thut ho was Uuislud, till, Justus tho
last stroke of the bell wus dying nwny,
ho would I'tt.ergu front tho study with
his coat very much awry uud coma
down the stairs like a burricuuo, stand
impatiently protesting whilu feuiulo
bunds that t vir lay iu wuit adjusted his
cravat and si ttlcd his coat collur, cull
ing loudly thu while for u pin to fusteu
together thu stubbed little bits of paper
nforcHiiid, which beiug duly dropped
into thu crowu of his hat and, hooking
wife or daughter liku u autchel ou his
tirui, nwuy he would start on such a
racu through thu streets aa left neither
braiu nor breath till thu church wus
gaimd. Then cuuie thu process of get
ting iu through crowded uislus "edged
up w ith heads, tho bustle and stir mid
hush to look nt hiiu us, with a luatter
of fact, businesslike push, be elbowed
his wuy through them uud up the pulpit
Ora-an Muale anJ Orjan IMaylng.
Organ lnusio readied its climax with
Bacli. It limy nrluipii be said that all
niusio did. 'At nuy rate, onn thing is
certain viz, if there has been uny prog
ress in music since thu day of Hach, it
has beeu duo to him. I'tich's music is
polyphouio, and polyphony is true
inusiu. To its foundation npou this
school is duo tho fact that there has
been no decadeneo iu lnusio in Oer
iniitiy. Thero has been no advuiice iu
polyphony since tho days of Hindi. Such
advance us lias been made has been iu
orlgimtlity and boldness of modulation.
For pure organ niusio finch still is
nnd probably will always remain the
grcutest of all composers. Kveu with
all tho modern mechanical appliances
that huvo been attached to tho organ,
his works are Htill very dilTloult per
haps tho most difficult of organ coinpo
f itloiis. 1 1 u must h'tve been us great an
organist as ho was n composer. That he
should have been nblo to play npou the
organ of Ins day works so exacting in
technique as hi. owu is simply marvel
ous. It is onn of thu phenomena of musical
history tlmt, while orchestral, operatic
nnd other branches of lnusio were iu
their infancy in liach's day and have
developed sinco then, Iiaeh brought or
gan nuisioto its climax. Ho was not tho
small sonroo whonee flowed a rivulet
which in tiuio was to expand into a
broad stream ; he was tho broad stream '
itself. The word "Bach" in German
means a brook, whioh led a famous Gor
man composer to say puuningly that
this great master wag not a Bach, but
au ocean. Forum.
Wdaal Kaeoaraajaaaeal.
Sltat Perkins bad rented land from
Bqoir Dowllng, and aono aftorhe mot
ad Into tbe uew boma hia wife died. Hi
las remained at home with very deject
ed aplrita for several days, but early one
morning ha called at Bqulre Dowllng's
bouae and aaid:
"Hqulre, I bain't Id no fit to make
an effort."
"Ob, brace op, Silas, " taid the
squire. "I know it ia bud iur a man to
I tea bia wife, especially sunb a helpful
I id encouraging one at yours, but it
will not do to give up."
"Yea, but I bain't got no incourage
imnit at all."
"I'll give you all the help you need
and do what 1 can to make life pleasant
or you,"
"Yaa, but you'll her to gimme in
couragomeiit er I can't do nutbin."
"Well, that ia what I'm doing, isn't
"Naw, you're just a talk In 'bout
what I orter do. I'll bev to git some in
oouragoini ut to work, like my wife uste
tu gimino. "
"That's what I'm golug togive you."
"Khore 'uuff?"
"Waul, jest roiuo down to my shack
every moruiu nn any jest ez sharp uud
gingery ex you can: 'Git outeu thu bed,
hilua Perkins, you low dowu aoullawuy.
You air tbe sorriest an no eucountest
critter in 40 mile er beer, au of you
don't buKHcl rightouteii hi er I'll huvo the
White Cnpa niter you this very night.'
That's the speech Tildy Auu boz beeu
mukiu to mo every moruiu these IS year
buck, an things peers loueauui au diso
late at homo without it. Then att r
you've made the speech yoo want to
fling a chair au two er three pots into
the bed an fetch a yell like er wild In
jun. Theu I'll stretch myself an yawn
an begin to crawl out. Ho, aub, f quire,
uo muu knows what a great source o'
iuoourageiiicut Tildy Auu wuz to poor
me." Allunta Journal.
Id the Tall llulldliifa.
The mau who when be goo to a lofty
modern building to see aomcbodyou the
tenth Door linos au express elevator
whoso Drst stop is nt the seventh floor,
reudy to start, and so reaches the teutb
floor almost before be kuows it, is sure
to be impressed by the experience eveu
though it inny not be new to him.
Another thing that is sure to impress
a visitor is the lot ul travel that has
sprung' up iu the tall buildings. While
iu un elevator he will see some oun get
ou at one floor aud get off at uuother.
It may be that some concern has unices
ou uue II i Kir and rooms for drafting or
for other work ou another, or there
may be business relations between sep
arate concerns on different floors aud
going tu uud fro between them just as
there would be along the street betweeu
them if they were ou the street level.
Aud theu there are buildings iu which,
ou floor abovo floor, business of the
same uuturo is carried ou, uud iu which
customers go from floor to floor without
coming down to tbe street ngain uutil
they have visited all the concerns with
which they may have occasion to do
to thut, tuko it altogether, to oue not
overfumilinr with it there is still likely
to be found much of interest iu tbe use
of the moderu elevator. New York
Chlneati Playing Card a.
John Chinaman is almost, if not
quite, as versatile as the Iliudoos iu the
vuricty cf bis cards aud games. The
CLiucbH pucks vary iu uumbcr cousider
nbly. They consist of frotu 30 to U'O
cards, thu latter beiug called a "series."
They also vary iu size, color aud qual
ity. As iu euchre, tho Chiueso spgrt a
"joker" (sometimes three or four), a
plain card which cau tuke the place of
auy other curd. Some packs have round
ed corners, with distinctive suit symbols
marked ou euch card, while others are
The number of games pluyed by tho
Chinese, ia apparently without eud.
Tbe khaipai packs are popular. Klmu
boo is n very well know n game iu the
celestial empire, so much so, indeed,
that nu English geutlemuu connected
with tho cousulur service in China or
dered some kbuu-hoo packs to bo mau
nfuotured by a well kuowu English
lirm, with a view of populuriziug tbe
game iu Englaud.
Fautau ia uuother very popular Raiue
iu Chiua. Its distinctive feuturo is thut
uo oue oxocpt the bank has ever beeu
kuowu to leave tbe tuble a wiuuer.
Chicago News.
Cauae aud Cure of luaomnla.
Writing of "Iusomnia" iu The Worn
nu's Homo Companion, Ella Morris
Kretscbuiar calls attention to a preva
lent cuuso of sleeplessness.
"Uuloss our sleep be very profound,
wo still curry on a sort of self cou
soiousuess. We lio dowu, mid wo mus
oulnrly hold ourselves iu nuy position
unsumod. We do not ubandou our head
to tho pillow, our limbs to the bed. We
bold thum there. We must uuhinge, as
it were, so thut boud or any member
would drop limp if tho rest of the body
were lifted. Imagine thuui heavy uud
dropping down, down, nnd you will
soon acquire the trick, tindiug, as a re
ward, that iu the grateful release from
muscular tension thu miud relaxes as
Tlie IVanlintaU
Forry rutettic Oh, well, they say
that fortune knocks once ut every guy'r
Wuyworu Watson That's a great lot
of consolation, for it guy that aiu't got
no door. Ciuoiunuti Enquirer.
The length of the coast line of the
United States, .according to the coast
survey, is 5,715 miles, embracing 2,3-id
miles ou tbe Atlantic oceau, 1,oj6 on
the gulf of Mexico aud 1,810 on tbe Pa
oiflo ocean.
In tbe river Llano of Texas little is
lands of floating sand are sometimes
Ak -4 Designs
Anttmm MmtUnc ft hirtrh and AicrtplUm mf
Atitfhir awwtrtain rmr titriuUin Umm whthrr mi
diTHfitWin la prohNhlf intmilhli. ('immunlrt
wtrta mnmy mninnmiJimt. iianoi) ra rsmii
cnt trim. )11m tgrnnry for M-rartnt MlrniU,
I'afmits tkn t.irouih Munn 4 Co. fclr
9pfnl ntito, wit hout Cbwrif, la th
Scientific Jlmcrlcan.
A bnloml7 Il1ntri1 wmkj. lrwmut rtr
enimtUm of muf tv,nnnfls luriiAl, 7 firm; 4 a
Tir: fnirrmorittaa.IL Bold by all newsdealer.
MUNN & Co.ae,Bd-'' New York
Brant OIBca. S2t t BU Waafalnsiuo, I. U
Legal NoticeB.
A l hi I Nfrn I nr ."ollre (
Node i la h-e'.jr glr.;n that ihi un't'-ralrnaal
waaitu va-pulntxl a-iiniQ at-auir ol l a attala
bf J'ajiah Kraiitllu, drraa6l. I'T tlia e uitr
court of Claekainaa coiiiitr, Orel -li. All ft-
aona halnx t-ianna ana Dt thiaa 'l ta at ara
lierclijr nit flul to iri-a.jnt tin anna lili tlia
p n.er voii-ii'-B and v-rlie acuoiluif Uj law
at mjr pi .ca In CU'-k i na euiur, Otjod, i.aar
M ia. lor, t . al Im i llica of 11 jr atiornex , iirow
ueil an I ('ni.l) ll. a' Or -K n C ly, O-vroa.
w tliln alx rn a Im of lb l d ttt) ol thla ai'tlOj,
iMlcrt May W, lnl.
8. K. TAYI)R,
9rW; 6-17 AiaUulaUatur.
When Going
East ....
Use a flrst-claa line in travelling between
Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Chicago
and the principal towns in Central
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car
In service.
The Dining cars are operated in the In
terest of ita patrons, the most elegant
service ever inaugurated, Meals ar
served a Ia Carte. ,
To obtain firet clas service your ticket
should read via.
The Wisconsin Central Lines.
Direct connections at Chicago and Mil
waukee for all Eastern points.
Kor full information call on y jur nearea
ticket agent, or write to
): C. Pod. or Ja. A. Cucx,
Uen. Paa. Agt.. General AKent,
Milwaukee, Wia 2Vi Hiark tit.,
Portland. Or.
:oll- for I'likliratlon,
Land olllca at Oregon City, Ore., Mi. 18,
Not.'t) la h. rt-br Klteu ihat Ilia (ollowinj
ii a "ul fill--r ha-fl;l ii.-llcd of bta lntentlou
to tn-k' dual proof lo anpp "I ol bia claim, anil
that -aid proof will be c!r b or the It Kiat- r
an-i lUj eivri.t Ore;ou CUy, Ore., on June A
Intu, vii:
H. R 111911. lor the H 54 ol a E N W t ol
K i, and a W N t H ut Bj IH, Tp 4 a, K
Ma uamca the f'lllonliia; wltneaaea to prove
bia coulliiiioua reaiueuce upon aud cultivation
ol aaltl Wnd. rlz:
Jo'iu Hlt.iiilu and Vt . B. 8n Ith.of Park Place.
Oickoii, Umiin Currao aud 11. E. Uarver, of
( urrinavlllr. Ortt 'iu
yju. 6 U tllAA a llOOUES, Beglater.
California Exoreaa (throngh)
- irg Local (way elaliuua)
aot'TH BOlltD.
Boaeburic lineal (way atatlona)
Caliloruia xprea (through)
8 Via, m.
t JU p. m.
97 a. m
8:-0p. m
Mall cloaea go:ii( North, 8:uOp.m.
Mallcloaea koiuk So ilh, 00i m and t.:2u p.m.
Ma ldtalr.bmed Imm Norib 7:30 p m., 10 Ui.ui.
Mall dia.iibuud Iruiu eou;b 9:10a.m., 8:40 p.m.
av bast sip a BLgcraic um.
Mall closes lor Fjrtland and dniribuUuf
pot ii la, 1 i.oiu, uo t va u m.
Mallcloaea lur Milwaukee ouly, 8:45 a. m.
I IS n. m.
Mail arrives from Poitlaud, 11:80 a. m. aud
l;lip- m.
Orrroo City to Ely, Carua. Mullno. Liberal and
Mnlalla leaves at 12 m. and arrives atUm.
4UreVon'Clty to Beaver Creek, Mink, Clark.
Meadow Brook, I'nlon Mills, aud Colton, leaves
al 8 a. m. Monday, edneauay anu rnaay,
aud returns on following davs at i ii p. m
OreRou City to Viola, Logan and Kedland
leaves Uregon city Monaay, neuuesuay ana
Friday at 1;U0 p. m., leaving Viola same days
al 7:00a. in.
Orraon Cltv to Wtllamette. BtaftorJ and
Wilonville, arrive at lu:30a- iu. andieavea al
11:80 a-m. Cany.
Ueni-riil delivery window la open on fcuuday
from 10 to 11 a. in. Ail letter. Uropp.-d inO lbs
boa an lio ooor 1 promptly se.t off Bun lay,
aa uu otuer d .
All Eaan-ru mail that Is delayed anl falls lo
arrive oj 8:30 a. m., o. f. tr.iu will Cume ou 12
o'clock or 4 :15 eiectric car.
6:35 a. ra.
70 "
8:uO "
:S5 M
1:05 l. m.
2.15 "
4:t0 "
5:55 "
7:) "
9:46 K
(:50 a. m.
:iu "
9:30 "
li:10 '
2:15 p. m.
4 so
8:40 "
9:10 "
7:15 "
9:10 "
Sunday cura loave every hour nniil 9 o'clock
p.m. Iu edevt ou aud of er Janu rv 5. lSHA,
C. A MILLhK, orT.
Of the
Express Trains leave Portland Daily.
Bou.h i ' North.
60ur.M. Lv Portland Ar 9:80a. a.
6:52 r. a. Lv OreR'inCity Lv 8:40 a.m.
7:45a.m. Ar 8. Kranclaco Lv 8:00r.ai.
The above trains stop at all stations be
tween Portland, balem, Turner,
Marion, Jefferson, Albany, 1 anient, Sheilus,
HaUev, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene,
Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland anil all sta
tions from Rose burs to Ashland inclusive
Kehate tickets on sale between Portland.
Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates
$17.00 lirst class and $11.00 second class in
cluding sleeper.
Hates and tickets to Eastern points and
Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HON'O
LU l.U and ATSTKA1.IA. Can beobtained
from E. E. BOYD, ticket asent, Oregon City
8:30a.m. I I.v
11:2:1 A. M. I Lv
5:20 r. M.I Ar
Portlmul Ar
OreuonCity Lv
3::r. a
I 7 :3J a. M
W eat Side llivislon.
Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) -
11:55 a.m.
Portland Ar
Corvallls Lv
5:50 r.u
1 20 r a
At Albany aud Corvallls connect with trains
ol Oregon Ceutrnl k Eusturn Ktilroad.
Express Train Dajlv (Except Sunday)
Lv, Portland Ar 8:25 A. M
7:8i'r.M. I Ar McMlnuvllle Lv 5:50a.m
8:30 P. M. Ar Iuilepeuileuce Lv 4:"0A.M,
Ats't G. K. and Pass. Agent
One of the best furmi in Clackamas
Cojn'y for sale. L. L. Porteb.
Depot Sixth and J. Street
For All Points East
lavee Portland for the East. via.
Walla Walla and Spokane, daily at 2a00
p m Arrive at 10:lo a. m.
Lf-avea Portland for the Eait. via.
Pendleton and Huntington, daily it 8:00
p.m. Arrive j:m a. m.
Oceak Division SteamHlii9 tM Ironm
Aineworth dock 8p. m. For San Fran
cisco: htate of California tails March
5, 13, 21, 2:t; Columbia eaila March 1, 0,
17, and April 2. .
Steamer R. R. Thompson leavei
Portland daily exceot .Sunday at 8 p.ran
and at 10 p. na. on Saturday; returning;
leaves Astoria dai'y except Sunday at
6:45 a. m.
Willamette River Route.
Ash Street Wharf.
Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Albany.
Corvallig and way pointe, leaves Fort
land Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days at 6 a.m. Returning leaves Cor
vallig Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days at 6 a. in.
Steamer Elnmre lor Salem and way
ooints, leaves Portland Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. to. Return
init, leaves Salem, Tuesdays, Thursdays
and .Saturdays at 6:45 a. in.
YfljjjHM. river Roam
Steamer Modoc, for Dayton and war
points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays at 7 a m. Return
ing, leaves Dayton for Portland and way
points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
day a at 7 a. m.
Snake River Route Steamer leaves
Riparia daily except Saturdar
at 1 :45 a. m , on arrival of train
from Portland. Leaves Lewiston, return
inf, daily except Friday at 6:00 a. m.,
arriving at Riparia at t p. m.
Gen. Pass. Agent.
V. A. SCHILL1 XG, City Ticket Agt.
Telephone (Main) 712.
Steamer G. W. Shaver,
Portland foot of Washington street Tues
day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at
5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskania
Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyen
ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Toint
about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25;
Rainier8:20; Kalatna 9:15; St. Helena
10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. in.
This is the nearest and most direct
route to the great Kehaletn valley.
Shaver Transportation Co.
Wanted-An Idea S3
Protect your lria; thfr may brtug you wealth.
Wrltf JOHM WKUHEHIIUKN St, CO., ruUnt Altor
Devi. WanhlDKtou, I. C. tor their prise ode
aud lint ut mo buuUnU lureuiluiu wanletL
Wanted-An Idea 2
Protect yoar Meaa; they may bring yoo wealth.
Write JOHM WKDDERBURN ft CO.. Patent Attotv
Bays. Waaliinctun, D. C tat their $i,nu una oOatr
aod bat of two hundred laTantlum wanted.
Who can think:
aome aiuiDaa
ahlog to patent?