Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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( j. egon City Enterprise.
, .
t'ubUnherl Every Krll;.
L I.. rORI'ER. I'h rKitT r
beaten the whole ticket would be de
feated with htm. It the Herald had
. looked after its own weaklings, tlie Pops
, hi hayc profiled. How could it have
Ihi-h fooled into Ix-lii'ving that the
people were o "politically ignorant"
i. m li.ink ih;i l;yai, Hrownell, Kamsby
T' and To tcr -ver ah pulled the same way
) year I'-'Oi ' .
t- t month I in ( i .ii v, tmlt'-s it lie OH principles ot
l;..l .ubNri4ioil.toil...i.ti... ...... "-' , lh,.lKl,t.v;l-,r.a..1ly not on ticket. But
A discount ol 50 Cfiiln on t;l mihscnp'iin. ! .
f 'T one year, 25 cents lor mi ni tim. ii tlif c .iiiipaii:ti is over.
V I in advance.
Advertfoinir, rates given on applicaiiiiti. --
t. , - - , After a hatd tUht the principal part of
(Subscribers mill fi.i.l the dr.lt ol .Xfiia- ,lle ticket h1 been elected in old Clack-
.tamped w their .a,i ( ftlIU8i iishuive piirt anJ tiie county
t un to weeks alter a patmetit, kn.tl.y
V.ily us and we will look aiier it.
f iltered a( ti e pnslnfltre in Orison Cin ,
Or., as econd claw matter.
Wis never touched I hem.
1 low about the Cvclone.
Pitch and wheat went tip together.
court. The tdicriir, clerk, treasurer and
cut oner have probably lieen elected by a
ivmhinatiDii on the part of the enemy.
The liopuhlicaiit) have elected judtfe,
two senaiora, two representatives, re
corder, assessor, coiiuiiistdoiier, school
Mipeiintiudeat and surveyor although
the vute la cloe on auine of them.
ruiino bus cairied the county, while
to years ago ho w.is 1,100 votes behind
Ft hin.N never fuM-d, hut it elected two j the com 'inid vote of the Democrats and
I'. mocrats. ' Pupuli.-ta. Mr. Tongue ha made an ex-
I'eilent record and the citiaeus ol Clack-
Mi-n-slinxin Curtis was elected i" ! liniHH hilVtf ai),0Vl,(l it. It is a
Clatsop by 500. j lime when the n.itiou has need of Mr.
j Tongue at Vf tiuiton and he stayed at
Ins post knowing I), at the people would
look uher his interests, if he did theirs.
No good citizen will disapprove of Sir.
acclaim of the country. The announce
ment already has had an electrical ef
fect. The newspapers everywhere ring
with it. It will put heart and soul into
the elections that are to follow in all
the states.
We commend the republican platform
of Oregon to our brethren in other states.
Let them consider the financial plank
that we reprint today. It Is clear, dis
tinct, positive, concise; it cannot pos
sibly be improved. If presented, dis
cussed and tirxod as it should be, and as
it has been iu Oregon, it cannot fail to
win, iu any state.
Glorious Oregon ! N'ovor had her peo
ple reason to be so proud of her before!
Were this a partisan victory the Ore
goniaii could not say such a thing; but
it is a victory for principles and pur
poses, that preside over our national des
tinies and belong to the progress of civi
lization ! Oregonian.
Oregon and Clackamaa county can
f till he found on the niip.
Wg wonder ii Sovereign, Davis and
1,'is Lease et al will come back.
Oregon said in 1S4S that she tx d bv
i'i honest dollar. The world now knows
f ts meant it.
Haekley, U'Keu, Myers! who are
t'ese men anyhow. Seems we heard cf
lletn somewhere.
Fitch says what the c in a man
I y when w heat is a dollar a bushel, even
i' the people are "politically ignorant."
Jok Sim is is elected in Mulinciiiati
The man that beats him has to be a past
t a-'terin political witchcraft and then
will peg out on him.
As people refuse to educate themselves
as to vote the Australian ballot intel
ligently, the law should be simplified so
that one mark will vote a straight ticket.
Fitch before election promised us the
Cartoon published in last week's Herald,
I) ran in the Enterprise this week but
like all promises made in the heat ot the
t wupaign it has not been kept.
TnE election Dews from Oregor. has
-veakened the opposition to the war
measure in congress looking to the rais
ing of revenue. Oregon has spoktn tor
tie gold standard add eupoort of the ad-'
Toi.gue's coiir.-e in Oregon, no matter
what his politics may bo.
L. L. Toner carried Marion county by
about oOJ while he loses Clackamas by
about 70. Mr. B.ukley has been a
power iu .Marion county politics but, as
is ntaily always ti e case, the minister in
iHj.iiicj i.i out uf place. Mr. Iuirkley
jKed as areioimer, but the people of
Marion county who know him best, eyi
dcuily tlniik be ts a smooth politician.
Whatever lias been said in the Enter
prise concerning Mr. liarkley has been
s-uid aiih the beat of motives. We have
Hie originals of all documents published
and they are open to the inspection of
everyone. The Luterprise makes this
statement for the reason that some people
evidei.tly believe the Barkley affair to be
only campaign lies. The Herald, still
believiug that the people are "politically
ignorant" heaped all sorts of opprobrium
upon Mr. Porter in its last issue with
the intent of making the people believe
that what appeared in the Enterprise
was malicious. Evidently some few
were so foolish as to believe it. While
Mr. Porter loses the county, be has more
votes in the county than a good part of
the ticket that carries it.
Kincaid is defeated. Every Republi
can in the slate of Oregon can shake his
owo hand on that result. So may it
ever be with all that traitorous skulking
crowd that were elected Republicans
ind tried to betray the party.
The re-election of Judge McBride and
I'i strict Attorney Cleetou is but the just
recognition of two as efficient officers as
any judicial district ever had. The
anion forces have no complaint about j luroul'out the ,:oun,rv on
Republicans have not won this victory
alone. TLev haye had the co-operation
of Democrats of intelligence and charac
ter, here and throughout the state.
These Democrats, realizing the necessity
of preserving the gold standard, and in
dignantat the betrayal of their party to
the silver coalition and to the lewd
purposes of the Pennoyer machines,
came forth in force, and saved the cause
of sound money and of decent, orderly
and ra'ional policy and politics in
Oregon on this occasion, just as they and
their fellow democrats had done on the
Lay down the axe, thug by the spade;
Leave in Its track the toiling plow;
The rills and the bayonet-blade
For anna like yours are litter now;
And let the hands that ply the pen
Quit the light tak, and learn to wield
The horseman's crooked brand, and rein
The charger on the battle-Held,
Our country calls; away I away!
To where the blood-stream blots thegrven ;
Strike to deleud the gentlest sway
That Time In all bis course has seen.
See, from a thousand covrrls see
Spring the armed foes that haunt her track
They rush to smite her down, and we
Must beat the branded traitors back.
Ho! sturdy as the oaks ye cleave,
And moved as soon to fear and llight,
Men of the glade and forest! leave
Your woodcraft for the Meld oi light.
The arms that wield (be axe nuist pour
An iron tempest on the foe;
His serried ranks shall reel before
The arm that lava the panther low.
And ye who breast the mountain storm
liy grassy sleep or highland lake,
Come, lor the land ye love, to form
A bulwark that no foe can break.
Stand, like your own gray dills that mock
The whirlwind; stand in lierdelense:
The blast as soon shall move the ruck,
As rushing squadrons bear ye thence.
And ye whose homes are by ber grand,
Sift rivers, rising far away,
Come from the depth ol her green land
As mighty In your march as they;
As terrible as when the rains
Have swelled them over bank and bourne,
With sudden floods to drown the plains
And sweep along the woods upturn.
And ye who throng beside the deep,
Her porta and hamlets of the strand,
In number like the waves that leap
On bis long-murmuring marge of sand.
Come, like that deep, when, o'er his brim,
He rises, all his floods to pour,
And flings the proudest bark that swim
A helpless wreck against his shore.
Few, lew. were they whose swords of nld
Won the fair land in which they dwell ;
But we are many, we who hold
The grim resolve to guard it well.
Strike for thai broad and goodly land,
Blow after hlnnr, till men shall see
That Alight and Right move baud in hand,
And Glorious must their triinii h be.
William Cviih Bbvant.
J Ranch toJ Itobcry May H, M
bono (10 acres sec 'III, t 3 a, r 1 e l'.KX)
C K levy to Commercial Bank Ore
gon City Apr 'M 'US, W 1) It) 80
and 50 acres in li W Wall claim I
J Davidson to M J llayedorin Apr
12 'M W Pi! acres ." 1
F M Sntford to K L Newell Apr '21
1)8 W P 10 acres near Sutford
tract I'iO
L L and J Barin, fhy sheriir.) to 4
Brideyot June !!, deed parts see
13 and 21, t.'t n, r He, and parts
sec 18, ID, t 3 s, r 4 e, and 40 MM!
acres 4ti:tJ
E O Collins to A B Burhnnl May
8, 'IW W P blk til), M), part of
6-ICIackamis lleiniitx 17(H)
O & R Owen to M J Hull n in, M ty
31 'OS W D ae4 Hec'.'4, 1 3 a. r 2 e 1
Mary Collins to A B llnreli r I part
of blk 5:1, Clackamas lleighta . , ,
J O Dixon to John K Pavis Nov 11
'i"i W P LIS of an acre in sec 4,
t 3 s, r 2 e
Band B Citron to J F Cook June
(IS '7 W P w.t.j tf K.'u uf sw4 sh)
27. t 3 a, r 4 e
F M and B Sutford to I, C Newell
Apr 27 ".S W DID scies joining
F L Ncwell'a
Benjamin Wolier to J W (ioelz
June 23. '7 W P 32 acres in J
Sbealey claim
F Revenue to K A Itevemi" Jin 7.
'AS W P 'j of sw'4 of m '4 ol e'.j
of nw4 lots 1,2 and 3 set; 7, t 3 s
roe . ... 1
F Revenue to K A Heveiiu. Jin 7
'l8 W P tract in claim 37, sec Is I
t 2 s, r 3 e 2MK
I W Moser to (5 K ami O B Banioif
June I, 'PS bond lot Ii) blk 12,
Willamette Falls ... 511
MUST CO. are the owners of (he copy
right to the Thome system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, ami have 1
J the only complete set of abstractH in the !
County, can furnish iufotuiiniou as to i
title to land at once, cn application,
Loans, Investments, real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Rtuk of Oreuon City. I
Call and investigate. Address box U77,
Oregon City Oregon. ' j
In If 1 H H
AVcCctable Preparation for As
sl mila lint the Food ami HVtf ul i
Hug Hie Sluiiuiihs uiul Dowcb of
ntvl IlL'st.Contalns nclllux
Ojmim.MorptiinC nor Mineral.
Ar-rrft-cinrmrdy forConilirJ-
tion, Sour Slon with, Dimrltoca.
ncss and LOSS OF SUEl.
Tac Simile 5iftnoture of
. . . . j. w
For Infants nnd Children.
ijl-i-ii-ass silMaMMli
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
CS1 .
A fib
Always Bought.
cxact copr or wrappcb,,,
the official career of I bete men and reu
cjjnize in them juat, careful and conscien
tious olficers.
The fight in Clackamas had been the
fcottest in years and centered on the two
senators and county court. The Enter--prise
takes credit to itself that it wuh a
lare faction in the fight. The vicious
tod uncalled for attacks made on (the
"campaign editor" . and Mr. Forter by
the Herald was a confession that we
lrere getting in a 13-inch cliell now and
then. The Democrat, Peoples', Silver
Republican" party in the language of
the "cartoon" is all ' shot to pieceH
"We met the enemy and we are not
theirs "
that Wovemher day of m)b. their ac
tion now again is another splendid ex
ample of courage, intelligence and pa
triotism. Republicans mimt imitate it, . been handed down from one chief to
riulr Traditions Burled Willi Tlieir
Lai Ciller.
The once powerful tribe of Indians,
the KlickitaH, who formerly owned a
Vi-t country aloni: the Columbia river
in Waxhinton, has been reduced until
there are only about 100 left, and that
few is on the verge of disintegration.
Their tribal hiatory, the traditions of
their race for centuries, is lost, and the
ties that bound them together as one
people nave broken.
It has long been a custom with the
Klickitats that tlieir tribal hixtory is
confided only to the head man ; it has
l.'o man for years has hail the confi
cVnee of the people like T. T. (Jeer.
Evertdnce his nomination the leading
politicians of all parties have conceded
liis election. He came from the common
fecple and wi'h their fullc-t confidence.
The people look at him as their gover
nor rather than belonging to the politi
cians. No man in the state has eyer had
the opportunity to makehiiimelf a record
that Mr. (jeer has, starting as he does
with the whole people with hirn. T. T.
Ceerwill prove true to every trust re
ported in him.
Tub Herald oelieyed that Brownell
was a weak candidate, consequently it
tried to tie every thing and everybody to
Xrowuell and then if Brownell could be
whenever there shall be occasion to do
so ; for the hope and fafety of the coun
try lie in the decisive courage of that
class of citizens who cannot fie driven
nor led by parly to approve fallacies
dangerous to the honor and welfare of
the country.
The great lesson of this result is that
it pays a party to be right, and to be
brave in assertion ot the right. No
longer will politicians, assuming to talk
for the republican party, or to lead it in
this state, speak of gold, of the gold
standard, with bited breath and whis
pering Luuiblenefs. No more will mis
chievous fallacies about money be in
serted in r-piibtican platforms; in order
to "hold silver men in the party."
Oregon's voice in congress will no more
be conterfeiti'il through a silver trumpet.
Dishonest politicians, ready to comprom
ise principles for office, or politicians
stupidly fixed in the absurd idea ol
doubling the value of all the silver and
of all the products of the world by fiat
act of 10 to 1, may betake themselves to
the demo-populist party; for the republi
can party has no use or room for them.
The intelligent good sense of Oreuon
has asserted itself grandly, through
this declaration. It is marked, in every
part of the. United States. Immense
honors will be accorded to Oregon ny the
another, and no one else in the tribe is
permitted to know it. This history has
kept the tribe together for generations,
and now that it is lost there is no tie to
bind the Klickitats. About three weeks
ago Quiance, the old chief, realized that
death was apdroaching, and called to his
bedside Sam, who was to be his succes
sor, and confided to him the ttibal
legends. Sam retained the history and
was duly recognized as chief of the tribe.
Last week Chiel Sam was stricken with
pneumonia while fishing at White Sal
mon, and was called to the "happy hunt-
ing ground" before opportunity was 1
given to transmit the history to his suc
cessor. Thus the tribe is deprived, of
its chief, its hiatory is 'lost, and disinte
gration awaits it. The Dalles 1'iiiHS
J-w y A,
i fi TTTA
m s m
Pi Ik
r'uniUhed Every Week by the Chicka.
mas Abstract & Trust Company,
W P Jordan to S K Holcornbe May
2o, '08, W D 2 acres iu Geo Wills
claim $ 1
A Shaver to M H Thomas Mur 8,
'08 W D W acres G W Jackson
claim 1000
E II Parker to A G Bobbins Mar 10
'08 W D 19 acres C Ilickery claim
W J Miller to John Moor May 28
'08 w6 of n of sec 8, t 2 s, r 2 e
WTand A II Wbitlock to V O
Harding May 31, '08 sheriff deed
tlA of ne of sec 30, 1 1 s, r 2 e ; 1181
of nej, sec 30, J 1 s, r 2 e 1079
so far as perfection can be attained. They m.irk the highest point in pill
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they don't consider whether there's any recoil in the action. Dynamite
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Perfect in Preparation,
Perfect in Operation,
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headache, heartburn, constipation, piles, and all diseases that grow out of
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"Ayer's rills are the best cathartic I ever used in my practice. "
J. T. SI'AKKS, M. I)., Yeddo.Ind.
" I don't know of anything that will so quickly relieve and cure tho terrible suffering of
dyspepsia as Ayer's Pills." JOHN C. l'KITCHAKU, llroilie, Warren Co., N. J.
"Ayer's Pills do their work efiiuciitly and do not gripe nor make one nick like o many
other pills." JUILV M. SMITH, Atlanta, Ua.
"Although mild in action and less liahlu to jrine than other purizativM, Ayer's Pill are
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PETER J. DUFFY, Kockport, Tex.
"After twenty years' experience, I know that Ayer'a f'illi are an absolute cure for tertian
ague, bilious fever, nick headache, flux, dyspepsia, constipation and hard cold."
J. O. WILSON, Contractor and lluilder, Sulphur Springs, Texas.
"We always used Ayer's Pills in my father's family. I am now fifty five years old and ,
always have them in the house because I have found no better pill than Ayer's."
MARY JACOhUS, 711 E, Chentnut St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
' T T T T T T T T
You Have
" V V V "