OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY. JUNE 3, 1893 7 OLD SMOKE8TACK3. Am Artl.il. rr WliM, There Is Always tleiiiainl. Among tlm vtirjr irent variety dl thliiK tlmt limy hit imi((!it nt miumid. uiwd itiu siiiolientiickN df Iron or of "toil U tuny bo tlmt un unIiiMIhIiiiii lit I'UIh In u hlpper holler Mini want n Kit stuck, If It In lining a steel or 1111 Iron Mm k, tlm old di in In tulum down carefully nml n new (inn gut up, Thu old luck tuny ho mild to a dealer In soootid tiiiiid hollers mid Machinery, or tlm nwurr mny keen It and sell It lilmsilf to mniiidiiidy tlmt want icooiidliand iiiiikixtiiiik. If It In void to a dealer, lio mny ratuove It tu IiIh own yard, or It limy Ijh tli nt tlm or Ift imI owner keeps it tiu hi j,ri.iiiiM until tlm dealer Lu old It. A iiuiiiiifiii'turi r mny move from 0110 IllllOO to ItllothlT 1111(1 M l) till! (lid plant, or imrt of It. II, rn would lu a si'coiiiltiiiinl iiiiinki'itiick. Hrcoiidhuud stitch urn Imuulit ly vnrlonn user. It limy liu tlmt the smokestack of on CHtiih llhlimrot In worn out mid tlnitllin txil t-r 1 uot mid tlmt m coinllmod stuck would lit nc out iliu 1 1 To of tliu boiler. In micli u citHo tlm u r would k t a m-eond-liund stuck If liu could luid out) sululilo. rVwiiidliuiid Minis mny Iki nwd with varlnti tiuipuiary plum act up liy con Iructur mid nther. A NinukeMiuk timy In Mown down In n wltiilotium and tlm tm t Niiody tlm ,,re of It with 01111 bought atx-iiiidhiiiid. A steel or Inm stuck oot nhotit Imlf N Uilll'll a h In li k Mill k. A mcoihIIibihI Irnu Min k n,i. i h ulmut Imlf nmnui li un a imw ohm. tsiai lia of metal in u Hindu now UKimlly of Mn I. Tho atct-l used cost Uow less tliiui wrought Iron. Tlu re I v an tin n nitliift umi of cut) lunteud of trick stark. Hctl Mm Un up to 6 anil 7 fm t in (Ilium Irr would Ixt elusncd ui iortiilili) tmk; lur.T atiu ka would bo jf mora or li ticriuniient cluiracter. Moid sinnkeMuik iiru now tnado op to is nut in (iiiiiuctiT. Viry IarMo smoke stacks ii ni y tu lined with trick. Hortoiidhand iiiokdNtiicka up to 8 foe lu (lluimih r are likely to bo found lu tork in tho yard of thodualur iu oouud hand holler aud machinery, and he In likely to Imvfl stack of larucr ir.c else where. Tlmro U alwaya a dcinuiid for ncouubniid smokestacks. New York fcuu. . r' fry I .ll': H-' .0 . HtVt bIiikv r..t One." (un n. ci .dux in town mid or. ii uri , V(i fiiuco vitl inn rmlluN ll'HI I . HO 11(1 U e, ,Mi vlth I I'.! i(l t' ei limn tliem.il nlM Aii oM 1 1 d m dnrly itn'l n youiif! yellow '(liidn" v.cii) uu.wn ui tho tiiiN and woiiili'iinu, "Ijnniuiii nnil IJiillcy'a olrcuN. Tho M;!ii't kIkjw on curth," rf:id tlio yuuup'lcr. "V.'lmt wbut'H lint?" BKkod tho old t'iii!i diirky, jirlckliiK up IiIn i orN. J ho oilier ruiul iikuIii tho luKnnrl of IIjii uliow IiiIIn, " Vou don' know wliii t you U bilking iiout. niKll'T. Uut aliow kalir touidi Joliu KoliiiiHon a. I Jit uMitcr ouiii' fro hero mid dut wim nhow wuth khiIo. Int wiin tho blKH')N' uliow on diiouif, no iinir. " Tim old iiihii Imd itvldi'iitly not b'fn hi n virciiN i or iimny your. i no (lurk Ii n wuur Ly Joliu UoIiIoikiii throughout tho aoutn, anywuy. "lli-nd it foryourMilf, then, "mild tho diid.i. "I tell yon that thliiK auy thia in mo oiKKoNt aliow on earth. " N I . mo old iiihii proceeded to Hindi out thn IiIk let tern. Ilu waded thrnii(,'h J.iiriiuiii mid JiiiiJey," and after a rcMt benn on tli" r. :;;:;!:;:!( rcf tl.nai iitviieii 1-I c i t a h o w on o u r t L, sup t. l.' "I k.'iox.nd Itl I luinwcd 111" hhnut d tlm old mini, Jmmij.Iiir up mid down in hl pirn. " 'Do LIkkok nhow, 'cejit ouh,- ami Hut onu wiin John Knlnii iii a. WiinhiuKton l'ot. AVOIDING "A TOUCH. Ou Woman's Clirrrful Mrthml of ,nr. lu a rolll lUquoaU Mod huvo aonii'tfiltiir to lunrn from ivoiiM'ii tu tha art of warding off "tiiuchoa" for ooin. Wuiuou rtmpoud to audi nu'htN Blxiut onco in ovury thou aiiiul tiniKN, bat tliry aro aclcutlllo In their rcf umi In. A WanliliiKtiin woman with a reputation a a borrower turnwl up at tha homo of onoof her frlmula tha other moriiliiK with a much dona over tory about a jcrUleiit and thrnateuiug droMHuaknr and tha unuul reiiueit for tho loau "pay it back tomorrow, oer- lain of 13. "Why, my dar, oortnluly," wat the pieanuot rcnHJiiM) to Iter carefully re BeariMKi little yarn. "Vou poor thlnir. you I Jut wait till I rou up atalri and got my pumo. " 8he ran up atalri. The male head of the houoe happened to be in the room whore the kept bur puma. Ho now her the porno out of a chiffonier drawer and deliberately remove a wad of bllla from it, IcaviiiK ahuut 87ceuta In ailver end oopper lu the cIiuoko reccptuela The mini wiin mean euouKh to leuu over the atafr ralliiiK when hla wifo weut down Ntnlra to the parlor with her fliit tcned piM-kctbook lu bur Imiid. "Oh, I'm ao aorry, Mra. X.," ba heard bor nay, "but I really thouKbt I bad tho money. I find, though, that John, aa uxual, baa been at my puro I beard him any NometliioK about Not tlliiK a plunibcr'i bill liutuifc'bt when I wui Imlf anlet-p and tho mean thing baa only left me enough for car fiira. Too bud I tf conrne, you know, if I hud It," etc W aidiliiijton 1'omI. Tlm Mrrl uf llrluh. M'liator t'Nt iiiin h favorito utory which ho Iiiin told on tlm occuhIoii uf many a political appimh, but, ao far aa knowu, i.evir on tho floor of tho United OltltiN H'lllltlt. A leini.ernnco Icctnier wua atruU' KliiiK BKHiiiNt ikIiIn in KeutD( ky," onyN tho aeiiulor. "llo wun talking to nut very lnrgo audience tlmt bad Imoii (iriMvn to tl.o hull by turioiity. u, i fleet of alcohol la to aliorteu lifo, mid tho lecturer. "An old iiiiiii utthnrmirof tbo hull rou) at tlmt juncturo umi nuid, You'ro liar.' "'Why?' imjuircd tho advocoto of Adum nbIo. "Hocbuimi, air, I've boon drluklnu fur 70 yenra, and I'm 00 and am likely u) live to bo juu. I am Ntroiig enough io ilea you ir you'll ati-p outNldo.' i ti .i. . . ... ... v'u, mi miuui, air i jou ro au ex ceptlon, dir. If yuu keep ou drinkiiiK Tho I eel u re r punxod. "'What?' ahked the Impalluiit old toper. " 'If you koop ou drinkluK, you'll bbvo io bo miot on ludmntut (IttT." bi. Loui O'lolio-Demooriit. U'ky ll Wondird. A inau who weut away from boruo aoinn time ago to attoud a couventiou of church tooida waa atruck with tlm beauty of tlm little town in which the RNthorliiK wua held. He bud pleuty of u mo, ami wnne wandering about walk iuhj niu TiiiBKo ceiuotury. it waa a beautiful place, and tbo duleuate walk ed around among the Kravo. He auw a mono men t, one of the laroeat In tho comotury, aud read with urpriae the inacriptlon ou It. "A Lawrcr and an HouoKtMau." Thodilcpato wrutcbod hii bead and looked at the monument again. Ho read tho inaoriptlou over and over. Then bo walked all around tho luouumeut and examined the crave oioKuiy. Another mini lu tho ceuiotury appriNKUoa aud axkoil him: "Havo you found the crave of an old friend,'" 'No," mild the delcBiito, "but I wag wondering how tbey camotoburv thono two lollowa lu ouo Bravo," Ht. Joat-ph riewa, SHE WON BEAUTIFULLY, j It tt film tlm ittrr I 'art of a Cigar to j l-i'Uiii I'lilltnufM. Tin) !i':iii(iei nn '(iKt bound Market! Nlreet cur ul Forty bmt alreet. It whn ullcr 1 o'l'luik in tho morning, und ho ' wmited to fiiiolin, bavlnu probubly junt ! (lined or aupped lit a bull which wua bo- j lug given lu tlm neighborhood. Hie ! didn't wunt to Miiiilco and alio diilu't wiuit to ho n j united from lilm. "t'oiiiM ou liihldo thu cur," alio plead fd. "No," hi tiiHwcrnd. "I m going to ainoko. Cut iuMv yourwdf, ami wlmn I have flnMieil my ( ignr I will join y;,u. " but thia didn't n it hi r. "If you may out here to amoko," alio rotoitud, "I'll tiiy right with yon." Ho lix kod ut her a moment, umi thou uvldoiitly coueliided that rhn wua bluff- i ing, 1'ulling out II big cigi.r, he If.-: ted it, and, H( tt)iii( liliimelf 'i. on iorti.My uguluNt tlm dunhbourd of the i..r, I e lie- guu to pull nwuy a it hit lilo ic.juudud opou It. ZSothiiiK dauutud, iliu took a phico iilongHiilu of him and calmly fold ing her arniH Marted up a lively con versation. Tho Npoctaele wiin au odd one, and at tracted tho attention of every pftwtenw' In tliu cur iin well aa of thoo w ho got ou ut vaiiouH cornura. Ilu tried to uruo Iji r liiHldo tho car a number of timea, but Khe refuHed to go. In thia fmdiion tiio two rwlu acruhN the bridge and half wuy to city bull before bo weakened. Tho anticipated Jeera of tho peoplo bo anew would bo on Market atroet iu tho center of tho city were too much for him, and, throwing away the tlggeht end of bin eicur. be aullenlv mud. Well, If you won't go iuKido without mo I Nuppoiio I'll buve to trot along. " Ihen ho took a Mat a way up iu the front cud, uod alio kuttled hernelf besido him. Mcuiiwhilo the whole cur moiled audibly. Philadelphia, Inquirer. WHAT IT COSTS TO SMOKE. A Ubrerr Whlrh Matrlllud From Tm. boved riva Out Clean. "How can you afford all lljeoe books?" fluked a young man, calling upon a friend. "I can't mm to liud unure . - .... cuunga for even the leading maguziuea. uu, tlmt library ia ouly my 'oue cigar a duy,' " wun tbo reply. what do you iuuiu." inauired the visitor. "Mean? Just thin: When you advised me to indulge iu an occukiouuI cigar aoveral yeara ago, I bud bceu readina about a young fellow who bought books with money thut othera would buve buruod in cigar, and I thought I would try to do tbo name. You may remember that I laid I ahould allow myaelf oue cigar a day?" " Yea, I recall the conversation, but don't quite aoo tbo cuuuectiou. " Well, 1 uover ainokcd. but I cut by tho price of a 6 ceut olgur oviry day, and . aa the money accumulated I bought hooka the very bookayou aee." Vou don t mean to aay that your bookicontno more than that I Why, there are dollara' worth of them." Yea, I know tbure are, I bod aix yeara more of my apprenticeship to acrve wbon yuu advised me 'to be a mau. ' I put by the money, which, at S i eeuta a day, amounted to f 18.25 a year, or f 100. 60 iu aix yeara. I keep those doom a ty tnemaolvca ai a result of my apprenticeship cigar money, and if you'd done as I did you would by thia time nave saved many, many more dul lara than I have aud would bave been bettor off iu health and self resuect be SHI oa. " fauccess. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IS THE COURTS 'OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA, AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and docs now bear on every the facsimile signature of 'C&i&ffifcftx wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of Ota&ffi&Z&x wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. Do Not Bo Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "Tho Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Tailed You. Tut OIMTAU MHMNf, T auMMT BTKKT, ITO tm, !( e,. 100 TIlO H-.lde( li tja I'll"' pleused to lemn tliHt rliete in hi 'e. ea led ilif-ea-,. ih ,; B, i.., , , aide to cure in all in -i.iL'e- i t I.- ! I-' Oi l- tn-en I l tile SCHEDULES OF TIME iOTTHKKN PACIFIC RAILWAY rro ( i,r t'a a r.i n. tKuri b ba 'br.i-t! M'tllCP- III alarrli. IIhII'n i' only p itive eure medieal fr.ilern.'v 'onaMto'ioiial li-4Mw, n-iiiir- Htiiutioual treaiinit. Hl'x Cure in laken inii riixllv, hi i'on the bbxnl and mnni the aysiem, thereby diri,vii:a iiii- datinn of the di aw, an ! aiinj tli t.- ieni aticiiKili y build tiif n con- atitutiun ami bm-IhIox n,,ni.. ,n l . . ila wok. Tlw liliipiifiurM have an ni'ich faith in ita rnrniive pnaerw, that titer offer $1 no for any ca-o that te cure, riond for 1ml of b-atimo Addreco, K J. Ciik.nkv & ( n , l olt-do, old hv Iriit:L'ii-U', 75c Hall'a Family I'iIIh me the lel. I t'tii Kxureu (thruuKb) irK UkhI ' HhUiiih) IKll'TH BULHD. irv uv tvmy aoiinus) I thIu txpr (Ihrough) 8.50 a.m. I A p. m. 7a. I: Op. m When Going East Uae a firat-dafla line in travelling helween MimieaiMia, St. Paul and Chicago and the principal towna in Central WiHconttin. I'nllman I'alace Sleeping and Chair Car in service. The Dining cara are operated in the in tereiit of ila patrotm, the moat elegant eervice ever inauuriied. Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain Brat cla aervice your ticket ahould read via. The Wisconsin Centra! Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil waukee for all Eautcrn points. For full information call on your noares ticket agent, or write to Ja. C. I'okd, or Ja. A. Clock. Gen. Pas. Agt.. General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis 241 Siark 8t., Portland. Or. Depot Sixth and J. Street TWO TRAINS DAILY For All Points East "FAST MAIL ROUTE. Iavea Poitland for the East. via. Walla Walla and Spokane, daily at 2:00 P m. Arrive at 10:15 a. m. Leaves Portland for the Ea it. via. Pendleton and Hontington, daily it 8:00 m. Arrive 7 :.'U a. m. THROUGH PCf.LNfAK AND TOl R:BT SLEEPERS. Tlm Cnlu Cam llark. "I have onco or twice reud how small tho world was," an Id a yotniK fellow, "and oiii o or tw ice I have seen stories of tho :imo kind I am going to tell. I oonfesa I never believed them, hot now I know bettor. Laiit summer, wbcu in New York on ny annual visit, I was track with sudden whim aud scratched my iuitiiiluou a SS cout piece, cutting into the ailver deep enough to make a laxting i in predion, I paid fur a olgur in tho Hoffman Honso with the coin and gnyed myself with being fool lih. I had forgotten all about the quar ter when I entered a Carrollton cur and gave a hull dollur to tho conductor. Im agino my surprise when lio bitudod mo iu ohuiigo the 20 cuut piece I spent iu tho HofTmuii IIotiHul I think I will keep tho coin uow uud over moro us a curios ity," and the Rpculier pulled tho money from his pocket und Miowod It in veri fication of his story, Now Orleans Times-Dnmnorut. Curlona Polli'li-i. Accident iusurunca policies huvo tak en iimny curious shupiw, rnugiiig from the penny iu tho slot to tho coupon In tho weokly newspaper, but the limit hits been reuched iu London, where tho puroliuHor of a book of clgnrolto pupur is insured for f 00 for a period of ?0 diiys. Tho iinimiil cost of this nmouut nf lllHlirilllrn 1u iilir.ri ..... w ... I u l;i,I n J llll provldod tlie holder of tho uovol policy Is uot u olgiirotto flond. The amonut of iiiHiirulicn ih Miiiiri llenllif m.i ... ....... , nv, nJllu 1VJ4 Wo uurrayliig of funeral expenses in tho event oi acolduutat deuth. Now York Jouruul. Animnls are oftou able to boar very protructed fuHtiug. Iu tho Ituliuu eurtli quakos of 1703 two hogs were buried iu the ruins of a building. They wore tukou out alive 43 duys lutur, but vory lo bud weak. A Prrtlnvnt Qanrj. The littlo boy was with his mother at n theater in liOuiNvlllu. The dIuv was "Jim, tbo renmou, " and was the socno whero Jim displuya (IS 100 bunk notes. Tbo littlo hoy was very imiuisi- tivo, and whilo he heard Air. Euglo speaking of thn pound notes ho asked his mother how much money a pound was. When ha wua told thut it was about S iu American money, ho sut silent and thoughtful for awhilo. Then ho said, "Slxty-flvo thotiHuiid pouuds would be quite n big fortune for a mun to havo, wouldn't it, mamma?" Answered iu the afllrmatlve, ho thought for awhilo. Then he asked, "Alumina, if Mr. Englo has so much money why does ho work so hiird at this theater when ho oould be having n bully good time spending thope buuk notes?" LouiNville Commercial. Uwtlioraa and ll'Aubeplnc. Aa a limn de plume for a great deal of bis work Iluwt boruo aNsumed tho 1'reuau translation of bis uumo. His stories iu Tho Domoerntlo Heviow of this time are attributed to M. d'Anbe pino. Lowell says of bim iu his Con cord address: "You would tliluk me ex truvnguut, I fear, if I enid how highly I rute tho genius of Huwthorno lu tho history of lileruturo. Atunyrute, Haw thoruo taught us one great and needful lesson, and that is that our owu post Wua ou ample storehouse for tha bright est works of imuginutiou und funcy. " Edwurd Everett Hula iu Outlook. During the lust 60 years Croat Brit ain bus been at war more frequently than. fj other nation. The total num ber (n, large and small wars waged dur ing that time amounts to about 60, or on a you. Fnvorubln Indication. . Mr. Llngerly (having risen to go as tho clock strikes 12, suddenly seats him self ugiiiu) Of courso, denr, you know thut I will be hero tomorrow night. Miss Languid (yawning) There sooms to bo every iudiuutiou of it. Richmond Dispatch. Of ton on the green loavea of troos you will notloe littlo black spots which do uot aoom to ariflo from any diseuse, as tho plaut looks otherwise healthy euough. As a matter of fuct those aro caused by burning; tho rays of the sou get focused by the drops of morning dew. The Danes were the first to abolish slavery in their West Indian posses sions. Tha Alplna Good Night. Among the lofty mountains aud r.!e- vutcd valleys of Switzerland the AlDine born bus another use besides that of souudiug the far fumed "Iiuuz des aches, '-or cow soug, ami this is of very solemn aud impressive nut ore. hen the sun bus set in tbo vallev ana me snowy summits of tho mouu tainsgleum with golden light, the herds man who dwells upon tho highest ban- Ituble spot takes bis born aud pro uouuooa clearly aud loudly through it. as through a speaking trumpet, "Praise the Lord Uod." As soon as the sound is heard by the neighboring bordsmeu tbey itfsuo from their buts, tuke their Alpiuo horns aud repeat the same words. This Ireuuoutly lasts a quurter of an hour, and the call resounds from all tho mountains aud rocky cliffs around. When silence again roigus, the herds men kneel and pray with uncovered heads. Meantime it has become quite durk. "Uood night I" at last calls the highest berdsmau through his born. The words resound from all the moun tains, the horns of the herdsmen aud tho cliffs, and the mountaineers then re tire to their dwellings. Pittsburg Dis patch. Thrifty George Cunon. The IIou. Qeorge Cnrzon, who mar ried boautiful Miss Loiter, is decidedly canny. He recently routed a country mansion furnished, but without the family plato, aud so was compelled to provide candlesticks for the house He tried to exact from the landlord's ageut a plodge that at the expiration of the lease he would tuke those candlesticks off his bands at two-thirds of what they cost. The agout demurred at first, but when be discovered that thoy wero 15 in number, of jupauned tiu aud cost 40 oonts each, he solemnly agreed to pay $4 for the lot wheu Curzou leaves. Legal Notices. Maternal Trbtlg. "Edie, " cried the mother from the hall below, "what's all that noise up stuirs? It's shocking." "Oh, it's these two dolls of mine, mamma, I'm going to put them richt to bed aud see if we ouu't have a little peace. " Detroit Free Press. The principal varioties of the opal are the precious (or noble), the g Ira sol, the oaoholong, the hyalite, the hydro pbaae, the asceriaauda kind exhibiting dondsltia markings, generally oalled the moss. Wbon the colors are broken into mall masses, it is sometimes oalled tha tarleqnin. Nulll IUOK3. In th Circuit Court of the iut of Oregon, tor thoCouuijr of Clnckama Albin Flow, i'laiutitf, Noah 8. KelloaK. Narniaaa J. Kel- '"ir, t al liofendauu, J io .N'uah A Kallo aiel Narousa J. Kelluga abore named defendant. lotliaiunim.f lliaMi.r.nf n.H.n. V hnrwliy rwjmred to appoar aud an war the oom Plaiul Blod aiminttt vou in tlm nIk,. .niini mt on or before the first da of the trm of aaid Court followiua the expiration of ihe time . re cribed in tha order for publication, beiua ilon Ua. .Noyember 1. 1mm. ami if v..i -.I , .. .,....... and an.wer on that awd day, for want thereof, the iiiaiutitt will tana judgment aud ueoree aaainitt you. 1. ror theanmof !7.M)nd interest th-reon at iu pwr rem. ler annum, rnim Jnn,rv ? iwu? ail in ffolil man of thw 'nil. ..tutu., r... iu ann iiMHraai i hereon atHmrnenL fr..n t.k..r. n,i,iur tmui anil iuiMrM.1 iiumu, .t M u iiuiu ,'wHinuer o, iwi, ior ltd attorneys few, and oneta and dmhurseini nia oai iiiiiiimi mortgage eat forth in tna POinuliULt be decreed a lien for nh. ...rl .n ' ?u um, prior aua up .nor to all ai.d any claims, estnloa or inlenwu. of an ami all .u "l,,lnl. iiureui, uKaiuei ana upon (fie prem-li-eeiteacribod, beiiiii all of Iota lb and IS. in lil.ik 13. of tlieiireimii Iron and Mum Cmni1. t,. wiwu HJ lll Umi aillULlon L UlSlltfU. in UlMi-k. aulas ( 'ouuty, Ureaon. I That the aaid mortaaiie be foreclosed: the said premisHS, teuements and appnrtenanrea be sold as by law provided, aud the ptoceeilH tnere ,r"" beaiipliod toward the sHtifHotion of plain. titTsdeoree herein; that each and all defendant be barred and fontolixl r n i,.Iuru, claims or equities in said premises. . lhat plaintiff have execution for an HaH. oiency upon his decree if Uie sale of said prein ies shall tot wholly satisfy the same. That tha plaintiff have such other re let as may be meet and proper, and the plaiatitt will apply to the court for the relief demanded in Ilia n.,ni. plaint. I ins summon! is published in the Oregon City Enterprise bv order of -h Hn. Thnm.. i.u. Bride, judini of the above entitled court, made April IV. 1MM. wherein he d thereof at least once a week for at least six weeks, and the first nublinatinn heraof duta.1 at Oregon City, OnBoii, Uus id da)- of ApriU C. V. KIGHT. Attompy for I'lainlilT. f'.STAI. SC. EDL'I.E. sr soi'THaaa fiCiric KaiXaoAO. a iloee- go 1 Noiili, 8:COn.m lullq res ..nn So i h, 00a. ra and : p.m. mm i uu eo i 'iu .orin i .au puL, lu.la. 4 llilu iu ii d fr ...i .-ou L 8 lue m , 1;40 p. av iast sipa SLicraic a. Hai cl m Io: Url.Mid ai d du.riLutii ni is, a o , r..i v ; . in. a il clo m it M.l.iukee only, 8:45 a. i to p. m i ,.l r Ires i nn P- Ua d, 11:30 a. m. and i lap. ox sioi aoiTEs. ii i vou H) to ..) , tarut. Miillno. Liberal and aulalla leaves at U m. aud arrives at 12 m. isuy. wrx aou City io Beaver Creek. Mink, Clark. '! brook., mop Mills, and Colton, leaver it a a. ui. Monday, Vtednesday and It. day, ii., ,v .iiii .iu loiioniuK uavs ai s:da p. m orexon t.ity to Viola, Logan aud Kedland am Orrjuu City Monday, Wednesday and hU) t i.ui ,. m., .eaviug Viola same days I I uu . II. or. . C y io Vtiliame'.te, Siaffurl and I m l e, arrives bt l -JUa. uu aud.tve. at n:au a. ia y. (j ii r 1 A vu y nd f .1 cpvu ou nuday ni luio ii a in. a , i. ,..i vi ui p.ii n: in xix ... or I lompily e t off Sunday, o e a . A t.i- r.. .a... I bat li delayed an I Inlls to r . o t.su a. ni., s l'. u lu will e.me ou 12 i I a, or 4:ld e. eel, o car. MIXAMEITE FALLS R'Y, Cars lixti WlLLaMETTS FALLS 6:35 a. m. Notice Tor Publication, Land otllce at Oregon City, Ore., M iv. 18,1894 Kiveu mat the foliowlni;. H'si'KSION BRibea 6 "O a ni. .vm ' He 10 On I :-0 ' 12:M 2: 15 I', m. 4: 0 " 6:10 7:15 " :lu .lunJajr o.is leive ve:y hour uu I, 9 o'clock . m. I i n.-ct on and f 1 1 Javu rv 5. 18U6, C. A. hlLLKK, fVrT. 7:l 8:i " 9:85 1:05 m. 2: 15 " 4:-4 5:55 6:2.1 " 7:31) " 9: 16 EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA U0UTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC C0MPAN Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h North. 6 0ot a. 6:52 P.M. 7:4.SA. a. Lv Lt Ar Portland Ar Oregon City Lt 8. Francisco Lt v:oUA.k 8:40 A. a, 8 oor.a Notice Is herefoT iiaiiicd Kvttlcr hofllmi u.illco of his lntentiou torn k linul proof In sunn rt n( hii elnlm.aud thut i-ald ptool will bo nn do be ore the Kctrister u--aivvraiureou t oy, ure., ou June 2o. LsstS, via: THEODOlt HUEKTH, II, E. 1(1051, the 8 H "I s E U', N W V ol K i, sod s W U ..f . K 'i uf S.'C IS, Tp 4 5, H 5 E. he niuncs the following witnossea to prove his Continuous r,'Slt:euiM unuli anil nnlltvatiitn of said l uid, ii: John Slralulu and V. H. gn Ith. nf Park Place On'Riiti, ik'orte t'llrran and H. B. Uarver, of Ciirrinsvillc, O.ia ii. 5-20, tt-21 CllAd R MOORE8. Reir!tor. tlr for I'lihllrntlon. Land office nt On iron City, Ore.. Apr. 2S. 189S. Not.ce Is hereby iriveu that the following. named settler hm lilod notice of his Intention to make llnul proof i : u toit i f hl claim .l that snl I ir ot w ll be mido bolore the Register snd Receiver at Otegou City, Oie., ou June 18th, ,00, fl,i LUCY MAWKlXd; H. K. 10(125, for the NW of Soo, 14, Tp. 4 8, R He nsmcg the fullowlng wl'n.'ssei to prove his continuous r stdonce upon and cultivation of smd laud, vis: William Coop, Charles Miller, William Bed ford, Henry Hunt, all of Oarfieid, Or sou. S-S CHAS. B. M00UE8, agister. The above trains stop at all stations he. tween Portland, Salem. Turner Marion, Jefferson, Albany, TaiiL'ent, Shedds, Halsey, ItarrisbnrK. Junction Citv. Riisana' Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all sta-' lions from Kosebnrg to Ashland inclusive Rebate tickets on sale between lnriUi..i Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rate $17.00 first class and $11.00 second class in eluding sleeper. Rales and tickets to Eastern points and r.nrope. AlsoJAr"AN, CHINA, HONO l.i; l.ll and A US rKAI.IA. Can he obtained iroin li. uo u, ticket agent, Oregon City ROSEBUKU MAIL (Dailvi. ,VD KIVEU gCEDdLf ft. Ocean Pivisios SteamBhips sail from Ainsworth dock 8 p. rn. For San F-an- risco: btate of Calitruia sails March 5, 13, 21, 2) ; Columbia sails March 1, 9, l, -o, and April Z. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Steamer R. R. Thompson leave I Portland daily exceot Sunday at 8 p.m and at 10 p. m. on Saturday; returning leaves Astoria dai'y except Sunday at 6:45 a. m. Willamette River Route. Ash Street Wharf. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Alhnnw Corvallis and way points, leayss Port land Tuesdays. Thursdava and Satur days at 6 a.m. Returning leaves Cor vallis Mondays. Wednesdava and Fri days at 6 a.m. Steamer Elmore ior Salem and wav ooints, leaves Portland Mondays. Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m. Return ing, leaves Salem, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 :45 a. in. Y7OTILI. RIYEH ROUTE. Steamer Modoc, for Payton and wa points, leaves Portland Tuesdavs. Thurs days and Saturdays at 7 a m. Return ing, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days at 7 a. m. Snake River Route Steauier leaves Riparia daily except Saturday at 1:45 a. m , on arrival of train from Portland. Leaves Lewiston, return ing, daily except Friday at 6 ;00 a. m.. arriving at Riparia at 6 p. m. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Piirh Auent V. A. SCHILLING, City Ticket AgU Telephone (Main) "12. FOR CLATSKANIE .1:30 A. a. 'J:(A. a. St-JO r. a. Lt Lt Ar Portland Ar OreRouCity Lt Roseburg Lt I m r. a Z.-Ht. a I 7:1a. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAUJS. Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) 7:!tUA.M. I 11:Va.m. Lt Ar Portland Ar Corvallis Lt 5:r.ur.a rsora At AlbanT and fnrvilHa of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. Express Train DailT (Except Sunday) 0 p. m. I 7:Siir.. I 8 30 p. u. Lt Ar Ar Portland Ar McMinnville Lt Independence Lr I 8:25 a. a I 6:N)A. a I 4:50 a.m. R.KOEHLER, Manaiier. C. H. MARKHA M, Ass't O. F. and Pass. Agent FOR SALE. One of the best farms in Clackamss County for sale. L. L. Pobtkr. Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Fortland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock Returning, leaves Clatskanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyen ingg at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8 :20 ; Kalama 9 :15 ; St. Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This ia tho nearest and most direct . route to the great Nehalom valley, Shaver Transportation Co. AdminiKtrntor Notice te I'it'UItora. Not'O) l he'ehy g vn that the ntd. rslini'sl was ilu y m point admin'strator nf t , Of Josiah Frmiklln, decease.l, by thee.uuly court f Clackamas county, Oreg n. Ail per sons hsvlnir claims aga nt the .aid ciate ara nereoy nutineJ to present tha sime with tha p-oper vouohe s snd verilleii sn.nnilmr tr i.i at my pi ice lnCUck vna ooiinty, Oroon, near Monitor.or at Ihe cftleeof my attorney, brow nell an i Cainpb;ll, at Oragon C ty, Oregoa. within lxm. n hof thed ite of thu notloe. Dated May 18, 1898. L n Tivino J-3S; 8-17 Administrator